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Auswirkungen der Bestrahlung mit UVB, UVA-1 und PUVA-1 auf das Funktionsverhalten humaner dermaler Mastzellen nach Stimulation mit anti-IgE und Substanz PStrathmann, Marc 16 September 2004 (has links)
Die in dieser Arbeit isolierten und hochaufgereinigten, humanen dermalen Mastzellen wurden mit UVB, UVA-1 und PUVA-1 bestrahlt und anschließend entweder mit Substanz P oder anti-IgE stimuliert. Dadurch sollten Einblicke in die unterschiedlichen Wirkmechanismen der bei zahlreichen mastzellassoziierten Erkrankungen eingesetzten UV Licht Therapie gewonnen werden. Ein Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit lag in der Erforschung der Histamin-, Tryptase- und Zytokinfreisetzung von menschlichen Mastzellen. Zusätzlich wurde die Expression von Lysosomen-assoziierten Membran Proteinen (LAMPs) auf der Oberfläche dieser Zellen untersucht. Im Gegensatz zu der durch UV Licht induzierbaren spontanen Histaminfreisetzung zeigte sich die anti-IgE stimulierte Histaminausschüttung durch UVB, UVA-1 und PUVA-1 signifikant und dosisabhängig inhibierbar. Auch die durch Substanz P stimulierten Mastzellen gaben nach UVA-1 Bestrahlung deutlich weniger Histamin ab. Demgegenüber blieb die sezernierte Menge des Mediators nach UVB und PUVA-1 konstant. Analog zu den erhobenen Histaminergebnissen konnte eine signifikante Inhibition der anti-IgE induzierten Tryptasefreisetzung nachgewiesen werden. Ebenso zeigte sich eine signifikante Verringerung, der innerhalb von vierundzwanzig Stunden basal freigesetzten Menge an Interleukin-6 und Interleukin-8, nach UV Bestrahlung. Die spontane Ausschüttung vom Tumornekrosefaktor-a verblieb in dem Untersuchungszeitraum auf sehr geringem Niveau, so dass eine relevante Beeinflussung durch UV Licht nicht stattfand. Des weiteren konnte eine vermehrte basale Expression von CD107a und CD63 auf der Mastzellmembran durch UV Bestrahlung demonstriert werden. Auch die anti-IgE induzierte Mehrexpression der LAMPs konnte bei den drei Bestrahlungsarten nachweisbar supprimiert werden. Die in dieser Arbeit gewonnenen Erkenntnisse zeigen, dass die Auswirkungen der UV Licht Therapie auf Mastzellen sehr komplex sind. Zu beachten ist, dass unter physiologischen Bedingungen nicht nur isolierte Mastzellen, sondern auch weitere bestrahlte Zellverbände eine Veränderung erfahren. Erst durch das Zusammenspiel aller Zellen lassen sich Rückschlüsse auf Krankheitsbilder und die anzuwendende Therapien ziehen. Letztendlich soll diese Arbeit dazu beitragen, dass das Verständnis der unterschiedlichen Wirkungen von UV Licht begriffen und so ein sinnvolles und gezieltes Einsetzen im klinischen Alltag ermöglicht wird. / For all experiments highly purified dermal mast cells were used. The aim of the current study was to systematically investigate the effects of UVB, UVA-1 and PUVA-1 on skin derived human mast cells. Baseline and stimulated release of histamine, tryptase and of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-a were examined. Furthermore, the CD 107a and CD 63 surface levels in UV treated cells were investigated representing two members of lysosome associated membrane proteins which were found to appear on mast cell surface during degranulation. Prior treatment with UV resulted in a striking suppression of the anti-IgE induced release of preformed mediators such as histamine and tryptase in a dose dependent manner. This inhibition was accompanied by a diminished, anti-IgE mediated increase in CD 107a and CD 63 surface expression. In sharp contrast, UV-light slightly preactivates mast cells as indicated by a marginal but statistically significant direct UV-caused histamine release. Theses findings matched the observation of slightly enhanced CD 107a and CD 63 surface levels in UV treated but unstimulated cells. After UVA-1 treatment the histamine release of substance P stimulated mast cells is statistically significant reduced which contrasts to the unchanged liberation of this preformed marker after UVB and PUVA-1 irradiation. Furthermore the release of mediators that are not or only partially preformed was examined. In the present study all types of UV-irradiation inhibits baseline IL-6 and IL-8 secretion from mast cells. The very low baseline level of TNF-a remained unaffected. Taken together, the present findings identify cutaneous human mast cells as important targets of UV-induced immunomodulation. They help explain both the dose-dependent adverse effects of UV-light and the beneficial and desired antiinflammatory effects during therapy.
