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Étude mathématique et numérique de problèmes de cloaking et d'un problème inverse géométrique / Mathematical and numerical study of cloaking problems and a geometric inverse problemBelgacem, Maher 19 December 2017 (has links)
Le travail dans cette thèse a consisté à l'étude de la propagation des ondes, en particulier la considération d'un problème de cloaking d'une part et d'un problème inverse d’identification de fissure d'autre part. Nous nous intéressons particulièrement à appliquer une stratégie qui est basé sur un changement de variable pour rendre un objet invisible, la validation numérique des résultats de ce problème a été réalisée par la librairie éléments finies XLiFE++. L'analyse de différents aspects mathématiques du problème de cloaking pour une équation elliptique non linéaire a fait l'objet du chapitre deux. La détermination de l'opérateur Dirichlet-Neumann associé à l'opérateur quasi-linéaire nous a permis d'adapter la technique de transformation utilisé pour le cadre des équations différentielles elliptiques linéaire afin de définir la notion de cloaking pour un problème non linéaire. Pour la dernière partie nous nous sommes intéressés à la reconstruction de fissures pour un problème thermique, pour cela un lien entre l'écart à la réciprocité et la transformée de Fourier du saut de la température à travers la fissure a été établi, ce qui nous a amené à développer un algorithme rapide pour la résolution numérique. / We are concerned with the study of the propagation of waves, in particular the consideration of a cloaking problem on the one hand and of a problem of cracks reconstruction on the second hand. We focus more particularly in applying a strategy that is based on a change of variable to cloak an object. The validation with numerical results has been achieved by the nite element library XLiFE++. The analysis of different mathematical aspects of the cloaking problem for a quasilinear elliptic equation has been the subject of chapter two. The determination of the Dirichlet-Neumann operator associated with the quasilinear operator allowed us to adapt the transformation technique used for the frame-work of linear elliptic differential equations to define the notion of cloaking for our nonlinear problem. For the last part we are interested in crack reconstruction for a thermal problem. For that, a link between the reciprocity gap and the Fourier transform of the temperature jump through the cracks was established, which has led to the development of a fast algorithm for numerical resolution.
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Le rôle de l’éthique dans la traduction française des œuvres d’Astrid Lindgren : Fifi Brindacier digne héritière de Pippi Långstrump ? / The role of ethics in the French translation of Astrid Lindgren’s work : Fifi Brindacier a worthy heir to Pippi Långstrump?Batto, Yann January 2021 (has links)
Lindgren’s character Pippi Longstocking is well-known all around the world. Acclaimed by feminist movements, she has been considered as a proud role model, striving for equality, who has significantly influenced many young children. However, scholars agree that she has not had the same impact in every single country due to problems that stem from the translation work’s ethic. Thus, this study strives to investigate translation’s power on readership’s perception and decryption of Lindgren’s character by comparing narrative and lexical choices of two French translations of Pippi’s books. Based on the translator’s invisibility concept and feminist translation theories, the results show that Pippi Longstocking’s depiction can purposefully be altered by the translator to match French cultural standards. By impeding readers to get a full and unbiased picture of the character, the translator suppresses the subversiveness of Lindgren’s work. Thus, the forced domestication process causes the loss of key features that make Pippi iconic.
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Professional photographers and their use of Instagram : How Instagram influences professional photographers’ mindsets and contribute to their rethinking of creative practicesKlimenka, Alesia January 2022 (has links)
Professional photographers who actively use Instagram in their work notice its influence on various aspects of their professional and creative activities. The present thesis examines the manifestations of such influence noticed by a group of professional photographers. The results of five personal in-depth interviews, determined by the thematic analysis, revealed the peculiarities of work of professional photographers on the Instagram platform and beyond it, and their noticeof Instagram influence on such practices as photography creation, photo shootings, retouch, andinspiration search. It appeared that the photographers’ practices are adapting for the better account performance on the platform under the “threat of invisibility”. Besides, to achieve audience recognition, modern photographers need to actively participate in the race for higher metrics, which, due to the algorithmic features of Instagram management, are not guaranteed. All the professional photographers’ practices adapted for better Instagram performance and visibility can be considered as unpaid part of the photographers’ work, that is taken for granted.
