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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


LUCIA DIAS COSTA BARROS 11 October 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação tem por objetivo pensar o feminismo como política dissensual, a partir do filósofo Jacques Rancière, considerando a política como um desentendimento com a ordem hegemônica – nesse caso, o patriarcado. No século XIX a entrada na cena pública das mulheres como agentes, apesar de não serem autorizadas a fazê-lo, promoveu um dano que fez aquilo que era ruído se tornar palavra. Palavra essa que abriu espaço para sensibilidades que não estavam dadas de antemão. Apesar de Rancière não falar diretamente de feminismo, é possível fazer seus conceitos, tais como dissenso, parte dos sem parte e emancipação, operarem em diálogo com uma epistemologia feminista. Ademais, entendendo que a política, nesses termos, é vinculada a um campo sensível, há nela uma dimensão estética. Quando pensamos em estética como arte assumimos que, para Rancière, no Regime Estético, há uma condição de indeterminação nela, na arte, que abre um campo de possibilidades para tornar algo visível ou dizível. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa também se desdobra para pensar o feminismo nas artes e o modo como estética e política se entrelaçam. / [en] This dissertation aims to think feminism as a dissensual politics, from philosopher Jacques Rancière s theory, considering politics as a disagreement with the hegemonistic order - in this case, patriarchy. In the 19th century women entering the public scene as agents, although not allowed to, promoted a wrong that made what was noise to become a word. A word which opened space for sensibilities that were not given beforehand. Even though Rancière did not speak directly about feminism, it is possible to make his concepts, such as dissensus, part of those who have no part and emancipation, operate in dialogue with a feminist epistemology. Furthermore, understanding that politics, in these terms, is connected to an invisible field, there is an aesthetic dimension in it. While we think of aesthetics as art, we assume that, for Rancière, in the Aesthetic Regime there is a condition of indetermination in art, which opens a field of possibilities to turn something visible or sayable. In this sense, this research also develops to think feminism in art and the way aesthetics and politics intertwine.


25 March 2021 (has links)
[pt] A partir dos movimentos de maio de 1968, a figura intelectual da emancipação toma conta da filosofia francesa: enquanto Jacques Rancière aposta na radical hipótese da igualdade das inteligências, Alain Badiou desenvolve uma teoria do acontecimento. Em comum, concernem a ambos processos de subjetivação, dentre os quais Badiou destaca quatro: amorosos, científicos, políticos e artísticos. Neste âmbito, o regime estético rancièriano e a inestética badiousiana oferecem aporte teórico para reformular as categorias segundo as quais se compreende a criação artística – em geral – e o cinema – em particular. No entendimento comum de uma arte contemporânea das relações, este trabalho aproxima os autores com o objetivo de pensar a obra do diretor austríaco Michael Haneke. Dividindo seus filmes em blocos temáticos – entre cinema e amor, entre cinema e ciência, entre cinema e política e entre cinema e outras artes –, investigam-se distâncias e intervalos pelos quais podem passar ideias e nos quais se formam espectadores como sujeitos igualitários. / [en] From May 68 on, the intellectual figure of emancipation takes over French philosophy: while Jacques Rancière bets on the radical hypothesis of the equality of intelligences, Alain Badiou develops the theory of the event. In unison, both are concerned with processes of subjectivation, amongst which Badiou highlights four types: amorous, scientific, political and artistic. In this last scope, the rancièrian aesthetic regime and the badiousian inaesthetics offer a theoretical approach to reformulate the categories within which art – in general – and cinema – in particular – are perceived. In the common understanding of contemporary art of relations, this work links the authors, intending to analyze the work of Austrian director Michael Haneke. Splitting his movies into thematic blocks – between cinema and love, between cinema and science, between cinema and politics and between cinema and other arts –, the investigation lies on the distances and intervals within which ideas pass and spectators form themselves as egalitarian subjects.


