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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Vore det inte lättare om du fortsatte vara kille?" : En intervjustudie om transsexuellas upplevelser av vårdpersonalens bemötande / "Wouldn't it be easier if you remained a guy?" : An interview study of transsexuals' experiences of the encounter from health care staff

Ericsson, Ingrid, Milton, Camilla January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Transsexualism är en könsidentitetsstörning som innebär att en individ identifierar sig med det motsatta könet, och innefattar oftast en önskan om att korrigera sitt kön till det upplevda. I och med denna önskan kommer transsexuella ofta i kontakt med vården och därför krävs vårdpersonal som är kunnig och professionell i sitt bemötande. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att belysa transsexuellas upplevelse av vårdpersonalens bemötande under den könskorrigerande processen. Metod: Studien gjordes med en kvalitativ design och datainsamlingen skedde genom intervjuer av sex transsexuella personer. Insamlad data analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Respondenterna upplevde ett bra bemötande när mötet och samtalet genomsyrades av kunskap och professionalism och när personalen utgick ifrån deras livsvärld genom att ha en förstående och bekräftande inställning. När personalen istället tedde sig okunnig och oförstående upplevde sig respondenterna sårbara då de behövde övertala och anpassa sig till personalen för att få önskad vård. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar tydligt att vårdpersonalens bemötande på många sätt påverkar de transsexuella patienternas väg genom den könskorrigerande behandlingen, som för de allra flesta transsexuella är helt livsavgörande. Det är därför av stor vikt att medvetandegöra transsexuella patienters upplevelser, för att på bästa sätt kunna försäkra ett gott bemötande. Klinisk betydelse: Belysandet av transsexuellas upplevelse av bemötandet i vården kan bidra till en ökad medvetenhet om transsexualism och transsexuellas vårdbehov, för att de i framtiden ska kunna erbjudas bättre vård. / Background: Transsexualism is a gender identity disorder, which means that an individual identifies him-/herself with the opposite sex, and this often involves a desire to correct their gender to the experienced one. With this desire, transsexuals often come in contact with health care and because of this it is necessary that care givers are knowledgeable and professional within the encounter. Aim: The aim of this study was to enlighten transsexual’s experience with the encounter from care givers during the gender reassignment. Method: The study was formed by a qualitative design and collection of data consisted in interviewing six transsexual individuals. Collected data was analyzed through a qualitative analysis of the context. Results: The participants experienced a good encounter when the meeting and conversation was imbued with knowledge and professionalism, and when the staff had the patient’s life-world in mind by having an understanding and affirmative attitude. When the personnel instead lacked of knowledge and occurred uncomprehending, the participants experienced vulnerability because they needed to persuade and adapt to the staff in order to get the required care. Conclusion: The result of the study illustrates that the encounter of health care personnel in many ways affect transsexual patients’ journey through the gender reassignment. It is therefore of great significance to acknowledge the experiences of transsexual patients’ to, in the best way possible, assure an adequate encounter. Clinical significance: The enlightenment of transsexual’s experiences of encounters could tribute to an increased consciousness of transsexualism and the health care needs of transsexuals, to offer better future health care.

Upplevelser av arbetsmiljö : En jämförelse mellan äldreboenden med hög och låg sjukfrånvaro

Gunnarsson, Marie January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate if the experiences of work environment of employees in the elder care in the municipality of Umeå can be linked to high or low sickness absence. The method used was semi-structural qualitative interviews. Six retirement homes participated in the study and were divided into two groups, based on whether they had high or low figures of sickness absence. 28 elder care workers of different educational levels were interviewed. The interview questions were divided into categories. For the key phrases; “Have great possibilities of influencing one´s schedule” (category influence), “Is offered education” (category development and challenge), “The work pace depends on the wellbeing of the residents” (category physical and psychological workload), “Reflect/Do not reflect on work at home” (category physical and psychological workload), “Difficult to resolve conflicts” (category working climate and wellbeing) and “Stressful work” (category working climate and wellbeing) statistically significant differences between the groups were detected. Risk factors in the work environment, such as, time pressure, conflicts and physical and psychological strain are described by employees at retirement homes with both higher and lower figures of sickness absence. Differences between the sexes could not be investigated, but that does not exclude possible differences. Based on the results the conclusion is drawn that aspects of influence, development and challenge, physical and psychological workload and working climate and wellbeing can be factors that impact on sickness absence in the elder care in the municipality of Umeå.

