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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Is Human Centric Lighting Really Human Centric in a Classroom? : A holistic evaluation of a HCL-system in a classroom

Malmberg, Jonas January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to evaluate Human Centric Lighting in a classroom. Previous studies tend to focus primarily on the biological, non-visual, effects of the HCL. In this study, a more holistic approach to HCL is applied, including both the non-visual aspects as well as the visual and emotional aspects.   In order to fulfil the aim of the study, the three aspects - visual, emotional and biological - will be investigated through five different methodologies; observation and analysis of lighting distribution and behavioural analysis of lighting system as a visual aspect, surveys about the mood and emotions as an emotional aspect and visual performance and visual acuity as a biological aspect.   The evaluation took place in the elementary school Sturebyskolan in Stockholm, where a classroom with a HCL-system is to be found. The system includes three lighting settings; 800 lx, 6000 K (energy light/focus light), 500 lx, 4000 K (standard/normal light) and 300 lx, 3000 K (calm/relaxed light).   Results show positive effect on performance and better visual acuity in focus lighting than in relaxed lighting. Focus lighting was perceived as a cold and hard lighting for tests, while the relaxed lighting was perceived as a warm and calm lighting for a cosy feeling. The lighting characteristics are suited for a typical classroom. The ignorance of the lighting system can be a problem for the experience and usage of the lighting in the classroom.   In summary, to denominate a lighting system as HCL and only consider the altered colour temperature and light intensity is not comprehensive enough. A HCL-system needs to consider the visual, emotional and biological aspects, and the biological aspect is explicitly considered in this lighting-system, whilst the emotional and visual aspects are more ambiguously considered.   As a proposal to consider all three aspects, several layers of light could be added in order to strengthen the visual aspect and create a vivid and interesting atmosphere. Moreover, conscious arrangement of luminaires and luminaires with flexible characteristics could simplify and broaden the opportunities in the classroom and facilitate the use of light layers.

Ljus i mörker - design som imiterar perceptionen av dagsljus inomhus

Axelsson, Erika January 2019 (has links)
På jordklotets nordliga breddgrader påverkas människor av mörka säsonger med liten tillgång till dagsljus, med fysiska påföljder så som sömnproblem och energibrist. Problemet kan minskas med ljuskällor som kan imitera soldygnet men dessa produkter lämnar föga åt fantasin. Denna studie har undersökt möjligheten att genom produktdesign imitera nordbors perception av dagsljus inomhus för att erbjuda användaren en emotionell upplevelse. Genom användarcentrerad design och kvalitativa metoder sammanställdes empiriska data för att skapa en samlad bild av nordbors perception av dagsljus inomhus. Studiens teoretiska ramverk berörde även ljusdesign och framför allt human-centric lighting samt ludisk design. Studien visar att det är av stor vikt att erbjuda individanpassning i denna typ av produkt för att förse användaren med en emotionell upplevelse. Slutkonceptet är en takarmatur för hemmet som erbjuder användaren lekfull design och interaktion, möjlighet att återskapa dygnsrytm samt en imitation av den egna perceptionen av dagsljus. / On the northern latitudes of the globe, people are affected by dark seasons with little access to daylight, with physical effects such as problems sleeping and loss of energy. The problems can be reduced with light sources that can imitate the sun, but these products leave little to the imagination.This study has investigated the possibility of imitating northerners’ perception of daylight indoors through product design to offer the user an emotional experience. Through user-centered design and qualitative methods, empirical data were compiled to create a unified image of northerners’ perception of daylight indoors. The study's theoretical framework also included lighting design, above all, human-centric lighting and ludic design.The study shows that it is of great importance to offer individual customization in this kind of product in order to provide the user with an emotional experience. The final concept is a light fixture for the home that offers the user playful design and interaction, the opportunity to recreate the circadian rhythm and an imitation of one's own perception of daylight.

