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Optimisation de la performance en trail : étude des réponses cardiorespiratoires et des facteurs de la performance en course en montée vs descente / Optimizing trail running performance : cardiorespiratory responses and factors determining performance in downhill vs uphill runningLemire, Marcel 24 September 2019 (has links)
Il est bien établi chez les physiologistes, que si l’exercice de course en montée sollicite préférentiellement des contractions musculaires concentriques, l’exercice de course en descente requiert des actions musculaires frénatrices, majoritairement excentriques. L’exercice de course en descente à intensité sous-maximale génère un stimulus mécanique plus important pour un niveau de sollicitation métabolique moindre (i.e., V̇O2). Basée sur 3 études expérimentales, cette thèse de doctorat explore la physiologie spécifique de la course en déclivité, ainsi que ses prédicteurs physiologiques. Notre première étude montre une amplitude des réponses cardiorespiratoires amoindrie, une ventilation plus superficielle et une composante lente négative de consommation d’oxygène et de fréquence cardiaque en course en descente versus montée à vitesse constante et identique (8,5 km·h-1, pente de 15%). Lors de tests incrémentaux maximaux en course en descente vs montée vs plat, notre 2ème, partie A étude démontre que des coureurs bien entraînés, familiarisés avec la course en descente, peuvent atteindre FCmax, mais pas V̇O2max en descente. Lorsque les courses en descente et montée sont réalisées à même intensité métabolique (70% V̇O2max), notre 2ème (B) étude démontre que la course en descente (19 km·h-1, pente de -15%) induit des réponses cardiorespiratoires supérieures (FC et V̇E), une composante lente de V̇O2 significative et engendre une fatigue supérieure à la course en montée (6 km·h-1, pente de +15%). Enfin, une étude de terrain (étude 3) montre que les performances de 5 km de course en montée et en descente partagent quelques prédicteurs physiologiques communs (V̇O2max, force musculaire des membres inférieurs), bien que dans des proportions différentes. De plus, ces deux contre-la-montre sont également déterminés par des prédicteurs physiologiques spécifiques (i.e., raideur musculo-tendineuse en descente et indice de masse corporelle en montée). Nos résultats améliorent notre compréhension de la physiologie spécifique à la course en descente vs montée et ouvrent la voie des applications à l’entraînement des traileurs avec le but ultime d’optimiser leur performance. / It is admitted that uphill running mostly elicits concentric muscle actions whereas downhill running requires braking muscle actions inducing preferentially eccentric muscle action. Consequently, high running speed can be achieved in downhill (i.e., a high level of mechanical stress), despite low metabolic demands (i.e., low metabolic power). Using 3 experimental studies, this doctoral thesis explores the specific physiology of downhill vs uphill running as well as its physiological determinants. Our first study shows lower magnitude of the cardiorespiratory responses, a more superficial ventilation pattern and inverse V̇O2 and HR slow components in submaximal constant and same downhill vs uphill running velocity (8,5 km·h-1, 15% slope). During maximal incremental downhill vs uphill and level running, our study 2 part A demonstrates that well-trained endurance athletes, accustomed to downhill running, can reach maximal heart rate but not V̇O2max in downhill running. When downhill and uphill running are performed at similar metabolic demand (70% V̇O2max), our study 2 part B demonstrates that downhill running (19 km·h-1, -15% slope) elicits greater cardiorespiratory responses (HR and V̇E), a significant V̇O2 slow component and exacerbates muscle fatigue compared to uphill running (6 km·h-1, +15% slope). Finally, a field study (study 3) shows that 5-km downhill vs uphill running performances share some physiological predictors (V̇O2max, lower limb muscle strength) although in different proportions. In addition, this study also demonstrates that both time-trial performances are also determined by specific physiological predictors (i.e., musculotendinous stiffness for downhill and body mass index for uphill running). All in all, our results further our understanding of the specific physiology of downhill vs uphill running and open the way to training applications in trail runners with the ultimate goal to optimize trail running performance.
