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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma revisão das possíveis fontes leibnizianas na formação da ciência jurídica brasileira: um estudo da obra de Augusto Teixeira de Freitas / A revision of the possibles leibnizian sources in the beginnings of the brazilian science of law: a study of the work of Augusto Teixeira de Freitas

Peres, Renato Eugenio de Freitas 05 May 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:16:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 leibniz e o direito brasileiro.pdf: 772172 bytes, checksum: 000fb9a08a28ebbc2007e9d8d8b16d0a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-05-05 / The dissertation is a investigation of the possibilities that the law works of Leibniz could exercise influence on the brazilian law, specially in the XIX century and specially on the work of Teixeira de Freitas / Trata-se de uma investigação sobre as possibilidades de que a obra jurídica de Leibniz tenha influenciado a ciência jurídica brasileira, especialmente na época de sua formação, o século XIX, e especialmente considerando o trabalho de Teixeira de Freitas

Constituição e responsabilidade no Império do Brasil: embates parlamentares sobre a responsabilização de ministros, magistrados e empregados públicos em geral (1826 - 1832) / Constitution and Responsibility in the Brazilian Empire: parliamentary debates regarding political and criminal procedures against State Secretaries, Magistrates and public employees (1826-1832)

Vellozo, Julio César de Oliveira 01 February 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho estuda a implantação da responsabilidade dos empregados públicos no Brasil entre 1826, início da primeira legislatura do parlamento brasileiro, e 1832, data da sanção do Código de Processo Criminal de Primeira Instância. O estabelecimento da responsabilidade foi escolhido para ser o primeiro debate do parlamento brasileiro. Isso se deu, conforme buscamos demonstrar, pela importância dada ao instituto como parte do estabelecimento de uma ordem constitucional, mas principalmente por ser um mecanismo que permitia realizar um ajuste na distribuição de poderes realizada pela Carta de 1824, já que responsabilizar os empregados públicos, especialmente os ministros, era um meio eficiente diminuir os poderes do coroa, ampliando os do parlamento. Buscamos mostrar que, dentro do processo de construção desse instituto, duas questões merecem destaque. A primeira é a responsabilidade dos ministros, que tinha um caráter especial por ser um pilar constitutivo fundamental das monarquias constitucionais. O segundo era a responsabilização dos magistrados, movimento que correspondia a um forte reclamo por diminuir as prerrogativas interpretativas dos juízes. A tese aborda de maneira detalhada, através dos debates parlamentares, os três momentos de construção da responsabilidade, a discussão e aprovação da Lei de Responsabilidade dos Ministros e Conselheiros de Estado, entre 1826 e 1827; do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça do Império, entre 1827 e 1828; e a construção dos códigos criminal e de processo criminal, entre 1826 e 1832. / This thesis studies the implementation of public employees accountability in Brazil between the beginning of the Brazilian parliament, in 1826, and the sanction of the Criminal Procedure Code of First Instance, in 1832. The establishment of the accountability has been chosen as the first debate of the Brazilian parliament. This happened, as we seek to demonstrate, due to the importance given to the institute as part of the establishment of a constitutional order, but mainly because it was a mechanism that allowed an adjustment in the distribution of powers already foreseen by the Charter of 1824 since the accountability of public servants, especially ministers, was an efficient way to diminish the powers of the crown, thus expanding the powers of parliament. We seek to show that, in the process of construction of this institute, two issues deserve attention. The first is the liability of ministers, a fundamental constitutive pillar of constitutional monarchies. The second was the accountability of judges, which diminished the interpretive prerogatives of judges. This thesis discusses in detail, through parliamentary debates, the three stages of construction of the accountability. The discussion and approval of the Law of Responsibility for Ministers and Counselors of State, between 1826 and 1827; for the Supreme Court of Justice of the Empire, between 1827 and 1828; and the making of the criminal code, between 1826 and 1832.

Codificação e formação do Estado-nacional brasileiro: o Código Criminal de 1830 e a positivação das leis no pós-Independência / Codification and formation of the Brazilian nation-state: the 1830s penal code and the positivation of the Law in the Aftermath of Independence

