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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vergleichende immunhistochemische Untersuchungen zum LH/hCG-Rezeptor (LHCGR) im Urothel und Detrusor der Harnblase mit Veränderungen bei Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (BPS/IC)

Schulze, Claudia 01 October 2013 (has links)
BPS/IC (Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis) ist ein sehr schweres und noch weitgehend unverstandenes Krankheitsbild in der Urologie. Viele Frauen sind im Alltag durch den ständigen Harndrang und die Schmerzen stark eingeschränkt und von Depressionen betroffen. Die Aufklärung der Pathogenese ist deshalb sehr wichtig, um eine adäquate Therapie für die Betroffenen zu entwickeln und die Krankheit möglichst frühzeitig diagnostizieren zu können. Das Schwangerschaftshormon hCG (humanes Choriongonadotropin) besitzt differenzierende und wachstumsfördernde Eigenschaften und eine Rolle in der Urothelregeneration und – stabilisierung scheint möglich. Daher ist das Ziel dieser Arbeit seinen Rezeptor, den LHCGR (Luteinizing-Hormone/Choriogonadotropin Rezeptor), in der Harnblase nachzuweisen und die urothelialen und muskulären Charakteristika zwischen gesunden und an BPS/IC erkrankten Harnblasen zu vergleichen. Die Darstellung des LHCGR erfolgte auf Proteinebene mittels indirekter Immunfluoreszenz und auf mRNA-Ebene durch Standard-PCR. Es zeigten sich im Urothel von Harnblase und Ureter 5 unterschiedliche Verteilungsmuster des Rezeptors hinsichtlich seiner Expression in verschiedenen Zellschichten und seiner subzellulären Lokalisation. Je nach Urothelzustand und zwischen den Entitäten Kontroll- bzw. BPS/IC-Harnblase variierten diese Muster in ihrer Häufigkeit. In anderen Epithelien, wie dem Vaginalepithel, änderte sich die zelluläre Verteilung des LHCGR in Abhängigkeit vom Differenzierungsgrad der Zellen. Es scheint möglich, dass auch die Rezeptorexpression in Urothelzellen deren verschiedene Differenzierungszustände widerspiegelt. Dies unterstützt den für hCG vermuteten Einfluss auf die Epithelregeneration. Ein Vergleich der urothelialen Fluoreszenzintensitäten zwischen weiblichen Kontroll – und BPS/IC-Harnblasen zeigte eine signifikant stärkere Expression des Rezeptors bei erkrankten Patienten. Dem gegenüber war kein Unterschied im Detrusor, weder zwischen Kontroll – und BPS/IC-Harnblasen noch im geschlechtsspezifischen Vergleich, festzustellen. Damit scheint der Rezeptor seine Hauptaufgabe vorrangig im Urothel zu entfalten. Die Korrelationsanalysen ergaben keinen signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen dem Erkrankungsalter (Zeitpunkt der Diagnosestellung und Biopsieentnahme) und der LHCGR-Immunfluoreszenz. Ein endokrinologischer Einfluss auf die Rezeptorexpression wurde dadurch unwahrscheinlich und unterstützt die immer akzeptiertere Auffassung, dass BPS/IC nicht mehr mit der Menopause assoziiert ist. Neben dem Urothel und Detrusor zeigten auch Lamina propria und Gefäße von Harnblase und Ureter die Expression des LHCGR in der Immunhistochemie. Unterschiedliche Clustermuster des Rezeptors im Detrusor ließen auf die Oligomerisierung des Rezeptors schließen. Die Bedeutung dieser Zusammenschlüsse ist jedoch noch unklar, wobei unterschiedliche funktionelle Zustände des Rezeptors vermutet werden. Orientierung bieten andere Rezeptoren, die durch Dimerisierung verschiedener Rezeptorvarianten ihre Funktionalität verbessern oder verschlechtern konnten. Obwohl für keine bisher entdeckte Variante des LHCGR eine definitive Aufgabe ermittelt werden konnte, scheinen doch viele Varianten auch unterschiedliche Funktionen wahrnehmen zu können. Besonders auf der Regulierbarkeit des Rezeptors mittels interagierender Splicevarianten sollte das Augenmerk zukünftiger Studien liegen. Ob durch Komplexbildung verschiedener Varianten oder Bildung nichtfunktioneller trunkierter Rezeptoren, die Kontrollmöglichkeiten sind vielfältig und können auch auf Liganden wirken. Letztlich ließ der Nachweis des LHCGR in allen Schichten von Harnblase und Ureter eher eine globale Rolle des Rezeptors im Harntrakt des Menschen vermuten. Dazu passten auch die bereits nachgewiesenen Einflüsse seiner Liganden auf die Blasenfunktion von Hunden. Die hier vorgelegte Arbeit untersuchte zum ersten Mal die Expression des LHCGR mittels PCR und Immunhistochemie in humanen Harnblasen und Ureteren. Dabei löste sie sich von den sonst üblichen Vorstellungen einer Beziehung des Rezeptors zu Blasentumoren, Schwangerschaft oder Inkontinenz. Diagnose und Therapie von BPS/IC sind zur Zeit noch ständigen Wandlungen unterworfen und dabei entgehen viele Patienten der (frühen) Diagnosestellung und einer adäquaten Behandlung. Diese Studie sollte dazu beitragen neue Einblicke in die Pathophysiologie der Erkrankung zu erlangen, um eine kausale Therapie entwickeln zu können. Zukünftig könnten diese Ergebnisse dabei helfen die Anwendung einer sensitiven und vor allem spezifischen Diagnostik auf molekularer Ebene (mRNA - oder Proteinnachweis) zu ermöglichen.

