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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Jones, Michael Brandt 01 January 2005 (has links)
This dissertation examined the relationship between organizational culture and knowledge management in a manufacturing environment. The objective of this study was to determine what organizational culture type was significantly related to knowledge management in U.S. manufacturing firms. The study also explored the role of cultural strength in enabling knowledge management programs. This study used the following three research questions: 1) Is organizational culture related to knowledge management in U.S. manufacturing firms? 2) What organizational culture type relates to knowledge management in U.S. manufacturing firms? 3) Do dominant organizational culture types relate to knowledge management more than balanced culture types in U.S. manufacturing firms? This study characterized organizational culture as clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy culture types (Cameron & Quinn, 2006). It described knowledge management according to six processes of the knowledge management cycle (Lawson, 2003). The researcher distributed Cameron and Quinn's (2006) OCAI and Lawson's (2002) KMAI to a sample of U.S. manufacturing firms located in Virginia (N = 267) to assess organizational culture and knowledge management. This study used both parametric and nonparametric testing to conduct the analysis. The results of this research suggested that organizational culture was related to knowledge management in U.S. manufacturing firms in Virginia. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients indicated a significant correlation between all of the organizational culture types and knowledge management. In addition, the regression model indicated that three of the four organizational culture types were significant predictors of knowledge management. Manufacturing firms that had dominant adhocracy culture types had a significantly positive and stronger relationship to knowledge management than clan, market, and hierarchy culture types did to knowledge management. Manufacturing firms that had dominant clan culture types had a significantly positive and stronger relationship to knowledge management than hierarchy culture types did to knowledge management. The standard regression analysis and Pearson correlation coefficients indicated that training and having a knowledge management program in place significantly related to knowledge management scores. Overall, the nonparametric analysis corroborated the findings of the parametric analysis. The findings highlighted an opportunity for many manufacturers to improve their businesses by adopting a formal knowledge management program. This study recommended that managers conduct a gap analysis of their knowledge management program to identify areas in need of improvement. Managers can start a knowledge management program by implementing a small pilot project. After initial successes, they can move to larger projects. Eventually, organizations should seek to incorporate knowledge management into the strategy and culture of the organization (Davenport & Prusak, 1998). This study provided a useful example to researchers that need to determine if two correlation coefficients are statistically different. For the parametric testing, the researcher used the Hotelling-Williams test for comparing two related Pearson correlation coefficients with a shared variable (Cramer, 1998; Steiger, 1980; Williams, 1959). For the nonparametric testing, the researcher used a Fisher's Z transformation and z-test to compare two related Spearman correlations that had a variable in common (Maier, 2009; Myers & Sirios, 2006). The researchers may choose between parametric and nonparametric methods depending on the nature of their data. This study recommended several avenues for future research in knowledge management. One recommendation included examining organizational culture and knowledge management in different environments. Another opportunity for future research was to replicate this study while adding additional variables such as cultural congruence or organizational benefits (Chin-Loy & Mujtaba, 2007). The researcher also recommended employing qualitative methods and conducting a case analysis of a single firm. These opportunities for future research will enhance our understanding of knowledge management while promoting the knowledge management discipline.

Essays on information revelation and political institutions

How Choon, Marie Thea J. S. S. 04 February 2021 (has links)
This dissertation examines how political institutions shape incentives for the transmission of policy-relevant private information. The first two chapters present theoretical frameworks to examine strategic information transmission to political candidates by a biased adviser. The third explores the causal impact of gender representation on municipal outcomes in the United States. In Chapter One, I examine a model of "cheap talk" lobbying with no commitment. A biased adviser seeks to influence the policy outcome of a Downsian election by sending messages to the two candidates before they announce their policy platforms. I show that the adviser may credibly reveal some information on voter preferences, but only privately to one candidate. Political competition has a disciplining effect; the adviser prefers extreme policies, but instead recommends a pragmatic policy --- one that is just close enough to voters' preference. In some situations, the presence of the biased adviser benefits the median voter. The second chapter presents a model of informational lobbying with full commitment. The biased adviser strategically designs informative signals on voter preferences that will be observed by each of the two candidates. In contrast to the cheap talk context, the optimal signal structure is shown to involve only public signals that are observed by both candidates. In particular, candidates receive precise information about how extreme voter preferences are, but not whether voters lean right or left. Consequently, both candidates choose the same biased policy, as a result of which the median voter is always worse off. Chapter Three investigates the effect of gender representation on municipal outcomes in the United States between 2008 and 2016. Using novel data, the analysis exploits close elections between male and female candidates to measure the impact of an exogenous increase in the number of female council members. Consistent with the existing literature, we find evidence of decreased per capita expenditure, which, we argue, is not driven by revenue constraints but by increased disagreement or "gridlock" within the council. We also find no significant effect of gender representation on the composition of municipal spending or on other women's political aspirations.


