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Women's experiences of hypnotherapy as psychological support for high-risk pregnancyVan der Westhuizen, Werner Lukas 29 September 2014 (has links)
In this study, the use of hypnotherapy in high-risk pregnancy is explored from an ecological systems perspective through two case studies. Each case study is described in detail. They explore the experiences of two women during their pregnancy and giving birth, with specific reference to the pregnancy risks and their use of hypnotherapy. The study provides the reader with an in-depth understanding of the use of hypnotherapy before, during and after birth. / Psychology / M. A. (Psychology)
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Philosophie de la psychologie et psychanalyse chez Freud : enjeux épistémologiques contemporains / Philosophy of psychology and Freudian psychoanalysis : contemporary epistemological stakesLimikou Bikiela, Alpin Dieu-donné 13 October 2014 (has links)
Quels sont les principaux acquis de la psychologie médicale de l’époque de Freud qui ont contribué à l’émergence du mouvement psychanalytique ? Comment Freud les a-T-Il repris dans le cadre d’une construction originale ? Malgré l’abondante littérature consacrée à ces questions qui paraissent si simples, les réponses sont loin de faire l’unanimité. Cette difficulté n’est pas récente, elle est perceptible déjà chez Freud qui, en 1914 (dans Contribution à l’histoire du mouvement psychanalytique) et en 1925 (dans Ma vie et la psychanalyse), entreprit de retracer l’histoire de la psychanalyse, tout en évoquant les principaux acteurs qui ont, de manière directe ou indirecte, contribué à l’éclosion de ce corps de connaissances. Cependant, les découvertes faites par des chercheurs contemporains, dans les Archives des centres hospitaliers, où étaient internés certains patients de Freud, tout autant qu’une lecture attentive du contexte historique et des productions intellectuelles sur la maladie mentale, à la fin du XIX ème siècle, laissent planer des interrogations. Freud a-T-Il biaisé l’histoire de la psychanalyse pour en apparaitre comme le père fondateur ? Ces soupçons qui pèsent sur le travail d’historien entrepris d’abord par Freud, puis par ses collaborateurs, nous invite, en tant qu’historien des sciences, à réévaluer un certain nombre d’acquis en psychanalyse, au regard de l’abondance des découvertes récentes. En outre, les travaux de Freud n’entretiennent pas seulement des rapports avec les théories psychologiques de son temps. De nos jours, ils alimentent encore des discussions dans les « théories contemporaines de l’esprit », notamment dans les champs disciplinaires tels que la philosophie de l’esprit et les neurosciences cognitives. C’est ce que démontre la dernière partie de cette thèse qui, à titre de test, confronte la théorie freudienne de l’inconscient aux théories contemporaines. / What where the main types of psychological knowladge used by Freud which contributed to the emergence of psychoanalytic movement? How did Freud use these main types of psychological knowladge in the context of original construction? In spite of the abundant literature concerning these questions which appaer simple, the answers aren't uncontroversial. This difficulty isn't recent, Freud has been already studied this matter in Contribution to the History of Psychoanalysis movement (1914) and My life and Psychoanalysis (1925) retraced the history of psychoanalysis, mentioning the principal actors who have, directly or indirectly, contributed to the building this body of knowledge.However, the discoveries done by contemporary researchers, in the archives of hospitals, where some Freud’s patients were interned, with a careful reading of the historical context and the intellectual productions on mental illness, at the end of 19th century, raises important questions. Did Freud bias the psychoanalysis history in order to be considered as the real founding father? These suspicions have an impact on the historians working on the work of Freud and on his partisans as well. This invites us, as historians of sciences, to revaluate a certain number of hypotheses in psychoanalysis, according to recent discoveries.Besides, the work of Freud doesn’t not only have relationship with psychological theory of his time. In our days, Freud’s work enriches discussions as far it concerns “contemporary Theories of mind”, and in particular, in disciplinary fields such as Philosophy of mind and cognitive neuroscience. This is what the last part of this thesis demonstrates, as a test case, it interacts Freudian theory of unconsciousness with contemporary theories.
