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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vortex of Genocide: Banyamulenge Identity Formation in Pursuit of the Genocidaire, Zaïre (1996- 1997)

Davey, Christopher P. January 2019 (has links)
Genocide is conventionally seen through the mutually exclusive characterisations of perpetrators and victims. Attempts to understand this phenomenon in the 1990s postcolonial African Great Lakes region suffer from this same limitation. This dissertation critiques the limiting binary of perpetrator and victim identities. By examining the messy formation of identities in genocide, this research demonstrates that the latter are layered and fluid. Using relational sociology, identities are examined through the narrative analysis of interviews with Banyamulenge soldiers who participated in the early 1990s Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), and the short-lived Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo (AFDL). These soldiers witnessed first-hand the violence and devastation of the Rwandan civil war and 1994 genocide. The AFDL, under Rwandan leadership, went on to obliterate 233,000 Rwandan refugees spread across Zaïre form 1996 to 1997. A heuristic device of a vortex is used to conceptualise a process of identity formation framed by three features of genocide, namely narratives of insecurity, destructive crises, and intermediate space. RPF and Banyamulenge narratives, power relations, and relational journeys are traced through an exploration of the networks and histories of these features. Banyamulenge soldier identities are formed in movements through this vortex with each experience of genocide. Such movements resulted in violence against the refugees. A specific relation to the idea of the enemy as a guilty genocidaire was constructed through the deployment of multiple narratives. The genocidaire was essential to Banyamulenge identities as they went on to perpetrate genocide against the Rwandan refugees. / The full text will be available at the end of the embargo: 1st Dec 2027

Classes moyennes éthiopiennes : étude empirique d'une assignation catégorielle incertaine. / Ethiopian Middle Classes : an Empirical Study of an Uncertain and Projected Category

Nallet, Clélie 26 March 2015 (has links)
Au cours des années 2010, les « classes moyennes africaines » sont progressivement devenues une référence catégorielle des sphères économiques et politiques internationales. La catégorie, associée systématiquement à des corrélations positives non validées de développement économique et politique, fait l'objet de divers travaux d'identification et de typification de la part d'acteurs extérieurs (organisations internationales de développement, cabinets de conseil en investissement, etc.). Si ces derniers n'hésitent pas à affirmer l'émergence de « classes moyennes africaines », nous ne pouvons que souligner le caractère incantatoire de telles affirmations, qui relèvent plus d'un « jeu de fabricants » visant à dessiner un monde en « émergence » que de validations empiriques probantes.Ce travail de thèse se base sur un pari : user d’une affectation catégorielle particulièrement incertaine « classes moyennes africaines » afin d’élaborer une méthodologie permettant d’identifier des mutations sociales structurelles sous-jacentes en Éthiopie. Par une étude empirique de l'espace social intermédiaire d'Addis-Abeba, il s'agit de soumettre ces mutations à analyse pour en comprendre les fondements, les formes et processus de constitution et les impacts potentiels sur la société et le politique du pays / Since the year 2010, the term “African Middle Classes” has increasingly become a categorical reference in the international economic and political arena. This category, which has systematically been associated with a positive but unverified correlation of economic and political development, represents the object of diverse identification and typification projects by external actors (such as international development organizations, investment consultancy firms etc.). While the latter do not hesitate to affirm the emergence of the phenomenon of “African Middle Classes”, we cannot but underline the incantatory character of these affirmations. The emergence is more linked to a “producers’ game”, inclined to sketch out an « emerging world », than to empirical evidence.This doctoral research is based on the challenging task of using the particularly elusive and projected category of the « African Middle Classes » to develop a methodology that helps to identify the structural social changes that are shaping Ethiopia nowadays. Grounded in an empirical case study of the intermediate social space in Addis Ababa, this work aims to analyse the foundations, forms and construction processes, as well as the potential impact that these changes have on the Ethiopian society and the political system

Institución educativa con espacios comunitarios en San Juan de Lurigancho / Educational institution with community spaces in San Juan de Lurigancho

Vidal Panduro, Viviana Arlet 06 August 2020 (has links)
Un centro educativo es una de las instituciones más importes de la sociedad, ya que este es el lugar donde las nuevas generaciones adquieren todo tipo de conocimiento que les servirá para la vida adulta. Sin embargo, la arquitectura de las Instalaciones Educativas en el Perú es la menos desarrollada, encontrándose estancada en los modelos arquitectónicos del siglo XX. El propósito de este documento es presentar las bases necesarias para diseñar una Institución Educativa de inicial, primaria y secundaria en el distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho que responda a las metodologías educativas actuales y, al mismo tiempo, responda a la normatividad correspondiente que el Ministerio de Educación busca implementar. Asimismo, se trata de demostrar la importancia de incluir equipamiento complementario de uso compartido, ya sea con fines educativos, deportivos o culturales, que integren y refuercen el vínculo del colegio con el resto de la ciudad. / A school is one of the most important institutions in society, since this is the place where the new generations acquire all kinds of knowledge that will serve them for adult life. However, the architecture of the Educational Facilities in Peru is the least developed, finding itself stagnant in the architectural models of the 20th century. The purpose of this document is to present the necessary bases to design an initial, primary and secondary Educational Institution in the district of San Juan de Lurigancho that responds to current educational methodologies and, at the same time, responds to the corresponding regulations that the Ministry of Education seeks to implement. Likewise, it is about demonstrating the importance of including complementary equipment for shared use, whether for educational, sports or cultural purposes, that integrates and strengthens the school's link with the rest of the city. / Tesis

