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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

All-Optical Multicast Routing under Optical Constraints / Routage multicast tout-optique sous contraintes optiques

Le, Dinh Danh 27 March 2015 (has links)
Au cours de la dernière décennie, le trafic dans les réseaux a connu une croissance explosive en double environ tous les trente trois mois. Les sources à l'origine de cette croissance proviennent de nombreuses applications à grande vitesse qui impliquent la transmission de données dans des groupes de multicast. Pour réaliser la multicast optique, les routeurs optiques peuvent avoir des répartiteurs de lumière spéciaux pour diviser des signaux lumineux et des convertisseurs de longueur d'onde pour modifier les longueurs d'onde où c'est nécessaire. Cependant, la division réduit l'énergie du signal qui nécessite alors une amplification ou une régénération qui nécessitent du matériel coûteux. Les convertisseurs de longueurs d'onde aussi ne sont pas suffisamment matures pour être largement déployés dans les technologies optiques actuelles. Par conséquent, dans les réseaux tout-optique, les unités de transformation des routeurs sont souvent hétérogènes et les algorithmes de routage doivent en tenir compte tout en parvenant à des solutions de compromis coût-performances qui satisfassent les exigences de bande passante et les contraintes optiques.Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les problème de routage multicast tout-optique (AOMR) dans les réseaux tout-optique hétérogènes. L'hétérogénéité provient principalement de l'absence / présence de séparateurs de lumière et de convertisseurs de longueur d'onde et de la répartition inégale des longueurs d'onde dans les liens du réseau. En général, les problèmes de AOMR sont NP-difficiles. L'objectif de la thèse est d'analyser et de formuler les problèmes sous différentes contraintes optiques, pour rechercher des solutions optimales ou proposer des heuristiques efficaces. Les deux contextes possibles, la demande unique ou multiple de multicast, sont examinés. Toutes les propositions présentées dans la thèse sont validées par des simulations approfondies. Les principales contributions peuvent être résumées comme il suit.1) Nous identifions les structures des routes optimales pour les problèmes de l'AOMR dans les réseaux WDM hétérogènes. Comme indiqué dans la thèse, les solutions optimales ne sont plus basées sur des arbres de lumière classiques, mais sur une structure arborescente plus générale appelée hiérarchie. Certaines formes de hiérarchie pour la multicast WDM sont des parcours optiques, des hiérarchies optiques, des hiérarchies-araignée optiques ou encore des ensembles de ces routes optiques. Les algorithmes exacts et les heuristiques proposés dans la thèse sont principalement basés sur les hiérarchies.2) Dans le cas du problème de multicast avec une seule demande dans des réseaux partiellement équipés de diviseurs de lumière, nous proposons une heuristique efficace dont les résultats font le compromis entre la consommation de longueur d'onde, le coût total, et le délai de bout-en-bout.3) Dans le même cas mais dans des réseaux non équipés de diviseurs de lumière, nous prouvons la NP-difficulté, exprimons les problèmes au moyen d'un programme linéaire (ILP) pour trouver les solutions exactes et proposons plusieurs heuristiques pour calculer de bonnes solutions.4) Pour le cas de demandes multicast multiples, nous nous concentrons sur les modèles de trafic statiques dans des réseaux partiellement équipés de diviseurs mais sans convertisseurs de longueur d'onde. Tout d'abord nous proposons une formulation ILP sur la base de hiérarchies optiques afin de rechercher la solution optimale. Ensuite, utilisant un modèle de graphe en couches, nous développons plusieurs heuristiques adaptatives pour calculer des hiérarchies optiques de solutions