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Das Renin-Angiotensin-System in menschlicher HautWollschläger, Tanja 04 May 2006 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Expression von Angiotensinogen, Renin, Angiotensin-Converting-Enzym (ACE) und von den Agiotensin-Rezeptoren AT1 und AT2 in humaner Haut untersucht, um zu sehen, ob humane Haut ein lokales Gewebe Renin-Angiotensin-System (RAS) besitzt und fähig ist, Angiotensin II (Ang II) zu synthetisieren sowie welche physiologische Rolle Ang II in humaner Haut haben könnte. Außerdem wurde das Expressionsmuster von Angiotensinogen, Renin und ACE in gesunder humaner Haut mit dem in Psoriasis, Basaliom und Spinaliom (SCC) verglichen, um einen Einblick in pathophysiologische Funktionen des RAS zu gewinnen. Mit Hilfe von RT-PCR konnten alle Komponenten des RAS in vitro auf mRNA Ebene in kultivierten primären Keratinozyten, Melanozyten, dermalen Fibroblasten und dermalen mikrovaskulären Endothelzellen (MVEC´s) nachgewiesen werden, mit einer Ausnahme: Melanozyten scheinen keine AT2-Rezeptoren zu exprimieren. Immunhistochemische Untersuchungen zeigten die Expression aller Komponenten auf Proteinebene in Epidermis und dermalen Gefäßwänden in Gewebeschnitten humaner Haut. Zusätzlich erfolgte der Nachweis von Ang II in kultivierten Keratinozyten mittels enzymatischen immunometrischen Assays. Während Angiotensinogen, Renin und ACE bei immunhistochemischen Untersuchungen an Gewebeschnitten gesunder menschlicher Haut in allen Epidermalschichten gleichmäßig verteilt waren, zeigte sich bei der Psoriasis eine deutliche Betonung der unteren Epidermalschichten. Immunhistochemische Untersuchungen von Basaliomen erbrachten eine verminderte Expression von Angiotensinogen und Renin innerhalb der Tumornester. ACE wurde in den Tumorzellen noch weniger exprimiert. In immunhistochemischen Untersuchungen von Spinaliomen färbten sich die Tumorzellen deutlich homogen an. Die Experimente haben gezeigt, dass alle Komponenten des RAS in enger Lokalisation in menschlicher Haut vorkommen und dass folglich ein lokales Gewebe RAS in humaner Haut existiert sowie dass humane Haut fähig ist, Ang II ohne Zufuhr weiterer Komponenten und ohne regulatorische Einflüsse aus der Zirkulation zu synthetisieren. Eine mögliche physiologische Rolle von Ang II könnte die Regulation von Keratinozyten-Proliferation und –Differenzierung über seine Rezeptoren sein. Bezüglich der pathophysiologischen Rolle haben die Untersuchungen eine Fehlregulation des kutanen RAS in Epidermis psoriatisch veränderter Haut gezeigt, welches ein Hinweis auf eine pathogenetische Rolle des RAS bei der gestörten Keratinozyten-Proliferation und –Differenzierung sein könnte. Das Expressionsmuster in den untersuchten Tumoren war uneinheitlich, weshalb eine Interpretation der Rolle des RAS in kutanen Tumoren ohne weitere Untersuchungen kaum möglich erscheint. 1 / The present study was designed to elucidate whether a local tissue renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is expressed in human skin, whether cutaneous cells are able to autonomously synthesise angiotensin II (Ang II), and to get a first insight into a putative physiological role of Ang II in this location. For this purpose, the expression of angiotensinogen, renin, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and of the angiotensin receptors AT1 and AT2 was examined in human skin samples and in diverse cutaneous cells in primary culture on mRNA- and protein-level. Furthermore, the study compared the expression pattern of angiotensinogen, renin and ACE in healthy human skin with that in psoriasis, basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) to look for possible differences between healthy and diseased skin. Using mRNA derived from cultured primary keratinocytes, melanocytes, dermal fibroblasts and dermal microvascular endothelial cells (MVECs), all components of the RAS could be demonstrated by RT-PCR except for AT2 receptors in melanocytes. Immunohistochemical stainings of cryostat sections of human skin revealed the expression of all components at protein level within the epidermis and in dermal vessel walls. In addition, the presence of Ang II in cultured