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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Natural history of the pichi (Zaedyus pichiy) in Mendoza Province, Argentina

Superina, Mariella 15 December 2007 (has links)
The pichi Zaedyus pichiy (Xenarthra, Dasypodidae) is a poorly known, diurnal armadillo inhabiting arid and semi-arid regions of Argentina and Chile that has endured substantial population declines. My objective was to elucidate different aspects of the natural history of Z. pichiy as a first step towards establishing a conservation plan. Wild and captive pichis were studied. Body temperature of wild pichis averaged 35.2±1.2 °C and was highly variable (range 32.2 – 38.3 °C). Temperature measurements of semi-captive males showed that pichis can survive energetically challenging periods by entering hibernation or daily torpor. Stomach contents of poached animals revealed that pichis feed predominantly on insects but also ingest plant material, vertebrates and arachnids. This opportunistic, omnivorous feeding strategy allows them to thrive where food type and availability vary seasonally. The reproductive cycle of pichis was studied by means of histological and fecal hormone analyses. Pichis are seasonal breeders that produce one yearly litter of 1 to 2 offspring, and the initiator of breeding season seems to be an increase in daylength. The absence of regular estrous cycles and corpora lutea in non-pregnant females, and immediate mating attempts after pairing, all suggest that pichis are induced ovulators. Clinical examinations and hematological, serological and coproparasitological analyses of free-ranging pichis, and necropsies and histological examinations of confiscated pichis and roadkills, indicate that the populations are currently in good health. While parasites were often found, no severe pathologies were observed. Infections with potentially zoonotic diseases were rare: only a few pichis were seropositive for Trypanosoma cruzi, none had antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii, and none of the histologically examined individuals presented lesions attributable to these pathogens. Elevated ambient humidity levels often caused moist dermatitis with epidermal detachment in captive pichis. Poaching is currently considered to have a much higher negative impact on the wild populations than disease epidemics. Mortality due to heavy poaching activity may be difficult, if not impossible, to compensate by the current birth rates. This preliminary database on the natural history and reproduction of pichis will assist efforts to conserve this little-known species of armadillo.

Variação sazonal do metabolismo energético no primeiro ciclo anual de lagartos teiú Tupinambis merianae: correlatos com atividades diárias, adiposidade e proteção antioxidante / Seasonal variation in energy metabolism during the first annual cycle of tegu lizards Tupinambis merianae: correlates with daily activities, adiposity and antioxidant protection