approximatives. Ces algorithmes adaptatifs surpassent les techniques de routage existants pour minimiser la probabilité de blocage.Dans l'ensemble, la thèse souligne que les solutions optimales pour les problèmes de l'AOMR considérés correspondent à des hiérarchies, que ce soit pour une seule demande ou des demandes multiples. / Over the past decade, network traffic levels experienced an explosive growth at about double amount in approximately every thirty months. The sources accounting for this growth come from numerous high-speed applications (e.g., video-on-demand, high-definition television) which involve the data transmission in multicast groups. To realize optical multicasting, optical routers should have light splitters to split light signals and wavelength converters to change the wavelengths wherever needed. However, the splitting reduces the energy of the output signal which in turn requires the costly power amplification or regeneration. Wavelength converters are also immature to be deployed widely in current optical technologies. Consequently, in all-optical networks, routers are often heterogeneous in their processing units, which challenges the routing. Therefore, it is crucial to design efficient multicast routing strategies at the backbone optical networks, in order to achieve cost-performance tradeoff solutions while satisfying the ever-increasing bandwidth demands and optical constraints.In this thesis, we investigate the all-optical multicast routing (AOMR) problems in heterogeneous optical networks. The heterogeneity mainly comes from the absence/presence of light splitters and wavelength converters and the uneven distribution of wavelengths in the network links. In general, AOMR problems are often NP-hard. The objective of the thesis is to analyze and formulate the problems, to search for the optimal solutions, and to propose efficient heuristics to solve the problems under different optical constraints. Both possible contexts, i.e., single-multicast request and multiple-multicast requests, are examined. All the reported results in the thesis are supported by extensive and careful simulations. The major contributions can be summarized as follows.1) We identify the optimal route structures for AOMR problems under heterogeneous mesh WDM networks. As shown in the thesis, the optimal solutions are no longer based on conventional light-trees, but a more general tree-like structure called hierarchy. Some forms of hierarchy realized for WDM multicasting are light-trails, light-hierarchies, light-spider hierarchies and a set of these light-structures. The exact and heuristic algorithms proposed in the thesis are mainly based on hierarchy. 2) For single-multicast with sparse-splitting case, we propose an efficient heuristic algorithm to produce a good tradeoff solution among wavelength consumption, channel total cost and end-to-end delay.3) For single-multicast with non-splitting case, we prove the NP-hardness, identify the optimal solution as a set of light-spider hierarchies, formulate the problems by means of Integer Linear Program (ILP) formulations to find the exact solution, and propose several cost-effective heuristic algorithms to compute the approximate solutions. 4) For the case with multiple-multicast requests, we focus on static traffic patterns under sparse-splitting without wavelength conversion case. First, an ILP formulation based on light-hierarchies is proposed to search for the optimal solution. By applying the layered graph model, we then develop several adaptive heuristic algorithms to compute light-hierarchies for approximate solutions. These adaptive algorithms outperform the existing fixed routing ones in minimizing the blocking probability. Overall, the thesis points out that the optimal solutions for heterogeneously constrained AOMR problems correspond to hierarchies, regardless of request multiplicity consideration.