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Aspekte der Modellierung des Tragverhaltens von Textilbeton unter biaxialer BeanspruchungBeyer, Frank R., Zastrau, Bernd W. January 2011 (has links)
Zur Bemessung und Simulation von flächigen Textilbetonstrukturen werden Berechnungsmodelle benötigt, die das Materialverhalten unter biaxialer Beanspruchung abbilden können. Für eindimensionale Strukturen existieren einige Modelle, zu deren Weiterentwicklung eine Erweiterung zur Abbildung des biaxialen Materialverhaltens vorgeschlagen wird. In diesem Beitrag werden die notwendigen Erweiterungen und deren Umsetzbarkeit bei der Modellierung diskutiert und bewertet. / For design and simulation of plane textile reinforced concrete structures mechanical models representing the material behaviour under biaxial loading are necessary. For one-dimensional structures several models were presented in the past. For their further development an extension for biaxial material behaviour is usually proposed. In this paper the required extensions are discussed and their feasibility for modelling is assessed.
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Skarvar i KL-träbjälklag : En teoretisk utvärdering av olika skarvtypers mekaniska- och kostnadsmässiga egenskaperLundstedt, Pontus January 2020 (has links)
I och med att klimatfrågan blir allt viktigare ökar även intresset för miljövänligt byggande. Förbyggnader av högre karaktär är förädlade träprodukter något som syns mer av på marknaden.Element av KL-trä, korslimmat trä, är en stabil träprodukt med stora användningsområden förhela byggnaden men dessa måste på något sätt förankras i varandra. För att få en djupareförståelse om hur förband i KL-trä verkar i en skarv utvärderar detta examensarbete totalt åtta(8) stycken olika skarvtyper teoretiskt, varav några mer ingående. De mekaniska- ochekonomiska egenskaperna jämförs för att bedöma bästa kapaciteten ochanvändningsområdet för olika bjälklag.De skarvar som beaktas är bland annat plywoodskarven där en plywoodremsa läggs ned i etturfräst spår i överkant längs KL-träskivans långsida. Halvt i halvt-skarven med urfräsning tillhalva djupet i över- och underkant för att passas ihop och rakskarv med skråskruvning. IRakskarv 2D skråskruvas skruven 45° i YZ-planet, Rakskarv 3D skruvas också i 45° men där vridsäven skruven 45° i XY-planet. Skarvarna behandlas för tillämpning i bjälklag för flerbostadshus,parkeringshus och tak. Genom att testa olika teoretiska beräkningsmetoder, från Eurokod ochvidare forskning inom ämnet, kontrollera hur dessa skiljer sig emot tidigare gjorda tester. Föratt jämföra skarvarnas kapacitet har en fem (5) meter lång skarv i en mindre konstruktion med200 mm tjocka KL-träskivor använts som referens. Fästdonen har begränsats till ett fåtal därvinkeln mot virkets yta varierar. Kostnaden för tillverkning, montage och fästdon sätts emotkapaciteten för att kunna jämföra vilken skarv som är mest kostnadseffektiv, då det alltid ären viktig fråga inom projekt.Kostnaden för Rakskarv 3D är 63 % av kostnaden för en Plywoodskarv 12 mm. För att klarapåfrestningen från tvärkraften behövs cirka 18 stycken SW-D-skruvar men upp emot 95stycken ankarspikar. Resultatet blev att den mest kostnadseffektiva skarven ur tillverkningochmontageperspektiv samt behovet av smide per löpmeter är Rakskarv 3D. För skarvtypermed SW-D skruv blir ofta den horisontella skjuvkraften dimensionerande då de vertikalakrafterna är lägre och utdragsbärförmågan är hög för dubbelgängad skruv. För bjälklag ibostäder är Rakskarv 2D att rekommendera, då den är en beprövad metod som har godkapacitet och är snabb att montera. Att också vrida skruvarna 0-45° i XY-planet, Rakskarv 3D,för att möta tvärkrafterna har positiv inverkan. Även för takbjälklag är rakskarven det bättrealternativet. Vad gäller parkeringsbjälklag rekommenderas också Rakskarv 3D även om Halvti halvt har likvärdiga mekaniska egenskaper på grund av pris och c/c-avstånd.Stora skillnader mellan beräkningsmetoder och tester framkommer för både