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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Supply Chain Collaboration: The Role of Key Contact Employees

Charvet, Francois F. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Interorganisatorisk samverkan i utvecklingsprojekt inom infrastruktur : Ett arbete kring organisationsstruktur och beslutsfattande / Interorganizational Collaboration in Infrastructure Development Projects : A study on Organizational Structure and Decision Making

Johansson,, Anna, Lundbäck, Linnéa January 2021 (has links)
Inom stora infrastrukturprojekt finns det en risk att saker inte går enligt plan. Detta kan bero på oförutsedda händelser och kan resultera i överskriden budget och/eller tidplan. Dessa oförutsedda händelser kan vara allt ifrån att det saknas ett godkännande att få påbörja ett bygge, till att vädret påverkar planerna. Denna rapport syftar till att undersöka de interorganisatoriska processerna i ett infrastrukturprojekt med fokus på samverkan, beslutsfattande och konsekvenser. Undersökningen baseras på tre frågeställningar kring detta. Det infrastrukturprojekt som valts att studeras i denna rapport är Program Roslagsbanans Utbyggnad (RBU). Rapporten är baserad på en litteraturstudie samt en empirisk studie. Inledningsvis gjordes en litteraturstudie för att bygga upp den teoretiska referensramen för arbetet. Här undersöktes allmän organisationsstruktur och beslutsprocesser i infrastrukturprojekt samt hur man kan optimera arbetssätten för att säkra kvaliteten i stora projekt. Vidare utfördes en kvalitativ semistrukturerad empirisk undersökning med fyra respondenter. Två respondenter är anställda inom beställarorganisationen och två är anställda av ett av de företag som anlitats som entreprenör inom ramen för projektet. Det empiriska resultatet jämfördes därefter kritiskt med teorin. Empirin visar att organisationen är strukturerad så att Landstingsfullmäktige, som består av politiker, fattar beslut. Under dem finns sponsor/sektionschef. Sedan finns en programledare och en biträdande programledare som var för sig ansvarar för en del av alla projekt och dess projektledare. Sponsorn ansvarar för alla beslut inom programmet och ändringar i budget går tillbaka till Landstingsfullmäktige för nytt beslut. Entreprenören, vars roll och rättigheter regleras främst genom kontrakt med beställaren, kommer in i projektet via upphandling först när genomförande fasen ska påbörjas. Vid planering av projekt som Program Roslagsbanans Utbyggnad görs en riskanalys vilket innebär att man lyfter alla risker och utifrån detta gör en åtgärdsplan och sätter en så kallad riskpeng som är ett extra utrymme i avtalet med entreprenören för att täcka eventuella extra kostnader. Det förekommer alltid förändringar och inom just Program Roslagsbanans Utbyggnad finns det ganska små marginaler då en överskriden tidplan kan innebära stora kostnader och påverkan på samhället i övrigt. Både entreprenör och beställare ser samma risker och har samma mål men olika syn på vilken som är den bästa och mest effektiva vägen dit. Gällande förberedelser för händelser som inträffar utanför planerad projektplan så arbetar man till stor del förebyggande, men det förekommer även situationer som inte går att förbereda sig för. För andra typer av händelser som inte omfattas av förberedande åtgärder krävs ibland nya beslut längs vägen. Dessa fattas av projektledaren som efter bästa förmåga anpassar sitt arbete och gör det bästa som går efter de förutsättningar som hen har att arbeta med. Med större infrastrukturprojekt, som Program Roslagsbanans Utbyggnad innefattar, förenklar det processen märkbart att som beställare ha stor insyn i de arbeten som utförs. / In large infrastructure projects, there is a risk that things will not go according to plan. This may be due to unforeseen events and may result in exceeding budget and/or time plan. These unforeseen events can be for example a lack of approval to start a construction, or the weather affecting the plans. This report aims to examine the inter-organizational processes in an infrastructure project with a focus on collaboration, decision making and consequences. The report is based on three questions around this. The infrastructure project chosen to study in this report is Program Roslagsbanans Utbyggnad (RBU). The report is based on a literature study and an empirical study. Initially, a literature study was conducted to build up the theoretical frame of reference for the work. Here, the general organizational structure and decision-making processes in infrastructure projects were examined, as well as how to optimize working methods to ensure quality in large projects. Furthermore, a qualitative semi-structured empirical study was conducted with four respondents. Two respondents are employed within the customer organization and two are employed by one of the companies hired as a contractor within the program. The empirical result was then critically compared with the theory. The empirical study shows that the organization is structured so that the Landstingsfullmäktige makes decisions. Under them is a sponsor/a department head. Then there is a program manager and a subsidiary program manager who are individually responsible for some of the projects. All project managers for each individual project respond to them. The sponsor is responsible for all decisions within the program and changes in the budget go back to the board for a new decision. The entrepreneur, whose rights are regulated primarily through contracts with the customer organization, enters the project via procurement only when the implementation phase is to begin. When planning projects such as Program Roslagsbanans Utbyggnad, a risk analysis is performed, which means that all risks are highlighted and based on this, an action plan is made and a so-called riskpeng is set. Riskpeng is a way of calculating for extra costs in advance in case of the work exceeding budget. There are always changes and within Program Roslagsbanans Utbyggnad there are quite small margins as an exceeded time plan can mean large costs and impact on society in general. Both contractor and customer organization see the same risks and have the same goals but they have different views on which the best and most effective way is to reach them. Regarding preparations for events that occur outside the planned project plan, work is largely done preventively, but there are also situations that could not be prepared for. For other types of events thatare not covered by preparatory measures, new decisions are sometimes required along the way. These are made by the project manager who, to the best of its ability, adapts the work and does the best possible according to the conditions the project manager has to work with. With major infrastructure projects such as Program Roslagsbanans Utbyggnad, it significantly simplifies the process if the customer has insight into the work that is performed.

