Spelling suggestions: "subject:"klassiska"" "subject:"klassische""
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PENELOPE, QUEEN OF ITHAKA : A study of female power and worth in the Homeric societyWen, Audrey January 2009 (has links)
<p>This paper deals with the character of Penelope, in Homer’s Odyssey, of her power and worth.Also how female power and worth were measured in Homeric society, which was a world ruled by men. Penelope is unique because she survived in a male dominated world without any magical power, but by her own strength. She protects her family and home from her enemies. This dissertation will explore Penelope’s realm of power, how much authority she had and what means she used, and also how her actions and character measures her worth as awoman. She will be both compared to other female characters and to the standards of a patriarchal society.Classical sources and modern sources will be analyzed and compared, to understand hidden meanings, popular discussions and new theories. Also lexical Greek word as<em>οἶκος, μῆτις </em>and <em>κλέος</em> will be explored and linked to Penelope’s power and worth.</p>
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PENELOPE, QUEEN OF ITHAKA : A study of female power and worth in the Homeric societyWen, Audrey January 2009 (has links)
This paper deals with the character of Penelope, in Homer’s Odyssey, of her power and worth.Also how female power and worth were measured in Homeric society, which was a world ruled by men. Penelope is unique because she survived in a male dominated world without any magical power, but by her own strength. She protects her family and home from her enemies. This dissertation will explore Penelope’s realm of power, how much authority she had and what means she used, and also how her actions and character measures her worth as awoman. She will be both compared to other female characters and to the standards of a patriarchal society.Classical sources and modern sources will be analyzed and compared, to understand hidden meanings, popular discussions and new theories. Also lexical Greek word asοἶκος, μῆτις and κλέος will be explored and linked to Penelope’s power and worth.
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ExamensarbeteJohansson, Oskar January 2012 (has links)
<p>Bilaga: 1 CD</p>
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Latinet i tiden : En festskrift till Hans AiliAndersson, Elin, Kihlman, Erika, Plaza, Maria January 2014 (has links)
Latinet i tiden är en festskrift till Hans Aili, profesor i latin vid Stockholms universitet 1999-2013. För sina många och betydelsefulla insatser rörande forskning och undervisning i latin hyllas han här av sina kollegor med en samling artiklar. De tjugonio artiklarna i Latinet i tiden ger tillsammans en bild av dagsaktuell forskning inom klassisk filologi. Bidragen behandlar en mängd skiftande ämnen och spänner över latinets tre huvudperioder – den klassiska, den medeltida och den nylatinska – som samtliga varit föremål för Hans Ailis forskning. Även studier rörande antik grekiska och och den klassiska traditionen ingår. Författarna anlägger olika metodologiska perspektiv och vi möter här textkritik, lingvistik, litteraturvetenskap, historia, receptionshistoria och pedagogik. Artiklarnas ämnen speglar dessutom en universitetsprofessors tre uppfgifter: forskning, undervisning och den så kallade tredje uppgiften, vilket innebär förmedling av forskningsresultat till världen utanför akademin.
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Libre : sångteknik i den klassiska genren och instudering av klassiska sångerVidefors, Ellinor January 2013 (has links)
Projektet har inneburit att öva klassisk tonbildning och att interpretera fyra sånger från den klassiska genren. För att lära känna dessa sånger har jag läst om kompositörerna samt översatt sångtexterna. Förutom obligatorisk litteratur kompletterades projektet med självbiografin Rösten skriven av operasångare Thomas Quasthoff. Jag har genom mitt projekt fått en inblick i den klassiska sångtekniken. Arbetet har krävt egen regelbunden övning och samspel med en pianist. Projektet har även innehållit sånglektioner. Sånglektionerna genererade direkt respons på min sång och jag har fått med mig användbara sångövningar. Övningarna och sångtekniska tankar finns dokumenterade för att i framtiden kunna användas vid egen övning. Projektet ledde också till ett pedagogiskt material till framtida sångelever. Avslutningsvis gjordes en inspelning av sångerna. / <p>Bilaga: 1 CD</p>
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Den åttafaldiga vägen till frälsning då och nu : En komparativ analys av Klassisk Yoga och Ashtanga Vinyasa YogaLeksell, Pehr January 2012 (has links)
I dagens samhälle är det troligen ingen som har undgått termen yoga. Yoga finns på nästintill vartenda gym och termen dyker även upp i olika hälsotidningar från stund till stund. Benämningar så som Ashtanga Yoga, Hatha Yoga, meditation, asana, andningskontroll och cakra förekommer i alla olika kombinationer. Ibland i sådan mångfald att man som läsare inte uppfattar någon skillnad på vad innebörden av dessa termer är, och det hela framstås som ett enda stort virrvarr. Uppsatsens kommer att lyfta fram två yogaformer, av den mångfald som existerar, nämligen Klassisk Yoga och Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Ett argument varför detta är ett intressant fält att beskåda, är av den anledning som nämndes ovan, nämligen mångfalden som ter sig att bli rörig. Ett andra argument är att olika yogaformer oftast får tendensen i populärvetenskap och tidningar att blandas ihop med varandra, vilket resulterar i att de olika egenskaperna som kännetecknar yogatraditionerna blir otydliga. Det är alltså, i min mening, viktigt att särskilja de olika typer av yoga som finns och belysa vad de olika yogatraditionerna har som utmärkande karaktär utifrån ett historisktperspektiv.
