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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Motivace států k účasti v mírových operacích: Případová studie Kanada a Indie / Motivation to participate in peacekeeping: Case study Canada and India

Šoltys, Adam January 2011 (has links)
The master thesis analyses motivation of Canada and India to participate in peacekeeping operations and on the basis of the analysis evaluates whether their motivation is driven by national or ethical interest. Firstly, those two types of interest are defined as antipodes and subsequently operationalized into the analytical apparatus. Secondly, case studies of Canada and India are applied in this apparatus. Furthermore, their motivation is analyzed both on the level of particular peacekeeping operations and long term foreign policy.

Reflexe vnímání pojmu "domov" ve vzpomínkách dětí zaměstnanců firmy Baťa v Indii / Reflection on the term "Home" in the memories of the children of the employees of the Bata company based in India

Matyášová, Judita January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is devoting to the history Batas city Batanagar, what was founded in India in 1934. The young managers, who passed the training in the Bata company in Zlín and at the beginning of thirties they left Czechoslovakia to India, were working there. Some families came back to Czechoslovakia after 1948, some stayed in India and some left the country to Canada or Australia. The author of thesis is focusing on memories of the children of Batas managers, who lives in Czech Republic now.

Lov tuleňů v Arktidě: Porovnání rozdílných pohledů na Evropskou regulaci 1007/2009 / Seal Hunting in the Canadian Arctic:Conflicting Perspectives on EU Regulation 1007/2009

Jírová, Anna January 2019 (has links)
On September 16, 2009 the European parliament adopted a Regulation (EC) 1007/2009 prohibiting the seal products from being imported and placed on the European Union market. Adoption of a Seal trade ban was a result of an effective anti-sealing lobby and increasing public concern over the perceivably cruel seal hunting methods that emerged in reaction to growing popularity of seal fur in early 2000s. Even though the Seal ban includes an exception for Inuit who hunt seals traditionally for subsistence and depend on monetary income to maintain their traditions, it proved to be highly ineffective as the demand for all seal products declined dramatically, threatening Inuit way of life in the process. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the key actors involved in the conflict, specifically the Inuit, the European Union, animal welfare NGOs and the Canadian government and to contextualize and analyze the specific narratives of the seal hunting discourse and their implications. By looking at the motivation and justification of the EU Seal ban as well as the implications of the different perspectives on the issue, this research will try to test the hypothesis that the seal hunting discourse is based on a colonial mindset and that decolonization of the mind is yet to be achieved by Western society.

Tichá revoluce. Proměna identity frankofonního Québecu. / Quiet revolution: Transformation of the Francophone Identity of Quebec

Denemark, Jan January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis is covering Québec's policy and Quebec's change of identity from the era of the Quiet revolution. This work covers the changes that were a crucial in the creation of Québec's policy and national identity. From the time of the Quiet revolution in the 60's of the 20th century the society in Québec came through a drastic identity change. And not only in the province itself but also in the whole country of Canada. Because of this change, Québec refused the Canadian policy of multiculturalism. Canadian official policy does not accept Québec as a distinct society and also refuses the principle of the two-nation Canada. Therefore, Québec created its own policy of integration called interculturalism. In the analysis of the development of identity and nationalism, the methodology is a critical examination of the empirical experiences of Québec and the theses of the theoretical concepts of Charles Taylor and Will Kymlicka. It was necessary to study Taylor's and Kymlicka's theses on multiculturalism, identity, communitarianism, and liberalism as a starting point for analyzing the development of Québec. It was important to formulate definitions of identity, nation, and multiculturalism, to determine the main categories of content, and to analyze the development of the Québec identity during...