Estetisk integrering i undervisningen : lärares förutsättningar ur ett ramfaktorteoretiskt perspektiv / Art integration in education

Petersson, Anna-Karin, Blomberg, Anna-Karin January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka vad som styr lärares val, avseende estetisk integrering i undervisningen. Undersökningen omfattar klasslärare i grundskolans tidiga år. Empirin samlades in genom enkätundersökning med slutna och öppna frågor samt genom halvstrukturerade samtalsintervjuer. Under intervjuerna gavs möjlighet att ställa fler frågor som fokuserade på faktorer som kan vara förutsättningar för estetisk integrering i undervisningen. Det insamlade datamaterialet analyserades utifrån studiens frågeställningar samt ramfaktorteorin. Tidigare forskning visar positiva effekter av att arbeta med estetiska uttryckssätt i undervisningen. Forskningen belyser även en mer komplex bild av den estetiska integreringen. Denna studies resultat indikerar att lärare är positiva till estetisk integrering i de teoretiska ämnena, men att det finns faktorer som styr omfattningen av den estetiska integreringen. Det behövs exempelvis tid till förberedelser och efterarbete samt anpassade lokaler när man arbetar med estetiska uttryckssätt. Goda kunskaper i de estetiska ämnena och elevernas intresse för det estetiska är något som motiverar många lärare. Läroplanen upplevs både motiverande och som en ram lärare måste hålla sig inom. En av undersökningens slutsatser är att den estetiska integreringen i undervisning är komplex. Det finns en rad faktorer som spelar in i lärarnas val av hur de bedriver sin undervisning. Lärarna har ett frirum för initiativ. Samtidigt är frirummet en del i ett skolsystem med regler och ramar som lärare måste förhålla sig till. / The purpose of the study is to examine what factors lead teachers to include, or not include, aesthetic elements in their work with children. The empirical data was collected via a web-based questionnaire as well as two semi-structured interviews, all three concerned teachers working within the first grades of primary school. The interviews allowed for deeper discussion of survey questions and the frame factors that may affect the aesthetic integration. The collected information was analysed according to the frame factor theory. Previous research suggests that art integration in early education has a positive effect on learning. However, it also provides a more complex picture of such integration. Our study indicates that teachers in general have a positive view on art integration in theoretical subjects, but nevertheless there are various factors that reduce the extent to which this integration takes place. Time, space, teacher competence within the aesthetic area, as well as interest from pupils and teachers all seem to play an important part. The current curriculum appears alternately to motivate teachers and lock them within an inflexible framework. In conclusion, art integration is rather complex. There is a range of factors which affect how teachers choose to pursue their teaching. Teachers have a certain freedom of initiative, a 'free space' within which they try their ideas. Even so, this 'free space' is part of a school system with regulations and frames, which the teachers have to take into consideration.

Att bemästra sin vardag : Om den psykiska ohälsans inverkan på det dagliga livet / Mastering the everyday life : The impacts of mental illnesses

Jismyr, Michelle January 2014 (has links)
Alla människor har en vardag, med rutiner, vanor och förpliktelser som upptar vår tid. I denna uppsats undersöker jag hur fyra personers vardag formas och påverkas av psykisk ohälsa. Den vardag de beskriver handlar i första hand om att bemästra den psykiska ohälsan och ta kontrollen över hur de mår. För att lyckas med detta använder de sig av olika hjälpmedel, där mediciner är det viktigaste. Medicinerna är en stor del i att informanterna kan hantera sin vardag, men den psykiska ohälsan ger även verkningar i andra aspekter av vardagen, såsom arbetsliv, ekonomi, hur de ser på sig själva och hur de uppfattas av andra. / All people have their own routines, habits, and commitments to deal with on a daily basis. In this essay, I examine how four individuals’ everyday lives are shaped and influenced by their mental illnesses. They describe how the primary tasks of their everyday struggles are to master their mental health by controlling their mood and their feelings. To succeed with this, they use different aiding methods, where medications are the most important ones. The medications are essential in helping the informants to handle their everyday lives, but the mental illnesses also affect other aspects such as work, finance, self-image, and how they are perceived by others.

