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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La communauté villageoise de Litang, et ses transmissions généalogiques et rituelles dans la construction de la modernité chinoise (du XIXe siècle à nos jours) / The village community of Litang, and its genealogical and ritual transmissions in the building of Modern China (from the 19th century to nowadays)

Favraud, Georges 24 January 2013 (has links)
Comment une communauté locale chinoise, structurée à la fois par ses transmissions patrilinéaires et taoïstes, participe-t-elle à la construction de la « modernité » ? Cette thèse montre la manière dont s’articulent et se transforment ces deux structures sociales communautaires fondamentales, afin de s’élaborer, de s’adapter et de participer au changement social de leur temps. Ce travail monographique porte en outre un regard ethnologique de plus grande échelle sur la société et l’histoire du bassin de la Xiang et de la province du Hunan : des cultes confucéens et patrilignagers rendus aux ancêtres agnatiques, du Pic du Sud (Nanyue) et des anciennes traditions rituelles, martiales et médicales taoïstes (Chunyang etQuanzhen), à leur recomposition actuelle dans le « socialisme de marché à la chinoise », après avoir traverséles premiers mouvements paysans communistes asiatiques (1927) orchestrés par Mao Zedong dans sa région natale, et la Révolution culturelle (1966-76).L’étude des mutations contemporaines du patrilignage des Chen du village de Litang, autour duquel se nouent les enjeux de pouvoir et la hiérarchisation des rôles des hommes et des femmes, ainsi que le système économique et écologique local, nous conduisentà repenser les bases mêmes sur lesquelles se construisent aujourd’hui les groupes de parenté chinois. L’analyse des mutations et des métissages entre parenté et rituel, qui se sont opérés dans le cadre du sanctuaire local des Transformations croissantes (ZenghuaGuan), institution en charge de l’organisation de la vie rituelle villageoise, montre quant à elle que la communauté de culte reste l’une des structures les plus fluides et durables de la société chinoise. / How does a local Chinese community, structured on the basis of both patrilineal and Daoist transmissions, participate in the building of “modernity”? This dissertation describes the way in which these two fundamental communal social structures are articulatedwith respect to each other, and the way in which they transform themselves in order to adapt to, and participate in, the social changes of their time. This monographic work also proposes, on a larger scale, an anthropological analysis of the society and history of the Xiang basin and Hunan province: from Confucian and patrilineal cults to agnatic kinship, as well as from ancient ritual, martial and medical Daoist traditions (Chunyang and Quanzhen), to their actual rearrangements in the “Chinese market socialism”, after having undergonethe first Communist peasant movements (1927) lead by Mao Zedong in his native region, and the Cultural Revolution (1966-76). The study of the contemporary mutations of the Chen lineage of Litang - an institution at the center of local power struggles, the hierarchization of sexual roles, and the village economy and ecology – leads us to reassert the very basison which Chinese parenthood groups elaborate themselves today. The analysisof the changes and the intermixturebetween parenthood and rituals, whichtake place in the local sanctuary of Increasing Transformations (Zenghua Guan) – an institution in charge of the local ritual life – shows that cult communitiesare one of the more fluid and sustainable structures of Chinese society.

Determinants of Schistosoma japonicum and soil-transmitted helminth infections, and associated morbidity in Hunan province, China: an epidemiological assessment