keratinocytes and their supernatants could be proven by enzyme immunometric assay giving strong evidence for the ability of keratinocytes to autonomously synthesise Ang II. Regarding the comparison of RAS expression in healthy versus diseased skin, expression of angiotensinogen, renin and ACE was altered in all dermatoses examined. While in normal skin, RAS components were distributed equally and homogenously throughout all layers of the epidermis, in psoriatic skin their expression was more intense in the basal epidermal layers and less intense in the upper layers. In BCC sections, expression of angiotensinogen and renin was down-regulated, and tumour cells stained negatively for ACE. In SCC cryostat sections, tumour cells stained positively for all RAS components with an intensity comparable to normal skin. Taken together, the experiments revealed that a local tissue RAS exists in human skin, and that human skin is able to autonomously synthesise Ang II without any supply of components from the circulation. The physiological role of Ang II in normal skin may comprise the regulation of keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation. Concerning a putative pathophysiological role of Ang II in skin, this study provides evidence for a deregulation of the RAS in psoriatic skin and in BCC pointing to an involvement of the RAS in the pathomechanisms of these dermatoses. 1
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Propagation and quality assessment for the introduction of Greyia Radlkoferi into commercializationNogemane, Noluyolo 02 1900 (has links)
Greyia radlkoferi is a South African indigenous tree, which has recently been discovered to be a source of extracts that have a potential in the development of cosmeceutical herbal products having the ability to treat hyperpigmentation disorders. For product development however, G. radlkoferi would need to be available in a commercial scale. Greyia radlkoferi grows naturally in the wild and is often available for cultivation as an ornamental plant. In order to establish this plant into cultivation, suitable propagation techniques must be established for rapid multiplication of trees and thus a sustainable leaf production. For consistent and improved leaf supply to the market, agronomic practices that will enhance leaf production were investigated in the current study. Furthermore, in order to meet market demand in terms of good quality extracts with guaranteed therapeutic efficiency, pre-harvest and post-harvest factors that affect the chemical composition of the extracts were investigated. Recently developed biotechnology techniques such as metabolomics using 1H-NMR and multivariate data analysis offered a platform to study the chemical variation of extracts. Therefore, the current study was aimed at understanding the requirements for propagation and optimum leaf production as well as conditions that favour optimum production of secondary metabolite of G. radlkoferi plant material (at pre and post-harvest) and thus assess its commercial viability.
To understand the effects of temperature on seed germination of G. radlkoferi, seeds were exposed to five temperatures (10°C, 15°C, 20°C, 25°C and 30°C) in the incubators in the laboratory. Germination of G. radlkoferi by seeds was discovered to be temperature dependent. The optimum germination temperature of 81% was obtained at 25°C. In the case of vegetative propagation by stem cuttings, the effect of cutting position (basal or apical), exogenous rooting hormone (Seradix1, Seradix 2, 0.1% IBA, 0.3% IBA and 0.8% IBA) and cutting position were investigated in the glasshouse. The cutting position had a significant effect on rooting of G. radlkoferi cuttings with basal cuttings exhibiting 35% rooting as compared to 6% rooting attained for the apical cuttings. A clear trend in rooting response to application of rooting hormones was observed, with 0.1% Indole butyric acid (IBA) showing the highest rooting percentage of 63%. Considering the outcomes of the propagation studies as well as the limited material for vegetative propagation, seed propagation appears to be the most suitable technique for large-scale multiplication of G. radlkoferi.
