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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


JULIANA MESQUITA DE ANDRADE 13 March 2019 (has links)
[pt] O estudo a respeito de homojunções e heterojunções se apresenta como de grande interesse científico e tecnológico, pois os mecanismos de formação e de atuação dessas estruturas ainda não são plenamente conhecidos. Essas junções estão na base de diferentes tecnologias, tais como, diodos, transistores, capacitores e supercapacitores, varistores, células fotovoltaicas, detectores de luz UV, diversos tipos de sensores, catalisadores e fotocatalisadores, entre outros. A presente tese de doutorado visa contribuir para o desenvolvimento de sistemas cerâmicos policristalinos (micro e nanoestruturados) à base de ZnO e SnO2 e para a compreensão dos mecanismos de formação das homojunções e heterojunções presentes nesse sistema material e suas relações com o comportamento varistor, em termos da estabilidade e degradação dessas junções. Microscopia eletrônica de varredura, espectroscopia de raios-X por dispersão de energia e difração de raios-X foram utilizadas para a caracterização microestrutural. Análises térmica e dilatométrica foram utilizadas para a determinação dos parâmetros e mecanismos de densificação e sinterização que dão origem às junções consideradas. Para a determinação das características elétricas foi utilizada a análise de capacitância e levantamento das curvas de polarização. Em função das composições químicas avaliadas foram obtidas microestruturas composta por homojunções e heterojunções, com diferentes níveis de densificação e características varistoras, ou seja, comportamento não-linear entre tensão e corrente elétrica, com tensões de chaveamento de diferentes magnitudes, permitindo relacionar o comportamento eletrotérmico dos varistores com as características das homojunções e heterojunções consideradas. / [en] The study about homojunctions and heterojunctions has scientific and technological value, because the mechanisms of formation and performance of these structures are not fully known. These junctions are in the base of different technologies, such as diodes, transistors, capacitors and supercapacitors, varistors, photovoltaic cells, detector of UV light, many kinds of sensors, catalysts and photocatalysts, among others. The present thesis aims to contribute to the development of polycrystalline ceramic systems (micro and nanostructured) based on ZnO and SnO2 and to the understanding ofthe mechanisms of formation of homojunctions and heterojunctions present in these systems and their relations with the varistor behavior, in terms of stability and degradation. Scanning electron microscopy, X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction were used to the microstructural characterization. Thermal and dilatometric analyses were used to determine the parameters and mechanisms of densification and sintering that give rise to the junctions considered. For the determination of the electrical characteristics, analysis of capacitance and polarization curves were used. Depending on the chemical compositions a variely of microstructures were obtained containing homojunctions and heterojunctions, with different densification levels and distinct varistors characteristics, that it, nonlinear behavior between voltage and electric current, with different magnitudes of switching voltages permitting to correlate the electrothermal behavior of varistors with the characteristics of homojunctions and heterojunctions considered.

Cryogenic operation of silicon-germanium heterojunction bipolar transistors and its relation to scaling and optimization

Yuan, Jiahui 04 February 2010 (has links)
The objective of the proposed work is to study the behavior of SiGe HBTs at cryogenic temperatures and its relation to device scaling and optimization. Not only is cryogenic operation of these devices required by space missions, but characterizing their cryogenic behavior also helps to investigate the performance limits of SiGe HBTs and provides essential information for further device scaling. Technology computer aided design (TCAD) and sophisticated on-wafer DC and RF measurements are essential in this research. Drift-diffusion (DD) theory is used to investigate a novel negative differential resistance (NDR) effect and a collector current kink effect in first-generation SiGe HBTs at deep cryogenic temperatures. A theory of positive feedback due to the enhanced heterojunction barrier effect at deep cryogenic temperatures is proposed to explain such effects. Intricate design of the germanium and base doping profiles can greatly suppress both carrier freezeout and the heterojunction barrier effect, leading to a significant improvement in the DC and RF performance for NASA lunar missions. Furthermore, cooling is used as a tuning knob to better understand the performance limits of SiGe HBTs. The consequences of cooling SiGe HBTs are in many ways similar to those of combined vertical and lateral device scaling. A case study of low-temperature DC and RF performance of prototype fourth-generation SiGe HBTs is presented. This study summarizes the performance of all three prototypes of these fourth-generation SiGe HBTs within the temperature range of 4.5 to 300 K. Temperature dependence of a fourth-generation SiGe CML gate delay is also examined, leading to record performance of Si-based IC. This work helps to analyze the key optimization issues associated with device scaling to terahertz speeds at room temperature. As an alternative method, an fT -doubler technique is presented as an attempt to reach half-terahertz speeds. In addition, a roadmap for terahertz device scaling is given, and the potential relevant physics associated with future device scaling are examined. Subsequently, a novel superjunction collector design is proposed for higher breakdown voltages. Hydrodynamic models are used for the TCAD studies that complete this part of the work. Finally, Monte Carlo simulations are explored in the analysis of aggressively-scaled SiGe HBTs.