Proměny role Québecu ve francouzské politice / Changing role of Quebec in French politics

Lemel, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with transformations of French foreign policy towards Québec and Canada. The first president of the French Fifth Republic, Charles de Gaulle, as well as all his successors together with their administration supported Québec's international ambitions and its desire to be sovereign abroad in the areas that fall within its competence in internal politics according to the Canadian Constitution. This support took place mainly on the platform of Francophonie. In 1995, the presidential candidate at that time, Jacques Chirac, clearly supported sovereingty movement. After the referendum won by the federalists France started to gradually reconcile with the federal government of Canada in various international politics issues such as protection of cultural diversity and multilateralism. France is also worried that in case of Canada's separation, the English speaking rest of the country would get more easily under the influence of the United States of America. France does not intend to admit this scenario. Jacques Chirac during this twelve-year mandate was gradually deepening the cooperation with Ottawa. Nevertheless, Québec remains the privileged partner of France in the fields of culture and education that are key for French foreign policy. Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy was even clearly...

Serbliš kao hibridni jezik među srpskom dijasporom u Kanadi: svojstva i upotreba / Serblish as a Hybrid Language Among theTI Serbian Diaspora in Canada: Properties and Use

Damjanovski Nela 12 September 2013 (has links)
<p>Ova disertacija se usredsređuje na jezičke i vanjezičke opise srpsko-engleskog ili englesko-srpskog hibridnog jezika serbli&scaron;a koji upotrebljavaju pripadnici mlađe generacije srpske dijaspore u Vankuveru. Tema zahvata oblast kontaktne i kontrastivne lingvistike, sociolingvistike, psiholingvistike i pragmatike i bavi se istražvanjem i opisom navedenog varijeteta na morfosintaksičkom, leksičkom (semantičkom i pragmatičkom), fonolo&scaron;kom i grafolo&scaron;kom nivou.<br />Teorijsku podlogu ovog rada čine brojna proučavanja jezičkog kontakta sa lingvističkog, sociolingvističkog, pragmatičkog i psiholingvističkog aspekta, kako u svetu, tako i kod nas &minus; u biv&scaron;oj Jugoslaviji i u Srbiji.<br />Prvu fazu istraživanja predstavljalo je pilot-istraživanje koje je obuhvatilo pisane izvore na srpskom jeziku u Vankuveru, od kojih su najvažniji i najobimniji novine Ki&scaron;obran koje su petnaest godina (od 1997. do 2012.) izlazile u Vankuveru. Podaci dobijeni ovim istraživanjem poslužili su kao osnova za sastavljanje upitnika za drugu fazu istraživanja.<br />Analiza i opis serbli&scaron;a kao varijeteta srpskog jezika zasniva se na građi dobijenoj u drugoj fazi istraživanja putem intervjua sa dvojezičnim ispitanicima i upitnika koji su ispitanici popunjavali. Prikupljena građa je analizirana i u odgovarajućim poglavljima predstavljena su svojstva ovog varijeteta na navedenim nivoima. Na kraju su izvedeni zaključci o svojstvima serbli&scaron;a među pripadnicima mlađe generacije iseljenika, utvrđen je intenzitet i način uticaja engleskog jezika u konkretnoj kontaktnoj situaciji, ustanovljeni su slučajevi u kojima promene u jeziku nisu rezultat delovanja engleskog jezika, već nedovoljno naučenih aspekata srpskog jezika ili unutra&scaron;njih tendencija u srpskom jeziku u matici i utvrđene su sličnosti i razlike u upotrebi jezika između dve ispitivane pogdrupe mlađe generacije govornika serbli&scaron;a.