Vivian Chieregati Costa 23 September 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação realiza um exame histórico-jurídico do Código Criminal do Império do Brasil, aprovado em 16 de dezembro de 1830. Frequentemente interpretado como um documento liberal elaborado às pressas e artificialmente sobreposto à sociedade brasileira, o Código Criminal de 1830 foi muito pouco estudado pela historiografia nacional. Buscando desvendar a complexidade dos trabalhos e escolhas jurídicas e políticas envolvidas em sua composição, analisamos pormenorizadamente o trâmite parlamentar seguido por este documento (centrando-nos nos debates legislativos e comissões de trabalho dedicadas à sua elaboração), relacionando-o, ainda, ao movimento codificacionista ocidental em curso na virada do século XVIII ao XIX. Para além de examinar os projetos de código criminal apresentados ao legislativo brasileiro, entre 1826 e 1827, por José Clemente Pereira e Bernardo Pereira de Vasconcelos, realizamos uma análise comparativa cuidadosa entre o conteúdo destes projetos e o texto final do código aprovado, somando, ainda, a tal análise, uma comparação entre o Código de 1830 e os textos de dez códigos ou projetos de codificação penal existentes no mundo ocidental àquela altura. Partindo do corpus documental supracitado e da conjuntura política de aprovação deste diploma, a pesquisa desnudou as relações então travadas entre o direito penal e a política do Primeiro Reinado, articulando os dispositivos adotados pelo Código de 1830 às particularidades inerentes ao momento de sua aprovação e aos projetos de Estado, justiça e cidadania defendidos pelos parlamentares imperiais. Inserida e influenciada por um movimento internacional de larga escala e pautada por concepções jurídicas extremamente modernas, a positivação das leis penais no Império brasileiro atrelou-se à configuração do novo Estado-nacional e ao desejo de seus representantes de conformação de uma nova realidade. / This thesis proposes a historical-juridical study of the Brazilian Imperial Criminal Code (Código Criminal do Império do Brasil), approved in December 16th, 1830. Frequently interpreted as a liberal document hastily elaborated and artificially imposed upon the Brazilian society, the Criminal Code of 1830 has been neglected by national historiography. To try to unveil the complexity of the juridical and political choices and maneuvers involved in its composition, I analyze in detail the parliamentary process of proposal and approval of this document (focusing on the legislative debates and the legislative commissions committed to its elaboration), aiming to relate its content to the western codification movement that started at the turn of the 18th century. The scope of my analysis goes beyond the analysis of the projects for the criminal code presented to the Brazilian legislative by José Clemente Pereira and Bernardo Pereira de Vasconcelos between 1826 and 1827, in order to produce a careful comparison between the content of such projects and the final text of the approved criminal code. The present thesis also includes a detailed comparison between the Code of 1830 and the contents of ten codes or projects of penal codification available in the western world at the time. Using the aforementioned documental corpus and bearing in mind the political situation contemporary to the approval of this code, the research has revealed the relations between penal law and politics during the First Reign (Primeiro Reinado), articulating the juridical statements embedded on the Code of 1830, and social-political particularities specific to the moment of its approval, with different projects regarding the States organization, prospects of justice and citizenship expected by the nations representatives. Imbedded in and influenced by a large-scale international movement and based on extremely modern juridical conceptions, the proposition of penal laws in the Brazilian Empire was connected to the configuration of the new national State and to the desire of its representatives to conform a new reality.

A Revista da Faculdade Livre de Direito da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro: uma proposta para a identidade jurídica nacional brasileira / The Free Law School of the city of Rio de Janeiros review: a proposal for the brazilian national legal identity

