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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Separação amorosa e individuação feminina: uma abordagem em grupo de mulheres no enfoque da psicologia analítica / Separation from love relationships and womens individuation: an approach into a group of women in the focus of the Analytical Psychology

Silvana Parisi 22 May 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a compreensão da separação amorosa vivenciada pela mulher de meia idade relacionada ao processo de individuação através de um trabalho realizado em grupo vivencial sob o enfoque da Psicologia Analítica. O método utilizado na pesquisa foi qualitativo sob a perspectiva simbólico arquetípica. Foram realizados oito encontros de grupo com sete participantes na faixa etária de quarenta a cinqüenta e cinco anos que estavam vivenciando uma separação amorosa. No grupo foram utilizados recursos expressivos, contos e mitos para favorecer a elaboração simbólica. A partir do material coletado observou-se uma grande diversidade de experiências em relação à perda como sentimentos de tristeza, solidão, desamparo, raiva, desejos de vingança, sensação de vazio e desorganização. Um tema comum manifestado pelas participantes foi a sensação de perda de identidade no relacionamento anterior ou em decorrência da separação. Identificou-se que esta perda estava associada a conteúdos inconscientes projetados no parceiro e na conjugalidade que ainda não haviam sido reintegrados à consciência. Verificou-se que em alguns casos a identidade estava alicerçada no vínculo simbiótico mantido com o parceiro. Reconhecer a raiva que estava na sombra do relacionamento, recolher as projeções depositadas no parceiro e ter que enfrentar a solidão se revelaram como oportunidades de diferenciação necessárias ao processo de individuação. Na compreensão dos dados, foi utilizado o referencial de mitos e contos para estabelecer algumas amplificações e analogias. Alguns padrões arquetípicos femininos mostraram estar ativados ou negligenciados na psique das participantes: a traição acionou uma Hera raivosa e vingativa em algumas mulheres, enquanto Afrodite parecia abandonada pelo desinteresse manifestado por algumas participantes para novos relacionamentos. Por outro lado a separação constelou arquétipos de deusas mais independentes em algumas mulheres que investem em trabalho e estudos. Observou-se que a temática da descida ao mundo inferior expressa nos mitos de Inana e de Core-Perséfone era constelada na vivência depressiva de algumas participantes, uma experiência necessária à elaboração do luto e ao enraizamento no Self feminino simbolizado pelo encontro com a deusa escura reprimida na cultura patriarcal. O grupo vivencial se mostrou eficaz para favorecer a elaboração do luto pela perda amorosa através da criação de um espaço ritual, permitindo a constelação de uma nova coniunctio. Os recursos expressivos e os contos e mitos utilizados facilitaram a expressão simbólica das participantes e mobilizaram as forças curativas da psique para iniciar a cicatrização das feridas ocasionadas pela perda. Constatou-se no grupo uma apropriação da própria trajetória de vida possibilitando assumir a responsabilidade pelo processo de individuação. São sugeridos novos estudos e o desenvolvimento de trabalhos em grupos vivenciais de mulheres e também de homens para lidar com a separação amorosa em consultórios e instituições de saúde, visando contribuir para a área de relações de gênero. / This thesis sought to understand the separation from a love relationship as experienced by middle-aged women related to the individuation process through experiential group work in the focus of Analytical Psychology. The method used in the research was qualitative, under a symbolic archetypal perspective. Eight group meetings were held with seven participants aged from forty to fifty-five who were undergoing separation from love relationships. Expressive resources, tales and myths were used in the group in order to favor the symbolic development. The material gathered showed a large diversity of experiences in relation to the loss, such as feelings of sadness, solitude, distress, anger, wishes of revenge, a feeling of emptiness and derangement. A common matter expressed by the participants was the feeling of loss of identity in the past relationship or as a result of the separation. It was identified that this loss was associated to unconscious contents projected in the partner and in the conjugality that had not yet rejoined their consciousness. It was verified that, in some cases, the identity was grounded on the symbiotic relationship had with the partner. To recognize the anger that was in the shadows of the relationship, to bring in the projections deposited in the partner and have to face solitude revealed to be opportunities of differentiation that are necessary for the individuation process. The referential of myths and tales was used in the understanding of the data, in order to establish some expansions and analogies. Some feminine archetypal standards were shown to be activated or neglected in the psyche of the participants: betrayal turned some women into an angry and vengeful Hera, while Aphrodite looked abandoned by the lack of interest for new relationships expressed by some participants. On the other hand, the separation constellated archetypes of more independent goddesses in some women who invest on their career and education. It was noted that the thematic of the descent to the underworld expressed in the myths of Inanna and Core-Persephone was constellated on the depressive life experience of some participants, a necessary experience for the elaboration of mourning and rooting into their feminine Self, symbolized by the meeting with the dark goddess repressed in the patriarchal culture. The experiential group was shown to be efficient to favor the elaboration of mourning for the loss of their love mate through the creation of a ritual space, allowing the constellation of a new coniunctio. The expressive resources and tales and myths used facilitated the symbolic expression and mobilized the healing forces of the psyche to start the healing of the wounds caused by the loss. The group demonstrated an appropriation of their own trajectories of life, allowing them to take responsibility for the individuation process. New studies are suggested, as well as the development of experiential group work with women and man to handle the separation from love relationships in clinical settings and health institutions, seeking to contribute to the gender relationship area.