The effect of different pruning techniques as well as harvesting frequencies on fresh and dry weights of G. radlkoferi leaves were evaluated. Factors considered were four pruning treatments (‘pruned but not tipped’, ‘tipped but not pruned’, ‘not pruned nor tipped’ as well as ‘pruned and tipped’) and three harvesting periods (monthly, bimonthly and once–off). Bimonthly harvests highly increased leaf production compared to trees that were harvested monthly and once-off with higher leaf fresh weight yield of 238 g per tree or 2.38 tons/per hectare as well as dry weight yield of 83 g per tree or 0.830 tons/hectare. This outcomes of this study further suggested that a suitable pruning practice for G. radlkoferi would be to either ‘prune only’ or ‘cut back the main stem’ rather than a combination of the two treatments.
The influence of seasons (summer, autumn, winter and spring) on the anti-tyrosinase activity and metabolomics profile of G. radlkoferi leaf extracts were investigated. Seasons significantly influenced the chemical composition and the efficacy of the plant extracts. Tyrosinase enzyme inhibition was investigated against monophenolase (tyrosine) with kojic acid as positive control. The highest tyrosinase inhibition concentration with IC50 (50% tyrosinase inhibition concentration) value of 30.3±1.8 μg/ml were obtained in winter harvested leaves compared to the other seasons. The lowest IC50 values were obtained in spring. Metabolomics analysis using orthogonal partial least square discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) provided a clear class separation according to the harvest season. Extracts from winter harvested leaves contained sucrose, acetamide, alanine and a compound of the catechin group (gallocatechin-(4 alpha->8)-epigallocatechin) as revealed by 1H-NMR metabolomics with assistance of LC-MS. Since compounds of the catechin group are well-known tyrosinase inhibitors, the high tyrosinase activity exhibited in extracts of winter harvested G. radlkoferi leaves could be ascribed to the presence of gallocatechin-(4 alpha->8)-epigallocatechin. Based on the outcomes of the seasonal study, we suggest that in order to obtain extracts with high bioactivity, the best suitable time for harvesting leaf samples is in late autumn-early winter.
Processing leaf material using three different drying methods (sun, oven and air drying) significantly influenced chemical composition and the efficacy of the plant extracts. Extracts prepared from air-dried leaf material showed the highest tyrosinase inhibition with IC50 value of 17.80 μg/ml compared to extracts of the other drying methods. Extracts of leaves processed with air drying preserved most metabolites during processing while extracts of sun-dried and oven-dried leaves clearly depleted some metabolites especially amino acids and some aromatic compounds. 1H-NMR metabolomics approach with the assistance of LC-MS data successfully determined a positive association of alanine, acetamide, sucrose and gallocatechin-(4 alpha->8)-epigallocatechin as the chemical constituents contributing to the variation in the air-dried leaves compared to the oven-dried leaves. A positive association of valine, alanine, leucine, isoleucine, gallocatechin-(4 alpha->8)-epigallocatechin and glucose contributed to the variation in air-dried group, compared to the sun-dried group. The highest tyrosinase inhibitory activity exhibited in air-dried samples compared to the other drying methods was associated with the presence of gallocatechin-(4 alpha->8)-epigallocatechin. Because air drying preserved most leaf metabolites compared to sun and oven drying, it was regarded as the most suitable method for processing G. radlkoferi leaf material.
