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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise comparativa do processo de invasão de hepatócitos de rato por Listeria monocytogenes e Salmonella Typhimurium: caracterização morfológica, quantificação da liberação de TNF-alfa e da morte celular por apoptose / Comparative analysis of rat hepatocytes invasion process by Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella Typhimurium: Morphological characterization, quantification of TNF-alpha release and cellular death by apoptosis

Santos, Sânia Alves dos 16 February 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os hepatócitos apresentam papel potencial em iniciar e amplificar a resposta inflamatória aguda no fígado, através da liberação de citocinas pró-inflamatórias, em papel complementar ao exercido pelas células de Kupffer e endoteliais. A invasão bacteriana da célula hepática é um estímulo para que o hepatócito produza citocinas como o TNF-alfa, capaz de induzir sua própria morte por apoptose. O TNF-alfa pode ser tanto um agente citotóxico (induzindo a morte celular), quanto um agente protetor (através da ativação de NF-kB). A morte por apoptose do hepatócito libertaria as bactérias que seriam destruídas pelo sistema imunológico hepático ativado. Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) e Listeria monocytogenes (LM) são patógenos responsáveis por importantes doenças de origem alimentar. O hepatócito é o maior local de replicação bacteriana no fígado. As conseqüências da invasão bacteriana dos hepatócitos e sua repercussão na produção de TNF-alfa e na morte celular necessitam ser melhor xxix avaliadas. MÉTODOS: Nesse estudo procuramos investigar o comportamento dos hepatócitos invadidos por ST e LM sorogrupos 4a, 4b e 1/2a, analisando os seguintes parâmetros: a) morfologia = por microscopia óptica (MO) (hematoxilina e eosina) e por microscopia eletrônica (ME); b) dosagem do TNF-alfa liberado pelos hepatócitos invadidos = o TNF-alfa liberado foi detectado por técnica ELISA no sobrenadante das culturas; c) pesquisa da morte celular por apoptose = avaliada através das técnicas TUNEL e anexina (citometria de fluxo). Para todos os parâmetros foi realizada análise comparativa estatística entre os quatro tipos de bactéria. RESULTADOS: As monocamadas de hepatócitos agredidas por Listeria monocytogenes e Salmonella Typhimurium apresentam ruptura em sua distribuição, e sinais de desorganização citoplasmática e nuclear. Para as bactérias ST, LM 4a, LM 4b e LM 1/2a obtivemos os seguintes valores em seqüência: a) taxa de liberação de TNF-alfa (pg/mL): 146,9±18,38; 94,71±13,89; 94,52±15,66 e 58,16±15,49; b) capacidade de produção de TNF-alfa (pg/mL): -67,20±71,56; -46,49±54,10; -106,3±61,0 e 58,16±15,49; c) taxa de apoptose avaliada por TUNEL em unidade de área (UA): 23,86±1,614; 15,92±0,9343; 21,14±1,421 e 23,93±1,263; d) capacidades de produção de apoptose por TUNEL em UA: -50,67±12,42; 10,81±7,186; - 17,22±10,93 e -40,27±9,712; e) taxas de apoptose por anexina em UA: 12,51±2,052; 23,10±3,481; 26,61±3,414 e 18,57±2,497; f) capacidades de produção de apoptose por anexina em UA: -63,31±15,79; -126,4±26,78; - 142,0±26,26 e -97,75±19,21. CONCLUSÕES: a) ocorre liberação de TNFxxx alfa pelos hepatócitos invadidos, sendo que a Salmonella Typhimurium foi responsável pela maior taxa de liberação de TNF-alfa, e Listeria monocytogenes 4b pela maior capacidade de produção de TNF-alfa; b) ocorre