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Examining the Narrative of Urban Indian Graduate Students in Classroom Spaces of a Historically and Predominately White InstitutionGonzales-Miller, Shannon C. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Transferred Invisibilities and Stigmatization : A Qualitative Research on the Engagement of Humanitarian Organizations with Syrian LGBTQI+ People in TurkeyTogay, Özge January 2020 (has links)
Humanitarian action faces challenges in engaging with LGBTQI+ people. Research has shown that humanitarian response to LGBTQI+ people are solely studied on the issues around resettlement, migration and legal protection of LGBTQI+ people. This study aims to provide a critical analysis to engagement practices of humanitarian actors with LGBTQI+ people in Hatay, Turkey. In order to explore this engagement, this study asks the role of humanitarian actors in identifying the LGBTQI+ community, the strategies used by the humanitarian actors to support the LGBTQI+ community, the consequences of humanitarian professions’ actions in Hatay, Turkey. This research is based on empirical findings of six semi-structured interviews conducted with LGBTQI+ people and humanitarian professionals. The most significant finding of this study is that humanitarian organizations refrain particularly from engaging with LGBTQI+ people because of the existing primary frameworks between LGBTQI+ people and Syrian community, and also between the Government of Turkey and humanitarian organizations. This leads to increased invisibilities, re-stigmatization and dissociation of LGBTQI+ people from the society.
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[pt] A dissertação teve o intuito de examinar e divulgar criticamente as
condições socioambientais da produção de carvão vegetal ocorrida no Maciço da
Pedra Branca do século XVIII até meados do século XX. A dependência da
biomassa florestal, representada pela lenha e carvão, modificou de forma intensa
as relações existentes entre sociedade e natureza. Além de alterar a estrutura e
composição da Mata Atlântica, a produção carvoeira foi influenciada e
influenciou o quadro segregador da sociedade. Assim, o objetivo da pesquisa foi
tornar visível um trabalho invisibilizado por vieses históricos que interferiram em
aspectos relacionados à sua sustentabilidade. Para isso, foram realizados
levantamento de material bibliográfico, atividades de campo à procura de
carvoarias localizadas na floresta e reuniões com representantes do Sertão Carioca
– projeto financiador dos três produtos de divulgação científica desta dissertação.
As referências bibliográficas revelaram que os carvoeiros passaram por um
processo de marginalização e apagamento, mesmo tendo um impacto significativo
na regeneração florestal. A pesquisa serviu de base para o desenvolvimento de um
capítulo de livro, de um folder e de duas placas interpretativas – uma delas
encontra-se exposta na entrada principal do Parque Estadual da Pedra Branca.
Espera-se que os produtos contribuam para a difusão da importância desse grupo
social e colaborem para dar maior visibilidade às comunidades quilombolas de
seus descendentes. Resgatar e valorizar essa parte da história sociocultural do
Maciço da Pedra Branca pode contribuir na luta por garantia à terra e à
reprodução do modo de vida dessas populações, direitos historicamente
conquistados, mas frequentemente ameaçados. / [en] The dissertation aimed to critically examine and disseminate the
socio-environmental conditions of charcoal production that occurred in the Pedra
Branca Massif from the 18th to the mid-20th century. The dependence on forest
biomass, represented by wood and charcoal, profoundly altered the relationships
between society and nature. In addition to changing the structure and composition
of the Atlantic Forest, charcoal production was both influenced by and influenced
the segregating framework of society. Thus, the research aimed to make visible a
labor that had been rendered invisible due to historical biases that affected aspects
related to its sustainability. The study involved compiling bibliographic materials,
fieldwork to locate charcoal kilns in the forest, and meetings with representatives
of the Sertão Carioca project, which funded three scientific dissemination
products. Bibliographic references revealed that charcoal producers underwent a
process of marginalization and erasure, despite their substantial contribution to
forest regeneration. The research formed the basis for a book chapter, a brochure,
and two interpretative signs – one of which is displayed at the main entrance of
the Pedra Branca State Park. It is expected that these products will contribute to
raising awareness of the importance of this social group and collaborate in
providing greater visibility to the Quilombola communities of their descendants.
Reviving and valuing this aspect of the socio-cultural history of the Pedra Branca
Massif can contribute to the struggle to secure land rights and the preservation of
the way of life of these populations, rights that have been historically achieved but
are often threatened.