Relationship of selected factors to the facilitation of interagency teamwork within the Roanoke Valley Council of Community Services

Shelton, Harvey William January 1976 (has links)
The problem for research in this study was: What are the effects of certain selected factors on interagency teamwork within the Roanoke Valley Council of Community Services? Other questions central to the study were: 1. How do the operational processes--goals, communication, leadership, and group effectiveness--of the RVCCS affect interagency teamwork? 2. How do the agency partners perceive what the role of the Council should be? 3. How do certain characteristics such as agency mission, funding source, clientele income level, program planning level, and decision-making level affect the perception of various RVCCS partners of the role of the interagency mechanism? 4. How do the agency partners perceive the role of non-elected community leaders and local elected officials in an interagency mechanism? This was a study of the Roanoke Valley Council of Community Services, a voluntary regional interagency mechanism. The respondents studied were forty of the eighty-three agency heads, twenty board members, seven local officials, and three staff members. The interview method was used to gather the data with subjects responding to closed-ended and open-ended items on the instrument. The statistical methods utilized in analyzing the data were profile analysis, chi square, one-way analysis of variance, and percentages. The findings indicated that certain selected factors affect, facilitate, or hinder interagency teamwork within the Roanoke Valley Council of Community Services. The perception of RVCCS goals by the agency partners appears to facilitate Council's operation. Yet, a lack of goal clarity by the agency heads appears to be a hindering factor. The difference in perception of the communication process between the agency heads and other agency partners would seem to be a major hindering factor to Council's operation, especially a significant lack of trust by the agency heads. The RVCCS leadership seems to be a facilitating factor in the interagency mechanism's operation. The group effectiveness of the Council as perceived by the board, local officials, and staff seems to facilitate its operation, but the perceptions of the agency heads of RVCCS as not being as cohesive and prestigious as the other partners appear to hinder its effectiveness. A strong consensus among the agency members regarding the roles of RVCCS and community leaders appears to be major facilitating factors in its operation. Staff competence, capability, and relationships also seem to facilitate the interagency mechanism. Likewise, Council's credibility and ability to focus on community needs and problems appear to be a facilitating force. The role of local officials in RVCCS appears neither to facilitate or hinder the operation of the Council. Finally, the RVCCS is an effective interagency mechanism, but more agency heads and a broader representation of community citizens need to be involved in its operation in order to better facilitate coordination within the Roanoke valley area. It was recommended that further study be undertaken to determine additional effects of goals, communication, leadership, and group effectiveness on the operation of interagency mechanisms. / Doctor of Education