This study is the first scientific account that provides guidelines and recommendations to (1) establish G. radlkoferi as a cultivated plant for commercialization, (2) optimize leaf production for sustainable supply to the commercial markets and (3) optimize medicinal content of G. radlkoferi related to harvesting time and post-harvest processing (drying), for enhanced quality of extracts and its products / Agriculture, Animal Health and Human Ecology / Ph. D. (Agriculture)
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Functions of ATR Kinase in Terminally Differentiated Human Epidermal Keratinocyles and in Human Ex-Vivo Skin After Exposure to Ultraviolet B RadiationGogusetti, Vivek Shashank Nag 02 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Problem of skin depigmentation in Rwanda: modulators of tyrosinase extracted from plants used in traditional medicine / Problématique de la dépigmentation cutanée au Rwanda: modulateurs de la tyrosinase extraits de plantes utilisées en médecine traditionnelle.Kamagaju, Léocadie 03 April 2014 (has links)
La dépigmentation volontaire est une pratique bien connue en Afrique sub-saharienne. Elle se définit comme une pratique par laquelle une personne, de sa propre initiative, tente de diminuer la pigmentation mélanique physiologique de sa propre peau. Les utilisateurs appliquent sur le corps, généralement sans surveillance médicale, de manière soutenue et prolongée, des produits ou des mélanges chimiques composés d’actifs dépigmentants souvent d’une grande nocivité.<p>Cette pratique est documentée dans plusieurs pays d’Afrique sub-saharienne (Sénégal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo, Nigéria, ….), et sur d’autres continents. Face à l’absence de données chiffrées pour le Rwanda, nous avons réalisé une étude des pratiques de la dépigmentation volontaire dans la capitale du pays, Kigali. <p>Au Rwanda, certaines plantes étaient utilisées lors des grandes cérémonies comme le mariage, spécialement par les femmes et les jeunes filles, pour éclaircir la peau. Une peau claire semble en fait un critère de beauté dans certaines traditions africaines. Nous avons donc réalisé une enquête ethnobotanique auprès de 61 tradipraticiens rwandais, afin de connaître les plantes qui, avant l’arrivée de la cosmétique moderne, étaient utilisées pour « embellir » (éclaircir) la peau, afin de vérifier si ces plantes pourraient interférer avec la production de la mélanine. <p>Notre enquête nous a permis de documenter 28 espèces, dont cinq [Brillantaisia cicatricosa LINDAU; Chenopodium ugandae (Aellen) Aellen ;Dolichopentas longiflora Oliv. Protea madiensis Oliv. subsp. Madiensis et Sesamum angolense Welw.] se sont distinguées par leur pourcentage de citation par les tradipraticiens. Ces dernières ont fait objet de notre étude de laboratoire. <p>Des extraits de polarité croissante, préparés à partir de ces cinq plantes, ont été testés pour leur modulation de la mélanogénèse et de la tyrosinase (enzyme clé de la mélanogenèse) sur une série de modèles: (i) sur la tyrosinase humaine dans les extraits totaux de mélanocytes normaux; (ii) sur des mélanocytes malins en culture (pour évaluer l’effet global des extraits de plante sur la mélanogenèse); (iii) sur la tyrosinase de champignon en solution et sur chromatoplaque de silice; et enfin (iv) sur l’activité tyrosine hydroxylase de l'enzyme. <p>Deux extraits à l’acétate d’éthyle de Protea madiensis Oliv. et de Sesamum angolense Welw. ont été sélectionnés pour leur activité, respectivement inhibitrice et activatrice de la tyrosinase de champignon. Ces deux extraits ont été soumis à une série de fractionnements dans le but d’isoler et d’identifier des composés actifs. Trois composés ont été isolés de Protea madiensis (2-tridécanone, acide oléique et β-sitostérol). La 2-tridécanone et l’acide oléique ont montré une inhibition de la tyrosinase de champignon sur chromatoplaque et de la tyrosinase humaine dans les extraits cellulaires. De plus, la 2-tridécanone a montré une inhibition de l’activité tyrosine hydroxylase. Le β-sitostérol n’a pas montré d’effet sur nos modèles mais il a déjà été isolé dans d’autres études en tant qu'inhibiteur de la tyrosinase. De l’extrait à l’acétate d’éthyle de Sesamum angolense Welw. nous avons isolé l’acide ursolique qui a montré une augmentation de l’activité de la tyrosinase de champignon sur chromatoplaque.