Development of III-nitride bipolar devices: avalanche photodiodes, laser diodes, and double-heterojunction bipolar transistors

Zhang, Yun 28 July 2011 (has links)
This dissertation describes the development of III-nitride (III-N) bipolar devices for optoelectronic and electronic applications. Research mainly involves device design, fabrication process development, and device characterization for Geiger-mode gallium nitride (GaN) deep-UV (DUV) p-i-n avalanche photodiodes (APDs), indium gallium nitride (InGaN)/GaN-based violet/blue laser diodes (LDs), and GaN/InGaN-based npn radio-frequency (RF) double-heterojunction bipolar transistors (DHBTs). All the epitaxial materials of these devices were grown in the Advanced Materials and Devices Group (AMDG) led by Prof. Russell D. Dupuis at the Georgia Institute of Technology using the metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) technique. Geiger-mode GaN p-i-n APDs have important applications in DUV and UV single-photon detections. In the fabrication of GaN p-i-n APDs, the major technical challenge is the sidewall leakage current. To address this issue, two surface leakage reduction schemes have been developed: a wet-etching surface treatment technique to recover the dry-etching-induced surface damage, and a ledged structure to form a surface depletion layer to partially passivate the sidewall. The first Geiger-mode DUV GaN p-i-n APD on a free-standing (FS) c-plane GaN substrate has been demonstrated. InGaN/GaN-based violet/blue/green LDs are the coherent light sources for high-density optical storage systems and the next-generation full-color LD display systems. The design of InGaN/GaN LDs has several challenges, such as the quantum-confined stark effect (QCSE), the efficiency droop issue, and the optical confinement design optimization. In this dissertation, a step-graded electron-blocking layer (EBL) is studied to address the efficiency droop issue. Enhanced internal quantum efficiency (ɳi) has been observed on 420-nm InGaN/GaN-based LDs. Moreover, an InGaN waveguide design is implemented, and the continuous-wave (CW)-mode operation on 460-nm InGaN/GaN-based LDs is achieved at room temperature (RT). III-N HBTs are promising devices for the next-generation RF and power electronics because of their advantages of high breakdown voltages, high power handling capability, and high-temperature and harsh-environment operation stability. One of the major technical challenges to fabricate high-performance RF III-N HBTs is to suppress the base surface recombination current on the extrinsic base region. The wet-etching surface treatment has also been employed to lower the surface recombination current. As a result, a record small-signal current gain (hfe) > 100 is achieved on GaN/InGaN-based npn DHBTs on sapphire substrates. A cut-off frequency (fT) > 5.3 GHz and a maximum oscillation frequency (fmax) > 1.3 GHz are also demonstrated for the first time. Furthermore, A FS c-plane GaN substrate with low epitaxial defect density and good thermal dissipation ability is used for reduced base bulk recombination current. The hfe > 115, collector current density (JC) > 141 kA/cm², and power density > 3.05 MW/cm² are achieved at RT, which are all the highest values reported ever on III-N HBTs.