Despertando a mente de iluminação: o processo de individuação de praticantes budistas tibetanos segundo suas histórias orais de vida / Awakening the mind of enlightenment: the process of individuation of Tibetan Buddhism practitioners according to their oral histories

Elisabete Freire Magalhães 13 April 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa busca elucidar aspectos do processo de individuação de praticantes de budismo tibetano, por meio de entrevistas em história oral de vida. A história oral, nesta pesquisa, é concebida como um corte epistemológico que se situa na interface entre diferentes campos do saber, como a psicologia analítica, a psicanálise, a história, dentre outros. Buscamos discutir o processo de transformação da personalidade, denominado por Jung de processo de individuação, no contexto da prática budista tibetana, considerada um marco biográfico para seus praticantes. Adotamos nesta pesquisa os pressupostos metodológicos e éticos da história oral, e também da pesquisa simbólica, tal como concebida por Jung. A prática budista tibetana na contemporaneidade dá-se no contexto pós-diáspora, quando, a partir de 1959, o Tibete foi invadido e ocupado pelos chineses. Indagamo-nos em que medida o budismo tibetano pode ou não oferecer elementos que auxiliem o indivíduo a se perceber em um processo alinhado ao Self e, ao mesmo tempo, inserido na comunidade humana, podendo nela se engajar e se comprometer com sua melhoria. Consideramos, em nossa discussão, aspectos do ego, do Self, da sombra e da persona, a metanoia, as dinâmicas de inflação e alienação egoica e também a ativação da função religiosa da psique. Ensejamos discutir os aspectos relativos à transformação da personalidade nos quais está implicado um processo de abertura crescente da consciência. Consideramos os complexos, as defesas do ego, sua sombra, e também sua capacidade de fazer mediações e escolhas. Os processos descritos são inerentes à condição humana e fazem parte do desenvolvimento e diferenciação da consciência. Nossos entrevistados, de algum modo, associam a prática budista à possibilidade de viver esse processo de maneira mais condizente com sua personalidade. A discussão acerca da dimensão ética no relacionamento guru-discípulo fez-se necessária, revelando-se um fator importante no processo de desenvolvimento do praticante, pois, no cerne da confissão budista tibetana, está a prática de \"devoção ao guru\". Outra questão abordada nas entrevistas diz respeito ao futuro do budismo tibetano. Alguns entrevistados, em suas elaborações, tecem possibilidades de continuidade do budismo articuladas principalmente ao processo de transformação e desenvolvimento da personalidade, em detrimento dos aspectos ritualísticos. Entrevistamos cinco praticantes budistas, dentre os quais, dois monges de nacionalidade tibetana, um lama estadunidense residente no Brasil há mais de vinte anos e duas praticantes budistas brasileiras. Os praticantes budistas tibetanos nascidos no ocidente estão inseridos no contexto budista há mais de vinte e cinco anos; os monges, por sua vez, forjaram sua personalidade no contexto budista / This research seeks to discuss aspects of the individuation process of Tibetan Buddhism practitioners, through oral history interviews. The oral history, in this research, lies on the interface between different fields of knowledge, such as Analytical Psychology, Psychoanalysis and History. We seek to discuss the transformation of personality process, which, according to Jung, is called individuation process. The individuation process is considered in the context of the Tibetan Buddhism practice, considered a biographical turning point by its practitioners. In this research, we adopted the Oral History and Symbolic Research methodological principals and considered their ethical bases. The Tibetan Buddhism practice in contemporaneity takes place on the post-diaspora context, when, from 1959 on, Tibet was invaded and taken over by the Chinese. We ask in this research to which extent the Tibetan Buddhism may or may not offer elements that help the individual perceive himself in an aligned process to the Self and, at the same time, inserted in the human community, being able to engage in it and commit to its improvement. We took into consideration, in our discussion, aspects of the ego, the Self, the shadow and the persona, the metanoia, the dynamics of egoic inflation and egoic alienation and, also, the activation of the religious function of the psyque. We seek to discuss the aspects relative to the transformation of personality, in which a process of consciousness development is implied. We considered the complexes, the ego defenses, its shadow and also the egos ability to mediate and make choices. The processes described here are inherent to the human condition and they are part of the development and differentiation of consciousness. All our interviewees somehow associate the Buddhist practice to the possibility of going through this process in a way that is more consistent to their personality. The discussion regarding the ethical dimension on the guru-disciple relationship was necessary due to the fact that it is an important factor in the developing process of the practitioner, for the practice of \"guru devotion\" is an essential aspect of the Tibetan Buddhism religion. The future of the Tibetan Buddhism is another issue which is discussed in the interviews. Some of the interviewees associate the continuation of Tibetan Buddhism linked mainly to the process of transformation and development of personality, instead of focusing on the ritual aspects. We interviewed five Tibetan Buddhists, among which, two Tibetan monks, one lama born in the U.S. and living in Brazil for more than twenty years and two Brazilian female Buddhists. The Tibetan Buddhism practitioners who were born in the West have been in the Buddhist context for more than twenty-five years, whereas the monks built their personalities in the Buddhist context

