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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The responsiveness of the library collection to the information needs of researchers at the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa.

Mthembu, Thabisile Augustine January 2018 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Collection development plays a significant role in the successful achievement of the library’s purpose. The reason for the existence of the library is to meet the information needs of the community it serves. To determine if the PIC is responsive to the information needs of parliamentary researchers, the study used a mixed method of data collection. A survey method in the form of a questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data from parliamentary researchers. Other researchers at Parliament, for example researchers employed by political parties are not part of this study. Qualitative data was collected through interviews with a selection of librarians involved in the PIC collection development process and an evaluation of the Collection Development Policy of the PIC. Four librarians from the PIC were interviewed, and the PIC Collection Development Policy was analysed to triangulate data collected from the questionnaire and interviews. The information needs of parliamentary researchers are triggered by the information needs of parliamentarians, and therefore it is significant that the PIC provide a collection that responds to the information needs of researchers so they can provide relevant information to parliamentarians. The findings indicate that the responsiveness of the library material varies according to the needs of the researchers. The PIC will benefit from a proactive involvement of parliamentary researchers in the collection development process. Customised orientation, proper needs analysis and collection evaluation will improve usage of the library resources and responsiveness of the library material to the clients.

Kakai Tonga 'i Okalani Nu'u Sila: Tongan Generations in Auckland New Zealand

Brown Pulu, Teena Joanne January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is written in the format of a three act play. The author has elected this structure to frame the ethnographic data and analysis because it seemed befitting for telling my own life story alongside the memories of three generations of my matrilateral and patrilateral Tongan family residing in Auckland New Zealand. Thus, actors and scenes play out the thesis storyline in three parts where each act is titled Prologue, Dialogue and Epilogue. The Prologue, part one of this three act play, is three chapters which sets in motion the main actors - the research participants, and the scenes - the ethnographic context in which data was collected. It represents an ethnographic mosaic of memory and meaning as co-constructed by actors in recounting how they make sense of their place, their time, in a transnational history, that is, a family of stories among three Tongan generations residing largely in Auckland New Zealand. The Dialogue, part two of this three act play, is four chapters which maps out the theoretical and ethnographic territory that actors and scenes border-cross to visit. By this, I mean that research participants are political actors subject to social factors which shape how their memories and ensuing meanings are selectively reproduced in certain contexts of retelling the past and its relevance to understanding the present. The Epilogue, part three of this three act play, is the curtain call for the closing chapter. It presents an ending in which a new 'identity' entry made by the youngest Tongan generation creates possibilities for social change not yet experienced by prior generations residing in Auckland New Zealand. This thesis is woven into an overarching argument. Here, three generations of my matrilateral and patrilateral Tongan family residing in Auckland New Zealand intersect through two modes of memory and meaning. First, family reconstruct collective memories of 'identity' and 'culture' to make sense of how their ancestral origin, their historical past, is meaningful in their transnational lives and lifestyles. Second, inter-generational change among Tongan family residing in Auckland New Zealand is a social-political product of the transnational condition experienced by ethnic-cultural groups categorised as 'minorities' in the developed world.

Te Puoho and his South Island raid : or, from Taranaki to Tuturau.

Ross, Angus, n/a January 1933 (has links)
Summary: In European judgment the Maoris of New Zealand are the finest of the Polynesians. The intelligence, courage and dignity of the Maori leaders have won the admiration of those who have met them in council or in the field. Their virtues have been extolled by able writers in the past and if to-day the average Maori appears to have fallen from the high standard set by an earlier generation, then that is all the more reason for turning back a hundred years to the days when the Maoris lived and fought as they pleased, when a chief was a chief, and a toa (warrior) played the part expected of him. New Zealand history does not go back so far that we can afford to pass over the Maori part of it. This is especially true of that section which refers to the period immediately preceding definite European settlement. Modern man is keenly interested in the past and research is being made into the histories of all races. Maori history is of great interest to the New Zealander, partly because it is the history of the land of his birth and partly because of its inherent epic qualities.