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The Aesthetics of News: Narrative Construction and Media Illiteracy in Contemporary IndiaNanjundaiah, Shashidhar 01 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Amidst the public’s declining trust in news, media prosumers—that is, media consumers who have also become producers of mediated texts—are not equipped with any credible alternative mechanism to better understand the world around them. Prior academic studies of news and its delivery have not adequately explored the ideological framework we need to confront this frightening situation. This dissertation does so. I problematize the narration of news as an aesthetic process. Such mass-mediated narration stitches together our world in ideological ways. A tidal flow of stories highlights and obscures selected truths in a frenzy of “new” news cycles, the frequency of which intensifies with each new delivery platform. Social media platforms, which peddle short videos, need to be understood using new analytical methods, given that the aesthetic and narrative dimensions of such audio-visual texts are so far removed from the pace, delivery, and meaning of 19th-century objects like newspapers. In the current moment, I theorize the process through which an incident is converted first into a media event, then a media spectacle, and finally into myth. My work breaks new ground in mass communication studies by understanding this aesthetic and narrative process as mystification, a formulation I borrow from contemporary philosophers, particularly Cornel West. As an aesthetic process, mediated narration presents what the power brokers of a society deem desirable, while evacuating that which contradicts their ideological position. In this dissertation, I theorize this process in terms of “absenting” as a narrative process and “invisibilization” as an aesthetic maneuver. Aesthetic value undergirds the narration of the news by falsely presenting certainty and consensus to media prosumers. To accomplish this, I employ Theodor Adorno’s aesthetic theory to explain how news narration routinizes values of visibility, forming a discursive field that envelops the media prosumer. Pierre Bourdieu’s habitus best explains this theoretical field. An important implication of my work concerns the current obsession with “media literacy.” I argue that media literacy has not adequately explained the ideological nature of mediated narration, shifting the blame for a disinformation society from the structural forces of textual production onto a purportedly “illiterate” public. I destabilize the current understanding of media literacy by revealing the ideological implications of the aesthetic and narrative construction of what both practitioners and scholars of the news reduce to a binary notion of truths and falsehoods. The domain to which I apply this theoretical apparatus is the narration of majoritarian nationalism. Postcolonial governments use nationalism as an emotional trigger to co-opt their citizens into participating in the modernization project. Current institutions use rationality to showcase their nation as modern. The general narratives I have just described are in fact gleaned from three disturbing media events in recent India. My nation’s shift in recent years from a pluralistic democracy to a majoritarian, authoritarian state makes it a timely location for inquiry. In my three case studies, news narration showcases the desirable and hiding undesirable elements; depicts farmers in a negative light, as obstacles to modernization; and discredits resistant voices and deems them illegitimate individuals with smartphones or unethical practitioners of journalism. First, I analyze a media spectacle created in the city of Ahmedabad in 2020 by Narendra Modi’s government for Donald Trump’s visit. The government showcased this Potemkin Village as an example of the modernization project, a false construction that illuminates presentable elements of the city while walling off the unpresentable. I evaluate eight visual moments of this event and draw attention to the aesthetic facets of visibilization and invisibilization. Second, I examine narrative performances in a news-based television show anchored by Arnab Goswami, who analyzes murders involving politicians and farmers in a small rural road on which farmers marched and a convoy of vehicles led by the son of a central minister ran over them from behind, inviting retaliation. The aesthetic practices of this coverage destabilize in a chilling way who are the perpetrators and victims in these stories. In the third event, I analyze moments of journalistic struggle in a story of the police forcibly burning the body of a victim of gang-rape. Four men of an upper caste allegedly gang-raped a lower-caste woman in a village, and her dead body was brought back from a hospital in New Delhi. The media followed, and their cameras serendipitously captured the alleged destruction of evidence by the police. My dissertation concludes with questions about what cultural capital would be required in a world in which a media prosumer would be able to read and interpret the aesthetic and narrative presentation of such mass media objects. I conclude by understanding how the visibilized and invisibilized maneuvers of our current news media lead to the construction, not of media literacy, but instead, of “media illiteracy.” It is my theoretical conclusion that demystification is the best process to undo the debilitating effects of this dire situation. My dissertation ends with recommendations for completely transformed media literacy programs that deliver to communities, and specifically not individuals in a classroom, pedagogical tools rooted in critical theory.
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The Black Composer: Identity, Invisibility, Relevance And The Making Of A Brand In The Digital AgeLomax, Mark A., II January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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New devices for noise control and acoustic cloakingGarcía Chocano, Víctor Manuel 13 July 2015 (has links)
[EN] The aim of this work is to design new acoustic devices based on arrangements of scattering units. First, the use of sonic crystals as noise barriers for traffic noise control is comprehensively analyzed. Due to the limitations of the conventional structures based on rigid scatterers, the inclusion of absorbing elements is proposed. Two different types of absorbers are here considered: porous materials and microperforated plates. In the first case, the attenuation characteristics of barriers made with cylinders containing rubber crumb is analyzed. The second proposal is based on the construction of cylindrical microperforated shells. Analytical approaches modelling the behavior of the barriers have been developed in both cases. These models show a satisfactory agreement with the corresponding experimental realizations. Finally, it is performed an optimization process in order to obtain efficient sound barriers intended to attenuate traffic noise.
