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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Student Perspectives on Feedback in a Spanish Medical Interpreting Course

Brimhall, Allison Rebecca 18 April 2022 (has links)
Medical interpreter education is a fast-growing field in which learners sometimes receive inadequate feedback to help them improve their interpreting skills (Sultanić, 2021). This qualitative study focused on students’ perspectives on the different types of feedback given in a university Spanish medical interpreting course. Interviews and written reflections were analyzed to investigate what students personally considered to be the outcomes of the class and how feedback given in the course was associated with their development of interpreting skills and self-efficacy. Students reported that they found the most meaningful improvement through (1) guided self-assessment to discover gaps in their abilities, (2) collaboratively constructed knowledge through group discussions, (3) authentic practice sessions and access to an instructor who worked in the field, and (4) testing their skills in real-world encounters.

Serbliš kao hibridni jezik među srpskom dijasporom u Kanadi: svojstva i upotreba / Serblish as a Hybrid Language Among theTI Serbian Diaspora in Canada: Properties and Use

Damjanovski Nela 12 September 2013 (has links)
<p>Ova disertacija se usredsređuje na jezičke i vanjezičke opise srpsko-engleskog ili englesko-srpskog hibridnog jezika serbli&scaron;a koji upotrebljavaju pripadnici mlađe generacije srpske dijaspore u Vankuveru. Tema zahvata oblast kontaktne i kontrastivne lingvistike, sociolingvistike, psiholingvistike i pragmatike i bavi se istražvanjem i opisom navedenog varijeteta na morfosintaksičkom, leksičkom (semantičkom i pragmatičkom), fonolo&scaron;kom i grafolo&scaron;kom nivou.<br />Teorijsku podlogu ovog rada čine brojna proučavanja jezičkog kontakta sa lingvističkog, sociolingvističkog, pragmatičkog i psiholingvističkog aspekta, kako u svetu, tako i kod nas &minus; u biv&scaron;oj Jugoslaviji i u Srbiji.<br />Prvu fazu istraživanja predstavljalo je pilot-istraživanje koje je obuhvatilo pisane izvore na srpskom jeziku u Vankuveru, od kojih su najvažniji i najobimniji novine Ki&scaron;obran koje su petnaest godina (od 1997. do 2012.) izlazile u Vankuveru. Podaci dobijeni ovim istraživanjem poslužili su kao osnova za sastavljanje upitnika za drugu fazu istraživanja.<br />Analiza i opis serbli&scaron;a kao varijeteta srpskog jezika zasniva se na građi dobijenoj u drugoj fazi istraživanja putem intervjua sa dvojezičnim ispitanicima i upitnika koji su ispitanici popunjavali. Prikupljena građa je analizirana i u odgovarajućim poglavljima predstavljena su svojstva ovog varijeteta na navedenim nivoima. Na kraju su izvedeni zaključci o svojstvima serbli&scaron;a među pripadnicima mlađe generacije iseljenika, utvrđen je intenzitet i način uticaja engleskog jezika u konkretnoj kontaktnoj situaciji, ustanovljeni su slučajevi u kojima promene u jeziku nisu rezultat delovanja engleskog jezika, već nedovoljno naučenih aspekata srpskog jezika ili unutra&scaron;njih tendencija u srpskom jeziku u matici i utvrđene su sličnosti i razlike u upotrebi jezika između dve ispitivane pogdrupe mlađe generacije govornika serbli&scaron;a.