Ökologie der Fischbestände in Fließgewässern des Khentii-Gebirges (Mongolei): Bestandsaufbau, Dynamik und Gefährdung durch den Gold-Tagebau

Krätz, Daniel A. 25 March 2009 (has links)
Die Fischfauna der Mongolei umfasst 64 Arten, von denen aktuell in der Roten Liste elf Arten als regional bedroht und vier Arten als potentiell bedroht eingestuft werden. Eine der wichtigsten Ursachen für den Rückgang der Arten ist der Gold-Tagebau. Viele Goldvorkommen lagern in alluvialen Sedimenten der Fließgewässerauen und werden durch großflächigen Abbau und mechanische Auswaschungsprozesse gewonnen. Dies führt zu erheblichen Störungen im Schwebstoff- und Stoffhaushalt der Fließgewässer und beeinflusst die Habitatverfügbarkeit und -qualität für die Fischfauna. Das primäre Ziel der Arbeit war daher die abiotische und ichthyologische Charakterisierung ausgewählter Referenzgewässer sowie durch Gold-Tagebau beeinflusster Gewässer und die Quantifizierung der Einflüsse des Gold-Tagebaus. Ein weiteres Ziel lag in der Formulierung von angepassten Managementstrategien für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung des expandierenden Bergbausektors in der Mongolei. Die Untersuchungen fanden in den Jahren 2003 bis 2006 an vier rhitralen Gewässern des Khentii-Gebirges im Nord-Osten der Mongolei statt. Die Erfassung der Fischbestände erfolgte mit Hilfe von Elektrofischfanganlagen und Reusen, wobei die vorkommenden Habitate repräsentativ erfasst wurden. Zusätzlich erfolgten Untersuchungen zum Stoffhaushalt der Gewässer und der Gewässersohle. Die relevanten Habitate wurden kartiert und Experimente zum Wanderverhalten ausgewählter Arten durchgeführt. Die Untersuchungen erbrachten folgende wesentliche Ergebnisse: 1. Die Fischfauna der untersuchten Gewässer umfasste 14 Taxa mit überwiegend rhitralen Charakterarten wie Salmoniden, Äschen und Elritzen. Die Fischbestände wiesen eine sehr hohe saisonale Dynamik auf, wobei kleinere Fließgewässer im Herbst verlassen und im Frühjahr neu besiedelt wurden. 2. Der Gold-Tagebau führte zu erhöhten Schwebstoffkonzentrationen und zur Kolmation des hyporheischen Interstitials. Die physikalisch-chemischen Untersuchungen ergaben vor allem eine signifikante Erhöhung der Wassertemperaturen in den belasteten Gewässerabschnitten. Durch den Gold-Tagebau wurden weiterhin die Auenvegetation und die natürlichen Uferstrukturen zerstört, was zu vielfältigen Habitatveränderungen führt. 3. Die untersuchten Effekte des Gold-Tagebaus sind als sublethal und verhaltens-verändernd einzustufen. Sie wirken sich z.B. auf das funktionale Gefüge der verschiedenen trophischen Ebenen des Fließgewässerökosystems aus. So wiesen zahlreiche Fischarten einen signifikant verringerten Konditionsfaktor auf, der offensichtlich bottom-up gesteuert durch verminderten Aufwuchs und geringere Abundanzen des Makrozoobenthos verursacht wird. Auch wurde ein deutlicher Einfluss auf die Fischwanderung festgestellt, der vermutlich durch ungünstige physikalisch-chemische oder hydraulische Habitateigenschaften innerhalb des Abbaugebiets verursacht wird. Für Arktische Äschen und Lenok ist das Abbaugebiet nicht oder nur eingeschränkt passierbar. 4. Die Kolmation des Kieslückensystems führte zum Verlust von Laich- und Überwinterungshabitaten und ist daher als ein gravierender Einflussfaktor für die lokale Fischfauna einzustufen. 5. Letale Effekte wie Kiemen- oder Schleimhautverletzungen auf Grund von direkter Schädigung der Tiere durch die erhöhten Schwebstofffrachten wurden nicht beobachtet. