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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bezpečnost bezdrátové sítě poskytovatele internetových služeb / Wireless Network Security of Internet Service Provider

Parolek, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the wireless network security of the Internet service provider company Net-Connect s.r.o. It identifies its weak points and suggests measures that lead to the increase of the wireless network security.

Implementace vybrané technologie pro ISP / Implementation of the Selected Technology for ISP

Doležal, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on implementation of selected technology within the company CPU-Kocourek, s.r.o, which provides varied internet services. Based on the theoretical part and the analysis of the current situation are proposed solutions suitable for the management of access network provider. The proposal part contains selection of the best proposal and its implementation into the routine mode of operation.

Ressourcensteuerung fuer Internet-Zugaenge

Naumann, Torsten 09 October 1997 (has links)
Mehr und mehr werden neue und dabei zunehmend multimediale Anwendungen fuer das Internet entwickelt und eingesetzt. In gleichem Masze wachsen auch die Qualitaetsanforderungen an diese Dienste. So gibt sich heute niemand mehr mit reiner ASCII--Text--Uebertragung von Informationen zufrieden. E-Mails werden mit MIME--Attachments versendet, Web--Seiten mit unzaehligen Grafiken ansehnlicher gemacht, und Konferenzen in Datennetzen erheben den Anspruch auf Audio-- und Video--Uebertragung in Echtzeit. Fuer Provider stellt sich hier nun das Problem der Finanzierung. Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist es, anhand des Szenarios des Internet--Service--Providers ¨Freie Presse Online¨ ein Tarifmodell zu entwickeln, welches mittels Ressourcensteuerung arbeitet. Es soll ein Anreizsystem etabliert werden, um eine effizientere Ausnutzung der Ressourcen zu erzielen. Die finanzielle Grundlage bildet Prepayment. Die Einflusznahme geschieht nicht mittels veraenderlicher Entgelte, sondern direkt auf die dem Nutzer zur Verfuegung gestellten Ressourcen (Bandbreite, Verzoegerungszeit). Fuer den Entwurf des Modells werden Anleihen bei artverwandten Modellen genommen, so zum Beispiel bei der Tarifierung von elektrischer Energie, da die beiden Ressourcen Bandbreite (in Datennetzen) und Energie (in Stromnetzen) markante Aehnlichkeiten aufweisen. Weiterhin wird eine Analyse des Verhaltens der Nutzer im Bezug auf die Dauer und Tageszeit der Nutzung, Datenvolumen und Lastkurven durchgefuehrt. Die Analyse und das Accounting werden mittels der von der Real Time Flow Measurement Group vorgeschlagenen Architektur realisiert. Konkret kommt die Referenz-- Implementation NeTraMet zum Einsatz.
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Information seeking behavior hos ungdomar på Örnsköldsviks stadsbibliotek : En undersökning med stöd i Kuhlthaus Information Search Process -modell vid litteratursökning.

Johansson, Emelie January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker informationssökningsprocessen hos en grupp utvalda ungdomar på Örnsköldsviks stadsbibliotek. Syftet har varit att undersöka och förstå unga biblioteksbesökares information seeking behavior i ett annorlunda bokuppställningssystem. Örnsköldsviks stadsbibliotek valde, efter KB:s beslut om nedläggning av SAB 2008, ett relativt nytt sätt att placera och ställa upp sina böcker på. Det nya systemet kallas Rainbow och det guidar besökaren genom tydliga ämneskategorier, klartext och färger. Med Carol. C. Kuhlthaus ISP- modell i sex steg som stöd, vilken beskriver tankar, känslor och ageranden under en informationssökningsprocess, undersöks hur de unga besökarna tog sig an sin informationssökning på Örnsköldsviks bibliotek. Genom intervjuer och observationer av de unga biblioteksanvändarna, samt ytterligare intervjuer med bibliotekets bibliotekarier, har material och information insamlats och analyserats kring hur ungdomarnas informationssökningsprocesser gått till. Resultaten från undersökningen visade att de intentioner som informationssökaren initialt bär med sig i sökprocessen påverkar sökresultatet. Det visade sig också att känslor, tankar och ageranden, som respondenterna förväntades att uppleva, till viss del skilde sig från de upplevelser som Kuhlthaus respondenter beskrivit vid sina informationssökningar, och vilka har legat till grund för ISP- modellen. I och med att studien behandlar folkbibliotek och ungdomarnas fritid var respondenterna på Örnsköldsviks bibliotek inte heller lika medvetna, något som tycktes tydligt redan från start, om sin egen sökproces som Kuhlthaus respondenter varit. Men denna undersöknings respondenter uppgav dock att bokuppställningen i sig fungerade bra för dem att söka information i.
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Odpovědnost poskytovatelů služeb informační společnosti za porušování autorských práv na internetu / Liability of internet servis providers for copyright infringement on the internet

