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Alternative design of robot cell concepts for flexible productionGislén, Linda January 2016 (has links)
Flexible manufacturing is something that most companies is aiming to accomplish due to the increased demand for variety and a competitive global market. This thesis report includes an introduction to the automation concept and the development towards flexible automation. A general flexible assembly cell is presented and its content and requirements are discussed. The work has been done with focus on an assembly process with dedicated fixtures at VCE (Volvo Construction Equipment). Based on the literature review and the general example, a list of actions to take while planning and implementing a process is developed. The actions roughly include: mapping of the process, defining goals, investigation of automation level, holistic view while planning, definition of the need for flexibility, investment plan, designing and comparing concepts, investigation of possible issues and implementation in small scale. The current manual process at VCE is presented and analysed. Three concepts are designed with product flexibility as an alternative to processes in which traditional dedicated fixtures are used. The designed concepts are a fully automated concept, a hybrid concept with separated workspace and a human-robot collaboration. Finally, the concepts are analysed and compared based on following parameters: productivity, product cost, investment, flexibility, space requirement and setup time. One final comparing summary of the concepts is done. The analysis shows that a fully automated concept is to prefer in this case. However, a human-robot collaboration could be appropriate to use if the process is expected to improve with the human workforce. Examples of when it could be reasonable to use human-robot collaboration despite this are: if the task provides better quality when conducted by human or if the task is complex to automate.
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Polymer/silicon hybrid solar cells : Fabrication and electrical properties / Polymer/kisel hybridsolceller : Tillverkning och elektriska egenskaperLander, Sanna January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, the process of fabricating PEDOT:PSS/c-Si hybrid solar cells has been investigated with the goal of performing a proof of concept as well as to determine the influence on solar cell performance of some processing parameters. Properties of PEDOT:PSS film formation and metal contact formation were investigated as a first step. Additionally, the surface passivation properties of PEDOT:PSS on n-Si have been studied and carrier lifetimes of 300 <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Cmu" />s were measured by quasi steady-state photoconductance and photoluminescence carrier lifetime imaging of silicon substrates that had PEDOT:PSS spin-coated onto both sides. Finally, working PEDOT:PSS/c-Si hybrid solar cells of both the FrontPEDOT and BackPEDOT concepts were successfully fabricated and their current-voltage characteristics were measured. The champion device showed a JSC of 23.0 mA/cm2, a VOC of 520 mV and a FF of 59% as measured directly after fabrication. Repeating the measurements the following day showed a strong degradation of the cells, particularly of the JSC. It can be concluded from this work that fully working PEDOT:PSS/c-Si hybrid solarcells of both the FrontPEDOT and BackPEDOT types can be fabricated through a simple and low-cost production route. The quality of the metal contacts is of very high importance for the function of the cells. The cells are heavily degraded within less than 24 hours when stored in atmoshperic conditions, but some of the function can be regained by annealing and edge isolation. Achieving better wetting on Si substrates after certain cleaning procedures is an important point for further study. PEDOT:PSS has been seen to have some excellent passivation properties on c-Si, although these results show a strong dependency on the specific type of PEDOT:PSS. / I denna uppsats har tillverkningen av PEDOT:PSS/c-Si hybridsolceller undersökts med målet att tillverka en fungerande solcell samt att bestämma påverkan på cellens prestanda av vissa processparametrar. Polymerfilmbildning och metallkontaktbildning undersöktes som ett första steg. Dessutom studerades polymerfilmens förmåga att passivera n-Si ytor, och livstider hos laddningsbärare på ca 300<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Cmu" />s mättes genom QSSPC och PL-I på kiselsubstrat med polymerfilmer på båda sidor. Slutligen tillverkades fungerande polymer/kisel hybridsolceller av både FrontPEDOT och BackPEDOT typ och de elektriska egenskaperna bestämdes. Den bästa cellen hade JSC=23.0 mA/cm2, VOC=520 mV och FF=59%, uppmätt direkt efter tillverkningen. Upprepning av mätningarna följande dag visade en stark degradering av cellerna, i synnerhet av kortslutningsströmmen. Man kan dra slutsatsen från detta arbete att fullt fungerande polymer/kisel hybridsolceller av både FrontPEDOT och BackPEDOT typ kan tillverkas genom en enkel och kostnadseffektiv produktionsväg. Kvaliteten på metallkontakterna är av mycket stor betydelse för cellernas funktion. Cellerna försämras kraftigt inom mindre än 24 timmar vid förvaring i atmosfäriska förhållanden, men en del av funktionen kan återfås genom upphettning och kantisolering. Att uppnå bättre vätning på kiselsubstrat efter vissa rengöringsmetoder är en viktig punkt för vidare studier. Polymerfilmer av PEDOT:PSS har visat sig ha utmärkta passiveringsegenskaper på kiselytor, även om dessa resultat visar ett starkt beroende på den specifika typen av PEDOT:PSS.