A ciência e a política da ciência : pluralismo intelectual e diversidade profissional na ciência política norte-americana

Mörschbächer, Melina January 2018 (has links)
A Ciência Política norte-americana tem grande relevância em sua área disciplinar, visto a dimensão da sua comunidade de pesquisadores, a organização das suas instituições acadêmicas e o impacto dos seus estudos. Desde cedo, estabeleceu uma tradição de pesquisa e debates sobre a sua própria trajetória, o que fez com que leituras divergentes fossem atribuídas a ela: por um lado, existem fortes críticas à área e à organização profissional naquele país em relação ao dogmatismo expresso em seus espaços de produção e reprodução do conhecimento; por outro, se argumenta que existe uma ciência plural e nela convivem diferentes subcomunidades de pesquisa. Em que medida, portanto, pode-se afirmar que a Ciência Política nos Estados Unidos é dogmática ou plural? Compreendo que é difícil que uma comunidade disciplinar encontre-se em um desses extremos, visto que a imposição de um único ideal de ciência exigiria significativo consenso entre os seus membros. Desse modo, espera-se que ela se situe dentro do contínuo entre os polos, demonstrando-se mais ou menos coesa ao longo da sua trajetória. A minha proposta é averiguar a posição da Ciência Política nos Estados Unidos diante no debate de hierarquias do conhecimento na ciência, enfocando seus graus de pluralismo e diversidade. Trata-se de uma problemática complexa que possui variáveis, espaços de expressão e graus de intensidade distintos. Portanto, estruturo a pesquisa em torno de dois eixos, quais sejam: 1. produção intelectual; e 2. representatividade profissional. Em ambos, observam-se distintas hierarquias que se referem a predileções sobre temas, teorias e métodos; e a visibilidade profissional de determinados grupos de pesquisadores em detrimento de outros, com enfoque nas variáveis de gênero, raça e localidade. Neste sentido, defendo a tese de que a Ciência Política norte-americana estrutura-se por diversas manifestações de desigualdades persistentes no tempo e resistentes aos discursos de mudança. Trata-se, portanto, de examinar como se faz Ciência Política e quais perspectivas prevalecem em seus espaços de produção e reprodução do conhecimento. Em termos metodológicos, a análise se concentra na American Political Science Association, tendo como material empírico os discursos proferidos pelos presidentes da associação, os artigos publicados em suas revistas e os seus encontros anuais, de 1990 até 2016. A abordagem recorre à reconstrução histórica, análise documental e classificação tipológica dos textos. Do ponto de vista teórico, a tese se insere nos debates sobre hierarquias do conhecimento, reconhecendo o próprio fazer científico como uma atividade também política. / American Political Science has great relevance in its disciplinary area, considering the size of its community of researchers, the organization of its academic institutions and the impact of its studies. From its early days, it has established a tradition of research and debate on its own trajectory, which led to divergent understandings about its development: on the one hand, there are strong criticisms about the area and the professional organization in the United States of America in respect to the dogmatism expressed in its spaces of production and reproduction of knowledge; on the other hand, it is argued that there exists a plural science, where different research subcommunities coexist. To what extent, then, can one say that Political Science in the United States is dogmatic or plural? I understand that it is difficult for a disciplinary community to fall into one of these extremes, since the imposition of a single ideal of science would require significant consensus among its members. Thus, American Political Science is expected to be located within the continuum between these extremes, being more or less cohesive throughout its trajectory. My goal is to ascertain the position of Political Science in the United States in the debate of hierarchies of knowledge in science, focusing on its degrees of pluralism and diversity. It is a complex problem that displays different variables, spaces of expression and degrees of intensity. Therefore, I structure the research around two axes, namely: 1. intellectual production; and 2. professional representativeness. In both axes, various hierarchies that refer to predilections on themes, theories and methods; and the professional visibility of certain groups of researchers to the detriment of others, with a focus on the variables of gender, race and region operate. In this sense, I advance the thesis that US Political Science is structured by several manifestations of persistent inequalities in time, which are resistant to discourses of change. I examine how Political Science is done and what perspectives prevail in its spaces of production and reproduction of knowledge. In methodological terms, the analysis focuses on the American Political Science Association, resorting as empirical material to the speeches given by the presidents of the association, articles published in their journals and annual meetings, from 1990 to 2016. The approach draws on historical reconstruction, documentary analysis and typological classification of texts. From a theoretical standpoint, the thesis is based on the debates on hierarchies of the knowledge, recognizing the own scientific endeavour as an academic activity, but also political.

