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Visions of integrity and transformation contemporary challenges to the British churches /Millar, Peter January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Catholic Theological Union at Chicago, 1999. / Abstract and vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 203-207).
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"Stronge and tough studie" humanism, education, and masculinity in Renaissance England /Strycharski, Andrew Thomas. Rumrich, John Peter, January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2004. / Supervisor: John Rumrich. Vita. Includes bibliographical references.
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Christ Rising Again: Context, Function, and Analysis of an English AnthemJanuary 2010 (has links)
abstract: The English Renaissance anthem Christ rising again is a valuable addition to the study of sacred English music during the first one hundred years of the English Reformation (c. 1530s-c.1630s) and provides insight into the theological and musical perspective of English reformers, humanists, and composers. The text of Christ rising again is the only anthem text that was set by the following prominent composers active during the English Reformation: John Sheppard (c.1515-1563), Christopher Tye (c.1505-1573), Thomas Tallis (c. 1505-1585), William Byrd (c.1540-1623), and Thomas Tomkins (1572-1656), as well as an unfinished setting by Thomas Weelkes (c.1576-1623) as well as complete settings by less prominent English composers. The anthem's text and musical settings are analyzed in terms of their place within the liturgical services of the Church of England, context within the ceremonies surrounding the Easter sepulchre, theological interpretation of the scriptural passages that comprise the anthem's text by Renaissance humanists and theologians, and performance forces available to composers. This study found that the anthem was an integral part of the Easter sepulchre procession during the first English version of the Easter Matins service found in the 1549 Book of Common Prayer. Its function later changed as the sepulchre procession was eliminated from the 1552 revised version of the Book of Common Prayer and the anthem was moved to later within the Easter Morning Prayer service. Analysis of various commentaries and interpretations by contemporary theologians and humanists who influenced the English Reformation is provided to demonstrate the interpretation and meaning associated with specific musical settings by various composers. Finally, an examination of Renaissance English performing forces is provided, particularly centered on the institutions of the Chapel Royal and Lincoln Cathedral, both significant institutions that employed prominent English composers during the examined era. / Dissertation/Thesis / D.M.A. Music 2010
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Greening the Gulag: Politics of Sustainability in PrisonBohlinger, Brittany 27 October 2016 (has links)
Over the past 30 years, the U.S. prison population has exploded. With only 5% of the global population, the U.S. now incarcerates more than 25% of the world’s prisoners (ACLU, 2011). This has led to increased attention towards the carceral system in the United States, and the efficacy of its methods of rehabilitation. As inmate populations rise, prisons have also become increasingly over-crowded, and this has led to a variety of environmental problems. In response to this and calls to action by the Justice Department to implement more sustainable and cost effective strategies in prisons, the United States is seeing a surge in prison sustainability programs throughout the country. While sustainability is an important challenge facing the world, researchers have argued that these changes are being made not only with environmental sustainability in mind, but with strategic aims to sustain current levels of hyper-incarceration.
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A unidade da verdade em Erasmo / The unity of truth in ErasmusSilvio Lucio Franco Nassaro 13 December 2005 (has links)
Se Petrarca, como inaugurador do humanismo no século XIV já se opusera à teologia escolástica, levada ao impasse entre fé e razão com os argumentos averroistas e depois ockhamistas e entregue às disputas dialéticas; propugnara pela recuperação da erudição clássica sustentando como cristão que nenhum guia deve ser desprezado se mostra o caminho da salvação e indicara que ninguém, a não ser o cristão, sabe a quem e de que maneira confessar - cui et qualiter confitendum sit - será Erasmo de Rotterdam no século XVI que, afastando-se das sutilezas daqueles que desde o Medievo queriam compreender os mistérios da fé fazendo a teologia se apoiar na filosofia enquanto reflexão sobre o Ser conforme o cânone platônico-aristotélico, proporá que a ciência das coisas divinas e humanas deve ser buscada antes na filosofia enquanto tradição retórica de reflexão sobre os problemas do Homem e, explorando ao máximo as possibilidades da nascente imprensa, explicará socraticamente, através de seus milhares de Adagia, Colloquia, Litterae, traduções e edições princeps, para uma Europa estupefata, angustiada e vacilante entre o renascimento da grandeza antiga e o radicalismo religioso de católicos e reformados, porque e como, decisivamente, devem ser lidos os autores greco-latinos e entendida a precedência da Revelação cristã em relação ao paganismo e às invenções - inventiones - dos outros povos. Neste quadro de rupturas, se insere com relevo os Antibárbaros, designado pelo seu autor para a edição de sua Opera Omnia como o primeiro livro da primeira ordem que é justamente aquela voltada ao ensino dos textos antigos - ad institutionem litterarum - livro que traz a suma de seus argumentos pela pacífica unidade da verdade. / If Petrarch, as inaugurator of Humanism in the XIV Century, was already contrary to the Scholastic Theology - pushed into the impasse between Faith and Reason with Averroists arguments and then Ockamists, and involved in dialectical debates - battled