Silveira, Lilian Cristina da 04 February 2016 (has links)
Lagartos teiú eclodem no verão e enfrentam o desafio de crescer e armazenar substratos em um curto período de tempo, antes do início do período de jejum e depressão metabólica (≈80%) a temperaturas amenas durante o inverno (≈17 °C). No despertar, o aumento do metabolismo e a reperfusão de órgãos favoreceriam a ocorrência de estresse oxidativo. Na primeira parte do presente estudo investigou−se os ajustes que compatibilizam as demandas em teiús neonatos, especialmente na pré-hibernação, por meio da gravação do comportamento em vídeo e da análise da massa dos corpos gordurosos abdominais e do nível plasmático de corticosterona (CORT) durante o primeiro ciclo anual. No início do outono a massa corpórea dos teiús foi 27 g e o comprimento rostro−cloacal 9,3 cm e aumentaram 40% e 20%, respectivamente, ao longo do outono, enquanto que as taxas diminuíram progressivamente até atingirem o valor zero no início do inverno. Na primavera, a massa corpórea dos teiús aumentou 80% em relação ao despertar e dobrou em relação ao final do verão; o comprimento acumulou um aumento de 27% em relação ao final do verão. A massa relativa dos corpos gordurosos foi 3,7% no início do outono e diminuiu nos meses subsequentes; no despertar, este estoque acumulou uma perda de 63% da sua massa. No início do outono 74% dos teiús estavam ativos por 4,7 h e permaneceram 2 h assoalhando diariamente; ao longo do outono o número de animais ativos e o tempo em atividade diminuíram até que todos se tornaram inativos. Na primavera 83% dos teiús estavam ativos por 7 h e permaneceram 4 h assoalhando. Um padrão sazonal similar foi observado na atividade locomotora e na alimentação. No outono, a alimentação cessou antes da atividade diária e os teiús tornaram−se afágicos algumas semanas antes da entrada em hibernação. Os maiores níveis de CORT foram observados no início do outono, reduzindo progressivamente até valores 75 e 86% menores na dormência e despertar, respectivamente; na primavera os níveis de CORT foram 32% menores em comparação com o início do outono. Este padrão sugere um papel da CORT nos ajustes que promovem a ingestão de alimento e a deposição de substratos energéticos no outono. A redução da atividade geral no final do outono contribuiria para a economia energética e manutenção da massa corpórea, apesar da redução da ingestão de alimento. O curso temporal das alterações fisiológicas e comportamentais em neonatos reforça a ideia de que a dormência sazonal nos teiús é o resultado da expressão de um ritmo endógeno. Na segunda parte do estudo foi investigada a hipótese de que ocorreriam ajustes das defesas antioxidantes durante a hibernação, em antecipação ao despertar. Foram analisados marcadores de estresse oxidativo e antioxidantes em vários órgãos de teiús em diferentes fases do primeiro ciclo anual. A CS, um indicador do potencial oxidante, não variou no fígado e foi menor no rim e no pulmão na hibernação. As enzimas antioxidantes revelaram (1) um efeito abrangente de redução das taxas na hibernação e despertar; por exemplo, GR e CAT foram menores em todos órgãos analisados e a GST tendeu a diminuir no fígado e no rim, embora constante no coração e no pulmão. A G6PDH no fígado e no rim não variou. (2) No fígado, a GST, a Se−GPX e o teor de TBARS foram maiores na atividade de outono em relação à primavera e a Se−GPX permaneceu elevada na hibernação. (3) No fígado, a SOD foi maior na hibernação e despertar em relação ao outono e a Mn−SOD seguiu este padrão. Em contraste, no rim, coração e pulmão a SOD foi menor na hibernação e as taxas se recuperaram no coração e pulmão no despertar. A Mn−SOD seguiu este padrão no pulmão. A concentração e o estado redox da glutationa não variaram no fígado, rim e coração; no pulmão o teor de Eq−GSH e GSH foi menor na hibernação, com tendência à recuperação no despertar. O teor de PC no rim foi maior na hibernação e diminuiu no despertar. No fígado, as alterações no jejum se assemelham às sazonais, como sugerem a inibição da CAT e GR e aumento da Se−GPX. Os efeitos do jejum na primavera no rim diferem dos efeitos sazonais, como sugerem a redução do teor de Eq−GSH e GSH e o aumento da razão GSSG:GSH, a redução da G6PDH e o aumento de PC. No conjunto, houve um efeito predominante de redução das taxas enzimáticas na hibernação e no despertar, exceto pelas taxas aumentadas da SOD e Se−GPX no fígado e pela recuperação da SOD no coração e da GR, SOD e Mn−SOD no pulmão no despertar. As elevadas taxas das enzimas antioxidantes no teiú em comparação a outros ectotermos e a ausência de evidências de estresse oxidativo