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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Speaking English Just for Fun! About why some students at a school in the south of Sweden choose to speak English instead of Swedish

Eilers, Jessica, Johansson, Susanne January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this degree paper is to look at some adolescents’ use of English inconversations outside of school. Adolescents in today’s society come into contact with theEnglish language in various different ways and one of these can be through oral interactionwith others.By using a mixed-method approach consisting of a questionnaire and interviews thisqualitative study provides an insight into some adolescents’ extramural Englishinteractions. The goal is to find out why some students at a school in the south of Swedenchoose to speak English in settings where there is no apparent reason for them to do so. Theaim is also to see what the conversations look like and what attitudes the students havetowards English. It was found that the main reason is because the students think it is morefun to speak English than Swedish. They claimed that they can express themselves better inEnglish and that it sounds better to speak English. The conversations occur spontaneouslyand errors are corrected. Two groups of students were interviewed and their answersdiffered, because their attitudes towards English differed. The students, who engaged themost in extramural English conversations, were well aware of the usefulness of English.

Social cohesion in Gilbert Hill : What can be done to better integrate the informalitywithin the formal planning process / Socialsammanhållning i Gilbert Hill : Hur man bättre kan integrera det informella iden formella planeringsprocessen

Johansson, Emma, Carlsbrand, Gustav January 2018 (has links)
The government in Maharashtra are trying to rehabilitate the informal settlements in Mumbai through the slum rehabilitation authority and its rehabilitation scheme and we wanted to learn more about how it worked and how it affects living conditions for former residents of an informal settlement and how it can differ from those still living there. This study has a focus on a specific informal settlement in Mumbai, called Gilbert Hill. Through observations and interviews with people living in the area, the research investigates resident’s opinions and experiences. Interviews with officials, involved in the planning of Mumbai were conducted, in order to learn how the interaction between formal and informal structures looks like. The results will be presented in this report and will give an insight of the life in an informal settlement in Mumbai as well as the thoughts and efforts with the rehabilitation of said settings. Our findings have been analysed and discussed in the light of David Harvey’s The right to city, displacement theories, theories about the public private partnership and what it is that makes informal settlements to persist. We have discovered that it is not as easy as to just redevelop an informal settlement according to a uniform plan. Residents have special bonds to the neighbourhood, both between each other and to the place itself. Even though the residents might be viewed as impoverished and underprivileged they still should have a right to form their future as well as their surroundings. They certainly have a will to do so.

Assessing individual water and sanitation insecurity : A novel tool to track universal access, the case of Mukuru informal settlements in Nairobi. / Bedömning av osäkerhet i enskild vatten-och sanitet : Ett nytt verktyg för att spåra universell tillgång, i fallet Mukurus informella bosättningar i Nairobi.