for the restoration of the Classical erudition standing as a Christian that none guide should be contempt if it points out the salvation path; and indicated that no one but the Christian knows to whom and in which manner to confess - cui et qualiter confitendum sit - it will be Erasmus from Rotterdam in XVI Century that, being far from the subtleness from those whose, from the Middle Ages, wanted to understand the Faith Mysteries making the Theology be supported by the Philosophy as reflection about the Being according to the Platonic-Aristotelian Canon, will propose that the science of holly and human things should be chased prior in the Philosophy as Rhetorical tradition of reflection about human problems and, exploring uttermost the possibilities of the emerging press, will explain in a Socratic manner, throughout his thousands of Adagia, Colloquia, Litterae, translations and princeps editions, for a perplex, anxious and oscillating Europe between the renaissance of the ancient greatness and the religious radicalism of Catholics and Protestants, why and how, definitely, should be read the Greek-Latin authors and grasped the precedence of Christian Revelation regarding the Paganism and the inventions -inventiones- of other peoples. In this landscape of ruptures, it inserts with weight the Antibarbarians, designated by its author for his Opera Omnia edition, as the first book of the prime order that is exactly that one made for the instruction of classical texts -ad institutionem litterarum- a book that summarizes his arguments for the peaceful unity of Truth.
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O De voluptate de Lorenzo Valla: tradução e notas / The De voluptate by Lorenzo Valla: translation and notesAna Letícia Adami Batista 29 September 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa de mestrado consiste na tradução da obra De Voluptate de Lorenzo Valla (1407-1457), publicada pela primeira vez em 1431. Nesta obra, alvo de inúmeras polêmicas entre os pensadores humanistas da Europa do Renascimento, Valla inicia discussão que prosseguirá na obra De Libero Arbítrio (1439) sobre os conceitos de honestas e voluptas no debate entre epicuristas e estóicos, opondo-se às teses de Boécio (480-524) inscritas nos livros de I a IV da Consolação da Filosofia (século VI). Para Valla e os demais humanistas, segundo corrente bibliográfica inaugurada na década de 50 por Hans Baron, Eugênio Garin e Paul O. Kristeller, estes temas estavam intimamente relacionados ao seu modo de pensar e agir sobre a vida civil no contexto das repúblicas italianas do quattrocento, onde encontraram espaço para forjar uma cosmovisão autêntica dentro da historiografia denominada de Humanismo. / The present research consists of a translation of Lorenzo Vallas (1407-1457) De Voluptate, published for the first time in 1431. In this work which suffered many attacks from humanistic thinkers in Renaissance Europe Valla starts a discussion, carried on De Libero Arbitrio (1439), about the epicurean and stoic debate on the concepts of honestas and voluptas, where he opposes Boethiuss (480-524) theses as expressed on books I and IV of his Consolation of Philosophy (6th century). A current of historians founded in the 1950s by Hans Baron, Eugênio Garin and Paul O. Kristeller states that these themes expressed by Valla and others humanistic thinkers were intimately related to the way of thinking and the civil life in quattrocento Italian Republics, where they found a proper place to forge an authentic worldview named by the Historians as Humanism.
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Illness as intersubjectivity: a sociological perspectivePitfield, Doreen Jennie January 1992 (has links)
This thesis explores the historical roots of scientific medicine in an effort to highlight the lack of humanist intersubjectivity within the contemporary medical model. The study notes that contemporary medicine is overtly scientific and that its scientific framework is upheld and furthered by a medical model which draws legitimation from the irrefutability of what is referred to variously within this work, as its scientific "regime". It is shown that in terms of the humanist tradition people, not science, constitute the epicentre of meaningful experiential participation in the defining of human social reality. This, it is argued, implies a radically different ontology from other sociological perspectives on medicine. The thesis suggests that the contemporary medical model loses sight of the patient's ability to cognitively participate in the defining of illness, diagnosis and treatment in terms of his/her experience thereof , and argues that contemporary medicine, by advancing the idea that it alone has the correct and only answer to such problems, has led to a situation which promotes an overmedicalisation of society . The study gives an indication of the way in which this overmedicalisation has led to areas of human life becoming conceived of only in relation to medical expertise. In this respect it is noted that medicine has so successfully infiltrated the human consciousness (involving areas as diverse as childbirth, genetic engineering, transplant surgery and death), that decisions on health are invariably taken from a foundation of scientific legitimation which seems to exclude the patient as subject. It is argued that this way of making decisions reinforces the requirement for a scientific medical model which as it negates the human element insidiously amplifies its power over human life; thereby devaluing the very people it seeks to serve. The thesis suggests that in terms of a humanist reading of the Oath of Hippocrates, medical decisions can only be taken within a framework of experiential involvement which includes both medical expertise and lay understanding. It is indicated that when this happens, social reality functions in terms of a symbolic participation which fosters a commitment to equalise the conditions of human existence, and promotes a dialogical negotiatory process which is both intersubjectively and ongoingly produced.
