Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inspectors""
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Bologna "in noir" ve vybraných prózách Carla Lucarelliho / Bologna "in noir" in chosen proses by Carlo LucarelliNovotná, Alžběta January 2015 (has links)
The abstract Introducing part of the work is focused on development of literary genre noir in Italian context, especially on ca. last twenty years, introduces its authors in the area of Emilia- Romagna and Bologna as a city of crime. In the analytic part, the two of Lucarelli's noir series with commissioner Coliandro and inspector Negro are comparatively analised from following chosen aspects: the character of protagonist, the character of criminal, the type of a crime, investigative methods, settings, and in the end language, expression means and role of the narrator. In conclusion, the specifics of literary genre noir in settings of Bologna are described, including the relation between fiction and reality in Lucarelli's writings and the constants of the author's poetic are outlined on the basis of comparative analysis of the series.
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Měření lexikální komplexnosti projevu L2 mluvčích pomocí frekvenčních seznamů slov / Measuring lexical complexity in L2 speech with word frequency listsRálišová, Diana January 2020 (has links)
and Key Words The linguistic concept of complexity as a component of the CAF triad is used to describe the complexity of texts, either spoken (transcribed) or written, and to describe speaker advancedness not only in L1, but also in L2 research. On the most basic level, lexical complexity and syntactic complexity can be distinguished, however, complexity is a multidimensional concept and many different descriptions and operationalisations exist; there is an even wider gap in terms of measuring lexical complexity of L2 oral speech with lexical frequency wordlists as studies on lexical sophistication have yielded inconsistent and sometimes inconclusive results; the majority of studies on lexical sophistication, one of the subdivisions of lexical complexity, have been carried out on written learner production. For this reason, this thesis focuses on measuring lexical complexity in L2 speech with word frequency lists; more specifically, it presumes that C1 speakers would produce more of complex vocabulary (low-frequency vocabulary) than B2 speakers in our sample; this thesis also attempts to correlate word frequency list results with English Vocabulary Profile results and compare the individual speakers. For this analysis 10 B2 and 10 C1 Czech speakers of English were selected from the LINDSEI spoken... Read more
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Lexikální komplexnost písemného projevu nerodilých mluvčích anglického jazyka / Examining lexical complexity in the written production of L2 proficient learners of EnglishSotona, Martin January 2022 (has links)
The thesis analyses lexical complexity in the written production of L2 proficient learners of English (the highest C2 level). Additionally, it compares L2 lexical complexity with L1 lexical complexity of English native speakers. This lexical complexity is investigated in two key parameters: lexical diversity and lexical sophistication. A quantitative analysis is made by the means of single indicators and is followed by an analysis where composite indicators VOCD-D and MTLD are employed to measure lexical diversity. Lexical sophistication is explored through the English Vocabulary Profile tool (EVP), which categorises words in a text according to predefined frequency word lists (A1-C2 types). The main hypothesis presumed that the lexical complexity of L2 English speakers is inferior to L1 English speakers, despite the fact that their L2 English language competence is at the highest level possible (C2 level), often compared to "native-speaker competence". It was expected that the results in respective groups (L2 and L1 speakers) would be similar. Another working hypothesis is that low- frequency words at the C2 level will be smaller for L2 English speakers than that for L1 English speakers. The data comprises 20 comparable texts of L2 proficient English speakers in the dimension of their length (the... Read more
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Le développement professionnel de l’enseignant du premier degré : Processus et influence du milieu professionnel en général et du travail de l’inspecteur en particulier / The professional development of the teacher of the first degree : process and influence of the occupational environment generally and the work of the inspector in particularGrosselin-Ridard, Catherine 27 November 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche concerne le développement professionnel des enseignants du premier degré. Elle vise à appréhender l’effet de la formation sur l’évolution de la professionnalité des enseignants, via les activités et les accompagnements disponibles dans leur environnement quotidien. Après avoir mis au jour les caractéristiques du processus de développement professionnel et le rôle joué par les différentes ressources du milieu professionnel – dont l’implication de l’inspecteur de circonscription –, nous avons utilisé la construction de savoirs comme indicateur de modification des composantes de la professionnalité de l’enseignant.Le corpus a été composé de questionnaires et d’entretiens. Dans la première partie du corpus, les questionnaires ont donné lieu à une approche quantitative ; celle-ci a été complétée par une approche qualitative. En effet, la seconde partie du corpus, constituée d’entretiens d’enseignants et d’inspecteurs de l’Éducation