Julie Balen Unknown Date (has links)
Introduction Schistosomiasis is one of the most important and widespread diseases of rural poverty. Worldwide, approximately 779 million people are at risk of infection, with 207 million already infected. Infections with Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworms and Trichuris trichiura, collectively known as the soil-transmitted helminths (STHs), are also highly endemic throughout the tropics, particularly in resource-poor settings. An estimated 1 billion people worldwide are estimated to be infected with STHs. Schistosomes and STHs often co-exist in the same epidemiological settings and, given the high prevalence of concurrent multiple species infections (multiparasitism), a combined approach to prevention and control could lead to significant improvements, including reducing costs associated with single-species control programmes. In China, rigorous national schistosomiasis control efforts over the past 60 years have decreased the prevalence by over 90%; however, since 2000 the number of infected individuals has been rising, possibly indicative of a re-emergence. Fishermen, migrant communities and poor households in rural areas may be most at risk of single and multiple-species parasitic infections and the associated morbidity. Objectives This Ph.D. thesis is structured according to four main goals and a number of specific objectives: Firstly, to update estimates of S. japonicum prevalence, intensity and associated morbidity levels in Hunan province, China, according to the third national PES carried out in 2004; Secondly, to investigate existing barriers in access to preventive, diagnostic and treatment services for advanced schistosomiasis; Thirdly, to compare and evaluate direct and proxy methods of measuring household socio-economic position, according to data on income, savings and asset-based estimations of wealth; and Finally, to explore and identify behavioural, demographic, economic, environmental and social risk factors associated with the distribution of S. japonicum, STHs and multiple species infections, in two villages of the Dongting Lake region, Hunan province, China. Methods Firstly, we used data from the third national schistosomiasis periodic epidemiological survey (PES) of 2004. In Hunan province, the PES was carried out in 47 villages of the endemic Dongting lake area. A total of 47144 human serological, 7205 stool, and 3893 clinical examinations were performed. For the reservoir hosts, stools from 874 buffaloes and other domestic animals were examined for schistosomiasis by the miracidial hatching test. Secondly, we conducted an in-depth study involving interviews with 66 schistosomiasis control staff and 79 advanced schistosomiasis patient, and six focus group discussions (FGDs), in the Dongting lake region, between August 2002 and February 2003. Using the Health-Access Livelihood framework we examined availability, accessibility, affordability, adequacy and acceptability of schistosomiasis control in the Dongting lake area. Lastly, we carried out two village-wide parasitological, clinical and questionnaire-based investigations between October and December 2006. Parasitological examinations for the prevalence of S. japonicum and the STHs were performed by the Kato-Katz thick smear method, with repeated sampling of each individual. We took fingerprick blood samples to assess haemoglobin levels, using a B-haemoglobin HemoCue photometer. The household-based questionnaire focused on direct and proxy measurements of household wealth, while the individual-based questionnaire focused on demographic and behavioural factors, treatment history and self-perceived symptoms. Results Human sero-prevalence was 11.9% (range: 1.3-34.9% at village level), and the rate of egg-positive stools was 1.9% (0-10.9%) for the same population. The prevalence of infection among buffaloes was 9.5% (0-66.7%). Extrapolating to the entire population of the Dongting Lake region, an estimated 73225 people and 13973 buffaloes were infected. Most frequently reported symptoms were abdominal pain (6.2%) and bloody stools (2.7%). Accessibility and affordability were major barriers in access to schistosomiasis control. Many of staff interviewed indicated that a majority of patients who develop advanced schistosomiasis resided in mildly-endemic or non-endemic settings. None of the patients interviewed had any form of health insurance, and most of their health expenses were out-of-pocket payments. Exploratory factor analysis generated internally robust proxy wealth indices, however these were not complementary to direct measures of household wealth, as indicated by low correlation co-efficients. We found wide disparities in household ownership of durable assets, utility and sanitation, within both settings. Pooled data from the rural and peri-urban settings highlighted structural differences in socioeconomic position (SEP), more likely a result of localised urbanization and modernization. We found higher infection prevalences in rural settings, than in peri-urban settings, for schistosomiasis (6.3% and 6.7% respectively), ascariasis (8.3% and 2.2%, respectively) and trichuriasis (5.1% and 0.5%, respectively), but lower for hookworms (0.1% and 1.5% respectively). Multiple species infections (2.6% and 0.2%, respectively) were less prevalent than single species infections (14.5% and 10.4%). There were significant disparities in the prevalence of parasitic infections between poorest and least poor quintiles of the cohort population. Anaemia and other symptoms, especially headache, stomach ache and swollen stomach, were common in both rural and peri-urban village settings. Conclusion The studies conducted within the framework of this Ph.D. thesis document the current situation pertaining to schistosomiasis and the STHs in Hunan province, China. Our findings highlight the need for increased surveillance, monitoring and health education, with relation to schistosomiasis and STHs, in non-endemic or post-transmission control settings. Based upon these results, we call for improved diagnostic tools, particularly in the case of low intensity infections and for hookworm, and propose an extension of the use of available infrastructure, human resources, knowledge and technology by integrating prevention and control of schistosomiasis with that of other intestinal helminths, particularly STHs. In the future, our studies may form a base from which to further examine local needs and priorities for parasitic disease control in the area.