Mlynář, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
This paper discusses the history and recent developments pertaining to ISPs' liability for copyright infringement in the European Union. Section I. explains ISPs' basic roles on the Internet, discusses practical grounds justifying a special liability regime for ISPs and outlines the EU legal framework providing safe harbor provisions for ISPs' liability and transposition of these rules into the legal system of the Czech Republic. Section II. describes how judicial decisions in the EU Member States eroded safe harbor rules and how these decisions were subsequently overturned by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJ). The section continues with an examination of the latest judgment of the CJ in UPC Telekabel Wien concerning new rules (or lack thereof) for website-blocking injunctions. Section III. discusses notable examples of EU Member states' legislation or legislative proposals which aimed to put a stop to "online piracy" and copyright infringement. Considerable part of this section analyzes the recent controversial system set up by the Italian communications regulator AGCOM. Section IV. describes examples of increasing voluntary collaboration between ISPs and content owners, which has the potential to effectively combat online piracy and benefit all parties involved. Section V. explores...
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Aktuální vývoj evropské legislativy v oblasti autorských práv / Current development of the European legislation regarding copyright

Kocarová, Klára January 2018 (has links)
This thesis "Current development of the European legislation regarding copyright" deals with the current EU proposals on the modernization of copyright. For the purposes of this work, I have determined as "current" the proposals and documents published between 2015 and 2017 due to the consistency of the pursued objectives and the close interrelation between relevant EU documents. The main target of this work is to present key documents, whether accepted or proposed, to update European copyright for the needs of the digital world. This work is divided into eight chapters representing not only the proposals but also the environment into which they will be incorporated. For this reason, the first three chapters briefly address the introduction of the basic concept of copyright, as well as the harmonization of rights in the EU and the existing legislative framework in Europe (including international treaties and EU measures). In the following chapter, I introduce digitization and the internet as important factors, which affected copyright to such an extent that it appears in some ways to be completely incompatible with modern age. The fifth chapter highlights the main target of the ongoing adaptation of copyright law, which is the creation of a single digital market within the EU. The core parts of...
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Bridging the digital divide : Improving Internet usage in Eastern Africa

Eshetu, Sofia, Kinuthia, Caroline January 2011 (has links)
Internet is viewed as the most vital digital technology in the globe. Eastern Africa has the least penetration of ICT per capita in the world. Internet is a valuable resource that has propelled enormous economic growth in many developed countries. In order for Eastern African governments to narrow the socio-economic divide between developed countries and themselves, there is need to overcome this digital handicap. Enormous investments in ICT infrastructure are essential. The governments must participate in making crucial decisions to wisely allocate the limited resources to improve the current infrastructure.This thesis investigates Internet use, access and penetration in Eastern Africa. Theoretical research has been carried out to elaborate on the subject matter. Through empirical study, we will come up with a fresh way to verify and understand the Internet situation in the region. / Program: Magisterutbildning i informatik


林信宇, Lin, Allen Unknown Date (has links)
在二十世紀和二十一世紀交替的時期,資訊科技正以迅雷不及掩耳的方式快速發展。自從網際網路的出現,電腦的應用層次已呈現出另一種境界。短短幾年裡,網際網路已讓全球企業界深刻地體認到其所具有的高度商業價值;從而衍生出來的商業應用,更是為各行各業帶來新領域和新視野,亦為市場帶來無限商機。而在這一股網際網路的熱潮中,網際網路服務提供者(Internet Service Provider; ISP)扮演了一個相當重要的角色,因此很多企業相繼投入這個市場,但也因此造成了ISP產業中激烈的競爭。ISP業者如何在重重的困難中脫穎而出,進而取得更大的市場優勢? 本研究先以探索式的研究方法,探討我國ISP業的競爭狀態及內外在條件影響各ISP業者市場優勢的關係模式。先談文獻,首先,針對幾家ISP業者,進行深度個案公司訪問調查,分析其內外在條件及市場優勢,將結果與文獻探討所得到的理論架構加以整合,以建立本研究之研究模式,並且依據研究模式擬訂研究假設,然後以實證研究法驗證研究假設,進行過程乃是以我國ISP業為對象,以問卷調查作為研究工具,搜集有關本研究計劃所需要的原始資料,運用多變量分析之統計方法進行資料分析,以驗證本研究計劃所提出之假設,並嘗試說明驗證之結果。