Between Two Worlds: the Phenomenon of Re-emigration by Hellenes to Australia

Papadopoulos, Anthony January 2005 (has links)
The centrality of the thesis is the impact upon the individual Greek migrant who chose to leave his place of birth by emigrating, repatriating, and subsequently re-emigrating, and how the surreptitious nature of acculturation alters perceptions and thoughts. The causes of such migratory translocations will be analyzed within the sociocultural and historicoeconomic conditions that appertained at the time the decisions were taken to deracinate oneself. The study will provide an analysis of diachronic Hellenic migration and Australian immigration policies (since its inception as a federated state). There will also be an analysis of Australia�s diachronic and dedicated immigration control mechanisms since federation, its various post-immigration integration policies of immigrants, the mass immigration program activated in the post-WWII period, and the adoption and incorporation of multiculturalism as the guiding force in migrant selection and integration. Australia�s history, its cultural inheritance, its socioeconomic development, and its attraction as a receiving country of immigrants are analyzed, as are Australia�s xenophobia and racism at its inception, and how these twin social factors influenced its immigration program. The study examines limitations placed upon social intercourse, employment opportunities, and other hindrances to Greek (and other non-British migrants) immigrants because of Australia�s adoption of restrictive, racially-based immigration policies. The study focuses upon the under-development of Hellas in the first half of the twentieth century, its high unemployment and under-employment rates, and the multiple other reasons, aside form unemployment, which forced thousands of Hellenes to seek an alternative (for a better life) through internal or external migration. Particular emphasis will be placed upon historic occasions in Greece�s history and the influence of foreign powers upon internal Greek politics. The motivations for each distinct stage of translocation, in the lives of the respondents, will be examined within the ambit of social, cultural, economic, and historical context, which will place emphasis on the socioeconomic development of Hellas, the development of Hellenic Diaspora, Australia�s development as a receiving immigrant country, and the effects of acculturation and nostalgia upon first-generation Greek-Australians. Given that the thesis is based upon personal recollections and detailed information that span decades of the respondents� lives, the thesis is divided into four parts for greater clarity and comprehension: the first examines respondents� lives in region of birth, their families� economic, educational, and social environment, scholastic achievements by respondents, employment status, future prospects, religiosity, hopes and aspirations, and reasons for seeking to migrate. The second part examines respondents� lives in Australia, within the contextuality of accommodation, employment, family creation, social adaptation, language acquisition, attitude towards unionism and religion, expectations about Australia, and reasons for repatriating. The third part analyzes repatriation and life in Greece through resettlement, accommodation, children�s schooling and adaptation, relatives� and friends� attitude, disappointments, and longing for things Australian, while it also examines re-emigratory causes and the disillusionment suffered through repatriation. The final part assesses resettlement in Australia, and all associated social, economic, and environmental aspects, as well as respondents� children�s readaptation to different lifestyle and educational system. The thesis concludes with recommendations for possible further studies associated with the thesis� nature.

Har perfektionism och självkänsla betydelse för arbetstillfredsställelse?

Rydell, Maria January 2008 (has links)
<p>Arbetstillfredsställelse innebär hur människor anpassar sig och trivs på arbetet. Forskning har visat att personer med hög självkänsla ofta upplever arbetstillfredställellse i högre grad än de med låg självkänsla. Det har också framkommit att människor som uppvisar perfektionistiska drag ofta har hög motivation men kan ha sämre välbefinnande. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om arbetstillfredsställelse är relaterad till perfektionism samt vilken roll självkänsla spelar i perfektionism. En enkätundersökning genomfördes med 60 deltagare från ett internationellt företag. Resultatet visade att både perfektionism och självkänsla hade ett positivt samband med arbetstillfredsställelse men det framkom en interaktion som visade att det endast var perfektionister med hög självkänsla som var högt tillfredställda på sin arbetsplats.</p>

Les processus de co-innovation - Caractérisation, Evaluation et Management : le cas de l'industrie automobile

Maniak, Remi 25 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
La diffusion du modèle de co-développement a permis d'optimiser la performance qualité-coût-délai des programmes de développement de nouveaux produits. Aujourd'hui, les entreprises du secteur automobile cherchent à déployer des innovations plus radicales au sein de ces nouveaux produits : systèmes d'aide à la conduite, pare-brise panoramique, télématique embarquée, etc. Pour ce faire, elles expérimentent de nouveaux dispositifs internes ainsi que de nouvelles formes de relations avec les fournisseurs. Notre travail vise à caractériser et à évaluer ces processus de co-innovation, et à en dégager des facteurs critiques de management. Il s'appuie sur une méthodologie originale qui associe une comparaison de cas français et japonais, un accès symétrique constructeurs / fournisseurs, et une recherche intervention qui vient compléter et enrichir les données issues des études de cas a posteriori. La thèse construit un référentiel analytique, le parcours d'innovation, permettant de caractériser la variété des phénomènes. Son application sur cinq cas révèle les principaux facteurs d'efficacité, ainsi que les leviers d'actions susceptibles d'améliorer les dispositifs de gestion existants. La recherche-intervention a permis de tester la faisabilité de ces résultats avec les entreprises partenaires de la recherche. Enfin, un des principaux apports est de montrer l'interdépendance forte entre les formes de relations interfirmes et les spécificités des processus internes pour expliquer la performance des pratiques.

