Spelling suggestions: "subject:"knowingthat"" "subject:"showingthat""
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BREAKING THE MIND-FORG�D MANACLES : a study of adolescent transformationHeywood, Peta, P.Heywood@latrobe.edu.au January 2003 (has links)
This study has adopted the metaphor of �mind-forged manacles� to explore adolescent
transformation within an educational context. It does this by examining the experiences of
two groups of people who participated in an intensive, one-off personal development
program for adolescents, known as Discovery. The first study involves secondary school
students for whom the program was part of the school curriculum. The second study
consists of an older group of people who did the program during their adolescence and
outside the formal education system. The third study is a contemplation of transformation
derived from my experience as researcher during the course of completing this thesis.
In an attempt to reflect the perspectival worldview from within which the study is created I have drawn on a range of theorists. To integrate their ideas I created three different �lenses�
or ways of viewing the data. The first lens is developed from consciousness theory, the
second from process philosophy and complex self-organising systems theory, and the third
from individual humanistic psychology. The educational pedagogy is holistic and embraces
developmental models of thinking and learning. The study uses participant reflection to
argue that a program of intentionally focussed challenges, combined with the support that
enables these challenges to be successfully met, can be transformational for many young
people. It suggests that the complex postmodern world requires teachers to be aware of
their own and their students� consciousness, and demands learning experiences that are
deliberately focussed on helping the process of consciousness transformation rather than
only on achieving predetermined outcomes. Transformation is understood as a shift to a
different order of consciousness in which it is how one sees rather than what one sees that
changes. With each shift towards a new order of consciousness the mind-forged manacles are
loosed and individuals accept increasing responsibility for their lives and how they live them.
Educational programs can be developed to assist this process.
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Doing, Knowing and Being: Bringing Athena out of the shadow to illuminate the mentoring archetype and to guide practice.Lippi, Julian Fulvius, jlippi@swin.edu.au January 2004 (has links)
This thesis is an exploration of the construct of mentoring and its transformative power in the development of the self. The concept of Athenic mentoring is offered and framed, in Jungian (Jung 1958;1996;2002) terms as an archetypical encounter between two people that can facilitate a significant transformative shift (metanoia) in the development of the personal and professional self. These shifts are initially at the level of 'being' but influence the more visible dimensions of 'doing' and 'knowing'. 'Doing' and 'knowing' can be articulated in terms of practice knowledge and skills (Schön 1987a). 'Being' is framed in both Jungian (Jung 1958;1996;2002) and Rogerian (Rogers 1973;1996) terms as engagement of the authentic, grounded and integrated self, in ways that may be largely and initially unconscious, but that can be taken up in conscious awareness and are ultimately reflected in overt, observable behaviours. Cunningham's (1988) framework of holistic interactive research was chosen as a method that allowed the researcher to draw on, as well as to reflect upon, his own experience in order to generate data. Written narrative and oral story-telling (Reason & Hawkins 1988) have been fundamental to the creation and analysis of data. Indeed, the process of writing has been an important source of self-understanding, revelation and integration for the author. The power of archetypal story-telling - most obvious in the ancient stories of human challenge, development and triumph, such as that of Athena(Mentor), in the Greek tradition - is acknowledged and explored from this perspective. In this respect the researcher has followed Megginson's (2000) advice that research into mentoring deserves and demands 'vivid stories'. The research approach also reflects Strauss and Corbin's (1990) suggestion that by staying close to the data ('grounding' theory in the data) before a deep immersion in the literature, the researcher will be more open to the insights that the data might reveal. The starting point for the research was the researcher's observation that, in the context of being a 'hired mentor' in an organisational setting, 'turning points' occurred that could be characterised as significant, transformational shifts in the energy and perspective of the person