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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neopentecostalização do pentecostalismo clássico: mudanças na concepção escatológica das Assembleias de Deus

Ferreira, Ismael de Vasconcelos 21 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by isabela.moljf@hotmail.com (isabela.moljf@hotmail.com) on 2017-05-15T12:53:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ismaeldevasconcelosferreira.pdf: 1382055 bytes, checksum: 292adae6ccd8a8d0acee1cb06fb4085d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-05-17T15:58:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ismaeldevasconcelosferreira.pdf: 1382055 bytes, checksum: 292adae6ccd8a8d0acee1cb06fb4085d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-17T15:58:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ismaeldevasconcelosferreira.pdf: 1382055 bytes, checksum: 292adae6ccd8a8d0acee1cb06fb4085d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-21 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar e discutir as mudanças que vêm ocorrendo na concepção de escatologia das Assembleias de Deus, estudadas a partir do Congresso Internacional de Missões dos Gideões Missionários da Última Hora. Para tanto, busca-se compreender a escatologia que rege a referida denominação a partir dos seus escritos doutrinários que permitem estabelecer um modelo bem próximo àquele que caracterizava o pentecostalismo clássico. Este modelo é descrito pela forma como os pentecostais se relacionavam com o mundo, adotando um caráter ascético e sectário promovido pelo anseio que tinham em viver o tempo futuro, considerando que somente a parusia traria o conforto imediato e definitivo ante as idiossincrasias do mundo hodierno. Da análise do congresso já referido, nota-se que, mesmo corroborando com pontos considerados essenciais ao pentecostalismo clássico, há um misto de novas convicções que são emanadas a partir das pregações proferidas no evento. Estas convicções estão mais afeitas a outro modelo de pentecostalismo que valoriza aspectos contrários a este, como a teologia da prosperidade, o pragmatismo, o imediatismo e o antropocentrismo, características que são do que se conhece atualmente como neopentecostalismo. À medida que se constatam essas ênfases em um ambiente que representa o pentecostalismo clássico, percebem-se conflitos que vão de encontro à teologia pentecostal, notadamente à sua escatologia, justificando assim o título desta dissertação: neopentecostalização do pentecostalismo clássico. / The aim of this research is to analyze and discuss the changes taking place in the Assemblies of God‟s conception of eschatology, studied according to the International Congress of the Missionary Gideons of the Latter Hour. For such, we seek to comprehend the eschatology that rules the aforementioned denomination from its doctrinal writings, which allow to establish a model very close to the classical Pentecostalism. This model is described according to the way Pentecostals interact with the world, adopting an ascetic and sectarian ethos promoted by the hope they had to live the future time, considering that only parousia would bring definitive and immediate comfort facing the idiosyncrasies of the modern world. From the analysis of the Congress it is remarkable that, even corroborating some points considered essential to classical Pentecostalism, there is a mix of new convictions coming from the sermons delivered at the event. These convictions are closer to another model of Pentecostalism, the one that values aspects such as the prosperity theology, the pragmatism, the immediatism and the anthropocentrism, features of what is currently known in Brazil as Neopentecostalism. Once these features are found in an atmosphere that represents the classical Pentecostalism, one can notice some conflicts in relation to Pentecostal theology, especially regarding its eschatology, and therefore justifying the title of this Master thesis: the neopentecostalization of classical Pentecostalism.

Factors, complications and health-related quality of life associated with diabetes mellitus developed after midlife in men