Escuela de Artes Plásticas en Barranco: El Espacio “Inbetween” como Motor de Superación de un “Cringe” Cultural / Art School in Barranco: Overcoming Cultural “Cringe” with "Inbetween" Space Design

Ferraro Ravettino, Franco 28 May 2019 (has links)
Hoy, en el mundo del arte de Lima, se puede percibir un fenómeno social definido por Robert Hughes (1992) como “Cultural Cringe”. Dicho fenómeno se basa en la incapacidad que tiene el artista para fundamentar su obra en una sociedad en la que el consumidor se ve condicionado por una exposición constante a medios de comunicación masivos. Al parecer, la solución se encuentra en la propuesta de una Escuela de Arte en Barranco, escenario principal de dicho “Cringe”. Dicha casa de estudios debe poder ofrecer una educación integral, teórica y práctica, que permita que los alumnos sean competitivos en una realidad internacional y, eventualmente, debe permitir que el contexto social en el que se encuentra se vea contagiado por el conocimiento y la cultura que la misma imparte. / Defined by Robert Hughes (1992);"Cultural Cringe" is a social phenomenon that can be perceived in Lima’s Art world. This phenomenon occurs when artists are unable to demonstrate their work as conceptually and intellectually coherent pieces, especially as a result of constant exposure to “garbage” mass media. Apparently, said “Cringe” can be corrected with an Art School Project in Barranco, where the problem is more latent. The proposed School should be able to offer a comprehensive, theoretical and practical education that allows students to be competitive in an international reality and, eventually, be the kick starter of a new knowledge and culture based set of customs. / Tesis

Mercado y Patio Gastronómico en Barranco / Market and Food Court in Barranco

Arceo Lemoine, Ariana 16 January 2020 (has links)
En el presente proyecto de tesis, se analizaron factores importantes para la ciudad de Lima de hoy en dia y el potencial de esta como capital para seguir creciendo culturalmente para sus ciudadanos y visitantes. Debido al auge gastronómico peruano, se propone un Mercado y Patio Gastronómico; tipología que se ha instaurado internacionalmente en Europa y Latinoamérica en el siglo XXI de manera exitosa, como reivindicación del mercado de abastos que fuera relegado por los “supermercados”. La propuesta se ubica en el distrito de Barranco, en un terreno donde funciona actualmente un mercado en malas condiciones de funcionamiento y sobre todo de seguridad y sanidad. El proyecto considera la población de vendedores actual y segrega según los tipos generando dos niveles de mercado y un patio de comidas; aprovechando el surgimiento del distrito como destino de turismo; siendo esta una oportunidad para la regeneración de ese sector. El proyecto se emplaza con una propuesta volumétrica adecuada en escala y proporción, que conserva la contención de las calles; típicas del distrito. Se propone una respuesta contemporánea en compromiso con su entorno. / In this thesis project, important factors of the city of Lima and its potential as a capital to continue growing in a cultural way not only for its citizens, but also for its visitors, were analyzed. Due to the peruvian gastronomic popular increase in the last decade, a Gastronomic Market and Patio is proposed; typology that has been established internationally in Europe and America in the 21st century in a successful way, as a demand of the food market that was relegated by the appearance of “supermarkets”. The project is located in the district of Barranco, in an area where a market is currently operating in poor conditions, especially bad in safety and health conditions. It considers the current vendor population and segregates according to the types of market stands, making two levels of market and a food court, in this case the gastronomic patio, taking advantage of the emergence of the district as a tourist destination; this being an opportunity for the regeneration of that neighborhood. The project is set up with an adequate volumetric proposal in scale and proportion, which preserves the containment of streets, typical of the district. A contemporary response proposed in commitment with it surroundings. / Tesis

Rendre possible un espace intermédiaire de dialogue pour coconstruire de nouvelles solutions de prévention dans un contexte d’incertitude : cas des travaux de revêtements routiers / To made possible an intermediate space for dialogue to co-construct new prevention solutions in a context of uncertainly : Case of road surfacing works

