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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Commande robuste de générateurs électrochimiques hybrides / Robust control of hybrid electro-chemical generators

Hernandez Torres, David 25 October 2011 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est la conception, dans un premier temps, des différentes stratégies de commande pour un générateur hybride composé par une pile à combustible et une source auxiliaire de stockage d'énergie. L'outil des Inégalités Linéaires Matricielles (LMI) est utilisé dans la thèse pour la solution du problème de la commande robuste et multi-variables. Dans un premier temps la commande se consacre à la gestion de la partie électrique de la pile. Des stratégies de commande sont proposées pour les convertisseurs élévateurs du bus continu mais aussi pour le contrôle d'un onduleur de tension conçu pour une opération en mode isolé du réseau. La validation d'une partie du contrôle sous un banc d'essai a été réalisée. Dans un deuxième temps, la commande de la partie fluidique de la pile a été traitée. La gestion de la dynamique de l'air en entrée de la pile est assurée par la commande du débit du compresseur. Le sous-système de compression d'air est régulé pour garantir un certain taux d'excès d'oxygène désiré, ce qui permet d'améliorer les performances de la pile. Une introduction au contrôle des systèmes à paramètres variants (LPV) est aussi présentée. Des études de robustesse des contrôleurs proposés ont été effectuées, et ces caractères robustes sont comparés avec plusieurs méthodes de commande classique, prouvant ainsi l'importance des méthodologies de commande robuste et multi-variables. / The objective of this thesis is the design of several control strategies for a hybrid power generator composed by a fuel cell and an auxiliary energy storage source. The Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) tools are extensively used in this dissertation as a solution to the mutivariable robust control problem. As a first approach, the control methodology is consecrated to the electrical power management sub-system of the fuel cell. Different strategies are proposed to control the hybrid boost power converter configuration for DC voltage applications. The methodology is extended to AC islanded applications considering the additional control of a voltage inverter. The validation on a dedicated test-bench, of a part of the proposed control strategies, is presented. In a second approach, the control of the air supply system is addressed. The management of the air dynamic entering the fuel cell is assured by the control of the air flow of a compressor. The air supply sub-system is controlled to keep a desired oxygen excess ratio, this allow to improve the fuel cell performance. An introduction to the control of Linear Varying Parameter (LPV) systems is also presented. Robustness analysis studies are performed, these robust properties are contrasted with several classic control strategies, demonstrating the advantage and the importance of multivariable robust methodologies.

Návrh letounu VUT 051 RAY s uvážením hybridního pohonu / Design of VUT 051 RAY aircraft with hybrid power unit

Zeman, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The master´s thesis deals with a design of hybrid power unit for a small aircraft. The Introductory part goes into the problems of hybrid power unit and describes its current use in aviation. In the next part of the thesis aircrafts VUT 051 RAY and Skyleader 600 are described and the aircraft with better aerodynamic characteristic is chosen. A suitable conception of hybrid power unit is proposed for this aircraft. On the basis of the proposed conception basic flight performance are figured out. After that a weight and blance analysis are made with the chosen power unit components and thair arrangement. In the final part electric motor mounting and a frame for holding batteries are designed.

Scenarios of Wind Power Development Prospects for Belarus by 2020 within a World’s Context

