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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fehleranalyse : Untersuchungen an afrikaanssprachigen Studienanfängern im Fach Deutsch

Annas, Rolf 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA) -- Stellenbosch University, 1980. / No Abtsract Available

Idioms in Biblical Hebrew : towards their identification and classification with special reference to 1 and 2 Samuel

Van Den Heever, Cornelius Marthinus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study seeks to identify and classify idioms in the Hebrew Bible. Based on a survey of literature on idioms in general, and in Biblical Hebrew in particular, the necessary conditions for idiomaticity are identified as (1) multi-word character, (2) semantic noncompositionality, (3) unit status, (4) conventionalisation, (5) a verbal nucleus, and (6) a content message. Restricted variability and uniqueness may also be indicative of idiomaticity, although these are not regarded as necessary conditions. Accordingly, idiom is defined as a conventionalised multi-word symbolic unit with a verbal nucleus and a content message, whose global meaning is a semantic extension of the combined meanings of its constituent elements. These criteria were applied to 1 and 2 Samuel, and 104 idioms were identified. The results suggest that the proposed definition is an effective aid to identifying idioms, with certain caveats. In line with Granger and Paquot’s phraseological classification, the multi-word character of idioms is interpreted to imply a verb plus at least one more semantic (as opposed to grammatical) element. Semantic compositionality is shown to be a complex concept that should be understood as the overall meaning of an expression being an extension of the combined meanings of its individual lexical constituents. Conventionalisation and unit status prove to be virtually impossible to determine with certainty for expressions in the Hebrew Bible. Researchers should also be aware that there is an inevitable degree of subjectivity involved in the application and interpretation of the idiom characteristics proposed in this study. A preliminary semantic classification of the idioms found in 1 and 2 Samuel is proposed, based on the lexicographical system developed by De Blois (2000) for the Semantic Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew. The results of this study suggest that, with some improvements and adjustments, De Blois’s framework is suitable for classifying and representing Biblical Hebrew idioms. The greatest obstacle in using this system is shown to be the counterintuitive names of a number of categories. A complete alphabetical list of idioms from 1 and 2 Samuel is provided in Appendix A, together with the relevant semantic information for each. A classification of these idioms according to lexical semantic domains is presented and discussed in Chapter 5, while alternative ways of arranging them (viz. by contextual semantic domains, underlying conceptual metaphors, and terms for body parts) are provided in Appendices B to D. This study demonstrates that idioms are semantically motivated (by conceptual metaphor, metonymy, symbolic acts, etc.) although their meaning is semantically noncompositional. It also indicates the need for a more systematic treatment of idioms in Biblical Hebrew lexicons. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie poog om idiome in die Hebreeuse Bybel te identifiseer en te klassifiseer. Die volgende noodsaaklike voorwaardes vir idiomatisiteit is geïdentifiseer op grond van ’n oorsig van die literatuur oor idiome in die algemeen en in Bybelse Hebreeus in die besonder: (1) meerwoordigheid, (2) semantiese nie-komposisionaliteit, (3) eenheidstatus, (4) konvensionalisering, (5) ’n werkwoordelike kern en (6) ’n inhoudelike boodskap. Beperkte veranderbaarheid en uniekheid kan ook dui op idiomatisiteit, maar dit word nie as noodsaaklike voorwaardes beskou nie. Gevolglik word idioom gedefinieer as ’n gekonvensionaliseerde, meerwoordige simboliese eenheid met ’n werkwoordelike kern, waarvan die geheelbetekenis ’n semantiese uitbreiding is van die gekombineerde betekenisse van die elemente waaruit dit saamgestel is. Die bogenoemde kriteria is in 1 en 2 Samuel toegepas, en daar is 104 idiome geïdentifiseer. Die resultate dui daarop dat die voorgestelde definisie van idiomatisiteit, met inagneming van sekere voorbehoude, ’n effektiewe hulpmiddel vir die indentifisering van idiome is. In lyn met Granger en Paquot se fraseologiese klassifikasie word daar van die veronderstelling uitgegaan dat die meerwoordigheid van idiome ’n werkwoord plus minstens een ander semantiese (teenoor grammatikale) komponent behels. Daar word aangetoon dat semantiese komposisionaliteit ’n komplekse begrip is en dat dit verstaan moet word as ’n uitbreiding van die kombinasie van die betekenisse van die afsonderlike leksikale elemente waaruit ’n uitdrukking saamgestel is, om ’n geheelbetekenis te vorm. Om die konvensionalisering en eenheidstatus van uitdrukkings in die Hebreeuse Bybel met sekerheid vas te stel, blyk feitlik onmoontlik te wees. Navorsers moet ook daarvan bewus wees dat daar ’n onvermydelike mate van subjektiwiteit betrokke is by die toepassing en verstaan van die idioomkenmerke wat in die huidige studie voorgestel word. ’n Voorlopige semantiese klassifikasie van die idiome wat in 1 en 2 Samuel geïdentifiseer is, word voorgestel, gebaseer op die leksikografiese sisteem wat deur De Blois (2000) vir die Semantic Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew ontwikkel is. Die resultate van hierdie studie doen aan die hand dat De Blois se raamwerk, met ’n paar veranderinge en verbeteringe, geskik is vir die klassifisering en uiteensetting van idiome in Bybelse Hebreeus. Daar word aangetoon dat die grootste hindernis om die genoemde sisteem te gebruik, die teen-intuïtiewe benaminge van ’n aantal kategorieë is. ’n Volledige alfabetiese lys van die idiome uit 1 en 2 Samuel, met toepaslike semantiese inligting by elk, word in Bylae A aangebied. ’n Klassifikasie van hierdie idiome volgens leksikale semantiese domeine word in Hoofstuk 5 voorgehou en bespreek, terwyl alternatiewe indelings (nl. volgens kontekstuele semantiese domeine, onderliggende konsepsuele metafore en terme vir liggaamsdele) in Bylaes B tot D aangebied word. Hierdie studie toon aan dat idiome semanties gemotiveer word (deur konsepsuele metafore, metonimie, simboliese handelinge ens.), alhoewel hulle betekenis niekomposisioneel is. Die behoefte aan ’n meer sistematiese bewerking van idiome in Bybelse Hebreeuse leksikons word ook uitgewys.