Representação de coleções de documentos textuais por meio de regras de associação / Representation of textual document collections through association rules

Rafael Geraldeli Rossi 16 August 2011 (has links)
O número de documentos textuais disponíveis em formato digital tem aumentado incessantemente. Técnicas de Mineração de Textos são cada vez mais utilizadas para organizar e extrair conhecimento de grandes coleções de documentos textuais. Para o uso dessas técnicas é necessário que os documentos textuais estejam representados em um formato apropriado. A maioria das pesquisas de Mineração de Textos utiliza a abordagem bag-of-words para representar os documentos da coleção. Essa representação usa cada palavra presente na coleção de documentos como possível atributo, ignorando a ordem das palavras, informa ções de pontuação ou estruturais, e é caracterizada pela alta dimensionalidade e por dados esparsos. Por outro lado, a maioria dos conceitos são compostos por mais de uma palavra, como Inteligência Articial, Rede Neural, e Mineração de Textos. As abordagens que geram atributos compostos por mais de uma palavra apresentam outros problemas além dos apresentados pela representação bag-of-words, como a geração de atributos com pouco signicado e uma dimensionalidade muito maior. Neste projeto de mestrado foi proposta uma abordagem para representar documentos textuais nomeada bag-of-related-words. A abordagem proposta gera atributos compostos por palavras relacionadas com o uso de regras de associação. Com as regras de associação, espera-se identicar relações entre palavras de um documento, além de reduzir a dimensionalidade, pois são consideradas apenas as palavras que ocorrem ou que coocorrem acima de uma determinada frequência para gerar as regras. Diferentes maneiras de mapear o documento em transações para possibilitar a geração de regras de associação são analisadas. Diversas medidas de interesse aplicadas às regras de associação para a extração de atributos mais signicativos e a redução do número de atributos também são analisadas. Para avaliar o quanto a representação bag-of-related-words pode auxiliar na organização e extração de conhecimento de coleções de documentos textuais, e na interpretabilidade dos resultados, foram realizados três grupos de experimentos: 1) classicação de documentos textuais para avaliar o quanto os atributos da representação bag-of-related-words são bons para distinguir as categorias dos documentos; 2) agrupamento de documentos textuais para avaliar a qualidade dos grupos obtidos com a bag-of-related-words e consequentemente auxiliar na obtenção da estrutura de uma hierarquia de tópicos; e 3) construção e avaliação de hierarquias de tópicos por especialistas de domínio. Todos os resultados e dimensionalidades foram comparados com a representação bag-of-words. Pelos resultados dos experimentos realizados, pode-se vericar que os atributos da representação bag-of-related-words possuem um poder preditivo tão bom quanto os da representação bag-of-words. A qualidade dos agrupamentos de documentos textuais utilizando a representação bag-of-related-words foi tão boa quanto utilizando a representação bag-of-words. Na avaliação de hierarquias de tópicos por especialistas de domínio, a utilização da representação bag-of-related-words apresentou melhores resultados em todos os quesitos analisados / The amount of textual documents available in digital format is incredibly large. Text Mining techniques are becoming essentials to manage and extract knowledge in big textual document collections. In order to use these techniques, the textual documents need to be represented in an appropriate format to allow the construction of a model that represents the embedded knowledge in these textual documents. Most of the researches on Text Mining uses the bag-of-words approach to represent textual document collections. This representation uses each word in a collection as feature, ignoring the order of the words, structural information, and it is characterized by the high dimensionality and data sparsity. On the other hand, most of the concepts are compounded by more than one word, such as Articial Intelligence, Neural Network, and Text Mining. The approaches which generate features compounded by more than one word to solve this problem, suer from other problems, as the generation of features without meaning and a dimensionality much higher than that of the bag-of-words. An approach to represent textual documents named bag-of-related-words was proposed in this master thesis. The proposed approach generates features compounded by related words using association rules. We hope to identify relationships among words and reduce the dimensionality with the use of association rules, since only the words that occur and cooccur over a frequency threshold will be used to generate rules. Dierent ways to map the document into transactions to allow the extraction of association rules are analyzed. Dierent objective interest measures applied to the association rules to generate more meaningful features and to the reduce the feature number are also analyzed. To evaluate how much the textual document representation proposed in this master project can aid the managing and knowledge extraction from textual document collections, and the understanding of the results, three experiments were carried out: 1) textual document classication to analyze the predictive power of the bag-of-related-words features, 2) textual document clustering to analyze the quality of the cluster using the bag-of-related-words representation 3) topic hierarchies building and evaluation by domain experts. All the results and dimensionalities were compared to the bag-of-words representation. The results presented that the features of the bag-of-related-words representation have a predictive power as good as the features of the bag-of-words representation. The quality of the textual document clustering also was as good as the bag-of-words. The evaluation of the topic hierarchies by domain specialists presented better results when using the bag-of-related-words representation in all the questions analyzed