<p>L’enquête ethnobotanique nous a permis de constater que la flore rwandaise regorge de plantes aux vertus cosmétiques intéressantes; celles-ci pourraient représenter une alternative aux actifs dépigmentants connus pour leurs nombreux effets secondaires mais néanmoins largement disponibles sur le marché rwandais. <p>L’enquête réalisée dans la ville de Kigali, nous a permis de constater que 27 % de notre population d’étude sont des utilisateurs conscients de produits dépigmentants. Ce pourcentage nous semble fort élevé et des mesures devraient être prises pour la sensibilisation et la conscientisation de la population quant aux risques encourus et à l’existence de médecines traditionnelles à visée dépigmentante. Ces mesures devraient être combinées avec la recherche de composés naturels dans l'espoir d'identifier des molécules actives et faiblement toxiques, voire atoxiques. <p>L’étude de la modulation de la pigmentation par les extraits des cinq plantes sélectionnées, nous a permis de confirmer l’information reçue des tradipraticiens. Cette étude nous a également montré que ces extraits de plantes renferment des activateurs de la mélanogenèse, qui pourraient être exploités pour le bronzage recherché par les sujets de peau claire.<p>L’isolement et identification de molécules à partir des extraits de deux plantes, nous a permis de constater que notre méthode de bioguidage fonctionne correctement; des mesures de déréplications devraient cependant être prises pour éviter autant que possible de retomber sur des molécules déjà connues./<p><p><p>Voluntary depigmentation, well-known in sub-Saharan Africa, is defined as a practice by which a person, by his/her own initiative, attempts to reduce his/her skin physiological melanin pigmentation. Users apply on the body, usually without medical supervision, in a sustained and prolonged manner, depigmenting compounds, single or in mixtures.<p>This quite harmful practice is documented in several sub-Saharan African countries (Senegal, Mali, Togo, Nigeria…) and in other continents. The absence of Rwandese data prompted us to conduct a study of the practices of voluntary depigmentation in the capital, Kigali.<p>In Rwanda, some plants were used during important ceremonies like wedding (marriage) especially by women and girls to lighten their skin. Fair skin is actually considered as a beauty criterion in some African traditions.<p>We conducted an ethnobotanical survey of 61 Rwandan traditional healers to identify the plants that were used before the introduction of modern cosmetics to "beautify" (lighten) the skin in order to check wether these plants could interfere with the production of melanin.<p>Our survey allowed us to identify and collect 28 species, of which 5 were selected (retained) for their higher percentage of citation by traditional healers [Brillantaisia cicatricosa LINDAU; Chenopodium ugandae (Aellen) Aellen ;Dolichopentas longiflora Oliv. Protea madiensis Oliv. subsp. madiensis and Sesamum angolense Welw.]. These five species have been used for our laboratory study.<p><p>Extracts of increasing polarities were prepared from the five plants and tested for their ability to modulate melanogenesis and tyrosinase (the key enzyme of melanogenesis) in a series of models: (i) human tyrosinase in total extracts from normal melanocytes; (ii) malignant melanocytes in culture (in order to assess the global effect of plant extracts on melanogenesis); (iii) mushroom tyrosinase in solution and on TLC plate; and finally (iv) tyrosine hydroxylase activity of the enzyme.<p>Two ethyl acetate extracts of Protea madiensis Oliv. and of Sesamum angolense Welw have been selected according to their respective inhibitory and activating effect on mushroom tyrosinase. These two extracts were fractionated to isolate and identify active compounds. Three compounds have been isolated from Protea madiensis (2-tridecanone, oleic acid and β-sitosterol). The 2-tridecanone and the oleic acid showed an inhibition of mushroom tyrosinase on TLC and human tyrosinase in cellular extracts. In addition, 2-tridecanone showed an inhibition of the tyrosine hydroxylase activity. β-sitostérol showed no effect on our models but has been identified, in other studies, as a tyrosinase inhibitor. From the ethyl acetate extract of Sesamum angolense, we isolated ursolic acid which increases the mushroom tyrosinase activity on TLC.<p>The ethnobotanical survey allowed us to (state) notice that Rwandan flora contains plants that have interesting cosmetic properties and could be an alternative to the use of harmful depigmenting products which are sold on Rwandese markets.<p>The survey conducted in Kigali city indicates that 27 % of surveyed persons are conscious users of depigmenting products. This percentage seems very high so that measures should be taken to raise awareness about the involved risks and of the existence of traditional medicines with such depigmenting effects. These measures should be accompanied (combined) with the search for natural compounds with depigmenting effect in the hope to identify actives that would be weakly or even non toxic at all.<p>The study of the pigmentation modulation by five selected plant extracts allowed to confirm the information obtained from traditional healers. It also indicates that, apart from an inhibitory effect, some of our plant extracts also contain melanogenesis activators that could be further exploited for tanning, an aspiration of fair-skinned individuals.<p>The isolation and identification of molecules from two plants extracts led us to conclude that our “bioguidance” method performs adequately. Nevertheless, some dereplication measures should be implemented to avoid spending time on isolating already known molecules. <p><p> <p> / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Tactile Perception : Role of Friction and TextureSkedung, Lisa January 2012 (has links)