morte por apoptose dos hepatócitos invadidos por bactérias, avaliada através da técnica TUNEL, sendo que Salmonella Typhimurium e Listeria monocytogenes 1/2a foram responsáveis pelas maiores taxas e capacidades de produção de apoptose; c) ocorre morte dos hepatócitos invadidos por apoptose, avaliada através da técnica da anexina, sendo que Listeria monocytogenes 4b foi responsável pelas maiores taxas e capacidades de produção de apoptose; d) os hepatócitos cultivados invadidos pelas bactérias Salmonella Typhimurium e Listeria monocytogenes apresentam alterações morfológicas, com ruptura da distribuição da monocamada, e sinais de desorganização citoplasmática e nuclear / INTRODUCTION: Hepatocytes can play an important role in the initiation or amplification of the hepatic acute inflammatory response, through the release of proinflammatory cytokines. The bacterial invasion of hepatocyte is a stimulus for production of TNF-alpha by these cells, and this phenomenon induces its own death by apoptosis. TNF-alpha is as a cytotoxic agent (inducing cellular death), as a protector agent (through NF-kB activation). The hepatocyte death by apoptosis may release intracellular bacteria that would be destroyed by hepatic immunological system. Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) and Listeria monocytogenes (LM) are important foodborne pathogens. The hepatocyte is the major site of bacterial replication in the liver. The consequences of hepatocytes bacterial invasion must be better evaluated. METHODS: In the present work we show the behavior of hepatocytes invaded by ST and LM serotypes 4a, 4b and 1/2a, through: a) morphology = by optic microscopy (OM) (hematoxylin-eosin staining) and electronic microscopy (EM); b) quantification of TNF-alpha released by hepatocytes = TNF-alpha released was determined by ELISA in culture supernatants; c) evaluation of apoptotic cell death by TUNEL and annexin techniques (flow cytometry). For all parameters were made a statistical comparative analysis among the four types of bacteria. RESULTS: The hepatocytes monolayers invaded by LM and ST presented ruptures in your organization, and signs of nuclear and cytoplasmic disorder. For the bacteria ST, LM 4a, LM 4b and LM 1/2a we obtained the following values respectively: a) rate of TNF-alpha released (pg/mL): 146,9±18,38; 94,71±13,89; 94,52±15,66 and 58,16±15,49; b) capacities of TNF-alpha production (pg/mL): -67,20±71,56; -46,49±54,10; -106,3±61,0 and 58,16±15,49; c) rate of apoptosis by TUNEL in unit of area (UA): 23,86±1,614; 15,92±0,9343; 21,14±1,421 and 23,93±1,263; d) capacities of apoptosis production by TUNEL in UA: -50,67±12,42; 10,81±7,186; - 17,22±10,93 and -40,27±9,712; e) rate of apoptosis by annexin in UA: 12,51±2,052; 23,10±3,481; 26,61±3,414 and 18,57±2,497; f) capacities of apoptosis production by annexin in UA: -63,31±15,79; -126,4±26,78; - 142,0±26,26 and -97,75±19,21. CONCLUSIONS: a) ST was responsible for the major rate of TNF-alpha released and LM 4b was responsible for the major capacity of TNF-alpha production; b) ST and LM 1/2a caused the major rates and capacities of apoptosis,production, evaluated by TUNEL technique; c) LM 4b was responsible for the major rates and capacities of apoptosis production, evaluated by annexin technique; d) the cultured hepatocytes invaded by bacteria ST and LM presented morphological alterations, with monolayer rupture, and signs of nuclear and cytoplasmic disorder

