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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Condemned to be connected : Moroccan journalists' attitudes towards citizen journalists

Eriksson, Ellinor January 2015 (has links)
This bachelor's thesis is based on a Minor Field Study (MFS) conducted in Rabat and Casablanca, Morocco, April and May 2015. The aim is to study Moroccan journalists' attitudes towards citizen journalism and its impact on the role of the journalist: 1) With what claims do they define citizen journalists and journalists respectively? and 2) In what ways do these claims relate to the impact citizen journalists can be expected to have on the role of the journalist and freedom of expression in Morocco? In the discussion, theories on discourse, professionalism, journalistic ideals, and development journalism are applied. Semi-structured interviews in French were conducted with five journalists working within five different print and online publications. The material was analyzed according to a model of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). The interviewed journalists give accounts of how they are "condemned to be connected" to the vox populi that citizen journalists constitute. There is a prevalence of professionalism discourse where verification and objectivity are described as what characterizes a journalist. But respondents also emphasize "teamwork", and that "all journalists are citizen journalists", and these themes are interpreted as characteristic of development journalism. Within professional discourse in a development journalism context, the reliability of citizen journalists is downplayed. At the same time, citizen journalists are described as freer than professional journalists. In conclusion, it is considered likely that development journalist discourse sets an obstacle to the liberalizing impact of citizen journalism.

"Elixir of youth" or "Cancer potion"? The battle for the purse of the middle-aged woman and the role of the media in reporting themes in medical science

Lotter, Rene Louise 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The popular media ("Media" here referring to newspapers, magazines. television, internet) adds to confusion and panic when reporting on the risks and benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy for women (HRT). Most reports show bias, cast scientists as villains, or leave the reader more confused than before about terminology. The Southern African media does in general aspire to objectivity towards both the pharmaceutical and natural health industry. However, shallow or inept reporting, the need to generalise complicated findings and dramatise what's regarded as cold scientific news, create this bias and confusion. Misleading health reporting, in South Africa as much as anywhere else in the world, can change health behaviour and can even cost lives. Ethical health reporting can therefore be described as a matter of life and death. This paper aims to analyse the media for biased, confusing and alarmist reporting. It then aims to explain reasons for the bias or confusion. Fourteen reports are analysed. One Time magazine report, and 13 reports selected from the Southern African media. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Berigte oor Hormoonvervangingsterapie (HVT) vir vroue in die media ("Media") hier verwys na koerante, tydskrifte, televisie, internet) dra by tot verwarring en paniek. Die meerderheid berigte is bevooroordeeld, in die sin dat medici as booswigte uitgebeeld word. Indien hulle nie bevooroordeeld is nie, is berigte verwarrend, soms juis in 'n poging om konsepte te vereenvoudig. Die media in Suider Afrika aspireer wel tot objektiwiteit, teenoor beide die farmaseutiese sowel as die holistiese (kruie) industrie. Nietemin, oppervlakkige/oningeligte verslaggewing en die behoefte om ingewikkelde navorsing te vereenvoudig/interessant te maak, dra by tot vooroordeel en verwarring. Misleidende mediese beriggewing in Suid Afrika, net soos in die res van die wêreld, kan mense hoop om besluite te neem wat hul gesondheid kan skaad. Die belang van etiese verslaggewing kan dus as 'n kwessie van lewe en dood beskryf word. Hierdie studie ontleed berigte en ondersoek vooroordeel, verwarring of sensasionalisering. Redes vir bogenoemde word dan bespreek. Veertien berigte word ontleed. (een berig uit die Amerikaanse tydskrif Time, en 13 uit die Suider Afrikaanse media)

新聞自律機制—台灣電視媒體建立公評人制度之可行性分析 / The Mechanism of Journalistics Discipline---Analysis on the Feasibility of News Ombudsman System for Taiwan TV Media