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O SPECT no diagnóstico diferencial entre crise epiléptica e crise não epiléptica psicogênica / The SPECT in the differential diagnosis between epileptic and nonepileptic seizuresGallucci Neto, José 08 October 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo comparou o fluxo sanguíneo cerebral regional avaliado através da tomografia por emissão de fóton simples (SPECT) de pacientes com crises epilépticas temporais com pacientes com crises não epilépticas psicogênicas (CNEP). Todos os SPECT foram realizado no período ictal, tendo as CNEP sido induzidas por métodos sugestivos e de hipnose. Os grupos de pacientes com epilepsia e CNEP foram ainda comparados com um terceiro grupo, denominado grupo de sujeitos saudáveis. As comparações dos SPECT foram feitas através da análise visual (radiologista cego ao estudo) e semiquantitativa pelo programa Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM). Os objetivos do estudo foram: (1) estabelecer a sensibilidade e a especificidade do SPECT ictal para o diagnóstico diferencial entre CNEP e crises epilépticas parciais complexas em pacientes com epilepsia do lobo temporal, em comparação com o VEEG associado a técnicas de hipnose; (2) avaliar através da análise quantitativa voxel a voxel do SPECT as alterações de perfusão cerebral dos pacientes com CNEP em relação aos pacientes com epilepsia, dos pacientes com CNEP em relação a um grupo controle de sujeitos normais e dos pacientes com epilepsia em relação a um grupo controle de sujeitos saudáveis. Foram estudados 30 pacientes no grupo com CNEP, 22 pacientes no grupo com epilepsia e 29 sujeitos saudáveis. Os resultados mostram que os SPECT ictais dos pacientes do grupo CNEP foram diferentes dos SPECT ictais dos pacientes com epilepsia. Na análise visual o SPECT ictal apresentou sensibilidade de 50% e especificidade de 91% para o diagnóstico de CNEP . Na análise comparativa voxel a voxel entre os grupos os resultados revelaram que: (a) houve aumento de perfusão cerebral em lobo temporal esquerdo e tronco cerebral nos pacientes do grupo epilepsia em relação ao grupo controle normal; (b) houve diminuição de perfusão cerebral no lobo frontal esquerdo e córtex anterior do cíngulo nos pacientes do grupo epilepsia em relação ao grupo controle normal; (c) houve aumento de perfusão cerebral no giro do cíngulo e precuneus á direita nos pacientes do grupo CNEP em relação ao grupo epilepsia; (d) houve diminuição perfusão cerebral em amígdala direita nos pacientes do grupo CNEP em relação ao grupo epilepsia; (e) houve aumento de perfusão cerebral na cauda do núcleo caudado esquerdo, giro précentral esquerdo e tálamo direito nos pacientes do grupo CNEP em relação ao grupo controle normal. Desta forma, após a análise estatística dos resultados concluímos que na análise visual, um SPECT ictal positivo em um paciente com suspeita de CNEP não confirma nem afasta tal suspeita, já que a sensibilidade do método foi baixa (50%). Na análise visual, um SPECT ictal negativo em um paciente com suspeita de CNEP afasta a possibilidade de epilepsia do lobo temporal com 91% de acerto (especificidade do método). O resultado da análise visual do SPECT ictal de CNEP revelou valor de sensibilidade abaixo do encontrado na literatura, e valor de especificidade superior ao encontrado na literatura. A análise quantitativa dos SPECT de crise epiléptica em comparação com os de sujeitos saudáveis em repouso, mostrou concordância com a análise visual em relação à lateralidade. Tal comparação revelou ainda ativação de áreas compatíveis com o que se encontra na literatura. A análise quantitativa dos SPECT ictais do grupo CNEP em comparação com os do grupo epilepsia revelou ativação de estruturas cerebrais posteriores (precuneus e giro cíngulo), não havendo comparação semelhante na literatura. A análise quantitativa dos SPECT ictais do grupo CNEP em comparação com os de sujeitos saudáveis em repouso, mostrou ativação do sistema estriatotalamocortical, achado em concordância com a literatura. A ativação do sistema estriatotalamocortical nos pacientes com CNEP mostrou ser um correlato neuroanatômico clinicamente relevante, com forte associação estatística. / The study compared regional cerebral blood flow assessed by positron emission tomography single photon (SPECT) in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES). All SPECT were performed in the ictal period, PNES having been induced by and suggestive methods of hypnosis. The groups of patients with epilepsy and PNES were compared with a third group, called group of healthy subjects. SPECT comparisons were made by visual analysis (radiologist blinded to the study) and semiquantitative analysis by Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM). The study objectives were: (1) to establish the sensitivity and specificity of ictal SPECT for the differential diagnosis between PNES and complex partial seizures in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, compared with VEEG associated with hypnosis techniques, (2) to