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurden ökologische Grundlagenkenntnisse zu Fischbeständen und Populationsdynamiken im Nord-Osten der Mongolei erarbeitet. Diese Informationen tragen zu einem besseren Verständnis der Gefährdungsursachen bei. Auf Basis der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse über die Ökologie der Arten und der Einflüsse des Gold-Tagebaus wurden Managementempfehlungen unterschiedlicher Priorität formuliert und an Hand eines Fallbeispiels exemplarisch bearbeitet. Darüber hinaus wurden Grundlagen für ein ökologisches Monitoring des Gold-Tagebaus entwickelt. / The fish fauna of Mongolia comprises 64 species of which eleven are regionally endangered and four potentially endangered according to the Red List of Mongolian Fish. Gold mining is regarded as one of the major causes for declining fish populations. Many gold deposits are found in the alluvial sediments of the floodplains and are extracted by large scale mining and mechanical elutriation. This heavily disturbs the balance of suspended sediments and matter in running waters and affects the habitat availability and quality for the fish fauna. Thus, the primary objective of this study was the abiotic and ichthyological characterization of selected reference waters and waters influenced by gold mining as well as the quantification of gold mining effects. Furthermore, an aim was the formulation of management strategies for a sustainable development of the expanding mining sector in Mongolia. The investigation took place from 2003 to 2006 at four rhitral waters of the Khentii Mountains in north-east Mongolia. Data acquisition of the fish fauna was carried out with electric fishing devices and fish traps on representative habitats. In addition, the balance of mater and characteristics of the hyporheic zone were analyzed, relevant habitats mapped and the migratory behavior of selected species experimentally studied. The following major results were obtained from this research: 1. The fish fauna of the examined waters comprised 14 taxa dominated by rhitral characteristic species like salmonids, arctic grayling and minnows. The fish population was strongly seasonally influenced, whereas small running waters being repopulated yearly in spring. 2. Gold mining brings about an increase in concentrations of suspended sediment and clogging of the hyporheic interstitial. Physical-chemical investigations primarily identified a significant rise in water temperatures in the polluted water sectors. Furthermore, gold mining degrades floodplain vegetation and natural bank structures causing varied habitat changes. 3. The examined gold mining effects are sublethal to fish or influence their behavior. They disrupt the functional arrangement of the different trophic levels of the river ecosystem. Thus, the condition of some fish species was significantly decreased, evidently regulated bottom-up by depleted periphyton and reduced abundances of macro invertebrates. Moreover, a strong influence on the river continuum was assessed. Arctic grayling and lenok did not migrate through the mining area, possibly due to unfavorable physical-chemical or hydraulic conditions within the mining site. 4. The clogging of the river bed substrate resulted in a loss of spawning and hibernation habitats and thus must be regarded as a major thread to the local fish fauna. 5. Lethal effects like injuries of gills or skin by direct lesions of suspended particles could not be observed. In this study basic ecological knowledge and population dynamics of the fish fauna in north-east Mongolia have been identified. This information is fundamental for a better understanding of the causes of endangerment. Based on the findings on the ecology of fish species and the influences of gold-mining management recommendations of different priority were developed and exemplified in a case study. Furthermore, this study worked out basic principles for an ecological monitoring of gold mining.