<br />Disertacije je podeljena u pet poglavlja. U prvom, uvodnom poglavlju dat je prikaz teme i ciljeva istraživanja i obja&scaron;njenje osnovnih termina. Drugo poglavlje daje prikaz teorijskih postavki istraživanja i pregled preovlađujućih stavova u literaturi. Metodi istraživanja, profil ispitanika, etički aspekti istraživanja, jezik na kojem je istraživanje vođeno, kao i prikupljanje i obrada podataka za korpus predstavljaju se u trećem poglavlju. U četvrtom poglavlju daje se analiza korpusa i diskusija dobijenih rezultata. U poslednjem, petom poglavlju daju se zaključna razmatranja sa rekapitulacijom rezultata istraživanja i implikacijama za dalja istraživanja.</p> / <p>This dissertation focuses on a linguistic and extralinguistic description of the Serbian-English or English-Serbian hybrid language Serblish as used by the younger generation of the Serbian diaspora in Vancouver. It encompasses the domains of contact and contrastive linguistics, sociolinguistics psycholinguistics and pragmatics and analyeses and describes this language variety at the morphosyntactic, lexical (semantic and pragmatic), phonological and graphological levels.<br />Numerous studies of language contact from the linguistic, sociolinguistic, pragmatic and psycholinguistic aspects conducted around the world, as well as in the former Yugoslavia and in Serbia form the theoretical framework of this dissertation.<br />The first stage of the research was a pilot research of written sources in the Serbian language in Vancouver, the most important and extensive being the Ki&scaron;obran newspaper published in Vancouver over 15 years (from 1997 to 2012). The data obtained in this pilot study formed the basis for creating a questionnaire to be used in the second stage of the research.<br />The analysis and description of Serblish as a variety of the Serbian language is based on the material obtained in the second stage of the research through interviews with bilingual research participants and through a questionnaire filled out by the participants. The collected material was analyzed, and the properties of this variety are presented in the corresponding chapters for each linguistic level. Finally, conclusions were drawn about the properties of Serblish as used by the younger generations of immigrants, the intensity and ways of the influence of English in the given language contact situation were specified, cases were determined where the observed changes are not a result of English influence, but stem from imperfect learning or from internally motivated changes in the Serbian language in the home country, and similarities and differences in the use of the language between the two generations were determined.<br />This dissertation is divided into five chapters. The first, introductory chapter outlines the topic and goals of the research, as well as introducing the basic terminology. The second chapter presents the theoretical framework of the research and reviews the prevailing perspectives in the literature. Research methods, profile of the research participants, ethical issues and language mode in the research, as well as gathering and processing the corpus material are presented in the third chapter. The focus of the the fourth chapter is an analysis of the corpus and a discussion of the obtained results. The final, fifth chapter provides concluding remarks, summarizing the research findings and outlining implications for further research.</p>