assess by quantitative analysis of SPECT voxel to voxel changes in cerebral perfusion of patients with PNES compared to patients with epilepsy, patients with PNES compared to a control group of normal subjects and patients with epilepsy compared to a control group of healthy subjects. We studied 30 patients in the PNES group, 22 patients in the group with epilepsy and 29 healthy subjects. The results show that ictal SPECT of patients in the PNES group were different from the ictal SPECT of patients with epilepsy. The visual analysis of ictal SPECT had a sensitivity of 50% and specificity of 91% for the diagnosis of PNES. In the voxel voxel comparative analysis between the groups the results showed that: (a) increased cerebral perfusion in the left temporal lobe and brain stem in patients of epilepsy group compared to normal control group, (b) a decrease in cerebral perfusion in the left frontal lobe and anterior cingulate cortex in patients of epilepsy group compared to normal control group, (c) increased cerebral perfusion in the cingulate gyrus and precuneus in the right group of PNES patients compared to epilepsy group, (d) decreased cerebral perfusion in the right amygdala in patients PNES group compared to the epilepsy group, (e) increased cerebral perfusion in the left tail of the caudate nucleus, left pre-central gyrus and right thalamus in patients in the PNES group compared to group normal control. Therefore, after statistical analysis of the results we conclude that in visual analysis, a positive ictal SPECT in a patient with suspected PNES neither confirms nor removes the suspicion, since the sensitivity was low (50%). In visual analysis, a negative ictal SPECT in a patient with suspected PNES rules out the possibility of temporal lobe epilepsy with 91% accuracy (specificity of the method). The result of visual analysis of ictal SPECT of PNES revealed sensitivity value below that found in the literature and specificity value higher than that found in the literature. The quantitative analysis of SPECT of seizures compared with those of healthy subjects at rest, showed agreement with visual analysis in relation to laterality. This comparison also revealed activation in areas consistent with that found in the literature. The quantitative analysis of SPECT ictal PNES group compared with the epilepsy group showed activation of posterior brain structures (cingulate gyrus and precuneus), with no similar comparison in the literature. The quantitative analysis of SPECT ictal PNES group compared to healthy subjects at rest, showed activation of the estriatotalamocortical, a finding in agreement with the literature. The activation of the estriatotalamocortical circuit in patients with PNES proved to be a neuroanatomical correlate clinically relevant, with strong statistical association
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Comparaison de différents traitements psychologiques dans l'endométrioseMarquis, Rachel 09 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse avait pour but premier d’évaluer la douleur chronique endométriosique et ses concomitants (dépression, anxiété et stress), les conséquences de la douleur sur le physique, les activités et le travail, sur la relation maritale et les séquelles sur la qualité de vie chez des participantes souffrant de douleurs pelviennes chroniques diagnostiquées endométriose (laparoscopie). En deuxième lieu, il s’agissait d’évaluer et de comparer l’efficacité des techniques psychologiques de contrôle de la douleur (Hypnose, Cognitif-behavioral) en ajout aux traitements médicaux à un groupe contrôle (Attention thérapeute). L’échantillon était composé de 60 femmes réparties aléatoirement soit à l’un des deux groupes de traitement ou au groupe contrôle. Les instruments de mesure étaient tous des questionnaires déjà traduits en français et validés pour la population francophone québécoise. Des tests du khi-carré ont été effectués pour les variables nominales et des analyses de variances (ANOVA) ont été faites pour les variables continues. Dans des modèles ANOVA estimant l’effet du traitement, du temps et de leur interaction, une différence significative (effet de Groupe ou traitement) a été trouvée pour les variables suivantes : Douleur (McGill :composante évaluative p = 0.02), au moment « présent » de l’Échelle visuelle analogique (EVA, p = 0.05) et dans l’Échelle de Qualité de vie (douleur, p = 0,03) ainsi qu’à la dimension Fonctionnement social de cette dernière échelle (SF-36; p = 0,04). En comparant les données en pré et post-traitement, des résultats significatifs au niveau du Temps ont aussi été mis en évidence pour les variables suivantes : Douleur McGill: Score total, (p = 0,03), Affective (p = 0,04), Évaluative (p = 0,01); Douleur (ÉVA) moment Fort (p < 0,0005), Dépression (p = 0,005), Anxiété (situationnelle/état (p = 0,002), Anxiété/trait (p < 0,001), Stress (p = 0, 003) ainsi que pour quatre composantes de la Qualité de vie (Fonctionnement social, (p = 0,05), Vitalité (p = 0,002), Douleur, (p = 0,003) et Changement de