Identidades em jogo: duplo mal-estar das professoras e das coordenadoras pedagógicas do Ensino Fundamental I na constante construção de seus papéis / Identities at stake: double ill-feeling of Primary School teachers and pedagogic coordinators in the construction of their roles

Horta, Patricia Rossi Torralba 15 May 2007 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo, de cunho teórico-analítico, configura-se como uma tentativa de compreensão da forma pela qual se estabeleceram, no Brasil, as identidades profissionais das professoras de primeiras letras e das coordenadoras pedagógicas, mutuamente referidas, e o mal-estar decorrente das modalidades pelas quais se instituíram, com as reformas educacionais, suas competências desejáveis mediante diferentes descrições das respectivas funções. Na busca de entender teoricamente como se produzem essas identidades nas estruturas hierárquicas das instituições escolares, os aportes teóricos de Foucault forneceram ferramentas úteis para problematizar os saberes vigentes e compreender como certos saberes são desqualificados nas relações de poder. A compreensão de Foucault acerca da relação entre saber e poder, principalmente, possibilita outras leituras dos discursos pedagógicos, acumulados e veiculados como verdades, que permeiam a construção das identidades dessas profissionais. A análise sociológica de Bauman, por sua vez, ajuda a elucidar o presente em que estamos imersos, que ele chama de modernidade \"leve\" e \"líquida\" e, assim, torna possível entender as redistribuições e realocações dos poderes e os novos padrões de dependência na instituição escolar, apesar de o discurso pedagógico dominante aparentemente convocar \"autodeterminação\" e \"liberdade\" como características centrais da constituição dessas identidades em estudo. A presente investigação busca, dessa forma, primeiramente elucidar no Brasil o percurso histórico da profissão de professora das primeiras letras e assim compreender como se configuraram as estruturas hierárquicas, isto é, a \"função supervisora\" nas reformas educacionais das décadas de 20 e 30, caracterizada pela inspiração empresarial na administração escolar e pela instituição da figura do especialista em novos métodos de ensino. É realizada a seguir a análise de quatro volumes da coleção O Coordenador pedagógico, organizada por Vera Nigro de Souza Placco e Laurinda Ramalho de Almeida, publicada a partir de 1998, escolhida pelo elevado número de edições, o que demonstra sua aprovação pelo público. A coleção possibilita o acesso a alguns dos principais discursos que norteiam a constituição da identidade desses profissionais. Os artigos aí presentes são resultados, na sua maioria, de dissertações de teses e de pesquisas de avaliação de projetos implementados na rede pública ou particular. Como conclusão, observa-se que os discursos educacionais em geral enfatizam a constituição de profissionais \"autônomos\", \"críticos\" e \"reflexivos\". Imersos nesse discurso homogeneizante e sofisticado nas suas propostas de auto-exame, no entanto, tanto professores como coordenadores paradoxalmente vão limitando as possibilidades de pensar e de constituir suas identidades. Uma possível ação questionadora seria a de duvidar desse lugar idealizado nas descrições da função dos coordenadores pedagógicos, que definem missões impossíveis, lugar em que, na maioria das vezes, são vistos como detentores de uma consciência crítica embasada nos conhecimentos da ciência, e capazes de constituir professores \"autônomos\" e \"reflexivos\". Duvidar, assim, dessa relação, quando ela se estabelece pela necessidade da tutela desse especialista, a fim de buscar outras formas de relação que permitam de fato que as professoras das primeiras letras possam se desenvolver enquanto profissionais. / This study aims at attempting to comprehend the way the professional identities of primary school teachers and pedagogic coordinators has been established in Brazil and the subsequent ill-feeling originated by the educational restructuring of their competencies in the light of their new roles. The search for the understanding of how these identities are constructed in the hierarchical structure of schools can be backed up by Foucault-based theories that provide useful tools for analyzing the present kinds of knowledge, at the same time that it helps understand how they can be disqualified before unequal encounters. Foucault\'s understanding of the relationship between power and knowledge makes it possible to envisage different interpretations of the pedagogical discourse which has been established and passed on as truths that permeate the make-up of the identity of a teaching professional. Bauman\'s sociological approach, in turn, helps to elucidate the present scenario where we are, which he named \"light\" and \"liquid\" modernity. Such suggested approach makes it possible to understand the redistributions and allocations of the powers and the new patterns of dependence at the educational institution, despite the fact that the dominant pedagogical discourse seems to capitalize on \"self-determination\" and \"freedom\" as central characteristics in the construction of the identities under investigation. Thus, the present study seeks to elucidate, from a historical perspective, the path of the primary school teacher as a means to shed some light on how the hierarchical relations came to be, namely that of the \"supervisor\" in the educational restructuring of the 20\'s and 30?\'s. The referred restructuring seems to have been highly influenced by the entrepreneurial spirit present in school administration trends and by the institution of a specialist in the new teaching methods. Four volumes of the series O Coordenador Pedagógico (the Pedagogic Coordinatior) published as of 1998 and organized by Vera Nigro de Souza Placco and Laurinda Ramalho de Almeida are chosen and analyzed due to the significant number of editions, which seems to be indicative of its approval by the target audience. This collection makes it possible to have access to some of the main discourse samples that guide the identity construction of the professionals of the area. Most of the articles therein result from theses, dissertations and research on the evaluation of projects implemented in private and public educational institutions. As a conclusion, it is possible to observe that the educational discourse, in general, emphasizes the construction of \"autonomous\", \"critical\" and \"reflexive\" professionals. Given the homogenous and sophisticated nature of such discourse, filled with self-analysis proposals, both teachers and coordinators limit their possibilities of thinking and constructing their identities. One possible approach to this paradox would be to dispute the idealization of the role of the pedagogical coordinator that defines impossible missions and appears to be the bearer of a critical conscience that, based on scientific background, is capable of educating teachers to be \"autonomous\" and \"reflexive\". This way, disputing this relation may bring in new possibilities of relationships and approaches to allow the primary school teachers to develop as professionals.

Finding, extracting and exploiting structure in text and hypertext / Att finna, extrahera och utnyttja strukturer i text och hypertext