延續的邊緣: 從宋到清的湘西. / Lingering frontier: western Hunan from Song to Qing dynasty / Western Hunan from Song to Qing dynasty / 從宋到清的湘西 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Yan xu de bian yuan: cong Song dao Qing de Xiang xi. / Cong Song dao Qing de Xiang xi

January 2007 (has links)
謝曉輝. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2007. / 參考文獻(p. 242-252). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Lun wen (zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2007. / Can kao wen xian (p. 242-252). / Xie Xiaohui.

湖南新政(1895-1898)與近代中國政治文化 / The Hunan reform movement(1895-1898) and the political culture of modern china

羅皓星, Law, Ho Sing Unknown Date (has links)
本論文將重新探討湖南新政的實際成效與其形象的塑造過程。在現今的學界中,對湖南新政的認識受限於維新人士的觀點。因而對湖南新政之認識,往往停留在「新舊之爭」上。此觀點往往過於僵化,侷限研究者的視野。因而,在這種歷史認識的限制下,研究者沒法解釋當時錯綜複雜的歷史事實,故只有去熟悉化,以不同的眼光去重新書寫此段歷史,重新還原當時之歷史時空,才能找回失去的歷史知識。 本論文會先探討地方官吏在湖南新政中的角色與貢獻。江標、陳寶箴、張之洞等人在湖南新政中所扮演的角色相當重要,惟後人對其的認識,往往是經過維新人士而來,因而不免與歷史事實有所落差。所以,重新研究地方官吏的角色,則有助於重新檢討湖南新政之形成過程。 在以往的研究中,對於湖南保衛局在湖南新政的影響力,缺乏深入的研究。事實上,在湖南新政的主事者看來,湖南保衛局是為湖南新政成敗之關鍵。本論文將探討湖南保衛局的興起與頓挫,其重點將放在湖南保衛局的構想之形成,在其實行過程中所遇到之困難,以此作為了解湖南新政的一個側面。在湖南保衛局施行過程中,不同人士都對於保衛局的實行有所討論,亦對於其有所批評。而從保衛局的實施過程中,可以證明這些批評有其道理。不過,由於受到「新舊之爭」思維的影響,後人對於這些批評者,多視其為「守舊」,因而對其言論多以負面眼光看待。事實上,這些批評者也是推動新政的主力。但是,在後來的歷史論述中,往往忽略這些史事。究其原因,與湖南士人之間的論爭有所關連。而這亦是決定湖南新政前途的重要關鍵。 所以,本論文將分析湖南士人之間論爭之起因,以及論爭的經過。在此過程中,不同士人之間因各種原因而產生矛盾與衝突,從而使得湖南新政遭受衝擊。這些衝擊有的來自於湖南士人本身,也有一些是來自於省外。而這些衝擊,很大程度上與康有為有相當密切之關連。湖南新政與戊戌變法在本質上就有所不同,而康有為一派意圖影響湖南新政的發展,引來不少士人的反彈。因此,士人之間開始出現分歧。而反對康有為一方之人士,往往援引省外反對康有為的言論作為思想資源,以抗衝康學,拿回新政的主導權。因此,他們所反對的,只是康有為一派的康學,而非針對西學。 因此,從當時的歷史時空看來,參與論爭的雙方在思想上均沒有太大的分別。他們對於西學,都抱持接納的態度;在新政的事務上,他們都有所參與。但在後人看來,王先謙等人被貼上「守舊」的標籤。因此,這種觀點如何形成?本身就是一個值得探討的課題。所以,本論文將探討當時人如何看待湖南新政,並從而形成中國近代政治文化的其中一種特色。在當事人看來,湖南新政並沒有因戊戌政變而中止,在後來仍有所延續。而在日本人看來,湖南士人並沒有所謂的新舊之別。革命黨人和立憲黨人都以湖南新政作為他們的政治本錢,因而塑造一種「新舊之爭」的氛圍。在報刊等傳播媒介的推動下,這種湖南的「新舊之爭」成為當時人的歷史想像,並成為後人對於該段歷史的集體記憶。