Untersuchungen an Quinquethiophenen zur Verwendung als Donator in Organischen Solarzellen / Investigations on Quinquethiophenes as Donor Materials in Organic Solar Cells

Schulze, Kerstin 22 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Organische Photovoltaik könnte zukünftig eine Möglichkeit zur Energiegewinnung aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen darstellen. Der Vorteil besteht hier vor allen Dingen in dem Potential einer sehr kostengünstigen Herstellung, zum Beispiel einer Produktion im Rolle-zu-Rolle-Verfahren, welche so auf flexiblen Substraten wie beispielsweise Folien erfolgen kann. Obwohl die Materialkosten gering sind, ist bis zu einer Kommerzialisierung Organischer Solarzellen unter anderem eine Erhöhung ihrer Leistungseffizienz notwendig. Vorzugsweise sollten in Organischen Solarzellen Donator- und Akzeptormaterialien verwendet werden, deren Absorptionsspektren und Energieniveaus ideal aufeinander abgestimmt sind, da so zum Beispiel hohe Leerlaufspannungen erreicht werden können. Zusätzlich können hohe Absorptionskoeffizienten der Materialien über einen großen spektralen Bereich zu hohen Stromdichten in diesen photovoltaischen Bauelementen führen. In dieser Arbeit werden neuartige Quinquethiophene als Donatormaterial in Organischen Solarzellen untersucht, welche als Grundeinheit aus fünf Thiophenringen sowie Dicyanovinylendgruppen und Alkylseitenketten bestehen. Die untersuchten Materialien besitzen einen hohen Absorptionskoeffizienten und erreichten auf Grund des hohen Ionisationspotentials hohe Leerlaufspannungen in Organischen Solarzellen unter Verwendung des Fullerens C60 als Akzeptor. Gleichzeitig tritt eine effiziente Trennung der Exzitonen an der Akzeptor-Donator-Grenzfläche auf. Jedoch stellt das hohe Ionisationspotential der Quinquethiophene spezielle Anforderungen an die weitere Solarzellenstruktur. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass ein Unterschied von eingebauter Spannung und Leerlaufspannung die Form der Solarzellen-Kennlinie entscheidend beeinflusst und eine S-Form in der Nähe der Leerlaufspannung erzeugen kann. Die eingebaute Spannung wird hierbei durch die Kontaktierung der photoaktiven Schichten bestimmt. Eine Erhöhung der eingebauten Spannung der Solarzelle kann durch eine entsprechende Materialwahl erreicht werden. So wird in dieser Arbeit gezeigt, dass Organische Solarzellen basierend auf diesen Quinquethiophenen ohne energetische Barrieren für freie Ladungsträger innerhalb des Bauelements keine S-Form der Kennlinie aufweisen. Ebenfalls wird der Einfluss der unterschiedlichen Quinquethiophenderivate auf die Solarzellen-Charakteristik untersucht. Hierbei wird gezeigt, dass die Länge der Alkylseitenketten einen Einfluss auf die Löcherinjektion sowie die Löcherbeweglichkeit auf dem Oligothiophen hat, welches unter anderem auch die Form der Strom-Spannungs-Kennlinie beeinflusst. Abschließend wird die Möglichkeit der Verwendung dieser Materialklasse in Tandemsolarzellen gezeigt sowie der Vergleich von zwei unterschiedlichen Anodenmaterialien, beides wichtige Aspekte für eine kommerzielle Umsetzung.

Photoinduzierte Absorptionsspektroskopie an organischen, photovoltaisch aktiven Donor-Akzeptor-Heteroübergängen