Kliatsko, Aleh January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the master’s work is to assess the wind-power development prospects andproceeding therefrom assume scenarios of the wind-power development in Belarus until 2020 reasoning from the situations and tendencies common to both the national and world powerindustry. In my master’s work I have referred to ХХI-century current problems: procuring energypreparedness of the Republic of Belarus and reducing the anthropogenic impact on thebiosphere and reducing impact on the climate. For Belarus characteristic is a variety ofenvironmental challenges. For instance, one of the most urgent problems is Chernobyldisaster aftermath which affected Belarus to a very great extent. In my opinion some of these global problems may be partially solved by way of usingalternative energy sources, specifically the wind-power engineering. Such a narrow enough notion as the prediction of the wind-power engineering development inBelarus is described in my work by way of so deep and wide analysis of issues dealing withthe wind-power engineering development and prediction: the encyclical analysis of the stateand development of the power industry in its entirety in Belarus and how to reach energypreparedness at the time when effects of the finance-and-economic crisis are currently addedto other negative factors. It has been done specially for the purpose of making such an accurate prediction as possiblehaving analyzed the whole range of interrelated problems. I pitched upon the prediction of the development of the wind-power engineering preciselyuntil 2020 since I’d like to be tied to the basic document: “the National Strategy ofSustainable Social-and-Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus for a Period until2020”. In my work I have analyzed a possibility and horizons of developing the power industry inBelarus based on sustainable development principles. I have proved a capability andprofitability of developing renewable energy sources in Belarus. And the main emphasis wason considering the wind-power engineering. For Belarusian conditions there has beenproposed an optimum alternative of the integrated approach to developing the wind-powerengineering, i.e. joint using the wind-power engineering with other renewable and exhaustibleenergy sources. In this manner there has been refuted an opinion generally held that the windpower engineering development in Belarus is prospectless. In so doing the author, prior to turning to a major issue of the work: the prospects ofdeveloping the wind-power engineering in the Republic of Belarus, has given an estimate ofworld reserves of fuel resources and drawn up the following conclusions: deposits of fossilfuels are depleting and, consequently, the cost of mining operations will grow. Due to the factthat the main extraction of power resources is shifted to extreme regions the cost of conveying energy products is growing. Belarus has to import deficient power resources. Recently the price for Russian energy products for Belarus has grown dramatically. I have also approached the issue of expediency of building an atomic power station in Belarus. The prospects and consequences of using unconventional renewable energy sources in theRepublic of Belarus (with no wind-power engineering) are considered in all their aspectsfollowed by a detailed consideration of the prospects of developing the wind-powerengineering in the Republic of Belarus. Based on the above data there have been proposed two scenarios of developing the wind power engineering in Belarus: Scenario 1 «Unsustainable» and Scenario 2, which I called «Middle way to sustainable energy engineering». / Syftet med magister-arbetet är att bedöma vindkraftverkens utvecklingsmöjligheter och därifrån anta scenarier för vindkraftutvecklingen i Vitryssland till 2020, genom resonemang från de situationer och tendenser som är gemensamma för både nationella och internationella kraftindustrin. I mitt magister-arbete har jag hänvisat till 2000-talets nuvarande problem: att skaffa energisäkerhet i Republiken Vitryssland, minska effekterna av mänsklighetens påverkan på biosfären och minska påverkan på klimatet. Vitryssland kännetecknas av en rad olika utmaningar på miljöområdet. Till exempel är en av de mest akuta problemen Tjernobylkatastrofens efterdyningar som påverkade Vitryssland i mycket stor utsträckning. Min åsikt är att en del av dessa globala problem kan delvis lösas genom att använda alternativa energikällor, särskilt vindkraft-tekniken. Ett sådant specifierat begrepp som förutsägelsen av vindkraftteknikens utveckling i Vitryssland beskrivs i mitt arbete i form av en djup och bred analys av frågor som handlar om vindkraftteknikens utveckling och prognoser: Analysen av läget och utvecklingen av kraftindustrin i sin helhet i Vitryssland och hur man når energi-säkerhet när effekterna av finanskrisen för närvarande läggs till andra negativa faktorer. Det har gjorts speciellt för att göra en sådan precis förutsägelse som möjligt genom att ha analyserat hela raden av sammanhängande problem. Jag fokuserade på prognoser om utvecklingen av vindkraft-teknik innan 2020 eftersom jag vill vara bunden till det grundläggande dokument: ”den nationella strategin för hållbar socialoch ekonomisk utveckling i Vitryssland under en period fram till 2020”. I mitt arbete har jag analyserat en mängd olika möjlighet för att utveckla kraftindustrin i Vitryssland som bygger på principerna för hållbar utveckling. Jag har visat att det går att utveckla förnybara energikällor i Vitryssland, som är både kapabla och lönsamma. Med sikte på att använda sig av vindkraft-tekniken. För de vitryska förhållandena har det föreslagits ett optimalt alternativ för den integrerade strategin för att utveckla vindkraft-tekniken, dvs gemensamt med hjälp av vindkraft-teknik och med andra förnybara och icke förnybara energikällor. På detta sätt har det finns det en allmän åsikt angående vindkraft-teknikens utveckling i Vitryssland, som säger att det inte finns några direkta förutsättningar för denna typ av energi. Därigenom har författaren, innan upptagandet av huvud frågan i arbetet:,utsikterna att utveckla vindkraft teknik i Republiken Vitryssland, gjort en beräkning av världens reserver av bränsle-resurser och kommit fram till följande slutsatser: depåerna av fossila bränslen håller på att ta slut och därmed kommer kostnaderna för utvinning att växa. På grund av det faktum att huvuddelen av utvinningen av bränsle flyttas till extrema regioner så kommer kostnaden för att tillhandahålla energiprodukter växa. Vitryssland måste importera bristfälligt bränsle. Nyligen har priset för ryska energiprodukter för Vitryssland ökat dramatiskt. Jag har också tagit upp frågan om lämpligheten av att bygga ett kärnkraftverk i Vitryssland. Förutsättningarna och konsekvenserna av att använda okonventionella förnybara energikällor bedömning av möjligheterna att utveckla vindkraft tekniken i Vitryssland. Baserat på ovanstående data har det lagts fram två scenarier för utvecklandet av vindkrafttekniken i Vitryssland: Scenario 1 «Ohållbart» och Scenario 2, som jag kallade «Vägen mellan hållbar energi-teknologi».