no despertar sugerem que a atividade enzimática remanescente é suficiente para prevenir danos aos tecidos face às flutuações do metabolismo / The tegu lizards hatch during the summer, when they face the challenge of growing and storing substrates during a short time before going into fasting and metabolic depression (≈80% at 17 °C) during winter. The reactivation of metabolism and of blood perfusion during arousal could favor the occurrence of oxidative stress in the tissues. The first part of his study investigated adjustments which potentially conciliate energy demands in neonatal tegus, particularly during pre-hibernation, by video recording of animal behavior and by measuring the mass of fat bodies and levels of plasma corticosterone (CORT) during the annual cycle. In the early autumn the body mass of the tegu was 27 g and the rostro−cloacal length was 9.3 cm, which increased 40% and 20%, respectively, while the rates decreased progressively until reach zero in winter. In spring activity body mass increased 80% in relation to values during arousal and duplicated in relation to late summer. The fat bodies mass relative to body mass was 3.7% in early autumn, and decreased during the subsequent months accumulating a mass loss of 63% during arousal. In early autumn, 74% of the tegus were active for 4.7 h and they basked for 2 h daily; during the autumn the number of animals and the time spent in activity decreased until they become totally inactive. In spring 83% of the tegus were active for 7 h and they basked for 4 h daily. Similar seasonal pattern was observed in the locomotory and feeding activities. In the autumn, feeding was interrupted prior to the interruption of daily activity and the tegus were aphagic a few weeks before the entry into hibernation. The CORT level was the highest in early autumn and reduced progressively to 75% and 86% during winter and arousal in early spring, respectively; later during spring the levels were 32% lower than the autumn levels. These changes suggest a role of CORT in the adjustments which promote food intake and substrate storage during the autumn. Despite a reduced food intake, the widespread decrease of daily activities in late autumn would contribute to energy saving and body mass maintenance. The time course of physiological and behavioral changes in neonates reinforces the idea of an endogenous rhythm underlying seasonal dormancy in the tegu. The second part of this study investigated the hypothesis of adjustments in antioxidant system preparatory to the moment of arousal by the analysis of markers of oxidative stress and of antioxidants in several organs of neonatal tegus, during different phases of the annual cycle and during starvation in the spring. The Vmax of CS, an indicator of the oxidative potential, did not vary in the liver and was smaller in the kidney and lung of dormant tegus. The antioxidant enzymes revealed (1) a widespread effect of lowering rates during dormancy and arousal; for instance, GR and CAT were lower in all organs examined and GST had a tendency to be lower in the liver and in the kidney tissues, although it was constant in the heart and in the lung. (2) In the liver, GST and Se-GPX, and the levels of TBARs were higher in the autumn than in the spring activity. (3) In the liver, SOD was higher during dormancy and arousal in relation to the autumn, and Mn−SOD followed this pattern. Contrastingly, SOD in the kidney, heart and lung was lower during dormancy, and rates recovered in the heart and lung during arousal before food intake. The Mn-SOD followed this pattern in the lung. The glutathione concentration and the redox balance did not change in the liver, kidney and heart; in the lung, the levels of Eq−GSH and GSH were lower and had a tendency to increase during arousal. Importantly, carbonyl proteins were increased in the kidney during dormancy and recovered during arousal. The effects of starvation during spring differed of those of fasting during winter in the kidney, as shown by the lower Eq−GSH levels and increased GSSG:GSH ratio, the lower G6PDH, and the increased carbonyl proteins. In the liver, changes during starvation followed seasonal patterns, as shown by increased Se-GPX, and decreased CAT and GR, together indicating a consistent effect exerted by interruption of food intake. The high rates of antioxidant enzymes in neonatal tegus compared with other ectotherms, and the absence of evidence of oxidative stress at arousal suggest that remaining enzyme activities are sufficient to prevent tissue damage that could be caused by the metabolic fluctuations during the annual cycle in the tegu