Pienimäki, T. (Tuula) 14 May 2014 (has links)
Abstract Type 2 diabetes is increasing overall in the world and is mostly associated with Western lifestyle including replete, unhealthy diet, sedentary life style and growing obesity. In the future the highest prevalence will be seen among older people due to longer life expectancy and changes in demography. Because diabetes is associated with increased morbidity, especially from cardiovascular causes, and a shortened life expectancy, an important aspect in the older population is the impact of diabetes on health related quality of life (HRQoL) and development of disability. To measure HRQoL we have many valid instruments, one of them the widely used RAND-36 survey. The 2-hour glucose value is important in screening subjects at high risk for diabetes, but it is time consuming and costly. Recently, 1-hour post load glucose has aroused interest in the prediction of diabetes. Few studies have focused on the effect of the age of onset of diabetes and how it effects on the HRQoL at an older age. The aim of this study was to investigate the risk factors for future diabetes in men healthy in midlife; the interest was especially focused on 1-hour post load glucose. The other objective was to estimate the HRQoL in men who develop diabetes at an old age. The present prospective study is based on the Helsinki Businessmen Study originally consisting of 3.490 men, born in 1919–1934 and followed since the 1960´s. All the men had socioeconomically similar status and belonged to the highest social group. The extensive baseline examinations were conducted in 1974, when the men were in midlife, mean age 48. At that time the men´s health, medication and cardiovascular risk factors were observed and self-related health (SRH) was rated on a five-step scale. The men who were healthy without medications were included in the follow-up group. The men were later investigated with postal questionnaires (1985/86, 2000, 2002/03, 2007). In 2000, at mean age of 73, the HRQoL of the survivors was examined using the RAND-36 instrument and was replicated in 2002/03, 2005 and 2007. Development of diabetes was evaluated using the National Drug Reimbursement register and self-reported diabetes in questionnaires. Baseline 1-hour post-load blood glucose and weight gain from the age of 25 to midlife predicted future diabetes, and especially a combination of 1-hour glucose >8.9 mmol/L and body mass index (BMI) of ≥30 was associated with a 10.1-fold increase of diabetes risk independently of cardiovascular risk factors. Men with late-onset of diabetes (age >75) tented to be healthier in midlife. Diabetes did not affect the HRQoL until after diabetes onset. According to the evaluation in 2000, three RAND-36 scales, i.e. physical functioning, general health and social functioning, worsened already after 0–4 years from diabetes onset but did not deteriorate thereafter. There was no consistent impact on mental health. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that in men, who develop diabetes later in old age, cardiovascular risk factors in midlife and elevated 1-hour post-load glucose and weight gain up to midlife are important predictors for future diabetes. Developing diabetes exerts clear effects on HRQoL, measured with RAND-36 very early after diagnosis, but affects only some of the domains. / Tiivistelmä Tyypin 2 diabetes on lisääntymässä maailmanlaajuisesti ja on suurelta osin yhteydessä länsimaisen elämäntyylin yleistymiseen. Keskeisimpinä tekijöinä ovat muuttunut, yltäkylläinen ruokavalio, vähentynyt fyysinen aktiivisuus ja niiden myötä lihavuuden lisääntyminen. Diabeteksen lisääntyminen näyttäisi olevan suurinta yli 65-vuotiaiden keskuudessa. Tähän vaikuttavat mm. eliniän pidentyminen ja väestörakenteen muutokset. Diabetesta sairastavien riski sairastua ja kuolla sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien komplikaatioihin on suurempi kuin ei-diabeetikoilla ja sairauksien myötä toimintakyky sekä elämänlaatu heikkenevät. Henkilön oma arvio hyvinvoinnista on tärkeä mittari. Elämänlaadun luotettava mittaaminen on tullut mahdolliseksi testattujen kysymyssarjojen myötä. Yksi laajasti käytetty mittari on RAND-36. Diabetesriskissä olevien henkilöiden löytämiseksi on käytetty 2-tunnin glukoosirasitustestiä, joka on aikaa vievä. Viimeaikoina onkin herännyt kiinnostus glukoosirasituksen jälkeistä yhden tunnin sokeriarvoa kohtaan. Useimmat tyypin 2 diabetekseen liittyvät tutkimukset ovat keskittyneet työikäiseen väestöön, minkä vuoksi tutkimuksia vanhemmalla iällä puhjenneesta diabeteksesta ja sen vaikutuksesta elämänlaatuun on vähemmän. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää keski-iän riskitekijöitä, jotka ennustavat tulevaa tyypin 2 diabetesta myöhemmällä iällä. Yhtenä tutkimuskohteena oli yhden tunnin glukoosirasituksen jälkeinen sokeriarvo. Myöhemmällä iällä puhjenneen diabeteksen merkitystä elämänlatuun kartoitettiin RAND-36-mittarilla. Tutkimusaineistona oli ns. Helsingin Johtajatutkimuksen mieskohortti, jota on seurattu 1960-luvulta alkaen. Kaikki miehet (n=3.490) olivat alkuaan terveitä, vuosina 1919–1934 syntyneitä miehiä, jotka kuuluivat ylimpään sosiaaliryhmään. Heidän terveydentilaansa on kartoitettu nykypäiviin saakka. Laajempi perustutkimus tehtiin vuonna 1974, jolloin miehet olivat keski-iässä (48 v). Seurantaan valittiin terveet henkilöt, joilla ei ollut säännöllisiä lääkityksiä. Tällöin kartoitettiin sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien riskitekijöitä, mitattiin glukoosirasituksen jälkeinen yhden tunnin sokeriarvo ja selviteltiin elämäntapoja, minkä lisäksi sen hetkistä itse koettua hyvinvointia mitattiin 5-portaisella asteikolla. Postitse lähetettyjä kyselytutkimuksia on tehty tietyin väliajoin ja aineiston tiedot tähän tutkimukseen on kerätty 31.12.2007 mennessä. Vuonna 2000 kyselytutkimukseen liitettiin elämänlaatumittarina RAND-36-mittarin suomalainen versio. Diabeteksen puhkeamista on seurattu Kelan lääkekorvausrekisteristä sekä itse ilmoitettuna postikyselyiden kautta. Tässä keski-iässä terveessä mieskohortissa tulevan diabeteksen kannalta merkittävimmät ennusteelliset tekijät olivat painon nousu 25-vuoden iästä keski-ikään sekä keski-iässä mitattu glukoosirasituksen jälkeinen yhden tunnin sokeriarvo. Etenkin yhden tunnin sokeriarvo >8.9 mmol/L ja BMI ≥30 nostivat tulevan diabeteksen riskin 10-kertaiseksi. Näillä tekijöillä oli myös vahva yhteys sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien aiheuttamaan kuolleisuuteen. Glukoosirasituksen jälkeisellä yhden tunnin sokeriarvolla näyttäisi olevan merkitystä arvioitaessa tyypin 2 diabetesriskiä tulevaisuudessa, katkaisupisteenä plasman ≥7.8 mmol/L. Elämänlaatua diabetes näytti heikentävän pian diagnoosin jälkeen (0–4 vuotta diagnoosista), mutta sen jälkeen elämänlaatu ei huonontunut oleellisesti. RAND-36 mittarilla mitattuna elämänlaatu heikkeni merkittävästi diabeetikoilla ei-diabeetikoihin verrattuna fyysisen toimintakyvyn, yleisen elämänlaadun ja sosiaalisten toimintojen osa-alueilla, mutta mielenterveyteen diabetes ei näyttänyt vaikuttavan.