Viability of Power-Split Hybrid-Electric Aircraft under Robust Control Co-Design

Bandukwala, Mustafa January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Power Electronic Enhanced Distribution Transformer : Seamless Voltage Regulation with Extended Functionalities / Kraftelektronik Förstärkt Distributionstransformator : Sömnlös Spänningsreglering med Extra Funktioner

Johansson, Nils January 2022 (has links)
On-load tap changers and static synchronous compensators (STATCOM) are the main components for voltage regulation and power quality optimization in the power system. STATCOMs are used in both industrial applications and utility to stabilize the grid and reduce downtime. STATCOM is based on power electronics that is put together as a voltage source converter. However, as STATCOMs are connected in shunt, they provide voltage regulation indirect, by the injection of reactive power. Which might be insufficient for emerging grid codes and power systems with less inertia. This thesis’s purpose is to investigate a series voltage source converter (SVSC), which is connected in series with the grid. Series connected devices may provide better voltage regulating capabilities than shunt devices with the same amount of reactive power compensation, as it can regulate the voltage directly. The SVSC can also be used for power system compensation and power flow control. The SVSC consists of a Chain-Link Modular Multilevel Converter that is connected directly in series with the power system without a coupling transformer. The SVSC injects a voltage in quadrature with the current through the SVSC, this gives the SVSC the ability to emulate a reactance, along with increasing the voltage. The maximum injected voltage from the SVSC is 30% of the system voltage. As the voltage is injected in quadrature with the current, the SVSC can change to voltage more if the power factor is low. The SVSC is able to keep the voltage on the load side constant in several different load and grid scenarios. Furthermore, the SVSC was able to emulate both a capacitance and an inductance, and control the active power flow. However, the SVSC was not able to regulate the voltage as desired when the power factor is close to 1. / Lindningsomkopplare och static synchronous compensators (STATCOM) är de huvudsakliga komponenterna för spänningsreglering och elkvalité optimering i elnätet. STATCOMs används i både industrin och av elnätsägare för att stabilisera elnätet och minska driftstopp. STATCOM är baserat på kraftelektronik som är byggt till en voltage source converter. I alla fall, eftersom STATCOMs är anslutna i shunt med elnätet, kan de endast spänningsreglera indirekt, genom att tillföra reaktiv effekt. Vilket kan vara otillräckligt med nya elnätsregler och elnät med lägre tröghet. Den här avhandlingens syfte är att undersöka en series voltage source converter (SVSC), som är ansluten i serie med elnätet. Enheter som är anslutna i serie med elnätet kan leverera bättre spänningsreglering än enheter som är anslutna i shunt med samma mängd reaktiv effekt kompensering. SVSC:n kan också användas för lednings kompensering och effektflödes kontroll. SVSC:n består av en Chain-Link Modular Multilevel Converter som är ansluten i serie med elnätet utan en kopplingstransformator. SVSC genererar en spännings som är i kvadratur med strömmen genom SVSC:n, det gör att SVSC kan emulera en reaktans, men även öka spänningen. Den maximala spänningen från SVSC:n är 30% av systemspänningen. Eftersom spänningen är i kvadratur med strömmen, så kan SVSC ändra spänningen mer om effektfaktorn är låg. SVSC:n kan hålla spänningen konstant på last sidan under flera olika last- och elnäts scenarier. Dessutom kunde SVSC:n emulera både en induktans och kapacitans, och kontrollera det aktive effektflödet. Men, SVSC:n kunde inte reglera spänningen som önskat när effektfaktorn var nära 1.