kapacitet ochstyvhet. Vid horisontell skjuvning kan detta leda till att utfallet av brottmod, som normalt blir”f” enligt tester, blir fel. Högsta horisontella styvhet enligt beräkningarna har Halvt i halvt,däremot är enligt tester Rakskarv 3D den med högst styvhet. Utifrån detta kan man ifrågasättahur säkra beräkningsmetoderna verkligen är eller om variationen i träet för stora. Bortser manifrån att Rakskarv 3D får låga värden på kapaciteten enligt beräkningar och bara tittar tillutförda tester tillsammans med vetenskapliga publikationer är den allmänt ett bra val avskarvmetod. / As the climate issue becomes more important, the interest in environmentally friendlyconstruction also increases. For buildings of higher character, refined wood products aresomething that is more common at the market. Elements of cross-laminated timber (CLT) arestable wood products with large uses for the entire building, but these must in some way beanchored in each other. To gain a deeper understanding of how joints in CLT works, this thesisis evaluating a total of eight (8) different types of joints theoretically, some of which are moredetailed. The mechanical- and economical properties are compared to assess the best capacityand area of application for different slabs.The joints that are considered include the spline joint, where a plywood strip is laid down in amilled groove at the top along the long side of the CLT slab. Half-lap joint, with cut to halfdepth at top and bottom to fit together, and butt joint with screw in shear. In Butt joint 2D,the screw is screwed 45 ° in the YZ plane, Butt joint 3D is also screwed in 45 ° but the screw isalso turned 45 ° in the XY plane. The joints are treated for application in flooring for apartmentbuildings, parking garages and roofs. By testing different theoretical methods of calculation,from Eurocode and further research in the subject, check how these differ from previous tests.To compare the capacity of the joints, a five (5) meter long joint in a smaller structure with a200 mm thick CLT slab has been used as reference. The fasteners have been limited to a fewwhere the angle to the surface of the wood varies. The cost of production, assembly andfasteners is set against the capacity to be able to compare which joint is the most costeffective,as it is always an important issue within projects.The cost of a 3D joint is 63% of the cost of a 12 mm spline joint. In order to cope with the strainfrom the transverse force, about 18 SW-D screws are needed, but up to 95 anchor nails. Theresult was that the most cost-effective joint from the manufacturing- and assemblyperspective, as well as the need for fastener per meter was Butt joint 3D. For joint types withSW-D screws, the horizontal shear force is often dimensioned as the vertical forces are lowerand the withdrawal capacity is high for double threaded screws. For slab in homes, Butt joint2D is recommended, as it is a proven method that has good capacity and is quick to assemble.Also turning the screws 0-45 ° in the XY plane, like Butt joint 3D, to meet the transverse forceshas a positive effect. Even for roof joists, the butt joint is the better option. Regarding jointsin parking garages, Butt joint 3D is also recommended even though Half-lap joint has similarmechanical characteristics due to the price and c/c- distances.Differences between calculation methods and tests appear for both capacity and stiffness.Horizontal shear can result in wrong type of failure, which normally becomes "f" according totests. The highest horizontal stiffness according to the calculations has Half-lap joint, however,according to tests Butt joint 3D is the one with the highest stiffness. Based on this, one canquestion how accurate the calculation methods really are or whether the variation in wood istoo great. Apart from the fact that Butt joint 3D receives low values of capacity according tocalculations and only looks at tests carried out together with scientific publications, it isgenerally a good choice of joint method.