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Hodnocení výnosových parametrů hybridního ozimého žita / Evaluation of yield and qualitative parameters in hybrid winter ryeKRÁL, Radim January 2019 (has links)
The main part of the thesis is evaluation of yield and qualitative parameters of hybrid winter rye. A small plot experiment was made at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (380 m). The trial took place in two years: 2016/2017 and 2017/2018. The effect of sowing (early and late), seed quantity (standard - 2 MKS / ha and reduced - 1 MKS / ha), variety and year were evaluated in three varieties of hybrid rye (Cossani, Performer, Santini). To achieve the most accurate results, all 12 variants were sown in 4 replicates. From the qualitative parameters were determined: Falling number, volume weight, content of N substances. Concerning the yield, use of a standard seed rate (2 MKS / ha) was more stable, with an average yield increase of 0.64 t / ha. The most profitable was the Performer variety, which stood out with a consistently high falling number.
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Exploring the design space for a hybrid-electric regional aircraft with multidisciplinary design optimisation methodsThauvin, Jérôme 22 October 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Envisioned in the next 15 to 30 years in the aviation industry, hybrid-electric propulsion offers theopportunity to integrate new technology bricks providing additional degrees of freedom to improveoverall aircraft performance, limit the use of non-renewable fossil resources and reduce the aircraftenvironmental footprint. Today, hybrid-electric technology has mainly been applied to groundbased transports, cars, buses and trains, but also ships. The feasibility in the air industry has to beestablished and the improvement in aircraft performance has still to be demonstrated. This thesisaims to evaluate the energy savings enabled by electric power in the case of a 70-seat regionalaircraft. First, energy saving opportunities are identified from the analysis of the propulsion andaerodynamic efficiencies of a conventional twin turboprop aircraft. The potential benefits comingfrom the variation of the size of prime movers and the new power managements with the use ofbatteries are studied. Also, possible aerodynamic improvements enabled by new propellerintegrations are considered. For each topic, simplified analyses provide estimated potential ofenergy saving. These results are then used to select four electrified propulsion systems that arestudied in more detail in the thesis: a parallel-hybrid, a turboelectric with distributed propulsion, apartial-turboelectric with high-lift propellers and an all-electric. Evaluating the selected hybrid-electric aircraft is even more challenging that the sizing of the different components, the energymanagement strategies and the mission profiles one can imagine are many and varied. Inaddition, the overall aircraft design process and the evaluation tools need to be adaptedaccordingly. The Airbus in-house Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation platform named XMDO,which includes most of the required modifications, is eventually selected and further developedduring the thesis. For examples, new parametric component models (blown wing, electrical motor,gas turbine, propeller, etc…) are created, a generic formulation for solving the propulsion systemequilibrium is implemented, and simulation models for take-off and landing are improved. In orderto evaluate the energy efficiency of the hybrid-electric aircraft, a reference aircraft equipped with aconventional propulsion system is first optimised with XMDO. Different optimisation algorithms aretested, and the consistency of the new design method is checked. Then, all the hybrid-electricconfigurations are optimised under the same aircraft design requirements as the reference. Forthe electrical components, two levels of technology are defined regarding the service entry date ofthe aircraft. The optimisation results for the turboelectric and the partial-turboelectric are used tobetter understand the potential aerodynamic improvements identified in the first part of the thesis.Optimisations for the parallel-hybrid, including different battery recharge scenarios, highlight thebest energy management strategies when batteries are used as secondary energy sources. All theresults are finally compared to the reference in terms of fuel and energy efficiencies, for the twoelectrical technology levels. The last part of the thesis focuses on the all-electric aircraft, and aimsat identifying the minimum specific energy required for batteries as a function of the aircraft designrange. A trade study is also carried-out in accordance with the service entry date for the otherelectrical components