Seifarth, Joerg 22 March 2005 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation ist es, Formen kultureller Produktion und ihre Anbindungen an sprachliche und politische Realitäten am Beispiel der kanadischen Provinz Québec darzustellen. Die Existenz des französischsprachigen Québec und seiner Differenz ist nicht gegen das englischsprachige Kanada zu erklären, sondern mit diesem. Identitätsreferenzen und Geschichtsbilder sind Teil öffentlicher Bekundungen, ob nun journalistischer, künstlerischer, schulpolitischer oder anderer Art. Gefragt wird nach der Bedeutung historischer Tatsachen für die Gegenwart und dem spezifischen Gebrauch der Geschichte, ihren Helden und Machern in diversen narrativen Formungen an den Schnittpunkten von Öffentlichkeit und Erinnerung. Die verwendeten Quellen decken die Bereiche Film, Literatur, Presse und Politik ab; besonderes Augenmerk wurde auf Schulbuchtexte aus dem Geschichtsunterricht der Sekundarstufe gelegt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich in zahlreichen Instanzen der Auseinandersetzung nicht etwa anglokanadische und frankokanadische (oder „englische“ und „französische“) Kontrahenten gegenüberstehen, sondern dass die Konfliktparteien oft nicht diesseits und jenseits der Sprachbarriere liegen. Dies konnte am Beispiel der verwobenen Beziehungen von liberaler politischer Macht in Ottawa und dem ultrakonservativen katholischen Klerus Québecs im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert illustriert werden. Gleichzeitig zeigt sich, dass heterogene Strukturen in konkreten Situationen durch wirksame Grenzziehungen gewissermaßen ausgeblendet werden können. Die entstehenden Trennungslinien hatten und haben in Kanada und in Québec sprachliche, religiöse, politische und ethnische Formen, die in Momenten der Krise zu Matrizen bekannter Solidaritäten werden. Im Ergebnis der Untersuchungen steht das Fazit, dass Kanada als Föderation die Sezession Québecs nicht als Ganzes überleben würde. Die Alternative zur gegenwärtigen politischen Gestalt wäre somit nicht Québec auf der einen und ein verbleibendes „English Canada“ auf der anderen Seite, sondern ein weiteres Aufbrechen der bisherigen Kohäsion. Darüber hinaus konnte ein Zusammenhang zwischen der auffälligen Besonderheit einer mehrheitlich katholischen und französischsprachigen Bevölkerung und der großen englischen Monarchie in Amerika aufgezeigt werden. / This Ph.D. thesis aims at an analysis of various forms of cultural production and links with linguistic and politic realities in the Canadian Province Québec. The existence of a French-speaking Québec and its difference cannot be explained without considering “the rest of Canada” as a major factor. Identity references and images of history are seen as public expressions in journalistic, artistic, educational or other forms. The present relevance of historical facts, the specific usage of history, its heroes and its makers are of special interest in narratives operating at the intersection of public sphere and memory politics. Various sources were used in the process of research: film, literature, the press and politics. Special attention was given to history text books in English and French used for secondary level courses in Québec schools. In a number of conflicts the opponents were not on both sides of the language barrier representing „english“ and „french“ interests. One example studied is the case of the intricate relations between liberal political power in Ottawa and the conservative Catholic Church in Québec. At the same time, heterogeneous structures seem to be faded out in specific situations when powerful lines of separation are drawn. In critical situations solidarities are formed in Canada and Québec along the lines of language, religion, politics and ethnic background. As a result of the study it became clear that the separation of Québec from Canada would result not in two parts, Québec and “English Canada” but that the cohesion of the present federation would eventually dissolve into much smaller parts. It also became clear that there is an integral relation between the distinctness of a population with a catholic and French-speaking majority and the English monarchy present in America.

