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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autonomous Car Overtake Using Model Predictive Control

Vara-Cadillo, Gabriel January 2020 (has links)
Autonomous vehicles have in recent years grownin popularity. An autonomous car has the potential to safelymaneuver in an efficient manner. This in combination with thefocus on increased road safety has put higher emphasis onimplementing an overtaking controller. Model Predictive Control(MPC) is very useful because it can handle linear constraintsand works for autonomous driving. I implemented the controlsystem in Python and did tests on its overtake capability usingdifferent velocities, car distances and initial speeds. Constraintswere implemented so that the autonomous vehicle did not collidewith another vehicle or drive outside the road when overtaking.The results show that a safe overtake could be performed undercertain conditions. The MPC algorithm is proven useful butdifficult to optimize. / Autonoma fordon har lyckats locka till sig mer populäritet under de senaste åren. En autonom bil har möjligheten att manövrera på ett säkert och effektivt sätt. Detta i kombination med ett fokus att öka vägsäkerheten har lagt större press på att implementera reglersystem för omkörningar. Modell prediktiv reglering (MPC) är användbar för den kan hantera linjära bivillkor och fungerar till autonomon körning. Ett reglersystem är implementerat i Python och testades på sin omkörningförmåga med olika hastigheter, avstånd och begynnelse hastigheter. Implementationen utformades med bivillkor som att det autonoma fordonet inte ska krocka med ett annat fordon eller köra utanför vägen i en omkörning. Resultaten visar att det gick att köra om på ett säkert sätt med vissa förutsättningar. MPC algoritmen har visat sig användbar men svår att optimera. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2020, KTH, Stockholm

Motion Control of Under-actuated Aerial Robotic Manipulators

Jafarinasab, Mohammad January 2018 (has links)
This thesis presents model-based adaptive motion control algorithms for under-actuated aerial robotic manipulators combining a conventional multi-rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and a multi-link serial robotic arm. The resulting control problem is quite challenging due to the complexity of the combined system dynamics, under-actuation, and possible kinematic redundancy. The under-actuation imposes second-order nonholonomic constraints on the system motion and prevents independent control of all system degrees of freedom (DOFs). Desired reference trajectories can only be provided for a selected group of independent DOFs, whereas the references for the remaining DOFs must be determined such that they are consistent with the motion constraints. This restriction prevents the application of common model-based control methods to the problem of this thesis. Using insights from the system under-actuated dynamics, four motion control strategies are proposed which allow for semi-autonomous and fully-autonomous operation. The control algorithm is fully developed and presented for two of these strategies; its development for the other two configurations follows similar steps and hence is omitted from the thesis. The proposed controllers incorporate the combined dynamics of the UAV base and the serial arm, and properly account for the two degrees of under-actuation in the plane of the propellers. The algorithms develop and employ the second-order nonholonomic constraints to numerically determine motion references for the dependent DOFs which are consistent with the motion constraints. This is a unique feature of the motion control algorithms in this thesis which sets them apart from all other prior work in the literature of UAVmanipulators. The control developments follow the so-called method of virtual decomposition, which by employing a Newtonian formulation of the UAV-Manipulator dynamics, sidesteps the complexities associated with the derivation and parametrization of a lumped Lagrangian dynamics model. The algorithms are guaranteed to produce feasible control commands as the constraints associated with the under-actuation are explicitly considered in the control calculations. A method is proposed to handle possible kinematic redundancy in the presence of second-order motion constraints. The control design is also extended to include the propeller dynamics, for cases that such dynamics may significantly impact the system response. A Lyapunov analysis demonstrates the stability of the overall system and the convergence of the motion tracking errors. Experimental results with an octo-copter integrated with a 3 DOF robotic manipulator show the effectiveness of the proposed control strategies. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Slope Stability Analysis Using the Kinematic Element Method