敦煌寫本書儀中應用文書研究 / An Analaysis of the Practial writing in the Written Shu-i in Tun-huan

葉淑珍, Yeh, Shu Chen Unknown Date (has links)

Red Skies: The Impact of Environmental Protests in the People's Republic of China, 2004-2016

Lyons, Porter 07 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

全球化與中國電視的政治經濟分析: 湖南電視個案研究. / 湖南電視個案研究 / Globalization and political economy of Chinese television: a case study of Hunan TV / Quan qiu hua yu Zhongguo dian shi de zheng zhi jing ji fen xi: Hunan dian shi ge an yan jiu. / Hunan dian shi ge an yan jiu

January 2006 (has links)
崔瑋. / "2006年9月" / 論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2006. / 參考文獻(leaves 132-141). / "2006 nian 9 yue" / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Cui Wei. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 132-141). / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2006. / Chapter 第一章 --- 導言 / 湖南電視爲硏究個案:變革中的中國省級電視 --- p.2 / 結構槪述 --- p.5 / Chapter 第二章 --- 文獻回顧與理論綜述 / Chapter 第一節: --- 文化全球化的議題 --- p.7 / Chapter 第二節: --- 中國傳媒商業化與傳媒改革 --- p.20 / Chapter 第三節: --- 相關理論參考 --- p.26 / Chapter 第三章 --- 硏究問題與硏究方法 / Chapter 一: --- 硏究問題和硏究範疇 --- p.34 / Chapter 二: --- 硏究意義 --- p.36 / Chapter 三: --- 硏究方法 --- p.38 / Chapter 第四章 --- 中國電視政治經濟格局與湖南電視 / Chapter 一: --- 政治經濟改革中的中國省級電視:從宣傳工具到文化產業 --- p.41 / Chapter 二: --- 中國電視市場的體制結構與央視的壟斷 --- p.45 / Chapter 三: --- 湖南電視的體制與生產經營結構 --- p.49 / Chapter 第五章 --- 硏究發現:政治經濟矛盾變遷中的湖南電視改革 / 第一階段:拔河期 --- p.56 / 第二階段:市場爲主導的“保護色´ح期 --- p.61 / 本章小結 --- p.81 / Chapter 第六章 --- 硏究發現:文化全球化下的本土化創新 / Chapter 一: --- 本土化創新發生的環境以及政經條件 --- p.84 / Chapter 二: --- 全球文化對本土電視節目的影響 --- p.87 / Chapter 三: --- 本土化創新的過程和模式 --- p.94 / Chapter 四: --- 本土化創新循環的模型 --- p.100 / Chapter 五: --- “本土化´ح後的市場 --- p.102 / 本章小結 --- p.113 / Chapter 第七章 --- 硏究解讀:文化全球化與湖南電視 / Chapter 一: --- “麥當勞´ح文化與傳媒政治經濟關係 --- p.114 / Chapter 二: --- 文化全球化提升黨辦電視商業化 --- p.119 / Chapter 三: --- 解讀變革中的組織傳媒產品的回饋與互動 --- p.122 / Chapter 第八章 --- 總結和討論 / 硏究總結 --- p.125 / 討論 --- p.128 / 參考文章和書目 / 英文 --- p.133 / 中文 --- p.139 / 附錄 / 附錄一:湖南廣電大事時間脈絡表 --- p.143 / 附錄二 :深度訪談人員名錄 --- p.144 / 附錄三:湖南衛視參考資料 --- p.146 / 附錄四:《超級女聲》參考資料 --- p.148