Кулинарска терминологија у француској,италијанској и српској фразеологији / Kulinarska terminologija u francuskoj,italijanskoj i srpskoj frazeologiji / Culinary terminology in French, Italian andSerbian phraseology

Marčeta Jovana 16 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Предмет нашег истраживања су француски,<br />италијански и српски фраземи који садрже<br />кулинарску терминологију (лексеме које<br />означавају различите намирнице (нпр.<br />јабука, јаје), поједине врсте једноставнијих<br />јела (нпр. кајгана, каша), месне прерађевине<br />(нпр. кобасица, салама) итд.). Циљ<br />истраживања је да компаративно-<br />контрастивном анализом установимо<br />лексичка и семантичка (не)подударања<br />одабраних фразема француског,<br />италијанског и српског језика. Поред тога,<br />циљ је да фраземе тематски групишемо<br />према концептима које изражавају и да<br />утврдимо на који начин је кулинарска<br />терминологија учествовала у изградњи<br />фразеолошког значења.<br />Први део рада представља теоријски оквир<br />истраживања, док други део рада садржи<br />анализу корпуса и обухвата две целине &ndash;<br />анализу мотивације фразема и концептуалну<br />анализу фразема. У делу рада у којем<br />анализирамо мотивацију фразема грађу ћемо<br />разврстати по компонентама које су носиоци<br />значења, док ћемо у оквиру концептуалне<br />анализе фраземе тематски груписати и<br />придружити им одговарајуће дескрипторе<br />који их прецизније описују и представљају<br />односе сличности међу њима.</p> / <p>Predmet našeg istraživanja su francuski,<br />italijanski i srpski frazemi koji sadrže<br />kulinarsku terminologiju (lekseme koje<br />označavaju različite namirnice (npr.<br />jabuka, jaje), pojedine vrste jednostavnijih<br />jela (npr. kajgana, kaša), mesne prerađevine<br />(npr. kobasica, salama) itd.). Cilj<br />istraživanja je da komparativno-<br />kontrastivnom analizom ustanovimo<br />leksička i semantička (ne)podudaranja<br />odabranih frazema francuskog,<br />italijanskog i srpskog jezika. Pored toga,<br />cilj je da frazeme tematski grupišemo<br />prema konceptima koje izražavaju i da<br />utvrdimo na koji način je kulinarska<br />terminologija učestvovala u izgradnji<br />frazeološkog značenja.<br />Prvi deo rada predstavlja teorijski okvir<br />istraživanja, dok drugi deo rada sadrži<br />analizu korpusa i obuhvata dve celine &ndash;<br />analizu motivacije frazema i konceptualnu<br />analizu frazema. U delu rada u kojem<br />analiziramo motivaciju frazema građu ćemo<br />razvrstati po komponentama koje su nosioci<br />značenja, dok ćemo u okviru konceptualne<br />analize frazeme tematski grupisati i<br />pridružiti im odgovarajuće deskriptore<br />koji ih preciznije opisuju i predstavljaju<br />odnose sličnosti među njima.</p> / <p>The subject of this research are French, Italian<br />and Serbian idioms comprising the culinary<br />terminology (lexemes that denote groceries (e.g.<br />apple, egg), certain types of simple meals (e.g.<br />omelette, porridge), meat products (e.g.<br />sausage, salami), etc.). The aim of this study is<br />to determine the lexical and semantic<br />similarities and differences of the chosen idioms<br />by using comparative-contrastive analysis.<br />Furthermore, our objective is to classify the<br />idioms into groups based on the concepts which<br />they express and to determine the way in which<br />the culinary terminology motivates the<br />phraseological meaning.<br />The first part of this work presents the<br />theoretical frame of the research, while the<br />second part contains the analysis of the corpus<br />and consists of two parts &ndash; analysis of the<br />motivation of the idioms and conceptual<br />analysis of the idioms. In the part where we<br />analyse the motivation of the idioms, the corpus<br />is classified according to components which are<br />the carriers of meaning, while in the conceptual<br />analysis we will classify the idioms into<br />thematic groups and we will associate the<br />idioms with appropriate descriptors which<br />describe them more precisely and represent the<br />relations of similarity between them.</p>

Idiomatische Sätze im Deutschen : Syntaktische, semantische und pragmatische Studien und Untersuchung ihrer Produktivität

Finkbeiner, Rita January 2008 (has links)
This study aims at examining in detail the linguistic characteristics of sentential idioms (‘idiomatische Sätze’, IS) in German, e.g. Das kannst du dir an den Hut stecken.; Du hast wohl Tomaten auf den Augen!; Da lachen ja die Hühner!. In theoretically and empirically investigating their syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features and productive potential, it is shown that IS can only be described properly by looking at the interfaces between syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, and by systematically investigating pattern formation. In this respect, the study goes far beyond traditional phraseological research. As a theoretical background, the study refers to research on phraseology, sentence types and sentence mood, linguistic evaluation, morphological productivity, and the frameworks of Construction Grammar and Relevance Theory. Empirical evidence comes from a large corpus of written German, a linguistic experiment on productivity, and introspective data. With respect to syntax, the study shows that IS are bound to one or a few different sentence types, varying according to the degree of restriction of their speech act potential. The complex semantics of IS is shown to consist not only of a literal and an idiomatic, but also of a third, mediating representational level. The idiomatic meaning of IS is described as evaluative meaning. Pragmatically, IS are dependent on special contextual environments to obtain a proper interpretation. A context model is developed which makes use of certain categories of evaluation. Moreover, a relevance-theoretic approach is sketched in order to explain which functional advantages IS might have compared to non-idiomatic utterances. With respect to productivity, ten different idiomatic patterns of construction are identified and described in detail. It is experimentally demonstrated that these patterns are productive to a greater or lesser degree dependent on their internal syntactic, lexical, semantic and pragmatic features.