Images of light and emotions - a photographic research about individual and collective emotional sensibility towards lighting atmospheres

Albé, Marta January 2020 (has links)
How do we humans feel the light? Is there a correspondance between our inner feelings and emotions and the outer space that surrounds us? Are we aware/conscious of it? Which personal meanings-values and emotions arise in us and how we consequently link them to a certain light-environment Atmosphere (indoor and outdoor) lit by natural or artificial light? Driven by these questions, this thesis will investigate via a visual qualitative experiment driven among photography amateurs, how their emotional sensibility is deeply bonded with light and how this emotional atmosphere is felt and portrayed throughout the day. A collection of two pictures per day, for one week, in the morning and in the evening will be firstly analyzed under the lens of each singular participant’s emotional sensibility, and then collectively grouped into common lighting Atmospheres. The wide and colorful spectrum of the possible combinations between light and emotions investigated in this research shows the richness and the complexity of the human sensibility towards light, and raise awareness in consider these intangible human factors as essential in the lighting process.

Redovisning av CRI hos Tunable White-armaturer : En undersökning av armaturtillverkares specifikation av Tunable white-armaturer / Accounting of CRI regarding Tunable White luminaires : A study of manufacturers' technical specification regarding Tunable White luminaires

Hällvall, Joakim, Gill, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
Tunable white-armaturer utgör idag en stor del av marknaden och förväntas öka ytterligare under de kommande åren. Då många leverantörer idag producerar och marknadsför sina egna lösningar för att skapa ett dynamiskt ljus kan det vara svårt att veta vilken standard dessa lösningar håller och hur väl den tekniska specifikationen stämmer överens med verkligheten. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka om informationen mot beställare är tillräcklig samt om den redovisade data av Tunable White-armaturer är korrekt. Studien bygger på två delar. En experimentell undersökning genomfördes där fem tunable white-armaturers CRI (färgåtergivning) mättes mellan olika CCT-nivåer (färgtemperatur) och sedan jämfördes det med vad leverantörer har specificerat på deras hemsidor. En enkätundersökning genomfördes sedan som riktades mot 144 ljusdesigners i Sverige, varav 52 valde att besvara enkäten. Frågorna berörde redovisning av Tunable white-armaturer samt vikten av en god ljuskvalitet med inriktning på CRI. Resultaten från författarnas experimentella undersökning visar att alla tunable white-armaturer som testades skiftar i CRI under olika färgtemperaturintervaller. Den största skillnaden som mättes var på fabrikat 3 där det skiftade 9 CRI mellan 2700K-6000K. En jämförelse kunde sedan göras och visade att två av fem leverantörers specifikationer inte stämmer överens med vad som redovisats i respektive produktdatablad. Av att tyda svaren från enkätundersökningen kunde slutsatsen dras att det finns mycket skilda åsikter angående de tekniska specifikationerna gällande tunable white-armaturer. En del ansåg att det redovisas tillräckligt väl idag medan andra ansåg att det inte redovisas tillräckligt väl. Majoriteten ansåg att det är mycket viktigt med en god CRI när man föreskriver tunable white-armaturer i sina projekt. Man kunde också se att många ljusdesigners önskade att man redovisade färgåtergivning i TM-30-15 istället för CRI-metoden eller att man bör redovisa i givna färgtemperaturer. Det som kan fastställas av denna studie är att det finns en tendens till att vissa armaturleverantörer har sämre CRI än vad företaget i fråga redovisat. Denna studie enbart mätt TW-armaturer från fem företag verksamma i Sverige samt endast vid 100% ljusflöde. Författarna anser dock att denna studie kan leda till en diskussion om bättre redovisning av tunable white-armaturer behövs, samt ge läsaren en ökad förståelse för komplexiteten inom området. / Tunable white luminaires today form a large part of the market and are expected to increase further in the upcoming years. As many manufacturers today produce and market their own solutions to create a dynamic light, it can be hard to know what quality these solutions have and how well the technical specification is. The purpose of this study were to investigate whether the information to the user is sufficient and whether the presented data of tunable white luminaires is correct. This study is based on two parts. An experimental study where five tunable white luminaires CRI (color rendering) were measured between different CCT levels (color temperature) and then compared these to what providers have specified on their websites. The second part was a survey was conducted to 144 lighting designers based in Sweden, 52 of whom chose to answer the questionnaire. The questions concerned the presented information of tunable white luminaires as well as the importance of a good light quality focusing on CRI. The results from the authors experimental survey showed that all tunable white luminaires that where tested are changing in CRI under different color temperature intervals. The biggest difference that was measured was on manufacturer 3 where 9 CRI shifted between 2700K-6000K. A comparison could be made and showed that two of five of the suppliers specifications did not match with the authors measurements. By analyzing the answers from the survey, some conclusions could be drawn. There were very different opinions regarding the technical specifications of tunable white luminaires. Some felt that it is enough as it is today, while others felt that more information was needed. The majority considered it very important to have a good CRI when selecting tunable white luminaires in their projects. One could also see that many lighting designers wanted to present color reproduction in TM-30-15 instead of the CRI method or to present CRI at given color temperatures. What can be determined by this study is that there is a tendency for some luminaire suppliers to have worse CRI than presented. This study only measured tunable white fixtures from five companies operating in Sweden and only at 100% luminosity. However, the authors consider that this study could lead to a discussion about better specifications for tunable white luminaires, as well as giving the reader an increased understanding of the complexity of the subject.