王建雄, Chen-hshiung Wang Unknown Date (has links)
台灣電視新聞媒體,為了追求收視率,不顧法律和道德的規範,新聞製作上強調聳動和誇張的報導,讓議題失焦,也讓民眾失去對新聞的信任。為了維持新聞的品質,過去透過政府的法令、民間團體的監督,以及新聞同業者組成自律組織,但成效不彰。近年來,有新聞專業工作者和媒體改革人士呼籲引進國外公評人制度,盼對各台新聞自律能有所提昇。 新聞公評人制度,最早概念起源於1922年的日本朝日新聞。美國也在1967年地方報中設立了第一位新聞公評人。起初,公評人都只在平面媒體中,隨著媒體的多樣化發展,目前在國外電視、廣播或是網路媒體,都有新聞公評人出現。公評人代表閱眾,除了要對內部新聞產製監督,對外要回應來自大眾的意見和批評,盼藉由新聞公評人的角色,能達到新聞品質的改善。 在國外,新聞公評人在平面媒體居多,電視頻道仍不多見。為了因應台灣各電視台未來設立新聞公評人制度,本研究將先瞭解國外各媒體公評人的職責、角色定位和執行的情形,並深度訪談台灣各電視新聞頻道,負責新聞自律的主管和製作人,從中瞭解目前國內媒體環境,並因此來建立一套台灣電視媒體公評人制度,對其可行性進行分析,提供給未來各電視新聞媒體,在聘請新聞公評人的參考。 / In pursuit of high ratings, News Media in Taiwan regardless of norms of law or ethics, have overemphasized provocative and exaggerated news reports. This has given rise to the making of out-of-focus reports, which has resulted in audience’s losing confidence in the News. In the past, the way to maintain News quality was based on official regulations, on supervision from non-governmental groups and on organizations set up within the News industry to promote journalistic discipline - the problem being, it didn’t function well. In recent years, there have been many news professionals and media revolutionists calling for an adoption of the News ombudsman System, which they expect, to improve the journalistic discipline of news channels’. The News Ombudsman System’s concept, originates from Japan's Asahi Shimbun (the influential newspapers in Japan) in 1922. In 1967, the first news ombudsman was set up for local newspapers in United States. In the early years, the news ombudsmen only existed in the print media, but over the years has developed and moved into every facet including TV, Radio and the Internet media, all now boasting their own independent news ombudsmen. The news ombudsman represents the audience, not only for internal supervision of news productions, but also acts as a mechanism for listening to the public’s opinions and criticisms, in the hope of improving the news quality. In foreign countries, more news ombudsmen are set for the print media. This research will collect data about the role, position and condition of news ombudsman in foreign countries, and conduct in-depth interviews with the directors and producers of TV news channels in Taiwan, to map out the future media environment in our country. According to these researches, the thesis will construct a system of the news ombudsman in Taiwan, and analyze its feasibility, which will give references to the implementation of news ombudsmen for TV news channels in the future.

Laikraščio „Šiaulių universitetas“ žanrų analizė / Analysis of Genres of the Newspaper Siauliu Universitetas