Développement de timbres de microaiguilles polymériques superabsorbantes pour le prélèvement indolore de liquide interstitiel dermique

Laszlo, Elise 08 1900 (has links)
Le liquide interstitiel est aujourd’hui considéré comme un candidat prometteur comme alternative, ou complément, à l’analyse sanguine pour la quantification de biomarqueurs. Localisé notamment dans la peau, sa composition demeure peu décrite dans la littérature. Cela peut s’expliquer par le fait que le prélèvement de liquide interstitiel reste problématique. En effet, les méthodes d’extraction actuelles sont chronophages, douloureuses et conduisent au prélèvement de volumes très faibles ne permettant pas toujours une analyse subséquente. L’utilisation de timbres de microaiguilles conçus en hydrogel superabsorbant représente une solution indolore, rapide et efficace pour le prélèvement du liquide interstitiel. Un premier type de timbre a été conçu par photopolymérisation, un processus de fabrication caractérisé par sa rapidité. Ce type de timbre de microaiguilles présente une capacité d’absorption très élevée et peut trouver une application dans l’élaboration des profils protéomique, métabolomique et lipidomique du liquide interstitiel dermique. Le second type de timbres de microaiguilles est obtenu par chauffage d’une formulation contenant des polymères superabsorbants. Ce procédé s’avère plus long mais conduit à un hydrogel superabsorbant riche en groupements chimiques permettant d’envisager une fonctionnalisation pour la capture et la détection in situ de biomarqueurs spécifiques du liquide interstitiel dermique. In fine, les timbres de microaiguilles développés pourraient donc permettre d’approfondir notre connaissance de la composition du liquide interstitiel; mais laissent également entrevoir la possibilité de développer des dispositifs médicaux portables permettant le diagnostic, ou la surveillance, rapide et indolore de certaines pathologies. Ces dispositifs pourraient diminuer les coûts normalement associés à ces pratiques et améliorer la prise en charge des patients. C’est le cas notamment de l’insuffisance cardiaque, dont la gestion pourrait être considérablement facilitée par le suivi à domicile du biomarqueur NT-proBNP. / Nowadays, interstitial fluid is considered a valid alternative for blood analysis and biomarker monitoring. However, its composition is scarcely described in the literature. Notably located in the skin, its collection remains a challenge as current methods are time-consuming, painful and the extracted volume limits subsequent analysis. Here we put forward the use of superabsorbant hydrogel-based microneedle patches to enable a painless, rapid and efficient sampling of dermal interstitial fluid. A first kind of microneedle patch was obtained using UV-curing, a rapid fabrication process. This type of microneedle patch enables the collection of a high volume of liquid and can therefore be utilized for subsequent proteomic, metabolomic and lipidomic analyses of the dermal interstitial fluid that had been extracted in a painless fashion. The second class of microneedle patch developed was fabricated from superabsorbant polymers using heating. Although time consuming, this process produced hydrogel-based microneedle patches that could be functionalized for the in situ detection of specific biomarkers in the dermal interstitial fluid. In fine, the aforementioned microneedle patches have the potential to broaden our understanding of the interstitial fluid composition, as well as be integrated in novel portable biosensing devices for a rapid and painless diagnosis, or for the monitoring of certain medical conditions. For example, quantifying the NT-proBNP biomarker in the dermal interstitial fluid could significantly improve the quality of life of heart failure patients.