Étude du potentiel des pFAR4, miniplasmides dépourvus de gène de résistance à un antibiotique, comme vecteurs pour la thérapie génique / Study of the potential of pFAR4s, miniplasmids free of antibiotic resistance markers, as vectors for gene therapy

Pastor, Marie 12 July 2016 (has links)
L’un des principaux défis de la thérapie génique est d’identifier un vecteur sûr capable d’assurer un transfert efficace et une expression soutenue d’un gène d’intérêt thérapeutique dans les cellules cibles. L’émergence de vecteurs plasmidiques de nouvelles générations a permis d’atteindre ces objectifs et de considérer la thérapie génique non virale comme une alternative prometteuse aux vecteurs viraux pour le traitement de maladies génétiques ou acquises. Appartenant à ces nouvelles générations, les dérivés du vecteur pFAR4 sont des miniplasmides dépourvus de gène de résistance à un antibiotique. Leur propagation dans les cellules d’Escherichia coli est basée sur la suppression d’une mutation non-sens de type ambre introduite dans un gène essentiel de la souche productrice, permettant ainsi d’éliminer les risques associés à l’utilisation de gène de résistance à un antibiotique tout en diminuant la taille du vecteur. Le but de cette thèse est d’étudier le potentiel de ces vecteurs dans deux contextes de thérapie génique non virale : Dans une première approche, le potentiel du vecteur pFAR4 a été évalué pour l’expression d’un gène thérapeutique dans le foie de souris. Pour ce faire, un dérivé de ce vecteur exprimant le gène Sgsh à partir d’un promoteur spécifique des hépatocytes et codant la protéine sulfamidase, protéine défectueuse chez les patients souffrant de la maladie de Sanfilippo de type A, a été administré par injection hydrodynamique à des souris. Nous avons montré que le vecteur pFAR4 promeut dans le foie une expression élevée et soutenue de la sulfamidase, qui décline rapidement lorsque le gène Sgsh est administré par un vecteur contenant un gène de résistance à la kanamycine. Dans le cadre de cette étude, il a été établi que le profil d’expression obtenu avec le vecteur pFAR4 n’est pas lié à son insertion dans le génome des hépatocytes mais résulte, de par sa taille réduite, d’une protection contre les phénomènes d’extinction de transgène couramment observés in vivo avec les vecteurs conventionnels. Dans une seconde approche, le vecteur pFAR4 a été combiné à la technologie Sleeping Beauty (SB), dont l’un des constituants majeurs est la transposase hyperactive SB100X qui promeut la transposition d’un transgène, en l’excisant du plasmide qui le porte et en l’insérant dans le génome des cellules hôtes. Cette combinaison a été étudiée in vitro dans des cellules HeLa, en utilisant un transposon contenant soit le gène de résistance à la néomycine soit le gène codant la protéine fluorescente Vénus. Nous avons ainsi montré que le plasmide pFAR4 constituait un vecteur efficace pour les composants du système SB et que la combinaison pFAR4/SB conduisait à un taux de transgénèse augmenté par rapport à une association avec des plasmides conventionnels. Cette efficacité élevée résulte d’un niveau de transfection et d’un taux d’excision augmentés, tous deux favorisés par la taille réduite du plasmide. La combinaison pFAR4/SB devrait prochainement être utilisée pour transférer le gène codant le facteur anti-angiogénique PEDF (Pigment Epithelium-Derived Factor) à des cellules primaires de l’épithélium pigmentaire de la rétine ou de l’iris dans deux essais cliniques (Phase I/II) de thérapie génique ex vivo pour le traitement de la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge (DMLA). / One of the main challenges in gene therapy is to identify safe vectors that promote an efficient gene delivery and a sustained therapeutic transgene expression level in targeted cells. The development of novel plasmid vectors allowed to reach these objectives and to consider non-viral gene therapy approaches as attractive alternatives to treat genetic and acquired disorders. The pFAR4 vector is a novel antibiotic-free mini-plasmid. In Escherichia coli, its propagation is based on the suppression of an amber nonsense mutation introduced into an essential gene, thus eliminating safety concerns classically attributed to antibiotic resistance markers present on conventional plasmid DNA vectors and allowing a reduction in plasmid size. The aim of this work was to investigate the potential of pFAR4 as a gene vector in two different non-viral gene therapy approaches. In a first approach, the potential of the pFAR4 vector was assessed for the expression of a therapeutic gene in mouse liver. To this end, a pFAR4 derivative expressing the Sgsh gene from a liver-specific promoter and coding the sulfamidase, an enzyme deficient in patients suffering from the Sanfilippo A disease, was tail vein hydrodynamically injected into mouse liver. We showed that the pFAR4 derivative promoted a high and prolonged sulfamidase expression which rapidly declined when the same expression cassette was delivered by a conventional plasmid containing a kanamycin resistance marker. It was established that the superior expression profile obtained with the pFAR4 derivative did not result from its integration in host genome but seemed to benefit from protection against transcriptional silencing. In a second approach, the pFAR4 vector was combined to the Sleeping Beauty transposon system that mediates transgene integration into host genomes, after its excision from a plasmid donor by the hyperactive SB100X transposase, in order to obtain a long-term expression in dividing cells. This combination was studied in vitro, delivering either the neomycin resistance gene or the fluorescent Venus protein-encoding gene into HeLa cells. We showed that the combination pFAR4/SB led to an increased transgenesis rate in comparison to the association of SB with conventional plasmids. The pFAR4/SB combination seemed to benefit from an elevated transfection efficiency and a higher excision rate, resulting from the reduced size of the pFAR4 vector. The two technologies should be soon used for the delivery of the anti-angiogenic pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) gene into autologous primary pigment epithelial cells, in the context of two PhaseI/II clinical trials based on an ex vivo gene therapeutic approach for the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD).

Estudo da invasão de hepatócitos de rato por Shigella flexneri: análise da influência da hipóxia sobre a injúria celular / Study of rat hepatocytes invasion by Shigella flexneri: analysis of hypoxia influence on cellular injury