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Det Tvehövdade Monstret : Mytologi mot PosthumanismJohansson, Jonathan, Larsson, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
Detta kandidatarbete handlar om hur ämnen som parodi, posthumanism och mytologi kan kombineras för att skapa en spelprototyp där dessa tre agerar som pelare, vare sig dessa manifesteras inom narrativet, estetiken eller mekaniken. Med hjälp av parodi som designperspektiv kan man granska ämnen som mytologi och posthumanism, för att skapa något som länkar samman dem. Denna text går igenom alla projektets utvecklingsfaser, hur själva arbetsprocessen har utvecklats och olika iterationer vi skapade för att ge en klar bild vilka tankebanor det var som ledde till vilka kreativa val och hur slutprototypen kom till. Synopsis: 300 år efter mänsklighetens förfall, världen är bebodd av monster, men en dag släpps de rastlösa själarna av mänskligheten lös, tar över monstren och gör dem mer mänskliga. / This bachelor thesis will cover how the subjects of parody, posthumanism and mythology can be combined to create a game prototype where these three serve as pillars, whether they take the form of design perspective, esthetics or mechanics. By using parody as a design perspective, one can examine subjects such as mythology and posthumanism in order to create something that connects them. This thesis will go through all the stages of development, how the working procedure has evolved and different iterations we created in order to give a clear image of which lines of thought it was that led to which creative choices and how it led to the creation of the final prototype. Synopsis: 300 years after the fall of mankind, the world is inhabited by monsters, but one day the restless souls of humanity are unleashed, possess the monsters and make them more human.
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Contribution au prognostic de pile à combustible PEMFC basé sur modèle semi-analytique / Contribution to PEM Fuel Cell prognostics based on a semi-analytical modelLechartier, Élodie 27 June 2016 (has links)
Les préoccupations environnementales actuelles nous amènent à envisager des solutions alternatives, telles que la pile à combustible. Cette dernière malgré ses avantages présente des faiblesses qui ralentissent sa diffusion au sein de l'industrie, entre autres, sa trop courte durée de vie. Face à cette considération, nous proposons d'appliquer le PHM à la PEMFC. Il faut donc développer le pronostic puis considérer son insertion au sein d'un système industriel. Nous choisissons de baser l'approche proposée sur un modèle de comportement, tout en proposant de combler le manque de connaissance concernant le vieillissement de la pile par les données, ce qui nous permet amène à développer une approche hybride. Dans ces travaux, le modèle comportemental est étudié sur des durées de plus en plus grandes pour enfin proposer une prédiction de l'ordre du millier d'heure. Afin de prendre en compte une implantation au sein d'un système réel, une étude sur la généricité et applicabilité de l'approche est réalisée. Ainsi, ces travaux proposent une approche de pronostic hybride basée sur un modèle de comportement et étudie son insertion au sein d'un système réel. / The current environmental concerns lead us to consider alternative solutions. The fuel cell can be one of them with numerous advantages, it presents however weaknesses, especially, its life duration which is too short. Face to this issue, we offer to apply the PHM to the PEMFC. For that, it is necessary to develop the prognostics for this application and the possibility of the on-line implementation on an industrial system. It was chosen to base the approach on a behavioral model in which the knowledge gaps are completed with the use of data. So, the approach proposed here, is hybrid. In this work, the behavioral model is studied on laps of time longer in order to finally introduce a prediction of a thousand of hours. Then, the online implementation on a real system is considered with a genericity and an applicability study. This work proposes a hybrid prognostics approach based on a behavioral model and study its implementation on an industrial system.