Hybrid cell for harvesting multiple-type energies

Xu, Chen 21 May 2012 (has links)
An abundance of energy in our environment exists in the form of light, thermal, mechanical (e.g., vibration, sonic waves, wind, and hydraulic), magnetic, chemical, and biological. Harvesting these forms of energy is of critical importance for solving long-term energy needs and the sustainable development of the planet. However, conversion cells for harvesting solar energy and mechanical energy are usually independent entities that are designed and built following distinct physical principles. The effective and complementary use of such energy resources whenever and wherever one or all of them are available demands the development of innovative approaches for the conjunctional harvesting of multiple types of energy using an integrated structure/material. By combining solar and mechanical energy-harvesting modules into a single package for higher energy conversion efficiency and a more effective energy recovery process, the research has designed and demonstrated a hybrid cell for harvesting solar and mechanical energy. The results of the research show that we can fully utilize the energy available from our living environment by developing a technology that harvests multiple forms of both solar and mechanical energy 24 hours a day. As the proposed research represents a breakthrough in the innovation of energy harvesting, it should pave the way toward building a new field called "multi-type hybrid" energy harvesting.

Commande et supervision énergétique d’un générateur hybride actif éolien incluant du stockage sous forme d’hydrogène et des super-condensateurs pour l’intégration dans le système électrique d’un micro réseau / Control and energy management of a hybrid active wing generator including energy storage system with super-capacitors and hydrogen technologies for microgrid application

Zhou, Tao 30 June 2009 (has links)
Un système hybride multi-source est étudié dans cette thèse pour la génération dispersée basée sur des sources d’énergie renouvelable et des systèmes de stockage d’énergie. Il comprend un générateur éolien comme source d’énergie primaire, des super-condensateurs comme système de stockage à dynamique rapide, des piles à combustible et des électrolyseurs comme système de stockage sur le long terme sous forme d’hydrogène. Ils sont tous connectés à un bus continu commun et un onduleur est utilisé pour la connexion du système entier au réseau. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons présenté la modélisation du système, la conception du contrôle y compris des stratégies de répartition des flux de puissance et la gestion énergétique. Cette centrale hybride peut finalement générer des puissances lissées et contrôlables comme la plupart des générateurs classiques. Les performances ont été testées en simulation numérique et aussi sur un prototype expérimental. Les contributions scientifiques principales de cette thèse sont les suivantes : l’utilisation et l’adaptation des formalismes pour la modélisation des systèmes complexes et la conception de leur commande ; la conception et la réalisation expérimentale des émulateurs pour réduire le temps et le cout du développement du prototype expérimental ; la proposition et la validation de deux stratégies de gestion des puissances pour la régulation du bus continu et le contrôle des puissances transitées au réseau et enfin la proposition des stratégies de supervision énergétique avec la définition des modes de fonctionnement pour le générateur actif éolien afin d’assurer une disponibilité énergétique / A hybrid power system is studied in this thesis for the distributed generation based on renewable energy resources and energy storage systems in microgrid applications. It consists of a wind generator as primary energy source, super-capacitors as fast-dynamic storage system, fuel cells and electrolyzers as long-term storage system in hydrogen. They are all connected to a common DC bus and an inverter is used for the connection of the whole system to the grid. In this thesis, we have presented the system modeling, the control design including the power balancing and energy management strategies. This hybrid power system can finally supply controllable smooth powers as most conventional power plants. The performances have been tested in numerical simulations and also on an experimental test bench. As result, it is able to provide ancillary services to the microgrid. The main scientific contributions of this thesis are: the use and the adaptation of the graphical tools for the modeling of complex systems and their design; the design and the experimental implementation of real-time emulators in order to reduce the time and the cost of an experimental platform; the proposition and the validation of two power balancing strategies for the DC-bus voltage regulation and the grid power control and finally the proposition of energy management strategies for the active wind generator to ensure the energy availability

Simulação e dimensionamento ótimo de sistemas autônomos híbridos com reservatórios hidrelétricos