la santé (p < 0,001) et ceci pour les trois groupes à l’exception du groupe Hypnose sur cette dernière variable. Des effets d’Interaction (Groupe X Temps) sont ressortis sur les variables « Conséquences physiques » de la douleur mais sur la dimension « Activités » seulement (p = 0,02), sur l’anxiété situationnelle (État : p = 0,007). Un effet d’interaction se rapprochant de la signification (p = 0,08) a aussi été analysé pour la variable Fonctionnement social (SF-36). L’étude montre une légère supériorité quant au traitement Cognitif-behavioral pour l’anxiété situationnelle, pour le Fonctionnement social et pour la douleur mesurée par le SF-36. L’étude présente des forces (groupe homogène, essai clinique prospectif, répartition aléatoire des participantes et groupe contrôle) mais aussi des lacunes (faible échantillon et biais potentiels reliés à l’expérimentateur et à l’effet placebo). Toute future étude devrait tenir compte de biais potentiels quant au nombre d’expérimentateur et inclure un groupe placebo spécifique aux études à caractère psychologique. Une future étude devrait évaluer le schème cognitif « catastrophisation » impliqué dans la douleur, les traits de personnalité des participantes ainsi que le rôle du conjoint. De plus, des techniques psychologiques (entrevues motivationnelles) récentes utilisées dans plusieurs études devraient aussi être prises en considérations. Tout de même des résultats significatifs offrent des pistes intéressantes pour un essai clinique comportant un échantillon plus élevé et pour un suivi à long terme. / The goal of the study was twofold. The first objective was to assess chronic endometriotic pain and its psychological dimensions (depression, anxiety, stress), and the consequences on the marital adjustment, and quality of life on women diagnosed with endometriosis by laparoscopy. The second objective was to compare two psychological treatments with a control group (no active treatment). Sixty women were randomly assigned to one of the treatment groups (Hypnosis, Cognitive-behavioural) or to the control group (Therapist Attention). All measures were valid and the French translation had been adapted for the Quebec population. The statistical analysis were the Chi-square for nominal measures and ANOVAS for the continuous variables. ANOVAS’s model estimate Treatment effect, Time effect and Interaction Group X Time. Both interventions (Group effect) were significantly positive for the pain dimension on the McGill questionnaire but on the Evaluative dimension only (p = 0,02), pain on “present” time on the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS, p = 0,05), pain in the Quality of life scale (SF-36, p = 0,03), and on Social functioning dimension measured by SF-36 (p = 0,04). When comparing data following treatment (post-treatment) with the baseline measures (pre-testing), Time effect occurred for the three groups on following variables: pain (McGill): Total score (p = 0, 03), Affective (p = 0, 04), Evaluative (p = 0,01), pain measured by a Visual analogue scale (VAS) at the Highest level (p < 0,0005), on Depression (p = 0,005), for State anxiety (p = 0,002), and Trait Anxiety (p < 0,001), on Stress (p = 0,003), and on four dimensions on the Quality of Life’s scale (SF-36): Social functioning (p = 0, 05), Vitality (p = 0,002), Pain (p = 0,003), and Health change (p < 0,001) where the group Hypnosis seems to do better for the last variable. Interaction effect (Group X Time) were statistically significant for dimension Activities in the Physical pain (SF-36, p = 0,02), and on State Anxiety (p = 0,007). Interaction effect close to statistically significant results (p = 0,08) on Social functioning (SF-36) has also been analyze. In this study, all group showed a comparable reduction of pain at the end of treatment, and an increase level of activities in the Cognitive-behavioural group. For the secondary variables the statistical results went in the same direction as the primary variable (pain). The level of depression, anxiety, and stress decreased with time for all groups. The study also showed a mild superiority of the Cognitive-behavioural treatment on State anxiety, Social functioning, and on Pain measured by the SF-36. Statistical analysis didn’t show any change for the marital situation. Quality of life showed positive results on four scales only (social functioning, vitality, pain and perception change in health). The study presents strengths (homogenous group, prospective study, control group and randomisation) and some weaknesses (small number of participants, potential bias with one interviewer, and absence of placebo group). Even so, statistically significant results emerge and are promising for new studies with a higher number of subjects. We also recommend a long time follow-up. Future studies should take into account a distorted cognitive schema (catastrophization), personality traits well documented in chronic pain syndrome, and spouse’s role. We also recommend the use of “Motivational Interview” recently described in the literature.