Inter-kommunal IT-samverkan / IT-based Local government collaboration

Ragnar, Pia-Lotta, Skill, Kristin January 2005 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen syftar till att ge ett generellt kunskapsbidrag om vilka faktorer som kan sägas bidra till förekomsten av interkommunal samverkan om och med IT samt vilka effekter som kommuner kan uppnå genom sådan samverkan. Genom en exemplifierande studie avser vi även beskriva hur en inter-kommunal samverkan om och med IT kan se ut. Därutöver även att se om det utifrån ovanstående går att peka ut eller identifiera några särskilda framgångsfaktorer eller omständigheter som är av betydelse för huruvida samverkan kan resultera i ett positivt resultat eller inte.</p><p>De resultat som vi kommit fram till pekar på att det finns flera faktorer som kan sägas bidra till att inter-kommunal samverkan om och med IT uppkommer. De bidragande faktorer som framkommit är omgivningen i form av staten och EU som vi funnit vara en stor bidragande faktor. Dessutom den obalans som uppstår mellan de resurser en kommun har och de uppdrag den har på sig. Ytterliggare så är ekonomin en faktor som bidrar till att inter-kommunal samverkan om och med IT uppkommer och att den kan ses som den gemensamma nämnaren.</p><p>Vad gäller effekter så har vi sett att det finns många möjligheter likväl som det kan uppstå många problem vid samverkan om och med IT. Dessutom finns det olika förutsättningar som bör beaktas. En del av de effekter som inter-kommunal ITsamverkan kan ge är skalfördelar, organisations- och verksamhetsutveckling, effektivare organisation och ekonomisk effektivisering samt kunskapsutbyte och resursdelning mellan kommunerna. Vilka möjligheter, problem och förutsättningar som kan uppnås, uppstå eller behöva beaktas är dock beroende av hur och i vilken grad samverkan sker och avgör också vilka effekterna blir.</p><p>När det gäller framgångsfaktorer är de i mångt och mycket sammanknippade med omgivningen i form av staten. En framgångsfaktor för just inter- kommunal samverkan om och med IT är ett statligt underlättande av lagar och förordningar som kan förhindra och försvåra samverkan mellan kommuner. Även statligt framtagna standarder är en framgångsfaktor. Därutöver kan formalisering i form av avtal eller dylikt vara en framgångsfaktor i inter-kommunal samverkan om och med IT då en sådan samverkan behöver vara långsiktig och inte brytas av att förändringar i maktbalansen sker.</p>


javeed, khalid January 2010 (has links)
<p>An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is a link between the analog and digital domains and plays a vital role in modern mixed signal processing systems. There are several architectures, for example flash ADCs, pipeline ADCs, sigma delta ADCs,successive approximation (SAR) ADCs and time interleaved ADCs. Among the various architectures, the pipeline ADC offers a favorable trade-off between speed,power consumption, resolution, and design effort. The commonly used applications of pipeline ADCs include high quality video systems, radio base stations,Ethernet, cable modems and high performance digital communication systems.Unfortunately, static errors like comparators offset errors, capacitors mismatch errors and gain errors degrade the performance of the pipeline ADC. Hence, there is need for accuracy enhancement techniques. The conventional way to overcome these mentioned errors is to calibrate the pipeline ADC after fabrication, the so-called post fabrication calibration techniques. But environmental changes like temperature and device aging necessitates the recalibration after regular intervals of time, resulting in a loss of time and money. A lot of effort can be saved if the digital outputs of the pipeline ADC can be used for the estimation and correctionof these errors, further classified as foreground and background techniques. In this thesis work, an algorithm is proposed that can estimate 10% inter stage gain errors in pipeline ADC without any need for a special calibration signal. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is investigated on an 8-bit pipeline ADC architecture.The first seven stages are implemented using the 1.5-bit/stage architecture whilethe last stage is a one-bit flash ADC. The ADC and error correction algorithms simulated in Matlab and the signal to noise and distortion ratio (SNDR) is calculated to evaluate its efficiency.</p>