Styrning av öppen innovation i små och medelstora företag : En fallstudie inom fordonsindustrin / Management of Open Innovation in SMEs : A case study in the automotive industry

Omar Ali, Nashad, Rosén, Saga January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund & problem: Traditionell sluten innovation utgör en utmaning för SME som kännetecknas av resursbegränsningar, i synnerhet inom fordonsindustrin. Den öppna innovationen (OI) anammas i större utsträckning av SME på grund av dess kollaborativa karaktär. En framgångsrik tillämpning av öppen innovation kräver en utveckling av ekonomistyrsystem (MCS). Styrsystemen måste anpassas för att främja samarbete, synkronisera insatser och säkerställa att innovations initiativen är i linje med organisationens mål. Följaktligen blir förmågan att utforma och implementera MCS som stödjer öppen innovation allt viktigare för företag att upprätthålla konkurrenskraft och driva innovation i dagens dynamiska affärsmiljö. Syftet: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur ett SME inom fordonsindustrin tillämpar och styr öppen innovation. Metod: Denna studie tillämpades en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer för att analysera hur fallföretaget tillämpar och styr OI. Med hänsyn till studiens beskrivande och förklarande karaktär ansågs denna metod vara lämplig. Empiriska data samlades in från anställda med olika hierarkiska positioner inom företaget. Slutsats: Resultat visar att SMEs tillämpar både ingående och utgående kunskapsflöden för att åtgärda inneboende hinder. Dock råder det gap ett gap i definitionen av OI samt bristande empiriska studier för somliga OI aktiviter. Styrmedel, främst kulturella normer och styrsystem, spelar en central roll för att främja innovation i SMEs. Det finns däremot utmaningar med att styra interorganisatorisk innovation på grund av komplexiteten med interorganisatoriska relationer (IOR) och avsaknaden av litteratur som bemött och utforskat styrning av dessa aktiviteter. Implementering av gränssättande styrsystem förespråkas för att motverka opportunistiskt beteende, förbättra interorganisatoriska samarbeten och på så sätt främja utbytet av OI. / Background & problem: Traditional closed innovation constitutes a challenge for SMEs characterized by resource constraints, particularly in the automotive industry. As a result, Open innovation (OI) is increasingly embraced by SMEs due to its collaborative nature. However, the successful application of open innovation requires the development of management control systems (MCS). Management Control Systems need to be adapted to foster collaboration, synchronize efforts and ensure that innovation initiatives are in alignment with the organization's objectives. Consequently, the ability to design and implement MCS that support open innovation is becoming increasingly important for companies to maintain competitiveness and drive innovation in the current dynamic business environment. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze how an SME in the automotive industry applies and manages open innovation. Method: This study employed a qualitative methodology, employing semi-structured interviews, to analyze how the case company applies and manages OI. Given the descriptive and explanatory nature of the study, this method was deemed suitable. Empirical data were gathered from employees occupying various hierarchical positions within the company. Conclusion: The results indicate that SMEs use both in-bound and out-bound knowledge flows to address inherent barriers. However, there is a gap in the definition of OI and a lack of empirical studies on some OI activities. Policy instruments, mainly cultural norms and management systems, play an essential role in fostering innovation in SMEs. However, there are challenges in managing interorganizational innovation due to the complexity of interorganisational relationships (IOR) and the lack of literature addressing and exploring the governance of these activities. The implementation of boundary systems is advocated to counter opportunistic behavior, improve interorganizational collaborations and thus promote the exchange of IOR.

Factors affecting faculty decisions on the initiation of change in a public secondary school

Murphy, John C. January 1994 (has links)
This research was a case study focusing on one particular setting in an attempt to provide insights into and clarifications of the factors that influenced the decision of a faculty to initiate or not to initiate a proposed innovation. The case study approach was chosen because it was felt that this approach would impose as few constraints as possible on either potential data or antecedent variables. Data for the study were gathered using direct observations of people, events, and documents; informal conversations with faculty members; surveys of the entire faculty; and formal interviews with selected faculty members. In addition to using multiple methods of collecting data, internal validation was increased by using comparisons of data from three groups of respondents identified as high-networkers in the faculty, outliers in the faculty, and nonfaculty personnel in the school. The findings of the study indicated that (a) how the proposed innovation affected the difficulty of the job faculty members were expected to perform, and (b) the influences of subgroups within the faculty had strong perceived effects on the faculty's decision to be in favor of adopting or not adopting the proposal. Factors originating outside the faculty were perceived by the faculty as having very little effect on the faculty with the exception of the influence exerted by the school principal. The perceived effects of the organizational climate of the school and of the faculty's philosophical compatibility with the proposed innovation were determined to be inconclusive. The effect of various personal characteristics of faculty members on the decision-making process of the faculty was found to vary from very little (for the age of the faculty member), to moderate (for gender and years of experience), to inconclusive (for the subject taught by the faculty member). / Ed. D.