nationale, a permis des confrontations de points de vue de ces différents acteurs de l’enseignement et de la formation sur leurs interactions, afin d’identifier des variables susceptibles de favoriser le développement professionnel des enseignants. Cette analyse se fonde principalement sur le modèle d’analyse de l’activité de Goigoux (2007) et l’approche du développement professionnel de l’enseignant selon Jorro (2011). Nos résultats indiquent que l’enseignant fait évoluer les caractéristiques de sa professionnalité par la mobilisation systémique des ressources de son environnement, lesquelles sont sollicitées de façon inégale selon le contexte, et à des moments spécifiques, pour être mises en relation et entrer en synergie.Des caractéristiques particulières des différentes ressources peuvent favoriser le développement de nouvelles compétences professionnelles : la modification des conditions de travail, le développement de collectifs de travail entre enseignants du même niveau de classe, des modalités de formation adaptées aux attentes des enseignants, une relation inspecteur/enseignant explicite et bienveillante, et des modalités cohérentes directes de travail de l’inspecteur. / This research concerns professional development of primary school teachers. It aims at measuring the effects of training on teacher’s professionalism development via activity and support available in their daily environment. After exposing features of professional development and the role of various resources in the work environment – among district inspector involvement –, we used knowledge construction process as teacher’s professionalism indicator.The corpus was composed with questionnaires and interviews. In the first part of the corpus, questionnaires were given rise to quantitative analysis; this one was completed with a qualitative analysis. In fact, the second part of the corpus, constituted by inspector of education and teachers’ interviews, brought us to confront some points of view of this education and training actors on their interactions in order to identify variables in order further to favor professional development of teachers. This analysis relies on Goigoux scientific model of activity (2007) and on Jorro professional development of teachers (2011). Our results show how teachers evolve their professionality by systemic mobilization of daily resources, which are requested in an uneven way according to the context, and at specific moments, to be got in touch and in synergy. Particular features of the various resources could favor change in professionalism: modification of working conditions, development of working groups between same level of class teachers, training procedures adapted to teachers’ expectations, explicit and benevolent relationships between inspectors and teachers, and coherent and direct actions of the inspector. Read more
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Utredning av begreppet sakkunnig, ur PBL-synpunkt / Investigation of the term expert, from a PBL point of viewRobertsson, Elin, Albertsson, Therése January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Runt om i Sveriges 290 kommuner jobbar byggnadsinspektörer med att tillämpa Plan- och bygglagen (PBL). Inom lagstiftningen förekommer begreppet sakkunniga, där man i lagändringen 2011 införde krav på certifiering. Majoriteten av alla certifieringsområden för sakkunniga som skulle ha införts uteblev och i nuläget saknas möjlighet att tillämpa lagen som den var menad. Studien undersöker därför hur byggnadsinspektörerna hanterar avsaknaden av certifieringsområden och personer utan certifiering. Målet med studien är att utreda hur kommunernas byggnadsinspektörer skapar mening till tolkningen av begreppet sakkunnig och hur det används vid tillämpningen av Plan- och bygglagen. Metod: Studien har följt en kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer med nio byggnadsinspektörer i sex olika kommuner. Intervjuerna är konfidentiella. Till metoderna hör också en inledande litteraturstudie. Intervjusvaren har antecknats, generaliserats och jämförts genom metoden komparation. Resultat: I samtliga kommuner förekommer det en blandning av certifierade sakkunniga och de som saknar certifiering. Alla byggnadsinspektörer tolkar begreppet sakkunnig som en certifierad person, men vissa avviker ibland från att använda certifierade personer. Det som påverkar byggnadsinspektörernas tolkning av begreppet sakkunnig är främst det sociala arbetsklimatet och de kollegor som man har. Det kan konstateras att hanteringen är en spegling av inspektörernas meningsskapande och att de flesta kommuner hanterar avsaknaden av certifierade personer genom att se det rimliga i situationen. Konsekvenser: Den problematik som studien framställer besannades via intervjuerna med byggnadsinspektörerna. PBL tillämpas inte som den ska med certifierade sakkunniga, då det saknas föreskrifter för flera områden samt att det saknas certifierade personer i vissa kommuner. Inspektörerna upplever dock inte något större problem med hanteringen, eftersom de täcker upp lagens brister och avsaknad av certifieringsområden genom att tillämpa den äldre plan- och bygglagen (ÄPBL), och gör egna bedömningar. Inspektörerna hanterar det på ett pragmatiskt och rimligt sätt snarare än lagmässigt korrekt. Begränsningar: Studien begränsas till att undersöka sakkunniga inom ramen för PBL. Eftersom certifierade kontrollansvariga har en annorlunda roll jämfört med andra sakkunniga behandlas de inte i denna studie. / Purpose: Throughout the 290 municipalities in Sweden, building inspectors work with applying the Planning and Building Act (PBL). Within the legislation the term “expert” (in Swedish “sakkunnig”) is