Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biphone"" "subject:"cinchone""
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Smartphone Based Object Detection for Shark SpottingOliver, Darrick W 01 November 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Given concern over shark attacks in coastal regions, the recent use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, has increased to ensure the safety of beachgoers. However, much of city officials' process remains manual, with drone operation and review of footage still playing a significant role. In pursuit of a more automated solution, researchers have turned to the usage of neural networks to perform detection of sharks and other marine life. For on-device solutions, this has historically required assembling individual hardware components to form an embedded system to utilize the machine learning model. This means that the camera, neural processing unit, and central processing unit are purchased and assembled separately, requiring specific drivers and involves a lengthy setup process. Addressing these issues, we look to the usage of smartphones as a novel integrated solution for shark detection. This paper looks at using an iPhone 14 Pro as the driving force for a YOLOv5 based model, and comparing our results to previous literature in shark-based object detection. We find that our system outperforms previous methods at both higher throughput and increased accuracy.
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Magasin i nya medier - Konkurrent eller komplement till pappersversionen?Holmberg, Max January 2013 (has links)
Det papperslösa samhället har varit ett begrepp i över trettio år, men än läser vi tidskrifter och magasin i pappersform. Vi konsumerar dock dagligen allt mer information och mycket av denna är i digital form. Tidskriften är en produkt som liksom CD-skivan är möjlig att helt och hållet digitalisera. Kanske är det en anledning till att upplagorna minskar för många tidskrifter i Sverige? Denna rapport syftar till att nå en fördjupad förståelse för hur svenska tidskrifter möter den digitala utvecklingen i fyra kanaler; webbplats, Twitter, Facebook och applikation för iPad (digital utgåva). Med deduktivt angreppsätt gjordes en innehållsanalys av information som publicerats i de fyra kanalerna. Observationerna kompletterades med sekundäranalys av offentlig statistik. 20 olika tidskrifter undersöktes, 10 stycken med ökande tryckt upplaga och 10 stycken med minskande tryckt upplaga.Resultaten visar inget tydligt samband mellan hög aktivitet/närvaro i digitala medier och enminskande upplaga. Det är vanligare att tidskrifter med minskande upplaga finns på Twitter.Att ha ett Facebook-konto är lika vanligt i båda urvalsgrupperna. Att publicera en digital utgåva av en i huvudsak tryckt tidskrift är relativt ovanligt förekommande. / The paperless society has been a concept for more than 30 years now, yet we still readmagazines in printed form today. But we also consume a lot more information today than weused to, and this information is increasingly in digital form. The magazine is a physical product that just like the CD is possible to turn completely digital. Maybe this is a reason for the rapid decline of printed circulation among Swedish magazine publishers? This report aim to increase the knowledge of how Swedish publishers meet the digital development in four different channels, website, Twitter, Facebook and digital edition for iPad.A content analysis of the information in the four different channels was conducted on 20different magazines, 10 with an increasing printed circulation and 10 with a declining printedcirculation.The results show no clear indication that there is a connection between high digitalpresence/activity and declining printed circulation. It is however more common amongmagazines with a declining circulation to be present at Twitter. Publishing a digital edition of a printed magazine is still relatively uncommon among Swedish magazines.