Lima, Camila Bárbara Cantalupo 07 February 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo avaliou a capacidade de invasão de hepatócitos de rato por Shigella flexneri (S. flexneri) nas condições de normóxia e hipóxia. O estudo do microambiente de hipóxia tem grande importância, por estar presente em muitas doenças hepáticas, além de aumentar a translocação quando presente no lúmen intestinal. Bactérias invasivas como S. flexneri podem romper a barreira intestinal e chegar ao fígado através da circulação portal. O efeito da invasão bacteriana das células hepáticas é pouco conhecido. Neste trabalho buscamos pesquisar as alterações morfológicas e funcionais de hepatócitos de rato após infecção por S. flexneri na presença e na ausência de hipóxia. Para esta finalidade foram utilizados hepatócitos de rato cultivados pela técnica de cultura primária. Vários parâmetros foram analisados, tais como: taxa de invasão celular pela bactéria, quantificação da produção e liberação de DHL, produção de TNF-, taxa de morte celular por apoptose e a expressão do fator de transcrição HIF-1a. Os resultados mostraram que a metodologia empregada para a obtenção do microambiente hipóxico foi satisfatória, com redução de 70% da pO2 inicial (atingindo 43.2 mmHg in vitro ou 6.5% O2). A invasão de hepatócitos de rato por S. flexneri foi menor nas células previamente expostas à hipóxia quando comparada com a invasão das células cultivadas em normóxia. A viabilidade dos hepatócitos não apresentou diferenças significativas entre os grupos experimentais, variando entre 74 e 86%. A liberação de TNF- nas situações de normóxia e hipóxia foi similar, embora as células infectadas em normóxia tenham aumentado a liberação desta citocina. Na condição de hipóxia + infecção a liberação de TNF- foi menor do que na condição de normóxia + infecção, porém ambos os grupos produziram aumento significativo da citocina em relação aos controles normóxicos e hipóxicos. Este resultado sugere que a presença da bactéria no interior das células aumenta significativamente a liberação de TNF-pelos hepatócitos. A produção de DHL também foi maior de forma significativa no grupo hipóxico em relação ao grupo normóxico, porém não apresentou alteração nos grupos infectados por S. flexneri após uma hora. As taxas de apoptose aumentaram nos grupos hipóxia e nos grupos infectados com S. flexneri de maneira similar, variando entre 24 e 31%, quando comparados aos grupos controle em normóxia. A expressão do fator de transcrição HIF ocorreu nos grupos: hipóxia, normóxia + infecção e hipóxia + infecção, evidenciando que a infecção por S. flexneri induz a expressão deste fator. Em seu conjunto, nossos resultados buscam contribuir para o maior conhecimento da interação entre S. flexneri e hepatócitos em condição de hipóxia e normóxia. Tal conhecimento poderá ser útil na construção de futuras estratégias para auxiliar no combate a esta importante bactéria invasiva, principalmente nos casos de septicemia / This study evaluated the invasiveness of rat hepatocytes by Shigella flexneri (S. flexneri) in normoxia and hypoxia conditions. The study of hypoxia microenvironment is of great importance, since hypoxia is present in many liver diseases and increases bacterial translocation when present in intestinal lumen. Invasive bacteria such as S. flexneri can disrupt the intestinal barrier and reach the liver through portal circulation. The effect of bacterial invasion in liver cells is poorly understood. In this study we investigated the morphological and functional changes of rat hepatocytes after infection with S. flexneri in the presence and absence of hypoxia. For this purpose we used primary cultures of rat hepatocytes. Several parameters were analyzed, such as: bacterial invasion cell rate, quantification of LDH production and release, TNF-a production, cell death rate by apoptosis and expression of the transcription factor HIF-1a. The results showed that the methodology used to obtain the hypoxic microenvironment was satisfactory, with 70% reduction of initial pO2 (to 43.2 mmHg in vitro or 6.5% O2). The invasion of rat hepatocytes by S. flexneri was lower in cells previously exposed to hypoxia compared with the invasion of cells grown in normoxia. The viability of hepatocytes showed no significant differences between experimental groups, ranging between 74% and 86%. The release of TNF-a in situations of normoxia and hypoxia was similar, although the infected cells in normoxia have increased the release levels of this cytokine. In hypoxia + infection condition the release of TNF-a was lower than normoxia + infection condition, but both groups produced a significant increase in cytokine release when compared to normoxic and hypoxic controls. This result suggests that the presence of bacteria inside the cells significantly increases the release of TNF-a by hepatocytes. DHL production was also significantly greater in the hypoxic group compared to the normoxic group, but had no change in the groups infected with S. flexneri after an hour. The apoptosis rates increased in hypoxia and infected groups in a similar way, varying between 24% and 31% when compared with control group in normoxia. The expression of HIF- 1a transcription factor occurred in hypoxia, normoxia + infection and hypoxia + infection groups, indicating that infection with S. flexneri induces the expression of this factor. Overall, our results sought to contribute to a greater understanding of the interaction between S. flexneri and hepatocytes under hypoxia and normoxia conditions. Such knowledge may be useful in building future strategies to assist in combating these major invasive bacteria

Self-assembling peptide scaffolds as extracellular matrix analogs and their application in tissue engineering and regenerative biology