Odoom, Hyiamang Safo, Mr. 26 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Diseño y mejora de gráficos de control multivariantes para atributos. Un enfoque basado en teoría difusa

Pastuizaca Fernández, María Nela 02 June 2016 (has links)
[EN] The Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a method used to control the quality characteristics of a product during the production process, determine whether the manufacturing process is or not stable and improve its capacity through the reduction of variability. One of the main tools used in the SPC is the control chart. Often the quality of a product is measured through various quality characteristics generally correlated. Multivariate Control charts are a response to the need for quality control in such situations. If the quality characteristics are qualitative, sometimes it happens that the product quality is defined by linguistic variables and product units are also classified by linguistic forms into several categories, depending on the degree of fulfillment of expectations, creating a situation of fuzzy classifications. The control charts proposed in the literature to deal with such situations are mostly based on simulation and using approximation techniques which hinder the practical application thereof. This thesis addresses this issue proposing a multivariate control chart for quality characteristics of multi-type attributes correlated based on the T2 control chart of Hotelling, using a fuzzy approach. The results of the proposed control charts before are improved by establishing a more formal way of measuring and evaluating quality in these diffuse situations. A method is also proposed to assess the performance of control chart proposed, by deter mining the average run length (ARL), in both in-control state and the out-of-control state. For this, algorithms which use Monte Carlo simulation are developed and implemented in R. Additionally, the sensitivity of the control chart faced with the choice of the membership functions of linguistic variables is analyzed. / [ES] El Control Estadístico de Procesos (CEP) es un método que se utiliza para controlar las características de calidad de un producto durante el proceso de producción, determinar si los procesos de manufactura son o no estables y mejorar su capacidad a través de la reducción de la variabilidad. Una de las principales herramientas utilizadas en el Control Estadístico de Procesos es el gráfico de control. Con frecuencia, la calidad de un producto se mide a través de varias características de calidad, generalmente correlacionadas. Los gráficos de control multivariantes son una respuesta a la necesidad de controlar la calidad en tales situaciones. Si las características de calidad son de carácter cualitativo, ocurre en ocasiones que la calidad del producto se define mediante variables lingüísticas y las unidades de producto se clasifican también de for ma lingüística en varias categorías, dependiendo del grado de cumplimiento de las expectativas, creando una situación de clasificaciones difusas. Los gráficos propuestos en la literatura para tratar con tales situaciones están, en su mayoría, basados en simulación y el uso de técnicas de aproximación que dificultan la aplicación práctica de los mismos. Esta tesis trata esta cuestión proponiendo un Gráfico de Control multivariante para características de calidad de tipo multi-atributos correlacionados basado en el gráfico T2 de Hotelling, utilizando un enfoque difuso. Se mejora los resultados de los gráficos de control propuestos anterior mente estableciendo una manera más formal de medición y evaluación de la calidad en estas situaciones difusas. Se propone además un procedimiento para evaluar el rendimiento del gráfico de control propuesto mediante la determinación de la longitud de racha promedio (ARL), tanto para un estado bajo-control como para el estado fuera-de-control. Para ello se desarrollaron algoritmos que utilizan simulación de Monte Carlo y han sido implementados en R. Adicionalmente, se analiza la sensibilidad del gráfico de control frente a la elección de las funciones de pertenencia de las variables lingüísticas. / [CA] El Control Estadístic de Processos (CEP) és un mètode que s'utilitza per controlar les característiques de qualitat d'un producte durant el procés de producció, deter minar si els processos de manufactura són o no estables i millorar la seva capacitat a través de la reducció de la variabilitat. Una de les principals eines utilitzades en el Control Estadístic de Processos és el gràfic de control. Sovint, la qualitat d'un producte es mesura a través de diverses característiques de qualitat, generalment correlacionades. Els gràfics de control multivariants són una resposta a la necessitat de controlar la qualitat en aquestes situacions. Si les característiques de qualitat són de caràcter qualitatiu, de vegades passa que la qualitat del producte es defineix mitjançant variables lingüístiques i les unitats de producte es classifiquen també de for ma lingüística en diverses categories, depenent del grau de compliment de les expectatives, creant una situació de classificacions difuses. Els gràfics proposats en la literatura per abordar aquestes situacions són, majoritàriament, basats en simulació i l'ús de tècniques d'aproximació que en dificulten l'aplicació pràctica. Aquesta tesi tracta de resoldre aquesta qüestió amb la proposta d'un Gràfic de Control multivariant per característiques de qualitat de tipus multi-atributs correlacionats basat en el gràfic T2 de Hotelling, mijançant un enfocament difús. S'hi milloren els resultats de les gràfics de control proposats anterior ment per mitjà d'un mètode més for mal de mesurament i avaluació de la qualitat en aquestes situacions difuses. S'hi proposa a més un procediment per avaluar el rendiment del gràfic de control proposat mitjançant la deter minació de la longitud de ràfega mitjana (ARL), tant per a un estat en-control com per a l'estat fora-de-control. Amb aquesta finalitat es van desenvolupar algoritmes que utilitzen simulació de Monte Carlo i han estat implementats en R. Addicionalment, s'hi analitza la sensibilitat del gràfic de control davant l'elecció de les funcions de pertinença de les variables lingüístiques. / Pastuizaca Fernández, MN. (2016). Diseño y mejora de gráficos de control multivariantes para atributos. Un enfoque basado en teoría difusa [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/65073