Schüppel, Rico 14 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In organischen Solarzellen resultiert die photovoltaische Aktivität aus dem das Sonnenlicht absorbierenden Donor-Akzeptor-Heteroübergang. Die Grenzfläche zwischen den beiden organischen Materialien dient der effizienten Ladungsträgertrennung. Die vorliegende Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag im Verständnis zum Wirkungsmechanismus und der zu optimierenden Parameter in diesen Solarzellen. In Bezug auf die Anpassung des Donor-Akzeptor-Heteroübergangs wird neben dem Mechanismus der Ladungsträgergeneration an der Grenzfläche die erzielbare Leerlaufspannung in den Solarzellen diskutiert. Ein wesentliches Kriterium zur Erhöhung der Leerlaufspannung ist die Anpassung der Energieniveaus am Heteroübergang. Eine effiziente Ladungsträgertrennung wird durch eine hinreichende Stufe im Ionisationspotenzial sowie in der Elektronenaffinität am Heteroübergang erreicht. Zur Maximierung der Leerlaufspannung muss diese Überschussenergie, d.h. die Energiedifferenz zwischen photogeneriertem Exziton und freiem Ladungsträgerpaar, auf das notwendige Minimum reduziert werden. Eine Reihe von Dicyanovinyl-Oligothiophenen (DCVnT, n=3-6) wurden als Donor im Heteroübergang zu Fulleren C60 verwendet. Das Ionisationspotenzial der DCVnT nimmt mit zunehmender Kettenlänge ab, während die Elektronenaffinität, die weitestgehend durch die Dicyanovinyl-Endgruppen bestimmt wird, von der Kettenlänge nahezu unabhängig ist. Mittels photoinduzierter Absorptionsspektroskopie und zeitaufgelöster Fluoreszenzmessung wurde der Energie- und Elektronentransfer zwischen DCVnT und C60 entlang der homologen Reihe der DCVnT untersucht. Eine wesentliche Feststellung ist die Korrelation zwischen Rekombination in den Triplettzustand und der Leerlaufspannung. So konnte unter anderem gezeigt werden, dass durch die Verwendung angepasster Heteroübergänge unter bestimmten energetischen Voraussetzungen die indirekte Triplettbesetzung einen bislang nicht beachteten Verlustmechanismus für organische Solarzellen darstellt. Für organische Solarzellen ist demnach ein Kompromiss zwischen möglichst hoher Leerlaufspannung und effizienter Ladungsträgerdissoziation unter Vermeidung dieser Triplettrekombination zu erzielen. Weiterhin wird ein Konzept zur Nutzung dieser indirekten Triplettrekombination diskutiert. Dieses basiert auf der Tatsache, dass die Lebensdauer der Exzitonen im Triplettzustand gegenüber denen im Singulettzustand um 3-6 Größenordnungen höher ist. Damit wird eine höhere Diffusionslänge erwartet, was in einer dickeren und damit stärker absorbierenden aktiven Schicht genutzt werden könnte.

Remote plasma chemical vapor deposition for high efficiency heterojunction solar cells on low cost, ultra-thin, semiconductor-on-metal substrates

Onyegam, Emmanuel U. 01 September 2015 (has links)
In the crystalline Si solar cell industry, there is a push to reduce module cost through a combination of thinner substrates and increased cell efficiency. Achieving solar cells with sub-100 µm substrates cost-effectively is a formidable task because such thin substrates impose stringent handling requirements and thermal budget due to their flexibility, ease of breakage, and low yield. Moreover, as the substrate thickness decreases the surface passivation quality dictates the performance of the cells. Crystalline Si heterojunction (HJ) solar cells based on hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) have attracted significant interest in recent years due to their excellent surface passivation properties, potential for high efficiency, low thermal budget and low cost. HJ cells with ultra-passivated surfaces showing > 700 mV open-circuit voltages (Voc) and > 20% conversion efficiency have been demonstrated. In these cells, it has been identified that high-quality a-Si:H films deposited by a low-damage plasma process is key to achieving such high cell performance. However, the options for low-damage plasma deposition process are limited. The main objectives of this work are to develop a low-plasma damage a-Si:H thin film deposition process based on remote plasma chemical vapor deposition (RPCVD) and to demonstrate high efficiency HJ solar cells on bulk substrates as well as on ultra-thin silicon and germanium substrates obtained by a novel, low-cost semiconductor-on-metal (SOM) technology. This manuscript presents a detailed description of the RPCVD system and the process leading to the realization of high quality a-Si:H thin films and high efficiency HJ solar cells. First, p-type a-Si:H thin films are developed and optimized, then HJ solar cells are subsequently fabricated on bulk and ultra-thin Si and Ge SOM substrates without intrinsic a-Si:H passivation. Single HJ cells on ~ 500 µm bulk Si and ~25 µm ultra-thin substrates exhibited conversion efficiencies of η = 16% (Voc = 615 mV, Jsc = 34 mA/cm2, and FF = 77%) and η = 11.2% (Voc = 605 mV, Jsc = 29.6 mA/cm2, and FF = 62.8%), respectively. The performance of the ~25 µm cell was further improved to η = 13.4% (Voc = 645 mV, Jsc = 31.4 mA/cm2, and FF = 66.2%) by implementing the dual HJ architecture without front side i-layer passivation. For single HJ cells based on Ge substrates, the results were η = 1.78 % (Voc = 148 mV, Jsc = 35.1 mA/cm2, and FF = 1.78%) on ~500 µm bulk Ge, compared to η =5.3% (Voc = 203 mV, Jsc = 44.7 mA/cm2, and FF = 5.28%) on ~ 50 µm Ge SOM substrates. Respectively, the results obtained on ultra-thin SOM substrates are among the highest reported in literature for based on comparable architecture and substrate thickness. In order to achieve improved cell performance, dual HJ cells with i-layer passivation of both surfaces were fabricated. First, optimized RPCVD-based i-layer films were developed by varying the deposition temperature and H2 dilution ratio (R). It was found that excellent surface passivation on planar substrates with as-deposited minority carrier lifetimes > 1 ms is achievable by using deposition temperature of 200 ºC and moderate dilution ratio 0.5 ≤ R ≤ 1, even without the more rigorous RCA pre-cleaning process typically used in literature for achieving comparable results. Subsequently, dual HJ solar cells with i-layer films were demonstrated on planar and textured bulk Si substrates showing improved conversion efficiencies of η = 17.3% (Voc = 664 mV, Jsc = 34.34 mA/cm2 and FF = 76%) and η = 19.4% (Voc = 643 mV, Jsc = 38.99 mA/cm2, and FF = 77.5%), respectively. / text