Evaluating the Impact of Double-Parked Freight Deliveries on Signalized Arterial Control Delay Using Analytical Models and Simulation

Keegan, Aaron J. 25 October 2018 (has links)
Freight deliveries on signalized urban streets are known to cause lane blockages during delivery. Traffic congestion associated with urban freight deliveries has gained increasing attention recently as traffic engineers and planners are tasked with finding solutions to manage increasing demand more sustainably with limited road capacity. The goal of this research is to evaluate two models for quantifying the capacity and signalized control delay effects of a lane-blocking freight delivery on an urban arterial. The two methods are: an All-or-Nothing model similar to methodology used in the Highway Capacity Manual 6th Edition, and a Detailed model consistent with kinematic wave theory. The purpose is to provide insight on the use of these tools for analysis of urban freight delivery. The signalized control delay results of the two models are compared with observed video data of urban deliveries from one city block of 8th Ave in New York City. Empirical confirmation of double-parked delivery impact on signalized controlled delay remains elusive due to an inability to isolate the effects of the deliveries from other traffic perturbations in the video sample. Instead, microscopic simulation using Aimsun is used for comparison to the theoretical models and the results lend credibility to the Detailed model. The simulation results show a similar trend of delay impact from double-parked deliveries located at a range distances from the intersection and more closely resembled the Detailed model. The All-or-Nothing model would provide only a coarse representation of the capacity and delay effects. The more detailed approach that accounts for the dynamics of queuing in front of the delivery vehicle provides closed form analytical formulas for capacity and signalized control delay that can account for varying locations of deliveries as well as analysis periods with some blocked cycles and others unblocked. Two policy implications are proposed: 1) that double-parked deliveries located mid-block likely result in less signalized control delay impact, and 2) freight receivers that attract double-parked deliveries near an intersection stop line should be prioritized in urban freight delivery mitigation policies such as off-hour delivery.

Apartmánový hotel - stavebně technologický projekt / Apartment hotel - construction-technological project

Srna, Michal January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis deals with construction-technological project of apartment hotel Tatranská Štrba. Project solves preparation of time, financial, material and other resources. Part of this work is the budget, general budget, time plan, principal mechanisms design, inspection and testing plans, technological prescription, building site equipment, realization study of major technological phases and comparision of masonary systems.

Ekonomická analýza výrobního procesu / Economic analisis production of the process

Rybka, Libor January 2011 (has links)
The final year thesis presented at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University in Brno deals with economic analysis of the produc-tion process. Cost items are specified in the introduction of this thesis. After that the detailed analysis was made. This part of the diploma work is ended with a pattern example for optimalization of production costs. The second part of the diploma work deals with growth ratio of the productivity and with indica-tors of critical produced volume. In the conclusion of the diploma work there is a comparison of two technological alternatives of the production.