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La obra drámatica de Hernán López de Yanguas : teatro y religion en la primera mitad del siglo XVI / The dramatic work of Hernán López de Yanguas : theatre and religión in the first half of the 16th century / L'oeuvre dramatique d'Hernán López de Yanguas : humanisme chrétien et théâtre religieux dans la première moitié du XVIe siècleEspejo Surós, Javier 10 December 2012 (has links)
Le travail ici présenté porte à la connaissance de l’Hispanisme français et espagnol l’oeuvre dramatique d’Hernán López de Yanguas (Yanguas, Soria, 1487 – 1547 a quo), qui s’inscrit dans une paideia humaniste chrétienne enracinée dans la tradition de la foi biblique aspirant, à l’aube de la Modernité, à la refondation des héritages religieux. Évangélisme, humanisme, érasmisme et réforme deviennent dès lors théâtre subordonné à la politique impériale qui, dans l’imaginaire collectif, est construite comme étant la traduction d’une aspiration légitime à une société chrétienne. L’aventure théâtrale de l’auteur se construit en maniant un patrimoine de théâtralité et de ‘dramaticité’ caractéristique d’un temps où l’interpénétration des champs de force du spectacle produit l’émergence d’un théâtre professionnalisé, d’une part, et assure la continuité d’événements dits de théâtralité diffuse, d’autre part. De l’effort fourni par l’auteur pour se défaire des chaînes qui l’assujettissent à d’autres traditions (rituelles, de poésie « cancioneril », folkloriques, scolaires, mais aussi de la dramaturgie salmantine contemporaine) émerge un système de signes lié à l’essence même du théâtre dont l’objectif est de fixer la réalisation spatio-temporelle, l’attitude scénique des personnages, leurs mouvements ou, encore, le vestiaire et les accessoires. López de Yanguas situe le drame dans une chaîne intertextuelle (interthéâtrale) spécifique, celle dérivée de la prédication. Une telle démarche imprime à ses oeuvres une fonction morale, ou même sacramentelle, ayant pour but de promouvoir une intense expérience religieuse. Aussi, l’auteur se sert-il d’une rhétorique des affects codifiée et met en scène un corps éduqué dans une érudition, une éloquence et des gestes dont la raison d’être est d’aimer Dieu par-dessus toutes choses / This dissertation provides new knowledge in the field of French and Spanish hispanism about the dramatic work of Hernán López de Yanguas (Yanguas, Soria, 1487 – 1547 a quo) as a part of a Christian humanist paideia belonging to the Biblical faith tradition that, at the dawn of Modernity, aspires to refound the religious heritage. Evangelism, humanism, erasmism and reform, which are subjugated to the imperial politics, become/ a legitimate aspiration to a Christian society. The author’s theatrical adventure is based on his use of a heritage of theatricality and ‘dramaticity’ characteristic of a time when the interpenetration of the spectacular fields produces the emergence of a professionalized theatre, on the one hand, and insures the continuity of diffused theatricality events, on the other hand. From the effort made by the author to rid himself of the chains submitting him to other traditions (ritual, folkloric, cancioneril poetry, but also the dramatic eclogues written in Salamanca) emerges a system of signs linked to the theatre’s very essence whose aim is to fix the spatio-temporal production, the characters’ scenic attitude and movements, or the costumes and the accessories. López de Yanguas fits the drama into a different intertextual (or intertheatrical) chain – the one formed by the predication. This gives his work the moral – or even the sacramental – function to communicate an intense religious experience. In this way, the author makes use of a codified rhetoric of the affects and produces a body educated in erudition, in eloquence and in gestures whose reason of living is to love God over all things / El estudio presentado da a conocer al Hispanismo francés y español la obra dramática de Hernán López de Yanguas (Yanguas, Soria, 1487 – 1547 a quo), inscrita en una paideia humanista cristiana arraigada en la tradición de la fe bíblica y que, en los albores de la Modernidad, aspira a refundar la herencia religiosa. Evangelismo, humanismo y reforma se hacen teatro, a su vez, desde las coordenadas más comprometidas con la política imperial, proyectada y sublimada en el imaginario colectivo como aspiración propia y legítima de una sociedad cristiana. La aventura teatral del autor se fragua manipulando un caudal de teatralidad y dramaticidad característico de un tiempo de interpenetración de campos de fuerza espectacular que produce la emergencia del teatro profesionalizado, por una parte, y asegura la continuidad de eventos llamados de teatralidad difusa, por la otra. Del forcejeo por liberarse de las cadenas que la sujetan a otras tradiciones rituales (cancioneriles, folclóricas o escolares y, asimismo, de la dramaturgia pastoril salmantina) emerge un sistema de signos ligados a la esencia misma del teatro y cuyo objeto es fijar unas coordenadas de realización espacio-temporal, la actitud escénica de los personajes, sus movimientos o el vestuario o el atrezo. López de Yanguas insiere al drama en una cadena intertextual (interteatral) conformada por la predicación, dotándolo de una función moral e incluso sacramental que tiene por objeto promover una intensa experiencia religiosa. El autor manipula una retórica de los afectos codificada y libra a las tablas a un cuerpo educado en una erudición, donaires y elocuencia cuya razón de ser es amar a Dios sobre todas las cosas.