PEDRO CAETANO EBOLI NOGUEIRA 27 September 2021 (has links)
[pt] A presente Tese de Doutorado investiga algumas das relações entre arte, política e movimentos sociais que permeiam nosso presente, partindo de uma constelação insurgente composta por exposições, ações, trabalhos de arte e de ativismo ocorridos no Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Pernambuco, circunscritos no período entre 2004 e 2018. Em uma abordagem transversal de arte e política, cada um dos seis capítulos coloca um determinado elemento estético em cena: duas ações do coletivo Frente Três de Fevereiro (1) e uma do Política do Impossível (2); o coletivismo artístico em torno da ocupação Prestes Maia (3) e seu desdobramento na exposição Zona de Poesia Árida e no suporte instalativo Poética do Dissenso (4); duas performances de Elilson (5); dois trabalhos de Bárbara Wagner em colaboração com grupos de evangélicos neopentecostais (6). Partindo desta constelação, discutimos problemas como a poética da política, uma educação pelo silêncio, a crítica institucional e a institucionalidade crítica, uma política do luto e da memória, além de questões relativas a coletivos, minorias, alteridades, identidades e lugares de fala. Nos baseamos especialmente no pensamento de Jacques Rancière, amparado por autores como Bruno Latour, Walter Benjamin, Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, Judith Butler e Suely Rolnik. Assumimos uma abordagem fragmentária, que tangencia o método cartográfico de Suely Rolnik; as constelações benjaminianas; as cenas rancierianas; os traços barthesianos; e o composicionismo de Bruno Latour. Esta estratégia absorve certos modos de inteligibilidade comuns aos procedimentos de curadoria ou de montagem, em que a reunião de uma série de imagens singulares pode agenciar múltiplas possibilidades de sentido. Na presente Tese, ela permite a emergência de um presente composto enquanto um campo irresoluto de vibração dissensual. / [en] This Doctoral Thesis investigates some of the relationships between art, politics and social movements that permeate our present, starting from an insurgent constellation composed of exhibitions, activist actions and art works that took place in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Pernambuco, in the period between 2004 and 2018. In a transversal approach to art and politics, each one of the six chapters enacts a certain aesthetic element: two actions held by Frente Três de Fevereiro collective (1) and one action held by Política do Impossível collective (2); the artistic collectivism around Prestes Maia occupation (3) and its unfolding in the exhibition Zona de Poesia Árida and in the installation work Poética do Dissenso (4); two performances conceived by Elilson (5); two pieces made by Bárbara Wagner, in collaboration with neopentecostal groups (6). Starting from this constellation, we discuss matters such as the poetics of politics, an education through silence, institutional critique and critical institutionality, a politics of mourning and memory, as well as issues related to collectives, minorities, alterities, identities and speaking places. This research draws especially on the thought of Jacques Rancière, supported by authors such as Bruno Latour, Walter Benjamin, Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, Judith Butler and Suely Rolnik. Seeking to privilege a fragmentary approach, our method derives from Suely Rolnik s cartographic method; benjaminian s constellations; rancierian s scenes; barthesian s traces; and Bruno Latour s compositionism. This strategy absorbs certain modes of intelligibility common to curatorship, editing and assembly procedures, in which the gathering of a series of singular images can bring together multiple possibilities of meaning. Inside this Thesis, that method allows the emergence of a present compound as an unresolved field of dissenting vibration.