Soto Trujillo, Adriana Lucia January 2018 (has links)
Securing universal, safe, inclusive and affordable water and sanitation services, as targeted by SDG 6, is a challenge for urban settings. Particularly in informal settlements of Mukuru, Nairobi, were its crowded population, insecure land tenure and location in areas prone to environmental hazards places their inhabitants at greater risk of water and sanitation insecurity. Policy and research approaches to measure water and sanitation insecurity lack of a standard tool to assess the multiple dimensions that account for inequalities at the individual level. This study aimed to assess individual water and sanitation insecurity at Mukuru SPA. A novel 21 item insecurity scale was developed addressing water and sanitation availability, accessibility, affordability, perceived water quality, inadequate sanitation and hygiene. Three segments of the Mukuru SPA were selected. Data was collected from 302 individuals through a household survey. Statistical analysis was performed with SAS University software to identify water and sanitation conditions in the area, measure levels of water and sanitation insecurity, examine associations of insecurity levels and socio-economic characteristics and test the validity of the tool. Results indicated that most residents used water sources and sanitation facilities considered improved by global monitoring standards. Nonetheless, more than 50% of the residents of two of the studied segments had higher levels of water and sanitation insecurity. Individuals that were females, belonged to the lowest income ranges or that resided in young female or young male (<18 years old) headed-household were found more vulnerable to water and sanitation insecurity. Significant correlations of water and sanitation insecurity with time spent collecting water and sanitation cost/day, as well as correlations with number of trips to collect water and water cost/day validated the use of the tool. / Att borga för universella, säkra, inkluderande och prisvärda vatten- och sanitetstjänster, som riktas mot SDG 6 (Sustainable Development Goal), är en utmaning inom urbana miljöer. Särskilt i de informella, överbefolkade bosättningarna i Mukuru, Nairobi, belägna i förorenade och utsatta områden med oklara ägarförhållanden av marken, utsätts invånarna för ökade sanitära risker kopplade till vattenkvaliteten. Policy- och forskningsmetoder för att mäta vatten-och sanitetssäkerhet saknar ett standardverktyg för att bedöma de många dimensioner som orsakas av ojämlikhet på individnivå. Denna studie syftade till att bedöma individuell vatten- och sanitet osäkerhet hos Mukuru SPA (Special Planning Area). Baserat på 21 punkter har en ny vatten- och sanitet osäkerhetsskala utvecklats för att undersöka tillgänglighet, tillgång, överkomlighet, upplevd vattenkvalitet, sanitet och hygien. Tre områden av Mukuru SPA valdes. Data samlades in från 302 individer genom en enkätundersökning riktad till hushåll. En statistisk analys utfördes med hjälp av SAS University-programvara för att identifiera vatten och sanitetsförhållanden i området, mäta nivåer av vatten- och sanitet osäkerhet, undersöka kopplingar mellan graden av sårbarhet och socioekonomiska förhållanden, samt testa verktygets validitet. Resultaten visar att de flesta boende använde vattenkällor och sanitetsinstallationer vilka anses ha förbättrats med hjälp av internationella övervakningsstandarder. Detta till trots hade mer än 50% av invånarna i två av de studerade områdena höga nivåer av vatten och sanitet osäkerhet. Kvinnor, tillhörande de områden där medelinkomsten var lägst, boende i hushåll med en ung man eller kvinna (<18 år gamla) som “husbonde”, visade sig mest sårbara för vatten- och sanitet osäkerhet. Tydliga samband mellan vatten-och sanitet osäkerhet och kostnad per dag och tid för att hämta vatten, samt korrelation mellan antal resor för att hämta vatten och vattenkostnad per dag, validerar användningen av verktyget. Verktyget kan hjälpa lokala myndigheter att snabbt överblicka vatten-och sanitation osäkerhet och rikta resurser mot de mest sårbara personerna inför de planerade satsningarna på höjd levnadsstandard i Mukuru SPA. Det är önskvärt att ta hänsyn till de olika behov som könsskillnad medför, såväl som att säkerställa kostnadsmässigt överkomliga vatten- och sanitetstjänster för de mest sårbara grupperna i Mukuru SPA. Ett vattenprov bör åtfölja användningen av verktyget för att förstärka tillförlitligheten i mätningar av vattensäkerhet.

Teknik på Youtube : En diskursanalys av teknik i Youtubevideor / Technology on Youtube