Valfrihetens baksida - Hur styrs kvasimarknader? : En studie av Stockholm stads gymnasie- och hemtjänstmarknad / The downside of freedom of choice - How do you govern quasimarkets? : A study of Stockholm city upper secondary school and home care market

Andersson, Mathias, Björnson, Pär January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bakgrund: Under de senaste 20 åren har svensk offentlig sektor präglats av konkurrensprövning genom privatisering av tidigare offentlig sektor. Det skapar en ny marknad där privata och offentliga aktörer skall samverka under statlig samordning och övervakning. Stockholm stads gymnasie- och hemtjänstmarknad är två exempel på kvasimarknader där staten står som finansiär av välfärdstjänsten samtidigt som den utförs av både privata och offentliga aktörer. Tidigare forskning belyser den problematik som uppstår då staten övergår från att vara en primär producent till en övervakande roll. Då statens roll förändras krävs tydligare regler och strukturer för att kunna samordna och styra kvasimarknader. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva och förstå hur kvasimarknader styrs, med avseende på upplevda verksamhetskrav och uppföljning. Genomförande: Studien är en kvalitativ fallstudie med ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Empirin har inhämtats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer om hur beslutsfattare och marknadsaktörer upplever Stockholm stads gymnasie- och hemtjänstmarknad. Slutsatser: Studien konstaterar att hemtjänstmarknaden, som styrs via tydliga avtal, ger större möjlighet för insyn i verksamheterna och tydligare styrverktyg för Stockholms stad. På gymnasiemarknaden är det svårare för Stockholm att påverka verksamheten hos friskolor då de endast svarar mot Skolinspektionen. Det som ligger till grund för kvasimarknadens funktionalitet och effektivitet beror på det förtroende och tillit som finns mellan beslutsfattare, utförare och kund. Nyckelord: New Public Management, Offentlig styrning, Kvasimarknad, Interorganisato­riska relationer, Ekonomistyrning, Transaktionskostnadsteori. / Background: Over the past 20 years, the Swedish public sector has been characterized by competition through the increasing privatization of public welfare. It creates a new market situation where private and public sector are to co-operate under governmental coordination and monitoring. Stockholm city upper secondary school and home care market are two examples of quasimarkets where the state stands as a financier of the welfare service while it is carried out by both private and public actors. Previous research illustrates the problems that arise when the state changes from being a primary producer to a supervisory role. As the state's role changes it requires clear rules and structures in order to coordinate and control the quasimarkets. Objective: The study aims to describe and understand how quasimarkets are governed, in regard to percieved business requirements and monitoring. Design: The study is a qualitative case study with a hermeneutic perspective. The empirical data has been collected through semi-structured interviews on how policy makers and market actors are experiencing the upper secondary school and home care market. Conclusion: The study notes that the home care market, which is governed by clear agreements and contracts, provides greater transparency between policy makers and market actors. Thus creating better conditions for the usage of management control for the city of Stockholm. In the upper secondary market it is difficult for the city of Stockholm to affect the operations of private schools since they are governed by the Swedish School Inspectorate. The basis for the functionality and efficiency of quasimarkets relies on the confidence and trust that exists between policy makers, market actors and customers. Keywords: New Public Management, Public Governance, Quasimarket, Interorganizational Relations, Management Control, Transaction Cost Economics.

