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Alergia alimentar em cães / Food allergy in dog'sFernandes, Marcos Eduardo 11 November 2005 (has links)
As alergias alimentares em cães representam cerca de 1% das dermatoses dos cães, é uma doença pouco conhecida com relação a sua etiopatogenia, diagnóstico e tratamento. O objetivo geral é analisar a bibliografia de 1990 até 2003 e levantar o estado atual da arte sobre Alergia Alimentar em cães". Foi realizada revisão bibliográfica consultando o sistema de base de dados CAB Abstracts (Commonwealth Agriculture Bureau) e AGRIS. Utilizamos os unitermos: Dog", sensitivity", hipersensitivity", food "e allergy". Ao todo, foram coletados 160 trabalhos do CAB e 58 do AGRIS, somando 218 trabalhos. Destes 218 trabalhos, foram eliminados 74 escritos em outras línguas, que não a língua inglesa ou portuguesa, e 38 trabalhos que foram encontrados tanto no CAB quanto no AGRIS. Dos 106 trabalhos restantes, 21 foram escolhidos para serem inseridos neste trabalho de revisão. Quanto ao desenho de estudo foram coletados: 10 ensaios clínicos, nove revisões e dois levantamentos. Dos 21 trabalhos, 13 foram publicados nos Estados Unidos, cinco no Reino Unido, dois na Nova Zelândia e um na Austrália. Os anos com o maior número de publicações foram: 1992, 1994 e 2002. Os trabalhos foram divididos em seis temas, para melhor abordá-los: definição de conceitos, utilização do cão atópico como modelo de estudo, diagnóstico e tratamento, dietas testes, reações pseudo-alérgicas e mecanismos imunológicos. Quanto à terminologia, elas são utilizadas muitas vezes de forma errada, confundindo as verdadeiras alergias alimentares (IgE mediadas) e as reações adversas aos alimentos, comprometendo o diagnóstico, tratamento e prevenção da doença. Os mecanismos imunológicos não estão ainda totalmente definidos. Não foram encontradas discussões a respeito da Transição Epidemiológica" ou sobre a Hipótese da Higiene" e não foi possível verificar com a análise dos trabalhos selecionados a possível relação entre a mudança brusca de alimentação que sofreram os cães na última década e o provável aumento do número de casos de alergia alimentar. / The alimentary allergies in dogs represent about 1% of the dogs dermatosis, it is an illness little known with regard to its etiopathic, diagnosis and treatment.The general objective is to analyze the bibliography since 1990 up to 2003 and to raise the current position of the art on "Alimentary Allergy in dogs". Bibliographical revision was carried out consulting system data-base CAB Abstracts (Commonwealth Agriculture Bureau) and AGRIS. We use for key words: "Dog", "sensitivity", "hypersensitivity", "food" and "allergy". Altogether, 160 works of CAB and 58 of the AGRIS had been collected, adding 218 works. Of these 218 works, 74 writings in other languages, that not in English or Portuguese, and 38 works that had been found in CAB in AGRIS had been left out. Of the 106 remaining studies, 21 had been chosen to be added in this work of revision based on: title of the work, author, sample size, drawing of clear-cut study, impact factor of the publication magazine and subject directly related to the objective of the present study. As for the study drawing had been collected: 10 clinical assays, nine revisions and two surveys. Of the 21 works, 13 had been published in the United States, five in the United Kingdom, two in New Zealand and one in Australia. The years that had more number of publications had been: 1992, 1994 and 2002. The studies had been divided in six subjects to better approach them: definition of concepts, use of atopic dogs as study model, diagnosis and treatment, diets tests, pseudo-allergic reactions and immunological mechanisms. Several times the terminologies is used in wrong way, confusing the true alimentary allergies (IgE mediated) and the adverse reactions to foods, compromising the diagnostic, treatment and prevention of the illness. The immunological mechanisms still are not total defined. Discussion concerning on the "Epidemiological Transition" or on the "Hygienes Hypothesis" had not been found and it was not possible to verify with the analyze of the selected works the possible relation between the brusque change of feeding that the dogs had suffered in finish decade and the probable increase of the number of cases of alimentary allergy in dogs.
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Prevalência de LCNC, HD e fatores de riscos associados ao estilo de vida de atletas / Prevalence of NCCL, DH and risk factors associated with the lifestyle of the athletesTolentino, Andréa Barros 26 September 2016 (has links)
A saúde oral proporciona equilíbrio que interfere diretamente na saúde geral e psicológica. É importante que o dentista faça avaliação detalhada dos esportistas, detectando alterações e patologias que possam comprometer o desempenho durante treinos e/ou competições. As LCNCs apresentam etiologia multifatorial e são caracterizadas pela perda de estrutura dental na região de junção cemento-esmalte (região cervical), não relacionadas à presença de cárie, sendo comumente encontradas na rotina clínica odontológica. A perda de estrutura dental provocado pela presença das LCNCs pode levar a exposição dos túbulos dentinarios, possibilitando o aparecimento da HD. Essa dissertação teve como objetivos principais avaliar a prevalência de LCNCs e HD em atletas profissionais (GA) e a presença de fatores de risco associados ao estilo de vida de atletas. Após autorização do CEP, avaliou-se 264 atletas profissionais com no mínimo 17 anos e que realizavam treinamento mínimo de 10 hrs/semana, e 195 indivíduos no grupo controle. Aplicou-se questionário com tópicos como: dieta, DTM e parafunção. No exame clínico avaliou-se fatores oclusais, periodontais, presença de LCNC e HD. chave). Alguns dos resultados encontrados foram: a média de idade dos atletas foi de 20,33 anos, e do controle 23,75. O GC apresentou maioria do gênero feminino (61,54%, p<0,001), enquanto que o GA foi predominância masculina (90,46%). Os atletas consomem mais isotônicos (26,52%, p<0,001), refrigerantes (68,56%, p=0,010) e suplementos (38,64%, p<0,001) do que o GC. A prevalência de biocorrosão foi de 28,03% no GA e 15,38% no GC. Os incisivos inferiores (25,75%) foram os dentes mais afetados com HD, e os pré-molares com LCNC no GA. Os atletas apresentaram maior número de ausências de pelo menos um dente (21,21%, p<0,001) quando comparadas ao grupo controle. O GA apresentou mais alteração em sua mordida (47,43%, p<0,001) do que o GC. Dentro das limitações do nosso estudo, conclui-se que: a prevalência de LCNC e de HD em atletas foram de 17,42% e 35,25% respectivamente; a prevalência de LCNC e HD no grupo controle foi de 18,97% e 48,20% respectivamente; os atletas apresentaram diversos fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento das alterações, sendo eles: ingestão de isotônicos, refrigerantes e suplementos; presença elevada de placa bacteriana; maior ausência de elementos dentários; alteração maxilo-mandibular, ausência de guia canina e escovação imediata após ingestão de alimentação acida. / The oral health provides balance that directly affects the general and psychological health. It is important that the dentist make detailed evaluation of athletes, detecting changes and conditions that may compromise performance during training and / or competition. The LCNCs have multifactorial etiology and is characterized by loss of tooth structure in the cementum-enamel junction region (neck), unrelated to the presence of caries, it is commonly found in dental practice routine. The loss of tooth structure caused by the presence of LCNCs can lead to exposure of dentinal tubules, allowing the appearance of the HD. Thus, this thesis has as main objectives to assess the prevalence of LCNCs and HD professional athletes (GA), to assess the prevalence of LCNCs and HD in the control group (CG). After approval of the CEP, we evaluated 264 professional athletes with at least 17 years and performed minimal training 10 hrs / week and 195 individuals in the control group. applied questionnaire with topics such as diet, DTM and parafunction. On examination it evaluated occlusal, periodontal factors, presence of LCNC and HD. Some of the results were: the average age of the athletes was 20.33 years, and control 23,75. GC showed most females (61.54%, p<0,001), while the GA was predominantly male (90.46%). Athletes consume more isotonic (26.52%, p<0,001), soft drinks (68.56%, p=0,010) and supplements (38.64%, p<0,001) than the GC. The prevalence of biocorrosion was 28.03% in GA and 15.38% in the control group. The lower incisors (25.75%) were the teeth most affected by HD, and the pre molars with LCNC in GA. The athletes had higher number of absences of at least one tooth (21.21%, p<0,001) compared to the control group. The GA had more change in your bite (47.43%, p<0,001) than the GC. Within the limitations of our study, it is concluded that: the prevalence of LCNC and HD athletes were 17.42% and 35.25% respectively. The prevalence of LCNC and HD in the control group was 18.97% and 48.20% respectively. Athletes had several risk factors for the development of changes, namely: isotonic intake, soft drinks and supplements; high presence of plaque; greater absence of teeth; maxillo-mandibular change, absence of canine guidance and immediate brushing after food intake acidic.