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Detaljmätning med terrester fotogrammetri : Med smartphone, bildrover och multistationNyström, Johannes, Tholander, Hampus January 2018 (has links)
Detaljmätning genomförs främst genom traditionella metoder, d.v.s. mätning med Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) eller totalstationsmätning. Ett alternativ till traditionella metoder är terrester fotogrammetri där mätningar sker i bilder som tagits av det aktuella objektet. Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera terrester fotogrammetri som metod vid detaljmätning och ge riktlinjer för hur insamling av data till terrester fotogrammetri bör genomföras. Olika fotograferingsavstånd och antal fotostationer undersöktes. Koordinatbestämning och avståndsmätning undersöktes med hänseende på mätosäkerhet och det kvadratiska medelvärdet (RMS-värde). Det togs viss hänsyn till tid för fältarbete och efterarbete samt inköpspris vid utvärderingen. Instrumenten som användes för undersökningen i denna studie var en smartphone (iPhone 7), en bildrover (Trimble V10 Imaging Rover (V10)) och en multistation (Trimble SX10 (SX10)). Data från V10 justerades på två olika sätt, dels genom fri standardstation (V10 fri) och dels full orientering (V10 full), vid efterarbetet för att utvärdera om det fanns någon skillnad i resultatet mellan justeringarna. V10 är en bildrover som tar 360° panoramabilder. V10 tillverkas inte längre men tekniken är intressant att undersöka för se om det finns någon framtida användning för den. Baserat på den goda tillgängligheten av smartphones och prisskillnaderna är det intressant att undersöka hur låg mätosäkerhet och RMS-värde en smartphone kan uppnå. Ett antal reflextejper sattes upp på en vägg och utgjorde referensvärden för koordinatbestämningarna och avståndsmätningarna. Referensvärdena bestämdes genom totalstationsmätningar. Resultatet visade att SX10 uppnådde mätosäkerheter och RMS-värden på millimeternivå och påverkades väldigt lite av antal fotostationer och avståndet från objektet som mättes. Mätosäkerheter och RMS-värden för V10 full och V10 fri varierade mellan millimeter- och decimeternivå beroende på hur fotostationerna justerades vid efterarbete och om det var koordinatbestämning eller avståndsmätning. För att uppnå goda resultat med V10 bör instrumentet placeras nära objektet och fler fotostationer bör användas. iPhone 7 uppnådde mätosäkerheter och RMS-värden på millimeternivå. Resultatet med iPhone blev bäst med fler fotostationer men bra även med ett mindre antal och gav liknande resultat från 10 och 50 m. Resultatet i denna studie visar att terrester fotogrammetri har potential för detaljmätning men resultatet varierar beroende på vilket instrument och förfarandet som används. / Detail measurements are performed mainly by traditional methods, i.e. measurements with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) or total station measurements. An alternative to traditional methods is terrestrial photogrammetry. The purpose of this study was to evaluate terrestrial photogrammetry as a method to perform detail measurements and provide guidelines for how to collect data for terrestrial photogrammetry. Different distances from the object and different numbers of photo stations were evaluated. Coordinate measurements and distance measurements were tested with regard to standard deviation and Root Mean Square (RMS) value. Some consideration was paid to the time in field and post processing and price. The instruments investigated were a smartphone (iPhone 7), an image rover (Trimble V10 Imaging Rover (V10)) and a multi-station (Trimble SX10 (SX10)). The data from V10 was adjusted in two different ways; free standard station (V10 fri) and full orientation (V10 full), to evaluate if there was any difference in the result between the adjustments. V10 is an image rover that captures 360° panoramic images. The V10 is no longer manufactured, but the technology is interesting to investigate to see if there is any future application for the technology. Based on the good availability of smartphones and price differences between the methods, it is interesting to investigate how low standard deviation and RMS value a smartphone can achieve. A number of reflective tapes were attached on a wall and represented reference values for the coordinate determination and distance measurements. The reference values were determined by total station measurements. SX10 achieved standard deviations and RMS values at millimeter accuracy and the number of photo stations and distance from the object being measured had a low impact. Standard deviations and RMS values for V10 full and V10 free varied between millimeters and decimeters depending on whether it was coordinate determination or distance measurement. To achieve good results with V10 the instrument should be placed close to the object and more photo stations should be used. iPhone 7 achieved standard deviations and RMS values at millimeter accuracy. The best result with iPhone 7 was achieved with the highest amount of photo stations but also good with fewer photo stations and achieved similar results from 10 and 50 m distance. Terrestrial photogrammetry has potential in detail measurement but varies depending on which instrument and procedure that was used.
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VTQuestAR: An Augmented Reality Mobile Software Application for Virginia Tech Campus VisitorsYao, Zhennan 07 January 2021 (has links)
The main campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) has more than 120 buildings. The campus visitors face problems recognizing a building, finding a building, obtaining directions from one building to another, and getting information about a building. The exploratory development research described herein resulted in an iPhone / iPad software application (app) named VTQuestAR that provides assistance to the campus visitors by using the Augmented Reality (AR) technology. The Machine Learning (ML) technology is used to recognize a sample of 31 campus buildings in real-time. The VTQuestAR app enables the user to have a visual interactive experience with those 31 campus buildings by superimposing building information on top of the building picture shown through the camera. The app also enables the user to get directions from the current location or a building to another building displayed on a 2D map as well as an AR map. The user can perform complex searches on 122 campus buildings by building name, description, abbreviation, category, address, and year built. The app enables the user to take multimedia notes during a campus visit. Our exploratory development research illustrates the feasibility of using AR and ML in providing much more effective assistance to visitors of any organization. / Master of Science / The main campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) has more than 120 buildings. The campus visitors face problems recognizing a building, finding a building, obtaining directions from one building to another, and getting information about a building. The exploratory development research described herein resulted in an iPhone / iPad software application named VTQuestAR that provides assistance to the campus visitors by using the Augmented Reality (AR) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies. Our research illustrates the feasibility of using AR and ML in providing much more effective assistance to visitors of any organization.