Ågren, Ola January 2009 (has links)
Data mining is a fast-developing field of study, using computations to either predict or describe large amounts of data. The increase in data produced each year goes hand in hand with this, requiring algorithms that are more and more efficient in order to find interesting information within a given time. In this thesis, we study methods for extracting information from semi-structured data, for finding structure within large sets of discrete data, and to efficiently rank web pages in a topic-sensitive way. The information extraction research focuses on support for keeping both documentation and source code up to date at the same time. Our approach to this problem is to embed parts of the documentation within strategic comments of the source code and then extracting them by using a specific tool. The structures that our structure mining algorithms are able to find among crisp data (such as keywords) is in the form of subsumptions, i.e. one keyword is a more general form of the other. We can use these subsumptions to build larger structures in the form of hierarchies or lattices, since subsumptions are transitive. Our tool has been used mainly as input to data mining systems and for visualisation of data-sets. The main part of the research has been on ranking web pages in a such a way that both the link structure between pages and also the content of each page matters. We have created a number of algorithms and compared them to other algorithms in use today. Our focus in these comparisons have been on convergence rate, algorithm stability and how relevant the answer sets from the algorithms are according to real-world users. The research has focused on the development of efficient algorithms for gathering and handling large data-sets of discrete and textual data. A proposed system of tools is described, all operating on a common database containing "fingerprints" and meta-data about items. This data could be searched by various algorithms to increase its usefulness or to find the real data more efficiently. All of the methods described handle data in a crisp manner, i.e. a word or a hyper-link either is or is not a part of a record or web page. This means that we can model their existence in a very efficient way. The methods and algorithms that we describe all make use of this fact. / Informationsutvinning (som ofta kallas data mining även på svenska) är ett forskningsområde som hela tiden utvecklas. Det handlar om att använda datorer för att hitta mönster i stora mängder data, alternativt förutsäga framtida data utifrån redan tillgänglig data. Eftersom det samtidigt produceras mer och mer data varje år ställer detta högre och högre krav på effektiviteten hos de algoritmer som används för att hitta eller använda informationen inom rimlig tid. Denna avhandling handlar om att extrahera information från semi-strukturerad data, att hitta strukturer i stora diskreta datamängder och att på ett effektivt sätt rangordna webbsidor utifrån ett ämnesbaserat perspektiv. Den informationsextraktion som beskrivs handlar om stöd för att hålla både dokumentationen och källkoden uppdaterad samtidigt. Vår lösning på detta problem är att låta delar av dokumentationen (främst algoritmbeskrivningen) ligga som blockkommentarer i källkoden och extrahera dessa automatiskt med ett verktyg. De strukturer som hittas av våra algoritmer för strukturextraktion är i form av underordnanden, exempelvis att ett visst nyckelord är mer generellt än ett annat. Dessa samband kan utnyttjas för att skapa större strukturer i form av hierarkier eller riktade grafer, eftersom underordnandena är transitiva. Det verktyg som vi har tagit fram har främst använts för att skapa indata till ett informationsutvinningssystem samt för att kunna visualisera indatan. Huvuddelen av den forskning som beskrivs i denna avhandling har dock handlat om att kunna rangordna webbsidor utifrån både deras innehåll och länkarna som finns mellan dem. Vi har skapat ett antal algoritmer och visat hur de beter sig i jämförelse med andra algoritmer som används idag. Dessa jämförelser har huvudsakligen handlat om konvergenshastighet, algoritmernas stabilitet givet osäker data och slutligen hur relevant algoritmernas svarsmängder har ansetts vara utifrån användarnas perspektiv. Forskningen har varit inriktad på effektiva algoritmer för att hämta in och hantera stora datamängder med diskreta eller textbaserade data. I avhandlingen presenterar vi även ett förslag till ett system av verktyg som arbetar tillsammans på en databas bestående av “fingeravtryck” och annan meta-data om de saker som indexerats i databasen. Denna data kan sedan användas av diverse algoritmer för att utöka värdet hos det som finns i databasen eller för att effektivt kunna hitta rätt information. / AlgExt, CHiC, ProT

&quot / the Rich Girl And The Poor Boy&quot / : Binary Oppositions In Yesilcam Melodramas

Yesil, Basak 01 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is an attempt to analyze the binary oppositions between the &ldquo / rich&rdquo / and the &ldquo / poor&rdquo / as well as the &ldquo / good&rdquo / and the &ldquo / evil&rdquo / in the 1960s&rsquo / YeSil&ccedil / am melodramas. It analyzes the narrative structure of YeSil&ccedil / am melodramas which interweave fiction with certain embedded social values and argues that a number of cooperating and contending discourses interanimate each other in the form of binary oppositions in YeSil&ccedil / am narratives. The cinematic representation of the lower and upper class is analyzed, underlining how the relation between the two was constructed by YeSil&ccedil / am melodramas. The study focuses on the symbolic world established by YeSil&ccedil / am narratives through the use of common meanings attributed to characters (e.g. delikanli and z&uuml / ppe), values (e.g. honesty, modesty, ostentation and artificialness) and places (e.g. meyhane and coffeehouse).