L'impact du régime alimentaire sur la reproduction et les processus physiologiques chez les escargots terrestres Cornu aspersum et Helix pomatia

Nicolai, Annegret 29 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
L'acquisition et l'allocation de ressources sont des tâches fondamentales chez tous les animaux. Les organismes rencontrent souvent de l'hétérogénéité dans l'espace et dans le temps et devront adapter leur traits d'histoire de vie, décrits comme un ensemble héritable de règles qui déterminent l'allocation vers la croissance ou la mise en réserve pour la survie versus la reproduction. Chez Cornu aspersum, la stratégie de reproduction dépend des contraintes saisonnières et l'investissement dans la reproduction est influencé par l'énergie disponible dans l'environnement. Des nutriments présents dans l'alimentation, notamment des lipides, sont déposés dans les oeufs, et une source mixte de calcium a pour effet que la coque des oeufs est plus épaisse. Ceci pourrait augmenter la probabilité de survie des juvéniles. Des bactéries présentes dans l'alimentation et dans la terre pourraient être responsables d'une diminution de la capacité de surfusion, et elles pourraient persister dans l'intestin pendant l'hibernation. Chez Helix pomatia, qui est utilisé dans des élevages biologiques afin de maintenir cette espèce menacée comme spécialité régionale sous le nom Albschneck®, le succès reproducteur est faible même avec une alimentation riche en énergie, comparativement à une population en provenance d'un élevage intensif Italien. Helix pomatia préserve une riche communauté bactérienne dans l'intestin qui pourrait contenir des bactéries nucléantes, mais accumule aussi des cryoprotecteurs, comme des acides aminés, des triglycérides et du glycérol, pour améliorer la résistance au froid pendant l'hiver. Toutefois, la mortalité pourrait être liée à un ajustement perpétuel des processus physiologiques aux variations importantes de la température et aux situations climatiques extrêmes ainsi qu'à une allocation limitée vers des processus de survie. Des mesures de protection devront donc inclure la préservation de refuges dans l'habitat naturel et artificiel.

Habitat use of the western toad in north-central Alberta and the influence of scale

Browne, Constance 06 1900 (has links)
The western toad (Anaxyrus boreas, formerly Bufo boreas) is one of many amphibian species considered to be at risk of extinction (COSEWIC status is Special Concern). I examined habitat use patterns of the western toad using several methods to gain a better understanding of its habitat requirements. I examined the relationship between relative abundance of the western toad and two sympatric amphibian species (wood frog, Lithobates sylvaticus; and boreal chorus frog, Pseudacris maculata) and habitat features at eight scales of spatial extent at 24 wetlands in the Lake Utikuma region of Alberta, Canada. I radio-tracked adult western toads in three study areas in the Aspen Parkland and Boreal regions of north-central Alberta to examine 1) whether patterns of habitat selection change with different scales of spatial extent, spatial resolution, habitat composition, temporal period, and between males and females during the active period, 2) habitat used for hibernation, and 3) factors influencing the timing and nature of movements to hibernation sites. I found that the abundance of the three amphibian species was best described at different spatial extents and was related to the biology of each species. Resource Selection Function (RSF) models, created using radio-telemetry data, indicated that habitat selection was scale-dependent for western toads; differences in selection were observed among study designs, study areas, time periods, and sexes. Predictive ability did not differ significantly among study designs. However, models that were created using a fine-grained map and home-range spatial extent generally produced models with greater predictive ability than models using a coarse-grained map or population-range extent. During the active season toads selected open habitat types such as wet shrub, disturbed grass, and crop/hay fields. Western toads hibernated terrestrially in pre-existing tunnels and the majority of toads hibernated in forest stands dominated by spruce. Toads used hibernation sites 1461936 m from breeding ponds and 68% of hibernacula were communal. Arrival at and entry into hibernation sites was influenced by temperature and/or day length; larger toads moved to hibernation sites later in the year. My research results can be used to identify and protect habitat for western toads in Canada. / Environmental Biology and Ecology

Chronobiology of garter snakes : environmental and hormonal mechanisms mediating hibernation and reproduction