尋求庇佑: 宋至清末湘中梅山地區的社會演變. / 宋至清末湘中梅山地區的社會演變 / Seeking the blessing: social change in central Hunan from Song to Qing dynasty / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Xun qiu bi you: Song zhi Qing mo Xiang zhong Meishan Diqu de she hui yan bian. / Song zhi Qing mo Xiang zhong Meishan Diqu de she hui yan bian

January 2012 (has links)
湘中梅山地區至今存在巫師、神明與祖先疊合祭祀的現象。地方上的各個村莊或院落普遍祭拜「家主」的木雕神像,這些「家主」的姓名、木雕的形式、傳說的故事各異,但就整個梅山地區而言,「家主」又有著共通的特點--他們都身兼巫師、神明與祖先。這跟粤西亦神亦祖、珠江三角洲及莆田地區神明與祖先明顯分開祭祀的現象很不一樣。我們該怎樣從歷史的角度來解讀梅山的「家主」祭祀傳統?本文冀通過史料的分析、科儀的解讀、地方文獻材料的耙梳以及田野調查的運用,探討不同的禮儀傳統如何形塑當地的「文化傳統」與「生活空間」。 / 唐宋時期,佛教在梅山地區上有很大的影響力。北宋政府「開梅山」時,需要借助佛教的影響力使政權順利進入地方社會。「梅山」一詞不僅作為地理標籤,更成為山地人群與鬼神信仰的泛稱。元明時期,土地的開發提供了法術展演的場地,道教閭山派與本土的祭祀傳統融合,深刻地影響地方祭祀。元末明初,王朝國家在梅山地區建立社會秩序的辦法,是通過承認地方豪強勢力的合法性,換取他們支持政府的管治。然此一作法及其影響隨著明中葉政府加強稅收而有所改變。明清時期,世家大族往往以寺庵守墓護山,這傳統一直延續到清末。在此同時,城隍信仰作為王朝國家的象徵,最遲在明中葉進入地方社會,這套祭祀傳統的推廣有賴正一派道教的傳播。以理學為核心的王朝禮儀開始在地方社會推行,主要依靠一群有科舉功名的士紳,但士紳的影響相當有限。清初,修建祠堂開始成為社會風尚,建祠以「妥先靈」成了祭祖的另一種辦法。縱上所述,在湘中梅山民間宗教組織的發展中,各種宗教禮儀的傳統在不同時期進入鄉村社會,鄉土的鬼神信仰有機結合,形成本地的社會規範。在這個過程中,宗教成為各集團爭奪正統的戰場,宗教禮儀與信仰也隨之演變。 / 筆者以為要瞭解形塑地方社會的過程,便不能忽略地方社會整合進入國家的時間,因為國家在不同時期所倡導的意識形態,對於社會整合後所呈現的圖景有重要的影響。同時,我們也不能忽略地方本土固有的傳統,以及聚落環境的制約,禮儀變革與社會重組過程,其發展脈絡在不同的社會生態環境中往往會有所差異。要言之,無論是國家的制度或者是正統的意識形態,都必須跟原有的社會文化傳統、本土的鬼神信仰相結合,才能產生影響,在此一過程中,各種宗教集團與儀式專家有著關鍵而主導的作用。 / Being attracted by the special phenomenon that family gods [Jiazhu] are worshiped widely in the local society, during my visits to the Central Region [Xiangzhong] of Hunan, I became interested in how that phenomenon was formed in a historical context. Jiazhu is treated as a member of the same clan with the highest spiritual power, showing its close identification with shamans and territorial gods. This pattern is very different when compared with the merging of ancestor with deity in Hainan and Leizhou, and the separation of ancestor and deity in the Pearl River Delta and the Putian Plain. This thesis thus focuses on how the pattern had evolved. Drawing on a variety of sources, including official documents, local materials, and Taoist ritual texts and so on, it studies the relation between religious practices and social changes that shaped the local “cultural traditions and “living space. / The history of the Central Hunan from the Song to the late Qing can be expressed as a story of the encroachment on territory vis-a-vis competitions among natives, newcomers, Buddhist monks, and Daoist ritual masters. In Tang-Song period, Buddhism had great influence on the local society. During the Northern Song dynasty, the Meishan region, then the frontier of Han China, was forcibly “opened by the imperial government with the assistance of Buddhist monks. Meishan was hereafter not only as a geographical label but also generally identified with the indigenous people and local spirits. In the early Ming period, newcomers used “spiritual power [Fashu] which co-worked with Lüshan Daoist traditions to sanctify their landownership. Applying Fashu became a predominant approach to open up primitive land. This is a significant period when the Meishan tradition and the Lüshan Daoist traditions mixed together. In local belief, both Jazhu and Dizhu were deities of the highest spiritual power. Dizhu was one who