Genové Corominas, Elsa 26 October 2007 (has links)
En aquesta Tesi, un nou biomaterial de disseny composat per seqüències peptídiques repetitives i amfifíliques, que per autoensamblatge forma xarxes de nanofibres (i hidrogels), AcN-RADARADARADARADA-CONH2, s´ha utilitzat com a anàleg de la matriu extracel·lular per al manteniment, proliferació i diferenciació cel·lular. Aquest pèptid s'ha funcionalititzat amb motius biològicament actius procedents de proteïnes de la matriu extracel·lular incloent laminina-1 i colàgen IV. El scaffold peptídic autoensamblant RAD16-I i els seus derivats biològicament actius s´han caracteritzat i provat utilitzant diferents sistemes cel·lulars com pot ser les cèl·lules d'aorta humanes (HAEC), hepatocits madurs i la línea progenitora de fetge (Lig-8). La proteòlisi d'aquest pèptid s'ha avaluat utilitzant tripsina com a enzim proteolític, i els fragments resultants s'han analitzat per MALDI-TOF i AFM. Així mateix, la segona generació de biomaterials basats en el RAD16-I s'ha provat tant amb HAEC com amb hepatocits madurs. Amb aquests sistemes hem demostrat que el desenvolupament d'una matriu biomiètica reforça, a la vegada que manté, les funcions específiques de cada teixit. En particular, els resultats obtinguts en diferenciació, proliferació i manteniment de la funció cel·lular utilitzant pèptids sintètics autoensamblants són comparables amb els resultats que s'obtenen utilitzant matrius biològiques (Colàgen I i Matrigel). Això indica que els nostres anàlegs de la matriu extracel·lular poden substituir als materials naturals, i suggereix l'ús d'aquests materials intel·ligents amb capacitat instructiva en aplicacions terapèutiques. Així mateix s'ha provat que l'ús d'aquests pèptids auto-ensamblants és eficient en la construcció d'un nínxol de cèl·lules mare. Hem sigut capaços de controlar la cinètica cel·lular (de simètrica a assimètrica) induint diferenciació funcional, a la vegada que es mantenia una petita proporció de cèl·lules no diferenciades. Aquests resultats indiquen clarament que hem sigue capaços d'obtenir un nínxol on cèl·lules primitives (Lig-8) es diferencien adquirint funcions d'hepatocits madurs. Hem desenvolupat una plataforma de biomaterials que es podrien utilitzar per la funcionalització amb innumerables biomolècules amb capacitat d'induir processos biològics com la diferenciació, proliferació i funció metabòlica. Aquests biomaterials, preveiem que tindran un gran impacte a l'àrea terapèutica i biología regenerativa. / En esta Tesis, un nuevo biomaterial de diseño compuesto por secuencias peptídicas repetitivas y amfifílicas que por autoensamblaje forma redes de nanofibras (e hidrogeles), AcN-RADARADARADARADA-CONH2 (RAD16-I), se ha utilizado como análogo de la matriz extracelular para el mantenimiento, proliferación y diferenciación celular. Este péptido se ha funcionalizado con motivos biológicamente activos procedentes de proteínas de la matriz extracelular incluyendo laminina-1 y colágeno IV. El scaffold peptídico autoensamblante RAD16-I y sus derivados biológicamente activos se han caracterizado y probado utilizando diferentes sistemas celulares como puede ser células endoteliales de aorta humanas (HAEC), hepatocitos maduros y la línea progenitora de hígado Lig-8. La proteólisis de este péptido se ha evaluado utilizando tripsina como enzima proteolítico, y los fragmentos resultantes se han analizado por MALDI-TOF y AFM. Asimismo, la segunda generación de biomateriales basados en el RAD16-I se ha probado tanto con HAEC como hepatocitos maduros. Con estos sistemas hemos demostrado que el desarrollo de una matriz biomimética refuerza a la vez que mantiene las funciones específicas de cada tejido. En particular, los resultados obtenidos en diferenciación, proliferación y mantenimiento de la función celular utilizando los péptidos sintéticos auto-ensamblantes son comparables con los resultados que se obtienen usando matrices biológicas (Colágeno I y Matrigel). Esto indica que nuestros análogos de la matriz extracelular pueden reemplazar a los materiales naturales, y sugiere el uso de estos materiales inteligentes con capacidad instructiva en aplicaciones terapéuticas. Asimismo, se ha probado que el uso de estos péptidos auto-ensamblantes es eficiente en la construcción de un nicho de células madre. Hemos sido capaces de controlar la cinética celular (de simétrica a asimétrica) induciendo diferenciación funcional, a la vez que se mantenía una pequeña proporción de células no diferenciadas. Estos resultados indican claramente que hemos sido capaces de obtener un nicho donde células primitivas (Lig-8) se diferencian adquiriendo funciones de hepatocitos maduros. Hemos desarrollado una plataforma de biomateriales que se podrían utilizar para la funcionalización con innumerables biomoléculas con capacidad de inducir procesos biológicos como la diferenciación, proliferación y función metabólica. Estos biomateriales preveemos que tendrán un gran impacto en el área terapéutica y biología regenerativa. / In this Thesis, a new designed biomaterial made out of short repetitive amphiphilic peptide sequence AcN-RADARADARADARADA-CONH2 (RAD16-I) that self-assembles forming nanofiber networks (hydrogel scaffold) has been used as synthetic extracellular matrix analog for cell maintenance, proliferation and differentiation. This peptide has been functionalized with biological active motifs from extracellular matrix proteins including laminin-1 and collagen IV. The prototypic self-assembling peptide scaffold RAD16-I and its biologically active derivatives have been characterized and tested using several cellular systems such as human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC), mature hepatocytes and a putative liver progenitor cell line, Lig-8. The proteolysis of the peptide RAD16-I has been evaluated using trypsin as a proteolytic enzyme and the resulting fragments have been analyzed by MALDI-TOF and AFM. Moreover the second generation of RAD16-I-based biomaterials have been tested using HAEC and mature hepatocytes. With these systems we have shown that the development of a biomimetic matrix enhances as well as maintain tissue-specific functions. In particular, the results obtained in cell differentiation, proliferation and maintenance of cell function using the synthetic self-assembling peptide matrices, are comparable with the results obtained using natural biological matrices counterparts (Collagen-I and Matrigel). This indicates that our extracellular matrix analogs can replace the use of naturally-derived materials and suggests the use of these smart biomaterials with instructive capacity for cells in therapeutics. Moreover, the use of the self-assembling peptide RAD16-I in the recreation of a stem-cell niche proved to be highly efficient. We were able to control stem-cell kinetics (from symmetric to assymetric) inducing functional differentiation while maintaining a small proportion of undifferentiated cells. This striking results clearly indicate that we were able to obtain a stem-cell niche where primitive cells (Lig-8) undergo differentiation acquiring mature hepatic functions. We have developed a biomaterial platform that can be used for functionalization with innumerable biomolecules, with capacity to induce biological processes like differentiation, control of proliferation, metabolic function, etc. These biomaterials will have a strong impact in therapeutics and regenerative biology.

