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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Phosphonium ionic liquids : Versatile nanostructuration and interfacial agents for poly(vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene) / Liquides ioniques au phosphonium : Nanostructuration polyvalente et agents interfaciaux pour le poly (fluorure de vinylidène-chlorotrifluoroéthylène)

Yang, Jing 20 July 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la compréhension du rôle polyvalent des liquides ioniques (LIs) phosphonium comme agents de nanostructuration et interfaciaux pour la matrice polymère fluorée poly(fluorure de vinylidène-chlorotrifluoroéthylène) (P(VDF-CTFE)). Dans un premier temps, deux LIs phosphonium avec des fonctionnalités différentes générant un encombrement stérique et des fonctions dipolaire additionnelles sont tout d'abord incorporés dans la matrice P(VDF-CTFE) pour préparer des films de polymère additives. La structure de la phase cristalline, la morphologie issue de la dispersion et le comportement de cristallisation sont finement caractérisés dans le but de fournir une compréhension fuie et complète du rôle joué par le LI sur la nanostructuration. Dans un second temps, le rôle d’agent interfacial du LI est étudié avec un LI phosphonium fluoré comprenant un cation combinant trois phényles et une chaîne fluorée courte.Ce LI est utilise pour modifier la surface de l'oxyde de graphène (GO) et de l'oxyde de graphène réduit (rGO) afin de rendre ces nanocharges fonctionnelles et les incorporer dans la matrice P(VDF-CTFE). Ainsi, des films composites de P(VDF-CTFE)/graphène avec différentes teneurs en nanocharges sont préparés et une caractérisation fuie de la structure et des propriétés est entreprise afin de mieux comprendre les mécanisme d’interaction interfaciale et leurs influences sur les films composites, tels que la structure de la phase cristalline, le comportement de cristallisation, la relaxation des chaînes, la morphologie et les propriétés diélectriques finales. / This thesis work deals with an understanding of the versatile roles of phosphonium ionic liquids (ILs) as nanostructuration and interfacial agents for the fluorinated polymer matrix, i.e.,poly(vinylidene fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-CTFE)). In this context, two phosphonium ILs with different functionalities in steric hindrance and extra dipolar groups are firstly incorporated in P(VDF-CTFE) matrix to prepare polymer films. The crystalline phase structure, dispersion morphology and crystallization behavior are finely characterized with the goal of providing a full and deep understanding of the versatile and tunable nanostructuration effect of phosphonium ILs. Subsequently, in order to elucidate the mechanism of interfacial influence of IL, a fluorinated phosphonium IL with a cation structure combining three phenyls and a short fluorinated chain is added on the surface of graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO), making them as functional nanofillers to be incorporated into P(VDF-CTFE) matrix. Thus,P(VDF-CTFE)/graphene composite films with different filler contents are prepared in order to investigate the mechanism of interfacial interaction and its influence on the composite films, such as crystalline phase structure, crystallization behavior, chain segmental relaxation behavior, dispersion morphology and the final dielectric properties.

Design de polyuréthanes thermoplastiques (TPU) et étude des morphologies multi-échelles de mélanges bitume / TPU / Design of thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU) and study of multi-scale morphlogies of bitumen/TPU blends