<br />Disertacije je podeljena u pet poglavlja. U prvom, uvodnom poglavlju dat je prikaz teme i ciljeva istraživanja i obja&scaron;njenje osnovnih termina. Drugo poglavlje daje prikaz teorijskih postavki istraživanja i pregled preovlađujućih stavova u literaturi. Metodi istraživanja, profil ispitanika, etički aspekti istraživanja, jezik na kojem je istraživanje vođeno, kao i prikupljanje i obrada podataka za korpus predstavljaju se u trećem poglavlju. U četvrtom poglavlju daje se analiza korpusa i diskusija dobijenih rezultata. U poslednjem, petom poglavlju daju se zaključna razmatranja sa rekapitulacijom rezultata istraživanja i implikacijama za dalja istraživanja.</p> / <p>This dissertation focuses on a linguistic and extralinguistic description of the Serbian-English or English-Serbian hybrid language Serblish as used by the younger generation of the Serbian diaspora in Vancouver. It encompasses the domains of contact and contrastive linguistics, sociolinguistics psycholinguistics and pragmatics and analyeses and describes this language variety at the morphosyntactic, lexical (semantic and pragmatic), phonological and graphological levels.<br />Numerous studies of language contact from the linguistic, sociolinguistic, pragmatic and psycholinguistic aspects conducted around the world, as well as in the former Yugoslavia and in Serbia form the theoretical framework of this dissertation.<br />The first stage of the research was a pilot research of written sources in the Serbian language in Vancouver, the most important and extensive being the Ki&scaron;obran newspaper published in Vancouver over 15 years (from 1997 to 2012). The data obtained in this pilot study formed the basis for creating a questionnaire to be used in the second stage of the research.<br />The analysis and description of Serblish as a variety of the Serbian language is based on the material obtained in the second stage of the research through interviews with bilingual research participants and through a questionnaire filled out by the participants. The collected material was analyzed, and the properties of this variety are presented in the corresponding chapters for each linguistic level. Finally, conclusions were drawn about the properties of Serblish as used by the younger generations of immigrants, the intensity and ways of the influence of English in the given language contact situation were specified, cases were determined where the observed changes are not a result of English influence, but stem from imperfect learning or from internally motivated changes in the Serbian language in the home country, and similarities and differences in the use of the language between the two generations were determined.<br />This dissertation is divided into five chapters. The first, introductory chapter outlines the topic and goals of the research, as well as introducing the basic terminology. The second chapter presents the theoretical framework of the research and reviews the prevailing perspectives in the literature. Research methods, profile of the research participants, ethical issues and language mode in the research, as well as gathering and processing the corpus material are presented in the third chapter. The focus of the the fourth chapter is an analysis of the corpus and a discussion of the obtained results. The final, fifth chapter provides concluding remarks, summarizing the research findings and outlining implications for further research.</p>