being mentored. While these shifts were reflected in important changes in work, choices and outward behaviour and practice, it was not obvious when or how the shifts had occurred. The initial research questions were framed as: what does the mentor do that leads to this turning point? and, can this be identified so that mentors can improve their chance of achieving it in practice? Later, the research journey itself led to a broader and richer framing of the research questions as a deeper exploration of the level at which transformative development of the self plays out and the implications of that for mentoring itself. The initial research question eventually was reframed as: How does the mentor need to be? Major sources of data were stories of ten people who have been in mentoring relationships (either as mentor, mentee, or both). The researcher's own experience was also a significant source of the data. In its presentation, the thesis attempts to 'track' and make transparent the ways in which listening to and writing down the stories of others, the researcher's own stories, engaging with the literature and writing reflective notes iterated with the construction of this particular conceptualisation of mentoring in 'Athenic' terms. Both contemporary Western literature (the majority of it American) and translations of Homer's (1980; 1998) accounts of Athena as mentor were used initially to explore the nature of mentoring. Later, the Jungian (Jung 1958;1992;1996;2002) and post-Jungian (Hillman 1975;1996) literature on the notion of the archetypes; Buber's (1996) conception of relationship as 'I-Thou'; and Rogers' (1996) evocation of 'becoming a person' all helped to describe more richly the dynamics of Athenic mentoring - both in terms of the nature of transformative personal change and the dynamics of the relationship that facilitates it. A major outcome of this research is the differentiation of Athenic mentoring (which facilitates the transformation of a person's 'being') from mentoring that helps to develop what a person 'knows' or 'does'. This differentiation will hopefully contribute to our understanding of the mentoring process, but at the most pragmatic level, will make it easier to navigate the complex and poorly 'mapped' contemporary literature. It is concluded that Athenic mentoring might not be, fully or even partly, recognised until well after it occurs, and that because it involves the pyschodynamic and largely unconscious interplay of one person's dominant archetypes with those of another, it is not something that can be easily orchestrated or arranged. This challenges contemporary notions (Burke & McKeen 1989; Murray & Owen 1991; Cunningham 1993; Hay 1995) that mentoring can be packaged, 'commodified' and paid for in a similar way to coaching and counselling. As a stimulus for further work, it is suggested that the role of mentor can be understood as completing or starting aspects of the development of self that have not been initiated or concluded in the parenting relationship; and the possibility for being a mentor or a mentee continues throughout life, or for at least as long as there remains the possibility that a 'Dream' (Levinson, Darrow, Klein, Levinson & McKee 1978; Levinson & Levinson 1996) can be fulfilled.
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Influencia de la Complejidad de Tareas y Redes Sociales en el Intercambio de Conocimiento (IC)Bresani Torres, Aldo Eduardo 17 December 2012 (has links)
Aquest treball de recerca se centra en un dels processos més rellevants de les persones: l’intercanvi de coneixements (IC). El coneixement pot ser explícit o tàcit. L’explícit es pot codificar, estructurar i emmagatzemar de manera que pugui estar disponible. El coneixement tàcit, conegut també com a tacit knowing, és l’acció de conèixer que no es pot codificar ni estructurar, sinó que depèn de les experiències, el criteri i els valors de la persona.
Les xarxes socials informals de les organitzacions esdevenen un mitjà pel qual es pot facilitar la transmissió del tacit knowing, de manera que mitjançant l’anàlisi de xarxes socials (social network analysis, SNA) es poden entendre i analitzar les relacions entre les persones, més enllà de les estructures formals i jeràrquiques. Aquesta situació és rellevant perquè l’alta direcció potenciï, i no cerqui d’estructurar o de controlar, aquestes xarxes socials i amb una gestió adequada incentivi que el coneixement flueixi a través d’elles.
Es plantegen els objectius següents: 1) establir l’impacte de la complexitat de tasques en la intensitat de la interacció de xarxes socials en una organització; 2) establir l’impacte de la complexitat de tasques en el procés d’intercanvi de coneixement, i 3) verificar si hi ha alguna relació entre la intensitat de la interacció de les xarxes socials en el procés d’intercanvi de coneixement (IC).