Chaves, André Aparecido Bezerra 03 October 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo procura contribuir para a compreensão das ideias jurídico políticas da elite carioca entre 1899 e 1919, momento da História do Brasil no qual se reconstruía o espaço público através da organização das instituições republicanas. Optou-se por analisar os artigos editados na Revista da Faculdade Livre de Direito da cidade do Rio de Janeiro porque foi a primeira instituição acadêmica a oferecer o curso de Direito no Rio de Janeiro e possuía, desde sua fundação em 1891, um corpo docente composto por juristas de renome nacional como Augusto Olympio Viveiros de Castro, Francisco de Paula Lacerda de Almeida, Abelardo Saraiva da Cunha Lobo, Esmeraldino Olympio de Torres Bandeira, Carlos da Costa Ferreira Porto Carreiro, Benedicto Carneiro de Campos Valladares, entre outros. Esta escolha abriu a possibilidade de observar os motivos sociais que levaram à ampliação da demanda pelo ensino jurídico no Brasil e a legislação que indicou as diretrizes para a criação de instituições que oferecessem cursos jurídicos, acabando com a exclusividade das faculdades de São Paulo e Recife, e as obrigou a confeccionar revistas científicas voltadas para a divulgação da produção científica e debates teóricos da ciência do Direito. Pôde-se fazer um levantamento quantitativo dos temas dos artigos publicados e os organizamos por ramo do Direito, o que nos permitiu observar os temas debatidos e as principais referências teóricas que tinham os juristas que os escreveram (quase todos docentes): os livros A Evolução do Direito e O Espírito do Direito Romano nas Diversas Fases de seu Desenvolvimento, do jurista alemão Rudolf Von Ihering. Ao longo desta pesquisa poderá ser observado que as principais ideias que os juristas brasileiros assimilaram do jurista alemão foram: o direito público (representado pela autoridade e preponderância do Estado sobre a população) tem como finalidade defender o direito privado (especialmente a vida e a propriedade privada); a fonte do conhecimento do Direito e a criação de regras jurídicas (leis) não deveriam estar restritas à Filosofia do Direito e ao Direito Comparado, mas deveriam levar em conta as regras morais da sociedade, a fim de que a população sentisse justiça nas ações do Estado, contribuição essencial do Direito para a formação do Estado Nação. De um modo geral, percebeu-se que os juristas que representavam a elite carioca reunidos na Faculdade de Direito da cidade do Rio de Janeiro entendiam que o Direito não representava o espaço no qual se pensava apenas o conflito entre os indivíduos da sociedade, mas também a solução. Os conflitos sociais que ocorreram durante a República Velha (1889 1930) deveriam ser consequência de regras jurídicas ou leis concebidas de maneira errada, portanto creditavam na primazia do Estado sobre os indivíduos e imaginavam que reformas jurídicas (e não econômicas) poderiam levar à paz social. / The present study seeks to contribute to the understanding of juridical and political ideas of Rio de Janeiros élites between 1899 and 1919, moment in the history of Brazil when the State was reorganized through the articulation of the republican institutions. The choice of analyzing articles published in The Free Law School of the city of Rio de Janeiros review was made based on the fact that the school was the first academic institution to offer a law course in Rio de Janeiro and, since its founding in 1891, its faculty was composed of prominent jurists as Augusto Olympio Viveiros de Castro, Francisco de Paula Lacerda de Almeida, Abelardo Saraiva da Cunha Lobo, Esmeraldino Olympio de Torres Bandeira, Carlos da Costa Ferreira Porto Carreiro, Benedicto Carneiro de Campos Valladares, among others. These circumstances made possible the observation of the social reasons that led to the expansion of the demand for legal education in Brazil, culminating in the end of São Paulo and Recifes law school exclusiveness. The legislation related to the creation of the new law schools determined the foundation of scientific journals focused on the dissemination of scientific literature and theoretical debates of the science of law. A quantitative survey of the published articles subjects organized by area allowed to observe the main debates and theoretical references who wrote (almost all teachers): the books \"Law as a Means to an End\" and \"The Spirit of Roman Law in Different Stages of its Development\", written by the german jurist Rudolf Von Ihering. Through this research may be observed that the brazilian jurists main ideas were assimilated from Ihering: the public law (represented by the authority and prominence of the State population) aims to defend private law (especially the life and private property); the of the knowledge of law and the creation of legal rules (laws) should not be restricted to the Philosophy of Law or Comparative Law, but should accept the society moral rules, so that people feel justice in the States action, essential contribution to the science of law for the formation of the State Nation. In general, it was stated that the jurists, part of Rio de Janeiros elites joined at the Free Law School of the city of Rio de Janeiro, understood that law not only represented the conflict zone between the individuals in a society, but it could offer proper solutions. Consequently, the social conflicts that occurred during the República Velha (1889-1930) should be a consequence of rules or laws badly designed. Therefore this way of thinking was based on the primacy of the State over individuals, so that these jurists imagined that legal reforms (and non-economic reforms) could lead to social peace.

Diploma privilege: legal education at the University of Melbourne 1857-1946

Waugh, John January 2009 (has links)
When Australian law teaching began in 1857, few lawyers in common-law systems had studied law at university. The University of Melbourne's new course joined the early stages of a dual transformation, of legal training into university study and of contemporary common law into an academic discipline. Victoria's Supreme Court immediately gave the law school what was known in America as 'diploma privilege': its students could enter legal practice without passing a separate admission exam. Soon university study became mandatory for locally trained lawyers, ensuring the law school's survival but placing it at the centre of disputes over the kind of education the profession should receive. Friction between practitioners and academics hinted at the negotiation of new roles as university study shifted legal training further from its apprenticeship origins. The structure of the university (linked to the judiciary through membership of its governing council) and the profession (whose organisations did not control the admission of new practitioners) aided the law school's efforts to defend both its training role and its curriculum against outside attack. / Legal academics turned increasingly to the social sciences to maintain law's claim to be not only a professional skill, but an academic discipline. A research-based and reform-oriented theory of law appealed to the nascent academic profession, linking it to legal practice and the development of public policy but at the same time marking out for the law school a domain of its own. American ideas informed thinking about research and, in particular, pedagogy, although the university's slender financial resources, dependent on government grants, limited change until after World War II. In other ways the law school consciously departed from American models. It taught undergraduate, not graduate, students, and its curriculum included history, jurisprudence and non-legal subjects alongside legal doctrine. Its few professors specialised in public law and jurisprudence, leaving private law to a corps of part-time practitioner-teachers. The result was a distinctive model of state-certified compulsory education in both legal doctrine and the history and social meanings of law.