present, where the amendment in the law 2011 introduced a requirement for certification. The majority of all certification areas for experts that should have been introduced were left out and at present there is no possibility of applying the law as it was intended. The study therefore investigates how the building inspectors handle the absence of certification areas and persons without certifications. The aim of the study is to investigate how the municipalities building inspectors make sense of the interpretation of the term expert and how it is used in the application of the Planning and Building Act. Method: The study has been following a qualitative method in the form of interviews with nine building inspectors in six different municipalities. The interviews are confidential. The method also includes an initial literature study. The interview answers has been noted, generalized and compared by the method of comparison. Findings: In all the municipalities there is a mixture of certified experts and those who lack certification. All the building inspectors interpret the term expert as a certified person, but sometimes they deviate from using certified persons. The influence on building inspectors’ interpretation of the term expert is foremost the social work environment and the colleagues that one has. It can be stated that the handling is a reflection of the building inspectors’ sensemaking and that most municipalities handle the absence of certified persons by looking at the reasonableness in the situation. Implications: The problem that the study describes has come true through interviews with the building inspectors. PBL is not applied as it should be with certified experts, because there is a lack of regulations for more areas and a lack of certified persons in some municipalities. The building inspectors however do not experience a major problem with the handling because they cover the laws deficiencies and lack of certification areas by applying the older Planning and Building Act (ÄPBL), and making their own assessments. The inspectors handle it in a pragmatic and reasonable manner rather than legally correct. Limitations: The study is limited to investigate experts within the framework of PBL. Because certified persons in charge of inspections have a different role compared to other experts, they are not included in this study. Read more
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Drinking in the Panopticon : Female drinkers in Dorothy Parker´s storiesLindgren, Caroline January 2009 (has links)
<p>The main aim with this essay is to look how Dorothy Parker portrays women who drink. My main focus is at Dorothy Parker’s story “Big Blonde” but also her stories, “Dialogue at Three in the Morning”, “A Terrible Day Tomorrow”, “Just a Little One” and “A Woman in Green Lace”. Inspired by Ellen Lansky, who points out that Panopticon and Panopticism can be applied on all-male institutions and men, my analysis proves that Foucault’s Panopticism can be used to describe masculine control of female drunkenness. Women behave in a certain way to please inspectors in the Panopticon. I this essay I argue that there are two types of drinking women in Parker’s stories. The “modern” and the “controlled” woman, who both are forced to submission by Panopticism.</p>
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Miljötillsynsförordning 2011:13– vad hände sen? : En kvalitativ stud ie om miljö- ochhälsoskyddsinspektörers upplevelse avtolkningsutrymmet i miljöbalken i relation tillnärbyråkratiteorin / Environmental inspection regulation 2011:13 – what happened next? : An qualitative study of environmental and health inspectors experience ofinterpretation of the Swedish Environmental Code in relation to the theory of street-level bureaucracyJansson, Tone, Snejder, Emma January 2012 (has links)
Miljöbalken är en svensk ramlag som syftar till att skydda människors hälsa och miljön på ett hållbart sätt, men i och med att balken är en ramlag kanden också ge upphov till tolkning. Förordningar och föreskrifter tillsätts för att tydliggöra miljöbalkens regler och minska detta tolkningsutrymme. Enyrkesverksam grupp som i sitt dagliga arbete kommer i kontakt med miljöbalken är miljö- och hälsoskyddsinspektörer. Denna kvalitativa intervjustudiesyftar till att undersöka hur inspektörers arbete och upplevelse av tolkningsutrymmet har förändrats sedan miljötillsynsförordning 2011:13 trädde ikraft, då förordningens syfte är att tydliggöra ansvarsfördelningen av kemikalietillsynen. Inspektörernas upplevelser av tolkningsutrymmet analyserasmed hjälp av Michael Lipskys teori om närbyråkrati. Studien visar på att majoriteten av miljö- och hälsoskyddsinspektörerna upplever ett tolkningsutrymme i miljöbalken, och att inspektörerna kandefinieras som närbyråkrater då de har ett stort inflytande på hur lagen implementeras. Resultatet visar även att det inte har skett någon förändring iinspektörernas arbete sedan miljötillsynsförordning 2011:13 trädde i kraft, vilket kan bero på en tröghet i implementeringsprocessen. Read more
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Die werkstevredenheid van die inspekteur van onderwys in die Noordkaap / Christoffel Andreas SmitSmit, Christoffel Andreas January 1999 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence the work
satisfaction of inspectors of education in the Northern Cape. This aim is
achieved by firstly conducting a literature study on the nature of work
satisfaction and factors responsible for inspector work satisfaction and/or
work dissatisfaction. Secondly an empirical investigation is conducted on the
perceptions of inspectors about factors influencing their work satisfaction.