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Analysis of underground concrete pipelines subjected to seismic high-frequency loadsAbbasiverki, Roghayeh January 2016 (has links)
Buried pipelines are tubular structures that are used for transportation of important liquid materials and gas in order to provide safety for human life. During an earthquake, imposed loads from soil deformations on concrete pipelines may cause severe damages, possibly causing disturbance in vital systems, such as cooling of nuclear power facilities. The high level of safety has caused a demand for reliable seismic analyses, also for structures built in the regions that have not traditionally been considered as highly seismically active. The focus in this study is on areas with seismic and geological conditions corresponding to those in Sweden and Northern Europe. Earthquakes in Sweden for regions with hard rock dominated by high-frequency ground vibrations, Propagation of such high-frequency waves through the rock mass and soil medium affect underground structures such as pipelines. The aim of this project is investigating parameters that affect response of buried pipelines due to high-frequency seismic excitations. The main focus of the study is on reinforced concrete pipelines. Steel pipelines are also studied for comparison purposes. The effects of water mass, burial depth, soil layer thickness and non-uniform ground thickness caused by inclined bedrock are studied. The results are compared to those obtained for low-frequency earthquakes and the relationship between strong ground motion parameters and pipelines response is investigated. It is shown that, especially for high frequency earthquake excitations, non-uniform ground thickness due to inclined bedrock significantly increase stresses in the pipelines. For the conditions studied, it is clear that high-frequency seismic excitation is less likely to cause damage to buried concrete pipelines. However, the main conclusion is that seismic analysis is motivated also for pipelines in high-frequency earthquake areas since local variation in the ground conditions can have a significant effect on the safety. / Nedgrävda rörledningar (pipelines) är rörformiga strukturer som används för transport av viktiga flytande material och gas för att säkerhetsställa samhälleliga funktioner. Denna typ av infrastruktursystem korsar stora områden med olika geologiska förhållanden. Under en jordbävning kan markdeformationer påverka rörledningar av betong vilka kan få allvarliga skador som i sin tur kan leda till störningar i vitala system, såsom till exempel kylning av kärnkraftsanläggningar. Den höga säkerhetsnivå som eftersträvas ger upphov till ett behov av tillförlitliga seismiska analyser, även för strukturer som byggs i regioner som traditionellt inte har ansetts som seismiskt aktiva. Fokus i denna licentiatuppsats ligger på områden med seismiska och geologiska villkor som motsvarar de i Sverige och norra Europa. Jordbävningar i Sverige klassas som händelser inom en tektonisk platta som för regioner med hårt berg kan resultera i jordbävningar som domineras av högfrekventa markvibrationer. Sådana högfrekventa vågor propagerar genom bergmassa och jordmaterial och kan där påverka underjordiska strukturer såsom rörledningar. Syftet med detta projekt är att undersöka vilka parametrar som har stor påverkan på nedgrävda rörledningar som utsätts för högfrekventa seismiska vibrationer. Tyngdpunkten i studien är på rörledningar av armerad betong men stålledningar studeras också i jämförande syfte. Två-dimensionella finita elementmodeller används, utvecklade för dynamisk analys av rörledningar belastas av seismiska vågor som propagerar från berggrunden genom jorden. Modellerna beskriver båda längsgående och tvärgående snitt av rörledningar. Samspelet mellan rörledningar och omgivande jord beskrivs av en icke-linjär modell. De studerade rörledningarna antas vara omgivna av friktionsjord med stor, medel eller liten styvhet. Effekterna av vattenmassa i rören, grundläggningsdjup, jordlagrens tjocklek och varierande jordtjocklek på grund av lutande berggrund studeras. Det visas hur två-dimensionella modellerbaserade på plan töjning kan användas för seismisk analys av rörledningar med cirkulära tvärsnitt. Resultaten jämförs med de som erhållits för lågfrekventa jordbävningar och förhållandet mellan markrörelseparametrar och responsen hos rörledningar undersöks. Det visas att den naturliga frekvensen för modellerna beror av jordtyp, tjocklek och variation hos jordlagret. Det visas att, särskilt för högfrekventa jordbävningar, olikformigt varierande markdjup på grund av lutande berggrund avsevärt ökar spänningarna i rörledningarna. För de förhållanden som studerats är det klart att det är mindre sannolikt att högfrekvent seismisk belastning ska orsaka skador på nedgrävda rörledningar av betong. Dock är den viktigaste slutsatsen att seismisk analys ändå motiveras, även för rörledningar i områden där jordbävningar med högt frekvensinnehåll förekommer eftersom lokala variationer i markförhållanden kan ha en betydande inverkan på säkerheten. / <p>QC 20161014</p>