Lutterschmidt, Deborah I. 12 June 2006 (has links)
Graduation date: 2006 / Most vertebrates exhibit seasonality in many life history traits. Such seasonal rhythms are temporally organized via the transduction of environmental cues (e.g., photoperiod, temperature) into appropriate endocrine signals. However, among ectothermic vertebrates that undergo continuous winter dormancy, temperature is the only environmental cue available for synchronizing seasonal rhythms. Most intriguing is that in species where reproduction occurs immediately following spring emergence, the associated changes in neurophysiology and behavior that accompany reproduction likely occur during winter dormancy. The purpose of this dissertation research was to explore the mechanisms by which temperature cues affect the chronobiology and seasonal reproduction of red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis). Because of their roles in circadian organization and energy balance, melatonin and corticosterone are likely hormonal components of these time-keeping systems. I first characterized the interactions between melatonin and corticosterone to better understand the hormonal mechanisms facilitating temperature-induced reproduction. Melatonin and corticosterone additively inhibit reproductive behavior during the spring mating season. Experimental manipulations with a serotonin receptor antagonist suggest the mechanism underlying these effects involves a serotonin-regulated system. Although melatonin does not influence corticosterone responses to capture stress, capture stress significantly increases melatonin concentrations. To investigate the functional significance of these interactions in regulating temperature-induced reproduction, I measured body temperatures of snakes as well as circadian melatonin and corticosterone cycles during winter dormancy and spring emergence using a combination of field and laboratory experiments. Surprisingly, an increase in body temperature is not necessary for emergence from winter dormancy. Rather, critically low temperatures may serve as a zeitgeber entraining an endogenous circannual cycle that regulates emergence. Decreased environmental temperatures, in the absence of changing photoperiod cues, modulate circadian melatonin and corticosterone rhythms during hibernation. Such temperature-induced changes in hormone rhythms may facilitate seasonal reproductive behavior following spring emergence. Furthermore, a phase-shift in corticosterone rhythms during the mating season may regulate the seasonal transition between reproductive and non-reproductive states in red-sided garter snakes. Such studies investigating the environmental and hormonal mechanisms underlying time-keeping systems may provide valuable insight into the potential impact of environmental perturbations (e.g., climate change) on seasonal rhythms in physiology and behavior.

Habitat use of the western toad in north-central Alberta and the influence of scale

Browne, Constance Unknown Date
No description available.

Variation de l’expression génique au cours de l’hibernation du hamster d’Europe : un rôle des récepteurs à la mélatonine ? / Gene expression profiling during hibernation in the European hamster : roles of melatonin receptors ?

Gautier, Célia 16 April 2018 (has links)
Afin de faire face aux conditions environnementales défavorables, certains animaux réduisent drastiquement leur activité métabolique et leur température grâce à des phases de torpeur hivernal. L’objectif de cette étude est d’établir une signature moléculaire de chacune des phases d’hibernation. Pour cela, les variations d’expression de 21 gènes impliqués dans le contrôle des fonctions saisonnières (horloge circadienne, hormones thyroïdiennes, récepteurs à la mélatonine) et le métabolisme ont été étudiées dans 8 organes. Les résultats ont mis en évidence une augmentation ubiquitaire de l’expression des gènes Périodes indiquant un possible réajustement de l’horloge au début de la phase de réveil. Ainsi qu’une régulation spécifique des déiodinases induisant une augmentation de la synthèse de thyroxine dans le tissu adipeux brun et l’hypothalamus pendant la torpeur et le réveil. Le récepteur MT2 du hamster d’Europe a été partiellement caractérisé génétiquement et pharmacologiquement. A la différence d’autres espèces de hamster dont le récepteur MT2 est tronqué, le récepteur étudié semble être fonctionnel pour la mélatonine et pourrait être critique durant l’hibernation. / Living in the wild involves to cope with a variable seasonal environment availability. When winter is coming, animals use various strategies to adapt to hostile environment by limiting energy expenditure such as hibernation. In this study, expression of 21 selected genes was compared at different states of the hibernation cycle of the true hibernator European hamster. Level of mRNA encoding proteins involved in seasonal timing (melatonin receptors, thyroid metabolism, clock) and energy homeostasis were measured by digital droplet PCR in eight central and peripheral organs. During the arousal phase, Periods genes expression is increased in all organs indicating a possible resetting of body’s clocks at the beginning of the active period. The brown adipose tissue displays a specific regulation of deiodinases leading to increased synthesis of thyroxine during both torpor and arousal. The melatonin receptor MT2 of the European hamster had been partially cloned and pharmacologically characterized. While in most hamster species, MT2 is a natural knock out, the studied receptor seems to be functional and could be critical during hibernation.