Dicionário onomasiológico de expressões idiomáticas usuais na língua portuguesa no Brasil /

Riva, Huélinton Cassiano. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Claudia Maria Xatara / Banca: Claudia Zavaglia / Banca: Clotilde de Almeida Azevedo / Banca: Maria Cristina Parreira da Silva / Banca: Oto Araújo Vale / Resumo: Neste trabalho, de cunho essencialmente lexicográfico, privilegia-se a linguagem do dia-a-dia para propor um modelo de dicionário de expressões idiomáticas do português do Brasil, sob uma perspectiva onomasiológica. É extremamente importante indicar as relações analógicas ou sinonímicas existentes entre os diferentes idiomatismos que se referem a um mesmo conceito. Observa-se que, embora muitas expressões relacionadas a um mesmo conceito sejam basicamente sinônimas, os idiomatismos possuem nuanças diferenciadoras que regem seu uso. / Abstract: In this work, with an essentially lexicographic feature, focused on the current language in order to present a model for a Brazilian Portuguese idiom dictionary from an onomasiologic view. It is extremely important to display the analogous or synonymy relations between the idioms which belong to the same fields. We were able to verify that, although many idioms subsumed under the same concept are basically synonyms, their use is governed by the nuances that distinguish them. / Résumé: Dans cette recherche, essentiellement lexicographique, nous privilegions le langage cotidien pour proposer un modèle de dictionnaire d'expressions idiomatiques de la langue portugaise du Brésil, sous une perspective onomasiologique. Il est très important d'indiquer les relations analogiques ou synonymiques existantes entre de différentes expressions idiomatiques qui concernent un seul concept. Nous remarquons que malgré la similarité conceptuelle entre plusieurs expressions, celles-ci ont des nuances différenciatrices régies par l'usage. / Doutor

Gastronomismos nas Expressões Idiomáticas do português do Brasil e seus correspondentes em francês da França / Gastronomy in Brazilian Portuguese Idioms and their correspondences in French of France