Korjŏmal - dialekt korejské menšiny v Kazachstánu / Koryŏmal - Dialect of the Korean Minority in Kazakhstan

Stöckelová, Linda January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to present the language situation of the Korean minority in Kazakhstan. Korean dialect used by local Koreans is called Koryǒmal and after 150 years of separate life of this minority became very different from the standard Korean. The thesis describes the circumstances of its creation, the main differences from today's standard Seoul Korean, the current situation and the frequency of the use on the territory of Kazakhstan. It concluded with an assesment of the future prospects of Koryǒmal and possible means of its preservation for forthcoming generations of Koryǒsaram. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Reconnaissance de la parole pour l’aide à la communication pour les sourds et malentendants / Speech recognition as a communication aid for deaf and hearing impaired people

Orosanu, Luiza 11 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse fait partie du projet RAPSODIE dont l’objectif est de proposer une reconnaissance vocale spécialisée sur les besoins des personnes sourdes et malentendantes. Deux axes sont étudiées : la modélisation lexicale et l’extraction d’informations para-lexicales. Concernant la modélisation lexicale, nous avons étudié les modèles de langage hybrides combinant mots et syllabes, et nous avons proposé une nouvelle approche basée sur une notion de similarité entre mots pour l’ajout de nouveaux mots dans le modèle de langage. Concernant l’extraction d’informations para-lexicales, nous avons étudié l'utilisation des paramètres prosodiques, des paramètres linguistiques ou de leur combinaison pour la détection des questions et des affirmations. Cette détection a comme but de signaler aux personnes sourdes ou malentendantes quand une question leur est adressée / This thesis is part of the RAPSODIE project which aims at proposing a speech recognition device specialized on the needs of deaf and hearing impaired people. Two aspects are studied: optimizing the lexical models and extracting para-lexical information. Regarding the lexical modeling, we studied hybrid language models combining words and syllables, and we proposed a new approach based on a similarity measure between words to add new words in the language model. Regarding the extraction of para-lexical information, we investigated the use of prosodic features, of linguistic features and of their combination for the detection of questions and statements. This detection aims to inform the deaf and hearing impaired people when a question is addressed to them