Kader, Adnan January 2019 (has links)
Thesis regarding the application of the Kinematic Element Method to slope stability analysis in geotechnical engineering. / In this thesis, the effectiveness of the Kinematic Element Method (KEM), developed by Dr. Gussmann at the University of Stuttgart, was evaluated by comparing the solutions with the Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM), specifically the Morgenstern-Price method. The KEM was evaluated using a variety of problems, ranging from homogeneous slopes to retaining walls. The KEM was shown to predict similar potential failure mechanisms and values for the factor of safety (FS) as the Morgenstern-Price method. The FS were generally within the ±6% which is the range of variance for rigorous limit equilibrium methods. A simplified version of KEM (KEMv) was developed based on limit equilibrium formulations. In KEMv, an alternate iterative scheme to determine the FS is proposed, in which boundaries between elements are vertical. The KEMv provided similar values for the factor of safety and interelement forces as Gussmann’s KEM for vertical interelement boundaries given similar element locations. The KEM was assumed by Gussmann to be an upper bound solution. However, given the similarities in the solutions between KEM and KEMv, it may be a limit equilibrium method. The interelement forces from the KEM and KEMv were found to be sensitive to the location of the elements. Elements in the upper part of the slope often had small normal forces relative to shear forces, possibly being negative as well. Sensitivity analysis regarding the number of elements showed that a 5-element solution predicts the appropriate failure mechanism and provides a reasonably accurate FS. In a parametric study, slope geometry and soil properties were varied and comparisons were made between KEM and the Morgenstern-Price method. The KEMv displayed similar trends in factor of safety as the Morgenstern-Price method but predicted slightly larger values. The change in KEM critical slip surfaces with soil properties was consistent with trends predicted by Janbu’s dimensionless parameter. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc) / The stability of slopes is a challenging subject in geotechnical engineering. Geotechnical engineers are often interested in the factor of safety (FS), which is a quantitative measure of the stability of a slope. In this thesis, the effectiveness of the Kinematic Element Method (KEM) is evaluated by comparing its solutions to the Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM). The KEM was shown to predict similar potential failure mechanisms and values for the factor of safety. A simplified version of the KEM (KEMv) was developed based on LEM formulations. In KEMv, an alternate iterative scheme to determine the FS is proposed, in which the boundaries between elements are vertical. The KEMv provided similar values for the factor of safety and element forces as Gussmann’s KEM for vertical interelement boundaries. In a parametric study, KEM displayed similar trends in the change in FS and critical slip surface as the LEM.

Inverkan av uppmärksamhetsfokus på utförandet av knäböj på vippbräda : med jämförelse mellan personer med främre korsbandsrekonstruktion och personer utan knäskada / The influence of attentional focus on performance of squats on a rockerboard : with comparison between persons with ACL-reconstruction and persons without knee injury

Kallin, Jesper, Kallings, Oscar January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Uppmärksamhetsfokus på omgivningen/externt fokus har återkommande visat förbättra motorisk färdighet, inlärning och prestation under flertalet olika motoriska uppgifter i jämförelse med fokus på egna kroppen/internt fokus. Instruktioner som uppmuntrar till internt fokus är mer förekommande vid rehabiliteringen av skador som ruptur av främre korsbandet, däremot har externt fokus visats påverka kinematiska variabler som kan minska risken för återskada. Uppmärksamhetsfokus inverkan på kinematiken under knäböj på vippbräda har dock inte studerats tidigare. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka om instruktioner som uppmuntrar olika uppmärksamhetsfokus har en inverkan på uförande mätt som rörelseflyt, knästabilitet och balans under ett knäböj på vippbräda samt om det fanns skillnader i utförande mellan personer utan knäskada och personer med främre korsbandsrekonstruktion (ACLr). Metod: Sexton deltagare (11 icke-skadade, 5 ACLr) genomförde sex knäböj på en vippbräda under tre omgångar med instruktioner som uppmuntrade till antingen inget särskilt fokus (neutralt), externt fokus (på vippbrädan) eller internt fokus (på fötterna). Alla knäböj registrerades med ett tredimensionellt kamerasystem. Neutralt fokus utfördes först följt av externt eller internt fokus i randomiserad ordning. Utfallsvariabeln rörelseflyt mättes som avvikelser i knäböjets hastighetskurva, knästabilitet som adduktion/abduktion av underbenet och balans som brädans avvikande lutning i horisontalplan. Resultat: Internt fokus ledde till signifikant mindre knäadduktion (gruppmedian skillnad 1.9°) under flexionsfasen när man slog ihop alla 16 deltagare jämfört med neutralt fokus. Inga andra signifikanta resultat noterades mellan uppmärksamhetsfokus eller mellan grupperna utifrån utfallsvariablerna.   Slutsats: Uppmärksamhetsfokus hade ingen konsekvent inverkan på rörelseflyt, balans och knästabilitet bland våra deltagare. Fler studier med högre deltagarantal vid liknande komplexa uppgifter behövs.