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Detecção de citocinas em culturas de linfócitos em pacientes alérgicos ao cromo / Cytokine detection in lymphocyte cultures of chromium allergic patientsMartins, Luis Eduardo Agner Machado 10 August 2010 (has links)
A dermatite de contato alérgica decorre de uma reação imunológica, mediada por células T, contra um contactante em pessoas previamente sensibilizadas. O exame padrão ouro para o diagnóstico da DCA é o teste de contato (TC). Infelizmente, o TC demanda tempo, não é inócuo e tem algumas limitações. O teste de proliferação linfocitária (TPL) convencional, uma alternativa ao TC, apresenta baixa sensibilidade no diagnóstico de alergia ao cromo. A fim de aprimorar a sensibilidade o resultado do teste foi obtido pela detecção de citocinas no sobrenadante das culturas e não por timidina radiomarcada. Dezoito pacientes alérgicos ao cromo e 19 controles foram testados com o teste convencional e com as citocinas IFN-?, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, IL-17 e rantes. Houve correlação entre alergia ao cromo e detecção das citocinas IFN-gama, IL-2, IL-5, IL-12 e IL-13. Dessas, os melhores resultados foram encontrados com a IL-13. O TPL pode ser utilizado como exame adicional ou alternativo no diagnóstico da DCA pelo cromo / Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) elapses from an specific T cell immunologic reaction against an allergen in a sensitized individual. The gold standard exam to confirm ACD is the patch test (PT). However, PT demands time, has potential side efects and some limitations. The standard lymphocyte proliferation assay (LPA) has sensitivity in the diagnosis of chromium allergy. To optimize this test the results were obtained by detection of cytokines instead radiolabeled thymidine. Eighteen patients allergic to chromium and 19 controls were tested with the conventional LPA and for the following cytokines: IFN-?, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, IL-17 and rantes. Correlation between allergy to chromium and detection of IFN-gama, IL-2, IL-5, IL-12 e IL-13 was found. The best results were found with IL-13. LPA can be used as an alternative or additional test in the diagnosis of ACD by chromium.
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Investigação dos efeitos de substâncias liberadas por materiais utilizados no tratamento da Hipersensibilidade Dentinária (Gluma e Biovidro), associados ou não à laser fototerapia, na proliferação e diferenciação de células mesenquimais de polpa dentária humana / Investigation of the effects of substances released by leached from materials used in the treatment of Dentine Hypersensitivity (Gluma and Bioglass), associated or not with Laser Phototherapy, in the proliferation and differentiation of mesenchymal cells from human dental pulpLopez, Talita Christine Camilo 13 June 2013 (has links)
A incidência da hipersensibilidade dentinária (HD) tem aumentado. Agentes dessensibilizantes como o Gluma Desensitizer® (Heraeus), ou os Biovidros, bem como tratamentos considerados bioestimuladores como a laser fototerapia (LPT) tem sido aplicados de forma isolada. Porém, esses tratamentos, embora produzam efeitos positivos, ainda não apresentam resultados duradouros. Objetivo: Investigar os efeitos de substâncias liberadas por materiais utilizados no tratamento da HD (Gluma e Biovidro), associadas ou não à LPT, sobre a sobrevivência, proliferação e diferenciação de células mesenquimais indiferenciadas de polpa dentária humana. Material e Métodos: O Gluma e o Biovidro foram aplicados às culturas celulares na forma de meios condicionados, segundo os grupos experimentais: Grupo 1 (G1) Controle; Grupo 2 (G2) Gluma; Grupo 3 (G3) Biovidro; Grupo 4 (G4) Gluma + LPT; Grupo 5 (G5) Biovidro + LPT. A LPT foi realizada com laser de diodo semi-condutor (InGaAlP, 660 nm, área do feixe de 0,028 cm2) no modo pontual e em contato, nos seguintes parâmetros: 20 mW, 5 J/cm2, 7 s, 0,14 J por ponto. No ensaio de sobrevivência e no de proliferação celular as culturas foram irradiadas ou não por duas vezes (uma imediatamente e outra 6 horas depois). A viabilidade celular foi acessada pelo ensaio de atividade mitocondrial (MTT) em 24, 48 e 72 horas após a aplicação dos meios experimentais. Para a análise de diferenciação celular as culturas foram tratadas da mesma forma, e foram irradiadas por 4 vezes (uma imediatamente e as demais em intervalos de 48 horas até 7 dias). A diferenciação foi observada pelo ensaio do Vermelho de Alizarina em 21 dias. Os dados de viabilidade celular, obtidos no mínimo em triplicata, foram tratados por ANOVA complementado pelo teste de Tukey (p 0,05). As imagens obtidas pelo ensaio de Vermelho de Alizarina foram analisadas qualitativamente. Resultados: Sobrevivência celular foi observada em todos os grupos experimentais. Culturas controle (G1) apresentaram crescimento significativo (p<0,05). Culturas tratadas com o Gluma (G2) diminuíram o número de células viáveis e quando irradiadas (G4) mantiveram esse número. Culturas tratadas com Biovidro (G3) mantiveram o número de células viáveis e apresentaram crescimento significativo quando irradiadas (G5; p<0,05). Culturas controle (G1), e aquelas tratadas com Biovidro (G3) e Biovidro seguido de irradiação (G5) apresentaram diferenciação com formação de nódulos mineralizados. Conclusão: Substâncias liberadas pelo agente dessensibilizante (Gluma) são citotóxicas e em longo prazo a LPT é capaz de minimizar estes efeitos citotóxicos. O Biovidro libera substâncias biocompatíveis que não interferem na diferenciação das células mesenquimais indiferenciadas da polpa dentária humana permitindo a mineralização da matriz extracelular. A LPT melhora a proliferação celular e a resposta dessas células ao Biovidro. / The incidence of Dentine Hypersensitivity (HD) has increased. Desensitizing agents such as Gluma Desensitizer® (Heraeus), or the Bioglasses, as well those considered biostimulatory treatments as the laser phototherapy (LPT) have been applied in an isolated manner. However, these treatments, although producing positive effects, do not have lasting results. Objective: To investigate the effects of substances leached from materials used in the treatment of HD (Gluma and Bioglass), associated or not to LPT, on the survival, proliferation and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells from human dental pulp. Material and Methods: The Gluma and Bioglass were applied to cell cultures in the form of conditional medium, according to the experimental groups: Group 1 (G1) - Control; Group 2 (G2) - Gluma; Group 3 (G3) - Bioglass; Group 4 (G4) - Gluma + LPT; Group 5 (G5) - Bioglass + LPT. The LPT was performed with diode laser semi-conductor (InGAlP, 660 nm, spot beam size of 0.028 cm2) in punctual and contact mode, in the following parameters: 20 mW, 5 J/cm2, 7 s, 0.14 J per