Les interactions clitiques/affixes : etude de corpus sur le marquage des personnes dans la variété mukri du kurde central / Clitic/affix interactions : a corpus-based study of person marking in the Mukri variety of Central Kurdish

Öpengin, Ergin 16 September 2013 (has links)
Le système de marquage personnel du kurde centrale, avec un ensemble complexe de paradigmes personnels, présente un bon nombre de problèmes. Par exemple, un enclitique personnel qui marque l’actant oblique, construit avec une préposition dans les constructions au présent, devient un affixe personnel dans les constructions au passé. Les recherches précédentes (Bynon 1979 ; Samvelian 2007 ; Haig 2008 ; Jügel 2009) ont mis en évidence les phénomènes pertinents, mais un traitement global du problème et une explication générale des motivations derrière le phénomène font encore défaut. Nous établissons le statut morphophonologique des paradigmes des personnes et nous examinons en détail le fonctionnement des marques de personnes. Nous proposons une nouvelle analyse du positionnement des enclitiques mobiles en kurde centrale en termes de phonologie prosodique (Selkirk 1995 ; Truckenbrodt 1999 ; Anderson, 2005) selon laquelle une forme de personne enclitique apparait systématiquement après la première phrase phonologique (ou mot prosodique) dans le domaine du syntagme verbal. L’alternance formelle d’un enclitique personnel et d’un affixe personnel est considéré comme le résultat des restrictions sur les combinaisons des enclitiques (Gerlach 2002). D’autres problèmes du système des marques de personnes sont expliqués grâce à un examen plus approfondi des faits de prosodie et par une série de contraintes plus générales de la langue (Prince and Smolensky 1993 ; Yip 1998) qui favorisent l’expression des actants en maintenant distincte l’identité morphologique et phonologique des marques de personnes lorsqu’elles sont en combinaison. / The person-marking system of Central Kurdish, with a complex set of person-marker paradigms, presents a number of problems, especially in the manners in which different person-marker paradigms are distributed for argument-indexing. For instance, a pronominal complement of an adposition is a person form from clitic person markers in a present-tense construction, but the formal expression of the same argument is switched to a verbal affix person marker in a past-tense construction. Previous scholarship (Bynon 1979; Samvelian 2007; Haig 2008; Jügel 2009) has pointed to the relevant phenomena and provided important descriptive facts, but, a comprehensive treatment of the problem is still lacking. In this study, morphophonological status of person marking paradigms is established and argument-indexing function of person-marker paradigms are thoroughly investigated. A novel analysis of clitic placement in Central Kurdish is proposed whereby a clitic is considered to be systematically occurring after a prosodic word. The formal switch from a clitic to a verbal affix person marker in the expression of a number of arguments is analysed as occurring for avoiding certain clitic combinations (Gerlach 2002) since the latter inevitably leads to an improperly placed clitic. A number of other problems relating to seeminlgy non-clitic-

Na trama das interseccionalidades: mulheres chefes de família em Salvador

Macêdo, Márcia dos Santos January 2008 (has links)
247f. / Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-04-11T19:39:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Marcia Macedoseg.pdf: 2163527 bytes, checksum: 6780afa8a23b65f3c47a7d37991c40b7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-05-16T17:33:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Marcia Macedoseg.pdf: 2163527 bytes, checksum: 6780afa8a23b65f3c47a7d37991c40b7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-16T17:33:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Marcia Macedoseg.pdf: 2163527 bytes, checksum: 6780afa8a23b65f3c47a7d37991c40b7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Nesta tese busco entender a realidade ainda pouco conhecida das mulheres chefes de família de classes médias em Salvador, visto que a grande maioria dos estudos sobre chefia feminina vem insistindo na homogeneidade desse grupo social e tem associado sua expansão à ampliação dos processos de pauperização, contemporaneamente sintetizado na idéia de uma feminização da pobreza. Assim, através de estudo qualitativo, me proponho a discutir as trajetórias e experiências de 32 mulheres soteropolitanas de classe média, face à condição de chefia dos seus núcleos doméstico-familiares, tentando entender a pluralidade de caminhos que levou essas mulheres – na condição de separada, viúva, solteira e mesmo de casada – a assumir a responsabilidade pela provisão econômica e exercício da autoridade junto às suas respectivas famílias. Assim, busco ainda refletir, nesse contexto, como esta experiência de chefia vem sendo conformada face à articulação interseccional dos pertencimentos sociais de classe, gênero, raça/etnia e idade/geração, dando ênfase, portanto, às possíveis interconexões entre sistemas de opressão. Nessa perspectiva, me proponho ao duplo desafio de discutir os significados dessa experiência intra-classe, a partir do entendimento da combinação dos múltiplos pertencimentos sociais e, ainda, comparativamente, buscarei entender, mesmo que em menor profundidade, na dimensão inter-classe, como essas experiências se afastam e se aproximam quando confrontadas com a realidade vivida pelas mulheres chefes de família de classes populares, a partir de pesquisa realizada anteriormente como dissertação de mestrado. / Salvador