Seco, Mariele [UNESP] 04 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Mariele Seco null (mariele.seco@gmail.com) on 2017-09-24T22:14:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_SECOMariele.pdf: 5743463 bytes, checksum: de561ce070d8e87818e8d3b4f24b1430 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Monique Sasaki (sayumi_sasaki@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-27T19:59:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 seco_m_me_sjrp.pdf: 5743463 bytes, checksum: de561ce070d8e87818e8d3b4f24b1430 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-27T19:59:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 seco_m_me_sjrp.pdf: 5743463 bytes, checksum: de561ce070d8e87818e8d3b4f24b1430 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-04 / Esta pesquisa volta-se ao estudo dos aspectos culturais presentes nas expressões idiomáticas relacionadas a gastronomismos (EIGs) em português do Brasil. Correspondentes idiomáticos em francês da França são sugeridos para essas expressões constituídas por nomes de alimentos, com o fim de evidenciar que, por vezes, as diferentes culturas conferem ao léxico valores particulares a um povo, as chamadas cargas culturais partilhadas (CCPs), conceito criado por Galisson (1988). As expressões idiomáticas (EIs), entendidas como lexias complexas, indecomponíveis, conotativas e cristalizadas em um idioma pela tradição cultural (XATARA, 1998), podem gerar dificuldades na intercompreensão dos estrangeiros que não partilham de uma mesma cultura e, portanto, que não reconhecem suas referências extralinguísticas. Com isso, defende-se a difusão dos aspectos e das cargas culturais que essas expressões encerram em dicionários especiais bilíngues para aprendizes de língua estrangeira, que sejam úteis também para tradutores e demais consulentes. A hipótese delineada é a de que, uma vez que a cultura se revela nessas estruturas, cada povo apresenta um repertório específico de EIs, baseado em suas visões de mundo e, como consequência, as EIs correspondentes em outras línguas apresentariam diferenças substanciais na sua constituição e, por vezes, no uso. Contudo, a análise de um inventário de 111 EIGs em português do Brasil e 100 correspondentes idiomáticos em francês da França, resulta que, ao contrário do que se pensava, muitas EIs correspondentes apresentam semelhanças sintáticas e semânticas, fazendo uso, algumas vezes, dos mesmos referentes, porém, sustenta-se que as diferenças culturais ainda podem ser percebidas. Muitas vezes, ainda que o referente seja o mesmo, a CCP varia de uma língua para outra, podendo gerar incompreensão ou mal-entendidos quanto à significação das EIs. Para realização deste estudo, um banco de dados, o BD-CULTEIG, constituiu-se em uma primeira etapa, a fim de gerar um produto fraseográfico de caráter cultural, centrado nas expressões idiomáticas relacionadas a gastronomismos. A proposta do banco de dados não visa criar tão somente uma ferramenta de tradução, mas uma obra que auxilie na compreensão das EIs, com suporte à compreensão da cultura do outro, possibilitando sanar possíveis dúvidas quanto ao uso adequado dessas estruturas. Nele estão contidas as 111 EIGs do português do Brasil e 100 correspondentes em francês da França, seguidas de EIs sinônimas e variantes nas duas línguas, definição, exemplos-ocorrências coletados na web como corpus (Kilgarriff e Greffenstette, 2003), aspectos culturais e outras observações, que consistem em informações, quando necessárias, acerca do conteúdo semântico e uso dos idiomatismos. / This research is oriented to the study of cultural aspects contained in idioms related to gastronomy (EIGs) in Brazilian Portuguese. Idiomatic correspondences in French of France are suggested for these expressions composed by food names to highlight that, at times, different cultures give the lexicon particular values to a people, the so-called shared cultural content (CCPs), a concept created by Galisson (1988). Idioms (EIs), understood as complex lexias, indecomposable, connotative and crystallized in a language by cultural tradition (XATARA, 1998), can generate difficulty in inter-comprehension among foreigners that don’t share the same culture and therefore don’t recognize their extralinguistic references. Thereby, we defend the dissemination of aspects and cultural heritage that these expressions enclose in special bilingual dictionaries for foreign language learners, that can also be useful for translators and other consultants. The outlined hypothesis is that once the culture reveals itself in these structures, each people presents a specific repertoire of idioms, based on their perception of the world and, as consequence, the correspondent idioms in other languages would present substantial differences in their constitution and, at times, in their usage. However, the analysis of an inventory composed by 111 gastronomy idioms in Brazilian Portuguese and 100 idiomatic correspondences in French of France, contrary to what was thought, results that a lot of idioms present syntactic and semantic similarities, using sometimes the same references, but with cultural differences that can still be noticed. Many times, even if the reference is the same, the shared cultural content varies from a language to another and can result in incomprehension or misunderstandings concerning the meanings of the idioms. To perform this study, a database, the BD-CULTEIG, was constituted in a first phase to generate a phrase product with cultural character, centered in idioms related to gastronomy. The proposal of the database is not only to create a translation tool but a work that helps understanding idioms, with support for comprehension of other cultures, allowing it to answer any doubts related to the appropriate use of these structures. It contains the 111 idioms in Brazilian Portuguese and 100 correspondences in French of France, followed by synonyms and variant idioms in both languages, definition, examples of occurrence collected on the web as corpus (Kilgarriff e Greffenstette, 2003), cultural aspects and other observations consisting of information, when needed, about the semantic content and idioms usage.