Mykolaitytė, Karolina 02 September 2010 (has links)
Įvairūs spaudos tyrimai, per keletą paskutinių dešimtmečių išpopuliarėję Vakarų šalyse, Lietuvoje nėra intensyviai plėtojami ir taikomi. Tokią problemišką lietuvių laikraštijos mokslinių tyrinėjimų sistemą sąlygojo konkrečios istorinės aplinkybės: sovietų okupacija, draudimai, cenzūra. Atsižvelgiant į tai galima teigti, kad nepriklausomybės laikotarpiu susiformavusio laikraščio „Šiaulių universitetas“ analizė yra ne tik dabartinės leidinio situacijos nagrinėjimas, bet ir apskritai lietuvių spaudai būdingų požymių, atliekamų funkcijų, raidos ir pan. suvokimas. Bakalauro darbe atliekama kokybinė ir kiekybinė laikraščio „Šiaulių universitetas“ žanrų analizė, pagrįsta publikacijų žanrinės klasifikacijos sudarymu ir jos specifikos nagrinėjimu. Empirinis tyrimas atskleidė kalbines ir nekalbines žanro funkcijas, nulemiančias laikraštyje „Šiaulių universitetas“ skleidžiamos informacijos atranką, jos pateikimo būdus, publikacjų tipus, raiškos priemones, santykį su auditorija ir pan. Tyrimo duomenys parodė, kad didžiąją dalį laikraščio „Šiaulių universitetas“ publikacijų sudaro informacinių ir tarnybinių informacinių žanrų publikacijos, pateikiančios universiteto bendruomenei aktualią informaciją apie tam tikrą faktą ar įvykį, vadinasi, laikraštis „Šiaulių universitetas“ funkcionuoja ne tik kaip masinė žiniasklaidos priemonė, bet ir kaip vidinės komunikacijos kanalas Šiaulių universitete. / Various press analysis, which has become very popular in Western countries in past decades, are not intensively developed and applied in Lithuania. Such problematic system of the Lithuanian press scientific analysis has been influenced by concrete historical circumstances: soviet occupation, prohibitions, censorship. According to information, mentioned above, it is possible to state that analysis of “Siauliu Universitetas” newspaper, which was formed during the period of independence, is not only analysis of the current situation of the newspaper, but the perception of features, characteristic to the Lithuanian press as well as performed functions, development and etc. The Bachelor Degree Work deals with quantitative and qualitative analysis of genres of the newspaper “Siauliu Universitetas”, based on formation of genre classification of publications as well as analysis of its specification. Empiric research revealed linguistic and non-linguistic genre functions, influencing the selection of information, published in the newspaper “Siauliu Universitetas” as well as ways of its presentation, types of publications, expression means, relation with auditorium and etc. The survey data revealed that the majority of publications in the newspaper “Siauliu Universitetas” were composed from publications of genres of information and information from departments, which present information, relevant for the university community, concerning some appropriate fact, event; therefore, the... [to full text]

Proměny redakčních rutin v online médiích v důsledku rozšiřujícího se videoobsahu / The transformation of editorial routines in the online media in consequence of the expanding video content

Svobodová, Lucie Magdalena January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse videocontent on three Czech online media and describe how owing to video production the journalistic routines have changed. Because of growing videocontent on the news websites journalists often have to master skills which were not necessary for their work before so their work routine is being changed. In the newsrooms which produce videocontent there is a higher level of multiskilling - the workers often have to do more tasks altogether. Except for these changes the author focused also on the journalists and how they see the changes of journalistic routines themselves and whether they like them or not. Among the explored online media there were Seznam Zprávy, Deník.cz and Blesk.cz. The method of the research was a content analysis and semi-structured interviews with journalists from the chosen newsrooms. The results show that because of expanding videocontent the journalistic practices indeed have changed, which the journalists are getting used to though, and some of them even appreciate the higher level of multiskilling.

Investigative journalism and whistleblowers: the ethical handling of sources in the “Inkathagate” and “Vlakplaas” newspaper exposes’

Raghunath, Mahendra January 2017 (has links)
A research report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of the University of Witwatersrand’s Masters by Coursework and Research Report in Journalism studies, Johannesburg, February 2017 / Journalists are often presented with leaked information from whistleblowers. Having the information and writing the story, as well as handling a source that may or may not want to be anonymous, gives rise to ethical dilemmas on the part of the journalist. This was certainly true for journalists reporting on the political violence in South Africa during the late 1980s and the early 1990s. Journalists operate under codes of practice that are set by various media organisations and must ensure that in using whistleblower information to write their stories, “they must avoid breaches of ethics, fairness, factual accuracy and contextual accuracy” (Houston, B. et al., 2002: 538). And most importantly, journalists are ethically bound to protect their sources. This research looks at the interaction between journalists and their sources of information in two major stories that involved the use of whistleblowers. It discusses and compares the issue of “source handling”, in the following two South African stories which used information leaked by whistleblowers: a. the 1991 “Inkathagate” story, which was broken by the Weekly Mail newspaper; b. “Vlakplaas” hit squad story, initially involving the Weekly Mail (20 October 1989) and then Vrye Weekblad (November 1989). This study also brings into focus the issue of strengthening journalistic ethics in the South African context. It contends that the “Inkathagate” and “Vlakplaas” stories were dependent on the verification of the information, as well as the ethical handling of the whistleblowers. This study raises questions about the motivations of the whistleblowers, their relationships with the journalists, as well as the critical role of the public’s “right to know”, or “public interest”. / XL2018