Molecular mechanisms of the cytokine-dependent induction of the heme oxygenase-1 gene: in vivo and in vitro studies / Molekulare Mechanismen der Zytokin-abhängigen Induktion des Hämoxygenase-1 Gens: in vivo und in vitro Studien

Tron, Kyrylo 30 June 2004 (has links)
No description available.

De novo Induktion von Anaphylatoxin C5a-Rezeptoren in Hepatocyten der Ratte durch den Entzündungsauslöser Lipopolysaccharid in vivo / Vermittlung durch die Entzündungsmediatoren Interleukin-6 und -1ß / De novo induction of anaphylatoxin C5aR in rat hepatocytes by bacterial lipopolysaccharide in vivo / Mediation by the proinflammatory cytokines interleukine-6 and -1ß

Koleva, Milena 03 May 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Der Leptinrezeptor im Modell primärer humaner Hepatozyten

Lorz, Axel 11 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit beinhaltet Untersuchungen zu den unterschiedlichen Isoformen des Leptinrezeptors und dessen Regulation in primären humanen Hepatozyten. Leptin und der Leptinrezeptor nehmen in der Physiologie des menschlichen Energiehaushaltes eine wesentliche Funktion ein und sind an der Pathogenese der Adipositas mit Folgeerkrankungen wie der Entwicklung einer Fettleber beteiligt. Es wird erstmalig geprüft inwieweit das Modellsystem primärer humaner Hepatozyten für Analysen der Leptinrezeptor-Expression und der Abspaltung von löslichem Leptinrezeptor geeignet ist. Weiterhin werden untersucht, welchen Einfluss endokrine Regulatoren wie Dexamethason, Leptin und Glucagon auf die isoformspezifischen Rezeptormengen in primären Hepatozyten haben und wie der Rezeptor unter Apoptose reguliert ist, welche durch die lipotoxischen Effekte der freien Fettsäure Palmitat und den Apoptoseinduktor Staurosporin induziert wird. Hierdurch können Rückschlüsse auf eine möglicherweise veränderte Wirksamkeit des Leptins in der Leber gezogen werden.

ATP-Binding-Cassette Transporters in Biliary Efflux and Drug-Induced Liver Injury