台灣有線電視寬頻網路整合行銷之研究 / In view of Integrated Marketing to make research into Cable ISP

黃仁宏, Huang, Jen-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
鑒於寬頻網路是電子商務發展基石,各國無不積極規劃寬頻網路基礎建設,藉由技術昇級與整合,建構安全可靠的電子商務服務環境,吸引更多企業與消費者參與使用電子商務。ING Barings在2000年研究報告中指出,台灣未來寬頻網路服務市場營收可望在2004年達到773.3億之多,預計寬頻網路服務市場將隨著國際頻寬成本不斷降低而成長。 在行政院NII小組推動「三年三百萬人」寬頻上網目標後,根據資策會資訊情報中心統計,目前我國網際網路使用人口已經達到六百萬人,寬頻網路使用人口則已超過四十萬人。眾多市場競爭者中,有線電視業者由於擁有最後一哩及內容優勢,有助於發展整合性服務,成為進入市場優勢之一。 基於上述原因,本文研究目的旨在探討: (一)國外寬頻網路主要發展國家之市場現況。 (二)國內寬頻網路服務市場之發展現況。 (三)有線電視寬頻網路事業針對寬頻網路市場之整體佈局。 (四)有線電視寬頻網路事業在消費者資料庫上之運作現實。 (五)有線電視寬頻網路事業在企業關係利益人上之運作現實。 (六)有線電視寬頻網路事業在組織架構與傳播策略上之運作現實。 (七)有線電視寬頻網路事業在溝通執行要素上之運作現實。 透過文獻探討及深度訪談等方法,本文針對國外寬頻網路市場整體環境,以及國內兩大有線電視寬頻網路服務業者—東森國際網路與和信超媒體進行研究探討,得到下列結論: (一)政策及價格因素為影響各國寬頻網路服務市場能否迅速普及的關鍵因素。 (二)有線電視寬頻網路服務業者主要的威脅來自ADSL的競爭,以及HFC雙向網路佈建完成度的不足。 (三)母集團由上而下的推動,有助於國內有線電視寬頻網路事業的佈局。 (四)國內有線電視寬頻網路事業尚無行銷傳播專有消費者資料庫的規劃,而消費者資料庫蒐集方式與內容過於單向。 (五)國內有線電視寬頻網路事業依其市場利益點發展M & A策略,並視時間與事業定位轉換其企業關係利益人溝通策略。 (六)整合行銷跨功能管理過程及內部整合行銷系統,有助於國內有線電視寬頻網路事業進行傳播策略的整合。 (七)國內有線電視寬頻網路事業在傳播工具整合上具有良好成效,有助於品牌提昇與企業關係利益人的互動。 本研究並做出下列建議: (一)市場上,國內有線電視寬頻網路服務業者應該: 1.加速地方系統台的通路整合。 2.擴張綜合平台理念,提供綑綁式服務。 3.轉移並區分消費者市場。 (二)而就整合行銷觀點,國內有線電視寬頻網路服務業者應該: 1.改變公司行銷傳播的體制及優先順序。 2.建立新品牌接觸點與關係型的消費者資料庫內容。 3.儘快建立公司內部整合行銷系統。
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Peer Assisted Live Video Streaming in Web Browsers using WebRTC

Wallstersson, Marcus, Zöger, Jimmy January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents a solution for peer assisted live video streaming in web browsers. The motivation behind the solution is that content providers, which need to allocate large amounts of server resources and bandwidth to support their services, could benefit from letting their viewers assist in distributing the video. Essential to this is the fact that live video streaming typically have relaxed time constraints, i.e. there is often a buffer of tens of seconds to allow for a smooth playback. The peer assistance is done with peer-to-peer connections that is natively supported in WebRTC-enabled web browsers. Peers cooperate by downloading different segments from the server and subsequently sharing this between themselves. For efficient utilization of the network, peers do also have a notion of the network topology and choose to cooperate with nearby peers. It is shown that server resources and bandwidth can be reduced by enabling peer assistance for suitable peers. / Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec odio elit, dictum in, hendrerit sit amet, egestas sed, leo. Praesent feugiat sapien aliquet odio. Integer vitae justo. Aliquam vestibulum fringilla lorem. Sed neque lectus, consectetuer at, consectetuer sed, eleifend ac, lectus. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque eget lectus. Proin eu metus. Sed porttitor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse eu lectus. Ut mi mi, lacinia sit amet, placerat et, mollis vitae, dui. Sed ante tellus, tristique ut, iaculis eu, malesuada ac, dui. Mauris nibh leo, facilisis non, adipiscing quis, ultrices a, dui.
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