Gallu, Raïssa 19 November 2018 (has links)
Des polyuréthanes thermoplastiques (TPU) contenant des segments rigides et segments souples d’architecture moléculaire variable sont synthétisés en deux étapes, dont la première fait intervenir un pré-polymère polyuréthane. La microstructure de ces polymères montre qu’une séparation de phases intervient entre segments souples et rigides selon la nature des segments utilisés. Les segments rigides peuvent s’organiser sous deux formes, l’une amorphe et l’autre organisée sous forme d’entités cristallines. La morphologie des TPU dépend de la structure chimique du segment rigide employé. L’incompatibilité entre segments souples et rigides a été mise en évidence à partir de l’analyse des paramètres de solubilité complétée des caractérisations à différentes échelles par des techniques de microscopie (électronique et AFM) et de diffusion des rayons X. Ces polyuréthanes thermoplastiques sont ensuite utilisés pour préparer des mélanges bitume –polymère. Les interactions entre segments du polymère et fractions du bitume sont étudiées en considérant les paramètres de solubilité de chacun d’eux et des mesures de gonflement afin de juger de la miscibilité entre les composés. Des huiles modèles sont employées dans le but de mimer certaines fractions huileuses du bitume, et les segments souples et rigides sont synthétisés séparément afin d’étudier les propriétés de chacune des phases en présence dans le mélange bitume – polymère. La morphologie multi-échelle des mélanges est étudiée en lien avec les propriétés rhéologiques et la structure du polymère utilisé. L’ajout de polymère dans le bitume permet de modifier les propriétés viscoélastiques du bitume au-delà de sa transition vitreuse grâce au gonflement sélectif du polymère par les fractions huileuses. Après avoir mis en évidence et analysé le gonflement sélectif grâce à la prise en considération des paramètres de solubilité et mesuré les tensions interfaciales, nous montrons que la présence d’une phase continue riche en polymère contenant des segments rigides semi-cristallins dans les mélanges conduit à retarder l’écoulement du matériau bitumineux à plus hautes températures. La composition en huile de cette phase riche en polymère dépendra de son affinité avec les fractions du bitume et donc de la structure chimique du polymère. De plus, la teneur du polymère en segments rigides semi-cristallins est aussi un levier permettant d’intervenir sur son affinité avec le bitume et par conséquent sur les propriétés rhéologiques du mélange bitume-polymère. / Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) containing hard and soft segments with variable molecular architecture are synthesized in two steps, the first one including a polyurethane pre-polymer. The microstructure of theses polymers shows phase separation occurring between soft and hard segments according to the nature of the segments. Hard segments can organize under two forms, either amorphous or crystalline. The morphology of TPU depends on the chemical structure of the hard segment involved. Incompatibility between soft and hard segments was highlighted from solubility parameters analysis, complete with characterization at various scales with microscopy (electron and AFM) and X-ray scattering technics. Theses thermoplastic polyurethanes are used to prepare bitumen-polymer blends. Interactions between the polymer segments and bitumen fractions are studied, considering solubility parameters of each of them and swelling measurements in order to study miscibility between the compounds. Model oils are used in the aims of mimicking some oily fractions of bitumen, and soft and hard segments are separately synthesized to study properties of each phases in the bitumen-polymer mixture. Multi-scale morphology of the blends is studied in connection with rheological properties and structure of the used polymer. The addition of polymer in bitumen allows to modify viscoelastic properties of bitumen beyond its glass transition due to the selective swelling of the polymer by the oily fractions. Having highlighted and analyzed the selective swelling by considering solubility parameters and interfacial tension measurements, we show that the presence of a continuous polymer-rich phase containing semi-crystalline hard segments in the blends leads to delay the flow of the bituminous material at highest temperatures. The oil composition of this polymer-rich phase will depend on its affinity with the fractions of bitumen and thus on the chemical structure of the polymer. In addition, semi-crystalline hard segment content of the polymer is also a key parameter allowing to adjust its affinity with bitumen and consequently on rheological properties of the bitumen-polymer mixture.

Interfacial studies of Pt and Cu single-crystal electrodes modified by transition metal deposition

Sarabia, Francisco J. 05 February 2021 (has links)
El conocimiento de las características interfaciales es de suma importancia para poder desarrollar materiales que sean capaces de dar lugar a reacciones electrocatalíticas eficientes. Por esta razón, en esta tesis se muestran diferentes estudios interfaciales sobre superficies monocristalinas de platino y cobre en diferentes electrolitos. Además se estudian las características de la interfase electrodoldisolución con superficies de platino modificadas con adátomos de hierro, cobalto y níquel. Para ello, se han empleado las técnicas de voltametría cíclica, espectroscopía infrarroja con transformada de Fourier, desplazamiento de carga con CO y salto de temperatura inducido por láser. Los resultados muestran cómo varía el campo eléctrico interfacial disminuye al aumentar el recubrimiento de hierro y níquel en la superficie de platino. Este efecto tiene un gran impacto en la reacción de evolución de hidrógeno, ya que la mejora electrocatalítica de esta reacción está relacionada con la energía de reorganización de las moléculas de agua, la cual, depende de la fortaleza del campo eléctrico interfacial. Los estudios realizados en medio alcalino para las diferentes superficies de cobre y platino sin modificar muestran una correlación entre el potencial de máxima entropía y las funciones de trabajo para cada una de las diferentes orientaciones atómicas superficiales. Por otro lado, debido a la aplicabilidad de las nanopartículas en los sistemas reales de conversión de energía, se realizaron experimentos de sincrotrón empleando la técnica de Bragg coherent difraction imaging con el objetivo de estudiar el deterioro de las nanopartículas en condiciones operando.

Consequences of Interfacial Interactions on Adsorption and Adhesion

Singla, Saranshu January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Investigations intothe crystallization of butyl paraben