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Hipnoterapie met getraumatiseerde kinders: die uitbreiding van betekenisse in `n gesinDick, Karien 31 July 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The aim of the study is to describe the ecology of ideas in a family after the traumatic experience of a child. The focus is on developing a new context through which set meanings can expand. Therapeutic conversations and flexible hypnotic techniques, as part of a co-constructured process, are the "instruments" through which new ideas can be formed.
The epistemological and theoretical framework of the study is postmodern, social constructionist ideas. Modernistic explanations are provided to fit in with the postmodern "both/and" focus of the study.
A social constructionist position implies that the focus is placed on the multiple trauma perceptions of the family and social-cultural domain. Symptoms are viewed as part of the meaning systems in the family. The interconnection between dominant and non-dominant trauma stories is explained.
Themes and relationship patterns are exposed and described according to the researcher's own epistemology, reflections and interpretations of the literature. / Clinical Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)
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A hypnotherapy (ego-states) model for survivors of sexual crimes : a psycho-educational perspectiveFourie, Anna Margaretha 28 February 2003 (has links)
Dissociation is commonly associated with sexual crimes or other forms of trauma where a person experienced a threat to the existence or survival of the self. During dissociation the ego may split in such a way that ego-states (subselves or segments of the greater personality) form to encapsulate feelings of guilt, pain, fear, and anger. If dissociation is severe, sufferers will have no conscious recollection of the sexual trauma as it is deeply repressed in the subconscious. This may result in symptoms/pathology later in life.
Research indicated that hypnosis (due to its dissociative nature) is favourable as treatment modality for pathology/symptomatology associated with trauma and dissociation.
This research study investigates the development of ego-states during experiences of sexual trauma and hypnosis (especially Medical Hypno-analysis and Ego-State Therapy) as effective treatment modality within the field of psycho-education. It proposes a hypnotherapy model where the diagnostic tools as indicated by the Medical Hypno-analysis model, are being used to determine the existence of repressed memories related to sexual trauma. The therapeutic processes as indicated by the Ego-State Therapy model, are being used to resolve and work through the core repressed traumatic experiences through the mobilization of associated and related ego-states.
This study presents four case studies and discusses their clinical diagnostic procedures and therapeutic processes. The case studies illustrate that certain symptomatology/pathology experienced later in life may be the result of repressed memories and the formation of maladapted ego-states earlier in life when sexual trauma was experienced. Highly charged emotional and negative beliefs were set in the ego-states and could only be disarmed from their destructive content through regressions and hypnotherapy. A detailed discussion of the proposed hypnotherapy model and its application and concerns regarding its application within the field of psycho-education are also presented.
The results of this study indicate that the proposed hypnotherapy model (the combination of Medical Hypno-analysis and Ego-State Therapy) can be used effectively and successfully when working with survivors and symptomatology/pathology associated with sexual crimes. / Educational Studies / D. Ed.
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Hipnose as terapeutiese hulpmiddel by Wiskunde-angs / Hypnosis as therapeutic aid with regard to Mathematics anxietyTheron, Gesiena Catharina 11 1900 (has links)
Wiskunde as taal van die wetenskap en tegnologie is een van die weinige vakke wat
spesifiek as voorvereiste vir die bestudering van sekere studierigtings gestel word.