Novinářky pracující v českých zpravodajských médiích z pohledu politické ekonomie komunikace / Woman journalists working in Czech news media from the perspective of political economy of communication

Vochocová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation thesis Structures and hierarchies in professional discourse of journalists in the Czech Republic with a focus on the factor of gender deals with professional self-reflection of Czech daily news journalists from the perspective of feminist political economy. This attitude connects the field of gender media studies and the political economy of communication, stresses the intersection of gender and other factors (demographic, socio- cultural, economic, organizational) when examining the influences in the profession and poses questions about the extent of individual autonomy in both professional and extraprofessional hierarchies. The theoretical introduction defines the field of gender media studies in terms of topics and conflicting ideas, summarizes the conclusions of gender research on media institutions and focuses on the perspective of studying gender among many influences in the news such as economic, sociocultural and organizational factors. The analysis of in-depth interviews with Czech daily news journalists reveals how the importance of gender as an influence in news media is constructed in professional discourse in the context of other structural and organizational influences. Based on the collected data and its analysis, it suggests focusing in detail on the possible...

Modélisation de hiérarchies complexes dans les entrepôts de données XML et traitement des problèmes d'additivité dans l'analyse en ligne XOLAP / Modeling complex hierarchies in XML data warehouses and solving summarizability problems in XOLAP

Hachicha, Marouane 26 November 2012 (has links)
Depuis son apparition en 1998, le langage XML (eXtensible Markup Language) est devenu un standard pour la modélisation et l'échange de données. En effet, XML permet de modéliser des structures de données qui ne sont pas facilement représentées dans les systèmes relationnels. Dans ce contexte, les entrepôts de données XML représentent aujourd'hui la base de plusieurs applications décisionnelles qui exploitent des données hétérogènes (peu structurées et provenant des sources multiples) aux structures complexes comme par exemple des hiérarchies complexes.Dans ce mémoire, nous proposons une nouvelle solution XOLAP (XML-OLAP) en temps réel qui traite les problèmes d'additivité dus aux hiérarchies complexes. Tout d'abord, nous proposons un nouveau modèle de données : les arbres de données multidimensionnels, qui permet de modéliser les faits, les dimensions, les mesures et les hiérarchies complexes d'un entrepôt de données XML. Pour pouvoir interroger les arbres de données multidimensionnels, nous modélisons les requêtes utilisateur à l'aide de modèles d'arbre XML. Nous proposons ensuite un nouvel algorithme de regroupement et d'agrégation pour la résolution en temps réel des problèmes d'additivité dans les hiérarchies complexes. Nous généralisons enfin cet algorithme à un nouvel opérateur XOLAP de forage vers le haut (roll-up).Finalement, nous validons nos propositions de manière expérimentale. Pour cela, nous étendons le banc d'essais XWeB en introduisant des hiérarchies complexes dans son schéma. La comparaison de notre approche à une approche de référence montre que la surcharge due à l'exécution en temps réel de notre approche est tout à fait acceptable et que nos algorithmes sont susceptibles de passer à l'échelle. / Since its inception in 1998, the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) has emerged as a standard for data representation and exchange over the Internet. XML provides an opportunity for modeling data structures that are not easily represented in relational systems. In this context, XML data warehouses nowadays form the basis of several decision-support applications exploiting heterogeneous data (little structured and coming from various sources) bearing complex structures, such as complex hierarchies. In this thesis, we propose a novel XOLAP (XML-OLAP) approach that automatically detects and processes summarizability issues at query time, without requiring any particular expertise from the user. Thus, at the logical level, we choose XML data trees, so-called multidimensional data trees, to model the multidimensional structures (facts, dimensions, measures and complex hierarchies) of XML data warehouses. In order to query multidimensional data trees, we model user queries as XML pattern trees. Then, we introduce a new aggregation algorithm to address summarizability issues in complex hierarchies. On the basis of this algorithm, we propose a novel XOLAP roll-up operator. Finally, we experimentally validate our proposal and compare our approach with the reference approach for addressing summarizability issues in complex hierarchies. For this sake, we extend the XML warehouse benchmark XWeB with complex hierarchies to generate XML data warehouses with scalable complex hierarchies. The results of our experiments show that the overhead induced by managing hierarchy complexity at run-time is totally acceptable and that our approach is expected to scale up well.

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