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Strategisk anarki : en utredning av WeActivists strategiska funktion inom WeSCLeijonborg, Lindström, Frida, Nils January 2013 (has links)
ABSTRACT Title: Strategic Anarchy – a study on WeActivists' communicative function inside WeSC. Number of pages: 69 Authors: Frida Leijonborg, Nils Lindström Tutor: Jessica Gustafsson Course: Media and communication studies C Period: Second term 2013 University: Division of Media and Communication, department of information science, Uppsala University Purpose: Our aim with this paper is to examine the communicative role WeActivists play in WeSC's external communication, and also to investigate what it means to be part of the activist concept as individuals. This will be done by presenting WeSC's key values and investigate whether these are portrayed by the representation of the activists in market campaigns and personal interviews. Material/Method: We have conducted a qualititave study where we interviewed three WeActivists of various age and profession. Furthermore we did a semiotic analysis of 10 images from 7 advertising campaigns. Main results: Our results indicate that WeActivists play a significant role in WeSC’s external communication, and thus signifying that they play a major part in creating WeSC's brand identity. The activists represent the company's key values simply by being themselves, in both the market campaigns and in their everyday life. That being said, one should not overlook the fact that the WeActivists remain a market strategy for attracting costumers, and also for standing out within the industry. Keywords: WeActivist, WeSC, Social movement, Brand identity.
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Containing Multitudes : Codex Upsaliensis Graecus 8 in PerspectiveNyström, Eva January 2009 (has links)
This study employs as its primary source a codex from Uppsala University Library, Codex Upsaliensis Graecus 8. Its aim is to contribute to a better understanding of the Late Byzantine and post-Byzantine miscellaneous book. It is argued that multitext books reflect the time and society in which they were created. A thorough investigation of such books sheds light on the interests and concerns of the scribes, owners, and readers of the books. Containing some ninety texts of different character and from different genres, Codex Upsaliensis Graecus 8 is a complex creation, but still an example of a type of book that was common during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. This study takes a comprehensive view of the book in its entirety, making sense of its different parts in relation to the whole with the help of codicology and textual analysis. With that approach the original idea of the book is brought to the fore, and the texts are studied in the same context that the main scribe Theodoros chose and the early owners and readers of the book encountered. Through a systematic codicological analysis, the overall structure of the codex is explored and suggestions are made concerning the provenance. The examination of the scribal work procedure becomes a means to profile this otherwise fairly unknown scribe. The texts are grouped and characterized typologically to illustrate connections throughout the whole book as well as in relation to the separate structural units. The role of micro-texts and secondary layers of inscription is also considered. From the perspective of usability the texts are divided into four categories: narrative texts, rhetorical texts, philosophical-theological texts, and practical texts. Three texts are studied in greater depth, as examples of the width of the scribe's interests and the variety of the book's contents.
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Den långsamma musikenStrautmanis, Indra January 2016 (has links)
Ett arbete om övningsmetod för långsamma satser. Jag tar upp svårigheterna med detta specifikt ur mitt perspektiv som flöjtist. / <p>Inspelningen innehåller ur Flöjtkonsert i D-dur op. 283 av Carl Reinecke, sats 2 - <em>Lento e mesto</em>. Indra Strautmanis - flöjt, Olga Tomilina - piano.</p>
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Tonala skillnader mellan två gitarrer med olika kroppstjocklekHolm, David January 2007 (has links)
As a guitarbuilder it is an advantage if you can control and understand what is creating the character of the tone. To approach this vast jungle of variables that controls the tone in a guitar, I built two guitars and in one, guitar 2, reduced the thickness of soundboard, back and sides. The purpose was to compare the guitars and establish if there was a significant difference and what it was, in the guitars ability to produce sound. The thought was also to try the thesis: loud but short, long but moderate tone. Also if a lighter built guitar has an advantage in producing a loud but short ton and vice versa. The instruments has been examined by five guitarist, one guitarbuilder and a professor in Speech, music and hearing at KTH in Stockholm. The relative obvious conclusion is that guitar 2 is a bit louder and has a clearer base and treble but the more part of the guitarists fancied guitar 1 better. This one has got more mass fore the tone to stay alive with. A lot of guitarists wish is to get louder instruments but if you ad one thing and are forced to lose another the guitarist will not be happy anyway. To provision the musician one ought to leave the bodymass alone and see to that the instrument responds sufficiently fast. Clear is also that the lack of a large number referenceguitars limits the results. One further conclusion is that the test: loud but short, long but moderate tone is correct. This thesis is directly bound to the two tested guitars.
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