Leerlinge met Wiskunde-angs word verhoed om hul ware potensiaal in Wiskunde te
verwesenlik en word sodoende gediskwalifiseer om hul regmatige plek in die
beroepswereld in te neem. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal of hipnoterapie
aangewend kan word om Wiskunde-angs tot werkbare vlakke te beperk sodat leerlinge
optimaal in Wiskunde kan presteer. Die aard, oorsake, aanvang, herkenning, verklaring,
gevolge, voorkoms en meting van Wiskunde-angs, die verband daarvan met
Wiskundeprestasie en die hulp wat onderwysers en hulpprogramme kan lewer, is
nagegaan. Daarna is hipnose en hipnoterapie beskou om te bepaal of dit as terapeutiese
hulpmiddel pedagogies verantwoordbaar is. 'n Hipnoterapieprogram is in werking gestel
en daar is bevind dat die proefpersone almal tot 'n mindere of meerdere mate daarby
gebaat het. / Mathematics as the language of science and technology is one of few subjects used as
entrance requirement to certain fields of study. Mathematics anxiety prohibits certain
pupils to reach their full potential in Mathematics and thus to obtain their rightful place
in the world of work. The aim of this study was to determine whether hypnotherapy can
be used to lower Mathematics anxiety levels to such an extend that pupils can optimally
achieve in Mathematics. The nature, causes, extent, recognition, explanation,
consequences, incidence and measurement of Mathematics anxiety, its relationship to
achievement in Mathematics, as well as the help that can be rendered by teachers and
treatment programmes were studied. Hypnotherapy was then examined to determine
whether its use was pedagogically justifiable. A hypnotherapy treatment programme was
introduced which was found to be to some extent beneficial to all the subjects used. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Voorligting)
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Opvoedkundige sielkundige riglyne vir die hantering van die agterblywende gesinslede van die selfmoordslagoffer / Educational psychological guidelines for intervention with families of the suicide victimBarnard, Ilonka 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Selfmoord is 'n kontroversiele aangeleentheid wat beide omstanders en agterblywendes met onsekerheid vervul. 'n Belangrike rede hiervoor is dat dit 'n onnatuurlike afsterwe is wat teen baie mense se norme en
waardes indruis. ldiografiese navorsing is onderneem om die belewenisse van agterblywende gesinslede te ondersoek aangesien hulle die eintlike slagoffers van 'n selfmoord is wat met 'n komplekse realiteit gelaat
word. Die doel van die navorsing was om riglyne daar te stel vir die hantering en ondersteuning van hierdie mense. Vanuit 'n in-diepte literatuurstudie, het dit geblyk dat die grootste probleme waarmee agterblywendes gekonfronteer word, wentel random problematiese emosies, veroordeling deur omstanders en belewings van persoonlike onvermoe om te midde van intense rousmart selfaktualisering optimaal te volvoer. 'n Vraelys wat aspekte (socs dit uit die literatuurstudie geblyk het) inkorporeer, is opgestel en aan agterblywendes gegee om te
beantwoord. Van die belangrikste elemente wat na vore gekom het, is dat intense verhoudingskomplikasies na 'n selfmoord figureer, dat agterblywendes 'n behoefte het om rouverwerking teen hul eie tempo te doen, dat agterblywendes verkies dat omstanders nie voortdurend die gebeure sal ontleed en soek na oorsake in die teenwoordigheid van agterblywendes nie en dat elke agterblywende persoon se roubelewing persoonlik en uniek is. 'n Hoofstuk is gewy aan 'n wye verskeidenheid terapeutiese tegnieke wat geimplementeer kan word tydens hulpverlening aan agterblywendes. Die studie beskryf ook 'n gevallestudie en die verloop van sestien individuele terapeutiese sessies. In die terapeutiese insette is daar hoofsaaklik gebruik gemaak van hipnoterapie as 'n vorm van ontspanningsterapie waartydens daar gelokus word op problematiese emosies en persepsies wat voortgesette kwalitatiewe selfaktualisering belemmer. In die studie word Opvoedkundige Sielkundige riglyne vir hulpverlening aan agterblywendes, wat benut kan word deur hulpverleners (soos sielkundiges, onderwysers en ander ondersteuningsisteme). verskaf. Die studie bevestig dat die agterblywendes as die werklike slagoffers na 'n selfmoord agtergelaat word, maar dat sinvolle intervensie hierdie persone in staat kan stel om ten spyte van die gebeure weer optimaal te selfaktualiseer. / Suicide is a controversial topic. It causes both bystanders and survivors to feel insecure. An important reason for this is that it is an unnatural death which directly opposes the norms and values of the majority of people. ldiografic research has been undertaken to closely examine the experiences of suicide survivors as they are the real victims who are left to cope with a complex reality after a suicide. The objective of this study was to provide guidelines to effectively manage and render assistance to survivors. From an in depth review of available literature it appeared that troubled emotions, being denounced by bystanders and the inability to proceed with continued qualitative self-actualization are some of the most important problems survivors have to cope with.