Initier des coopérations inter-organisationnelles dans les démarches d’écologie industrielle et territoriale : une relecture en termes de sociologie de la traduction et de la théorie des objets-frontière / Initiate inter-organizational cooperations in industrial and territorial ecology processes : a reinterpretation in terms of the sociology of translation and the theory of boundary objects

Abitbol, Leïa 01 March 2012 (has links)
Les démarches d’écologie industrielle et territoriale (EIT) sont encore rares alors que d’une part, le développement durable dont elles se revendiquent est de plus en plus présent dans la vie des organisations et que d’autre part, elles relèvent de ce que certains appellent la « science de la durabilité ». On s’aperçoit par ailleurs que les travaux de recherche qui leur sont consacrés portent principalement sur la dimension physique des flux de matières et d’énergies échangés. Peu de choses sont dites sur les acteurs qui utilisent ces flux et sur les organisations qui les produisent ou les consomment. Pourtant, dire avec l’EIT qu’il faut sortir d’un fonctionnement optimisé aux bornes de l’organisation pour s’inspirer du fonctionnement performant des écosystèmes naturels, c’est dire qu’il faut parvenir à construire des coopérations inter-organisationnelles. La problématique des coopérations inter-organisationnelles n’est pas nouvelle pour les sciences de gestion. Les travaux disponibles traitent toutefois rarement de la phase amont d’initialisation des coopérations, en particulier lorsque l’intérêt de la coopération n’est pas évident a priori. L’objectif de cette thèse est alors de comprendre comment donner envie aux acteurs (organisation et individus) de coopérer quand, il n’y a ni contrainte règlementaire ni incitations économique évidente à le faire, comme c’est le cas pour l’instant dans les démarches d’EIT. En s’appuyant d’une part sur les travaux de la sociologie de la traduction et de la théorie émergente des objets-frontières et d’autre part, sur l’analyse de quatre démarches françaises d’EIT, notre travail propose des éléments de réponse sur ce qui permet d’ « enrôler » les acteurs dans ces démarches et partant, sur la façon dont il est possible d’initier les coopérations inter-organisationnelles qu’elles requièrent. Les résultats de ce travail suggèrent une grande souplesse dans la conduite de ces démarches : plutôt que d’essayer de convaincre d’un intérêt peu évident à formuler a priori, les promoteurs de projets peuvent avoir intérêt à laisser parler les besoins, envies et attentes des acteurs sollicités. A eux de mobiliser des objets-frontières qui puissent aider à construire un contexte partagé, et à identifier les intérêts de participer ensemble, à la dynamique d’une démarche d’EIT. La thèse montre en définitive comment la traduction doit être envisagée dans le contexte spécifique de l’EIT. Elle a cependant des implications concrètes et théoriques pour tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la dynamique des coopérations inter-organisationnelles, à la sociologie de la traduction et à la théorie des objets-frontières. / Industrial and territorial ecology (ITE) is still a very recent and rare approach. However, the method of sustainable development, to which ITE belongs, is more and more present in today's organizations and ITE is increasingly considered to be the 'science of sustainability'.Research on ITE is mainly focused on the physical dimension of energy exchanges and material flows. Today, little has been found on the actors who use these flows and the organizations who produce or consume them. However, stating that the implementation of ITE requires change from a mechanism optimized at the organizational boundaries to a performing natural ecosystems mechanism, means thinking outside organizational boundaries. While inter-organizational cooperation is not new to management studies, the research carried out on this topic rarely addresses the initiation phase of cooperation, especially when the interest of cooperation is not clear at first insight. The objective of the present thesis is to understand how to prompt actors (organizations and individuals) to cooperate when there are no regulatory constraints or obvious economic incentives to do so, as it is currently the case in ITE approaches. This thesis is based on first the work of the sociology of translation and the emerging theory of boundary objects, and second on the analysis of four French ITE approaches. This thesis provides a better understanding of the mechanisms that allow to "enrol" players in the ITE processes and how it is possible to initialize the inter-organizational cooperation they require. The results of this study suggest a high degree of flexibility in the conduct of the ITE approach: rather than trying to convince actors of a benefit that is difficult to formulate, project leaders may have more success letting the needs, desires and expectations emerge. If they see it as their responsibility to mobilize boundary objects that can help in building a shared context and identify the common interests to participate all together, the dynamics of a successful ITE process can emerge.Ultimately, this thesis shows how translation must be considered as an important element in the specific context of ITE. We show both practical and theoretical implications for those who are interested in the dynamics of inter-organizational cooperation, in the sociology of translation and in the theory of boundary objects.