point. In the survival and in the cell proliferation assays the cell cultures were irradiated twice (an immediately and another 6 hours after) or not. The cell viability was assessed by mitochondrial activity (MTT) assay of in 24, 48 and 72 hours after the application of experimental culture medium. For the analysis of cell differentiation the cell cultures were treated in the same way, and were irradiated by 4 times (one immediately and the other one at intervals of 48 hours up to 7 days). The differentiation was observed by testing the alizarin red in 21 days. The data of cellular viability, obtained at least in triplicate, were treated by ANOVA followed by the Tukey test (p 0.05). The images obtained by testing of Alizarin Red were qualitatively analyzed. Results: cell survival was observed in all experimental groups. Control cultures (G1) showed significant growth (p< 0.05). Cultures treated with Gluma (G2) decreased the number of viable cells and when irradiated (G4) maintained this number. Cultures treated with Bioglass (G3) maintained the number of viable cells and showed significant growth when irradiated (G5; p< 0.05). Control cultures (G1) and those treated with Bioglass (G3) and Bioglass followed by irradiation (G5) showed differentiation with formation of mineralized nodules. Conclusion: Substances leached from the desensitizing agent (Gluma) are cytotoxic and the LPT is able to minimize these cytotoxic effects. The Bioglass releases biocompatible substances that do not disturb the differentiation of mesenchymal cells allowing the mineralization of the extracellular matrix. The LPT improves the proliferation of these cells in response of these cells to this material.
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Características clínicas e imunológicas de pacientes com ceratocone e alergia ocular: um estudo transversal com ênfase na análise da inflamação da superfície ocular / Clinical and immunological characteristics of patients with keratoconus and ocular allergy: a cross sectional study with emphasis on the analysis of ocular surface inflammationSandrin, Leda das Neves Almeida 15 December 2016 (has links)
Objetivo: Comparar as características inflamatórias da superfície ocular de pacientes com ceratocone (CE) às de pacientes com alergia ocular (AO). Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo transversal, envolvendo 134 participantes, divididos em três grupos: alergia ocular (AO)(n=55), ceratocone com ou sem alergia ocular associada (CE) (n=61) e controle (CO) (n=18). Os participantes do estudo foram recrutados e avaliados em clínica privada na cidade de Chapecó-SC, no período de polinização, em dezembro de 2013 e de outubro de 2014 a janeiro de 2015. Para análise dos grupos, todos os pacientes foram avaliados clinicamente por especialistas em alergia e oftalmologia e submetidos a exame de tomografia de córnea com tecnologia de Scheimpflug (Pentacam HRR), medida da osmolaridade da lágrima por impedanciometria (TearLabR) em ambos os olhos e preenchimento de questionários padronizados para alergia ocular (QA) e para doença de superfície ocular (OSDI). Em 107 de 134 pacientes (CE=50, AO=42, CO=15) foram dosadas as citocinas IL-1beta, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12p70, IL-13, IL-15, IL-31, IL-33, IL-17 A, IL-23, TNF-alfa, TNF-beta e INF-gama na lágrima, por meio de tecnologia multiplex com beads magnéticas. A coleta das amostras de lágrimas (5 microlitros no mínimo) foi realizada por meio de aspiração no menisco lacrimal temporal inferior, com capilares de vidro em um único olho. As amostras foram congeladas imediatamente após coleta e mantidas a -80 oC, até o momento da dosagem e análise em agosto de 2016. Resultados: Constatou-se alta prevalência de alergia no grupo com ceratocone 68,85% (42/61), sendo que 42,62% (26/61) dos pacientes desse grupo apresentaram alergia ocular. A intensidade do prurido ocular foi maior nos pacientes AO e no grupo CE, do que no grupo controle (p < 0,001 e p=0,047) e maior no grupo AO do que no CE (p < 0,001). As citocinas INF-gama, IL-13, IL-15, IL-17A, IL-1beta, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-31, TNF-beta foram estatisticamente mais elevadas no grupo AO, quando comparadas ao grupo CE. No grupo controle, houve correlação direta da diferença absoluta da osmolaridade (delta osmol) com o nível encontrado para todas as citocinas dosadas. Observou-se, ainda, correlação direta entre níveis de IL-1beta, IL-6 e TNF-alfa com OSDI (p=0,044, p=0,010 e p=0,047) no grupo CE. A osmolaridade foi maior no grupo CE, quando comparado ao AO (p=0,043). Conclusões: Pacientes com ceratocone apresentaram alterações inflamatórias na superfície ocular, tais como: correlação direta do índice OSDI com IL-1beta, IL-6 e TNF-alfa na lágrima; intensidade de prurido mais elevada que no grupo controle e osmolaridade maior que no grupo com AO. No grupo AO, observou-se índices OSDI maiores que no grupo controle e aumento de várias citocinas dosadas, quando comparadas ao grupo CE. Nos pacientes controle, a instabilidade no filme lacrimal (delta osmol), correlacionou-se diretamente com a inflamação ocular (citocinas dosadas). Observou-se alta prevalência de formas leves de alergia ocular no grupo CE (40,98%) e apenas um caso de alergia ocular grave (ceratoconjuntivite atópica [1,3%]), esses dados estão em desacordo com a maior parte da literatura disponível sobre o assunto. Em conjunto, os achados do presente estudo podem estar relacionados a características específicas da região estudada / Purpose: To compare the inflammatory profile of the ocular surface of patients with keratoconus with that of patients with ocular allergy. Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out and involved 134 participants, divided into three groups: ocular allergy group (OA) (N=55), keratoconus with or without ocular allergy (KC) (N=61) and a control group (CO) (N=18). The study participants were recruited and evaluated in a private clinic in the city of Chapecó-SC, during the pollination period in 2013 (December) and from 2014 to 2015 (October to January). In order to analyze the three groups, all patients were evaluated clinically by allergy and ophthalmology specialists, submitted to a corneal tomography exam with Scheimpflug technology (Pentacam HRR), to impedanciociometry to assess tear osmolarity (Tear LabR) of both eyes and to standardized questionnaire rates for ocular allergy (AQ) and for ocular surface disease index (OSDI). Cytokines (IL-1beta, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12p70, IL-13, IL-15, IL-31, IL-33, IL-17 A, IL-23, TNF-alfa, TNF-beta and INF-gama) levels were assessed in 107 out of 134 patients using multiplex technology with magnetic beads. Tear collection of at least 5 microliters was carried out on a single eye by suction in the inferior temporal lacrimal meniscus with glass