Capacitance spectroscopy in hydrogenated amorphous silicon Schottky diodes and high efficiency silicon heterojunction solar cells.

Maslova, Olga 14 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, research on a-Si:H Schottky diodes and a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions is presented with the focus on the capacitance spectroscopy and information on electronic properties that can be derived from this technique. Last years a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions (HJ) have received growing attention as an approach which combines wafer and thin film technologies due to their low material consumption and low temperature processing. HJ solar cells benefit from lower fabrication temperatures thus reduced costs, possibilities of large-scale deposition, better temperature coefficient and lower silicon consumption. The most recent record efficiency belongs to Panasonic with 24.7% for a cell of 100 cm² was obtained. The aim of this thesis is to provide a critical study of the capacitance spectroscopy as a technique that can provide information on both subjects: DOS in a-Si:H and band offset values in a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions.The first part of the manuscript is devoted to capacitance spectroscopy in a-Si:H Schottky diodes. The interest is concentrated on the simplified treatment of the temperature and frequency dependence of the capacitance that allows one to extract the density of states at the Fermi level in a-Si:H. We focus on the study of the reliability and validity of this approach applied to a-Si:H Schottky barriers with various magnitudes and shapes of the DOS. Several structures representing n-type and undoped hydrogenated amorphous silicon Schottky diodes are modeled with the help of numerical simulation softwares. We show that the reliability of the studied treatment drastically depends on the approximations used to obtain the explicit analytical expression of the capacitance in such an amorphous semiconductor.In the second part of the chapter, we study the possibility of fitting experimental capacitance data by numerical calculations with the input a-Si:H parameters obtained from other experimental techniques. We conclude that the simplified treatment of the experimentally obtained capacitance data together with numerical modeling can be a valuable tool to assess some important parameters of the material if one considers the results of numerical modeling and performs some adjustments. The second part is dedicated to capacitance spectroscopy of a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions with special emphasis on the influence of a strong inversion layer in c-Si at the interface. Firstly, we focus on the study of the frequency dependent low temperature range of capacitance-temperature dependencies of a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions. The theoretical analysis of the capacitance steps in calculated capacitance-temperature dependencies is presented by means of numerical modeling. It is shown that two steps can occur in the low temperature range, one being attributed to the activation of the response of the gap states in a-Si:H to the small signal modulation, the other one being related to the response of holes in the strong inversion layer in c-Si at the interface. The experimental behavior of C-T curves is discussed. The quasi-static regime of the capacitance is studied as well. We show that the depletion approximation fails to reproduce the experimental data obtained for (p) a-Si:H/(n) c-Si heterojunctions. Due to the existence of the strong inversion layer, the depletion approximation overestimates the potential drop in the depleted region in crystalline silicon and thus underestimates the capacitance and its increase with temperature. A complete analytical calculation of the heterojunction capacitance taking into account the hole inversion layer is developed. It is shown that within the complete analytical approach the inversion layer brings significant changes to the capacitance for large values of the valence band offset. The experimentally obtained C-T curves show a good agreement with the complete analytical calculation and the presence of the inversion layer in the studied samples is thus confirmed.