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Simulation of Lower Limb Muscle Activity During Inclined Slope Walking / Simulering av muskelaktivering för nedre extremiteten vid gång i lutningArumuganainar, Ganesh Prasanth January 2019 (has links)
Robotic exoskeletons are designed to assist patients with motor dysfunctions. Recent researches focus on extending the robotic assistance to patient activities other than ground level walking. This study aims to analyse the lower limb muscle activity during inclined slope walking contrasting with that of ground level walking. Two different angles of inclination were chosen: 9 degrees and 18 degrees. 9 degrees inclined slope is the universal ramp size for wheelchairs. The hypothesis is that muscle activation, and ultimately metabolic cost, in inclined slope walking is different from that of ground level walking. Collected motion data and simulation in OpenSim prove that the difference in metabolic cost is because of increased activity of ankle dorsiflexors and hip extensors and reduced activity of knee extensors. Finally, muscle activities along with other criteria such as kinematic alignment and joint range of motion are summed up as biomechanical considerations for robotic exoskeleton design.
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Global Analysis and design of a complex slanted High-Rise Building with Tube Mega FrameAl-Nassrawi, Hamzah, Tsamis, Grigorios January 2017 (has links)
The need for tall buildings will increase in the future and new building techniques will emerge to full fill that need. Tyrénshas developed a new structural system called Tube Mega Frame where the major loads are transferred to the ground through big columns located in the perimeter of the building. The new concept has the advantage of eliminating the core inside the heart of the building but furthermore gives countless possibilities and flexibility for a designer. The elimination of the central core, plus the multiformity the Tube Mega Frame, can result new building shapes if combined with new inventions like the Multi elevator Thussenkrupp developed. Multi is a new elevator system with the ability to move in all directions apart from vertically. In this thesis research of the possible combinations between TMF and Multi was conducted. The building shaped resulted is only one of the many possible outcomes which the mix of Multi and TMF can have. The building was constructed in a way so the TMF would be the main structural system, the building would have inclinations so the multi elevator would be the only elevator appropriate for the structure and the height would be significantly large. The pre-study focused on the inclination and its particularities. The inclination played a significant role on how the inner forces were distributed in a structure. Under special circumstances the inclination could be even beneficial although inclination could result in axial forces on the slabs so the horizontal elements should be designed thoroughly not only for bending or shear but also for axial loading. The next phase was experimenting on different simple shaped buildings and combinations of them. The conclusions on the simple buildings formed the idea on how the main building would be. The main building was modeled using four different structural systems and their subcategories with seven models in total. Totally seven systems were compared in load combinations for wind, dead, live, and seismic loads and the global behavior was studied. The model comparison included maximum deformations and modes of vibrations. This way the best structural systems were discovered for the specific building shape and conclusions on inclination into a structure were made. The best structural systems and more reliable in terms of results but also in simplicity of construction were chosen to be designed in ETABS. The 50m belt system, the outside braces system and the diagrid system were designed. The design of the buildings was conducted using the American code ASCE /SEI 7-10. In the design two different mega columns were used to study how a solid or hollow cross