En la recerca, s’ha administrat una enquesta a tres organitzacions peruanes intensives en coneixement. Es planteja que, com més complexes siguin les tasques, la propensió de la persona a intercanviar coneixements ha de ser més gran. Els criteris de classificació de la complexitat es basen en la multiplicitat de resultats, esquemes de solució, conflictes i incertesa, i s’ha pres la qualificació d’experts de les tres organitzacions, els quals indiquen en els individus qualificats el percentatge de temps que dediquen per realitzar cada tipus de tasca en la seva rutina normal. La intensitat de la interacció de xarxes i la propensió a l’IC s’obtenen de les enquestes.
De l’anàlisi efectuada, s’observa una relació directa entre la complexitat de tasques i la intensitat en la interacció de la xarxa social de coneixement, com també entre la complexitat i la propensió a intercanviar coneixement. Així mateix, s’ha trobat una relació directa entre les persones que tenen un grau més alt d’interacció en la xarxa social de coneixement i la seva propensió a l’intercanvi de coneixements.
Les contribucions principals d’aquesta recerca són aquestes: 1) en l’aspecte acadèmic, la metodologia plantejada quan es treballa amb la qualificació de la persona que coneix millor la naturalesa del treball; 2) en l’aspecte pràctic, la sistematització que es pot obtenir per identificar les persones que tenen més propensió a intercanviar coneixements per potenciar-los dins de l’organització. / El presente trabajo de investigación enfoca uno de los procesos más relevantes de las personas, el Intercambio de Conocimientos (IC). El conocimiento puede ser explícito o tácito. El explícito se puede codificar, estructurar y almacenar de manera que pueda estar disponible. El conocimiento tácito, o también conocido como Tacit Knowing, es la acción de conocer que no se puede codificar ni estructurar; este depende de las experiencias, el criterio y los valores de la persona.
Las redes sociales informales en las organizaciones se convierten en un medio por el cual se puede facilitar la transmisión del Tacit Knowing, por lo que mediante el análisis de redes sociales (Social Network Analysis (SNA)) se puede entender y analizar las relaciones entre las personas más allá de las estructuras formales y jerárquicas. Esta situación es relevante para que la alta gerencia potencie, y no trate de estructurar o controlar, estas redes sociales y con una adecuada gestión que incentive que el conocimiento fluya a través de ellas.
Se plantean los siguientes objetivos: 1) establecer el Impacto de la Complejidad de Tareas en la intensidad de la interacción de Redes Sociales en una organización, 2) establecer el Impacto de la Complejidad de Tareas en el proceso de Intercambio de Conocimiento y 3) verificar si existe alguna relación entre la intensidad de la interacción de las redes sociales en el proceso de Intercambio de Conocimiento (IC).
En la investigación se ha aplicado una encuesta a tres organizaciones peruanas intensivas en conocimiento. Se plantea que a mayor complejidad de tareas, la propensión que debe de tener la persona al intercambio de conocimientos debe ser mayor. Los criterios de clasificación para la complejidad se basan en la multiplicidad de resultados, esquemas de solución, conflictos e incertidumbre y se ha tomado la calificación de expertos de las tres organizaciones, quienes indican en los individuos calificados el porcentaje de tiempo de cada tipo de tareas realizadas en su rutina normal. La intensidad de la interacción de redes y la propensión al IC se obtienen de las encuestas.
Del análisis efectuado, se observa una relación directa entre la complejidad de tareas y la intensidad en la interacción de la red social de conocimiento, así como entre la complejidad y la propensión a intercambiar conocimiento. Asimismo, se ha encontrado una relación directa entre las personas que tienen un mayor grado interacción en la red social de conocimiento y su propensión al intercambio de conocimientos.