Another application considered in this work is the construction of cloaks to render objects acoustically invisible. In particular, cloaks made with rigid inclusions are designed to operate with airborne sound. The first proposal consists of a cloak that utilizes the temperature of the background to control the properties of the effective medium. In addition, two and three-dimensional cloaks have been developed through the scattering cancellation technique. These devices have been designed by means of an optimization procedure and their performance has been experimentally demonstrated. / [ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es el diseño de nuevos dispositivos acústicos basados en disposiciones de centros de dispersión. En primer lugar, el uso de cristales sónicos como barreras acústicas para el control de ruido de tráfico es analizado en detalle. Debido a las limitaciones que presentan las estructuras convencionales basadas en centros de dispersión rígidos, se propone la inclusión de elementos absorbentes en los mismos. Se han considerado dos tipos distintos de absorbente: materiales porosos y placas microperforadas. En el primer caso se analizan las propiedades atenuadoras de barreras formadas por cilindros que contienen granza de caucho. La segunda solución se basa en la construcción de coronas microperforadas. En ambos casos se han desarrollado modelos analíticos que permiten determinar el comportamiento de las barreras. Dichos modelos muestran un acuerdo satisfactorio con las correspondientes realizaciones experimentales. Finalmente se ha realizado un proceso de optimización con objeto de obtener barreras eficientes para la atenuación de ruido de tráfico.
Otra aplicación considerada en este trabajo es el desarrollo de dispositivos de invisibilidad acústica. Concretamente se pretenden diseñar mantos constituidos con elementos rígidos para ondas acústicas en aire. La primera propuesta consiste en un manto que utiliza la temperatura del medio externo para controlar sus propiedades efectivas. Además se han desarrollado mantos en dos y tres dimensiones a través de la técnica de cancelación de la dispersión. Los diseños han sido realizados por medio de un proceso de optimización y su funcionamiento ha sido demostrado experimentalmente. / [CA] L'objectiu d'aquest treball és el disseny de nous dispositius acústics basats en disposicions de centres de dispersió. En primer lloc, l'ús de vidres sònics com barreres acústiques per al control de soroll de trànsit és analitzat en detall. A causa de les limitacions que presenten les estructures convencionals basades en centres de dispersió rígids, es proposa la inclusió d'elements absorbents en els mateixos. S'han considerat dos tipus diferents de absorbent: materials porosos i plaques microperforades. En el primer cas s'analitzen les propietats atenuadores de barreres formades per cilindres que contenen gransa de cautxú. La segona solució es basa en la construcció de corones microperforades. En tots dos casos s'han desenvolupat models analítics que permeten determinar el comportament de les barreres. Aquests models mostren un acord satisfactori amb les corresponents realitzacions experimentals. Finalment s'ha realitzat un procés d'optimització per tal d'obtenir barreres eficients per l'atenuació de soroll de trànsit.
Una altra aplicació considerada en aquest treball és el desenvolupament de dispositius d'invisibilitat acústica. Concretament es pretenen dissenyar mantells constituïts amb elements rígids per ones acústiques en aire. La primera proposta consisteix en un mantell que utilitza la temperatura del medi extern per controlar les seves propietats efectives. A més s'han desenvolupat mantells en dues i tres dimensions a través de la tècnica de cancel·lació de la dispersió. Els dissenys han estat realitzats per mitjà d'un procés d'optimització i el seu funcionament ha estat demostrat experimentalment. / García Chocano, VM. (2015). New devices for noise control and acoustic cloaking [Tesis doctoral]. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/53026 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales
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Archéologies, suivi de Constructions et déconstructions de la totalité chez Perec, Bon et PongeGélinas-Lemaire, Vincent 06 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise en recherche-création cherche à explorer de deux façons singulières les possibilités littéraires de la construction (ou de la déconstruction) d’un objet saisi comme une totalité. La création s’écrit selon une contrainte stricte : laisser des matériaux produire du récit afin d’en découvrir méthodiquement le vocabulaire, la symbolique et les résonances historiques. Ce sont encore les matériaux qui dictent l’ordre des textes selon leur propre chronologie. L’essai quant à lui, procède d’une recherche semblable par l’analyse de textes choisis de trois auteurs modernes : Georges Perec, François Bon et Francis Ponge. Par la diversité des genres qu’ils expérimentent, par leurs méthodes d’écriture singulières et par la richesse de leurs corpus, ils constituent un terrain privilégié pour des études de cas variées ainsi que pour une synthèse pertinente. Ces deux parties se conjuguent étroitement, dans une expérience ouverte de la littérature. / The following master’s thesis, in both theory and creative writing, aims to explore by two different paths the literary possibilities of the construction (or deconstruction) of an object considered as a totality. The creative writing is bent by a strict rule: to allow chosen materials to awaken a narrative universe where their vocabularies, symbolisms and historical meanings will be revealed. Those same materials determine the order in which the texts are listed. The essay is aiming at similar goals, but proceeds by analysis of three modern authors: Georges Perec, François Bon and Francis Ponge. By the vast number of literary genres they experiment on, by their unique styles and by the richness of their corpuses, they prove to be perfect subjects for both isolated analysis and a common synthesis. The two parts work closely together to provide an open literary experiment.
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