section can affect the global behavior. Depending on the structural system the mega column had a major or minor effect on the stiffness of the structure. The design of the cross sections was divided in many groups since the complex geometry had an impact on how and where forces arised in the structure. The outside brace system had the best results in terms of less weight and global stiffness proving that in inclined building and columns with the correct bracing and triangulation of elements could extinguish the negative effects of inclination and even perform better compared to conventional buildings. The 50-belt system was furthermore studied in buckling since it was one of the best structural systems but with the least bracing, but also the least complex in terms of construction method. The automated buckling through ETABS was conducted and a more conservative approach where the user is defining the buckling length and support factors was used. In addition, a comparison between the user defined factors and global buckling was conducted. / Behovet av höga byggnader kommer att öka i framtiden och ny byggteknik kommer att uppfylla detta behov. Tyréns har utvecklat ett nytt konstruktionssystem som kallas Tube Mega Frame där de stora lasterna överförs till marken genom stora pelare i byggnadens omkrets. Det nya konceptet har fördelen att eliminera kärnan inuti byggnadens hjärta, men ger dessutom otaliga möjligheter och flexibilitet för en konstruktör. Avlägsnandet av den centrala kärnan, plus mångfalden av Tube Mega Frame, kan resultera i nya byggnadsformer i kombination med nya uppfinningar som Multi Lift ThyssenKrupphar utvecklat. Multi är ett nytt hissystem med möjlighet att röra sig i alla riktningar bortsett från vertikalt. I denna uppsats genomfördes forskning om möjliga kombinationer med TMF och Multi. Den formgivna byggnaden är bara ett av de många möjliga resultaten som blandningen av Multi och TMF kan ha. Byggnaden byggdes på ett sätt att TMF skulle vara det huvudsakliga struktursystemet, byggnaden skulle ha lutningar så att Multi skulle vara den enda lösning som är lämplig för konstruktionen och höjden skulle vara betydligt stor. Förstudien fokuserade på lutningen och dess särdrag. Lutningen spelar en viktig roll för hur de inre krafterna fördelas i en struktur. Under speciella förhållanden kan lutningen vara till och med fördelaktig, även om lutning kan resultera i axiella krafter på plattorna så att de horisontella elementen måste utformas noggrant, inte bara för böjning eller skjuvning. Nästa fas var att experimentera på olika enkla lutande bygg former och kombinationer av dem. Slutsatserna från dessa enkla byggnaderna bildade tanken på hur huvudbyggnaden skulle vara. Huvudbyggnaden modellerades med fyra olika strukturella system och deras underkategorier med totalt sju modeller. Hela sju system jämfördes i lastkombinationer med vind last, seismisk last, egenvikt, nyttig last och det globala beteendet studerades. Modellens jämförelse inkluderade maximala deformationer och vibrationer. På detta sätt upptäcktes de bästa strukturella systemen för den specifika byggformen och slutsatser om lutning i en struktur gjordes. De bästa strukturella systemen och mer tillförlitliga vad gäller resultat men också avseende enkel konstruktion valdes att utformas i ETABS. 50 m Bältessystemet, det yttre Bäcksystemet och Diagridsystemet konstruerades. Utformningen av byggnaderna utfördes med användning av den amerikanska normen ASCE / SEI 7–10. I designen användes två olika megapelare för att studera hur en solid eller ihålig tvärsektion kunde påverka det globala beteendet. Beroende på konstruktionssystemet kunde megapelaren ha en större eller mindre effekt på strukturens styvhet. Tvärsnittens konstruktion var uppdelad i många grupper eftersom komplexa geometrin har en inverkan på hur och där krafter uppstår i strukturen. Utvändiga stödsystem hade de bästa resultaten när det gäller mindre vikt och global styvhet, vilket viste att i lutande byggnader och pelare kunde den korrekta förstärkningen och trianguleringen av element skilja de negativa effekterna av lutning och till och med fungera bättre jämfört med konventionella byggnader. 50-bältesystemet studerades vidare förknäckning, eftersom det var ett av de bästa konstruktionssystemen, men med minst fackverk, men också det minst komplexa med avseende på konstruktionsmetod. Den automatiska knäckning analysgenom ETABS genomfördes och ett mer konservativt tillvägagångssätt där användaren definierar knäcklängden och stödfaktorerna. Dessutom genomfördes en jämförelse mellan de användardefinierade faktorerna och global knäckning.