進路探求とアイデンティティ探求の相互関連プロセスについて :新しいアイデンティティプロセスモデルの提案

高村, 和代, Takamura, Kazuyo 26 December 1997 (has links)

Adult Attachment Interviewに関する予備的検討 : 日本の妊婦と青年女子の比較から

佐々木, 靖子, SASAKI, Yasuko, 瀬地山, 葉矢, SECHIYAMA, Haya, 本城, 秀次, HONJO, Shuji 25 December 2003 (has links)

恋愛関係が青年に及ぼす影響についての探索的研究 : 対人関係観に着目して

多川, 則子, TAGAWA, Noriko 25 December 2003 (has links)

現代青年の対人関係についての探索的研究 : 女子学生の面接データから

橋本, 剛, Hashimoto, Takeshi 26 December 1997 (has links)

Den inre bilden av estetiska uttrycksformer : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares uppfattning av läroplanens mål gällande estetik på förskolan / The subjective picture of esthetic expressions. : A qualitative study about pre-school teachers understandings of esthetic subjects in the curriculum.

Sundin, Marlene January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the study is to find out what pre-school teachers perceived of the curriculum, regarding esthetic subjects. The study is built on the teachers thoughts and ideas about the esthetic work, and how it is supposed to help all children develop. How the teachers has interpreted the curriculum points on how they have chosen to work with the esthetic subjects. The study is based on interviews with six teachers, from two pre-schools. The material from the interviews has then been analyzed with theories and earlier research. The result shows that the teachers think that the esthetic expressions are a language, and that the pre-school is supposed to give the children the opportunity to experience different types, for example dance, music, drama and art. The teachers didn’t seem to have considered the esthetic expressions as a tool to learn other subjects. They have interpreted the aims of the curriculum as aims for the children. Several teachers also think that the aim points on the importance of finishing started projects. They also wish for more time to plan and organize the work with the children.

Teaching Buddhism in New Zealand universities

Huang, Li Ting January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is an investigation into the university-level teaching of Buddhism in New Zealand, which has developed as part of the international spread of education about Buddhism for both Buddhists and non-Buddhists. The study was based on Interpretivism and accordingly sought to understand and interpret university teachers’ perceptions and experiences about their teaching of Buddhism; as they engage with the students' learning in this field. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were employed as the primary research method. All seven university teachers who teach Buddhism in New Zealand were invited to be the participants. Six university teachers participated in this research-study. Five of them were academic teachers, respectively teaching at Religious Studies of Massey, Victoria and Otago. Another one was a New Zealand-born Zen teacher who had been teaching a Zen meditation workshop at Auckland University of Technology for several years, and taught two Buddhism-related courses at the University of Auckland. These participants were chosen according to the information provided on official websites of New Zealand universities. The findings from the study showed that the university-level teaching of Buddhism in New Zealand, though growing, had been limited by the number of teachers and students. As fewer students were primarily interested in Buddhism, outward funding support appeared to be a very important factor for its future development. In terms of teachers’ role, objective-outsider remained the main position for scholars and scholar-practitioners in teaching Buddhism in university classroom. In addition to the pursuit of knowledge, there were also alternative educational opportunities, such as Zen workshop, for university staffs and students to learn Buddhism, outside university classroom. This thesis is significant in that it provided a bibliography and a set of data for the university-level teaching of Buddhism in the West, particularly New Zealand It established a space for future educational research into for the university-level teaching of Buddhism in the West, as part of the field of’ Buddhism and Education.’ In future studies, the limited approaches to teaching Buddhism in universities could be investigated on the basis of the literatures and findings of this study.

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