opened up primitive land. From the Late Yuan to the early Ming period, the dynasty established the social order by recognizing the interests of the local chiefs. This situation changed when the local government reformed the taxation system in the mid-Ming. / This thesis shows the dynamics of ritual representation of local society from the Song to late Qing period. During the Ming-Qing period, powerful hereditary families used Buddist monasteries to protect ancestral graveyards and the hill cemeteries. This tradition continued to the late-Qing. In addition, the City God, a symbol of the imperial government, was incorporated into the belief system of local society with the spread of the Orthodox Oneness Sect[Zhengyi sect]. The highly educated gentries began to promote state rituals in the locality for reconstructing their own traditions, with limited success. During the mid-Qing, building ancestral halls became a popular trend of housing the ancestral spirits. / This thesis argues that in understanding the shaping of the local society, one should not miss the timing of it being incorporated into the state, since the ideologies sanctioned by the state had a considerable and persistent impact on the integrated society. On the other hand, the persistence of the local and indigenous should not be underplayed. Ritual transformation and social restructuring vary with different social and ecological environments. State institutions and orthodox ideologies cannot work successfully unless they combine with indigenous traditions and deity systems. In such process, various religious groups and ritual masters played a leading role. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 呂永昇. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 231-246). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Lü Yongsheng. / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 南中國的移民、宗族、宗教與社區 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二節 --- 亦巫亦神亦祖:湘中梅山地區的歷史地理與社會形態 --- p.19 / Chapter 第三節 --- 論文架構、研究材料與方法 --- p.23 / Chapter 第一部份 --- 進入地方社會的禮儀傳統 --- p.28 / Chapter 第二章 --- 傳說與歷史 --- p.29 / Chapter 第一節 --- 官與道士:晉文斤成道的傳說 --- p.29 / Chapter 第二節 --- 密印寺與唐溈山僧 --- p.32 / Chapter 第三節 --- 「梅山十峒獠」及宋初資江流域所奠定的格局 --- p.36 / 小結 --- p.40 / Chapter 第三章 --- 北宋僧侶與資江流域的開發 --- p.42 / Chapter 第一節 --- 僧侶與開梅山道 --- p.43 / Chapter 第二節 --- 湘中格局的重整與族類的劃分 --- p.55 / Chapter 第三節 --- 宋王朝的教化與「梅山」風俗 --- p.60 / p.70 / Chapter 第四章 --- 國家禮制、移民與戶籍:明代的梅山社會 --- p.72 / Chapter 第一節 --- 元末明初土酋的勢力 --- p.73 / Chapter 第二節 --- 明代行政、祭祀系統的建立與理學的推行 --- p.87 / Chapter 第三節 --- 祖先的故事:譜牒中的移民記憶 --- p.102 / 小結 --- p.120 / Chapter 第二部份 --- 禮儀疊合的地方社會 --- p.122 / Chapter 第五章 --- 譜系的內外:清以降的社會建構 --- p.123 / Chapter 第一節 --- 冷水江巖口鎮的族群與聚落 --- p.123 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「家主」、「地主」與「廟王」的祭祀活動 --- p.135 / Chapter 第三節 --- 蘇氏「家主」、「地主」及族人的分衍與定居 --- p.146 / Chapter 第四節 --- 尊宗敬祖:從香火堂到祠堂 --- p.166 / 小結 --- p.176 / Chapter 第六章 --- 禮儀的疊合:宋至清末湘中梅山地區宗教形態的演變 --- p.177 / Chapter 第一節 --- 瑤人傳說中的祖源地:「梅山」 --- p.177 / Chapter 第二節 --- 法術的開發:明代祖先拓殖的傳說 --- p.187 / Chapter 第三節 --- 明清佛教與地方家族 --- p.199 / Chapter 第四節 --- 王朝的體制與神靈體系的建構 --- p.204 / 小結 --- p.215 / Chapter 第七章 --- 總論:法術的庇佑 --- p.216 / 附錄 --- p.222 / 徵引史料及參考書目 --- p.231