Tuning of single semiconductor quantum dots and their host structures via strain and in situ laser processing

Kumar, Santosh 15 August 2013 (has links)
Single self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are able to emit single-photons and entangled-photons pairs. They are therefore considered as potential candidate building blocks for quantum information processing (QIP) and communication. To exploit them fully, the ability to precisely control their optical properties is needed due to several reasons. For example, the stochastic nature of their growth ends up with only little probability of finding any two or more QDs emitting indistinguishable photons. These are required for two-photon quantum interference (partial Bell-state measurement), which lies at the heart of linear optics QIP. Also, most of the as-grown QDs do not fulfil the symmetries required for generation of entangled-photon pairs. Additionally, tuning is required to establish completely new systems, for example, 87Rb atomic-vapors based hybrid semiconductoratomic (HSA) interface or QDs with significant heavy-hole (HH)-light-hole (LH) mixings. The former paves a way towards quantum memories and the latter makes the optical control of hole spins much easier required for spin- based QIP. This work focuses on the optical properties of a new type of QDs optimized for HSA experiments and their broadband tuning using strain. It was created by integrating the membranes, containing QDs, onto relaxor-ferroelectric actuators and was quantified with a spatial resolution of ~1 µm by combining measurements of the µ-photoluminescence of the regions surrounding the QDs and dedicated modeling. The emission of a neutral exciton confined in a QD usually consists of two fine-structure-split lines which are linearly polarized along orthogonal directions. In our QDs we tune the emission energies as large as ~23meV and the fine-structure-splitting by more than 90 µeV. For the first time, we demonstrate that strain is able to tune the angle between the polarization direction of these two lines up to 40° due to increased strain-induced HH-LH mixings up to ~55%. Compared to other quantum emitters, QDs can be easily integrated into optoelectronic devices, which enable, for example, the generation of non-classical light under electrical injection. A novel method to create sub-micrometer sized current-channels to efficiently feed charge carriers into single QDs is presented in this thesis. It is based on focused-laserbeam assisted thermal diffusion of manganese interstitial ions from the top GaMnAs layer into the underlying layer of resonant tunneling diode structures. The combination of the two methods investigated in this thesis may lead to new QDbased devices, where direct laser writing is employed to preselect QDs by creating localized current-channels and strain is used to fine tune their optical properties to match the demanding requirements imposed by QIP concepts.

Targeting the Dectin-1 Receptor via Beta-Glucan Microparticles to Modulate Alternatively Activated Macrophage Activity and Inhibit Alternative Activation / INFLUENCING PROFIBROTIC MACROPHAGE POLARIZATION AND ACTIVITY USING YEAST-DERIVED MICROPARTICLES

Imran Hayat, Aaron January 2021 (has links)
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) is a debilitating respiratory disorder that is characterized by a progressive decline in lung function. Originating through unknown etiology, it is essentially an unchecked wound healing response that causes the build-up of excessive scar tissue in the lung interstitial tissue with a heavy toll on the patient’s respiratory capacity. Pro-fibrotic alternatively activated macrophages (M2) have been linked as an important contributor to the fibrotic remodeling of the lung. Previous Ask research indicates that targeting M2 macrophages is possible through the use of the Dectin-1 receptor, a transmembrane cell surface receptor found in high abundance on M2 macrophages. Activating the Dectin-1 receptor through the use of beta-glucan, a ligand the receptor has a high affinity for, initiates a pro-inflammatory response within the naturally immunosuppressive macrophage and can alter its activity to be less fibrogenic. Our data suggest that M2 polarization of naïve macrophages can be inhibited in vitro by beta-glucan microparticles. Additionally, we have found that polarized M2 macrophages adopt M1-like characteristics when treated with beta-glucan microparticles, in a process that is largely Dectin-1 dependent. M2 cell surface marker CD206, increased levels of which are associated with rapidly progressing IPF, shows significantly decreased frequency of expression in M2 macrophages treated with beta-glucan microparticles. Our assessment for cell-specific uptake of beta-glucan microparticles suggests an important role of the Dectin-1 receptor for significantly increased uptake in murine wild-type M2 macrophages relative to their Dectin-1 knockout counterpart. The use of beta-glucan microparticles as a potential anti-fibrotic therapeutic was assessed in the bleomycin model of fibrotic lung disease. Mice given bleomycin and treated with beta-glucan displayed decreased soluble collagen content and TGFB expression within lung homogenate relative to fibrotic bleomycin control mice. Overall, these results provide insight into the use of beta-glucan as a potential activity modulator of macrophage function in IPF and the possibility of its use as a therapeutic. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)