capillaries. The samples were frozen at -800C, immediately after collection to the time of dosing and analysis in August 2016. Results: The prevalence of allergy in the keratoconus group was 68.85% (42/61), within the same group 42.62% (26/61) of the patients had ocular allergy. Ocular pruritus intensity was higher in the OA group and in the KC group than in the control group (p < 0,001 e p=0,047), and higher in the OA group than in the KC group (p < 0,001). Cytokines INF-gama, IL-13, IL-15, IL-17A, IL-1beta, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-31, TNF-beta were statiscally higher in the OA group in comparision to the KC group. In the control group, there was a positive correlation of the difference measurement of osmolarity (osmol delta) between the eyes with all cytokines dosed. In the KC group, IL-1beta, IL-6 e TNF-alfa correlated positively with OSDI (p=0,044, p=0,010 e p=0,047). Tear osmolarity was higher in the KC group than in the OA group (p=0,043). Conclusions: Patients with keratoconus had inflammatory changes in the ocular surface, such as: direct correlation between OSDI and tear IL-1beta, IL-6 and TNF-alpha levels; higher pruritus intensity than the control group and higher osmolarity than the OA group. In the OA group, OSDI levels were higher than in the control group and some cytokines had higher levels than the KC group. In the control patients, tear film instability (delta osmol) was direct correlated to ocular inflammation (dosed cytokines). In the KC group, there was a high prevalence of mild forms of ocular allergy (40.98%) and only one case of severe ocular allergy (atopic keratoconjunctivitis [1.3%]). However, most studies avaiable have associated keratoconus with severe forms of ocular allergy. Together, these findings may be related to specific characteristics of the region of study
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Reatividade a múltiplas proteínas da dieta em crianças com alergia ao leite de vaca mediada pela imunoglobulina E / Reactivity to multiple protein diet in children with cow\'s milk allergy mediated by immunoglobulin EPaschoal, Patricia Olaya 01 November 2011 (has links)
Objetivos: Determinar a reatividade dos soros e determinação dos isotipos IgG e IgE a proteínas de sementes da dieta de crianças com alergia ao leite de vaca IgE mediada. Métodos: Foram avaliados soros de três grupos de crianças: alérgicas ao leite de vaca IgE mediada, crianças tolerantes ao leite e um grupo controle com crianças não atópicas. Foram usados extratos protéicos de diferentes tipos de sementes utilizando o teste de ELISA para análise da reatividade dos isotipos IgG e IgE. Resultados: Comparando as concentrações séricas de IgG dos diferentes grupos, observou-se concentrações mais elevadas e estatisticamente significante no grupo alérgico em relação aos grupos tolerante e controle, exceto para as sementes de soja e feijão roxinho. Em relação ao isotipo IgE observou-se os mesmos padrões de reatividade mostradas nas analises para IgG, com diferença significante do grupo alérgico em relação ao controle, exceto para milho. Observou-se que para a soja houve grande dispersão das concentrações séricas tanto no grupo alérgico quanto no tolerante, em valores superiores ao do grupo controle. Conclusão: A comparação entre os diversos grupos avaliados mostra que pacientes alérgicos ao leite e os tolerantes apresentam concentrações mais elevadas de IgG e IgE a outros alimentos que as crianças do grupo controle, o que pode sugerir possível alteração de permeabilidade da mucosa intestinal nestes grupos, mesmo na ausência de sintomatologia gastrintestinal / Objective: To determine the reactivity of serum and determination of IgG and IgE isotypes to seed proteins included in the diet of children with cow\'s milk allergy IgE mediated. Methods: We evaluated sera from three groups of children: cow\'s milk allergic patients, tolerant children and a control group with non-atopic children. It was used protein extracts from different types of seeds using an ELISA assay to analyze the reactivity of IgG and IgE isotypes. Results: Comparing the IgG serum from different groups, it was observed higher concentrations and statistically significant in the allergic group compared to the tolerant and control groups, except for soybeans and kidney beans. To the IgE isotype it was observed the same patterns of reactivity shown in the analysis for IgG, with significant difference in the allergic group compared to control, except for corn. It was observed that for soybeans there were values of serum, both in the allergic and tolerant group higher than in the control group. Conclusion: Our study showed that the allergic and tolerant groups of CMA patients presented higher IgG and IgE concentrations to many seeds than the control group. These findings may suggest possible changes in permeability intestinal mucosa in these groups
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Aspectos nutricionais na população de pacientes com síndrome do intestino irritável atendidos no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo / Nutritional concerns in the population of patients with irritable bowel syndrome treated at the Hospital of the School of Medicine, University of São Paulo (HCFMUSP)Amarante, Daiana 28 May 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A síndrome do intestino irritável (SII) é uma doença funcional do trato gastrintestinal que afeta até 20% da população adulta. Os principais sintomas envolvem o mau funcionamento do intestino, associados com dores abdominais, manifestação de diarreia ou constipação, sem alterações estruturais e bioquímicas do intestino. A maneira mais adequada de tratar o paciente é por meio de uma abordagem ampla e integral, porém individualizada, com identificação dos fatores desencadeantes e/ou agravantes da sintomatologia, inerentes a cada paciente. Em todos os níveis de atendimento, deve-se orientar o paciente com relação à dieta. OBJETIVO: o principal objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os alimentos desencadeadores de sintomas nos pacientes com diagnóstico de SII atendidos no ambulatório especializado do Serviço de Gatroenterologia Clínica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMUSP). Além disso, foram avaliados dados clínicos, estado nutricional, ingestão alimentar e hábito intestinal desta população. METODOLOGIA: foram avaliados 140 pacientes que preencherem o critério de Roma III. As informações foram obtidas por meio de inquérito clínico e dietético aplicado pela nutricionista no momento da consulta e pela revisão do prontuário. Os dados coletados foram: idade, sexo, grau de escolaridade, peso, altura, hábito intestinal, sintomas, aspecto das fezes, alimentos menos toleráveis e consumo alimentar. RESULTADOS: Dos pacientes avaliados, 63% estavam eutróficos. Dor