台商在中國大陸投資醫療服務業之經營策略研究─以湖南旺旺醫院為例 / Strategy of Investing and Managing Medicare Services in China by Taiwanese: the Case of Hunan Want Want Hospital

李素芳, Lee, Sue Fang Unknown Date (has links)
中國自推動改革開放政策以來,經濟成長迅速,國民所得不斷提升,醫療需求與日俱增;再加上中國為順利加入WTO,2000年起更釋放醫療利多措施,放寬外資投入中國醫療服務市場限制。為此,旺旺集團旗下之湖南旺旺醫院搶得機先,於2005年底開業,不惟成為《中外合資、合作醫療機構管理暫行辦法》頒布後,中國第一家中外合資大型綜合醫院;亦是台商在大陸興建完成且正式營運之首家醫療機構,甚具指標性意義。 本研究除介紹中國醫療產業環境及相關政策法令外,更以個案研究法探討湖南旺旺醫院之興建動機、進入模式及經營策略。透過深入訪談並輔以次級資料分析,本研究發現,目前中外合資醫療機構由於數量少、進入時間短,尚不足以撼動公立醫院的地位,但在中國「看病難,看病貴」問題依然無法有效解決的情況下,以效率及品質著稱的民營大型醫院,應有相當之競爭優勢與發展空間。湖南旺旺醫院營運迄今已兩年餘,其透過醫院資訊系統建構整體醫療流程、以制度及人才奠定厚實根基等著重內部發展之經營策略,已逐漸獲得病人信賴並在經營實績上漸受肯定,應可供作其他跟進者發展布局參考。 至於兩岸醫療交流合作議題,由於台灣醫師薪資普遍較高,未必是符合成本的必然選項,建議應善用台灣管理經驗,就地建置系統性人才來源,方能掌握雙贏契機。總之,無論台資企業或醫療機構,唯有入境問俗、順勢而為,改變傳統思維與既有作法,才能在競爭激烈的中國醫療市場占有一席之地。 / Since China started to adopt the reforming and opening-up policy, it has seen rapid economic growth and ever-increasing medicare demand. To join WTO, China opened its medicare service industry for foreigners to invest in year 2000. Given such a background, the Want Want Group pioneered to found the Hunan Want Want Hospital—the first Chinese-foreigner joint ventured large general hospital following the dictum of “Interim Measures for Administration of Chinese-foreign Joint Venture and Cooperative Medical Institutions”. The hospital consequently sets an example of such joint ventures. In addition to discuss the environment of the Chinese medicare service industry and corresponding policies/regulations, this study explores the founding motivations, the entry mode, and the set of management strategies of Hunan Want Want Hospital. Through in-depth interviews and secondary data analysis, the study finds that owing to the still-small number and the still-short history of which, Chinese-foreigner joint hospitals have not yet gained the high ground to challenge public hospitals’ position in China. However, the study also finds that large private hospitals, renowned for their efficiency and quality, own substantial competitive advantage and expansion potentials. As an example for followers to emulate, Hunan Want Want Hospital has nurtured trust among its customers and performed well on several fronts because it developed a comprehensive information system to handle details of complicated medicare procedures, set up concrete rules for layers of management, and well-utilized human resources after more than two years’ operation. As far as the cross-straight medicare cooperation is concerned, this study finds that disparity in human resource cost across the straight may be an issue for Chinese-foreigner joint hospitals in China to address, and suggests that a win-win situation is achievable through the import of Taiwanese management expertise as well as the localization of human resource management. To conclude, Taiwanese medicare services, just like Taiwanese businesses in China, should adapt to Chinese local market environment and change accustomed management mindset so as to survive and grow in the Chinese medicare market.