Nonparametric Methods for Measuring Conditional Dependence, Multi-Sample Dissimilarity, and Testing for Symmetry

Huang, Zhen January 2024 (has links)
We describe new nonparametric methods for (i) quantifying conditional dependence, (ii) quantifying multi-sample dissimilarity, and (iii) testing multivariate symmetry. In the first part of the thesis, we propose a kernel partial correlation (KPC) to quantify conditional dependence, and a kernel measure of dissimilarity between multiple distributions (KMD) to quantify the difference between multiple distributions. These two measures are both deterministic numbers between 0 and 1, with 0 and 1 corresponding to the two extreme cases --- KPC is 0 if and only if perfect conditional dependence holds, and 1 if and only if there is a conditional functional relationship; while KMD is 0 if and only if all the distributions that are compared are equal, and 1 if and only if these distributions are mutually singular. Both KPC and KMD can be estimated consistently using a computationally efficient graph-based method (including k-nearest neighbor graph and minimum spanning tree). For applications, KPC can be used to develop a model-free variable selection algorithm. This algorithm is provably consistent under sparsity assumptions, and shows superior performance in practice compared to existing procedures. KMD can be used to design an easily implementable test for the equality of multiple distributions, which is consistent against all alternatives where at least two distributions are not equal. A problem closely related to multi-sample testing is testing for symmetry. In the second part of the thesis, we develop distribution-free tests for multivariate symmetry (that includes central symmetry, sign symmetry, spherical symmetry, etc.) based on multivariate signs, ranks and signed-ranks defined via optimal transport (OT). One test we propose can be thought of as a multivariate generalization of Wilcoxon signed-rank (GWSR) test and shares many of the appealing properties of its one-dimensional counterparts. In particular, when testing against location shift alternatives, the GWSR test suffers from no loss in (asymptotic) efficiency, when compared to Hotelling's T2 test, despite being nonparametric and exactly distribution-free. Another test we propose is based on a combination of kernel methods and the multivariate signs and ranks defined via OT. This test is universally consistent against all alternatives, while still maintaining the distribution-free property. Furthermore, it is capable of testing a broader class of multivariate symmetry, including exchangeability, extending beyond the class of symmetry testable by GWSR.

Hotelling's Rule and Oil Prices : An Empirical Study / Hotelling's regel och oljepris : En empirisk studie

Ukani, Uzair January 2016 (has links)
The general objective has been to empirically analyze how Hotelling’s rule has predicted the crude oil price development over the last 100 years and if the rule can work as a framework to predict future resource prices. Hotelling’s rule has been perceived as both outdated and relevant, during the last decades. A general conclusion from previous research is that resource price-developments are more complex than Hotelling assumed. The analysis has been conducted through tests of variables like interest rates, time spans and extraction costs. The assumption of exponentially increasing resource prices has also been tested. The results obtained show no general support for the Hotelling-rule’s ability to predict future prices. Our results suggest that Hotelling’s rule predicts price paths best when a short time-span is considered. The lack of predictability is due to high volatility in resource prices, something Hotelling’s rule does not account for. / Det övergripande syftet med denna studie har varit att empiriskt analysera hur väl Hotellings-regel har förutspått utvecklingen av oljepriset under de senaste hundra åren och om regeln fungerar som ett bra ramverk för att kunna förutspå framtida resurspriser. Hotellings-regel har uppfattats som både föråldrad samt relevant under de senaste årtiondena. En generell slutsats från tidigare forskning är dock att utvecklingen av icke-förnybara resursers priser är mer komplex än vad Hotelling antog. Analysen har utförts genom tester av olika variabler som räntor, tidsperioder och utvinningskostnader. Antagandet om exponentiellt ökande resurspriser har också testats. De erhållna resultaten ger inget generellt stöd för Hotelling regeln som ett bra ramverk till att förutspå framtida resurspriser. Resultaten tyder dock på att Hotellings-regel förutspår framtida priser bäst när en kortare tidsperiod antas. Modellens avsaknad av förutsägbarhet är sannolikt på grund av volatilitet i resurspriser, något som Hotellings-regel inte tar fullt hänsyn till.