abdominal, flatulência/distensão, sensação de evacuação incompleta e sensação de estufamento abdominal foram mencionadas por mais de 60% dos pacientes. Houve associação significativa entre aspecto das fezes e habito intestinal. Intolerância alimentar foi mencionada por 82,8% dos pacientes. Os alimentos citados pelos pacientes como exacerbadores dos sintomas foram frituras em geral, leite, massas com molhos, feijão, chocolate, café, pizza, repolho, tortas e doces. Constataram-se correlações estatisticamente significativas entre consumo de frituras e flatulência, chocolate e pizza com sensação de estufamento abdominal, margarina com constipação, leite com presença de muco nas fezes, pão branco com pirose retroesternal, massas com molho com dor abdominal e feijão com sensação de estufamento abdominal. CONCLUSÕES: o presente estudo revelou alta prevalência de intolerância alimentar na população ambulatorial de pacientes com SII atendida no HCFMUSP. Os principais alimentos desencadeadores e exacerbadores de sintomas/sinais foram identificados, devidamente listados e servirão para nortear a abordagem dietética nesses pacientes em futuros estudos / INTRODUCTION: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional disorder of the GI tract that affects about 20% of the adult population. The main symptoms involve the malfunction of the bowel, associated with abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation manifestation, without providing structural and biochemical alterations of the intestine. The most appropriate way to treat the patient is through a broad and comprehensive approach, but individualized, trying to identify the factors triggering or aggravating symptoms, inherent to each patient. At all levels of care, the patient should be guided regarding diet. OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the group of foods that exacerbate or trigger symptoms/signs in IBS patients treated in the outpatient clinic of our hospital. Additionaly, we evaluated clinical characteristics and nutritional features such as nutritional status, food intake and bowel habits. METHODOLOGY: 140 patients who met were studied in the present work. Information was obtained through clinical and dietary surveys at the appointment by a nutritionist and by chart review. Data collected included age, sex, educational level, height, weight, bowel habits, symptoms, appearance of feces (Bristol Scale), food intake and food intolerance (aliments that exacerbate or trigger symptoms/signs). RESULTS: Among the patients, 63% were eutrophic. Abdominal pain, flatulence / bloating, sensation of incomplete evacuation and abdominal bloating was mentioned by over 60% of patients. There was a significant association between the appearance of the feces and bowel habits. Food intolerance was mentioned by 82.8% of patients. Foods most cited by patients as exacerbating or triggering IBS symptoms were fried foods in general, milk, beans, chocolate, coffee, cabage and pastries (i.e pasta, pizza). Statistically significant correlations were detected between consumption of fried foods and flatulence; chocolate and pizza and bloating; margarine and constipation; milk and mucus in feces; white bread and heartburn; pasta with sauce and beans and abdominal pain and bloating. CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed a high prevalence of food intolerance in our outpatient population of IBS patients. The main food triggers of IBS symptoms/signs were identified, duly listed and will certainly guide the dietary approach in IBS patients in future studies
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The relationship between allergic diseases and vitamin D pathway genes and serum vitamin D levels in Chinese children. / 過敏性疾病與維生素D路徑的基因及血清維生素D水平之間的關係 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Guo min xing ji bing yu wei sheng su D lu jing de ji yin ji xue qing wei sheng su D shui ping zhi jian de guan xiJanuary 2013 (has links)
Wang, Shuxin. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 191-212). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts also in Chinese; appendixes includes Chinese.
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Efeitos do condicionamento ácido na descontaminação da superfície radicular e no recobrimento radicular: análise em MEV e estudo clínico randomizado / Effects of acid conditioning in root surface decontamination and in root coverage: analysis by SEM and randomized clinical trialBarros, João Paulo Corrêa 25 March 2013 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos do condicionamento radicular em diferentes tempos de aplicação na descontaminação das superfícies radiculares in vitro e avaliar seus efeitos no recobrimento radicular em seres humanos. Para o estudo in vitro, 132 fragmentos radiculares foram divididos em 11 grupos (n=12), de acordo com o tratamento: AF180 Raspagem e Alisamento Radicular (RAR) + aplicação de ácido fosfórico (AF) por 180 segundos; AF90 RAR + AF por 90 segundos; EDTA180 RAR + EDTA por 180 segundos; EDTA90 RAR + EDTA por 90 segundos; ACT180 RAR + ácido cítrico associado à tetraciclina (AC+T) por 180 segundos; ACT90 RAR + [AC+T] por 90 segundos; AC180 RAR + ácido cítrico (AC) por 180 segundos; AC90 RAR + AC por 90 segundos; T180 RAR + Tetraciclina ácida (T) por 180 segundos; T90 RAR + T por 90 segundos; Controle RAR. Os fragmentos foram analisados por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura para determinar o grau de descontaminação da superfície radicular, de acordo com os índices de rugosidade superficial (IRS), cálculo residual (ICR), perda de substância dentária (IPSD), presença de restos teciduais (IPRT) e remoção da smear layer (IRSL). Os resultados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente pelo método de Kruskal-Wallis. No estudo clínico randomizado, 27 pacientes com idade variável entre 23 e 60 anos (39,9 ± 13,22 anos), de ambos os sexos, apresentando recessão gengival classes I ou II de Miller, foram aleatoriamente alocados em três diferentes grupos para avaliar os efeitos do condicionamento ácido no recobrimento radicular: G180- aplicação de ácido cítrico associado à tetraciclina (ACT) durante 3 minutos após RAR (n= 20 sítios); G90- aplicação de ACT durante 90 segundos após RAR (n= 20 sítios); G0- RAR (n= 20 sítios). Todos os sítios foram tratados por meio de enxerto de tecido conjuntivo subepitelial. As medidas de profundidade de sondagem (PS), nível de inserção clínica (NIC), altura da recessão (AR), quantidade de gengiva ceratinizada (GC), índice de sangramento à sondagem (ISS) e índice de placa (IPl) foram investigadas nos exames inicial e pós-operatórios de 1, 3, 6 e 12 meses. Os pacientes responderam a questionário para determinar a intensidade da sensibilidade radicular segundo escala de dor variável de 0 (ausente) a 10 (máximo de dor) no exame inicial, aos 7 e 14 dias, 1, 3, 6 e 12 meses pós-operatórios. O grupo controle apresentou os maiores índices de rugosidade superficial (2,0 ± 1,02) e remoção da smear layer (3,83 ± 1,19), enquanto que o grupo EDTA180 apresentou os menores índices de cálculo residual (1,33 ± 0,63), IPSD (1,0 ± 0,0), IPRT (1,08 ± 0,28) e IRSL (1,08 ± 0,28). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante (p>0.05) entre os grupos EDTA180, EDTA 90, AC90, AC180, ACT90 e ACT180 em todos os índices investigados. No estudo clínico, observou-se ganho significante (p<0.0001) de inserção clínica, redução da altura da recessão e aumento da faixa de gengiva ceratinizada em todos os grupos, sem alteração significante da profundidade de sondagem (p> 0.05). O percentual médio de recobrimento radicular foi maior no G180 (59,58% ± 34,76%), porém sem diferenças significantes (p= 0.31) em relação aos grupos G90 (52,12% ± 30,98%) e G0 (40,87% ± 36,96%). Houve maior redução média da recessão no G90 (1,95 ± 1,27) do que no grupo controle (0,95 ± 1,05), porém sem diferenças significantes (p> 0.05) em relação ao G180 (1,20 ± 0,69). Observou-se maior quantidade de GC nos grupos G90 (3,50 ± 1,90) e G180 (4,05 ± 0,44) após 12 meses, com diferenças estatisticamente significantes (p=0.0018) em relação ao G0 (2,0 ± 1,41). Houve redução significante da sensibilidade radicular em todos os grupos (p< 0.0001), sem diferenças entre os grupos (p> 0.05). Esses achados sugerem que o uso de condicionamento da superfície radicular favorece o aumento da faixa de gengiva ceratinizada e a redução da recessão, com diminuição da sensibilidade radicular. Dentre os diferentes tipos de agentes condicionantes investigados, os melhores resultados foram observados com EDTA a 24%, AC pH 1,0 e ACT, podendo ser empregados pelos períodos de 90 segundos ou 3 minutos. / The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of root conditioning in different periods of time in decontamination of root surfaces in vitro and to evaluate the effects in root coverage in humans. For the in vitro study, 132 root fragments were separated in 11 groups, according to treatment: PA180 scaling and root planing (SRP) + phosphoric acid (PA) application for 180 seconds; PA90 SRP + PA application for 90 seconds; EDTA180 SRP + EDTA application for 180 seconds; EDTA90 SRP + EDTA application for 90 seconds; ACT180 SRP + citric acid associated to tetracycline (ACT) for 180 seconds; ACT90 SRP + ACT for 90 seconds; AC180 SRP + citric acid (CA) for 180 seconds; AC90 SRP + CA for 90 seconds; T180 SRP + acid tetracycline (T) for 180 seconds, T90 SRP + T for 90 seconds; Control SRP. Fragments were analysed by scanning electron microscopy to determine the degree of root surface decontamination, according to surface rugosity index (SRI), residual calculus index (RCI), loss of tooth substance index (LTSI), presence of tissue remnants index (PTRI) and removal of smear layer index (RSLI). The results obtained were statistically analysed according to Kruskal Wallis method. At the randomized clinical trial, 27 patients aged 23-60 years (39,9 ± 13,22 years), both genders, presenting Millers class I or II recessions, were randomly allocated into one of the following groups to investigate the effects of acid conditioning in root coverage: G180- application of citric acid associated to tetracycline (ACT) for 3 minutes after SRP(n= 20 sites); G90- application of ACT for 90 seconds after SRP (n= 20 sites); G0- RAR (n= 20 sites).All sites were treated by subepithelial connective tissue graft. Probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), recession heigth (RH), width of keratinized gingiva (KGW), sulcular bleeding index and plaque index were investigated at baseline and at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months postoperative. Patients have answered a questionnaire to determine the intensity of hypersensitivity according to a pain scale varying from 0 (absent) to 10 (highest pain) at baseline and 7 and 14 days, 1, 3, 6 and 12 months postoperative. Control group showed the highest RSI (2.0 ± 1.02) and RSLI (3.83 ± 1.19), while EDTA180 showed the lowest RCI (1.33 ± 0.63), LTSI (1.0 ± 0.0), PTRI (1.08 ± 0.28) and RSLI (1.08 ± 0.28). No significant differences (p> 0.05) were observed among EDTA180, EDTA90, AC90, AC180, ACT90 and ACT180 at all investigated indexes. At randomized clinical trial, a significant (p< 0.0001) gain of attachment level, reduction of recession height and increase in keratinized gingiva width in all groups, along with no significant alteration in PD (p> 0.05).The mean percentage of root coverage was greater at G180 (59.58% ± 34.76%), but with no significant differences (p= 0.31) when compared to G90 (52.12% ± 30.98%) and G0 (40.87% ± 36.96%). A higher mean reduction of recession height was observed at G90 (1.95 ± 1.27) than at control group (0.95 ± 1.05), but with no significant differences (p> 0.05) when compared to G180 (1.20 ± 0.69). A wider keratinized gingiva was observed at G90 (3.50 ± 1.90) and G180 (4.05 ± 0.44) after 12 months, with significant differences (p=0.0018) when compared to G0 (2.0 ± 1.41). A significant reduction of hypersensitivity was observed at all groups (p< 0.0001), with no differences among groups (p> 0.05). These findings suggest that root conditioning favors an increase in keratinized gingiva width and reduction of recession height, along with reduction of hypersensitivity. Among the different types of conditioning agents, the best results were observed with 24% EDTA, CA pH 1.0 and ACT applied for 90 seconds or 3 minutes.
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Pattern recognition receptors and cytokine-mediated activation of human basophils: a novel link between innate immunity and allergic inflammation.January 2013 (has links)
過敏性疾病(如過敏性哮喘和過敏性皮炎)發病率在香港及世界均呈上升趨勢。過敏性哮喘是一種慢性反復發作的炎症疾病,而過敏性皮炎是一種慢性皮膚炎症。呼吸道細菌及金黃色葡萄球菌可分別加重過敏性哮喘病人氣道炎症及過敏性皮炎患者的炎症反應。人體對細菌的先天免疫反應主要通過模式識別受體(PRR)介導。NOD樣受體(NLR)和Toll樣受體(TLR)是兩種重要的PRR。 NLR 家族成員NOD2幾乎識別所有細菌中結構保守的胞壁醯二肽(MDP)。而LTR2識別範圍廣泛的病原相關分子模式,如革蘭氏陽性菌中的肽聚糖(PGN)和脂磷壁酸(LTA),以及人工合成的脂蛋白Pam3CSK4。 / 本研究包括:NOD2配體MDP,哮喘相關的腫瘤壞死因子家族成員LIGHT對共培養的人嗜鹼性粒細胞和人支氣管上皮細胞的活化作用;熱滅活的金黃色葡萄球菌(HKSA),MDP,TLR2配體PGN,LTA,以及Pam3CSK4對共培養的人嗜鹼性粒細胞和人皮膚成纖維細胞的活化作用;在體內NLR配體對卵清蛋白(OVA)致敏的哮喘小鼠的作用。 / 研究發現,在共培養體系中,MDP能顯著增強嗜鹼性粒細胞與支氣管上皮細胞表面粘附因子(細胞間粘附因子ICAM-1 及血管細胞粘附因子VCAM-1)的表達。同時,MDP能顯著促進共培養體系中炎症相關細胞因子IL-6,趨化因子CXCL8及抗菌肽β-防禦素2的釋放。在MDP刺激下,支氣管上皮細胞是共培養體系中釋放IL-6,CXCL8及β-防禦素2的主要細胞。在MDP刺激下,嗜鹼性粒細胞中包括胞核因子-kappaB(NF-κB)在內的幾個核轉錄因子的表達上升。ICAM-1,VCAM-1,IL-6,CXCL8,及β-防禦素2的表達被信號分子化學抑制劑所抑制,結果表明,嗜鹼性粒細胞與支氣管上皮細胞的相互作用受不同的信號通路(NF-κB, p38 MAPK 及 JNK)調節。OVA致敏小鼠實驗表明,NLR配體能增加分泌粘蛋白的杯狀細胞在肺氣管中的數量,使小鼠支氣管下皮結締組織纖維化並增厚。NLR配體進而提高過敏性哮喘小鼠支氣管肺泡灌洗液中CCL5與IL-13 的表達水平。 / 研究表明,在嗜鹼性粒細胞和皮膚成纖維細胞的共培養體系中,HKSA,MDP,PGN,LTA,或Pam3CSK4顯著誘導ICAM-1, IL-6, CXCL8, CCL2 和 CCL5 的表達。而嗜鹼性粒細胞與皮膚成纖維細胞的直接相互作用是釋放IL-6, CXCL8, CCL2 與 CCL5 所必需的。嗜鹼性粒細胞與皮膚成纖維細胞的相互作用並釋放細胞因子與趨化因子受p38 MAPK 及 NF-κB信號通路調控。 / 在嗜鹼性粒細胞與支氣管上皮細胞共培養體系中,LIGHT 可能通過受體HVEM 與 LTβR顯著增強支氣管上皮細胞表面粘附因子的表達,提高細胞因子IL-6, CXCL8 與 MMP-9的釋放。 / 研究結果表明,在過敏炎症中,通過與組織細胞(如支氣管上皮細胞,人皮膚成纖維細胞)相互作用,嗜鹼性粒細胞有利於組織細胞對病原相關的分子模式作出反應。因此,研究結果對細菌介導的先天性免疫應答與過敏炎症的加重之間的聯繫作出了新的解釋。以上結果也增強了我們對LIGHT在氣道重塑中的免疫病理作用及其作為氣道重塑治療靶標的認識。 / The incidences of allergic diseases such as allergic asthma and atopic dermatitis (AD) are increasing in Hong Kong and worldwide. Allergic asthma is a chronically relapsing inflammatory pulmonary disease, while AD is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder. Respiratory bacterial and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) infection can provoke allergen sensitization and subsequently amplify and sustain inflammation in allergic asthma and AD, respectively. The innate immune system recognizes bacterial infection through pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), two important PRRs involving in inflammatory and immune responses are nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptors (NLRs) and Toll-like receptors (TLRs). NOD2 is one member of the NLR family, which senses the conserved structural component muramyl dipeptide (MDP) in almost all bacteria. TLR2 recognizes a wide range of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) including peptidoglycan (PGN) and lipoteichoic acid (LTA) from Gram-positive bacteria and synthetic triacylated lipoprotein N-palmitoyl-S-[2,3-bis (palmitoyloxy)-(2RS)-propyl]-[R]-cysteinyl-[S]-seryl-[S]-lysyl-[S]-lysyl-[S]-lysyl-[S] -lysine (Pam3CSK4). / In the present study, we investigated the effect of NOD2 ligand MDP, asthma-related tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family member LIGHT on human basophils co-cultured with human bronchial epithelial cells and the effect of heat-killed S. aureus, MDP, TLR2 ligands PGN, LTA and Pam3CSK4 on basophils co-cultured with human dermal fibroblasts, and the underlying intracellular mechanisms. The in vivo effect of NOD ligands on ovalbumin (OVA)-sensitized allergic asthmatic mice was also studied. / It was found that MDP could significantly enhance the cell surface expression of adhesion molecules intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) on basophils and primary human bronchial epithelial cells (HBE) in the co-culture system (all p < 0.05). MDP could further enhance the release of inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-6, chemokine CXCL8, and epithelium derived anti-microbial peptide β-defensin 2 in the co-culture. HBE cells were the major source while basophils were the minor source to release IL-6, CXCL8 and β-defensin 2 in the co-culture upon MDP stimulation. The activities of several nuclear transcription factors, including NF-κB, were up-regulated in human basophils upon MDP stimulation. The cell surface expression of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 and the release of IL-6, CXCL8 and β-defensin 2 were suppressed by the signaling molecule inhibitors, implying that the interaction between basophils and primary human bronchial epithelial cells could be differentially regulated by the NF-κB, p38 MAPK and JNK pathways. The animal study showed that iE-DAP and MDP could increase the number of mucin-secreting goblet cells, the thickness and fibrosis of the bronchial subepithelial tissue of airways from the OVA-sensitized mice. The iE-DAP and MDP could further promote the levels of CCL5 and IL-13 (all p < 0.05) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of allergic asthmatic mice. / It was found that the induction of ICAM-1, IL-6, CXCL8, CCL2 and CCL5 was significantly promoted upon the interaction between human basophils and dermal fibroblasts activated by heat-killed S. aureus, MDP, PGN, LTA or Pam3CSK4. The release of IL-6, CXCL8, CCL2 and CCL5 might depend on the direct interaction of basophils and dermal fibroblasts. The p38 MAPK and NF-κB pathways should be involved in the release of the cytokines and chemokines upon the interaction of basophils and human dermal fibroblasts. / LIGHT could significantly promote the cell surface expression of adhesion molecule, the release of IL-6, CXCL8 and MMP-9 from human bronchial epithelial cells upon the interaction with basophils, probably through the receptors HVEM and LTβR. / The results suggest that, through the interaction with tissue-resident cells such as bronchial epithelial cells and dermal fibroblasts, basophils may facilitate the activation of tissue-resident cells in response to the PAMPs in allergic inflammation. The results therefore provide a new insight of the crucial link between the bacterial-mediated innate immune response and the exacerbation of allergic inflammation. The above results also enhance our understanding on the immunopathological roles of LIGHT in airway remodeling, and the potential therapeutic target for airway remodeling. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Qiu, Huaina. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 165-196). / Abstract also in Chinese. / Acknowledgements --- p.i / Abbreviations --- p.iii / Abstract --- p.vi / 摘要 --- p.ix / Publications --- p.xi / Table of Contents --- p.xiii / Chapter Chapter 1: --- General Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Asthma and atopic dermatitis (AD) --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Human basophils in allergic inflammation --- p.3 / Chapter 1.2.1 --- Development and morphology of basophils --- p.3 / Chapter 1.2.2 --- Receptors and products of basophils --- p.4 / Chapter 1.2.3 --- Cell surface markers on basophils --- p.7 / Chapter 1.2.4 --- Basophils in allergic inflammation --- p.7 / Chapter 1.3 --- Human bronchial epithelial cells in airway inflammation --- p.10 / Chapter 1.4 --- Human fibroblasts in AD --- p.11 / Chapter 1.5 --- Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) in AD --- p.12 / Chapter 1.6 --- NOD2 and TLR2 in allergic inflammation --- p.14 / Chapter 1.7 --- IL-33 in allergic inflammation --- p.18 / Chapter 1.8 --- IL-6 in allergic inflammation --- p.18 / Chapter 1.9 --- CXCL8 in allergic inflammation --- p.20 / Chapter 1.10 --- CCL2 in allergic inflammation --- p.21 / Chapter 1.11 --- CCL5 in allergic inflammation --- p.22 / Chapter 1.12 --- β-defensin 2 (HBD-2) in allergic inflammation --- p.23 / Chapter 1.13 --- ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 in allergic inflammation --- p.25 / Chapter 1.14 --- LIGHT and airway remodeling in allergic asthma --- p.25 / Chapter 1.15 --- Signal transduction pathways in allergic inflammation and pharmacological inhibitors --- p.26 / Chapter 1.15.1 --- Signal transduction pathways in allergic inflammation --- p.26 / Chapter 1.15.2 --- Signaling molecule inhibitors as new drugs for inflammatory diseases --- p.31 / Chapter 1.16 --- Aims and scope of the study --- p.32 / Chapter Chapter 2: --- Materials and Methods --- p.35 / Chapter 2.1 --- Materials --- p.35 