Aukštadažnių SiGe ir A3B5 įvairialyčių dvipolių tranzistorių statinių, mikrobangių charakteristikų ir triukšmo tyrimas / Investigation of DC, microwave characteristics and noise in SiGe and A3B5 heterojunction bipolar transistors

Šimukovič, Artūr 01 October 2010 (has links)
Šiuolaikiniai Si/SiGe, AlGaAs/GaAs bei InGaP/GaAs įvarialyčiai dvipoliai tranzistoriai (ĮDT) pasižymi dideliu informacijos perdavimo greičiu, dideliu signalo stiprinimu, žemu triukšmų lygiu ir mažu signalo iškraipymu. Disertaciniame darbe atlikti Si/SiGe ir InGaP/GaAs ĮDT aukštadažnių charakteristikų ir triukšmo tyrimai dažnių ruože nuo 1 iki 30 GHz naudojant ir voltamperines charakteristikas. Tranzistorių triukšmų modeliavimas atliktas atsižvelgiant į tranzistoriaus šratinio triukšmo šaltinių koreliaciją, smūginę jonizaciją, tranzistoriaus parametrų temperatūrines priklausomybes. Dvipolių tranzistorių analitinis modelis, išvestas naudojant π –tipo ekvivalentinę grandinę, buvo įdiegtas į dvipolių tranzistorių kompaktinį (sutelktų parametrų) modelį HICUM (angl. high current model). Ši kompaktinio modelio versija gali aprašyti bazės ir kolektoriaus srovių šratinio triukšmo šaltinių koreliaciją. Kambario temperatūroje smūginės jonizacijos sąlygotas SiGe ĮDT triukšmo parametrų kitimas buvo tirtas hidrodinaminiu, dreifo - difuzijos ir kompaktiniu HICUM modeliais, taikant Chynowetho smūginės jonizacijos dėsnį griūtinių srovių įvertinimui. SiGe ĮDT temperatūriniai voltamperinių, aukštadažnių ir triukšmo charakteristikų tyrimai atlikti plačiame aplinkos temperatūrų ruože 4 – 423 K. Tyrimai parodė, kad hidrodinaminis ir kompaktinis HICUM modeliai galioja tik 300 – 423K temperatūrų ruože. / Modern Si/SiGe, AlGaAs/GaAs and InGaP/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) exhibit high-speed and high-frequency operation, high gain, low noise and low signal distortion. This work deals with an investigation of DC, microwave and noise characteristics of Si/SiGe and InGaP/GaAs HBTs in the relevant frrequency range of 1-30 GHz. Noise simulation and modeling of HBTs have been performed including correlation of shot noise sources, impact ionization and temperature dependences. Analytical model for bipolar transistor, based on π- type equivalent circuit was derived and implemented in the bipolar transistor compact model HICUM. This compact model HICUM version includes correlation between base and collector current noise sources. The noise behavior resulting from impact ionization was investigated at room temperature for SiGe HBTs. Modeling was performed with a hydrodynamic model, drift - diffusion models and the compact model HICUM using a Chynoweth’s law for avalanche generation. DC, high frequency characteristics and noise of SiGe HBTs were investigated in a wide ambient temperature range 4 – 423 K Both hydrodynamic device simulation and compact model HICUM view agreement with experimental data only in the temperature range of 300 – 423K.