Journalism in the digital age: Transformation and convergence in China

Li, Yingchao January 2019 (has links)
This study explores how Chinese digital journalism transformation in the context of media convergence. The research asks the following questions: How is the Chinese journalism transforming according to the changes of journalism production and users’ consumption in the digital era? Is there any difference between traditional journalism and digital journalism considering the journalistic quality in China? How does digital journalism influence the work situation of Chinese journalists? The research was conducted by mix qualitative and quantitative design and it is based on 8 in-depth interviews with Chinese journalists and an online questionnaire (n=300) on consumers. By conducting these two different kinds of empirical data, it could present the reaction of digital journalism transformation from both journalists and users. Based on the theoretical framework of media convergence and journalistic quality, the analysis was carried out on three levels: A) Chinese journalism transformation during the media convergence; B) Journalistic quality within the Chinese journalism industry; C) The impact of digital journalism on journalists work situation. The main results showed that digital transformation is under the media convergence trend in China. From Chinese users’ side, the consumption of digital journalism production is accessible and traditional journalism was more trustworthy than digital journalism. From Chinese journalists’ side, the journalistic production in traditional journalism has the journalistic quality which is more accurate and authoritative. In the digital era, the journalists working life were busy and the new media workers were more stressed than journalists in traditional media organizations.

Quando os provérbios dão a manchete: a oralidade no texto escrito jornalístico - o caso do Jornal da Tarde / When the proverbs give the headline: orality in the written journalistic text - the case of the Jornal da Tarde

Nobrega, Marlene Assunção de 18 February 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo pesquisar, demonstrar e analisar de que modo os aspectos da oralidade se manifestam no texto escrito jornalístico, mais precisamente em manchetes e títulos de notícias no Jornal da Tarde. Para tal proposta, buscamos verificar inicialmente o perfil do leitor de jornais e suas preferências de assuntos em uma época de informações rápidas e superficiais. Aliado a essa pesquisa, fizemos um estudo sobre a linguagem jornalística que, de forma recorrente, apresenta linguagem cotidiana vinculada aos fenômenos da língua falada e da língua escrita, que são bem explorados pelo jornal. Concentramos, assim, nosso trabalho em estudos específicos sobre a manchete e títulos de notícias que dão visibilidade às notícias veiculadas pelos jornais e têm o propósito de chamar a atenção do leitor. Selecionamos as manchetes e títulos de notícias que tiveram como base, frases proverbiais. Essas fórmulas fixas, entretanto, sofreram adaptações que chamamos de reenunciação e retextualização (détournement). Essa retextualização provoca efeito de humor, crítica ou ironia ao parodiar o provérbio original que é uma das formas de se empregar a linguagem mais distensa para chamar a atenção do leitor. Todo esse processo de pesquisa e análise baseou-se na Análise do Discurso, na Análise da Conversação, estudos sobre a linguagem jornalística e trabalhos sobre provérbios. Como os provérbios são perpetuados na memória coletiva, ao serem retextualizados evidenciam a criatividade do enunciador das manchetes e títulos de notícias que transforma o perene, o previsível no inusitado para surpreender o leitor como é o caso do Jornal da Tarde. / The aim of this paper is to research, demonstrate and analyze in which way the aspects of orality are expressed in the journalist written text, more precisely in headlines and news titles from Jornal da Tarde. For such proposal, we initially intend to verify the profile of newspaper readers and their subject preferences in a time of fast and superficial information. Within this research, a study about journalistic language has been made, which presents. The current language joined to the spoken and written language phenomena which are well explored by the newspaper. Our paper is concentrated in specific studies about the headline and news titles which give sight to the news printed by the newspaper and have the aim of calling the readers attention. The headlines and news titles, which were based on proverbial sentences, have been selected. However, these fixed formulas got adapted, which is called reenunciation and retextualization (détournement). This retextualization provokes humor, critic or ironic effect in parodying the original proverb which is a way of using the looser language to call the readers attention. All this research and analyze process was based in Discourse Analysis, Conversation Analysis, studies about journalistic language and papers about proverbs. As the proverbs are perpetuated in people memory, as soon as they are retextualized, they evidence the creativity of the headline and news titles announcer which changes the perennial, the predictable to the unexpected to surprise the reader, as seen in Jornal da Tarde.