Corpo deficiente e individuação: um olhar sobre pessoas com deficiência física adquirida a partir da psicoterapia breve de orientação junguiana / Deficient body and individuation: a look on people whith acquired physical deficiency through brief psychoterapy of junguian orientation

Sandra Regina Rodrigues 20 March 2009 (has links)
O conceito de individuação, proposto por Carl G. Jung, estabelece que o indivíduo, como um ser continuum, em conexão com seu Self é guiado a uma jornada rumo à sua plenitude. Assim, esse processo é interminável e ocorre na vida de todas as pessoas, desde seu nascimento. Quando uma pessoa sofre algum dano que interfere nesse caminho, a oportunidade de mudanças em vários âmbitos se presentifica, sendo importante que o ego integre essa experiência, ocorrendo uma simbolização psíquica. Neste estudo, busco avaliar como o processo de individuação pode ocorrer de forma criativa em pessoas que adquiriram uma deficiência física motora, podendo ser esta propiciadora de modificações necessárias para a promoção de ampliação da consciência. Para isso, utilizo como recurso metodológico narrativas de intervenções psicoterápicas de três pacientes por mim atendidos em psicoterapia breve em centros de reabilitação para pessoas com deficiência física. As causas e os diagnósticos das deficiências são distintos, sendo uma mulher vítima de acidente vascular cerebral, um homem tetraplégico e uma paciente com amputação transfemural. A partir dos meus relatos das intervenções, busquei refletir sobre alguns elementos que se evidenciaram durante o acompanhamento e que me auxiliaram no embasamento de uma psicoterapia breve de abordagem junguiana. Os eixos visualizados durante o processo psicoterápico referemse a: apropriação da persona do deficiente físico e integração criativa dos aspectos sombrios que caracterizam a perda física; corpo deficiente como símbolo da maneira de se relacionar com o mundo e consigo mesmo; análise do destino que vinha se configurando em contraposição às alterações propiciadas pela deficiência e retomada do caminho engendrado pelo Self, a partir da assimilação criativa da deficiência ao cotidiano. Coloco-me como terapeuta-narradora das intervenções psicoterápicas desses pacientes sob a ótica da psicologia analítica, utilizando como referencial literário a escritora Clarice Lispector, cuja obra se delineia sobre a ficção trágica de contos baseados em histórias de vida. Os resultados observados refletem a importância de um trabalho multidisciplinar no acompanhamento a essas pessoas e na possibilidade de se resgatar o caminho configurado previamente, embora com modificações importantes simbolizadas no corpo limitado. / The concept of individuation, proposed by Carl G. Jung, establishes that a person, as a continuum being, in connection with its Self is guided to a journey to its fullness. Thus, this is an endless process and occurs in everyone\'s life, since birth. When a person suffers trauma that interferes with this journey, the opportunity of changes in multiple scopes is present, and it is important that the ego integrates this experience, occurring a psychic symbolization. In this study, I try to evaluate how the individuation process can occur in a creative form to people with acquired motor physical deficiency, which may bring necessary modifications for the promotion of an amplification of the conscience. So, as methodological resourse, I took narratives of psychotherapic interventions of three patients atended under brief psychotherapy in different physical rehabilitationcenters. The etiologies and the types of deficiencies are distinct: a woman with cerebral vascular event sequel, a tetraplégic man and a another woman with transfemural amputation. Based on the reports of interventions, I tried to reflect on some elements highlighted during the treatment of those patients, which. helped me to apply a brief junguian psychotherapy. The cores detected during the psychotherapic process refer to: appropriation of physical deficient persona and creative integration of the shady aspects that characterize physical loss; deficient body as symbol of the relationship with the world and himself; the analysis of destiny that was being configured in contraposition to alterations resulting from deficiency, and the return to the way produced by the Self, from the creative assimilation of deficiency to the daily life. I have placed myself as therapist-narrator of those patients psychotherapic interventions under analytical psychology view, using as referencial literary the writer Clarice Lispector, whose publications are delineated on the tragic story fiction based on real life histories. The observed results the need for a multidisciplinary approach to this kind of patients and for the possibility of rescuing the way configured previously, even so with symbolized important modifications in the impaired body.