Human Centric Lighting : Automatisk belysningsvariation för hälsa, välbefinnande och elsparande

Möttönen, Karin, Hedén, Mikael January 2019 (has links)
Examensarbetet är en undersökning avseende implementering av Human Centric Lighting (HCL)- system i hemmamiljö. En litteraturstudie har genomförts om HCL, dess effekter på människan och LED-belysningens påverkan både på människan och miljön. För att få en bra praktisk grund gjordes även ett undersökande besök på Lindeborgsskolan i Malmö som i ett pilotprojekt har installerat HCL-system i ett klassrum. HCL handlar bland annat om att anpassa ljuset till människans varierande behov genom att variera intensitet (Lux) och färgtemperatur (Kelvin). Belysning har stor betydelse för människans välmående där en belysning med onaturlig spektralfördelning och flimmer kan leda till stress, sömnproblem samt att ögonen kan försämras. Ett bra varierande ljus kan däremot öka människans välmående, produktivitet och även ge en positivare inställning. En del forskning visar även på att HCL kan minska risken för årstidsbunden depression. Ett blått, mer intensivt ljus har en uppiggande effekt medan ett rött nerdämpat ljus verkar lugnande. Genom att utsätta kroppen för mycket blått ljus på förmiddagen men inte på eftermiddagen/kvällen gynnas kroppens cirkadiska cykel. Även rött ljus har visat sig ha en uppiggande effekt men påverkar inte den cirkadiska cykeln och kan med fördel användas även på kvällstid om en högre ljusintensitet behövs. Tre separata reglerbara belysningssystem har undersökts: Clas Ohlson WiFi Smart Bulb, IKEA trådfri belysning och Philips Hue White Ambiance. Kravet som ställdes för att belysningen skulle tas med i testet var att den skulle finnas tillgänglig i en relativt vanlig butik. Belysningen har testats både med avseende på ljusegenskaper samt energianvändning. En del av mätningarna utfördes med ett Ulbrichtklot på Clas Ohlsons ljuslaboratorium där färgspektrum, lumenvärde samt mycket annan information om ljuskällan kunde tas fram, samt med en handhållen spektrometer för att se flimmeravgivningen ifrån lampan vid olika inställningar. Energianvändningen undersöktes beträffande förändringar vid variation av färgtemperatur, intensitet och även i de fall som separat reglerutrustning krävdes. De tre belysningssystemen visade sig ha olika fördelar och nackdelar där en till slut valdes ut för att installeras i ett sovrum i utbildningsprojektet Dalarnas Villa. Baserat på ett tidigare gjort ljusschema, i en masteruppsats gjord av en ljusdesigner vid KTH, togs ett nytt ljusschema fram för sovrummet som förändrar ljusets intensitet och färgtemperatur för att främja den cirkadiska cykeln. Då författarna ser att detta är ett viktigt ämne så har varje möjlighet till att visa upp det installerade systemet tagits. Vid samtal med bland annat energirådgivare från Dalarna så har ett stort intresse visats. ” Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO 1946). Health should be at the centre of all societal planning because social inequalities in health are costly to the society and counteract sustainable development (Malmö stad 2013). It is one of the main conditions for individual development opportunities through education, work, social relationships and participation in the society (UN 1949). Health is a key to the other human rights and also constitutes a separate right (WHO 2008).” Sustainability issues for SSL (R. Karlsson et al. 2016) / This thesis is a study concerning the implementation of Human Centric Lighting (HCL)-systems in the home environment. A literature study has been conducted on light, its effects on humans and the influence of LED lighting on both humans and the environment. To obtain a good practical foundation, an investigative