A questionnaire, incorporating significant aspects reported in literature, was compiled and given to survivors to complete. From their responses certain facets seemed to be problematic. Among the more problematic aspects were complicated interpersonal relations, the basic need to grieve at their own pace, the preference that bystanders avoid analysing the suicide and possible contributing factors (especially in the presence of survivors) and the recognition that each survivor's grief is personal and unique. A chapter has been devoted to a wide range of therapeutic techniques that can be implemented to facilitate the support given to survivors. The study also describes a case study as well as the progression of sixteen individual therapy sessions. Therapeutic intervention was mainly based on hypnotherapy as a form of relaxation therapy during which the focus is placed on problematic emotions and perceptions which prevent continued qualitative self-actualization. Educational Psychological guidelines along which assistance can be rendered by psychologists, teachers as well as other support services are given. This study not only confirms that the survivors are the actual victims of a suicide, but also that it is possible to assist these people to achieve optimal self-actualization through meaningful intervention. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)
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Hypnotic analgesia in obstetrics : an ecosystemic descriptionMarkman, Andrea 02 1900 (has links)
In this study, hypnotic analgesia in obstetrics is explained in terms of ecosystemic
thinking, as opposed to traditional conceptualisations of hypnosis. Five case studies
were used. Each case is described in detail, as well as the therapeutic rationale behind
each case, in order to present the reader with an understanding for the thinking behind
the doing of ecosystemic hypnotherapy. The study utilises a new paradigm approach
to research which is explained and is in keeping with ecosystemic epistemology. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)
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O SPECT no diagnóstico diferencial entre crise epiléptica e crise não epiléptica psicogênica / The SPECT in the differential diagnosis between epileptic and nonepileptic seizuresJosé Gallucci Neto 08 October 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo comparou o fluxo sanguíneo cerebral regional avaliado através da tomografia por emissão de fóton simples (SPECT) de pacientes com crises epilépticas temporais com pacientes com crises não epilépticas psicogênicas (CNEP). Todos os SPECT foram realizado no período ictal, tendo as CNEP sido induzidas por métodos sugestivos e de hipnose. Os grupos de pacientes com epilepsia e CNEP foram ainda comparados com um terceiro grupo, denominado grupo de sujeitos saudáveis. As comparações dos SPECT foram feitas através da análise visual (radiologista cego ao estudo) e semiquantitativa pelo programa Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM). Os objetivos do estudo foram: (1) estabelecer a sensibilidade e a especificidade do SPECT ictal para o diagnóstico diferencial entre CNEP e crises epilépticas parciais complexas em pacientes com epilepsia do lobo temporal, em comparação com o VEEG associado a técnicas de hipnose; (2) avaliar através da análise quantitativa voxel a voxel do SPECT as alterações de perfusão cerebral dos pacientes com CNEP em relação aos pacientes com epilepsia, dos pacientes com CNEP em relação a um grupo controle de sujeitos normais e dos pacientes com epilepsia em relação a um grupo controle de sujeitos saudáveis. Foram estudados 30 pacientes no grupo com CNEP, 22 pacientes no grupo com epilepsia e 29 sujeitos saudáveis. Os resultados mostram que os SPECT ictais dos pacientes do grupo CNEP foram diferentes dos SPECT ictais dos pacientes com epilepsia. Na análise visual o SPECT ictal apresentou sensibilidade de 50% e especificidade de 91% para o diagnóstico de CNEP . Na análise comparativa voxel a voxel entre os grupos os resultados revelaram que: (a) houve aumento de perfusão cerebral em lobo temporal esquerdo e tronco cerebral nos pacientes do grupo epilepsia em relação ao grupo controle normal; (b) houve diminuição de perfusão cerebral no lobo frontal esquerdo e córtex anterior do cíngulo nos pacientes do grupo epilepsia em relação ao grupo controle normal; (c) houve aumento de perfusão cerebral no giro do cíngulo e precuneus á direita nos pacientes do grupo CNEP em relação ao grupo epilepsia; (d) houve diminuição perfusão cerebral em amígdala direita nos pacientes do grupo CNEP em relação ao grupo epilepsia; (e) houve aumento de perfusão cerebral na cauda do núcleo caudado esquerdo, giro précentral esquerdo e tálamo direito nos pacientes do grupo CNEP em relação ao grupo controle normal. Desta forma, após a análise estatística dos resultados concluímos que na análise visual, um SPECT ictal positivo em um paciente com suspeita de CNEP não confirma nem