La traduction inter-référentielle à l'épreuve des accommodements raisonnables

Mzouji, Rabia 12 October 2011 (has links)
La thèse part d’un premier constat : le manque de réflexion sur les questions d’identité, d’altérité et d’intégration dans des sociétés occidentales pourtant de plus en plus hétérogènes. Le traitement médiatique québécois des accommodements raisonnables au milieu des années 2000 a ainsi rappelé la difficulté d'habiter plusieurs univers culturels à la fois. Comme si revendiquer une appartenance, c'était renoncer à toutes les autres. Comme si appartenir à une communauté religieuse, c'était y être enfermé. Notre thèse défend l’idée que les divergences identitaires et culturelles sont inhérentes à toute démocratie. Elles ne lui font donc pas obstacle, sauf quand des situations comme le traitement médiatique québécois des accommodements raisonnables tendent à accentuer ces divergences au point de rendre impossible toute communication entre cadres référentiels. Pour observer ce traitement médiatique, nous nous sommes limitée à une altérité en particulier, celle des minorités arabes et/ou musulmanes. L’observation privilégiée était par ailleurs très succincte #trois articles traductifs, trois articles non-traductifs et trois articles intraductifs tirés du journal Le Devoir#. Nous avons mobilisé une théorie de la traduction inter-référentielle pour mieux saisir les mécanismes discursifs qui ont pour vocation de montrer comment la représentation de l’Autre trahit en même temps la représentation de soi, celle de son cadre de référence ainsi que le contexte social dans lequel s’inscrivent ces représentations respectives. Nous avons également eu recours au concept de traduction citoyenne #Basalamah# qui part du principe qu’un cadre référentiel ne doit jamais être considéré comme autosuffisant. Le traducteur citoyen invite en ce sens le lecteur à une éventuelle remise en question, au repositionnement de soi vis-à-vis de l’Autre ainsi qu’au rapprochement mutuel. Or, que nous montre l’analyse des neuf articles tirés du journal Le Devoir? Elle nous montre d’abord que se situer dans une posture non traductive, c’est oublier sa dette envers l’Autre. Elle nous montre ensuite que se situer dans une posture intraductive, c’est courir derrière de vaines illusions #l’illusion d’être objectif, l’illusion d’être non-engagé ou parfois encore l’illusion de ne pas reproduire de vieilles hiérarchies#. Enfin, elle nous montre que même la posture traductive peut décourager le dialogue quand elle s’engage dans une voie trop moralisante.

The Coevolution Of The Firm And The Supply Network: A Complex Systems Perspective

Varga, Liz 04 1900 (has links)
A complex adaptive systems approach has been permeating organizational studies and the field of supply network management helping to describe and explain supply network dynamics and emergent inter-firm structures. This has improved our theoretical knowledge of the nature of supply networks transforming raw materials into products, within a constantly changing environment. From the early days of simple structures, describing bi-lateral, local arrangements between firms for the creation of relatively simple products, we are now in an environment of various supply network archetypes, describing different global sourcing regimes of highly integrated, sophisticated products within multi-tier networks. This thesis is a study of the coevolution of the firm and supply network in the commercial aerospace manufacturing sector producing jetliners of 100 or more seats. One of the contributions of this research is to demonstrate how the holistic approach of complexity science can be applied to describe, understand and gain new insight into the coevolution of the firm and the supply network. Based on the findings of multiple interviews and questionnaires in eight global aerospace firms across multiple supply chain tiers, this research finds high-performing clusters of inter-firm characteristics, plus the aspects of structure and integration which deliver the supply network performance. Practitioners can use these specific results to examine their own firms and the new coevolutionary conceptual framework developed in the thesis may aid future research studies of complex adaptive systems in practice. The simple survey design and analysis method used in the final research stage of this research, has the potential for use in other industries, markets and other complex adaptive systems generally to examine performance outcomes and the effects of having or adopting new inter-firm characteristics. Finally, implications for policy include the potential to legitimize supply networks in order to stimulate competition and innovation in the economy.

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