Independent Steering : Rear steering axle with independent actuators

Blixt, Emil, Svensson, Albin January 2024 (has links)
The thesis has been done in collaboration with Kalmar Solutions AB and is a conceptual study that aims to design a hydraulic steering arrangement for the reachstacker DRG 450 where each wheel is steered independently of each other. This is done in order to reduce tire wear by achieving an Ackermann steering geometry; lesser tire wear reduces costs for customers. When steered independently of each other the same steering arrangement could be used on multiple different wheelbases while still achieving an Ackermann steering geometry. During the thesis, calculations for required steering angles and their required piston strokes has been done by creating a geometrical model of the steering arrangement. CAD-modeling and kinematic simulations of concepts has been conducted with CATIA R2024x where the concepts movement when turning could be simulated. Three main concepts of the steering arrangement were studied and developed during the thesis. Kinematic simulations concluded that by changing to two independent cylinders, along the same axis, and redesigning the steering knuckles could allow for the same steering arrangement to achieve an Ackermann steering geometry for multiple different wheelbases. This reduces tire wear and turning radius when compared to the current steering axle. Having the cylinders along the same axis proved to be best because less redesigns were needed and mainly no major redimensioning of the steering arrangement or chassis were needed.

Improved Material Models for High Strength Steel

Larsson, Rikard January 2011 (has links)
The mechanical behaviour of the three advanced high strength steel grades, Docol 600DP, Docol 1200M and HyTens 1000, has been experimentally investigated under various types of deformation, and material models have been developed, which account for the experimentally observed behaviour. Two extensive experimental programmes have been conducted in this work. In the first, the dual phase Docol 600DP steel and martensitic Docol 1200M steel were subjected to deformations both under linear and non-linear strain paths. Regular test specimens were made both from virgin materials, i.e. as received, and from materials pre-strained in various directions. The plastic strain hardening, as well as plastic anisotropy and its evolution during deformation of the two materials, were evaluated and modelled with a phenomenological model. In the second experimental program, the austenitic stainless HyTens 1000 steel was subjected to deformations under various proportional strain paths and strain rates. It was shown experimentally that the material is sensitive both to dynamic and static strain ageing. A phenomenological model accounting for these effects was developed, calibrated, implemented in a Finite Element software and, finally,validated. Both direct methods and inverse analyses were used in order to calibrate the parameters in the material models. The agreement between the  numerical and experimental results are in general very good. This thesis is divided into two main parts. The background, theoretical framework and mechanical experiments are presented in the rst part. In the second part, two papers are appended.

Instant center based kinematic and dynamic motion synthesis for planar mobile platforms

Kulkarni, Amit Vijay 21 June 2010 (has links)
For a general J wheeled mobile platform capable of up to 3-Degrees-Of-Freedom (DOF) planar motion, there are up to 2J independent input parameters yet the output of the planar platform is specified with only three independent parameters. Currently, the motion synthesis for such platforms is done with a Jacobian based “pseudo” inverse that uses a rectangular matrix for Jacobian. However, a mobile platform is a parallel mechanism and has a more direct solution to the inverse kinematics problem. To this effect, we propose a physical methodology for kinematic modeling of multi-wheeled mobile platforms using Instant Centers (IC) to describe the kinematic state of all system points up to the kth order using a generalized algebraic formulation. This is achieved by using a series of ICs (velocity, acceleration, jerk, etc.) where each point in the system has a time state with its magnitude proportional to the radial distance of the point from the associated IC and at a constant angle relative to that radius. The use of IC’s for mobile platform kinematics is not new, however we present a completely generalized and extensive formulation that also treats the higher order kinematics. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time the third and higher order ICs have been presented in the literature. The components of this research effort are: (i) extension of the theory of instantaneous invariants to the higher order motion by generalizing the theory to any order, (ii) studying some special case 1-DOF, 2-DOF motions to understand the physical nature of the higher order ICs, (iii) applying the results of (i) and (ii) to the motion synthesis of planar, wheeled mobile platforms by first categorizing them into four distinct categories, and (iv) studying the dynamic model of a representative mobile platform to emphasize the importance of wheel dynamics and traction parameters on the performance of the mobile platform. The IC based formulation presents a concise expression for a general order time state of a general point on the rigid body with the magnitude and direction separated and identified. We showed that the method based on instant centers provides a straightforward and yet physically intuitive way to synthesize a general kth order planar motion of mobile platforms. The study of special case 1-DOF/2-DOF motions emphasized the geometric nature of the higher order ICs and also helped understand the influence of instantaneous kinematic states (such as angular velocity _, angular acceleration, _, etc.) on the various ICs. The application of this theory to planar mobile platform allowed us to categorize the platforms based on their dexterity and to generalize the motion synthesis to some extent. The study of the dynamic model of a representative mobile platform showed us that the redundant inputs (2J inputs versus 3 outputs) in this case may be employed to sustain and manage the uncertainties and nonlinearities in the wheel ground interaction. / text