Argumentação, livro didático e discurso jornalístico: vozes que se cruzam na disputa pelo dizer e silenciar / Argumentation, textbook and journalistic discourse: voices that cross in dispute between to say and to silence

Lemes, Noemi 26 July 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho buscou analisar, ancorado na Análise de Discurso de filiação francesa, a qual tem em Michel Pêcheux seu autor de referência, quais as posições discursivas ocupadas por sujeitos-alunos do último ano do Ensino Médio quando lhes é solicitada a produção de um texto dissertativo-argumentativo. Isso porque, na perspectiva discursiva o ato de argumentar constitui-se como uma posição discursiva que o sujeito pode ou não ocupar. Investigamos, assim, quais as implicações, para esses sujeitos-alunos, do modo como a argumentação é tratada, no livro didático, uma vez que a circulação do discurso jornalístico é usada como modelo de texto argumentativo a ser seguido por esses estudantes. Para isso, partimos de um corpus constituído por quatro livros didáticos de língua portuguesa utilizados, no Ensino Médio, nos dias atuais, em escolas públicas da cidade de Ribeirão Preto, no interior de São Paulo e, também, por textos dissertativo-argumentativos produzidos por sujeitos-alunos do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio que frequentam essas escolas. Analisamos, primeiramente, as seções dos livros didáticos de língua portuguesa destinadas ao ensino do texto argumentativo e verificamos que, dos quatro livros analisados, apenas um dedica um pequeno espaço para tratar do conceito de silogismo fazendo, inclusive, menção a Aristóteles; nos demais, a teoria sobre argumentação não se faz presente e, em seu lugar, o que encontramos foram apontamentos sobre as características de textos jornalísticos apresentados como exemplos de textos argumentativos. Após a análise dos livros didáticos, voltamos nosso olhar para os textos dissertativo-argumentativos produzidos pelos sujeitos-alunos com base em uma proposta contida em um dos livros didáticos analisados e que também trazia como matéria prima para a produção escrita, o discurso jornalístico. Fundamentadas nos pressupostos teóricos da Análise de Discurso, criamos uma espécie de escuta discursiva e buscamos, nas marcas linguísticas desses textos, quais eram os efeitos de sentido produzidos pelos sujeitos-alunos. Constatamos, então, que a esses sujeitos não está sendo permitido ocupar o lugar autoral de quem argumenta e defende seu ponto de vista; pelo contrário, a ausência de uma teoria da argumentação e a imposição do discurso jornalístico pelo livro didático possibilita apenas a reprodução das opiniões e dos sentidos trazidos pela mídia. / This work analyses, anchored in Discourse Analysis of French parentage, which has in Pêcheux its author of reference, which discursive positions are occupied by subjects-students of the last year of high school when they are asked to produce an argumentative-dissertative text. We consider, through the discursive perspective, that the act of argue is seen as a discursive position that the subject may or may not occupy. We investigated, thus, the implications for these subjects-students of the way how the argumentation is treated in the textbook, once the circulation of the journalistic discourse is used as a model of argumentative text to be followed by the students. For this, we start from a corpus composed by four textbooks of portuguese language used in high school, currently, in public schools in the city of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, and also argumentative-dissertative texts produced by subject-students of the third year of high school who attend these public schools. Firstly, we analysed the sections of textbooks dedicated to the argumentative text teaching and found that, of the four books analysed, only one devotes a little space to discuss the concept of syllogism, mentioning Aristotle, in the others, the theory of argumentation is not present and, in its place, we could only found some characteristics of journalistic texts presented as examples of argumentative texts. After analysing the textbooks, a particular attention was paid to the dissertative-argumentative texts produced by the subjects-students based on a proposal contained in one of the textbooks analysed, which also brings the journalistic discourse as raw material for the students to produce their texts. Based on the theoretical principles of Discourse Analysis, we created a kind of discursive listen, searching, in the linguistic marks of these texts, what were the meaning effects produced by the subjects in their texts. We observed that for these subjects are not being allowed to take the authorial place of who argues and defends their points of view, but, on the contrary, the absence of a theory of argumentation and the imposition of journalistic discourse by textbook provides just the reproduction of the opinions and the meanings brought by the media.