PATRICIA DE SOUZA MATIAS 20 April 2020 (has links)
[pt] Na presente dissertação buscamos pensar a relação entre arte e política a partir das proposições teóricas de Jacques Rancière em diálogo com a obra Você gostaria de participar de uma experiência artística? do artista visual Ricardo Basbaum. A elaboração desse diálogo, compreendido aqui como princípio e criação filosóficos, se deu por meio de cartas, entre Basbaum e Rancière, nas quais, a partir do episódio doação do NBP (ação realizada pelo Coletivo Vaca Amarela na proposição Você gostaria de participar de uma experiência artística?), são discutidas a relação entre estética e política, os papéis do artista e do espectador no circuito de arte. Para Rancière, a politicidade das obras de arte não reside na capacidade de dar a ver as estruturas de dominação ou os conflitos políticos nem na de descortinar alternativas e soluções. A política acontece, antes, quando ocorrem dissensos na Partilha do Sensível, isto é, na configuração implícita que define lugares e formas de participação num mundo comum, que determina aquilo que é visível, audível e o que pode ser dito, pensado ou feito. A arte é política não por defender tal ou qual causa, mas à medida que mobiliza um conjunto complexo de relações. A consequência desta formulação é que a própria noção de obra enquanto um objeto deve ser ampliada para a ideia de regime das artes como um a priori que define toda rede de relações e articulações em torno da arte. Deste modo, não serão perscrutadas intenções ou motivações políticas na obra Você gostaria de participar de uma experiência artística?, aquilo que pretendemos é pensar de que forma Basbaum reconfigura o sensível sendo, portanto, política sua obra. / [en] This dissertation aims to present and discuss the relationship between art and politics from Jacques Rancière s theoretical propositions in dialogue with the work Would you like to participate in an artistic experience? by visual artist Ricardo Basbaum. The elaboration of this dialogue, understood here as a philosophical principle and creation, took place through letters, between Basbaum and Rancière, in which, from the episode NBP donation (action performed by the Collective Vaca Amarela in the proposition Would you like to participate in an artistic experience?), the relationship between aesthetics and politics, the roles of the artist and the spectator in the art circuit are discussed. For Rancière, the politicity of works of art does not lie in their ability to reveal the structures of domination or political conflicts or to uncover alternatives and solutions. Politics happens rather when dissent occurs in Sensitive Sharing, that is, in the implicit configuration that defines places and forms of participation in a common world, which determines what is visible, audible, and what can be said, thought, or done. Art is political not for defending such or any cause, but as it mobilizes a complex set of relationships. The consequence of this formulation is that the very notion of work as an object must be extended to the idea of the regime of the arts as an a priori that defines the whole network of relations and articulations around art. Thus, no political intentions or motivations will be scrutinized in the work Would you like to participate in an artistic experience?, What we want to think about is how Basbaum reconfigures the sensible and therefore his work is political.

Corrosive Subjectifications: Theorizing Radical Politics of Art Education in the Intersection of Jacques Ranciere and Giorgio Agamben

Tervo, Juuso Ville 29 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The Dual Power of Language: Theories of Maurice Blanchot in Practice

Miller, Caroline Grace 27 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.


MIGUEL BEZZI CONDE 05 May 2021 (has links)
[pt] Os ensaios reunidos nesta tese se voltam sobre diferentes ficções, poemas e ensaios críticos brasileiros com a intenção de examinar suas respectivas políticas do tempo. Como ponto de partida, esses textos compartilham a ideia de que modernismo, pós-modernismo, contemporâneo e termos afins são empregados no debate crítico brasileiro de maneira a designar não apenas períodos distintos no tempo, mas também modos distintos de estar no tempo. A discussão de alguns momentos decisivos do debate pós no Brasil procura demonstrar esse pressuposto, examinando textos de Haroldo de Campos, Silviano Santiago e Idelber Avelar, entre outros. Por outro lado, a leitura de textos de Murilo Rubião, Renato Pompeu e Ferreira Gullar permite tensionar os contrastes propostos por esses críticos, dando a ver temporalidades que não se enquadram bem nas categorias por eles formuladas. A atenção aos diferentes modos de figuração, organização e escansão do tempo nos textos estudados ressalta o potencial de invenção de outras historicidades por meio da criação literária. Política, nesse sentido, é a possibilidade de entrever ou experimentar no tempo literário outras possibilidades para o tempo histórico em que ele ou seu leitor se inscrevem. Concentrando-se em textos publicados entre os 1940 e os 1970 no Brasil, os ensaios buscam fugir às demarcações mais usuais do moderno, pós-moderno ou contemporâneo no debate crítico brasileiro. Em vez de circunscrever um período pré, pós ou de transição entre dois momentos, a tese propõe a constituição de um limiar, que borra os contornos dessas fronteiras historiográficas. / [en] The essays collected in this thesis consider the politics of time of different Brazilian fictions, poems and critical texts. These essays share the premise that modernism, post-modernism, contemporary and similar terms are used in Brazilian critical and historiographical debates not only to designate periods chronologically distinct in time, but also distinct ways of being in time. The discussion of some decisive moments in the post debates in Brazil tries to demonstrate this point, examining texts by Haroldo de Campos, Silviano Santiago and Idelber Avelar, among others. On the other hand, critical readings of works by Murilo Rubião, Renato Pompeu and Ferreira Gullar aim to question the contrasts drawn by these critics, considering temporalities that do not fit well into the categories they formulate. Attention to different practices of figuration, organization and escansion of time in the literary texts under consideration highlights the potential for the invention of other historicities by means of literary creation. Political, in this sense, is the possibility of intuiting or experiencing in literary texts new possibilities for one s own historical time. Focusing in texts published between the 1940s and the 1970s in Brazil, these essays look to reconsider usual periodizations of the modern, the post-modern and the contemporary in Brazilian critical debates. Instead of circumscribing a period pre, post or of transition between two moments, the thesis aims to build a threshold, a zone of proximity which fades the outlines of these historiographical frontiers.