Multimodalidade na publicação científica ampliada : considerações semióticas e modelo de representação /

Marín-Arraiza, Paloma January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Silvana Aparecida Borsetti Gregorio Vidotti / Resumo: A publicação de resultados de pesquisa com base no documento textual vem sendo considerada desde o século XVII como a principal via de comunicação científica. A chegada na Ciência do paradigma baseado nos dados e do movimento da Ciência Aberta inicia a demanda de publicação de outros ativos/assets de pesquisa de diferente natureza. Contrastamos a necessidade de novas vias e abordagens à publicação de forma que os ativos/assets possuam uma adequada descrição para garantir a encontrabilidade, o acesso, o reuso e a reprodutibilidade. Uma das vias para essa publicação é a publicação científica ampliada. Com base nas ferramentas fornecidas pelo método quadripolar, esta pesquisa analisa as transformações epistemológicas, teóricas e técnicas do processo de comunicação científica com o objetivo de formalizar um modelo para as publicações ampliadas, que considere os aspectos semióticos derivados da hibridação de linguagens neste tipo de publicação e dos relacionamentos entre as diferentes entidades que compõem a publicação. A análise parte da conceitualização da publicação ampliada como um espaço semiótico de topografia tanto homogênea quanto heterogênea, devido a sua composição por objetos de diferente natureza. Realiza-se um mapeamento de diferentes ambientes de publicação para extrair as entidades que podem compor uma publicação ampliada. Essas entidades, junto com a dimensão executável que representa e estabelece o processo de criação e lógica entre as entidades, conformam a base ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The publication of research results based on the textual document has been considered since the 17th century as the primary means of scientific communication. The arrival in Science of the paradigm based on data and the Open Science movement initiates the demand for publication of other research assets/assets of different nature. We contrast the need for new ways and approaches to the publication of assets to have an adequate description to ensure the findability, access, reuse and reproducibility. One of the avenues for this publication is the expanded scientific publication. Based on the tools provided by the quadripolar method, this research analyses the epistemological, theoretical and technical transformations of the scientific communication process. The main aim is to formalize a model for enhanced publications, which considers the semiotic aspects derived from the hybridization of languages in this type of publication and the relationships between the different entities that comprise the publication. The analysis starts from the conceptualization of enhanced publications as semiotic spaces of homogeneous and heterogeneous topography, due to their composition by objects of different nature. A mapping of different publication environments is performed to extract the entities that can compose an enhanced publication. These entities, together with the executable dimension that represents and establishes the creation process and logic between the entities, form the basis of... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

MOTHER TONGUE  / מאַמע-לשון : An interscriptual typeface

Larsson, Veronika January 2022 (has links)
The starting point for my degree project was the experience of an “in-betweenship”: to be in the middle of two cultures. If language is a bearer of culture and typography the body of language, as a graphic designer I was curious about what typography could be created from this intermediate position. In particular, I wanted to work with methods, tools, and expressions derived from my Jewish heritage in order to change my conditions for type construction and language. I have explored the typographic ligature as a method and form; historically created to save time and space in typesetting, but here used to find common denominators between two structurally different scripts. One question in particular has guided my process: can I create something whole from an intermediate position – something that isn’t one or the other, but a third possibility? The result is a calligraphic, interscriptual typeface with hybrids of Latin and Hebrew letters that can be read from left-to-right in English, as well as right-to-left in Yiddish. Based on my own poem about this in-betweenship – introduced on p.50 – the visual appearence comes from the codependency between the two scripts, a well as the compromises this merge entailed. This way, it doesn’t only represent my own hybridized experience but also the Jewish experience at large, shaped by influences from other cultures and languages over centuries of flight and migration.