Las principales contribuciones de la presente investigación son las siguientes: 1) en el aspecto académico está la metodología planteada cuando se trabaja con la calificación de la persona que mejor conoce la naturaleza del trabajo; 2) en el aspecto práctico está en la sistematización que se puede obtener para identificar a las personas que tienen una mayor propensión a intercambiar conocimiento para potenciarlos dentro de la organización. / The research addresses one of the most important processes of people, the Knowledge Sharing (KS). Knowledge can be explicit or tacit. The explicit can be structured and stored in a manner that may be available. Tacit knowledge, or also known as Tacit Knowing, is action learning that can not be encoded or structure, this depends on the experience, judgment and values of the person.
Informal social networks in organizations become a means to facilitate the transmission of Tacit Knowing, so by analyzing social networks (Social Network Analysis (SNA)) can be understood and analyzed the relationships between people beyond formal and hierarchical structures. This situation is relevant to senior management in order to enhance, rather than try to structure or control, these social networks. An appropriate management should incentive that knowledge flows through them.
The research objectives are: 1) establish the Impact of Task Complexity in the intensity of the interaction of social networks in an organization, 2) set the Impact of Task Complexity in the process of knowledge sharing and 3) verify if there is any relationship between the intensity of the interaction of social networks in the process of Knowledge Sharing (KS).
A survey has been applied to three peruvian knowledge intensive organizations. It argues that a more complex task, the propensity that the person must have knowledge sharing should be higher. The classification criteria for complexity based on the multiplicity of outcomes, settlement schemes, conflict and uncertainty and has taken the qualification of experts from the three organizations, who qualified individuals listed in the percentage of time each type of task made in their normal routine. The intensity of the interaction of networks and the propensity to KS are obtained from surveys.
The analysis conducted, there is a direct relation between task complexity and intensity in the interaction of the social network of knowledge and between complexity and propensity to share knowledge. Also found a direct relationship between people with greater social interaction network of knowledge and their propensity to knowledge sharing.
The main contributions of this research are: 1) academically the proposed methodology when working with the qualification of the person who best knows the nature of work, 2) on the practical aspect is that the systematization can get to identify people who have a greater propensity to share knowledge to empower them within the organization.
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Research By Design In Architectural Design EducationYuncu, Onur 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Research by design refers to the design of architectural research as an integral part of architectural design processes. In 1980s, it emerged as a third way in design research that was dominated until then by the methods of natural sciences and humanities. With this new formulation of design research, a methodological and epistemological transformation occurs, leading to the integration of practical knowledge into architectural research. The primary epistemological question transforms from knowing what design is and knowing how to design to knowing what through the act of design. The integration of the act of design in research transforms the status of design in design research from being an object of inquiry to being a research approach.
In the literature on research by design, this transformation is often related with Donald Schö / n&rsquo / s conceptualization of &ldquo / reflective practice.&rdquo / The main discussion of reflective practice is primarily methodological rather than epistemological. Although it provides methodological insights, it is not sufficient to constitute an epistemological basis for research by design. Thus, the epistemological basis of research by design has not yet been adequately defined. In this study, the notion of &ldquo / reflective practice&rdquo / is investigated in a broader context relating it to its sources in the concepts of &ldquo / tacit knowledge&rdquo / and &ldquo / action research.&rdquo / A conceptual framework for research by design is constructed by relating these concepts with the discussions on research by design and with practical philosophy, the implications of which has remained rather uninvestigated in this context. Aristotle&rsquo / s elaboration of knowledge generation in action and the concept of phron& / #275 / sis (practical knowledge, prudence, or practical wisdom) constitute the underpinning of this conceptual framework.
The conceptual framework that is constructed on the basis of the key concepts in practical philosophy is discussed in the context of architectural design education. When architectural design education is formulated as a process of research by design within this framework, knowledge generated in the educational design processes promises not only to improve the particular educational context and architectural education but eventually to contribute to architectural knowledge.