Lithium-Ion Battery State of Charge Modelling based on Neural Networks

Chukka, Vasu 06 April 2022 (has links)
Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries have become a crucial factor in the recent electro-mobility trend. People's increased interest in electric vehicles (EVs) has motivated several automotive manufacturers and research organizations to develop suitable drivetrain designs involving batteries. Especially the development of the 48V Li-ion battery has been of great importance to reduce CO2 emissions and meet emission standards. However, accurately modeling Li-ion batteries is a difficult task since multiple factors have to be considered. Conservative Methods are using pyhsico-chemical models or electrical circuits in order to mimic the battery behavior. This thesis deals with developing a Li-ion battery model using artificial neural network (ANN) algorithms to predict the state of charge (SOC) as one of the key battery management system states. Due to the rising power of GPUs and the amount of available data, ANNs became popular in recent years. ANNs are also applicable to different areas of battery technology. Using battery data like the battery voltage, temperature, and current as input features, a neural network is trained that predicts battery SOC. A novel approach based on ANNs and one of the most commonly used SOC estimation methods are presented in this thesis to model the battery behavior. Furthermore, an approach for dealing with the highly unbalanced data by creating multidimensional bins and compare different neural network architectures for time series forecasting is introduced. By creating the model, our main priority is to reduce the model's errors in extreme operating areas of the battery. According to our results, long short-term memory (LSTM) architectures appear to be the best fit for this task. Finally, the developed ANN model can successfully learn battery behavior, however the model's accuracy under harsh operating circumstances is highly dependent on the data quality gathered.

Painful Narrative : A metafictional reading of The Hour of the Star,by Clarice Lispector.

Toresan, Mariela January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Differences between Nutrition Knowledge of Mothers of Preschoolers and the Growth Status and Dietary Intake of the Preschoolers.

Patel, Priyadarshni 15 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Är pendeltågens stopp för långa : - En studie av Stockholms pendeltågs uppehållstider . / Are the Stops in Stockholm’s Commuter Train System too Long : – A Survey of the Dwell Times of the Commuter Trains in Stockholm

KENNERÖ, JONAS January 2023 (has links)
An important aspect during the planning of commuter trains is how long they will be waiting at the platform. All travelers must be able to board and get off the train in time while the process cannot take too long. The train’s waiting time is called its dwell time, and this is a study of how the dwell time of the commuter trains in Stockholm behaves with a focus on the larger station Stockholm Odenplan and the smaller station Årstaberg. The duration of the dwell time compared to the stations planned dwell time was analyzed with manual measurements on the stations. The dwell time was analyzed both during and after rush hours. Possible reasons for the dwell time’s length were also analyzed and a potential factor that was in focus was the impact of the removal of train conductors. Train conductors in Stockholm’s rail system are responsible for monitoring the boarding and closing the train’s doors after it is finished. They began to dismantle from the trains Mars 2023 due to efficiency reasons. Half of the trains will run with a train conductor until autumn 2023, where they will disappear entirely. The train drivers will afterwards monitor the travelers with cameras instead. The commuter trains in Stockholm have three routes between Bålsta and Nynäshamn, Uppsala/Märsta and Södertälje and Södertälje and Gnesta. Factors considered when planning their timetables are the system’s capacity, how long the train should wait at a station and how long it takes to drive between stations. 94 % of the trains run on time in the system according to the operator MTR. The analyzed stations Stockholm Odenplan and Årstaberg are in Stockholm and have their separate conditions. Stockholm Odenplan is the second to largest station in the system and is in a central part of the city. The station is underground, and the rails are separated from the platform with platform doors. The doors are shown to cause delays for the dwell time as they are slow. Årstaberg has considerably fewer travelers than Stockholm Odenplan and is in the south parts of the city. The station is over the ground and has no platform doors. There are many theories about the causes behind a train’s dwell time based on the behavior of the passengers. They vary from where they are waiting on the platform, how they are queueing during boarding and the behavior during the boarding. The study shows that the dwell time in Årstaberg stays under its planned 42 seconds, but it is six seconds too long from its planned 60 seconds in Stockholm Odenplan. The dwell time increases during rush hour in Årstaberg and decreases outside of it, while Stockholm Odenplan seems to be largely unaffected by rush hours. Trains with train conductors seem to have a lower dwell time than those without them. The boarding has a shorter duration with train conductors, which shows that they are more efficient than the train drivers using cameras to monitor the boarding. However, it does take a little longer for the train to depart after the boarding is finished when they have a train conductor. Factors causing the dwell time are believed to be related to the flow of passengers and the design of the stations. The platform doors are believed to increase the dwell time in Stockholm Odenplan. Meanwhile, the protection from the weather and the location of the entrance in Årstaberg might impact its dwell time. When the number of passengers increases will the boarding take longer. The boarding will also be concentrated on a few doors in Årstaberg depending on the weather or if the trains are short. The dwell time should be analyzed further for a longer period and during more hours of the day. More stations in Stockholm’s rail system should be analyzed too.


Shrestha, Sajan 19 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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