Arca, Mehmet Serkan January 2009 (has links)
Mid-Tertiary metamorphic core complexes in the Basin and Range province of the western North American Cordillera are characterized by large-magnitude extensional deformation. Numerous models have been proposed for the kinematic evolution of these metamorphic core complexes. Such models generally invoke footwall isotatic rebound due to tectonic denudation, and the presence of a weak middle crust capable of flow at mid-crustal levels. In popular models of Cordilleran-style metamorphic core-complex development, initial extension occurs along a breakaway fault, which subsequently is deformed into a synform and abandoned in response to isostatic rebound, with new faults breaking forward in the dominant transport direction. In southeast Arizona, the Catalina and Pinaleño Mountains core complexes have been pointed to as type examples of this model. In this study, the “traditional” core-complex model is tested through analysis of field relations and geochronological age constraints, and by interpretation of seismic reflection profiles along a transect incorporating these core complexes. Elements of these linked core-complex systems, from southwest to northeast, include the Tucson Basin, the Santa Catalina-Rincon Mountains, the San Pedro trough, the Galiuro Mountains, the Sulphur Springs Valley, the Pinaleño Mountains, and the Safford Basin. A new digital compilation of geological data, across highly extended terranes, in conjunction with reprocessing and interpretation of a suite of industry 2-D seismic reflection profiles spanning nearly sub-parallel to regional extension, illuminate subsurface structural features related to Cenozoic crustal extension and provide new constraints on evolution of core complexes in southeast Arizona. The main objective is to develop a new kinematic model for mid-Tertiary extension and core complex evolution in southeast Arizona that incorporates new geological and geophysical observations. Geological and seismological data indicate that viable alternative models explain observations at least as well as previous core-complex models. In contrast to the “traditional” model often employed for these structures, our models suggest that the southwest- and northeast-dipping normal-fault systems on the flanks of the Galiuro Mountains extend to mid-crustal depths beneath the San Pedro trough and Sulphur-Springs Valley, respectively. In our interpretations and models, these oppositely vergent fault systems are not the breakaway faults for the Catalina and Pinaleño detachment systems.

Contrôle moléculaire de la croissance sous déficit hydrique : analyse cinématique et régulation de l'expression des aquaporines TIP1 dans l'apex de la racine du peuplier / Molecular control of growth under water deficit : kinematic analysis and regulation of expression of TIP1 aquaporins in the poplar root apex

Merret, Rémy 10 November 2010 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur le contrôle moléculaire de l'expansion cellulaire dans l'apex de la racine du peuplier. L'étude a été focalisée sur la régulation de l'expression des aquaporines TIP1s sous deux niveaux de déficit hydrique. Un cadre conceptuel, combinant analyse de la densité de transcrits à haute résolution spatiale et un formalisme de la mécanique des fluides, a été établi pour décrire la régulation de l'expression des gènes dans le temps et l'espace, le long de l'apex. Deux états de croissance contrastés ont été étudiés : un où la croissance de l'apex de la racine est rétablie (après 3 jours de stress modéré, 80 mosmol kg-1, 100 g L-1 de polyéthylène glycol PEG à 3500 g mol-1) et un où elle est réduite (après 3 jours de stress fort, 250 mosmol kg-1, 200 g L-1 de PEG). L'analyse cinématique a révélé une sensibilité différentielle de la vitesse d'allongement relatif (REGR) selon le niveau de stress et la position le long de l'apex. Au niveau moléculaire, nous montrons que lorsque la croissance est réduite, les pics de densité de transcrits des TIP1s sont plus forts et décalés dans les premiers millimètres de l'apex, zone où la croissance des cellules est maintenue. Cependant les niveaux d'induction/répression n'étaient jamais plus élevés que dans la condition témoin, soulignant qu'une forte densité de transcrits n'est pas forcément synonyme d'une forte induction de l'expression. Focalisé sur la combinaison de deux processus dynamiques, l'expansion cellulaire et l'expression des gènes, cette étude a mis en évidence que les conclusions tirées de l'analyse de ces processus sont influencées par la façon dont le temps, l'espace sont considérés / This study consideres the molecular control of cell expansion in poplar root apex. The study was focused on the regulation of the TIP1 aquaporins expression under two levels of water deficit. A conceptual framework combining transcript density analysis (quantitative PCR) at a high spatial resolution and a fluid mechanics formalism was established to describe the regulation of gene expression in time and space along the root apex. Two contrasting growth status were both studied: root growth rate is either restored (after three days of moderate stress, 80 mmol kg-1, 100 g L-1 polyethylene glycol PEG 3500 g mol-1) or root growth rate is reduced (after 3 days of high stress, 250 mosmol kg-1, 200 g L-1 PEG). Kinematic analysis revealed a differential sensitivity of the relative elemental growth rate (REGR) according to the stress level and to the coordinate along the apex. At the molecular level, we showed that growth reduction was associated with a shift of maximal densities of transcripts towards the first millimeters of the apex, where cell expansion was maintained. Meanwhile the induction/repression levels were never stronger than in the control condition underlying that a high transcript density does not mean a high transcriptional induction. Focused on the combination of two dynamic processes, cell expansion and gene expression, my thesis showed that the conclusions issued from the analyses of these processes are influenced by the way time, space and age are considered