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BREAKING THE MIND-FORG�D MANACLES : a study of adolescent transformationHeywood, Peta, P.Heywood@latrobe.edu.au January 2003 (has links)
This study has adopted the metaphor of �mind-forged manacles� to explore adolescent
transformation within an educational context. It does this by examining the experiences of
two groups of people who participated in an intensive, one-off personal development
program for adolescents, known as Discovery. The first study involves secondary school
students for whom the program was part of the school curriculum. The second study
consists of an older group of people who did the program during their adolescence and
outside the formal education system. The third study is a contemplation of transformation
derived from my experience as researcher during the course of completing this thesis.
In an attempt to reflect the perspectival worldview from within which the study is created I have drawn on a range of theorists. To integrate their ideas I created three different �lenses�
or ways of viewing the data. The first lens is developed from consciousness theory, the
second from process philosophy and complex self-organising systems theory, and the third
from individual humanistic psychology. The educational pedagogy is holistic and embraces
developmental models of thinking and learning. The study uses participant reflection to
argue that a program of intentionally focussed challenges, combined with the support that
enables these challenges to be successfully met, can be transformational for many young
people. It suggests that the complex postmodern world requires teachers to be aware of
their own and their students� consciousness, and demands learning experiences that are
deliberately focussed on helping the process of consciousness transformation rather than
only on achieving predetermined outcomes. Transformation is understood as a shift to a
different order of consciousness in which it is how one sees rather than what one sees that
changes. With each shift towards a new order of consciousness the mind-forged manacles are
loosed and individuals accept increasing responsibility for their lives and how they live them.
Educational programs can be developed to assist this process.
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Proof, rigour and informality : a virtue account of mathematical knowledgeTanswell, Fenner Stanley January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is about the nature of proofs in mathematics as it is practiced, contrasting the informal proofs found in practice with formal proofs in formal systems. In the first chapter I present a new argument against the Formalist-Reductionist view that informal proofs are justified as rigorous and correct by corresponding to formal counterparts. The second chapter builds on this to reject arguments from Gödel's paradox and incompleteness theorems to the claim that mathematics is inherently inconsistent, basing my objections on the complexities of the process of formalisation. Chapter 3 looks into the relationship between proofs and the development of the mathematical concepts that feature in them. I deploy Waismann's notion of open texture in the case of mathematical concepts, and discuss both Lakatos and Kneebone's dialectical philosophies of mathematics. I then argue that we can apply work from conceptual engineering to the relationship between formal and informal mathematics. The fourth chapter argues for the importance of mathematical knowledge-how and emphasises the primary role of the activity of proving in securing mathematical knowledge. In the final chapter I develop an account of mathematical knowledge based on virtue epistemology, which I argue provides a better view of proofs and mathematical rigour.
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Espelho, espelho meu, existe algu?m mais abandonado do que eu?: pr?ticas curriculares e posi??es de sujeito demandadas em um contexto de abrigoSantos J?nior, Milton Chaves dos 08 November 2016 (has links)
Linha de pesquisa: Curr?culos, avalia??o, pr?ticas pedag?gicas e forma??o de professores. / Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-06-29T19:40:02Z