A rediscovery of the individual in family therapy : a case study

Radomsky, Lynne 10 April 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Clinical Psychology) / In families, almost no interaction is simply the result of group processes. Even when the process of interaction seems to take on a life of its own, it is the product of personalities, persons conscious of the possibilities of interactions. A perusal of the current literature reveals a move toward the reintroduction of the individual and his/her possibilities into the system. The insistence of a focus on family dynamics, while providing a sharpened awareness of relationships and interactive patterns, resulted in selective absorption and the tendency to ignore individual family matters. In this thesis it is suggested that there is a need for the reintroduction of the individual into family therapy practice. This approach is based on the discovery in a number of therapies, that different individual family members were reacting differently to the same intervention. A detailed case example is presented to illustrate this approach. The study questions the need for all family members to be present" in each therapy session. Furthermore, the study describes concurrent individual therapy processes with individual members of the family and the resulting systemic changes that were observed. Family therapy has demonstrated that it is important to consider relational as well as individual realities in evaluating health and dysfunction. Implications for therapy and treatment anslnq from this study include the need for a broader view which takes into account the realities of all members of the problem determined system. In conclusion, the author warns against the dangers of focusing on any single viewpoint. A lack of respect for the realities of all members of the professional family system, and adherence to a single perspective may in fact perpetuate the trauma and contribute to the distress of the family.

Why Do Individuals Act Fairly Or Unfairly? An Examination Of Psychological And Situational Antecedents Of Organizational Justice

Ganegoda, Deshani B 01 January 2012 (has links)
Most studies on organizational justice have focused on individuals’ reactions to justice. As such, a key question has been left largely unanswered: Why do individuals act fairly or unfairly? The present research adopted a person-situation interactionist approach (Trevino, 1986) to examine psychological and situational antecedents of individuals’ fair behavior. The social identity model of deindividuation (SIDE; Reicher, Spears, & Postmes, 1995) and side-bet theory of continuance commitment (Becker, 1960) was used to examine how organizational identification and continuance commitment might influence employees’ fair or unfair behavior depending on an organization’s justice climate. Based on SIDE, it was hypothesized that organizational identification relates positively to employees’ feelings of deindividuation. Based on side-bet theory, it was further hypothesized that employees’ continuance commitment relates positively to their adoption of a subordinate role. Both deindividuation and adoption of a subordinate role were argued to make employees more susceptible to external influences and, therefore, make individuals more likely to behave in ways that are normative in a given context. Individuals who have higher levels of continuance commitment and organizational identification were, therefore, argued to engage in fair or unfair behavior depending on the level of the justice climate and the strength of the justice climate of their workgroup. The results of three studies provided support for the majority of hypotheses. Theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.