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Intervenções artísticas nos espaços da ciência : elementos de aprendizagem para além do ordinárioTelles, Jardel January 2016 (has links)
Com este trabalho desejamos apresentar o campo pós-estruturalista e a visão pósmoderna de ciência não asséptica, entendendo que este posicionamento nos possibilita um olhar mais amplo para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem das cientificidades. Como localizar a ciência na rede complexa de construção do conhecimento e qual a relação e aproximação que se pode fazer destes conhecimentos com os estudos da arte? É possível olhar a ciência através dos óculos das Artes Híbridas? É possível construir o conhecimento posto curricularmente de outra maneira? É possível pensar este currículo como um campo de disputas onde os caminhos da ciência foram “purificados” em busca de uma assepsia idealizada? Destacamos os instrumentos utilizados para a composição de uma oficina híbrida que versa sobre a potência das Artes Híbridas no ensino de Química e a relevância de um professor que entende o seu papel como o de intelectual específico. Versamos ainda sobre a produção de todo material artístico utilizado (fotografia, vídeo, literatura, jornalismo, história, política, filosofia, etc.), e a importância das escolhas dos métodos, dos conteúdos, dos conceitos, das abordagens e da materialidade para este educador específico em suas práticas discursivas. Pensar, ainda, na possibilidade e potência de uma produção híbrida dos participantes da oficina, nos entendimentos de Bruno Latour. Analisar estes escritos narrativos que versem sobre a Química da guerra e suas aproximações possíveis com as artes híbridas, entendendo esta produção como monumentos construídos em um campo discursivo a partir de posições e de possibilidades para além das tradicionais, reconstruindo o nó gordio no emaranhado dos saberes. / This work intends to present the post-structuralism camp and the post-modern view of cience, taking this perspective as a broader understanding of science teaching and learning process. How to locate science in the complex web of knowledge construction and what is its relation to the sudy of Arts? Is it possible to look science through the glasses of Hybrid Arts? Is it possible to construct the school curriculum knowledge in a different way? Is it possible to see the school curriculum as a field of disputes where the paths for science are “purified” for an idealised asepsis? I highlight the used instruments for the composition of an hybrid workshop which discusses the power of Hybrid Arts in the teaching of Chemistry and the importance of a teacher that can see himself/herself as a specific intellectual. I discuss the importance of choosing specific methods, contents, concepts, approaches and materials for the specific educator durig his/her discursive practices. It is also important to think about an hybrid prodution, in Bruno Latour’s view, at the end of the workshop, by the participants. And, finally, to analyse these writings, which have journalistic features and discuss the Chemistry of war and its possible relations to Hybrid Arts. I see this productions as monuments which were built in a discursive field, from non-traditional positions and perspectives, reconstructing the Gordian knot in the knowledge interweaving.
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Interlayer exchange coupling in Co/Pd-NiFe films studied by Vector Network Analyser Ferromagnetic ResonanceJohansson, August January 2018 (has links)
A greater understanding of precessional dynamics in magnetic systems is central to several emerging technologies. This thesis presents the design, construction and development of a Vector Network Analyser based Ferromagnetic Resonance measurement instrument (VNA-FMR), and its application in characterising dynamic material properties in hybrid anisotropy [CoPd]8-NiFe films, produced by remote plasma sputtering. Potential applications for hybrid films include Spin Torque Oscillators (STOs) or Vortex Oscillators (VO) for use as microwave emitters in, for example in Microwave Assisted Magnetic Recording (MAMR). The VNA-FMR system was first used to measure thin films of NiFe (permalloy) which allowed its capabilities to be quantified and compared to systems reported in the literature. The instrument demonstrated the capability of measuring permalloy films down to a thickness of 3 nm and was used to measure resonance and damping behaviour which agreed well with theory. The results obtained forMs were in agreement with measurement using Vibrating Sample Magnetometry. The effect of interlayer exchange on FMR was explored in hybrid films using a sample series with varying Pd spacer layer thickness, t, [Co/Pd]-Pd(t)-NiFe. As Pd spacer thickness increased, a transition was observed from near complete coupling with a single resonance mode to separate acoustic and optical branches of resonance. As spacing was further increased, the branches converged towards the resonances of the individual component layers of the hybrid films. The results suggest exchange coupling has a range of less than 2 nm, and is completely extinguished at 5 nm, in agreement with previous measurements. However, a change in damping behaviour was observed between 10 and 20 nm spacer thickness, independent of field orientation.
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Student Satisfaction in Hybrid CoursesElkins, Angie 01 May 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate student satisfaction in hybrid education courses as compared to the traditional face-to-face courses. This was done by focusing on 2 main factors involved in student satisfaction: student-instructor connection and student-faculty connection. Other factors such as the students’ level of technical experience and influence of outside forces such as jobs and families were also studied.
Students at one community college in Appalachia were involved in this study. Forty-four students participated in this student. They survey included a Likert-type scale and had additional questions on the student’s prior experience in online and hybrid education as well as two open-ended questions regarding the advantages and disadvantages of online learning. The survey contained 67 questions.