Bång, Olivia January 2019 (has links)
Teknikämnet i grundskolans senare år är ett ämne som möter många problem. Ämnet har i sitt innehåll och syfte förändrats en hel del i och med de olika skolreformerna och idag (2018) saknar över hälften av de verksamma lärarna ämnesbehörighet. Det finns behov av att underlätta för dessa obehöriga lärare och hjälpa dem att lättare planera tekniklektioner för att därmed underlätta elevernas lärande. Med utgångspunkten att en viktig aspekt för lärande är att kunna knyta an vardagskunskaper till akademiska kunskaper, ämnade denna undersökning att analysera vilken teknikdiskurs högstadieelever kan få utanför skolan. Denna teknikdiskurs jämfördes sedan med de teknikdiskurser som finns i skolans värld, med syftet att kunskap om teknikdiskurser utanför skolans värld kan stötta lärares planering av teknikämnet. För att ta reda på var elever möter teknikdiskurser under sin fritid, använde sig denna undersökning av videodelningsplattformen Youtube. I stort sett alla svenska ungdomar mellan 12-15 år använder Youtube, och 86 % av dem använder den varje dag. Vid olika svenska prisutdelningar vann den svenska Youtubern och Influencern Therese Lindgren titlar som Årets Youtuber och Barnens favoritvloggar. Även Therese Lindgrens Youtubeserie, ”Therese testar teknik”, vann pris som årets serie. Detta pekar mot att Therese Lindgren och hennes serie ”Therese testar teknik”, är populär bland ungdomar och kan påverka deras syn på teknik. Ett urval av avsnitten av serien ”Therese testar teknik” valdes ut för analys för att ta reda på vilken teknikdiskurs som fanns representerade i dessa videor och hur de förhöll sig gentemot den diskurs som finns i skolans värld. Resultatet visade att videorna presenterade teknik på ett jämförbart sätt med skolan. Videorna motsatte sig inte skolans bild av teknik, men diskurserna hade olika fokus. Teknik i videorna representerades som artefakter och system av artefakter som användes i en aktivitet för att lösa ett problem eller en uppgift, som påverkades av naturvetenskap och påverkade samhället. Förutom de diskurser som kunde jämföras med skolan, förmedlar videorna även känslor kring teknik, genom Thereses icke-verbala handlingar. Therese förmedlar teknik som roligt, spännande och exalterande, något som kan påverka ungdomars egna inställningar till teknikämnet. / Technology as a subject in Swedish high schools faces many problems. The subjects purpose and content has gone through significant changes over the years, and today (2018) less than half of all active teachers possess the right qualifications. There is therefore a need to aid these teachers in planning and executing their classes, to ensure a quality education for our pupils. With the assumption that a big part of learning is to be able to connect knowledge gathered outside of school to the academic knowledge acquired in school, the purpose of this paper was to analyse which technological discourses high school pupils could acquire outside of school. These discourses were then compared to the technological discourses that can be found in schools, to help aid the technology teachers’ planning of their classes. To find out where pupils are exposed to technology discourses on their free time, this paper looked to the social video-sharing platform, Youtube. Practically all Swedish kids between the ages of 12 to 15 use Youtube, and 86 % of them use it every day. At Swedish award shows the Swedish Youtuber and Influencer Therese Lindgren won titles such as Youtuber of the year and the Kids favourite vlogger. Therese Lindgrens Youtube series, “Therese testar teknik”, won the title of Series of the year. This seems to tell us that Therese Lindgren and her show “Therese testar teknik” are popular among kids and could potentially influence their view of technology. A selection of episodes from the series were picked to be analysed, to find out which technological discourse was represented in these videos, and how it compared to the discourses in schools. The results showed that the videos presented technology comparable to schools, but with some differences in focus. In the videos, technology was presented as the artefacts and systems of artefacts used in an activity to solve a problem or a task, that were affected by natural sciences and affected society. Aside from the parts of the technology discourse that was comparable to the ones in schools, the videos also presented emotions connected to technology, through non-verbal communication. The videos presented technology as something fun and exciting, something that can influence the viewers’ own attitude towards technology.

Hot Spot 'Knarkrondellen'. An Evaluation of Police Interventions in Malmö

Hennen, Ina January 2017 (has links)
‘Knarkrondellen’, which translates to ‘Drug Roundabout’, is a known hot spot for drug trading in Malmö and the police have implemented several measures to prevent the narcotic crimes. This paper sets out to investigate the impact that the police interventions, namely enhanced police foot patrols, improved street lighting and the installation of a surveillance camera, have on the crime rates and the fear of crime at the roundabout. In a multi-method approach, quantitative data from the police register and police surveys as well as qualitative observations and interviews with the residents are analyzed. The findings show that the police interventions did not reach the desired preventative effect in the given study period and indicate the occurrence of displacement. The citizens’ feeling of safety and perception of the problems did not change significantly as a result of the interventions. Overall, the surveys and interviews suggest that the police are on the right track; however, a longer follow-up period is needed in order to examine the long-term effects of the intervention measures. Additionally, an enhanced involvement of the community in the fight against drug crimes appears necessary.

”NÄRHET, GEMENSKAP OCH VILJA” : Ett landsbygdsperspektiv på svensk krisberedskap / “Vicinity, community and volition” : a rural perspective on crisis management in Sweden

Lindström, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to apply a rural perspective in an area where the politics assume an urban norm. Considering the special circumstances in the rural areas of Sweden in terms of geographics and access to services it is substantial to map in what ways these areas differ from the urban life. Hence, this study constitutes a contribution to crisis management in Sweden by introducing the rural perspective and applying in what ways social capital plays a role in strengthening the community resilience. Previous studies have shown that the informal household preparedness is essential to the rural life and how knowledge and experience makes a difference in how different households prepare for crisis. The study is qualitative with an inductive approach and utilizes both an interview study based on semi structured interviews as the main empirical material, as well as a text study to provide supplementary empirical evidence to the conclusions. The informants that take part in the study provides three different practical perspectives along with further empirical material to broaden the conclusions.