Kumaran, Vaishnavi January 2024 (has links)
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive lung disease with worsening respiratory symptoms and physiological impairment. Pulmonary fibrosis is a chronic lung disease characterized by forming scar tissue (fibrosis) in the lungs. Alternatively activated macrophages (M2) known as pro-fibrotic are known to contribute to the fibrotic remodeling of the lung. In addition to the polarization of slices from naïve to pro-fibrotic, the addition of anti-fibrotic therapeutics reprogram slices back to a naïve condition. To polarize the slices, naïve slices are incubated with a previously investigated method in the lab known as the polarization cocktail. The polarization cocktail can be achieved by adding of IL-4, IL-6 and IL-13 to naïve(M0) slices in the Precision Cut lung slice (PCLS) model. For the therapeutic model, slices are incubated with the polarization cocktail and subsequently with the therapeutic. Our results have shown that the precision cut lung slice model can mimic previously investigated in-vivo experiments with the polarization cocktail. Secondly, the addition of therapeutics result in the slices exhibiting lower amounts of M2 markers and arginase activity concluding the model is suitable for the polarization and reprogramming of macrophages. / Thesis / Master of Science in Medical Sciences (MSMS)

ATP induced intracellular calcium response and purinergic signalling in cultured suburothelial myofibroblasts of the human bladder

Cheng, Sheng 11 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Suburothelial myofibroblasts (sMF) are located underneath the urothelium in close proximity to afferent nerves and show spontaneous calcium activity in vivo and in vitro. They express purinergic receptors and calcium transients can be evoked by ATP. Therefore they are supposed to be involved in afferent signaling of the bladder fullness. Myofibroblast cultures, established from cystectomies, were challenged by exogenous ATP in presence or absence of purinergic antagonist. Fura-2 calcium imaging was used to monitor ATP (10-16 to 10-4 mol/l) induced alterations of calcium activity. Purinergic receptors (P2X1, P2X2, P2X3) were analysed by confocal immunofluorescence. We found spontaneous calcium activity in 55.18% ± 1.65 (mean ± SEM) of the sMF (N=48 experiments). ATP significantly increased calcium activity even at 10-16 mol/l. The calcium transients were partially attenuated by subtype selective antagonist (TNP-ATP, 1μM; A-317491, 1μM), and were mimicked by the P2X1, P2X3 selective agonist α,β-methylene ATP. The expression of purinergic receptor subtypes in sMF was confirmed by immunofluorescence. Our experiments demonstrate for the first time that ATP can modulate spontaneous activity and induce intracellular Ca2+ response in cultured sMF at very low concentrations, most likely involving ionotropic P2X receptors. These findings support the notion that sMF are able to register bladder fullness very sensitively, which predestines them for the modulation of the afferent bladder signaling in normal and pathological conditions.

Les fluides de Cahn-Hilliard

Seppecher, Pierre 24 January 1996 (has links) (PDF)
There is no abstract

The Development and Application of Tools to Study the Multiscale Biomechanics of the Aortic Valve