Autonomia municipal na implementação de programas federais: análise da implementação do Programa Mais Educação/MEC na cidade de São Paulo / Municipal autonomy in the implementation of federal programs: analysis of More Education/MEC Program in the city of São Paulo

Martinelli, Bruno 25 April 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa a autonomia municipal na implementação de programas federais. Partiu-se da teoria sobre relações intergovernamentais no Brasil e implementação de políticas públicas para analisar a implementação do Mais Educação/Ministério da Educação (MEC) no Município de São Paulo, considerando o período de 2011 a 2016. Para realizar a análise, foi construído um quadro analítico que considera elementos topdown e bottom-up das teorias de implementação de políticas públicas. Foram considerados o desenho da política federal e o desenho da política municipal, incluindo seus incentivos institucionais, as relações interorganizacionais e a burocracia de médio escalão (BME). O método da pesquisa foi o estudo de caso único, operacionalizado empiricamente por meio de análise documental e de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Foram analisados o desenho do programa federal, a implementação dos programas municipais de expansão da jornada de ensino e as características do Mais Educação/MEC na rede de ensino. Verificamos que os programas municipais influenciaram a implementação da política federal por trazerem uma série de incentivos institucionais a este programa. Além disso, verificamos que o município levou cerca de 3 anos para construir outros incentivos institucionais para a implementação do programa federal em sua rede de ensino, conseguindo, assim, coordenar o programa. De 2011 a 2014, a adesão das unidades escolares ao programa foi marcada por diferenças inter-regionais, sobretudo de 2011 a 2013. Como principais conclusões, a pesquisa mostra que o Município de São Paulo construiu um arranjo de implementação colegiado junto ao MEC por ter criado uma série de incentivos institucionais para a implementação do programa federal em sua rede de ensino; e que a atuação empreendedora de parte da BME explica, pelo menos em parte, as diferenças inter-regionais em um contexto de pouca coordenação por parte da SME / This dissertation analyzes municipal autonomy in the implementation of federal programs. It was based on the theory of intergovernmental relations in Brazil and the implementation of public policies to analyze the implementation of More Education/Ministry of Education (MEC) in the city of São Paulo, considering the period from 2011 to 2016. To carry out the analysis, an analytical framework that considers topdown and bottom-up elements of public policy implementation theories. The design of the federal policy and the design of the municipal policy, including its institutional incentives, interorganizational relations and the middle-level bureaucracy (MLB) were considered. The research method was the single case study, operationalized empirically through documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews. The design of the federal program, the implementation of the municipal programs of expansion of the teaching day and the characteristics of the More Education/MEC in the education network were analyzed. We verified that the municipal programs influenced the implementation of the federal policy by bringing a series of institutional incentives to this program. In addition, we found that the municipality took about 3 years to build other institutional incentives for the implementation of the federal program in its educational network, thus managing to coordinate the program. From 2011 to 2014, school units membership of the program was marked by interregional differences, especially from 2011 to 2013. As a key finding, the survey shows that the Municipality of São Paulo has built a collegial implementation arrangement with the MEC for having created A series of institutional incentives for the implementation of the federal program in its educational network; and that entrepreneurial activity on the part of BME explains, at least in part, the interregional differences in a context of little coordination by the SME

Formação e gerência de redes de empresas : requisitos para adequação do planejamento e controle da produção - estudo de caso em obra de construção civil de grande porte / Interorganizational networks development and management : requirement for production planning and control – case study in civil huge size construction

Freitas, Juliano Borges de 21 January 2005 (has links)
Uma rede de cooperação entre empresas é definida como um grupo de empresas que interagem entre si pela troca de competências, de forma a atender uma série de suas necessidades que seriam de difícil satisfação no caso de atuarem isoladamente. Tendo em vista que o planejamento e controle da produção possui importância de primeira grandeza dentro da empresa industrial como da rede de cooperação, e que, através da modelagem organizacional, pode-se observar as empresas com uma maior e melhor dimensão de entendimento, permitindo a integração dos seus componentes. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de adequar o PCP ao ambiente de redes de cooperação entre empresas, por meio da utilização da metodologia de modelagem organizacional (EKD) e de um estudo de caso em obra de construção civil / An interorganizational cooperation network is defined as a group of companies which interact among themselves for exchange of competences, so a series of necessity from the companies which would be a difficult satisfaction if the work were done individually. In view of that the production planning and control has a great importance in an industrial company and also in the cooperation network. Through organizational modeling, can be observed the company with a greater and better dimension of agreement, which allows the integration of the companies’ components. This work has the objective to adjust the PPC to the environment of cooperation networks between companies, once several resources, capacities and ability are congregated and must be endeavored by a flow of information, through the use of the methodology of organizational modeling (EKD) and case study in workmanship of civil construction