Apport de la linguistique de corpus à la lexicographie bilingue (français-arabe) : macrostructure et microstructure d'un dictionnaire de collocations / The contribution of corpus linguistics to bilingual French-Arabic lexicography : macrostructure and microstructure in collocation dictionaries

Al-Qaisi, Fu'ad 07 December 2015 (has links)
L'objet de la présente étude est d’examiner l’apport de la linguistique de corpus à la lexicographie bilingue français-arabe. L’intérêt est porté tout particulièrement à la collocation. Ainsi, la quête commence dès la compilation du corpus jusqu'à l'intégration des collocations au lexique. Les notions fondamentales telle que la linguistique de corpus, le corpus et la collocation sont examinées. Ensuite, la recherche prend une tournure empirique qui se base sur un corpus. Pour pallier la non disponibilité des outils de traitement de corpus en langue arabe, une approche a été élaborée au sein de cette étude, que nous avons baptisée stratégie de passerelle. L’idée est de partir d’un corpus parallèle (traduit) français-arabe. Ce corpus est constitué de la version française du journal Le Monde Diplomatique, ainsi que sa traduction arabe. Le recours à un corpus parallèle a pour vocation de faciliter le repérage des phénomènes contrastifs. Les résultats obtenus seront vérifiés par la suite dans un corpus monolingue arabe (comparable) constitué de trois journaux, à savoir Alrai, Alayam, Algomhuria. Tout au long de cette partie, les résultats sont comparés dans un premiers temps entre corpus et dictionnaires, dans un deuxième temps entre types de corpus (parallèle et comparable), et dans un troisième temps entre journaux du corpus comparable (Alrai, Alayam et Algomhuria). Ensuite, un certain nombre des collocations est soumis à un examen structurel et à un examen sémantique. Ces exploitations apportent non seulement des éléments sur l’environnement collocationnel entre langue et discours, mais également sur une éventuelle approche pour la prise en compte des collocations. Des interrogations légitimes naissent au fur et à mesure des exploitations sur la ressemblance entre les collocations des deux langues. Les résultats mettent en évidence des points comme l’enchaînement collocationnel, la synonymie collocationnelle et d’autres aspects. L’étude est couronnée par la conception d’un dictionnaire informatique de collocations. Il s’agit d’un dictionnaire actif bilingue, qui s’adresse à un public arabisant et aux traducteurs. / The aim of this study is to examine the contribution of corpus linguistics to bilingual French-Arabic lexicography. We particularly focus on collocations, as our research begins with the compilation of a bilingual corpus leading up to the integration of collocations in the lexicon. Fundamentals such as corpus linguistics, corpora and collocation are examined. Our research then takes an empirical turn that is based on the use of our corpus. To overcome the unavailability of corpus processing tools in Arabic, an approach was developed in this study that we called the footbridge strategy. The idea is to start from a French-Arabic (translated) parallel corpus. This corpus consists of the French version of Le Monde Diplomatique, and its translation. Using a parallel corpus aims to facilitate the identification of contrastive phenomena. The results obtained in the translated corpus (in its Arabic component) will be subsequently checked in an Arabic monolingual corpus. The latter is a corpus consisting of three newspapers: Alrai, Alayyam, Algouhouria. Throughout the exploitation of the corpus, results are compared first between corpora and dictionaries, secondly between corpus types (parallel and comparable), and thirdly between newspapers (Alrai, Alayyam, Algouhouria). Then a number of collocations are subjected to semantic and structural review and consideration. This review process not only brings some clarifications on the environment of collocations between language and speech but also about a possible approach for their integration in the dictionary. Legitimate questions gradually arise regarding the resemblance of collocations in French and Arabic. The results highlight phenomena such as collocational chains (clusters), collocational synonyms, etc. The study culminates in the design of a computer dictionary of collocations, i.e. an active bilingual dictionary aimed at Arabic language specialists and translators.