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- Reagents and buffers for the purification of human basophils --- p.35 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- Primary cells and cell lines --- p.36 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- Heat-killed Staphyloccocus aureus (HKSA) --- p.38 / Chapter 2.1.4 --- Ligands for NLR and TLR2 --- p.39 / Chapter 2.1.5 --- Recombinant human cytokines --- p.39 / Chapter 2.1.6 --- Reagents and buffer solutions for flow cytometry --- p.40 / Chapter 2.1.7 --- RNA extraction, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) --- p.45 / Chapter 2.1.8 --- Cytometric Bead Array (CBA) Kits --- p.48 / Chapter 2.1.9 --- MILLIPLEX® MAP Human Cytokine/Chemokine Magnetic Bead Panel Kit --- p.49 / Chapter 2.1.10 --- Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits --- p.49 / Chapter 2.1.11 --- Procarta Transcription Factor Assay kit --- p.50 / Chapter 2.1.12 --- Signal transduction inhibitors --- p.50 / Chapter 2.2 --- Methods --- p.50 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Purification of primary human basophils and basophil culture --- p.50 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Culture of KU812 cells --- p.51 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- Culture of primary human bronchial epithelial cells --- p.51 / Chapter 2.2.4 --- Culture of BEAS-2B cells --- p.52 / Chapter 2.2.5 --- Culture of human dermal fibroblasts --- p.52 / Chapter 2.2.6 --- Co-culture of primary human bronchial epithelial cells/human bronchial epithelial cell line (BEAS-2B) cells and basophils/KU812 cells --- p.52 / Chapter 2.2.7 --- Co-culture of human dermal fibroblasts and basophils/KU812 cells --- p.52 / Chapter 2.2.8 --- Co-culture of fixed primary human bronchial epithelial cells and basophils --- p.53 / Chapter 2.2.9 --- Co-culture of human dermal fibroblasts and basophils in the presence of transwell inserts --- p.53 / Chapter 2.2.10 --- CBA assay --- p.53 / Chapter 2.2.11 --- ELISA --- p.54 / Chapter 2.2.12 --- Human Transcription Factor Plex Assay --- p.54 / Chapter 2.2.13 --- Milliplex Human Cytokine / Chemokine Magnetic Panel assay --- p.54 / Chapter 2.2.14 --- Bio-Plex mouse cytokine assay --- p.55 / Chapter 2.2.15 --- Flow cytometric analysis of cell surface expression of target molecules --- p.55 / Chapter 2.2.16 --- Flow cytometric analysis of intracellular expression of target molecules --- p.55 / Chapter 2.2.17 --- Allergic asthmatic mice model --- p.57 / Chapter 2.2.18 --- Statistical analysis --- p.57 / Chapter Chapter 3: --- Muramyl Dipeptide Mediated Activation of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells Interacting with Basophils: A Novel Mechanism of Airway Inflammation --- p.59 / Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.59 / Chapter 3.2 --- Results --- p.61 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- Cell surface expression of CD203c on basophils --- p.61 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- Intracellular expression of NOD2 protein --- p.63 / Chapter 3.2.3 --- Cell surface expression of adhesion molecules on basophils and primary human bronchial epithelial cells activated by MDP --- p.67 / Chapter 3.2.4 --- Induction of cytokine, chemokine and β-defensin 2 upon the interaction of basophils and bronchial epithelial cells stimulated by MDP --- p.71 / Chapter 3.2.5 --- Bronchial epithelial cells were the main source for the release of IL-6, CXCL8 and β-defensin 2 in co-culture --- p.74 / Chapter 3.2.6 --- Effects of signaling inhibitors on MDP-induced cytokines and adhesion molecules --- p.77 / Chapter 3.2.7 --- Differential activation of intracellular signaling pathways involved in the interaction of KU812 and BEAS-2B upon MDP stimulation --- p.84 / Chapter 3.2.8 --- In vivo effect of NOD1,2 ligands on IgE and chemokine production in serum and BALF in allergic asthmatic mice --- p.89 / Chapter 3.3 --- Discussion --- p.93 / Chapter Chapter 4: --- NOD2 and TLR2 Ligands Mediated Activation of Basophils Interacting with Human Dermal Fibroblasts in Atopic Dermatitis --- p.100 / Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.100 / Chapter 4.2 --- Results --- p.102 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Cell surface expression of adhesion molecules ICAM-1 on human dermal fibroblasts activated by heat-killed Staphyloccocus aureus (HKSA) --- p.102 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- Induction of chemokines upon the interaction of basophils and human dermal fibroblasts stimulated by HKSA --- p.104 / Chapter 4.2.3 --- Expression of NOD2 and TLR2 protein --- p.107 / Chapter 4.2.4 --- Cell surface expression of adhesion molecule ICAM-1 on human dermal fibroblasts activated by MDP, PGN, LTA or Pam3CSK4 --- p.110 / Chapter 4.2.5 --- Induction of cytokine and chemokines upon the interaction of basophils (with or without IL-33 priming) and human dermal fibroblasts stimulated by MDP, PGN, LTA or Pam3CSK4 --- p.112 / Chapter 4.2.6 --- Direct interaction between human dermal fibroblasts and basophils was required for the release of IL-6, CXCL8, CCL2 and CCL5 upon the stimulation of MDP, PGN, LTA and Pam3CSK4 --- p.118 / Chapter 4.2.7 --- Effect of signaling molecular inhibitors on the expression of adhesion molecule ICAM-1 --- p.121 / Chapter 4.2.8 --- Effect of signaling molecule inhibitors on the release of cytokine and chemokines upon the stimulation by NOD2 and TLR2 ligands --- p.123 / Chapter 4.2.9 --- Differential activation of intracellular signaling pathways involved in the interaction of human dermal fibroblasts and basophilic KU812 upon stimulation of NOD2 and TLR2 ligands --- p.127 / Chapter 4.3 --- Discussion --- p.131 / Chapter Chapter 5: --- Effect of Tumor Necrosis Factor Family Member LIGHT on the Activation of Basophils Interacting with Bronchial Epithelial Cells: Potential Therapeutic Target for Airway Remodeling --- p.138 / Chapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.138 / Chapter 5.2 --- Results --- p.139 / Chapter 5.2.1 --- Cell surface expression of HVEM and LTβR --- p.139 / Chapter 5.2.2 --- Effect of LIGHT on the expression of ICAM-1 on basophil or BEAS-2B alone or co-culture --- p.141 / Chapter 5.2.3 --- Induction of cytokine and chemokine upon the interaction of basophils and BEAS-2B cells stimulated by LIGHT --- p.144 / Chapter 5.2.4 --- Induction of MMP-9 upon the interaction of basophils and BEAS-2B cells stimulated by LIGHT --- p.147 / Chapter 5.2.5 --- Effect of LIGHT on the release of TGFβ-1, histamine and periostin upon the interaction of basophils and BEAS-2B cells --- p.149 / Chapter 5.3 --- Discussion --- p.152 / Chapter Chapter 6: --- Conclusion and Future Perspectives --- p.156 / Chapter 6.1 --- General conclusions --- p.156 / Chapter 6.2 --- Future perspectives --- p.160 / Appendix --- p.163 / References --- p.165
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