The mark of a silent language : the way the body-mind draws

Gunter, Elizabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The thesis deals with the notion that individuation in drawing provides visible evidence of experiential cognition as embodied action. It asserts that trait as enaction signifies constructive and inventive processes that involve the body-mind. Trait emerges as nonrepresentationist, non-expressive component of drawing that marks the pre-conceptual as conceptual. Therefore, drawing functions as a complex interface between drafter and world that unifies antimonies such as inside and outside; convention and invention; remoteness and intimacy; body and mind; and subject and object. The thesis outlines drawing as a self-reflexive research process that constructs and invents. An understanding of trait as invention, the thesis proposes, can aid the drawing facilitator at higher education level to develop individual student drafters’ creativity. The thesis therefore argues for a form of drawing facilitation that is responsive to the complex interaction between the self and the world. Responsive mediation develops and celebrates diversity in socio-cultural heritage, personal history, and individual differences. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die idee dat verpersoonlikte trekke in tekenkuns sigbare aanduiding van enaktiewe vergestalting van kognisie is, vorm die onderwerp van hierdie tesis. Die tesis stel dit dat vergestaltende ervaringskognisie, as die tekenaar se ervaringsbetrokkenheid, geïndividueerde begrip, vaardigheid, sintese en betekenisvorming moontlik maak en ontwikkel. Verpersoonlikte trekke in tekenkuns blyk van non-representatiewe en non-ekspressiewe oorsprong te wees aldaar dit die prekonseptuele as die konseptuele merk. Dit ondersteun die gedagte dat tekenkuns as ’n komplekse koppelvlak tussen tekenaar en omwêreld funksioneer. As koppelvlak word die tekenkuns verwesenlik as ’n sigbare samevloeiing van dualiteite soos binne en buite, die gewone en verdigting, afstand en intimiteit, subjek en objek, liggaam en gees. Ingevolge ’n enaktiewe beskouing van die tekenkuns kan die tekenhandeling beskryf word as ’n selfrefleksiewe navorsingsproses wat kreatiwiteit ondersteun. Sodanige beskouing van die tekenkuns, lui die argument, kan die fasiliteerder op ’n hoër onderwysvlak help om individuele tekenstudente se kreatiwiteit te bevorder. Daaruit vloei die voorstel vir ’n vorm van fasilitering wat gevoelig is vir die ingewikkelde interaksie tussen die self en die omgewing. ’n Vorm van mediasie wat dit in ag neem, skep nie alleen ruimte vir diversiteit wat betref sosio-kulturele herkoms, persoonlike geskiedenis en individuele verskille nie, maar ontwikkel en vier ook dié soort diversiteit.

The myth is with us : Star Wars, Jung's archetypes, and the journey of the mythic hero /

Botha, Jacqueline. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / On title page: M.Phil in Ancient Cultures. Bibliography. Also available via the Internet.

Paternidade e subjetividade masculina em transformação : crise, crescimento e individuação. Uma abordagem junguiana / Fatherhood and male subjectivity in transformation : crisis, growth and individuation. A Jungian perspective