Tactile perception is considered an important contributor to the overall consumer experience of a product. However, what physical properties that create the specifics of tactile perception, are still not completely understood. This thesis has researched how many dimensions that are required to differentiate the surfaces perceptually, and then tried to explain these dimensions in terms of physical properties, by interconnecting human perception measurements with various physical measurements. The tactile perception was assessed by multidimensional scaling or magnitude estimation, in which methods human participants assign numbers to how similar pairs of surfaces are perceived or to the relative quantity of a specified perceptual attribute, such as softness, smoothness, coarseness and coolness. The role of friction and surface texture in tactile perception was investigated in particular detail, because typically tactile exploration involves moving (at least) one finger over a textured surface. A tactile approach for measuring friction was developed by means of moving a finger over the surfaces, mounted on a force sensor. The contribution of finger friction to tactile perception was investigated for surfaces of printing papers and tissue papers, as well as for model surfaces with controlled topography. The overarching research goal of this thesis was to study, systematically, the role of texture in tactile perception of surfaces. The model surfaces displayed a sinusoidal texture with a characteristic wavelength and amplitude, fabricated by surface wrinkling and replica molding techniques. A library of surfaces was manufactured, ranging in wavelengths from 270 nm up to 100 µm and in amplitudes from 7 nm up to 6 µm. These surfaces were rigid and cleanable and could therefore be reused among the participants. To my knowledge, this is the first time in a psychophysical experiment, that the surface texture has been controlled over several orders of magnitude in length scale, without simultaneously changing other material properties of the stimuli. The finger friction coefficient was found to decrease with increasing aspect ratio (amplitude/wavelength) of the model surfaces and also with increasing average surface roughness of the printing papers. Analytical modeling of the finger’s interaction with the model surfaces shows how the friction coefficient increases with the real contact area, and that the friction mechanism is the same on both the nanoscale and microscale. The same interaction mechanism also explains the friction characteristics of tissue paper. Furthermore, it was found that the perceptions of smoothness, coarseness, coolness and dryness are satisfactorily related to the real contact area at the finger-surface interface. It is shown that it is possible to discern perceptually among both printing papers and tissue papers, and this differentiation is based on either two or three underlying dimensions. Rough/smooth and thin/thick were the two main dimensions of surface feel found for the printing papers, whereas friction and wavelength were strongly related to the perceptual cues employed in scaling the model surfaces. These experimental results support the duplex theory of texture perception, which holds that both a “spatial sense”; used to discriminate the roughest textures from the others, and a “vibration sense”; used to discriminate among the smoother textures, are involved. The perception of what is considered rough and smooth depends on the experimental stimulus context. It is concluded that friction is important for human differentiation of surface textures below about 10 µm in surface roughness, and for larger surface textures, friction is less important or can even be neglected. The finger friction experiments also allowed the following conclusions to be drawn: (i) The interindividual variation in friction coefficients is too large to allow direct comparison; however, the trends in relative friction coefficients for a group of participants are the same. (ii) Lipids are transferred to the test surface of study, and this lowers the friction. (iii) Many of the studies point to a characteristic frequency during sliding of about 30 Hz, which is both characteristic of the resonance frequency of skin and the expected frequency associated with the fingerprints. (iv) The applied load in surface interrogation is in fact regulated in response to the friction force. The limits in tactile perception were indirectly researched by similarity scaling experiments on the model surfaces. Wrinkle wavelengths of 760 nm