Pedersen, Jenny M. January 2013 (has links)
Membrane transport proteins are known to influence the absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity (ADMET) of drugs. At the onset of this thesis work, only a few structure-activity models, in general describing P-glycoprotein (Pgp/ABCB1) interactions, were developed using small datasets with little structural diversity. In this thesis, drug-transport protein interactions were explored using large, diverse datasets representing the chemical space of orally administered registered drugs. Focus was set on the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transport proteins expressed in the canalicular membrane of human hepatocytes. The inhibition of the ABC transport proteins multidrug-resistance associated protein 2 (MRP2/ABCC2) and bile salt export pump (BSEP/ABCB11) was experimentally investigated using membrane vesicles from cells overexpressing the investigated proteins and sandwich cultured human hepatocytes (SCHH). Several previously unknown inhibitors were identified for both of the proteins and predictive in silico models were developed. Furthermore, a clear association between BSEP inhibition and clinically reported drug induced liver injuries (DILI) was identified. For the first time, an in silico model that described combined inhibition of Pgp, MRP2 and breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP/ABCG2) was developed using a large, structurally diverse dataset. Lipophilic weak bases were more often found to be general ABC inhibitors in comparison to other drugs. In early drug discovery, in silico models can be used as predictive filters in the drug candidate selection process and membrane vesicles as a first experimental screening tool to investigate protein interactions. In summary, the present work has led to an increased understanding of molecular properties important in ABC inhibition as well as the potential influence of ABC proteins in adverse drug reactions. A number of previously unknown ABC inhibitors were identified and predictive computational models were developed.

Farmakologické modifikace potenciálních signálních systémů regulujících metabolismus adipocytů a hepatocytů a jejich vliv na obezitu / Pharmacological modifications of potential signal systems regulating metabolism of adipocytes and hepatocytes and their influence on obesity

Hodis, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce: Thesis abstract: Background and aims: Both obesity and metabolic syndrome form severe health problems in the whole world. Nevertheless the armament of pharmacotherapy for both diseases remains unsatisfactory. We aimed our work to main organs in risk of the mentioned diseases -liver and visceral fat using hepatocytes and visceral adipocytes as model. We detected 3 main metabolic and signalization activities- glycogenolysis, Nitric oxide (NO) production and transcription of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) in hepatocytes, lipolysis, NO production and iNOS transcription rate in adipocytes. We directed our interest to combination of peroxisome proliferation activator receptor γ (PPARγ) agonist, antagonist and β3 adrenergic agonist in the culture of epididymal rat adipocytes in the first part of our work. While in the second part we investigated the influence of β and α adrenergic mimetics, adrenergic blockers in the culture of rat high glycogen content hepatocytes. Methods: NO production was detected under the active agents treatments by detection of NO oxidative products NO2 and NO3 in media. Glycogenolysis was measured as free glucose rise released by hepatocytes into the media. NOS transcription level was extrapolated after comparative polymerase chain reaction with reverse...

Análise comparativa do processo de invasão de hepatócitos de rato por Listeria monocytogenes e Salmonella Typhimurium: caracterização morfológica, quantificação da liberação de TNF-alfa e da morte celular por apoptose / Comparative analysis of rat hepatocytes invasion process by Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella Typhimurium: Morphological characterization, quantification of TNF-alpha release and cellular death by apoptosis