Un langage contrôlé pour les instructions nautiques du Service Hydographique et Océanographique de la Marine / A controlled language for the french national Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service Coast Pilot Books instructions nautiques

Sauvage-Vincent, Julie 16 January 2017 (has links)
Les langages contrôlés sont des langages artificiellement définis utilisant un sous-ensemble du vocabulaire, des formes morphologiques, des constructions syntaxiques d'une langue naturelle tout en en éliminant la polysémie. En quelque sorte, ils constituent le pont entre les langages formels et les langues naturelles. De ce fait, ils remplissent la fonction de communication du médium texte tout en étant rigoureux et analysables par la machine sans ambiguïté. En particulier, ils peuvent être utilisés pour faciliter l'alimentation de bases de connaissances, dans le cadre d'une interface homme-machine.Le Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine (SHOM) publie depuis 1971 les Instructions nautiques, des recueils de renseignements généraux, nautiques et réglementaires, destinés aux navigateurs. Ces ouvrages complètent les cartes marines. Elles sont obligatoires à bord des navires de commerce et de pêche. D'autre part, l'Organisation Hydrographique Internationale (OHI) a publié des normes spécifiant l'échange de données liées à la navigation et notamment un modèle universel de données hydrographiques (norme S-100, janvier 2010). Cette thèse se propose d'étudier l'utilisation d'un langage contrôlé pour représenter des connaissances contenues dans les Instructions nautiques, dans le but de servir de pivot entre la rédaction du texte par l'opérateur dédié, la production de l'ouvrage imprimé ou en ligne, et l'interaction avec des bases de connaissances et des outils d'aide à la navigation. En particulier on étudiera l'interaction entre le langage contrôlé des Instructions nautiques et les cartes électroniques correspondantes. Plus généralement, cette thèse se pose la question de l'évolution d'un langage contrôlé et des ontologies sous-jacentes dans le cadre d'une application comme les Instructions nautiques, qui ont la particularité d'avoir des aspects rigides (données numériques, cartes électroniques, législation) et des aspects nécessitant une certaine flexibilité (rédaction du texte par des opérateurs humains, imprévisibilité du type de connaissance à inclure par l'évolution des usages et des besoins des navigants). De manière similaire aux ontologies dynamiques que l'on rencontre dans certains domaines de connaissance, on définit ici un langage contrôlé dynamique. Le langage contrôlé décrit dans cette thèse constitue une contribution intéressante pour la communauté concernée puisqu'il touche au domaine maritime, domaine encore inexploité dans l'étude des langages contrôlés, mais aussi parce qu'il présente un aspect hybride, prenant en compte les multiples modes (textuel et visuel) présents dans le corpus constitué par les Instructions nautiques et les documents qu'elles accompagnent. Bien que créé pour le domaine de la navigation maritime, les mécanismes du langage contrôlé présentés dans cette thèse ont le potentiel pour être adaptés à d'autres domaines utilisant des corpus multimodaux. Enfin, les perspectives d'évolution pour un langage contrôlé hybride sont importantes puisqu'elles peuvent exploiter les différents avantages des modes en présence (par exemple, une exploitation de l'aspect visuel pour une extension 3D). / Controlled Natural Languages (CNL) are artificial languages that use a subset of the vocabulary, morphological forms and syntactical constructions of a natural language while eliminating its polysemy. In a way, they constitute the bridge between formal languages and natural languages. Therefore, they perform the communicative function of the textual mode while being precise and computable by the machine without any ambiguity. In particular, they can be used to facilitate the population or update of knowledge bases within the framework of a human-machine interface.Since 1971, the French Marine Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service (SHOM) issues the French Coast Pilot Books Instructions nautiques , collections of general, nautical and statutory information, intended for use by sailors. These publications aim to supplement charts, in the sense that they provide the mariner with supplemental information not in the chart. They are mandatory for fishing and commercial ships. On the other hand, the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) issued standards providing information about navigational data exchange. Among these standards, one of a particular interest is the universal model of hydrographic data (S-100 standard, January, 2010).This thesis analyses the use of a CNL to represent knowledge contained in the Instructions nautiques. This CNL purpose is to act as a pivot between the writing of the text by the dedicated operator, the production of the printed or online publication, and the interaction with knowledge bases and navigational aid tools. We will focus especially on the interaction between the Instructions nautiques Controlled Natural Language and the corresponding Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC).More generally, this thesis asks the question of the evolution of a CNL and the underlying ontologies involved in the Instructions nautiques project. Instructions nautiques have the particularity of combining both strictness (numerical data, electronic charts, legislation) and a certain amount of flexibility (text writing by human operators, unpredictability of the knowledge to be included due to the evolution of sailors¿ practices and needs). We define in this thesis a dynamic CNL in the same way that dynamic ontologies are defined in particular domains. The language described in this thesis is intended as an interesting contribution for the community involved in CNL. Indeed, it addresses the creation of a CNL for the unexploited domain of maritime navigation, but its hybrid aspects as well through the exploration of the multiple modalities (textual and visual) coexisting in a corpus comprising ENC and their companion texts. The mechanisms of the CNL presented in this thesis, although developed for the domain of the maritime navigation, have the potential to be adapted to other domains using multimodal corpuses. Finally, the benefits in the future of a controlled hybrid language are undeniable: the use of the different modalities in their full potential can be used in many different applications (for example, the exploitation of the visual modality for a 3D extension).