Yang, Huaiyu January 2011 (has links)
In thisproject, solubility of butyl paraben in 7 puresolvents and 5 ethanol aqueous solvents has been determined at from 1 ℃to 50 ℃. Thermodynamic properties of butyl paraben have been measured by DifferentialScanning Calorimetey. Relationship between molar solubility of butyl paraben in6 pure solvents and thermodynamic properties has been analyzed. Thisrelationship suggests a method of estimating activity of solute at equilibrium fromcombining solubility data with DSC measurements. Then, activity coefficient accordingto the solubility at different temperatures can be estimated. Duringthe solubility measurements in ethanol aqueous solvents, it is found that whenbutyl paraben is added into aqueous solutions with certain proportion ethanol,solutions separates into two immiscible liquid layers in equilibrium. Water andethanol are primary in top layer, while the butyl paraben is primary in bottomlayer, but the solution turns to cloudy when two layers of solution are mixed. Theaim of this work was to present the phase behaviour of liquid-liquid-phaseseparation for (butyl paraben + water + ethanol) ternary system from 1 ℃ to 50 ℃at atmospheric pressure. Thearea of liquid-liquid-phase separation region in the ternary phase diagram increaseswith the increasing temperature from 10 ℃to 50 ℃. In thisstudy, more than several hundreds of nucleation experiments of butyl paraben havebeen investigated in ethyl acetate, propanol, acetone and 90% ethanol aqueoussolution. Induction time of butyl paraben has been determined at 3 differentsupersaturation levels in these solvents, respectively. Free energy ofnucleation, solid-liquid interfacial energy, and nuclei critical radius havebeen determined according to the classical nucleation theory. Statistical analysis ofinduction time reveals that the nucleation is a stochastic process with widevariation even at the same experiment condition. Butyl paraben nucleates most difficultlyin 90 % ethanol than in other 3 solvents, and most easily in acetone. The interfacialenergy of butyl paraben in these solvents tends to increasing with decreasemole fraction solubility in these solvents. Coolingcrystallizations with different proportions of butyl paraben, water and ethanolhave been observed by Focused Beam Reflectance Method, Parallel VirtualMachine, and On-line Infrared. The FBRM, IR curves and the PVM photos show someof the solutions appeared liquid-liquid phase separation during coolingcrystallization process. The results suggest that if solutions went throughliquid-liquid phase separation region during the cooling crystallizationprocess the distribution of crystals crystal was poor. Droplets from solutions withsame proportion butyl paraben but different proportions of water and ethanolhave been observed under microscope. Induction time of the droplets has been determinedunder the room temperature. Droplets from top layer or bottom layer of solutionwith liquid-liquid phase separation on small glass or plastic plates were alsoobserved under microscope. The microscope photos show that the opposite flows ofcloudy solution on the glass and the plastic plate before nucleation. The resultsof the cooling and evaporation crystallization experiments both revealed thatnucleation would be prevented by the liquid-liquid phase separation. / QC 20110630

Mixed Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Fiber Media for Liquid-Liquid Coalescence

Kulkarni, Prashant S. 01 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Interfacial Structure of Bilayer Compensation Films Prepared by Direct Coating Process

Yu, Wumin 11 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Study of Elastin-Like Polypeptides Grafted on Electrode Surfaces

Pramounmat, Nuttanit 23 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Slab-Geometry Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Development and Application to Calculation of Activity Coefficients, Interfacial Electrochemistry, and Ion Channel Transport

Crozier, Paul S. 01 January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Methods of slab-geometry molecular dynamics computer simulation were tested, compared, and applied to the prediction of activity coefficients, interfacial electrochemistry characterization, and ion transport through a model biological channel-membrane structure. The charged-sheets, 2-D Ewald, corrected 3-D Ewald, and corrected particle-particle-particle-mesh (P3M) methods were compared for efficiency and applicability to slab-geometry electrolyte systems with discrete water molecules. The P3M method was preferred for long-range force calculation in the problems of interest and was used throughout. The osmotic molecular dynamics method (OMD) was applied to the prediction of liquid mixture activity coefficients for six binary systems: methanol/n-hexane, n-hexane/n-pentane, methanol/water, chloroform/acetone, n-hexane/chloroform, methanol/ chloroform. OMD requires the establishment of chemical potential equilibrium across a semi-permeable membrane that divides the simulation cell between a pure solvent chamber and a chamber containing a mixture of solvent and solute molecules in order to predict the permeable component activity coefficient at the mixture side composition according to a thermodynamic identity. Chemical potential equilibrium is expedited by periodic adjustment of the mixture side chamber volume in response to the observed solvent flux. The method was validated and shown to be able to predict activity coefficients within the limitations of the simple models used. The electrochemical double layer characteristics for a simple electrolyte with discrete water molecules near a charged electrode were examined as a function of ion concentration, electrode charge, and ion size. The fluid structure and charge buildup near the electrode, the voltage drop across the double layer, and the double layer capacitance were studied and were found to be in reasonable agreement with experimental findings. Applied voltage non-equilibrium molecular dynamics was used to calculate the current-voltage relationship for a model biological pore. Ten 10-nanosecond trajectories were computed in each of 10 different conditions of concentration and applied voltage. The channel-membrane structure was bathed in electrolyte including discrete water molecules so that solvation, entry, and exit effects could be studied. Fluid structure, ion dynamics, channel selectivity, and potential gradients were examined. This work represents the first such channel study that does not neglect the vital contributions of discrete water molecules.

Physicochemical Cues for the Design of Underwater Adhesives

Narayanan, Amal 25 March 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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