Second Home, New Home

Li, Minghui January 2023 (has links)
As a unique form of rural-urban transition settlement in China’s rapid urbanization process, the “urban village” plays a very distinctive part in promoting urbanization, being a transit point for many rural people entering urban areas. The term “informal employment migrants” usually refers to those people, who have no formal employment status and work in informal, low-skilled, low-paying jobs in the city. These people often have no stable job security or social protection, facing problems with housing, education and healthcare, as well as a lack of social interaction and cultural and recreational activities, etc. They are the main force in the industry, promoting urban development and securing the service base, while having little power in terms of economic ability and social status.  The rights and interests of the millions of these non-local residents living and working in urban villages, are very important aspects but are usually overlooked by current planning instruments. In the daily life of an urban village, such as Kangle village, not only do the profits from the rental of collective land and property village-owned enterprises benefit only the household residents of the village, but the organization and participation in any public activities within the village have nothing to do with the tenants. As a result, these migrant tenants, who have come to Guangzhou to make a living in the case of this project, are mere outsiders in terms of the distribution of benefits or the share of spiritual entertainment in the urban village. As outsiders, they are often the most affected by the regeneration, the most opposed to it and suffer most directly from its benefits, however, have the weakest voice in the planning progress. Therefore, in urban regeneration planning, we planners should pay more attention to the existence and living needs of these informal employment migrants, provide them with better living and working conditions, improve their quality of life, and promote the equal development of urban society.

City of the Dead - “We are neither living nor dying, we are something in between”

Abdelaal, Mahmoud January 2023 (has links)
“We are neither living nor dying, we are something in between” Since the beginning of history, the living and the dead have been separated. This has made it almost im- possible to co-live together under one roof. We, ‘the living’, have even created “deathscapes” which have set a clear boundary between us and them, ‘the dead’. In every society, with its own cultural norms and rituals, they act with the dead in their own way - some are buried, others are burnt, but what is common across all societies is that they are not evident in our lives anymore. Looking at it from an urban perspective, the dead occupy a big patch of land in every city. This acts as a burden, as it makes “forbidden spaces” where the living is not able to be part of it. However, in each topic, there is a lesson that can be learned from it. In this case, it’s a 6km stretch informally and formally built, with a rich history and poor squatters who have no choice except to dwell with the dead. This is City of the Dead, located in Cairo, Egypt. The extreme lack of housing has pushed a part of society to live informally in cemeteries, where they have learned to co-live in the same room as the dead; they’ve embraced the idea of sleeping next to the dead, working and playing on those deathscapes. But ever since the government announced that they will demolish those deathscapes as a part of demolishing all informal settlements in Cairo, the time has come to make a stand against this decision, instead learning from their “life hack” and applying it throughout the City of the Dead – creating a society where the dead and living are not separated, maximizing the lost potentials in cases such as City of the Dead and making them not looked down upon and marginalized. This thesis aims to design the city and improve the lives of people living in these cemeteries, dealing with each case with care and compassion.

An Exploration of State and Non-State Actor Engagement in Informal Settlement Governance in the Mahwa Aser Neighborhood and Sana'a City, Yemen