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Modélisation 3D pour la réalité augmentée : une première expérimentation avec un téléphone intelligentThomas, Vincent 17 April 2018 (has links)
Depuis leur introduction, les téléphones intelligents n’ont cessé d’évoluer. Ceux-ci intègrent généralement plusieurs composantes utiles (i.e. caméra numérique, récepteur GPS, accéléromètres, boussole numérique et plus récemment le gyroscope) pour des applications de Réalité Augmentée Mobile (RAM). Ce type d’application génère beaucoup d’intérêt auprès du grand public qui se voit offrir une nouvelle manière d’explorer son environnement. Afin d’obtenir une forte augmentation de la réalité en termes d’immersion de l’utilisateur et des interactions qui lui sont proposées, ces applications de RAM requièrent généralement un modèle 3D de l’environnement. Ce modèle 3D peut alors être exploité selon trois finalités différentes au sein de l’application de RAM qui sont : 1) gérer les occlusions; 2) aider au calcul de la pose (position/orientation) de la caméra de l’utilisateur; 3) supporter les interactions et l’augmentation de la réalité. Cependant, ces modèles 3D ne sont pas toujours disponibles à l’endroit où l’on souhaite augmenter la réalité ce qui nuit au déploiement des applications de RAM n’importe où et n’importe quand. Afin de surmonter cette contrainte, le présent projet de maîtrise a consisté à concevoir une chaîne de production de modèles 3D adaptée au contexte des applications de RAM dites fortement augmentées et facilement exploitable directement sur les lieux ciblés pour l’augmentation. La chaîne de production élaborée a été implantée sur la plateforme de l’iPhone 3G puis évaluée selon des critères d’exactitude, de rapidité, d’intuitivité et d’efficacité de l’augmentation résultante. Les résultats de cette évaluation ont permis de mettre en évidence la possibilité de modéliser en 3D un bâtiment simplement tout en atteignant une exactitude sous les 5 mètres en environ 3 minutes à l’aide d’un appareil de type téléphone intelligent. / Recently, a new genre of software applications has emerged allowing the general public to browse their immediate environment using their smartphone: Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) applications. The growing popularity of this type of application is triggered by the fast evolution of smartphones. These ergonomic mobile platforms embed several pieces of equipment useful to deploy MAR (i.e. digital camera, GPS receiver, accelerometers, digital compass and now gyroscope). In order to achieve a strong augmentation of the reality in terms of user’s immersion and interactions, a 3D model of the real environment is generally required. The 3D model can be used for three different purposes in these MAR applications: 1) to manage the occlusions between real and virtual objects; 2) to provide accurate camera pose (position/orientation) calculation; 3) to support the augmentation and interactions. However, the availability of such 3D models is limited and therefore preventing MAR application to be used anywhere at anytime. In order to overcome such constraints, this proposed research thesis is aimed at devising a new approach adapted to the specific context of MAR applications and dedicated to the simple and fast production of 3D models. This approach was implemented on the iPhone 3G platform and evaluated according to precision, rapidity, simplicity and efficiency criteria. Results of the evaluation underlined the capacity of the proposed approach to provide, in about 3 minutes, a simple 3D model of a building using smartphone while achieving accuracy of 5 meters and higher.