Investigation of DC, microwave characteristics and noise in SiGe and A3B5 heterojunction bipolar transistors / Aukštadažnių SiGe ir A3B5 įvairialyčių dvipolių tranzistorių statinių, mikrobangių charakteristikų ir triukšmo tyrimas

Šimukovič, Artūr 01 October 2010 (has links)
Modern Si/SiGe, AlGaAs/GaAs and InGaP/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) exhibit high-speed and high-frequency operation, high gain, low noise and low signal distortion. This work deals with an investigation of DC, microwave and noise characteristics of Si/SiGe and InGaP/GaAs HBTs in the relevant frrequency range of 1-30 GHz. Noise simulation and modeling of HBTs have been performed including correlation of shot noise sources, impact ionization and temperature dependences. Analytical model for bipolar transistor, based on π- type equivalent circuit was derived and implemented in the bipolar transistor compact model HICUM. This compact model HICUM version includes correlation between base and collector current noise sources. The noise behavior resulting from impact ionization was investigated at room temperature for SiGe HBTs. Modeling was performed with a hydrodynamic model, drift - diffusion models and the compact model HICUM using a Chynoweth’s law for avalanche generation. DC, high frequency characteristics and noise of SiGe HBTs were investigated in a wide ambient temperature range 4 – 423 K Both hydrodynamic device simulation and compact model HICUM view agreement with experimental data only in the temperature range of 300 – 423K. / Šiuolaikiniai Si/SiGe, AlGaAs/GaAs bei InGaP/GaAs įvarialyčiai dvipoliai tranzistoriai (ĮDT) pasižymi dideliu informacijos perdavimo greičiu, dideliu signalo stiprinimu, žemu triukšmų lygiu ir mažu signalo iškraipymu. Disertaciniame darbe atlikti Si/SiGe ir InGaP/GaAs ĮDT aukštadažnių charakteristikų ir triukšmo tyrimai dažnių ruože nuo 1 iki 30 GHz naudojant ir voltamperines charakteristikas. Tranzistorių triukšmų modeliavimas atliktas atsižvelgiant į tranzistoriaus šratinio triukšmo šaltinių koreliaciją, smūginę jonizaciją, tranzistoriaus parametrų temperatūrines priklausomybes. Dvipolių tranzistorių analitinis modelis, išvestas naudojant π –tipo ekvivalentinę grandinę, buvo įdiegtas į dvipolių tranzistorių kompaktinį (sutelktų parametrų) modelį HICUM (angl. high current model). Ši kompaktinio modelio versija gali aprašyti bazės ir kolektoriaus srovių šratinio triukšmo šaltinių koreliaciją. Kambario temperatūroje smūginės jonizacijos sąlygotas SiGe ĮDT triukšmo parametrų kitimas buvo tirtas hidrodinaminiu, dreifo - difuzijos ir kompaktiniu HICUM modeliais, taikant Chynowetho smūginės jonizacijos dėsnį griūtinių srovių įvertinimui. SiGe ĮDT temperatūriniai voltamperinių, aukštadažnių ir triukšmo charakteristikų tyrimai atlikti plačiame aplinkos temperatūrų ruože 4 – 423 K. Tyrimai parodė, kad hidrodinaminis ir kompaktinis HICUM modeliai galioja tik 300 – 423K temperatūrų ruože.


Marda, Sandeep Kumar 01 January 2008 (has links)
This work focuses on the solar cell based on the heterostructure formed between Copper Phthalocyanine (CuPc) and Cadmium Sulfide (CdS). Two different fabrication techniques were used for depositing the organic and inorganic layers of CuPc and CdS layers respectively. CuPc was deposited by electrodeposition while CdS was deposited by chemical bath deposition. Hybrid CdS/CuPc thin films were obtained from CdS films grown on Glass/ITO by chemical bath deposition followed by electrodeposition of CuPc onto these films and annealing at 250˚C after the deposition of each layer. The maximum open circuit voltage (Voc) and the short circuit current density (Jsc) obtained for this heterojunction solar cell are 0.59v and 0.7mA/cm2 respectively and these are the highest values achieved in literature till date. The materials characteristics and electrical performances of the device were analyzed. The effect of increasing the thickness of CuPc and CdS on the short circuit current density and open circuit voltage were also investigated.

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