網路外部性與相容性對市場競爭的影響 / On Network Externality and Product Compatibility

張宏嘉 Unknown Date (has links)

Spatial Heterogeneity and Equilibrium

Yegorov, Yuri 23 February 1999 (has links)
This thesis consists of five chapters, based on four different articles. All of them are devoted to different aspects of spatial heterogeneity and its impact on economic equilibrium in space. The concept of heterogeneous continuous space is discussed in the introductory chapter.The first model "Equilibrium in Continuous Space under Decentralized Production" addresses the issue of the impact of differences across locations in exogeneous productivity on the structure of equilibrium prices, production and trade. The goal is to describe the general equilibrium in a spatially decentralized economy, when production, consumption and markets are distributed in continuous space and transportation costs are essentially linear. It is shown that an autarky equilibrium can exist only if transport costs are high enough. In the general case, the general equilibrium in this model includes some endogeneously determined trade areas, with flows of goods across space, and autarky areas where production and consumption activities take place only at the same point. An analytical solution in explicit functions is obtained; it contains equilibrium prices, labor supply and flows of goods as functions of the spatial variable. The model can be applied to a set of practical questions in regional economics. In particular, it is able to describe persistent price differentials across regions and non-local consequences of road construction and transportation cost shocks for the economy. The differences across locations in population density may have either historical or economic reasons.The second model "Hotelling's Revival" extends a well-known research of H.Hotelling (1929) to the two-dimensional case with spatially heterogeneous demand density, preserving the rest of his classical assumptions. It is shown that the problem of demand discontinuity in the one-dimensional model, which was discovered by d'Aspremont, Gabszewich and Thisse (1979), disappears in this case. This also holds for any bounded distribution of consumers on any compact set on a plane, which can describe real geographical situations. Demand continuity still holds for any transport costs, strictly increasing in distance and not necessarily linear. Although this is sufficient for the existence of Nash equilibrium in mixed strategies, in pure strategies it exists only for some subset of cases. Examples of both existence and non-existence are constructed, and for some family of densities the separation point between the two cases is found.The third model addresses locational choice of heterogeneous consumers, when land is also heterogeneous in quality. It is based on two articles. The first, "Dacha Pricing", is presented in chapter 4 and studies the problem of locational rent in a city-neighbourhood when utility includes both the impact of transport costs and time for transportation. For the case of identical agents the problem is solved explicitly and comparative statics with respect to exogeneous changes in transport cost and speed is studied. For the case of agents who are heterogeneous with respect to their income, a solution is also obtained. The model explains some evidence about dacha pricing in Russia and its dynamics during the transition period. The second article related to this model is "Location and Land Size Choice by Heterogeneous Agents". It generalizes the first one and form a separate chapter 5. A new approach about the general equilibrium allocation of heterogeneous divisible good (like land) among a continuum of heterogeneous consumers is proposed. The model is based on continuity of primitives which allow not only to finding a general equilibrium solution in a class of continuous functions, but also to treat the solution to a continuous problem as the limit of the corresponding sequence of discrete problems. This solves one of Berliant's paradoxes, related to spatial economics. The multiplicity of equilibria is shown to take place.