Finally, recommendations are made through which inspectors of education
can achieve optimal work satisfaction for themselves.
Findings from the literature study indicate that work context and work contents
factors influence inspector work satisfaction. Work context factors mainly
concern supervision and working conditions. Working conditions include
aspects such as physical working conditions, leadership, interpersonal
relationships, policy, participation in decision-making, salary, work safety,
work security and the organizational climate. Work context factors relate to
inspectors' needs for psychological growth and self-fulfilment viz., the needs
for responsibility, recognition, promotion, the work itself and professional
Findings from the empirical investigation indicate that the respondents are
less satisfied in their jobs than is generally reported. Inspectors regard the
satisfaction of work context factors as very important and are partly
contended that these needs are satisfied. However there are numerous work
context factors from which they derive relatively little work satisfaction, inter
alia, working conditions with regard to some supervisory activities,
participation in decision-making and strategic planning in the department of
education, work security and work safety. The factors within the work
context are experienced as mostly satisfying.
The recommendations of this study emphasise the necessity of an effective
line of communication between the Education Department and the regional
office, and the Education Department should launch a penetrating
investigation into the filling of vacancies at the level of inspectors. With the
aim on participatory management as many as possible role-players should be
involved at provincial level. With the aim of professional development of both
newly appointed inspectors of education and more experienced inspectors of
education a professional inclusion program must be developed regarding
better role and task fulfilment. / Thesis (MEd)--PU for CHE, 1999 Read more
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Die werkstevredenheid van die inspekteur van onderwys in die Noordkaap / Christoffel Andreas SmitSmit, Christoffel Andreas January 1999 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence the work
satisfaction of inspectors of education in the Northern Cape. This aim is
achieved by firstly conducting a literature study on the nature of work
satisfaction and factors responsible for inspector work satisfaction and/or
work dissatisfaction. Secondly an empirical investigation is conducted on the
perceptions of inspectors about factors influencing their work satisfaction.
Finally, recommendations are made through which inspectors of education
can achieve optimal work satisfaction for themselves.
Findings from the literature study indicate that work context and work contents
factors influence inspector work satisfaction. Work context factors mainly
concern supervision and working conditions. Working conditions include
aspects such as physical working conditions, leadership, interpersonal
relationships, policy, participation in decision-making, salary, work safety,
work security and the organizational climate. Work context factors relate to
inspectors' needs for psychological growth and self-fulfilment viz., the needs
for responsibility, recognition, promotion, the work itself and professional
Findings from the empirical investigation indicate that the respondents are
less satisfied in their jobs than is generally reported. Inspectors regard the
satisfaction of work context factors as very important and are partly
contended that these needs are satisfied. However there are numerous work
context factors from which they derive relatively little work satisfaction, inter
alia, working conditions with regard to some supervisory activities,
participation in decision-making and strategic planning in the department of
education, work security and work safety. The factors within the work
context are experienced as mostly satisfying.
The recommendations of this study emphasise the necessity of an effective
line of communication between the Education Department and the regional
office, and the Education Department should launch a penetrating
investigation into the filling of vacancies at the level of inspectors. With the
aim on participatory management as many as possible role-players should be
involved at provincial level. With the aim of professional development of both
newly appointed inspectors of education and more experienced inspectors of
education a professional inclusion program must be developed regarding
better role and task fulfilment. / Thesis (MEd)--PU for CHE, 1999 Read more
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Late prehistoric Indian subsistence in northeastern Newfoundland : faunal analysis of Little Passage Complex assemblages from the Beaches and Inspector Island sites /Cridland, Jennifer, January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (M. A.), Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1998. / Bibliography: leaves 271-279.
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