study visit was also made to Lindeborgsskolan in Malmö, which as a pilot project has installed HCL systems in a classroom. HCL is, among other things, about adapting the light to man's varying needs by varying intensity (Lux) and color temperature (Kelvin). Lighting is of great importance to human well-being where lighting with unnatural spectral distribution and flicker can lead to stress, sleep problems and that the eyes can deteriorate. A good variety of light can, on the other hand, increase human well-being, productivity and give a positive attitude. Some research also shows that HCL can reduce the risk of seasonal depression. A blue, more intense light has a wakeup effect, while a red low intensity light feels soothing. By exposing the body to much blue light in the morning but not in the afternoon / evening, the body's circadian cycle benefits. Even red light has been shown to have a stimulating effect but does not affect the circadian cycle and can be used even in the evening if a higher light intensity is needed. Three separate controllable lighting systems have been investigated: “Clas Ohlson Wi-Fi Smart Bulb”, “IKEA trådfri” and “Philips Hue White Ambiance”. The lighting has been tested both in terms of light quality and energy use. The light quality was examined partly with an “Ulbrichtklot” at Clas Ohlson's light laboratory where color spectrum as well as various other information could be obtained, and with a hand-held spectrometer to see the flicker output from the lamp at different settings. The energy consumption was investigated regarding variation of color temperature, intensity and even in cases where separate control equipment was required. The three lighting systems were shown to have different advantages where eventually the Philips Hue Ambience White was selected to be installed in a bedroom in the project villa Dalarnas Villa. Based on a previous master thesis, a light schedule was developed that changes the intensity and color temperature of light to promote the circadian cycle. As the authors see this as an important topic, every opportunity to show the installed system has been taken. A great deal of interest has been shown during discussions including Dalarna´s energy advisers. ” Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO 1946). Health should be at the centre of all societal planning because social inequalities in health are costly to the society and counteract sustainable development (Malmö stad 2013). It is one of the main conditions for individual development opportunities through education, work, social relationships and participation in the society (UN 1949). Health is a key to the other human rights and also constitutes a separate right (WHO 2008).” Sustainability issues for SSL (R. Karlsson et al. 2016)

Návrh interiérového svítidla v trendu Human Centric Lighting / Design of indoor lighting in a trend of Human Centric Lighting

Ruml, Filip January 2018 (has links)
The main tasks of the thesis lie in summary of present state in Human Centric Lighting field, in the optical design of luminaire and in practical verification of the proposal. The design is developed in software LightTools and for the verification of functionality the software Dialux EVO is employed. The luminaire is designed primarily with respect to the influence of light on the man and the physiological, psychological and behavioural responses in humans. The thesis is created in cooperation with the company Robe Lighting s.r.o. The proposal of the luminaire corresponds to the current state of knowledge in the area of light influence on humans. The designed luminaire in the trend HCL is distinguished by the high quality of emitted light but also with higher costs of the operation.