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Behaviour of inclined, tapered and STS square CFST stub columns subjected to axial loadLam, Dennis, Dai, Xianghe, Han, L-H., Ren, Q-X., Li, W. January 2012 (has links)
This paper describes the finite element method using ABAQUS to model the axial compressive behaviour of inclined, tapered and straight-tapered-straight (STS) concrete filled steel tubular stub (CFST) columns with square hollow sections. The accuracy of the numerical model was verified by comparing the numerical predictions with experimental study of the 200×200×3.75 RHS filled with C60 concrete with inclined angle of 0-9° and tapered angle of 0-4°. The results show that the compressive behaviours, load vs. strain relationship and failure mode predicted by the numerical simulations were agreeable with experimental results. After the validation, a parametric study was performed with 3 typical steel hollow sections (200×200×3.75 RHS, 300×300×6.3 RHS and 400×400×8.0 RHS) and extended the inclined angle and tapered angle to 0-15° and 0-12° respectively. The parametric study highlights some of the behaviour observed in test and extends the application range. In addition, reduction factor for calculating the axial capacity of this form of CFST columns are proposed.
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Satellite multiple access protocols for land mobile terminals. A study of the multiple access environment for land mobile satellite terminals, including the design analysis and simulation of a suitable protocol and the evaluation of its performance in a U.K. system.Fenech, Hector T. January 1987 (has links)
This thesis is a study of multiple access schemes for satellite land
mobile systems that provide a domestic or regional service to a large
number of small terminals.
Three orbit options are studied, namely the geostationary, elliptical
(Molniya) and inclined circular orbits. These are investigated for
various mobile applications and the choice of the Molniya orbit is
justified for a U. K. system.
Frequency, Time and Code Division Multiple Access (FDMA, TDMA and
CDMA) are studied and their relative merits in the mobile environment
are highlighted. A hybrid TDMA/FDMA structure is suggested for a
large system.
Reservation ALOHA schemes are appraised in a TDMA environment and an
adaptive reservation multiple access protocol is proposed and analysed
for a wide range of mobile communication traffic profiles. The system
can cope with short and long data messages as well as voice calls.
Various protocol options are presented and a target system having
100,000 users is considered. Analyses are presented for the steady
state of protocols employing pure and slotted ALOHA and for the
stabilty of the slotted variant, while simulation techniques were
employed to validate the steady state analysis of the slotted ALOHA
protocol and to analyse the stability problem of the pure ALOHA
An innovative technique is put forward to integrate the reservation
and the acquisition processes. It employs the geographical spread of
the users to form part of the random delay in P-ALOHA.
Finally an economic feasibility study is performed for the spacesegment.
For costs of capital (r) less than 23 % the discounted
payback period is less than the project's lifetime (10 years). At r-
8% the payback period is about 5.6 years, while the internal-rate-of-return
is 22.2 %. The net present value at the end of the projects
lifetime is £M 70 at r-8%.
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Computer model to simulate truck accidents on exit rampsPajjuri, Srinivas Reddy 18 August 2009 (has links)
Though the trucks consist of only 3% of the total registered vehicles in the United States, truck accidents have been a major concern due to the property damage and loss of lives involved. Growth trends show that the truck travel will reach 1 trillion vehicle miles by the end of the year 2000. This increase in truck travel poses a major threat to the safety of both passenger cars and trucks. To improve the safety of the trucks as well as the passenger cars, understanding of the factors affecting the truck safety is essential. Models developed in the past were mostly regression models which tried to relate the truck accidents to the geometry of the highways. But most of these models did not consider all the factors affecting the safety of the trucks. Simulation models were developed in the past to study the dynamic vehicle response to different highway geometry especially, on exit ramps where most of the rollover accidents occur every year. But not enough research was done in the past on the weather and surface conditions affecting the truck safety.
The objective of this study is to develop a graphics-based computer simulation model to test the trucks for different geometric features, surface conditions, and truck characteristics on exit ramps and to gain a better understanding of the factors affecting the safety of the trucks.