Ekonomická integrace imigrantů v Kanadě na prahu 21. století / Economic Integration of Immigrants to Canada in the 21st century

Poddaná, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis aims to analyze the economic situation of the immigrants to Canada and evaluate the success of their integration to the Canadian labour market and society. The current immigration policy is based on the undiscriminatory point system by which Canada tends to maximalize the incoming human capital. The Diploma Thesis is divided into three parts, the first one tries to define the basic concepts and terms of the topic, the second one illustrates the historical development of the immigration policy and the last chapter examines the barriers and problems the new immigrants are facing to. The previous analysis should confirm or disprove the following hypothesis: the maximalization of the human capital is not optimal for the longterm goals of the immigration policy, mostly because of the barriers that the immigrants are facing to. They often do the job for which they are overqualified, therefore the waste of the human capital occurs and the immigrants are not able to integrate properly to the labour market. Forthcoming attitude towards the recognition of the foreign credentials, the accelaration of the administrative procedures and the willingness to provide more information to the potential immigrants prior their arrival to Canada, might bring an improvement to the integration process.

Towards a relational conceptualisation of teacher autonomy:narrative research on the autonomy perceptions of upper-secondary school teachers in different contexts

Paradis, A. (Audrey) 01 October 2019 (has links)
Abstract This narrative research focuses on teachers’ perceptions of autonomy because of its importance to job commitment, efficiency, satisfaction, and motivation. A positive perception of autonomy relates to teachers’ feelings of competency, empowerment and professionalism. The overall importance of and desire for autonomy may be symptomatic of teachers’ reactions to obtain more, or to keep the autonomy they have. Previous studies have often depicted teacher autonomy as individualistic, comprising freedom from control. However, this research challenges the appropriateness of this conceptualisation of teacher autonomy by asking how upper-secondary school mathematics teachers perceive their autonomy in different contexts. To display contextual variations, the interviews with 15 upper-secondary school mathematics teachers from Canada and 12 from Finland were based mainly on open-ended questions. The contents of the teachers’ narratives were analysed in their whole and by comparing categories of narratives from one context to another. The findings suggest that context influences how teachers perceive their autonomy. They also reveal that trust plays a decisive role in whether teachers feel autonomous or not, that trust plays a central to the relationships teachers have at work, and that autonomy inextricably exists in relations. Consequently, this research claims that the spectrum of autonomy for teachers should be expanded beyond its current individuality, to include a broader, more relational understanding of autonomy. A core argument of this research is therefore that teacher autonomy needs to be reconceptualised as relying on contextual sensitivities and relationships. By providing a more comprehensive conceptualisation of teacher autonomy—i.e., one which is more context-sensitive and which focuses on teachers’ concerns—the findings of this research supports more empowering ways for teachers to exert a proactive influence on their own autonomy. Teachers’ perception of their autonomy is of practical and academic importance. Teachers who feel satisfied, supported, empowered and autonomous are more committed and motivated, which in turn advances better, more adaptive, and more adequate teacher education. / Tiivistelmä Tämän narratiivisen tutkimuksen kohteena ovat opettajien käsitykset autonomiasta. Ne ovat tärkeitä työhön sitoutumisen, tehokkuuden, tyytyväisyyden, ja motivaation kannalta. Myönteisellä käsityksellä autonomiasta on merkitystä opettajien tuntemuksiin pätevyydestä, voimaantumisesta ja ammattitaidosta. Autonomian arvostaminen ja tarve autonomiaan voivat kertoa opettajien halusta pitää kiinni autonomiastaan tai lisätä sen määrää. Aiempi kirjallisuus kuvaa opettajan autonomiaa yksilökeskeisenä, vapaana ulkopuolisesta kontrollista. Tämä tutkimus haastaa yksilökeskeisen näkemyksen kysymällä, miten lukion opettajat eri konteksteista kokevat autonomiansa. Kontekstuaalisten vaihtelujen tutkimista varten haastateltiin 15 lukion matematiikan opettajaa Kanadasta ja 12 lukion matematiikan opettajaa Suomesta esittämällä heille enimmäkseen avoimia kysymyksiä. Opettajien narratiivien sisällöt analysoitiin kokonaisuudessaan ja vertaamalla kategorioita kontekstien välillä. Tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että konteksti vaikuttaa merkittävästi siihen, miten opettajat kokevat autonomian. Luottamuksella on keskeinen merkitys sille, tuntevatko opettajat itsensä autonomisiksi toimijoiksi vai eivät. Lisäksi havaittiin, että luottamuksella on suuri merkitys työympäristön ihmissuhteissa, ja että autonomia on erottamaton osa näitä suhteita. Näin ollen tutkimuksen johtopäätöksissä esitetään, että autonomian käsitteen kirjoa tulisi laajentaa nykyisestä yksilökeskeisestä painotuksesta laveampaan määrittelyyn. Tämän tutkimuksen keskeinen väite on, että opettajan autonomiaa käsitteenä tulisi tarkastella uudelleen huomioimalla erilaiset kontekstit ja ihmissuhteet. Painottamalla kokonaisvaltaisempaa näkemystä opettajien autonomiasta, toisin sanoen huomioonottamalla kontekstin ja opettajien omat huolenaiheet, tämän tutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat tarpeeseen opettajien voimaannuttamisesta, jotta he voivat proaktiivisesti vaikuttaa omaan autonomiaansa Opettajien käsityksillä autonomiasta on merkitystä sekä käytännön että teorian kehittämisen näkökulmista. Työssään tyytyväinen, tuettu, voimaantunut ja itsenäinen opettaja on sitoutunut ja motivoitunut. Opettajien autonomiaan liittyvien käsitysten parempi ymmärtäminen edesauttaa opettajankoulutuksen kehittämistä.

Essays on monetary policy and international finance /

Hu, Yifan. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
DC, Georgetown Univ., Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Diss.--Washington, 2003. / Kopie, ersch. im Verl. UMI, Ann Arbor, Mich. - Enth. 3 Beitr.

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