afasta tal suspeita, já que a sensibilidade do método foi baixa (50%). Na análise visual, um SPECT ictal negativo em um paciente com suspeita de CNEP afasta a possibilidade de epilepsia do lobo temporal com 91% de acerto (especificidade do método). O resultado da análise visual do SPECT ictal de CNEP revelou valor de sensibilidade abaixo do encontrado na literatura, e valor de especificidade superior ao encontrado na literatura. A análise quantitativa dos SPECT de crise epiléptica em comparação com os de sujeitos saudáveis em repouso, mostrou concordância com a análise visual em relação à lateralidade. Tal comparação revelou ainda ativação de áreas compatíveis com o que se encontra na literatura. A análise quantitativa dos SPECT ictais do grupo CNEP em comparação com os do grupo epilepsia revelou ativação de estruturas cerebrais posteriores (precuneus e giro cíngulo), não havendo comparação semelhante na literatura. A análise quantitativa dos SPECT ictais do grupo CNEP em comparação com os de sujeitos saudáveis em repouso, mostrou ativação do sistema estriatotalamocortical, achado em concordância com a literatura. A ativação do sistema estriatotalamocortical nos pacientes com CNEP mostrou ser um correlato neuroanatômico clinicamente relevante, com forte associação estatística. / The study compared regional cerebral blood flow assessed by positron emission tomography single photon (SPECT) in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES). All SPECT were performed in the ictal period, PNES having been induced by and suggestive methods of hypnosis. The groups of patients with epilepsy and PNES were compared with a third group, called group of healthy subjects. SPECT comparisons were made by visual analysis (radiologist blinded to the study) and semiquantitative analysis by Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM). The study objectives were: (1) to establish the sensitivity and specificity of ictal SPECT for the differential diagnosis between PNES and complex partial seizures in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, compared with VEEG associated with hypnosis techniques, (2) to assess by quantitative analysis of SPECT voxel to voxel changes in cerebral perfusion of patients with PNES compared to patients with epilepsy, patients with PNES compared to a control group of normal subjects and patients with epilepsy compared to a control group of healthy subjects. We studied 30 patients in the PNES group, 22 patients in the group with epilepsy and 29 healthy subjects. The results show that ictal SPECT of patients in the PNES group were different from the ictal SPECT of patients with epilepsy. The visual analysis of ictal SPECT had a sensitivity of 50% and specificity of 91% for the diagnosis of PNES. In the voxel voxel comparative analysis between the groups the results showed that: (a) increased cerebral perfusion in the left temporal lobe and brain stem in patients of epilepsy group compared to normal control group, (b) a decrease in cerebral perfusion in the left frontal lobe and anterior cingulate cortex in patients of epilepsy group compared to normal control group, (c) increased cerebral perfusion in the cingulate gyrus and precuneus in the right group of PNES patients compared to epilepsy group, (d) decreased cerebral perfusion in the right amygdala in patients PNES group compared to the epilepsy group, (e) increased cerebral perfusion in the left tail of the caudate nucleus, left pre-central gyrus and right thalamus in patients in the PNES group compared to group normal control. Therefore, after statistical analysis of the results we conclude that in visual analysis, a positive ictal SPECT in a patient with suspected PNES neither confirms nor removes the suspicion, since the sensitivity was low (50%). In visual analysis, a negative ictal SPECT in a patient with suspected PNES rules out the possibility of temporal lobe epilepsy with 91% accuracy (specificity of the method). The result of visual analysis of ictal SPECT of PNES revealed sensitivity value below that found in the literature and specificity value higher than that found in the literature. The quantitative analysis of SPECT of seizures compared with those of healthy subjects at rest, showed agreement with visual analysis in relation to laterality. This comparison also revealed activation in areas consistent with that found in the literature. The quantitative analysis of SPECT ictal PNES group compared with the epilepsy group showed activation of posterior brain structures (cingulate gyrus and precuneus), with no similar comparison in the literature. The quantitative analysis of SPECT ictal PNES group compared to healthy subjects at rest, showed activation of the estriatotalamocortical, a finding in agreement with the literature. The activation of the estriatotalamocortical circuit in patients with PNES proved to be a neuroanatomical correlate clinically relevant, with strong statistical association
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