Distinguishing between empowerment and emancipation in the context of adult literacies education : understanding power and enacting equality

Galloway, Sarah January 2012 (has links)
This thesis considers a theoretical tradition which is concerned with how adult literacies education might not always serve to socialise students into existing society, instead encouraging possibilities for desirable alternatives to it. Without this possibility, adult literacies education might only be understood as a socialising machine that slots students into society as it stands and where the role of research is to describe its operation. My research describes a long-standing refusal by educators, researchers and students to accept this possibility and my thesis continues this tradition. Through the analysis and interplay of the work of Pierre Bourdieu, James Paul Gee, Paulo Freire, Jacques Rancière, I distinguish between empowerment and emancipation in the context of literacies education. I set out the assumptions that Bourdieu and Gee make, how they understand power, identity, discourse and oppression, and what this means for the practice of an empowering adult literacies education. I also present assumptions made by Freire and Rancière, how they understand equality and oppression, and how an emancipatory literacies education might be understood and practiced. In particular, I describe how education for ‘empowerment’ encourages practices underpinned by the assumption that ideological processes prevent students from understanding how oppression is manifested. In contrast, I describe how an emancipatory education implies enacting educational relationships that are not reliant on this assumption, whilst exerting a social response to societal oppression. I make three claims. Firstly, that the idea of an emancipatory literacies education has come to be neglected or conflated with the idea that literacies education might empower, which has come to hold great sway. In so doing, I critique Freire’s work whilst reclaiming it as an emancipatory project. Secondly, that the educational practices associated with adult literacies for empowerment can be understood to encourage the socialisation of students into society as it stands. This emphasises the importance of distinguishing between empowerment and emancipation in the context of adult literacies education. Finally, that emancipation is a notion that must continue to be questioned and explored if educators, students and academics are to take responsibility for the practice of adult literacies education and its consequences. An emancipatory literacies education cannot be reliant upon the assumption that discourse is inherently ideological. Instead, it is predicated upon teachers and students assuming that emancipation is possible and acting on that assumption.

Contemporary art: the key issues: art, philosophy and politics in the context of contemporary cultural production

Willis, Gary C. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This submission comes in two parts; the written dissertation, Contemporary art: the key issues, and the exhibition Melbourne - Moderne. When taken together they present a discourse on the conditions facing contemporary art practice and one artist’s response to these conditions in the context of Melbourne 2003-2007. (For complete abstract open document)

Falling from the Grip of Grace: The Exhibition as a Critical Form since 1968

Voorhies, James Timothy, Jr. 13 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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