Vega, Fausto Alfredo Canales January 2015 (has links)
O interesse mundial e os investimentos em fontes renováveis de energia têm aumentado consideravelmente nos últimos anos. Estas tecnologias têm a vantagem de aproveitar os recursos disponíveis localmente, reduzindo a dependência de fontes externas. Entretanto, um dos principais problemas associados a muitas das tecnologias de energias renováveis é sua imprevisibilidade ou intermitência. O armazenamento de energia é a técnica mais utilizada para moderar estas intermitências. Para aproveitamento em grande escala, os reservatórios hidrelétricos (de usinas hidrelétricas convencionais com reservatório e usinas hidrelétricas reversíveis) representam a tecnologia mais madura e amplamente aproveitada para armazenamento de energia elétrica na forma de energia potencial no volume de água. Isto faz destes uma opção importante a ser incluída no projeto de um sistema autônomo híbrido de geração de energia. Segundo diferentes autores consultados, o software HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables) é a ferramenta mais amplamente utilizada em pesquisas relacionadas à simulação e configuração ótima deste tipo de sistemas. Esta tese apresenta um conjunto de procedimentos para determinar, em nível de pré-viabilidade, a configuração ótima (em termos do custo presente líquido) e o conjunto de arranjos viáveis de um sistema autônomo de geração de energia incluindo fontes renováveis intermitentes e reservatórios hidrelétricos. O software HOMER é aplicado na simulação e avaliação dos sistemas híbridos dos estudos de caso hipotéticos do presente trabalho, utilizados para validar os métodos propostos. Estes exemplos foram criados a partir de dados reais relacionados ao Estado de Rio Grande do Sul. Os procedimentos descritos são aplicáveis a qualquer região do mundo onde exista um local com potencial para reservatórios hidrelétricos, assim como dados de disponibilidade e custos relacionados a fontes renováveis intermitentes. Além de determinar a configuração ótima e o conjunto de arranjos viáveis, os resultados obtidos indicam que os procedimentos descritos podem ajudar na definição da melhor utilização de um local com potencial hidrelétrico. Igualmente, permitem estimar a quantidade de eletricidade excedente que poderia ser recuperada através de usinas reversíveis. Os resultados mostram que configuração ótima depende de muitos fatores, tais como restrições hidrológicas, a carga a ser atendida e o custo de geração de cada fonte. / Global interest and investments in renewable energy sources has increased considerably in recent years. These technologies have the advantage of using locally available resources, reducing dependence on external energy sources. However, most renewable energy technologies suffer from an intermittent characteristic due to the diurnal and seasonal patterns of the natural resources needed for power generation. Energy Storage is the most used technique to buffer this intermittency. For large-scale applications, hydropower reservoirs (of conventional and pumped storage plants) are the most mature and the most widely employed technology for electricity storage in the form of potential energy. For this reason, a hydropower reservoir is a suitable option to consider including in an autonomous hybrid power system. According to many authors, the HOMER model (Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables) is the most widely used tool in research studies related to simulation and optimal design of this type of systems. This thesis presents some procedures to define, as a pre-feasibility assessment, the optimal configuration (in terms of Net Present Cost) and set of feasible designs of an autonomous hybrid power system that includes intermittent renewable energy sources and hydropower reservoirs. The HOMER software is used for simulating and evaluating the hybrid power systems of the hypothetical case studies, used to validate the proposed methods. These examples were created based on real data related to the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The procedures described can be adapted to any other region of the world where exists a site suitable for the construction of hydropower reservoirs, along with available data regarding intermittent renewable sources and generation costs. Besides defining the optimal configuration and the set of feasible designs, the results indicate that the procedures explained could help in the definition of the best use of a site with hydropower potential. Likewise, these methods can also be used to estimate how much excess electricity can be recovered by means of pumped storage hydropower. The results show that the optimal system design depends on many factors such as hydrological constraints, average load to serve and energy cost of each source.

Algumas Contribuições para Algoritmos de Controle de Filtros Ativos e Híbridos Conectados em Paralelo com Redes Elétricas Trifásicas a 3 ou a 4 Fios. / Some Contributions for control algorithms of shunt active and hybrid power filters in 3 or 4-wire power grids.