Al-Daily, Wafa Mohsen Saleh 18 April 2013 (has links)
Informal settlements are a relatively new phenomenon in Yemen, first documented in the 1980s (El-Shorbagi, 2008; 2007). They have since grown at a very rapid rate. Sana'a City, the nation's capital, alone has an estimated 35 informal settlements that together contain 20.5 percent of that urban center's population (El-Shorbagi, 2008; 2007). To date, the Yemeni government has paid limited attention to informal settlements. The government has not developed any specific planning policies to address their needs, partly due to meager resources and professional capacities, and partly as a consequence of conflicting (and higher priority) needs (World Bank, 2010a). The unchecked growth of informal settlements has alarmed local and national authorities as well as international organizations and recently caused officials in these entities to begin to consider seriously how to address this new community reality. This dissertation explores the engagement of state and non-state actors in informal settlement governance in Sana'a. The analysis offered here employs Mahwa Aser, the largest and most controversial informal settlement in Sana'a, as an exemplar for a broader set of concerns for all of Sana'a\s informal communities. The dissertation provides a nuanced portrait of Yemeni government capacities, policies, and practices related to Sana'a's informal settlements generally and to Mahwa Aser particularly via the perspectives and activities of multiple stakeholders, including, importantly, the community's residents. It explores the active governance roles of non-governmental and international organizations seeking to provide services in these communities as well. It also explores ways to build informal community residents' capacities to work with government and with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), and international governmental organizations (IGOs) to address their many basic needs. The analysis draws on personal interviews with key stakeholders, including long-time residents of Mahwa Aser, responsible government officials, and relevant leaders of NGOs, INGOs, and IGOs in Yemen, U.S.A., and Egypt. The author also examined government and international organization reports and documents to gain insight into the governance challenges linked to continued growth of informal communities in Yemen. The study identifies a number of factors that have led to worsening living conditions in Mahwa Aser and other informal settlements in Sana'a. Taken together they suggest the Yemeni government and its partners may need to work far more self-consciously with informal community residents to establish shared goals and clear expectations. Those entities engaged collectively in governing these communities in Sana'a and in Yemen more generally will need to develop reliable policies and coherent programs within a transparent governance framework if the very difficult living conditions in such communities are to be improved. In particular, governance actors will need to devise ways and means to develop government capacities and resources even as they work to address community infrastructure and service needs in a sometimes daunting socio-cultural and economic context. / Ph. D.

Att leva i en parrelation med en person med demens : En litteraturöversikt om erfarenheten av att bli informell vårdgivare / Living in a relationship with a person with dementia : A literature review on the experience of becoming an informal caregiver

Ljunggren, Lia, Hillegaart, Disa January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Prevalens och incidens av demensdiagnoser skiljer sig mellan världsregioner men förväntas öka i samband med befolkningens åldrande och tillväxt. I västerländska länder förväntas demensdiagnoser ligga mer stabilt givet längre livslängd, högre socioekonomisk status och utbildning. Personer med demens får succesivt försämrade kognitiva- och funktionella funktioner samt beteendeförändringar vilket i första hand är en utmaning för en sammanboende partner. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa erfarenheter hos informella vårdgivare som lever i en parrelation med en person med demens Metod: Allmän litteraturöversikt med sökning i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL inkluderade tio vetenskapliga originalartiklar. Data analyserades enligt Graneheim och Lundmans kvalitativa innehållsanalys. Resultat: Studien resulterade i två kategorier: Anta en ny roll som informell vårdgivare och Den nya relationen. Fem subkategorier: Ta över ansvaret i omvårdnaden, sakna externt stöd, utmaningar och beslutsfattande i vardagen, kärlekens förändringar och sorg och oro inför framtiden.   Slutsats: Partners upplevde svårigheter att vara informella vårdgivare och bristen på stöd och information från hälso-och sjukvården försvårar detta ytterligare. Det behövs vidare forskning om positiva aspekter och fördelar med fortsatt sammanboende för partners där den ena har demens. / Background: Prevalence and incidence of dementia differ in the world but are expected to increase with population aging and growth. In Western countries, dementia is expected to be more stable given longer life expectancy, higher socioeconomic status, education. People with dementia gradually experience deteriorating cognitive and functional functions as well as behavioral changes, which is primarily a challenge for a cohabiting partner. Aim: The aim is to illustrate the experiences of informal caregivers who live in a relationship with a person with dementia Methods: General literature review of ten original scientific articles, analyzed using qualitative content analysis according to Graneheim and Lundman. Results: Two categories: Taking on a new role as informal caregiver and The new relationship. Five subcategories: Overtaking the responsibility in nursing, lack of external support, challenges and decision-making in everyday life, the changes of love and sadness and worry about the future. Conclusions: Partners experienced difficulties in being informal caregivers, a lack of support and information from the health care service which made their situation even more difficult. The benefits and positive factors of continued cohabitation with a partner following a dementia diagnosis needs further research.

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