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Previous issue date: 2016 / Esta disserta??o analisa como as pr?ticas curriculares do abrigo investigado demandam certas posi??es de sujeito por meio do discurso do acolhimento que ao mesmo tempo fragilizam e fortalecem as crian?as e os adolescentes em vulnerabilidade social. A metodologia inspira-se na an?lise do discurso foucaultiana e elementos da etnografia tais como: observa??o em di?rio de campo, conversas informais e entrevista semiestruturada. A an?lise te?rica articula um conjunto de conceitos desenvolvidos por Michel Foucault, sendo alguns deles centrais: discurso, poder-saber, processos de subjetiva??o e posi??o de sujeito, al?m do conceito de curr?culo em uma vis?o p?s-cr?tica. O manejo dessas ferramentas conceituais caminha rumo ? investiga??o do discurso do acolhimento, que diz respeito ao processo de ajuda protetiva ? crian?a e ao adolescente abandonados divulgado nas pr?ticas curriculares do abrigo em quest?o. O problema central desta pesquisa ?: como o discurso do acolhimento ? crian?a e ao adolescente em vulnerabilidade social est? divulgado nas pr?ticas curriculares do abrigo investigado e quais posi??es de sujeito s?o demandadas nesse discurso. Para isso, pesquiso como a crian?a e o adolescente s?o nomeados, caracterizados e inventados no curr?culo desse abrigo. Investigo tamb?m as a??es individuais e coletivas presenciadas em situa??es do cotidiano e as rela??es de poder-saber ali imbricadas. O argumento geral desenvolvido ? o de que h? no curr?culo da institui??o investigada um constante enfrentamento de verdades discursivas sobre o acolhimento. Desse modo, os processos de subjetiva??o nas pr?ticas curriculares, enquanto local de produ??o e cria??o de significados sociais, demarcam especialmente as posi??es de sujeito menor abandonado, coitadinho, delinquente, amaldi?oado, de direitos e resiliente. A met?fora da hist?ria da branca de neve entra em cena nesta investiga??o, enxergando o espelho da personagem bruxa como o curr?culo do abrigo Resili?ncia, ou seja, o local onde os discursos est?o divulgados. A bruxa, por sua vez, ? o reflexo das crian?as e adolescentes marcados pelo abandono, sendo a personifica??o da maldade do sujeito bruxa a representatividade das posi??es de sujeito produzidas em meio a rela??es de poder e saber. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2016. / This dissertation analyzes how the curricular practices of the shelter investigated demand certain positions of subject through the discourse of the reception, at the same time it weakens and strengthens the children and adolescents in social vulnerability. The methodology is inspired by the analysis of the Foucauldian discourse and elements of ethnography such as observation in field diary, informal conversations and semi-structured interview. The theoretical analysis articulates a set of concepts developed by Michel Foucault, some of them central: discourse, power-knowledge, subjectivation processes and subject position, beyond the concept of curriculum in a post-critical view. The management of these conceptual tools is directed towards the investigation of the discourse of the reception, which concerns the process of protective help to the abandoned child and adolescent disclosed in the curricular practices of the shelter in question. The central problem of this research is: how the discourse of reception to the child and adolescent in social vulnerability has disclosed in the curricular practices of the investigated shelter and what subject positions are demanded in this discourse. For this, I research how the child and the adolescent has named, characterized and invented in the curriculum of that shelter. I also investigate the individual and collective actions witnessed in everyday situations and the relations of power-knowledge imbricated there. The general argument developed is that there is in the curriculum of the investigated institution a constant confrontation of discursive truths about the reception. Thus , the processes of subjectivation in curricular practices, as a place of production and creation of social meanings, especially demarcate the minor subject positions of an abandoned, poor, delinquent, cursed, right-wing and resilient. The metaphor of the snow white story comes into the picture in this investigation by looking at the witch character's mirror as the curriculum of the Resilience shelter, in other words, the place where the speeches are spread. The witch, on the other hand, is the reflection of the children and adolescents marked by the abandonment being the personification of the evil of the witch subject the representativity of the positions of subject produced in the middle of relations of power and knowledge.