Maria Beatriz Vidigal Barbosa de Almeida 28 March 2007 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é, a partir do referencial junguiano, ampliar a compreensão de como está se dando a experiência de paternidade atualmente, com foco na subjetividade masculina: qual o impacto que a experiência de se tornar pai vem causando no processo de desenvolvimento psicológico do homem - seu processo de individuação. Em busca de maior compreensão do significado atual da paternidade para os próprios homens na condição de pais, procura-se observar como o arquétipo paterno está se constelando na sociedade atual, de acordo com os novos modos de sentir e de se comportar, tendo em vista uma atitude mais favorável à alteridade e às relações democráticas. A partir de uma contextualização histórico-social, reconstitui-se um cenário marcado pelas reformulações nas concepções de masculino e feminino que vêm ocorrendo nas últimas décadas, e que interferem coletivamente nas identidades de gênero, portanto na subjetividade masculina, com desdobramentos nas expectativas que recaem sobre a figura do pai. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que tem como principal instrumento a entrevista individual, com base em um roteiro de temas e questões abordados de forma semi-dirigida. A partir dos depoimentos, observa-se a representação e a vivência de paternidade em transformação através de manifestações da paternidade distintas do padrão patriarcal dominante, caracterizado pelo afastamento afetivo no comportamento masculino. Verifica-se uma crescente expectativa por parte dos homens de maior participação na gravidez, parto e cuidados junto ao filho, acompanhada de envolvimento emocional expresso. Destacam-se na análise os temas do \'desejo de ser pai\' e \'modelos de pai\', que se articulam em torno da afetividade masculina e paterna em transformação. Constata-se a coexistência de múltiplas referências e a valorização dessa pluralidade expressa em comportamentos e valores, o que contrasta com antigos modelos até então tidos como hegemônicos. Trabalha-se com a hipótese de que a crise vivenciada nesse âmbito, em função da instabilidade gerada pelo período de transição que desorganiza tanto a estrutura emocional quanto as estruturas familiares, promove, a médio e longo prazo, crescimento tanto para o indivíduo como para a sociedade. / The purpose of this research is to broaden the understanding of how the experience of fatherhood is taking place at the present time, using a Jungian perspective: to find out what the impact of the experience of becoming a father is causing on men\'s developmental process and process of individuation. As a better understanding about the meaning of fatherhood nowadays for men themselves as fathers is searched, we analyse how the paternal archetype is being constellated in contemporary society, according to new modes of feeling and behaviour, aiming at a more favorable approach towards alterity and democratic relationships. After a sociohistoric contextualization, emerges a scenario marked by reformulation in the conceptions of masculine and feminine over the last decades, which interferes on the aggregate level in gender identities and, therefore, on male subjectivity as well, with consequences for the expectations towards the father figure. This is a qualitative research based on individual interviews supported by a semi-directed script of issues and questions. Based on these statements, we observe the representation and the experience of fatherhood in transformation throughout manifestations of fatherhood that differ from the dominant pattern (patriarchal) and characterized by emotional aloofness as a common male trait. Men\'s growing expectation towards greater participation over pregnancy, childbirth and day-to-day care has been identified, as well as explicit emotional involvement. \'Willingness to be a father\' and \'models of father\' were emphasized issues, involving male and paternal affection in transformation. The coexistence of multiple frames of reference along with such diversity, as expressed in behaviours and values, have been demonstrated. This contrasts with old models considered, until now, to be hegemonic. We worked with the hypothesis that the crisis in this area, due to instability generated by this transitory period that disorganizes both emotional and family structures, generates, over medium and long range, development for the individual as well as for society.

Individuation : experience in search of theory

Thoo, S. A. (Sheila Audrey) 03 1900 (has links)
This study arose from the experience of difficulties in individuating incorporating tensions in the self-group, self-other, and self-self relational dimensions. This situation initiated the questions: What does individuation mean in collectivist cultures? Can selfexpression occur in a different way to opposing public opinion? Can one conceptualise experiential dialectics to facilitate their resolution in practice? The literature initiated the questions: How do Western theories on individuation incorporate 'culture'? Does a relationship between the socio-cultural context and the process of self-expression exist? Conclusions were: - that the socio-cultural context influences this experience directly by influencing the process of self-expression via defining what is experienced as narcissistic, altruistic, or individualistic behaviour, and indirectly by the theories which reflect its norms; - that the relationship between experience, and theory and personal epistemologies potentially initiate tensions, and facilitate their resolution; - that a theory of individuation in collectivist cultures is lacking. A way of interpreting 'individuation' was discussed. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

A transpersonal exploration of the mother-daughter relationship in transitional life cycles