Variação sazonal do metabolismo energético no primeiro ciclo anual de lagartos teiú Tupinambis merianae: correlatos com atividades diárias, adiposidade e proteção antioxidante / Seasonal variation in energy metabolism during the first annual cycle of tegu lizards Tupinambis merianae: correlates with daily activities, adiposity and antioxidant protection

Lilian Cristina da Silveira 04 February 2016 (has links)
Lagartos teiú eclodem no verão e enfrentam o desafio de crescer e armazenar substratos em um curto período de tempo, antes do início do período de jejum e depressão metabólica (≈80%) a temperaturas amenas durante o inverno (≈17 °C). No despertar, o aumento do metabolismo e a reperfusão de órgãos favoreceriam a ocorrência de estresse oxidativo. Na primeira parte do presente estudo investigou−se os ajustes que compatibilizam as demandas em teiús neonatos, especialmente na pré-hibernação, por meio da gravação do comportamento em vídeo e da análise da massa dos corpos gordurosos abdominais e do nível plasmático de corticosterona (CORT) durante o primeiro ciclo anual. No início do outono a massa corpórea dos teiús foi 27 g e o comprimento rostro−cloacal 9,3 cm e aumentaram 40% e 20%, respectivamente, ao longo do outono, enquanto que as taxas diminuíram progressivamente até atingirem o valor zero no início do inverno. Na primavera, a massa corpórea dos teiús aumentou 80% em relação ao despertar e dobrou em relação ao final do verão; o comprimento acumulou um aumento de 27% em relação ao final do verão. A massa relativa dos corpos gordurosos foi 3,7% no início do outono e diminuiu nos meses subsequentes; no despertar, este estoque acumulou uma perda de 63% da sua massa. No início do outono 74% dos teiús estavam ativos por 4,7 h e permaneceram 2 h assoalhando diariamente; ao longo do outono o número de animais ativos e o tempo em atividade diminuíram até que todos se tornaram inativos. Na primavera 83% dos teiús estavam ativos por 7 h e permaneceram 4 h assoalhando. Um padrão sazonal similar foi observado na atividade locomotora e na alimentação. No outono, a alimentação cessou antes da atividade diária e os teiús tornaram−se afágicos algumas semanas antes da entrada em hibernação. Os maiores níveis de CORT foram observados no início do outono, reduzindo progressivamente até valores 75 e 86% menores na dormência e despertar, respectivamente; na primavera os níveis de CORT foram 32% menores em comparação com o início do outono. Este padrão sugere um papel da CORT nos ajustes que promovem a ingestão de alimento e a deposição de substratos energéticos no outono. A redução da atividade geral no final do outono contribuiria para a economia energética e manutenção da massa corpórea, apesar da redução da ingestão de alimento. O curso temporal das alterações fisiológicas e comportamentais em neonatos reforça a ideia de que a dormência sazonal nos teiús é o resultado da expressão de um ritmo endógeno. Na segunda parte do estudo foi investigada a hipótese de que ocorreriam ajustes das defesas antioxidantes durante a hibernação, em antecipação ao despertar. Foram analisados marcadores de estresse oxidativo e antioxidantes em vários órgãos de teiús em diferentes fases do primeiro ciclo anual. A CS, um indicador do potencial oxidante, não variou no fígado e foi menor no rim e no pulmão na hibernação. As enzimas antioxidantes revelaram (1) um efeito abrangente de redução das taxas na hibernação e despertar; por exemplo, GR e CAT foram menores em todos órgãos analisados e a GST tendeu a diminuir no fígado e no rim, embora constante no coração e no pulmão. A G6PDH no fígado e no rim não variou. (2) No fígado, a GST, a Se−GPX e o teor de TBARS foram maiores na atividade de outono em relação à primavera e a Se−GPX permaneceu elevada na hibernação. (3) No fígado, a SOD foi maior na hibernação e despertar em relação ao outono e a Mn−SOD seguiu este padrão. Em contraste, no rim, coração e pulmão a SOD foi menor na hibernação e as taxas se recuperaram no coração e pulmão no despertar. A Mn−SOD seguiu este padrão no pulmão. A concentração e o estado redox da glutationa não variaram no fígado, rim e coração; no pulmão o teor de Eq−GSH e GSH foi menor na hibernação, com tendência à recuperação no despertar. O teor de PC no rim foi maior na hibernação e diminuiu no despertar. No fígado, as alterações no jejum se assemelham às sazonais, como sugerem a inibição da CAT e GR e aumento da Se−GPX. Os efeitos do jejum na primavera no rim diferem dos efeitos sazonais, como sugerem a redução do teor de Eq−GSH e GSH e o aumento da razão GSSG:GSH, a redução da G6PDH e o aumento de PC. No conjunto, houve um efeito predominante de redução das taxas enzimáticas na hibernação e no despertar, exceto pelas taxas aumentadas da SOD e Se−GPX no fígado e pela recuperação da SOD no coração e da