Cleiton Magalhães Freitas 16 July 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho apresenta contribuições para algoritmos de controle utilizados em filtros ativos e híbridos conectados em redes elétricas trifásicas a 3 ou a 4 fios. Em relação aos algoritmos de controle para filtros ativos, a contribuição consiste em estender o conceito da filtragem harmônica seletiva para compensação de correntes harmônicas e desequilibradas em uma rede trifásica a 4 fios. Esses algoritmos derivam dos conceitos utilizados na teoria da potência instantânea (teoria pq), em conjunto com um circuito de sincronismo PLL. É importante ressaltar que estes algoritmos não utilizam as correntes consumidas pelas cargas, ou seja, apenas as tensões no ponto da rede onde o filtro está conectado são utilizadas para determinação das correntes harmônicas de referência. Apenas as correntes na saída do conversor são utilizadas como realimentação do controle PWM. Estes algoritmos também foram utilizados no filtro híbrido para compensação de correntes harmônicas em uma rede trifásica a 3 fios. Por fim foi feito uma alteração nesses algoritmos de controle que permite eliminar as correntes utilizadas na realimentação do controle PWM. Resultados de simulação são apresentados com objetivo de observar o comportamento desses algoritmos tanto no filtro ativo quanto no híbrido nas condições mencionadas. / This work presents some contributions involving control algorithms for active and hybrid filters connected in 3 or 4-wire three-phase electrical grids. In relation to the control algorithms for active filters, the contribution results from the extension involving the concepts of selective harmonic filtering to compensate unbalanced and harmonic currents in a 4-wire three-phase electrical grid. These algorithms derive from the instantaneous power theory (pq theory) together with a synchronizing PLL-circuit. It is important to mention that these algorithm do not use the currents consumed by the loads, i.e, only the voltages at the point common coupling (PCC) are used to determine the reference harmonic currents. Only the output converter currents were used as a feedback to the PWM control. These algorithms were also employed in a hybrid filter to compensate harmonic currents in a 3-wire three-phase electrical grid. Finally, some improvements on these control algorithms were done, such that the output converter currents used as a feedback of the PWM control were eliminated. Simulations results were provided in order to analyze the behavior of the active and hybrid filters in the aforementioned conditions.

Algumas Contribuições para Algoritmos de Controle de Filtros Ativos e Híbridos Conectados em Paralelo com Redes Elétricas Trifásicas a 3 ou a 4 Fios. / Some Contributions for control algorithms of shunt active and hybrid power filters in 3 or 4-wire power grids.

Cleiton Magalhães Freitas 16 July 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho apresenta contribuições para algoritmos de controle utilizados em filtros ativos e híbridos conectados em redes elétricas trifásicas a 3 ou a 4 fios. Em relação aos algoritmos de controle para filtros ativos, a contribuição consiste em estender o conceito da filtragem harmônica seletiva para compensação de correntes harmônicas e desequilibradas em uma rede trifásica a 4 fios. Esses algoritmos derivam dos conceitos utilizados na teoria da potência instantânea (teoria pq), em conjunto com um circuito de sincronismo PLL. É importante ressaltar que estes algoritmos não utilizam as correntes consumidas pelas cargas, ou seja, apenas as tensões no ponto da rede onde o filtro está conectado são utilizadas para determinação das correntes harmônicas de referência. Apenas as correntes na saída do conversor são utilizadas como realimentação do controle PWM. Estes algoritmos também foram utilizados no filtro híbrido para compensação de correntes harmônicas em uma rede trifásica a 3 fios. Por fim foi feito uma alteração nesses algoritmos de controle que permite eliminar as correntes utilizadas na realimentação do controle PWM. Resultados de simulação são apresentados com objetivo de observar o comportamento desses algoritmos tanto no filtro ativo quanto no híbrido nas condições mencionadas. / This work presents some contributions involving control algorithms for active and hybrid filters connected in 3 or 4-wire three-phase electrical grids. In relation to the control algorithms for active filters, the contribution results from the extension involving the concepts of selective harmonic filtering to compensate unbalanced and harmonic currents in a 4-wire three-phase electrical grid. These algorithms derive from the instantaneous power theory (pq theory) together with a synchronizing PLL-circuit. It is important to mention that these algorithm do not use the currents consumed by the loads, i.e, only the voltages at the point common coupling (PCC) are used to determine the reference harmonic currents. Only the output converter currents were used as a feedback to the PWM control. These algorithms were also employed in a hybrid filter to compensate harmonic currents in a 3-wire three-phase electrical grid. Finally, some improvements on these control algorithms were done, such that the output converter currents used as a feedback of the PWM control were eliminated. Simulations results were provided in order to analyze the behavior of the active and hybrid filters in the aforementioned conditions.

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