De Villiers, Marleen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The mother-daughter relationship and the feminine principle in the process of individuation are explored in this study. The mother-daughter relationship as the focus of the study is presented as the womb where the stories and experiences are in gestation. In presenting this research as a transpersonal exploration, the principles and practices of transpersonal psychology and transpersonal research are used as the lens through which the process of research is viewed. The study tells the stories of adolescent daughters and their menopausal mothers and their lives as girls and women in transitional life cycles. It also tells the stories of the author's mother and of herself, and offers their shared experiences of being daughters, and remembering that they are also the daughters of daughters, the mothers of whom have passed away a long time ago. The stories are presented in the mode of a narrative inquiry, becoming an exploration in itself. The author looks into the stories of what has been written by those who have mapped the territory of the transpersonal and narrative landscapes in psychology, education, research and psychotherapy. A research collage of the mother-daughter relationship, transitional life cycles, and also of aspects of the feminine and the process of individuation is created. Images of alchemy, archetypes, mythological figures and archetypal goddesses are added to allow this collage to become its own story. The study combines research methods used in transpersonal research and narrative inquiry. Data were gathered by making use of journal writing, mandala drawings, interviews, visual imagery and photographs, collage, writing letters, personal documentation, dreamwork, working with words and personal mythology. Transpersonal principles such as meditation, reflection, mandala drawings, intuitive listening and so forth were applied in working with the data. The researcher also used principles of narrative inquiry to assist in the process of processing the information and finding the stories. The research findings that emerged indicate that a mother and daughter can hold up a mirror to each other in order to see that there are experiences of abandonment and dependency in their relationship; another mother and daughter pair related to each other from a basis of limiting self-experience; and yet another mother and her daughter were seen to have a relationship that contains powerful potential for individuation through the process of growth and transformation. These findings may be relevant to the therapeutic and educational spheres of psychology, in training and in application. This research journey is an adventure that can be seen as symbolically walking the labyrinth, following the circular path towards the centre, and then back again, out into life. This journey is symbolic of the process of individuation as based on the mythology of the serpent Ouroboros that swallows its tail in order to become whole. The process of alchemy in psychology forms the container for this journey into wholeness. Like Theseus, beloved of Ariadne of antiquity, I took the golden thread in hand and stepped into the labyrinth. The journey could begin … / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie verken die moeder-dogter verhouding en die vroulike beginsel in die individuasieproses. Die moeder-dogterverhouding as die fokus van hierdie studie word voorgestel as 'n houer vir die bewaring van belangrike aspekte van die vroulike beginsel. Die modus van transpersoonlike sielkunde en navorsing is gebruik om as 'n lens te dien waardeur hierdie proses ondersoek is. Die narratiewe navorsingsmetode is gebruik om die stories te vertel wat in hierdie studie aangebied word. Hierdie stories gaan oor die navorsingsreis, die reis van dogter-wees en moeder-wees, die reis van vrou-wording en vrou-wees in die oorgangsfases van vroue se lewens. Dit behels stories van adolessensie en die menopouse. Daarnaas geplaas is die stories van my moeder, van myself, en van ons verhouding. In hierdie vertelling oor die moeder skryf ek dit as die dogter van 'n dogter wie se moeder lank reeds oorlede is. Ek onderneem 'n reis deur die landskap van die literatuur en neem daaruit stories van aspekte van vrou-wees, van die vroulike beginsel, asook van transpersoonlike sielkunde en transpersoonlike navorsing. Dit gaan ook oor die narratiewe wyse van ondersoek en die waarde van stories in narratiewe terapie word bespreek. Hierdie navorsingsreis is 'n speurtog; soos in 'n labirint is dit 'n sirkelvormige reis, wat die mitologiese slang, Ouroboros, wat sy eie stert insluk om heel te word weerspieël. Die labirinte van die mitologie en argetipiese vroubeelde en godinne stem tot nadenke oor die sielkundige ervaring van individuasie. In die nadenke is daar, soos met die alchemiste van weleer, 'n soeke die goud in die lood en die bevindinge wat die navorsingsreis oplewer, word bekendgemaak. In hierdie reis is gebruik gemaak van transpersoonlike en narratiewe navorsingsmetodes en beginsels om die inligting te verkry waarmee die stories vertel kon word. Hierdie metodes maak onder meer gebruik van joernaalskryf, mandalas teken, onderhoude, visuele beelde en foto's, collage, briewe, persoonlike dokumente, droomwerk, woorde en woordassosiasie en persoonlike mitologie. Transpersoonlike werkswyses soos meditasie, refleksie, intuitiewe luister, joernaal skrywe en so meer is gekombineer met narratiewe werkswyses om die inligting te verwerk en die stories te ontgin. Die navorsingsbevindinge dui op ervaringe van afhanklikheid en vrese van verlating; van 'n moeder en dogter wat gebuk gaan onder beperkende ervaringe van selfvertwyfeling en die implikasie wat dit het vir hulle vrou-wees; van 'n moeder en haar dogter wat die potensiaal vir die proses van individuasie in hulle verhoudinge met hul vroueliggame vind. Die implikasies van hierdie bevindinge mag moontlik van belang wees vir sielkundiges en opvoedkundiges wat hulle in hierdie sfere van hulpverlening bevind. Soos Theseus, beminde van Ariadne van ouds, het ek die goue draad ter hand geneem en daarmee die ingang van die labirint betree. Die reis moes begin …

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