荊漢地區新石器時代文化硏究. / Study on the neolithic cultures of "Jih-Han" area / Jing Han Diqu xin shi qi shi dai wen hua yan jiu =: A Study on the neolithic cultures of "Jih-Han" area.

January 1980 (has links)
靳達強. / Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學硏究院歷史學部. / Manuscript. / Includes bibliographical references. / Jin Daqiang. / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue yan jiu yuan li shi xue bu. / 圖、表索引 --- p.VI / 提要 --- p.XI / Chapter 一 --- 緒論 / Chapter 1 --- 緣起 --- p.1 / Chapter 2 --- 本問題之研究範圍 --- p.5 / Chapter 3 --- 本問題之研究意義 --- p.7 / Chapter 二 --- 荊漢地區之新石器時代文化及其年代 --- p.25 / Chapter 三 --- 荊漢地區新石器時代的地理環境 --- p.36 / Chapter 四 --- 荊漢仰韶文化 --- p.54 / Chapter 1 --- 重要遺址及分佈範圍 --- p.56 / Chapter 2 --- 文化內涵 --- p.68 / Chapter 五 --- 大溪文化 --- p.121 / Chapter 1 --- 重要遺址及分佈範圍 --- p.125 / Chapter 2 --- 文化內涵 --- p.138 / Chapter 六 --- 屈家岭文化 --- p.175 / Chapter 1 --- 重要遺址及分佈範圍 --- p.178 / Chapter 2 --- 分期 --- p.192 / Chapter 3 --- 文化內涵 --- p.199 / Chapter 七 --- 荊漢龍山文化及易家山遺址 --- p.251 / Chapter 1 --- 荊漢龍山文化 --- p.255 / Chapter 2 --- 易家山遺址 --- p.278 / Chapter 八 --- 其他新石器時代文化遺址 --- p.286 / Chapter 九 --- 區內各新石器時代文化的關係 / Chapter 1 --- 鄖縣、均縣、下王崗、三元宮及桂花樹 --- p.291 / 所提供的承傳關係 / Chapter 2 --- 荊漢仰韶文化與大溪文化,屈家岭文化的關係 --- p.300 / Chapter 3 --- 大溪文化與屈家岭文化的關係 --- p.309 / Chapter 4 --- 屈家岭文化與荊漢龍山文化,易家山遺址的關係 --- p.321 / Chapter 5 --- 结语 --- p.325 / Chapter 十 --- 本區新石器時代文化與鄰近新石器時代文化的關係 --- p.330 / Chapter 1 --- 四川盆地 --- p.332 / Chapter 2 --- 漢中地區 --- p.335 / Chapter 3 --- 黃河中游及汝潁上游區 --- p.339 / Chapter 4 --- 淮河上游區 --- p.363 / Chapter 5 --- 長江下游區 --- p.366 / Chapter 6 --- 贛北區 --- p.374 / Chapter 7 --- 東南沿海區 --- p.380 / Chapter 十一 --- 結論 / Chapter 1 --- 荊漢地區新石器文化之總考察 --- p.385 / Chapter 2 --- 荊漢地區新石器文化在中國新石器時代之地位 --- p.390 / 參考書目 --- p.396

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