Zhao, Ruogang 06 December 2012 (has links)
Calcific aortic valve disease (CAVD) is one of the most common causes of cardiovascular disease in North America. Mechanical factors have been closely linked to the pathogenesis of CAVD and may contribute to the disease by actively regulating the mechanobiology of valve interstitial cells (VICs). Mechanical forces affect VIC function through interactions between the VIC and the extracellular matrix (ECM). Studies have shown that the transfer of mechanical stimulus during cell-ECM interaction depends on the local material properties at hierarchical length scales encompassing tissue, cell and cytoskeleton. In this thesis, biomechanical tools were developed and applied to investigate hierarchical cell-ECM interactions, using VICs and valve tissue as a model system. Four topics of critical importance to understanding VIC-ECM interactions were studied: focal biomechanical material properties of aortic valve tissue; viscoelastic properties of VICs; transduction of mechanical deformation from the ECM to the cytoskeletal network; and the impact of altered cell-ECM interactions on VIC survival. To measure focal valve tissue properties, a micropipette aspiration (MA) method was implemented and validated. It was found that nonlinear elastic properties of the top layer of a multilayered biomaterial can be estimated by MA by using a pipette with a diameter smaller than the top layer thickness. Using this approach, it was shown that the effective stiffness of the fibrosa layer is greater than that of the ventricularis layer in intact aortic valve leaflets (p<0.01). To characterize the viscoelastic properties of VICs, an inverse FE method of single cell MA was developed and compared with the analytical half-space model. It was found that inherent differences in the half-space and FE models of single cell MA yield different cell viscoelastic material parameters. However, under particular experimental conditions, the parameters estimated by the half-space model are statistically indistinguishable from those predicted by the FE model. To study strain transduction from the ECM to cytoskeleton, an improved texture correlation algorithm and a uniaxial tension release device were developed. It was found that substrate strain fully transfers to the cytoskeletal network via focal adhesions in live VICs under large strain tension release. To study the effects of cell-ECM interactions on VIC survival, two mechanical stimulus systems that can simulate the separate effects of cell contraction and cell monolayer detachment were developed. It was found that cell sheet detachment and disrupted cell-ECM signaling is likely responsible for the apoptosis of VICs grown in culture on thin collagen matrices, leading to calcification. The studies presented in this thesis refine existing biomechanical tools and provide new experimental and analytical tools with which to study cell-ECM interactions. Their application resulted in an improved understanding of hierarchical valve biomechanics, mechanotransduction, and mechanobiology.

The Development and Application of Tools to Study the Multiscale Biomechanics of the Aortic Valve

Zhao, Ruogang 06 December 2012 (has links)
Calcific aortic valve disease (CAVD) is one of the most common causes of cardiovascular disease in North America. Mechanical factors have been closely linked to the pathogenesis of CAVD and may contribute to the disease by actively regulating the mechanobiology of valve interstitial cells (VICs). Mechanical forces affect VIC function through interactions between the VIC and the extracellular matrix (ECM). Studies have shown that the transfer of mechanical stimulus during cell-ECM interaction depends on the local material properties at hierarchical length scales encompassing tissue, cell and cytoskeleton. In this thesis, biomechanical tools were developed and applied to investigate hierarchical cell-ECM interactions, using VICs and valve tissue as a model system. Four topics of critical importance to understanding VIC-ECM interactions were studied: focal biomechanical material properties of aortic valve tissue; viscoelastic properties of VICs; transduction of mechanical deformation from the ECM to the cytoskeletal network; and the impact of altered cell-ECM interactions on VIC survival. To measure focal valve tissue properties, a micropipette aspiration (MA) method was implemented and validated. It was found that nonlinear elastic properties of the top layer of a multilayered biomaterial can be estimated by MA by using a pipette with a diameter smaller than the top layer thickness. Using this approach, it was shown that the effective stiffness of the fibrosa layer is greater than that of the ventricularis layer in intact aortic valve leaflets (p<0.01). To characterize the viscoelastic properties of VICs, an inverse FE method of single cell MA was developed and compared with the analytical half-space model. It was found that inherent differences in the half-space and FE models of single cell MA yield different cell viscoelastic material parameters. However, under particular experimental conditions, the parameters estimated by the half-space model are statistically indistinguishable from those predicted by the FE model. To study strain transduction from the ECM to cytoskeleton, an improved texture correlation algorithm and a uniaxial tension release device were developed. It was found that substrate strain fully transfers to the cytoskeletal network via focal adhesions in live VICs under large strain tension release. To study the effects of cell-ECM interactions on VIC survival, two mechanical stimulus systems that can simulate the separate effects of cell contraction and cell monolayer detachment were developed. It was found that cell sheet detachment and disrupted cell-ECM signaling is likely responsible for the apoptosis of VICs grown in culture on thin collagen matrices, leading to calcification. The studies presented in this thesis refine existing biomechanical tools and provide new experimental and analytical tools with which to study cell-ECM interactions. Their application resulted in an improved understanding of hierarchical valve biomechanics, mechanotransduction, and mechanobiology.

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