GR, SOD e Mn−SOD no pulmão no despertar. As elevadas taxas das enzimas antioxidantes no teiú em comparação a outros ectotermos e a ausência de evidências de estresse oxidativo no despertar sugerem que a atividade enzimática remanescente é suficiente para prevenir danos aos tecidos face às flutuações do metabolismo / The tegu lizards hatch during the summer, when they face the challenge of growing and storing substrates during a short time before going into fasting and metabolic depression (≈80% at 17 °C) during winter. The reactivation of metabolism and of blood perfusion during arousal could favor the occurrence of oxidative stress in the tissues. The first part of his study investigated adjustments which potentially conciliate energy demands in neonatal tegus, particularly during pre-hibernation, by video recording of animal behavior and by measuring the mass of fat bodies and levels of plasma corticosterone (CORT) during the annual cycle. In the early autumn the body mass of the tegu was 27 g and the rostro−cloacal length was 9.3 cm, which increased 40% and 20%, respectively, while the rates decreased progressively until reach zero in winter. In spring activity body mass increased 80% in relation to values during arousal and duplicated in relation to late summer. The fat bodies mass relative to body mass was 3.7% in early autumn, and decreased during the subsequent months accumulating a mass loss of 63% during arousal. In early autumn, 74% of the tegus were active for 4.7 h and they basked for 2 h daily; during the autumn the number of animals and the time spent in activity decreased until they become totally inactive. In spring 83% of the tegus were active for 7 h and they basked for 4 h daily. Similar seasonal pattern was observed in the locomotory and feeding activities. In the autumn, feeding was interrupted prior to the interruption of daily activity and the tegus were aphagic a few weeks before the entry into hibernation. The CORT level was the highest in early autumn and reduced progressively to 75% and 86% during winter and arousal in early spring, respectively; later during spring the levels were 32% lower than the autumn levels. These changes suggest a role of CORT in the adjustments which promote food intake and substrate storage during the autumn. Despite a reduced food intake, the widespread decrease of daily activities in late autumn would contribute to energy saving and body mass maintenance. The time course of physiological and behavioral changes in neonates reinforces the idea of an endogenous rhythm underlying seasonal dormancy in the tegu. The second part of this study investigated the hypothesis of adjustments in antioxidant system preparatory to the moment of arousal by the analysis of markers of oxidative stress and of antioxidants in several organs of neonatal tegus, during different phases of the annual cycle and during starvation in the spring. The Vmax of CS, an indicator of the oxidative potential, did not vary in the liver and was smaller in the kidney and lung of dormant tegus. The antioxidant enzymes revealed (1) a widespread effect of lowering rates during dormancy and arousal; for instance, GR and CAT were lower in all organs examined and GST had a tendency to be lower in the liver and in the kidney tissues, although it was constant in the heart and in the lung. (2) In the liver, GST and Se-GPX, and the levels of TBARs were higher in the autumn than in the spring activity. (3) In the liver, SOD was higher during dormancy and arousal in relation to the autumn, and Mn−SOD followed this pattern. Contrastingly, SOD in the kidney, heart and lung was lower during dormancy, and rates recovered in the heart and lung during arousal before food intake. The Mn-SOD followed this pattern in the lung. The glutathione concentration and the redox balance did not change in the liver, kidney and heart; in the lung, the levels of Eq−GSH and GSH were lower and had a tendency to increase during arousal. Importantly, carbonyl proteins were increased in the kidney during dormancy and recovered during arousal. The effects of starvation during spring differed of those of fasting during winter in the kidney, as shown by the lower Eq−GSH levels and increased GSSG:GSH ratio, the lower G6PDH, and the increased carbonyl proteins. In the liver, changes during starvation followed seasonal patterns, as shown by increased Se-GPX, and decreased CAT and GR, together indicating a consistent effect exerted by interruption of food intake. The high rates of antioxidant enzymes in neonatal tegus compared with other ectotherms, and the absence of evidence of oxidative stress at arousal suggest that remaining enzyme activities are sufficient to prevent tissue damage that could be caused by the metabolic fluctuations during the annual cycle in the tegu