Skapandets rätt : ett kulturvetenskapligt perspektiv på den svenska upphovsrättens historia / The Rights of Creativity : Swedish Copyright History in a Cultural Context

Fredriksson, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The Rights of Creativity is a study of Swedish copyright history from the birth of Sweden’s first copyright legislation in the early 19th century to the passing of the current law in 1960. As the title suggests, the law is regarded as part of a wider cultural context and the dissertation moves beyond the borders of legal history and analyses the law in relation to the history of literature, film, television and other media that partly reflect and partly intersect with the legislative process. The main object of the study is to see how the author is constructed in legal and cultural discourses during the 19th and 20th century. The dissertation focuses on three Swedish copyright laws from 1877, 1919 and 1960, but these laws and their preambles are also related to a few contemporary cultural intertexts, namely: August Strindberg’s novel Röda rummet [The Red Room] from 1879; the director Mauritz Stiller’s films Gunnar Hedes Saga [The Blizzard] and Gösta Berlings saga [The Saga of Gösta Berling] from 1923 and 1924, and finally the television shows Hylands hörna and Skäggen from 1962 and 1963. Apart from this it also pays some attention to the Freedom of the Press Act from 1810 that came to include Sweden’s first copyright statement, as well as to the development after 1960. Eventually it aims to show how the historical legacy has affected the copyright legislation and debates of today. / Skapandets rätt handlar om hur den juridiska synen på upphovsmannen rätt och skapandets villkor har förändrats i förhållande till den kulturella utvecklingen i Sverige under 1800 och 1900-talet. Avhandlingen består av en kronologisk studie av de upphovsrättslagar som antogs 1877, 1919 och 1960, men den behandlar också 1810 års tryckfrihetsförordning och de senaste årens rättsutveckling i korthet. Denna upphovsrättshistoriska exposé placeras in i ett litteratur- och mediehistoriskt sammanhang och lagtexterna underkastas en intertextuell analys där deras relation till några olika kulturella intertexter analyseras. Inledningsvis diskuteras hur 1810 års Tryckfrihetsförordning kom att innefatta Sveriges första upphovsrättsbestämmelse. Därefter kontrasteras Sveriges första separata upphovsrättslag från 1877 mot August Strindbergs genombrottsroman Röda rummet, allt i ljuset av Jürgen Habermas teori om den borgerliga offentligheten. 1919 års lagstiftning relateras sedan till Mauritz Stiller filmatiseringar av Selma Lagerlöfs romaner En herrgårdssägen och Gösta Berlings saga. Instiftandet av dagens upphovsrättslag från 1960 analyseras slutligen mot bakgrund av den nya tidens TV-medium som här exemplifieras av Hylands hörna och Skäggen. Avslutningsvis knyts allt samman i en kapitel där historiens lärdomar appliceras på dagens debatt. Här diskuteras hur tre föreställda oppositioner mellan konstnär-publik, privat-offentligt och original-kopia har format upphovsrättens historia och hur de fortfarande färgar samtidens upphovsrättsdiskussioner.

Harmonisation In European Union On Industrial Property Rights Protection Procedures: Effects On Turkey Within The Framework Of Customs Union

Demirdag, Serap 01 April 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims at answering two questions under the topic of Harmonisation of Industrial Property Rights Protection Procedures in the European Union. The questions researched are: &ldquo / What are the current systems of Industrial Property Rights protection in the world, in the European Union and Turkey?&rdquo / and &ldquo / Is there a way for Turkey to be included within the EU Industrial Property protection system in the future while still being under the relation of Customs Union?&rdquo / . To answer these questions current systems of Industrial Property Rights protection in the world, in European Union and Turkey is briefly analyzed and following this analysis, a proposal for a closer cooperation in Industrial Property protection system of Turkey with the European Union is given backed up with a comparison of statistical data of EU, Turkey and candidate countries.

Verfassung und Verfassungsvertrag : konstitutionelle Entwicklungsstufen in den USA und der EU /

Guttenberg, Karl-Theodor zu January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Basel, Univ., Diss., 2006 / Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral) -- Universität Bayreuth, 2006. Includes bibliographical references (p. [416]-464) and index.