Judon, Nathalie 19 October 2017 (has links)
Dans le contexte d’incertitude actuel entourant la problématique de l’exposition au bitume dans les travaux de revêtement routier, la thèse vise l’élaboration de principes généraux et de méthodes d’action pour des solutions préventives nouvelles permettant d’enrichir les dispositifs de prévention existants. Dans cette perspective, nous avons développé une démarche centrée sur l’association des travailleurs de tout niveau hiérarchique (opérateurs, encadrement de proximité, préventeurs et décideurs) autour « d’objets intermédiaires de prévention » afin de soutenir un débat collectif. Ce débat collectif est envisagé comme une pratique réflexive sur l’activité de travail, elle-même considérée comme la condition d’un langage commun, permettant de changer des choix initiaux et constituant une ressource pour les apprentissages mutuels entre acteurs. Pour cela, nous avons développé, repris et enrichi la notion de représentation des risques qui favorise la mise en visibilité et la reconnaissance des savoirs construits, développés et portés par les travailleurs sur leur activité et sur les façons de se protéger des dangers. Ces représentations du risque et ces savoir-faire sont un élément déterminant de la prévention car ils s’exercent à la fois dans des modes normaux et dégradés de l’activité et sont issus de l’expérience et d’une construction sociale. Nous avons développé une connaissance précise de l’activité des opérateurs de mise en oeuvre d’enrobés dans deux agences de travaux publics, qui a mis en évidence que les acteurs de terrain possèdent des connaissances fines sur les risques chimiques. Ces représentations, essentiellement permises par l’expérience du corps et des sens, ne sont pas toujours convocables pour mettre en oeuvre des activités de protection dans l’activité de travail. Elles seraient empêchées voire « enkystées » quand il semble impossible aux travailleurs de faire autrement avec la nécessité de gérer aléas, variabilités et autres dangers présents et quand leur pouvoir d’agir leur apparait comme inexistant. Pourtant, nous montrons qu’elles deviennent accessibles à partir de références à la sphère intime et domestique dans des activités réflexives qui mobilisent à la fois des données d’observations, de mesures et des verbalisations. Dans une perspective de recherche en prévention, l’objet de la thèse est alors d’établir un dialogue entre différents mondes, institutionnels et de l’entreprise, afin de permettre aux acteurs de s’investir et de mobiliser leurs ressources individuelles, collectives et organisationnelles pour proposer des solutions de prévention. Cet « espace intermédiaire de dialogue » est rendu possible par la co-construction d’objets intermédiaires en capacité 1- de produire et soutenir un débat autour des pratiques effectives des opérateurs et de leurs représentations au regard des dispositifs de sécurité existants et 2- d’être support aux dialogues et aux apprentissages mutuels. Ces objets intermédiaires de prévention sont in fine des entités circulantes pour la coproduction d’un savoir pour l’action : produire des connaissances et générer collectivement des solutions innovantes de prévention. / In the context of current uncertainty surrounding the problem of exposure to bitumen in road surfacing (coating), the aim of the thesis is to set up general principles and methods of action for new preventive solutions that will enrich the existing measures. In this perspective, we have developed an approach centred on the association of workers at all hierarchical levels (operators, proximity managers, prevention workers and decision-makers) around "intermediary objects of prevention" in order to support a collective debate. This collective debate is seen as a reflective practice on work activity, which is itself seen as the condition of a common language, allowing for initial choices to be changed and a resource for mutual learning between actors. To this end, we have developed, reworked and enriched the notion of risk representation, which promotes the visibility and recognition of the knowledge built, developed and carried by workers on their activities and on ways to protect themselves from dangers or hazards. These representations of risk and the know-hows are a decisive element of prevention because they are applied in both normal and degraded modes of the activity and are derived from experience and social construction. We have developed a fine and precise knowledge of the activity of asphalt processing operators in two public works agencies, which highlighted that the players in the field have a detailed knowledge of chemical risks. These representations, which were essentially made possible by the experience of the body and the senses, cannot always been called up with a view to setting up protective measures in the work activity. They would be prevented or even "encysted" when it seems impossible for workers to do otherwise with the need to manage the hazards, variability and other dangers present and when their power to act seems to them to be non existent. And yet, we show that they become accessible from references to the intimate and domestic sphere in reflexive activities that mobilize both data from observations, measurements and verbalizations. From a preventive research perspective, the aim of the thesis is to establish a dialogue between different institutional and corporate worlds so as to enable the actors to get involved and mobilize their individual, collective and organizational resources to propose prevention solutions. This "intermediate space for dialogue" is made possible by the coconstruction of intermediate objects capable of 1- producing and supporting a debate about the current practices of the operators and their representations with regard to the existing safety devices and 2- supporting dialogues and mutual learning. These intermediate prevention objects are ultimately circulating entities for the co-production of knowledge for action: to generate knowledge and to collectively generate innovative prevention solutions.

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