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Work/Life Balance and Smartphones: Can a Smartphone make a difference?Bomber, Kristin January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis examines the relationship between work/life balance and Smartphones (Blackberry, iPhone, Android etc.)</p><p>Academic research has areas where not much research has been done previously including the qualitative research on work/life balance, positive crossover of work/life balance, newness of Smartphone technology, and consequences of constant connectivity. This study hopes to eliminate some of the gaps in these areas of research and proposes two research questions: <strong>So what does owning a Smartphone mean for work life and home life? Most importantly can this phone help people towards or assist with the balance they are so looking for or do the phones not impact this balance and just assist in the work life and home life realms separately?</strong></p><p>A qualitative approach using constructionist and interpretivist views were used to conduct the research. Empirical material was collected during phone interviews with participants in the USA, while supporting material was gathered from conference papers, academic articles, websites, and textbooks.</p><p>There are two major themes within this paper, work/life balance and Smartphone technology. For work/life balance a common understanding was reached that work and personal life should be kept happy but that doesn’t mean equal. Also discussed is research about people that put up boundaries in their lives to try and separate things, one group of people likes to have work and personal separate but one group likes them combined. Research also presents that there are consequences for setting up boundaries but that having the ability to choose where these boundaries are makes for a much happier situation. On the technology side of research there is support for these devices being used to manage people’s different selves through communication from being more connected to people to feeling left out when the technology is not there. Also mentioned is how people adapt the devices to fit new and unique situations that the devices may not have been intended to be used for.</p>
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Mobilapplikationsutveckling med en användarcentrerad designfilosofi : enligt ISO 9241-210 / Mobile application development with a user-centred design philosophy : with ISO 9241-210Aho, Jim, Höijer, Hans January 2012 (has links)
Marknaden för smartphones har vuxit stort under de senaste åren och även utveckling av applikationer till dessa. Då utveckling av applikationer för smartphones skiljer sig från traditionell utveckling så passar inte traditionella utvecklingsprocesser för utveckling till smartphones på ett optimalt sätt. Denna studie undersöker mobilapplikationsutveckling med fokus på användbarhet. Då det råder brist på systemutvecklingsprocesser för mobilapplikationsutveckling så vill denna studie utvärdera ISO standarden ”ISO 9241-210 – Användarcentrerad design för interaktiva system”. Denna standard är en samling av riktlinjer och krav för generell systemutveckling. Studien utvärderar därför lämpligheten att använda ISO 9241-210 för utveckling av mobilapplikationer, då fokus ligger på användbarhet. En prototyp för iPhone utvecklades med ISO 9241-210 som bas och utvärderades sedan för att se om användbarheten var acceptabel. Författarna utvärderade också hur ISO 9241-210 riktlinjer hade implementerats i utvecklingen av prototypen och även utvärderat om riktlinjerna i Apples App Design Strategies har motsvarande riktlinjer i ISO 9241-210. Slutsatsen är att ISO 9241-210 är en bra grund att stå på vid utveckling av mobilapplikationer men att det finns några riktlinjer som kan ges mer eller mindre fokus, beroende på projektets omfattning. / Program: Systemarkitekturutbildningen
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Komerční komunikace aplikací pro IPhone/ipad / Commercial communications of iPhone and iPad applicationsZitková, Iva January 2010 (has links)
The Master's Thesis with a title Commercial communication of iPhone and iPad applications is focused on the analysis of the effectivness of the individual elements that are neccessary for a successful application with a special attention on commercial communation. The paper is divided into two parts where the first (theoretical) one talks about the role of commercial communication in today's world, description the mobile phone market and its customers and specifying the activites recommanded to become successful with one's iPhone/iPad application. The main output of this part is the creation of hypothesis related to the recommended activities. The second (practical) part describes the life of two applications and compares the realized actitivites to the sales. The final part provides the evaluation of the hypothesis regarding the findings of the practical part.
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CyborGlogger: A Computational Framework for Real-time CyborGloggingLo, Raymond Chun Hing 27 July 2010 (has links)
CyborGlogs are lifelong log files of personal experiences that are captured without conscious thought or effort. By creating cyborglogs on a continuous basis, we can enable various novel applications where the lifelong records are used as memory aids or for personal safety. This thesis presents the development of a mobile application that provides the tools to instantly capture, archive, recall, and share our personal experiences on widely available cameraphones. To achieve this goal, a client-server computational framework is designed and implemented to support real-time interaction among the users. Three fully functional prototypes supporting three major mobile platforms (J2ME, Symbian, and iPhone) are presented to show the feasibility and flexibility of this framework. Finally, this thesis shows an early prototype which demonstrates the idea of mediated reality on cameraphones using various integrated sensors. This prototype explores the possibilities of developing truly intelligent wearable applications on mobile devices in the future.
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CyborGlogger: A Computational Framework for Real-time CyborGloggingLo, Raymond Chun Hing 27 July 2010 (has links)
CyborGlogs are lifelong log files of personal experiences that are captured without conscious thought or effort. By creating cyborglogs on a continuous basis, we can enable various novel applications where the lifelong records are used as memory aids or for personal safety. This thesis presents the development of a mobile application that provides the tools to instantly capture, archive, recall, and share our personal experiences on widely available cameraphones. To achieve this goal, a client-server computational framework is designed and implemented to support real-time interaction among the users. Three fully functional prototypes supporting three major mobile platforms (J2ME, Symbian, and iPhone) are presented to show the feasibility and flexibility of this framework. Finally, this thesis shows an early prototype which demonstrates the idea of mediated reality on cameraphones using various integrated sensors. This prototype explores the possibilities of developing truly intelligent wearable applications on mobile devices in the future.
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