O Relise: como se organiza esse novo gênero / The release: a new gender of the sphere of journalistic production

Kucharsky, Claudia Barreto 13 December 2006 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objetivo descrever e caracterizar o relise - produto textual realizado pelas assessoria de imprensa para divulgação de seus clientes na mídia - como um novo gênero da esfera de produção jornalística. Optamos pelo enfoque discursivo sobre os gêneros formulado por Bakhtin: os discursos são constituídos sócio-historicamente e determinados pelos diferentes modos de produção, assim como pelas relações estabelecidas entre os interlocutores. Para analisar esse gênero pouco conhecido do grande público, foi necessário, num primeiro momento, situar o leitor deste trabalho no universo das assessorias de imprensa, contando um pouco da história de seu surgimento e do importante papel do relise no dia-a-dia dos escritórios de comunicação. Calcado nas teorias da corrente bakhtiniana sobre gênero e suas aplicações nos estudos de lingüistas contemporâneos, buscou-se apresentar uma conceituação detalhada dos gêneros discursivos, como apoio para a caracterização do relise, evidenciando os recursos persuasivos que permeiam os textos produzidos pelos assessores de imprensa. A análise de cinco relises produzidos por diferentes escritórios de AI, abordando temas variados, revelou que, apesar de cada um deles focar em um público específico, o conjunto deles apresenta aspectos em comum, configurando um gênero com função comunicativa e estilo próprio. Trazemos ainda, ao final, matérias publicadas na imprensa sobre um sexto texto analisado, exemplos de como o relise é aproveitado pelos jornalistas nas redações e qual tipo de notícias ele é capaz de produzir na mídia, tendo como base este caso específico de divulgação. / The present study has as objective to describe and to characterize the release - textual product accomplished by the press consultantships for their customers\' popularization in the media - as a new gender of the sphere of journalistic production. We opted for the focus discursive on the gender formulated by Bakhtin: the speeches are constituted social and historically and determined in agreement with their different production manners, such as the established relationships among the speakers. To analyze this little known gender by the great public, it was necessary, in a first moment, to place the reader of this work in the universe of the press consultantships, describing a little of the history of its appearance and of the important paper of the release in the day by day of the communication offices. Stepped on in the theories of the Bakhtin´s trend about gender and their applications in the contemporary linguists\' studies, it was possible to present a more detailed formulation on the discursive genders, as a support to the characterization of the release, evidencing the persuasive resources that permeate the texts produced by the press assistants. The analysis of five relises produced by different press consultantships, approaching varied themes, revealed that, in spite of each one of them to focus in a specific public, their group presents aspects in common, configuring a gender with communicative function and own style. We still offer, at the end of this work, on a sixth analyzed text, through articles published in the press, examples as the journalists take advantage of the release in their articles and the kind of news they are able to produce in the media, based on this specific case of publicizing.

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