Sânia Alves dos Santos 16 February 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os hepatócitos apresentam papel potencial em iniciar e amplificar a resposta inflamatória aguda no fígado, através da liberação de citocinas pró-inflamatórias, em papel complementar ao exercido pelas células de Kupffer e endoteliais. A invasão bacteriana da célula hepática é um estímulo para que o hepatócito produza citocinas como o TNF-alfa, capaz de induzir sua própria morte por apoptose. O TNF-alfa pode ser tanto um agente citotóxico (induzindo a morte celular), quanto um agente protetor (através da ativação de NF-kB). A morte por apoptose do hepatócito libertaria as bactérias que seriam destruídas pelo sistema imunológico hepático ativado. Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) e Listeria monocytogenes (LM) são patógenos responsáveis por importantes doenças de origem alimentar. O hepatócito é o maior local de replicação bacteriana no fígado. As conseqüências da invasão bacteriana dos hepatócitos e sua repercussão na produção de TNF-alfa e na morte celular necessitam ser melhor xxix avaliadas. MÉTODOS: Nesse estudo procuramos investigar o comportamento dos hepatócitos invadidos por ST e LM sorogrupos 4a, 4b e 1/2a, analisando os seguintes parâmetros: a) morfologia = por microscopia óptica (MO) (hematoxilina e eosina) e por microscopia eletrônica (ME); b) dosagem do TNF-alfa liberado pelos hepatócitos invadidos = o TNF-alfa liberado foi detectado por técnica ELISA no sobrenadante das culturas; c) pesquisa da morte celular por apoptose = avaliada através das técnicas TUNEL e anexina (citometria de fluxo). Para todos os parâmetros foi realizada análise comparativa estatística entre os quatro tipos de bactéria. RESULTADOS: As monocamadas de hepatócitos agredidas por Listeria monocytogenes e Salmonella Typhimurium apresentam ruptura em sua distribuição, e sinais de desorganização citoplasmática e nuclear. Para as bactérias ST, LM 4a, LM 4b e LM 1/2a obtivemos os seguintes valores em seqüência: a) taxa de liberação de TNF-alfa (pg/mL): 146,9±18,38; 94,71±13,89; 94,52±15,66 e 58,16±15,49; b) capacidade de produção de TNF-alfa (pg/mL): -67,20±71,56; -46,49±54,10; -106,3±61,0 e 58,16±15,49; c) taxa de apoptose avaliada por TUNEL em unidade de área (UA): 23,86±1,614; 15,92±0,9343; 21,14±1,421 e 23,93±1,263; d) capacidades de produção de apoptose por TUNEL em UA: -50,67±12,42; 10,81±7,186; - 17,22±10,93 e -40,27±9,712; e) taxas de apoptose por anexina em UA: 12,51±2,052; 23,10±3,481; 26,61±3,414 e 18,57±2,497; f) capacidades de produção de apoptose por anexina em UA: -63,31±15,79; -126,4±26,78; - 142,0±26,26 e -97,75±19,21. CONCLUSÕES: a) ocorre liberação de TNFxxx alfa pelos hepatócitos invadidos, sendo que a Salmonella Typhimurium foi responsável pela maior taxa de liberação de TNF-alfa, e Listeria monocytogenes 4b pela maior capacidade de produção de TNF-alfa; b) ocorre morte por apoptose dos hepatócitos invadidos por bactérias, avaliada através da técnica TUNEL, sendo que Salmonella Typhimurium e Listeria monocytogenes 1/2a foram responsáveis pelas maiores taxas e capacidades de produção de apoptose; c) ocorre morte dos hepatócitos invadidos por apoptose, avaliada através da técnica da anexina, sendo que Listeria monocytogenes 4b foi responsável pelas maiores taxas e capacidades de produção de apoptose; d) os hepatócitos cultivados invadidos pelas bactérias Salmonella Typhimurium e Listeria monocytogenes apresentam alterações morfológicas, com ruptura da distribuição da monocamada, e sinais de desorganização citoplasmática e nuclear / INTRODUCTION: Hepatocytes can play an important role in the initiation or amplification of the hepatic acute inflammatory response, through the release of proinflammatory cytokines. The bacterial invasion of hepatocyte is a stimulus for production of TNF-alpha by these cells, and this phenomenon induces its own death by apoptosis. TNF-alpha is as a cytotoxic agent (inducing cellular death), as a protector agent (through NF-kB activation). The hepatocyte death by apoptosis may release intracellular bacteria that would be destroyed by hepatic immunological system. Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) and Listeria monocytogenes (LM) are important foodborne pathogens. The hepatocyte is the major site of bacterial replication in the liver. The consequences of hepatocytes bacterial invasion must be better evaluated. METHODS: In the present work we show the behavior of hepatocytes invaded by ST and LM serotypes 4a, 4b and 1/2a, through: a) morphology = by optic microscopy (OM) (hematoxylin-eosin staining) and electronic microscopy (EM); b) quantification of TNF-alpha released by hepatocytes = TNF-alpha released was determined by ELISA in culture supernatants; c) evaluation of apoptotic cell death by TUNEL and annexin techniques (flow cytometry). For all parameters were made a statistical comparative analysis among the four types of bacteria. RESULTS: The hepatocytes monolayers invaded by LM and ST presented ruptures in your organization, and signs of nuclear and cytoplasmic disorder. For the bacteria ST, LM 4a, LM 4b and LM 1/2a we obtained the following values respectively: a) rate of TNF-alpha released (pg/mL): 146,9±18,38; 94,71±13,89; 94,52±15,66 and 58,16±15,49; b) capacities of TNF-alpha production (pg/mL): -67,20±71,56; -46,49±54,10; -106,3±61,0 and 58,16±15,49; c) rate of apoptosis by TUNEL in unit of area (UA): 23,86±1,614; 15,92±0,9343; 21,14±1,421 and 23,93±1,263; d) capacities of apoptosis production by TUNEL in UA: -50,67±12,42; 10,81±7,186; - 17,22±10,93 and -40,27±9,712; e) rate of apoptosis by annexin in UA: 12,51±2,052; 23,10±3,481; 26,61±3,414 and 18,57±2,497; f) capacities of apoptosis production by annexin in UA: -63,31±15,79; -126,4±26,78; - 142,0±26,26 and -97,75±19,21. CONCLUSIONS: a) ST was responsible for the major rate of TNF-alpha released and LM 4b was responsible for the major capacity of TNF-alpha production; b) ST and LM 1/2a caused the major rates and capacities of apoptosis,production, evaluated by TUNEL technique; c) LM 4b was responsible for the major rates and capacities of apoptosis production, evaluated by annexin technique; d) the cultured hepatocytes invaded by bacteria ST and LM presented morphological alterations, with monolayer rupture, and signs of nuclear and cytoplasmic disorder

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