Statistical analyses of the data revealed: (1) Students who felt more connected with their instructors were more likely to express satisfaction in their online or hybrid courses. (2) Students who felt more connected with other students were more likely to express satisfaction in their online or hybrid courses. (3) No significance in students’ opinions regarding having an in-person component in their hybrid courses. (4) Students who were more technologically experienced were more likely to express satisfaction with their online or hybrid courses. (5) A significant difference between the mean and students’ overall satisfaction with their hybrid courses showing that overall, students are not satisfied with their experiences. (6) A significant difference from the mean student instructor connectivity score showed that students do not feel connected with their instructors. (7) No significance between the mean and the student-student connectivity score. (8) A significant difference between the mean and the technology score showed that students were not experienced with the technology used in their hybrid courses. (9) A significant difference between the mean score and the students’ opinions of the course design showed that students do not feel that the course design helped them learn.
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Fluoropolymers functionalized by phosphorous and silicon groups. Syntheses, characterization and applications. / Fluoropolymères fonctionnalisés par des groupes phosphore et silicium. Synthèses, caractérisation et applications.Wehbi, Mohammad 30 November 2018 (has links)
Les polymères fluorés sont des macromolécules intéressantes qui, en raison de leurs propriétés uniques, sont souvent utilisées dans des applications spéciales dans les industries du bâtiment, de l'aérospatiale, du génie chimique, du traitement des textiles, optiques et de la microélectronique. Cette thèse se concentre sur le développement de polymères fluorés fonctionnels à base de phosphore et de silane par la co/terpolymérisation radicalaire conventionnelle de monomères fonctionnels avec le fluorure de vinylidène (VDF). Ces monomères fonctionnels ont été préparés à partir de la modification de l'acide 2- (trifluorométhyl) acrylique (MAF) pour préparer des MAF-ester avec le groupement fonctionnel souhaité. Tout d'abord, une étude fondamentale concernant la cinétique de polymérisation du VDF avec MAF-TBE a montré que ces paires de monomères ont une tendance à se propager de manière croisée, ce qui donne des copolymères alternés. On a ensuite préparé du MAF avec une fonction phosphonate (MAF-DMP) et sa copolymérisation avec du VDF a permis d'obtenir du PVDF à fonctionnalité phosphonate qui, après l'hydrolyse consécutive du groupe phosphonate en acide phosphonique, avait des propriétés anticorrosion sur l'acier. De façon similaire, un monomère de MAF porteur une fonction carbonate cyclique (MAF-cyCB) a également été copolymérisé avec du VDF. Les groupes carbonate cycliques dans le copolymère de PVDF obtenu ont ensuite été ouverts par 1'aminopropyltriéthoxysilane pour introduire un groupe silane, qui, par son hydrolyse, a permis au copolymère d'adhérer fortement sur les substrats. Enfin, un terpolymère à base de PVDF fonctionnel porteur à la fois un groupe phosphonate et un groupe triéthoxysilane a été préparé. Le groupe silane a ensuite été hydrolyse et réticulé pour obtenir un réseau 3D de polymères. Enfin, l'hydrolyse du groupe phosphonate en acide phosphonique a conduit à une matière pouvant être utilisée dans l'extraction des ions Eu (III) de l'eau. / Fluorinated polymers are intresting macromolecules which due to their unique properties are often used in special applications in building industries, aerospace, chemical engineering, optics, textile treatment and microelectronics. This thesis focusses on the development of phosphorous and silane functional fluorinated polymers through the conventional radical co/terpolymerization of functional monomers with vinylidene difluoride (VDF). These functional monomers were prepared from the modification of 2-(Trifluoromethyl)acrylic acid (MAF) to prepare MAF-esters with the desired functional group. First a fundamental study regarding the kinetics of polymerization of VDF with MAF-TBE revealed that these monomer pair tends to cross propagate resulting in an alternating copolymer. Phosphonate functional MAF (MAF-DMP) was then prepared and its copolymerization with VDF led to phophonate functional PVDF, that after the consequent hydrolysis of the phosphonate group into phosphonic acid showed anticorrosion properties to steel. Following the same concept, a cyclic carbonate functional MAF monomer (MAF-cyCB) was also copolymerized with VDF. The cyclic carbonate groups in the obtained PVDF copolymer was then opened by aminopropyltriethoxysilane to introduce a silane group, that by its hydrolysis allowed the copolymer to adhere strongly onto substrates. Finally, a terpolymer based on PVDF functional with both a phosphonate and a triethoxysilane group is prepared. The silane group was then hydrolyzed and crosslinked to obtain a 3D network of polymers. Finally, the hydrolysis of the phosphonate group into phosphonic acid led to material that can be employed in Eu(III) ion extraction from water.
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