Jean Bréhal : inquisiteur d'exception ou inquisiteur exemplaire de la fin du Moyen Age / Jean Bréhal : exceptional inquisitor or exemplary inquisitor in the late Middle Ages

Silvestre, Laurence 08 December 2017 (has links)
Jean Bréhal est un dominicain normand, docteur en théologie, qui s’est fait un nom en tant qu’inquisiteur du royaume de France, non pas en traquant l’hérésie, ou en poursuivant des sorcières, mais en annulant des condamnations, et plus particulièrement celle de la Pucelle d’Orléans, vingt-cinq ans après le bûcher de Rouen. Sa longévité dans l’officio inquisitionis (de 1452 à 1474), sous les règnes de Charles VII et de Louis XI, contraste avec le nombre réduit d’affaires qu’il a instruites, d’après les sources. Aussi on peut se demander s’il fait figure d’exception, ou s’il est inquisiteur exemplaire de la fin du Moyen Âge. Le «cas Bréhal» invite à examiner la charge d’inquisiteur après le Concile de Vienne, dans le contexte particulier, à la fois d’un territoire encore marqué par les antagonismes de la guerre de Cent ans, et d’une Église éprouvée par le Grand Schisme et ses séquelles. Sur la base d’un corpus composé principalement des écrits du dominicain, dont certains éléments sont des manuscrits inédits, mais dont le noyau est constitué par la procédure en nullité de la condamnation de Jeanne d’Arc, cette thèse se propose non seulement d’appréhender l’homme et son parcours, mais aussi et surtout sa pensée, d’analyser son écriture scolastique, de saisir le sens de son action, percer ses motivations, et peut-être comprendre la nature du «pouvoir» qu’il a incarné pendant plusieurs décennies. Au final, c’est une époque, des milieux, et la situation d’un office, que cette étude centrée sur Jean Bréhal éclaire, tout autant que la spécificité d’un individu. Elle a surtout pour but de faire connaître une œuvre qui embrasse des champs variés et des centres d’intérêts divers. / Jean Bréhal is a Dominican friar from Normandy and a theology professor, who became renowned as an inquisitor in the kingdom of France, neither for tracking down heresy nor pursuing witches, but for quashing sentences, more especially the sentence of condemnation of the Maid of Orléans, twenty five years after she was burnt at the stake in Rouen. The longevity of his tenure in the officium inquisitionis (from 1452 until 1474), in the reigns of Charles VII and Louis XI, contrasts with how few investigations he actually conducted, according to the documentation. So we wonder whether he was an exception or exemplary for the late Middle Ages. The “Bréhal case” suggests looking upon the office of inquisitor after the Council of Vienne, in the particular context of a territory that was still scarred by the divisions of the Hundred Years’ war, and of a Church that had been tested by the Great Schism and its aftermaths. Our corpus mostly consists of the Dominican’s own writings, of which some documents are unpublished manuscripts, and its core lies in the trial of nullification of the condemnation of Joan of Arc. On that basis, the aim of this thesis is to know not only the man and his journey but also, and above all, his thinking, to parse his scholastic prose, to grasp the meaning of his action, to discover his motivation, and to understand the nature of the “power” that he has embodied over several decades. Eventually, this study, while focusing on Jean Bréhal, sheds light as much on a time, a world and the state of an office, as on the specificities of one individual. Above all, its goal is to introduce readers to a body of works that contains various fields and interests.

Le pouvoir de gestion du domaine public / The power to manage state administered property

Camus, Aurelien 28 November 2013 (has links)
Le pouvoir de gestion du domaine public est un objet juridique atypique. Au cœur de la dialectique opposant puissance publique et propriété, et confronté aux nouveaux enjeux, patrimoniaux, économiques et concurrentiels, qui traversent la domanialité publique, ses contours et son fondement doivent être redéfinis, sur le socle de sa généalogie. Pouvoir sur une chose, la puissance publique gestionnaire doit aussi être définie dans le cadre des ses interactions avec les administrés, dans une perspective subjectiviste. Le pouvoir de gestion est une puissance publique propriétaire en interaction avec les droits des usagers. / The power to manage state administered property is an atypical legal object. At the core of the dialectic between public authority and property, and facing new property, economic and competitive issues related to state owned public domains, its outline and its foundation must be redefined based on its genealogy. A power upon a thing, the managing public authority must also be defined from a subjectivist approach, within the framework of its interactions with citizens. Management power is a public owner power interacting with the users’ rights.

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