Modelling of the Normal Fault Pattern above a Basement Horst in the Lufeng Sag, China / Modellering av förkastningsmönster ovanför en berggrundshorst i Lufen-sänkan, Kina

Niu, Yu January 2016 (has links)
The analogue models and the kinematic models based on the seismic data results were used to simulate the fault pattern which develops above a basement horst. The two major normal faults intersect with each other along the strike in the sedimentary covers. The fault pattern developed in the sedimentary cover is controlled by the dip of the basement fault and the width of the basement horst. The single horst structure was only developed in the sedimentary covers above the wider end of the basement horst. The hourglass structure was developed in the sedimentary covers above the narrower end of the basement horst. The precursor faults developed ahead of the major second-order normal faults when the dip angle of the basement fault is larger than 60°. The antithetic faults developed ahead of the major second-order normal faults when the dip angle of the basement fault is less than 50°. The analogue models were designed in a way that the two hanging wall blocks glide down along the basement horst simultaneously to simulate the activity of the basement faults. The kinematic models were designed based on the alternative sequential slip method to study the kinematic behaviors of the conjugate normal faults. The Lufeng Sag was characterized by the basement horst in the center and the deep half-grabens developed beside the horst. The width of the basement horst decreases along its strike. The models indicates that the second-order normal faults developed above the basement horst, observed in the Lufeng Sag seismic profiles, were reproducible and much more detailed structures were revealed / Detta projekt har analog modellering och kinematiska modeller baserade på seismiska data använts för att simulera förkastningsmönster ovanför en berggrundshorst. Två stora normal förkastningar möts i strykningsriktningen hos de ovanliggande sedimentlagren. Förkastningsmönstret som utvecklats i ovanliggande sedimentlager styrs av stupningen hos underliggande urberg samt bredden hos den underliggande horsten. Den enda horststrukturen som utvecklades i sedimentlagren skedde i fallet med en bredare underliggande horststruktur. En timglasstruktur bildades i den sedimentära successionen vid den smalare ändan av berggrundshorsten. De initiala förkastningarna bildades tidigt för att sedan övergå i andra ordningens normalförkastningar i de fall då stupningen hos underliggande berggrund överstiger 60°. Mindre antitetiska förkastningar bildades före andra ordningens förkastningar där berggrunds-stupningen understiger 50°. Den analoga modell som nyttjades experimentellt var konstruerad så att de två hängväggskomponenterna kunde röra sig fritt samtidigt längs med berggrundshorsten för att simulera aktivering av befintliga förkastningar i berggrunden. De kinematiska modeller som nyttjades var konstruerade enligt metoden för sekventiella rörelser (eng - sequential slip method) för att studera kinematiska beteenden hos konjugerande förkastningspar. Lufeng-sänkans utseende har kontrollerats av berggrundshorsten i mitten samt av de djupa halv-grabens på båda sidorna av horsten. Bredden på berggrundshorsten minskar längs dess stupning. Modellerna påvisar att andra ordningens normal-förkastningar bildades ovanför berggrundshorsten, likt i de seismiska profilerna över området, samt att strukturerna var reproducerbara och väldigt detaljrika.

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