and 870 nm could be discriminated from untextured reference surfaces, whereas 270 nm could not. The amplitude of the wrinkles so discriminated was approximately 10 nm, suggesting that nanotechnology may well have a role to play in haptics and tactile perception. / Taktil perception bidrar starkt till den sammantagna upplevelsen av en produkt, men hur materials olika ytegenskaper påverkar och styr perceptionen är ännu inte helt klart. Den här avhandlingen undersöker hur många och vilka egenskaper som är viktiga när känslan mellan två ytor jämförs. Tillvägagångssättet är tvärvetenskapligt där fysikaliska mätningar kopplas ihop med perceptions mätningar där människor används som instrument. Två typer av perceptionsförsök har utförts, multidimensionell skalning där försökspersoner sätter siffror på hur lika två ytor känns, samt magnitud estimation där i stället intensiteten på specifika perceptuella storheter som t.ex. upplevt lenhet, upplevd mjukhet och upplevd strävhet bedömdes. Eftersom taktil perception innebär kontakt samt relativ rörelse mellan hud och ytor, har fokus i avhandlingen varit att undersöka hur friktion och ytans struktur (ytråhet) påverkar och bidrar till den taktila perceptionen. Förutom fysikaliska mätningar på friktion och ytstruktur har värmekonduktivitet, mjukhet samt olika standard mätningar inom pappersindustrin mätts. En metod för att mäta friktion mellan ett finger och olika ytor har utvecklats för att i möjligaste mån återspegla friktionskomponenten i upplevt taktil perception. Friktionskoefficienter beräknades och jämfördes mellan alla ytor. De stimuli som har studerats är tryckpapper och mjukpapper samt modellytor, gjorda för att systematiskt undersöka hur ytstruktur påverkar perceptionen. Tillverkningsmetoden för modellytorna valdes så att ytorna var tåliga och kunde tvättas och därmed återanvändas. Strukturen på ytorna bestod av ett vågformat mönster där våglängden varierade mellan 270 nm och 100 µm och amplituden mellan 7 nm och 6 µm. Enligt vår vetskap är det första gången som strukturer i de här skalorna har gjorts utan att samtidigt ändra andra material egenskaper. Friktionskoefficienten minskade med ökad kvot mellan amplituden och våglängden på modellytorna samt med ytråheten på tryckpappren. En analytisk modell tillämpades på kontakten mellan ett finger och ytorna som visade att friktionskoefficienten beror av den verkliga kontaktarean. För de mycket grövre mjukpappren uppmättes inga stora skillnader i friktion förmodligen för att kontakarean mellan de olika mjukpapprena var lika. Den faktiska kontakarean visade sig också vara viktig för perceptionen av lenhet, strävhet, torrhet och svalhet. Det visade sig vara en stor perceptuell skillnad mellan olika typer av tryckpapper och mjukpapper utifrån hur stimuli placerade sig på en taktil karta. För de tre materialen användes enbart två alternativt tre egenskaper hos materialet för att särskilja mellan alla olika par. För tryckpapper verkade en viktig dimension kunna beskrivas av alla de perceptuella och fysikaliska egenskaper som har med kontaktarean att göra, d.v.s. lenhet, svalhet, torrhet, ytråhet, värmekonduktivitet samt friktion. För att taktilt särskilja mellan olika ytor där bara strukturen är varierade, kunde friktion och våglängden relateras till spridningen i kartan. Båda studierna stödjer duplex theory of texture perception, där ett spatialt sinne används för att särskilja en av de grövre ytorna från en slät, och ett vibrationssinne för att särskilja mellan olika släta strukturer. Friktionen visade sig alltså vara en viktig fysikalisk egenskap för strukturer under åtminstone 10 µm i ytråhet. Från fingerfriktions mätningar kunde även följande slutsatser dras: (i) Stora skillnader i friktionskoefficient mellan olika personer uppmättes, men trenderna mellan olika individer var samma, vilket gör att relativa skillnader i friktion från en individ är representativa. (ii) Lipider (fingerfett) som överförs från fingret till ytan vid kontakt sänker friktionen. (iii) Frekvensinnehållet i friktionskraften varierar mellan olika ytor och den frekvenstopp som ses vid 30 Hz kan möjligtvis bero på fingrets struktur eller resonansfrekvensen på huden. (iv) Den pålagda kraften under en friktionsmätning visar sig omedvetet regleras av den friktionskraft som fingret möter under rörelse. Hur små strukturer som kan diskrimineras har indirekt undersökts genom likhetsförsöket på modellytorna där försökspersoner skulle bedöma hur lika alla par av ytor kändes. Resultaten visade att ytorna med våglängder på 760 nm och 870 nm upplevdes olika jämfört med referens ytor utan något systematiskt mönster, medan ytan med 270 nm i våglängd inte kunde särskiljas. Amplituden på ytan som kunde diskrimineras var endast ca 10 nm, vilket indikerar att nanoteknologi mycket väl kan bidra inom haptiken och för att i framtiden kontrollera den taktila perceptionen. / <p>QC 20121026</p>
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