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A elaboração do saber nas lutas pela moradia: um estudo sobre ocupações de terreno em Fortaleza / The knowledge and know-how acquired during the fight for housing in FortalezaBrandão, Fátima Regina Lopes January 2001 (has links)
BRANDÃO, Fátima Regina Lopes. A elaboração do saber nas lutas pela moradia: um estudo sobre ocupações de terreno em Fortaleza. 2001. 255f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2001. / Submitted by Maria Josineide Góis (josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-05T14:59:22Z
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Previous issue date: 2001 / This study discusses the knowledge and know-how acquired during the fight for housing in Fortaleza from 1980 to 1998 and – more specifically – in the production of strategies and the organized squatting of land for improved acess to housing. The first of the study includes theree chapters. The first retrace the story of policies for low-income housing in Brasil and of the struggle for hegemony in the occupation of urban space. The second chapter discusses the spatial grwth of Fortaleza, its contradictions and the resulting forms and means of segregation. The third describes the urban dynamics observed in the city relating to the housing conditions and opportunities of the majority of the population. The second part includes two chapters and discusses the knowledge and know-how developed during the struggle for housing and through the related social practices – especially in Fortaleza’s community organizations. These chapters examine the relationship between the knowledge produced during experiences in planned squatting – from the fight for land to the construction of the houses – and the changes in the mutirão1 programs and their management. Case studies from Fortaleza’s neighborhoods of Messejana, Bairro Ellery, Pirambu and Dias Macêdo are presented. The principal sources of data and information were the oral testimonials of community leaders, suatters, coordinators os federations of neighborhood associations, technical staff os government bodies, NGO representatives, members of parliament, activists of progressive segments of the Catholic Church and members of the Joint Council for Housing. This information was cross-checked against official documents and statistics of the State of Ceará and the City of Fortaleza, data from community organizations, new clippings and academic studies on the topic. / O presente trabalho trata sobre o saber da prática social elaborado nas lutas pela moradia em Fortaleza, no início da década de 1980 até 1998, com foco nas estratégias de ocupação planejada de terrenos. A primeira parte do estudo, composta de três capítulos, versa sobre a trajetória da habitação popular e a luta pela hegemonia na ocupação do espaço urbano, a expansão da cidade de Fortaleza e um panorama atual da dinâmica da Cidade, no que se refere às opções de moradia para a maioria da população. A segunda parte, composta de dois capítulos, discorre acerca do saber da prática social, elaborado nas lutas por moradia, enfocando, especificamente a organização dos movimentos de bairros em Fortaleza, e refletindo sobre a relação entre os saberes produzidos nas experiências de ocupações planejadas, tanto na luta pelo terreno, quanto na construção das casas, e sua influência na condução do Programa Mutirões Habitacionais. As experiências estudadas localizam-se nos bairros de Messejana, Bairro Ellery, Pirambu e Dias Macedo. O estudo utilizou como fonte de informação as narrativas de lideranças, atores destas ocupações, dirigentes das entidades federativas locais no período, técnicos de organizações governamentais e não-governametais, parlamentares, militantes de setores da Igreja Católica, membros do Conselho Municipal de Habitação, além de documentos oficiais, acervos das entidades, dados estatísticos, jornais e outros estudos realizados.
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Le savoir en pratique dans une organisation hybride : le cas d’un syndicat professionnel / Knowing in practice in a hybrid organization : a case study of a professional associationGasparyan, Armen 14 April 2016 (has links)
Dans cette recherche, nous nous intéressons aux dynamiques du savoir dans le contexte d’une organisation hybride. Dans ce cadre, nous nous appuyons sur l’approche du savoir en pratique (Gherardi, 2000, 2006 ; Nicolini et al., 2003) et sur la littérature de l’hybridité organisationnelle (Battilana et Dorado, 2010 ; Pache et Santos, 2010 ; Battilana et Lee, 2014). Ainsi, à travers l’étude de cas unique au sein d’un syndicat professionnel (la Fnaim), nous étudions la manière dont le contexte hybride de la Fnaim, représenté par une logique de marché et une logique professionnelle, influence le savoir en pratique des permanents. Nous basons notre recherche sur le service juridique de l’organisation où l’hybridité est présente de manière très soutenue. Nous avons recueilli nos données à travers 12 entretiens semi-directifs approfondis (dont 7 juristes, ce qui constitue la moitié du service juridique) combinés à des observations de juristes en situation de travail et des documents d’archives. Nos résultats nous montrent que le contexte hybride s’exprime dans le travail des juristes par trois aspects: 1) par la manière dont ils hiérarchisent les différentes demandes; 2) par les outils matériels mobilisés dans leur travail et 3) par le développement d’un répertoire spécifique. / In our research, we focus on the dynamics of knowing in the context of a hybrid organization. We base our research on the knowing in practice approach (Gherardi, 2000, 2006; Nicolini et al., 2003) and the literature of hybrid organizations (Battilana and Dorado, 2010; Pache and Santos, 2010; Battilana and Lee, 2014). Thus, through the case study of a professional association (Fnaim), we study how the hybrid context of Fnaim, represented by a market logic and a professional logic, influences the knowing of workers. We base our research on the legal department of this association where the hybridity is strongest. We collected our data through 12 in-depth semi-structured interviews (including 7 lawyers, which is half of the legal service) combined with observations of lawyers in the workplace and archival documents. Our results show that the hybrid context is expressed in the work of lawyers by three aspects: 1) by the way they prioritize the various demands, 2) by the materials used in their work, and 3) by the development of their specific repertoire.