Speaking Proficiency in a Hybrid Environment. A Mixed-Method Study of Spanish Beginner Learners

Ortiz, Daniela 11 December 2023 (has links)
[ES] En el sistema de educación superior de los Estados Unidos, es muy común enseñar clases de idiomas a nivel elemental de manera híbrida (Blake et al., 2008; Hampel & Stickler, 2015; Meskill & Anthony, 2015; Mizza & Rubio, 2020; Seaman et al., 2018) principalmente por su flexibilidad, individualidad, énfasis en la comunicación y el aprendizaje colaborativo (Rubio, 2014). Sin embargo, los estudios comparativos de clases tradicionales e híbridas han producido resultados pequeños o estadísticamente insignificantes con respecto a la competencia oral (Blake 2008, Chenoweth et al., 2006, Scida & Jones, 2016; Thoms, 2012). Por lo tanto, Rubio (2008) anima a los investigadores a ir más allá de contrastar y más bien evaluar "qué" enseñamos y "cómo" enseñamos. Este estudio longitudinal tuvo como objetivo mostrar cómo se desarrolló la competencia oral a través de un enfoque de métodos mixtos mediante la observación de cuatro secciones de español elemental en un centro de estudios superiores de EE. UU. durante dos semestres. A través de la triangulación de fuentes de datos, se analizaron observaciones de clase, contenido del curso, cuestionarios y evaluaciones orales de los estudiantes. Contrariamente a lo esperado, la modalidad híbrida no tuvo los resultados esperados en las habilidades orales de los estudiantes. Al final del segundo semestre, los estudiantes no pudieron alcanzar los niveles esperados lo que podría estar relacionado con el tipo de instrucción tradicional. El análisis de errores reveló áreas que los estudiantes aún tenían dificultades para comprender, como el uso de artículos, la concordancia de género y número de sustantivos y la semántica, entre otras. Aunque estos errores son comunes en estudiantes de primer año de lengua española, el estudio muestra la necesidad de un reciclaje sistemático de determinadas estructuras del lenguaje para que sean plenamente asimiladas. Por lo tanto, el estudio genera información sobre lo que ocurre en los cursos híbridos que adoptan un enfoque tradicional de enseñanza de idiomas en lugar de cambiar pedagógicamente para incluir actividades más comunicativas. / [CA] En el sistema d'educació superior dels Estats Units, és molt comú ensenyar classes d'idiomes a nivell elemental de manera híbrida (Blake et al., 2008; Hampel & Stickler, 2015; Meskill & Anthony, 2015; Mizza & Rubio, 2020; Seaman et al., 2018) principalment per la seua flexibilitat, individualitat, émfasis en la comunicació i l'aprenentage colaboratiu (Rubio, 2014). No obstant, els estudis comparatius de classes tradicionals i híbrides han produït resultats menuts o estadísticament insignificants sobre la competència oral (Blake 2008, Chenoweth et al., 2006, Scida & Jones, 2016; Thoms, 2012). Per lo tant, Rubio (2008) anima als investigadors a anar més allà de contrastar i més be evaluar "què" ensenyem i "cóm" ensenyem. Este estudi llongitudinal va tindre com a objectiu mostrar cóm es va desenrollar la competència oral a través d'un enfocament de métodos mixts per mig de l'observació de quatre seccions d'espanyol elemental en un centre d'estudis superiors dels EE. UU. durant dos semestres. A través de la triangulació de fonts de senyes, es varen analisar observacions de classe, contingut del curs, qüestionaris i evaluacions orals dels estudiants. Contràriament a lo esperat, la modalitat híbrida no va tindre els resultats esperats en les habilitats orals dels estudiants. Al final del segon semestre, els estudiants no varen poder alcançar els nivells esperats lo que podria estar relacionat en el tipo d'instrucció tradicional. L'anàlisis d'errors va revelar àrees que els estudiants encara tenien dificultats per a comprendre, com l'us d'artículs, la concordancia de gènero i número de sustantius i la semàntica, entre unes atres. Encara que estos errors són comuns en estudiants de primer any de llengua espanyola, l'estudi mostra la necessitat d'un reciclage sistemàtic de determinades estructures del llenguage per a que siguen plenament assimilades. Per lo tant, l'estudi genera informació sobre lo que ocorre en els cursos híbrits que adopten un enfocament tradicional d'ensenyança d'idiomes en lloc de canviar pedagógicamente per a incloure activitats més comunicatives. / [EN] Teaching elementary-level language classes in a hybrid environment has become the trend in the United States higher education system (Blake et al., 2008; Hampel & Stickler, 2015; Meskill & Anthony, 2015; Mizza & Rubio, 2020; Seaman et al., 2018) primarily due to its flexibility, individuality, with emphasis on communication and collaborative learning (Rubio, 2014). However, comparative studies of traditional and hybrid classes have produced small or statistically insignificant results regarding speaking proficiency (Blake 2008, Chenoweth et al., 2006, Scida & Jones, 2016; Thoms, 2012). Therefore, Rubio (2008) encourages researchers to go beyond contrasting and rather assess "what" we teach and "how" we teach. This longitudinal study aimed to show how speaking proficiency was developed through a mixed-methods approach by observing four sections of Elementary Spanish at a US community college during the fall and spring semesters. Through data-source triangulation, class observations, course content, questionnaires, and oral assessments were analyzed. Contrary to expectations, the hybrid modality did not have the expected results in students' speaking skills. By the end of the second semester, students were not able to reach the novice-high to intermediate-low levels expected at the end of the first year of Spanish, which could be linked to the form-focused type of instruction students received. The error analysis revealed areas that students still struggled to understand, such as article use, noun agreement in gender and number, and semantics, among others. Although these errors are common in first-year Spanish language learners, the study shows the need for systematic recycling of certain language structures for them to be fully assimilated by students. Therefore, the study generates insight into what occurs in hybrid courses that adopt a traditional language teaching approach rather than changing pedagogically to include more communicative activities. / Ortiz, D. (2023). Speaking Proficiency in a Hybrid Environment. A Mixed-Method Study of Spanish Beginner Learners [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/200582

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