RFID-enabled cooperation in the supply chain

Tribowski, Christoph 15 October 2009 (has links)
Radiofrequenz-Identifikation (RFID) ermöglicht eine automatische Erfassung von verschiedenen Objekten ohne Sichtkontakt und verspricht durch diese Eigenschaften eine maßgebliche Verbesserung der Effizienz in Wertschöpfungsketten. Die Verbreitung der RFID-Technologie hat in den letzten Jahren verstärkt zugenommen. Doch obwohl das größte Potenzial von RFID in unternehmensübergreifenden Anwendungen gesehen wird, konzentriert sich der heutige Einsatz meist auf innerbetriebliche Anwendungen oder Pilotprojekte. Als Gründe für dieses Phänomen werden hohe Investitions- und Betriebskosten sowie eine fehlende Standardisierung angeführt. Während unternehmensübergreifende Anwendungen die Notwendigkeit an Standards noch vergrößern, liegt in ihnen eine Chance zur Überwindung des Kostenproblems. Die Nutzung einer kollaborativen RFID-Anwendung und die Wiederverwendung eines RFID-Transponders auf verschiedenen Stufen der Wertschöpfungskette eröffnet die Möglichkeit, die Kosten für jeden einzelnen Teilnehmer durch eine Kostenaufteilung zwischen allen anderen zu reduzieren. Aus diesem Grund wird ein Modell zur Kosten-Nutzen-Aufteilung entwickelt, welches eine Kategorisierung von Kompensationsformen sowie zeitliche Abhängigkeiten in dem Lebenszyklus der Anwendung umfasst. Neben diesen organisatorischen Dimensionen bilden technische Dimensionen einen weiteren Schwerpunkt der Arbeit, da fehlende Standardisierung nach wie vor als ein Hindernis für eine größere Verbreitung betrachtet wird. Die vorliegende Arbeit löst diesbezüglich drei Probleme: (1) Die Generierung von RFID-Ereignissen benötigt nicht nur die Daten von RFID-Lesegeräten, sondern zusätzliche Kontextdaten; (2) das EPCglobal-Netzwerk stellt die technische Grundlage für das Internet der Dinge, aber beschreibt nicht die Anwendungen, die auf dessen Basis realisiert werden können; (3) und es besteht bislang kein standardisierter Ansatz um neben dem EPC weitere Daten auf dem RFID-Transponder zu speichern. / Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), which allows for the simultaneous identification of several objects without line of sight or human interaction, promises to significantly improve supply chain efficiency. The attention researchers and practitioners are giving it, as well as the spread of RFID technology, has increased substantially in the last few years. Although the highest potential to take advantage of this spread is expected to be realized in cross-company applications, the status quo in the RFID project landscape is dominated by local solutions within companies or pilot projects. Reasons for this phenomenon include high investment and operational costs as well as missing standards. While cross-company applications exacerbate the need for standards, they make it possible to overcome the cost problems. In the course of using a collaborative RFID application, it is possible to reduce the costs for the individual player by distributing them between a larger number of participants and repeatedly using the same tag across multiple supply chain steps. For this reason, a model for cost-benefit sharing – including different categories of compensation as well as temporal dependencies during the life cycle of an application – is developed. Apart from these organizational dimensions of cross-company RFID applications, the technical dimension has to be investigated because missing technical standards are still an obstacle for the wider adoption of RFID. Three remaining problems are solved in this thesis: (1) generating RFID events does not only require the data that is provided by the RFID readers, but also corresponding context data; (2) the EPCglobal network provides the technical basis for the Internet of Things, but not the applications that might profit from using this architecture; and (3) there is no standardized approach for storing user generated content besides the EPC on the RFID tags.

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