Generátor databázové vrstvy aplikací / Application Database Layer Generator

Kuboš, Jaroslav Unknown Date (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design and implementation of a framework for the database persistence layer development. This framework is easy to use while keeping the code elegance. It supports object oriented programming features such as inheritance and collections. Other features include versioning of objects and lazy loading. The object metadata are obtained through reflection provided by the .NET framework. The framework is not using any literal for identification (classes, attributes) even in object queries. Most of checks are done by compiler.

A Study of the American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) in Utah: An Analysis of the Post-Denning Activities and Bear-Human Conflict

Miller, Julie Ann 01 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This study examined two different aspects of black bear (Ursus americanus) ecology in Utah. First, we determined the post-denning behaviors of female black bears in order to help management agencies protect bears from human disturbances as well as set spring hunts that minimize the taking of females with dependent young. We looked at the timing of den emergence (X = 25 March), the number of days at the den site post emergence (X = 11 days), and departure (X = 8 April) for female black bears in Utah from 2011—2013. We also analyzed the effects of cohort (lone female, female with cubs, and female with yearlings), region of Utah, year, elevation, and weather on emergence, departure, and total number of days at den. Lastly, we describe behaviors observed at the den site. We found that first emergence was significantly correlated with cohort and spring temperature. Departure date was significantly correlated with geographic region, spring temperature during emergence and departure, and temperature the spring and summer before denning. Total number of days at den was significantly correlated with cohort and last frost date from the year before. Bears spent little of the post-denning period outside of the dens (X = 9.8% of total observation time). When outside of dens, bears were often observed walking, lying down, sitting and standing. We also observed unique behaviors, including gathering nest materials, nursing, and ingesting. Dens were frequently visited by other wildlife as well. Second, we analyzed conflict between humans and black bears in Utah. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources initiated a black bear sightings and encounters database in 2003. We upgraded this database by gathering available records and organizing them into a new database for analysis using Microsoft Access®. From 2003—2013 there were 943 records, with 499 bear-human encounters, 33 incidents, 10 attacks, 208 property damages, 187 sightings, and 6 vehicle collisions. Utah county had the highest number of events (n = 115). The majority of events took place at campsites (n = 363). Summer was the most common season for events (n = 715). Time of day was frequently not reported, but when it was, most events occurred at night (n = 173). We found no significant increase in the number of events over the last ten years. We also found no significant relationship between the number of events per year and drought data. The highest number of events involved single bears (n = 843), and over half of events had food or garbage available for the bear (n = 475).

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