Idioms in English as a Second Language : Contextualization of L2 idioms (written context versus still pictures) and its effect on students' retention

Afram, Eliane January 2016 (has links)
The main aim of the present study is to investigate whether there is a difference in retentionbetween two groups of Swedish second language learners of English when they are faced withidioms in a written context or in the form of still pictures. The subjects of the investigation aretwo different groups at a high school in Sweden. Both Group 1 and 2 consist of 24 subjectseach. For this study, 15 idioms were randomly selected. To Group 1, the idioms werepresented in a written context and to Group 2 the idioms were presented in the form of stillpictures. The subjects were given a pre-test and two post-tests to measure their retention.Moreover, the subjects were given a questionnaire in order to learn more about theirperception of idioms. I believe that, on the immediate post-test, Group 1 (the “written contextgroup”) did better than Group 2 (the “still pictures group”). Nevertheless, on the delayed posttest(testing long-term retention), Group 2 remembered more idioms than Group 1. But, it isimportant to note that contextualization of L2 idioms using written context and/or using stillpictures resulted, in general, to be effective strategies for the retention of idioms.

Les expressions figées en français et en BCMS : traduction, comparaison / Idioms in French and in BCMS : translation, comparison

Ljepavic, Danijela 22 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse procède à une comparaison des expressions figées entre les langues BCMS (bosniaque/bosnien, croate, monténégrin, serbe) et le français en vue de la traduction. Dans la première partie, l'étude commence par la définition des expressions figées et des critères de figement. Après avoir fait le point sur la question des langues BCMS, on présente le corpus des expressions figées en BCMS et en français, avec leur répartition dans différents domaines culturels et la distinction de trois types d'expressions : calques, expressions transparentes, expressions opaques. La seconde partie est consacrée à l'analyse comparative des expressions figées en BCMS et en français. Elle commence par un parcours de leurs différentes origines, puis on examine les fondements culturels des expressions figées, en fonction de différents domaines fournisseurs. On développe ensuite une analyse linguistique comparée des expressions figées, en détaillant les noms composés et les différentes locutions (verbales, adjectivales etc.) et en intégrant la dimension rhétorique, notamment les métaphores. Pour finir, après une mise au point générale sur la traduction, on examine les problèmes d'interprétation et les différentes solutions de traduction des expressions figées dans les deux sens, entre français et BCMS. / This thesis makes a comparison between the idioms of the BCMS languages (Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin, Serbian) on the one side, and the French language on the other, in the domain of translation.In the first segment, the study begins with the definition of idioms and the criteria for fixation. After the explanation of differences among BCMS languages, we present the corpus of idioms in BCMS and in French, with their distribution within different cultural domains, while distinguishing among three types of idiomatic expressions: literal, transparent, and opaque.The second part is devoted to the comparative analysis of idioms in BCMS and French. It begins with a record of their different origins, after which we examine the cultural foundations of expressions, depending on different domains. We develop a comparative linguistic analysis of idioms, giving details on various compound names and phrases (verbal, adjectival, etc.), and integrating the rhetorical dimension, including metaphors. Finally, after an overall focus on translating, we examine issues found in interpretation and translation solutions for different idioms between French and BCMS.

Srovnání anglických a českých idiomů z onomasiologické perspektivy / Comparing English and Czech idioms from an onomasiological perspective

Koucká, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The present master's thesis deals with the theme anger in English and Czech phrasemes. The theoretical part describes the basic relevant concepts and terminology of phraseology: the definition of phraseology and phraseological units, the theoretical structural (formal and functional) classification of phrasemes on the lexical, collocational and propositional level, the lexicographical presentation of phrasemes/ idioms in dictionaries (semasiological and onomasiological) and the semantic classification of phrasemes (including metaphors, metonymy, synecdoche and personification). The research and analysis consist of the description of data collection, which are excerpted from two English and one Czech phraseological dictionaries (Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms, Oxford Dictionary of Idioms and Slovník české frazeologie a idiomatiky I-IV), structural and semantic classification of the phrasemes of both languages from the point of view of their quantitative representation and the final comparison of the samples of the two languages that demonstrates which aspects of the given theme are phraseologically expressed in English and in Czech, how frequently and in what way.

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