A high-level simulation language SIMSCRIPTII.5 was used in the study to develop a simulation model. To make the model is to understand, graphical windows and animation were included in the model. Three exit ramps were tested in this model. Two of these ramps are existing ramps in southwestern Virginia and they had rollover accidents reported on them in the past. The parameters and other surface and geometric conditions can be changed at any time during the simulation. The model indicated that deceleration lengths provided may not be sufficient for heavy trucks traveling at higher speeds to reduce their speeds to the safe speed limits on the ramps. The posted speed limits may not be suitable for heavy trucks especially when the surface is not dry. The model also indicated that the tractor-semitrailers are more exposed to rollovers than any other type of trucks. / Master of Science
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Separação gravitacional de gás em um duto anular inclinado: estudo experimental e modelagem fenomenológica / Gravitational gas separation in an inclined annular channel: experimental study and phenomenological modelingVidal, Luis Enrique Ortiz 22 April 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo associado à separação de gás para escoamento gás-líquido em um duto anular inclinado. Esse tipo de escoamento e geometria são encontrados em separadores de gás do tipo shroud invertido na indústria de petróleo quando utilizadas técnicas de bombeamento para a exploração de poços. A presença de gás livre a montante da bomba é uma das maiores limitações dos sistemas de bombeamento, por acarretar cavitação e falhas dinâmicas nos equipamentos. O presente estudo tem por objetivo garantir a separação total de gás livre a montante da bomba através da proposição de um separador do tipo shroud invertido em tubulação inclinada para aplicação na exploração de petróleo em poços direcionais. Um estudo experimental com ar e água como fluidos de trabalho a pressão quase atmosférica foi desenvolvido visando a compreensão da fenomenologia do separador shroud invertido. Foram observados escoamentos em duto anular do tipo: bifásico gás-líquido ascendente, monofásico em canal livre e bifásico gás-líquido descendente devido ao fenômeno de aeração; foram coletados também dados de eficiência de separação em função do ângulo de inclinação, vazão do líquido e queda de pressão entre o shroud e a saída do tubo de produção. Encontrou-se uma variável de extrema importância no fenômeno de separação até agora não reportada na literatura: o nível do anular interno do shroud (NAI). Um modelo fenomenológico que prevê a separação total do gás foi desenvolvido a partir da interpretação dos fenômenos físicos observados experimentalmente. Uma correlação inédita para a modelagem do fenômeno de dissipação de energia cinética turbulenta vinculado à separação do gás é proposta. O modelo foi validado qualitativamente com dados da literatura e ajustado com os dados coletados neste trabalho, mostrando boa concordância. / This paper presents a study associated with gas separation in an inclined gas-liquid annular-duct flow. This type of flow and geometry are found in shroud-inverted gas separators applied to petroleum industries when using pumping technique for oil production. High void fraction at the pump suction of is one of the most important limitations of the SCP technique, causing cavitation and dynamics failures in the equipment. The present study aims to provide a solution for the total gas separation through the use of an innovative inclined inverted-shroud separator for directional wells. An experimental study, where air and water at near atmospheric pressure constituted the working fluids, was carried out to understand the phenomenology of the inclined inverted-shroud separator. Different annular-duct flows were observed: upward gas-liquid flow, single-phase open channel flow, downward gas-liquid flow due to the phenomenon of aeration; also new data of separation efficiency were collected as a function of inclination angle, liquid flow rate and pressure drop between the shroud and production pipe outlet. One of the most significant findings is that the liquid level of the inner annular channel (NAI) of the shroud is a very important variable in the phenomenon of separation; so far this was not reported in the literature. Based on the observations, a phenomenological model that predicts total gas separation is proposed. A new correlation for the modeling of the dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy associated with the gas separation is presented. The model was qualitatively compared with available data from the literature and quantitatively adjusted against the new experimental data obtained in this work, and the agreement was quite good.
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