Travelling Stockholm from underneath : A journey of light

Ahrenstedt, Irina January 2015 (has links)
The report Stockholm city’s regional biking plan presents information of a continuously rising numbers ofcyclists in central Stockholm. However, the central parts of Stockholm have not now, or in the near future,the capacity or structure to provide a functional as well as safe traffic situation, especially for cyclists. Theincreasing demand from traffic of the commuter street network in central Stockholm make the 6 km longunderground maintenance tunnel along the newly build Citybanan commuter train tracks a possible andinteresting alternative for safe, fast and easy bicycle travelling underneath Stockholm. The tunnel stretchesfrom Fatbursparken to Tomteboda, with exits/entrances along the route in central parts of Stockholm[Fig 1.]There are several examples in the world where former car, train and maintenance tunnels are used as bikingtunnels. The longest existing example is the Croix Rousse tunnel in Lyon, France (2013). A 1,3 km longtunnel with separate lanes for cyclists, pedestrians and commuter busses, which also functions as anevacuation tunnel to the parallel car tunnel. Another example is the Lugaritz-Morland bicycle tunnel in thecity of San Sebastian, Spain (2009), which is a former railway tunnel (850 metres) that connects twoneighbourhoods in the city.The specific conditions a tunnel have with no daylight and limited access, give the lighting designer theimportant task to shape the space using light.Light is the factor that makes us see the world, our visual ability is depending on the light. Light has theability to reveal and transform the character of a space and influence how the observer experiences thesituation, both physically (by vision) and psychologically (emotional experiences as comfort and feeling ofsafety). Therefore a good visual condition in public space, traffic as well as enclosed spaces like tunnels, arevery important and a basic need for humans in the city.The aim with this thesis was to develop a lighting strategy and proposal for the maintenance tunnel ofCitybanan in Stockholm, based on literature and case studies research, a full-scale light observation by areference group in a tunnel context as well as research by questionnaires. The primary purpose of the fullscalelight study was to confirm literature research hypotheses about the importance of light distributionand experienced spatial atmosphere in relation to psychological effects, as well as the importance of lightgiving information. Findings confirm and shows that light distribution have a great impact on how theobservers experience the space visually, as well as emotionally. Findings also show that light can influencepeople’s behaviour to intuitively slow down or be alert. Further this thesis results show that giving a spaceit’s own identity by collaboration between light, colour and architectural elements have a great impact onthe psychological experiences of a space regarding safety, comfort and social interaction, crucial factors in atunnel environment for cyclists.The thesis results in a concept presented in the Proposal chapter, based on design principles and a lightingstrategy where a combination of light typologies is used to create a human centred and comfortableenvironment. Light is used as guiding element and for spatial understanding to create comfort and supportsocial interaction. In addition the concept includes a theme used as inspiration in the lighting strategy tocreate a connection on a human scale between the cyclist and the space. The theme is based on a commonpreference of the reference group, as well as my personal, for the ideal dream biking environment;In the nature. Experiencing for example the variation of light filtered through the leaves, the sunset and theabsence of traffic.The aim with the proposal is to transform the tunnel to an attractive bicycle route for daily cyclists inStockholm, as well as being an interesting tourist attraction.- A large underground landmark and art piece stretching under the city of Stockholm.

A Light Booster metro car for the commuting work force : Human Centric Lighting in underground transportation

Wawrzyniak, Anna January 2019 (has links)
People at northern latitudes lack an effective portion of daylight, especially in winter time, to entrain their circadian rhythm. If one belongs to the group of employees who have no time for daylight exposure and are not supplied by Human Centric Lighting (HCL) in their office, the only chance to get circadian light may be the daily commute. The mega trend of urbanisation increases time of commute, with on average 20-60 minutes spent daily in public transportation in European cities. By introducing HCL to public transport, especially metro vehicles, this time frame can be used to provide the commuting work force with circadian lighting. A LIGHT BOOSTER metro car is proposed to provide the right intensity, spectral distribution, directionality and timing of light to regulate the human inner clock and support health. The LIGHT BOOSTER metro car is very efficient as light is best used due to a high person per square meter ratio. This ratio is higher than in any office building. The energy consumption equals that of an conventional single household. Besides expected health benefits, the LIGHT BOOSTER metro car works as an educative tool, raising awareness for the beneficial effects of light on human health and well-being.

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