La mesure économique de la dépréciation du capital minier au Pérou

Cantuarias-Villessuzanne, Carmen 07 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le Pérou, extrêmement riche en minerais, connaît depuis les années 2000 une forte croissance économique. À la question de savoir si sa richesse minérale condamne le Pérou à la malédiction des ressources naturelles, nous répondons que ce n'est pas le cas à l'heure actuelle, mais nous mettons en évidence une forte dépendance vis-à-vis de l'activité minière. La question centrale est celle du développement durable de l'activité minière. La mesure de la dépréciation du capital minier (DCM) est l'indicateur fondamental pour évaluer la situation. Diverses méthodes d'estimation existent, mais notre analyse microéconomique basée sur la règle de Hotelling fournit une valeur d'environ 7 % du PIB sur la période 2000-2008, soit le double de l'approximation donnée par la Banque Mondiale. Nous proposons d'intégrer la DCM aux indicateurs macroéconomiques traditionnels, ce qui permet de mettre en évidence la surestimation de la croissance économique. Conformément à la règle de Hartwick, il apparaît clairement que le développement péruvien n'est pas durable ; les revenus miniers ne compensent pas la DCM et ne sont pas réinvestis en faveur du développement du pays. Il faudrait donc taxer les entreprises minières à hauteur de la DCM, et créer un fonds de ressources naturelles. Nos résultats montrent qu'épargner seulement 8 % de la DCM permettrait d'atteindre un revenu durable pour les générations futures. La création d'un tel fonds de ressources naturelles aurait également pour avantage de réduire l'instabilité macroéconomique et de promouvoir une meilleure gouvernabilité.


Mezzomo, Meire 25 July 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In the current competitive market, a great part of companies has as the main goal the search for continuous improvement of their products and services. Therefore, the application of statistical methods has great relevance in the quality evaluation, helping in the understanding and monitoring of the processes. In such context, the present study concerns to the use of multivariate control charts in the evaluation of the productive processes in the presence of cross-correlation, which the objective is to verify the continuous casting process stability in the production of still billets by means of Hotelling's T2 multivariate control charts applied in the estimated residual mathematical linear models. Initially, the existence of data autocorrelation was verified, it is necessary the ARIMA modeling, because when it happens, it is necessary to determine the residues and apply multivariate control charts to the residues and not on the original variables. The existence of correlation showed to be meaningful among the variables, being one of the assumptions for the statistical application T2. When the T2 chart instability is verified, it was necessary to identify the variable or the set of variables of steel temperatures in the distributor and in the distributor weight, which are responsible for the instability. Later, the estimated residues were decomposed into principal components, and with the help of the correlation of the original variables and the principal components, the variables which most contributed to the formation of each component were identified. Therefore, it was possible to detect the variables which caused the system instability, once for the steel temperature in the distributor were the T4 and T5, followed by T6, T3, T7 and T2 and for the weight of the distributor, PD4, PD5, PD3, PD6 and PD2, respectively. This way, the estimated residues from the mathematical models, the use of multivariate chart control Hotelling's T2 and the decomposition into principal components which were able to represent the productive process. This methodology allowed the understanding of the behavior of the variables and helped the monitoring of this process, as well as, in the determination of the possible variables which caused the instability in the continuous casting process. / No atual mercado competitivo, grande parte das empresas tem como principal objetivo a busca da melhoria contínua dos seus produtos e serviços. Assim, a aplicação de métodos estatísticos apresenta grande relevância na avaliação da qualidade, auxiliando na compreensão e monitoramento de processos. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo aborda a utilização de gráficos de controle multivariados na avaliação do processo produtivo na presença de correlação cruzada, cujo objetivo é verificar a estabilidade do processo de lingotamento contínuo na fabricação de tarugos de aço por meio do gráfico de controle multivariado T2 de Hotelling aplicado nos resíduos estimados de modelos matemáticos lineares. Inicialmente, foi verificada a existência de autocorrelação nos dados, sendo necessária a utilização da modelagem ARIMA, pois quando isso ocorre, deve-se proceder à determinação dos resíduos e aplicar os gráficos de controle multivariados aos resíduos e não nas variáveis originais. A existência de correlação cruzada mostrou-se significativa entre as variáveis, sendo um dos pressupostos para a aplicação da estatística T2. Verificada a instabilidade no gráfico T2, buscaram-se identificar a variável ou conjunto de variáveis das temperaturas do aço no distribuidor e peso do distribuidor, responsáveis pela instabilidade. Posteriormente, os resíduos estimados foram decompostos em componentes principais, e com o auxílio da correlação entre as variáveis originais e as componentes principais, identificou-se as variáveis que mais contribuíram para a formação de cada componente. Assim, foi possível detectar as variáveis causadoras da instabilidade do sistema, sendo que para às temperaturas do aço no distribuidor foram às temperaturas T4 e T5, seguidas de T6, T3, T7 e T2 e para o peso do distribuidor, PD4, PD5, PD3, PD6 e PD2, respectivamente. Deste modo, os resíduos estimados oriundos dos modelos matemáticos, a aplicação dos gráficos de controle multivariados T2 de Hotelling e a decomposição em componentes principais foram capazes de representar o processo produtivo. Esta metodologia possibilitou a compreensão do comportamento das variáveis e auxiliou no monitoramento do processo, bem como, na determinação das possíveis variáveis causadoras da instabilidade no processo de lingotamento contínuo.

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