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A plataforma Khan Academy no ensino superior : cenários de aprendizagem e ressignificações dos licenciandos em matemáticaSilva, Cristiano Marinho da 27 March 2018 (has links)
The general objective of this work is to investigate how mathematical knowledge is evidenced through the use of the Khan Academy platform in the learning scenarios and reassignments of students of the Mathematics Degree course at UFAL - Campus Arapiraca. As specific objectives we draw the following: Identify the possibilities and feasibility of using the platform as a didactic-methodological resource for the initial training of students of the Mathematics course in leveling disciplines; To describe the relations with the knowledge experienced by the research subjects in the proposed practical activities; and To analyze the conceptions of the graduates on the use of the platform Khan Academy in the learning scenarios and re-significations of the mathematical knowledge. To guide the investigation of this work, it was supported by studies related to the Relationship with the Knowledge of Charlot (2000), to Significant Learning - Theory of David Ausubel by Moreira and Masini (2001) and Swiss Cheese Learning of Khan (2013). This is a qualitative research of the participant type, carried out at the Federal University of Alagoas - Arapiraca campus and whose subjects were 36 students enrolled in the discipline Integrating Projects 3. Data collection instruments were questionnaires, reports, reports and articles, and Data Organization, based on Content Analysis (BARDIN, 2016). The data collected show that most of the undergraduate students in mathematics have experienced some situation of school failure and that, according to them, the Khan Academy is a resource that makes it possible to fill the gaps in mathematics learning, reducing the chances of students experiencing failure school. / O objetivo geral deste trabalho é investigar como os saberes matemáticos são evidenciados através da utilização da plataforma Khan Academy nos cenários de aprendizagem e ressignificações dos alunos do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática da UFAL – Campus Arapiraca. Como objetivos específicos traçamos os seguintes: Identificar as possibilidades e viabilidade de utilizar a plataforma enquanto recurso didático-metodológico para a formação inicial dos alunos do curso de Matemática em disciplinas de nivelamento; Descrever as relações com o saber vivenciadas pelos sujeitos da pesquisa nas atividades práticas propostas; e Analisar as concepções dos licenciandos sobre o uso da plataforma Khan Academy nos cenários de aprendizagem e ressignificações dos saberes matemáticos. Para orientar a investigação deste trabalho, apoiou-se em estudos ligados à Relação com o Saber de Charlot (2000), à Aprendizagem Significativa – Teoria de David Ausubel por Moreira e Masini (2001) e Aprendizagem tipo Queijo Suíço de Khan (2013). Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo participante, realizada na Universidade Federal de Alagoas – campus Arapiraca e cujos sujeitos da pesquisa foram 36 estudantes matriculados em disciplina Projetos Integradores 3. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram questionários, relatórios, relatos e artigos, e a Organização dos Dados, baseada na Análise de Conteúdo (BARDIN, 2016). Os dados coletados mostram que maioria dos estudantes da licenciatura em Matemática vivenciou alguma situação de fracasso escolar e que, segundo eles, a Khan Academy é um recurso que possibilita o preenchimento das lacunas na aprendizagem de matemática, diminuindo as chances dos alunos vivenciarem situações de fracasso escolar. / São Cristóvão, SE
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