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Nära till hands : -om människans relation till mobiltelefonen (och andra maskiner) / Close at hand : about the human relationship to the mobile phone (and other machines)Thoor, Edit January 2021 (has links)
Under min ämneslärarutbildning har jag lärt mig att granska, kritisera och analysera innehåll i utbildning. Den här studien tar avstamp i mitt granskande av Skolverkets formuleringar kring hur lärare bör förhålla sig till begreppet digital kompetens. Under en veckas tid har jag levt utan samtliga digitala verktyg och analyserat mitt mående, mina aktiviteter och de visuella skiftningar som sker omkring mig i relation till mitt skärmanvändande. Därefter bjöds en ung informant in till intervju efter att ha levt i 24 timmar utan sociala medier. Donna Haraway och Vilém Flusser diskuterar människans och maskinens relation till varandra och jag befinner mig i mitten av denna diskussion: mellan en posthumanistisk teoribildning och en humanistisk sådan. Genom den här studien vill jag skapa förståelse för människan som en cybernetisk organism och hur detta förändrar vår sociala samvaro och vårt mående genom frågorna: Vilka olika aktiviteter, känslor och visuella föränderligheter framträder i min tillvaro baserat på ett leverne med eller utan skärmar? samt Hur påverkas en informants tillvaro av att leva utan sociala medier i ett dygn?I undersökningens gestaltande del undersöker jag fotografiskt de visuella skiftningarna som sker omkring mig under tre veckor som ett autoetnografiskt prövande genomfördes. Jag kallar dessa fotografier för visuella reflektioner. Ytterligare gestaltande undersökande skedde genom ett prövande av analoga fotografiska metoder på en digital ljusinstallation jag verkställde med inspiration från den form mobiltelefonens skärm har.
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Utopia Between Ciceronian Humanism and ImperialismAlmokhllati, Mohamad January 2021 (has links)
The premise of this thesis is to show how imperialism is an extension of Ciceronian humanism in More’s Utopia. Core Ciceronian premises, such as rhetoric and the vita activa in relation to imperialism are explored. Cicero called for liberating the barbarians from their savage state by dint of turning them into civic agents that enjoy their legal rights in a civil society by virtue of using rhetoric. Cicero’s vita activa is implemented by practicing philosophy of the vita activa and being active to serve the commonwealth outwardly (other commonwealths). This thesis shows that More’s Utopia is constructed upon Cicero’s ethical man; the Utopians are presented as the best people, for they are morally superior. Consequently, they are the best people to rule other commonwealths (imperialism). This thesis will also show that the ecology in Utopia is colonized and cultivated by the Utopians. The process of cultivation is implemented by virtue of the studia humanitatis and, the ecology is subordinated to the conquerors’ reason, which will be illustrated in this thesis. In addition, this thesis will highlight the similarities between the account of Cicero and More in relation to imperialism and chauvinism. Cicero’s discourse has chauvinism in his depiction of the Gauls and imperialism in his account of Romulus. Similarly, Hythloday’s account of Utopus and the Utopians is imperialistic; Utopia valorizes imperialist rhetoric by justifying seizing the lands of the barbarians under the pretext of civilizing them. This thesis also illustrates how More’s and Cicero’s rhetoric of imperialism corresponds to Herlihy- Mera’s three phases of cultural conquest, namely merchants, military, and politicians.
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