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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förtätning och grönstruktur i en tid av urbanisering : Strategier i kollision?

Östman, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Although the world is facing major climate changes and science shows the importance of urban green structure in order to handle these changes, it seems to be subordinate in urban planning. For that reason, the aim of this thesis is to illustrate the problems associated with the concepts of densification and green structure in the context of growing cities.  By making a case study of Örebro municipality, one of Sweden’s largest cities and one of the fastest growing ones, the purpose is to describe the ongoing process of densification in combination with green structure planning. This is done by identifying the municipality densification strategies and chart their distribution by categorizing newly built residential buildings and relate the result to the intentions. Furthermore, the purpose is to understand how the green structure that is being occupied is being into account and discuss the contemporary process. Science shows a gap concerning how green structure strategies are being implemented in strategies of densification. Besides, the national authority for housing, building and planning (Boverket) request an evaluation of what types of priorities that is done during the densification process of the Swedish municipalities. Hence, in order to answer these questions a literature study and a spatial GISanalysis was made.  The result shows that Örebro municipality has a strategy that aims to control the densification process by categorize different types of methods. The GIS-analysis displayed a pattern of newly built residential buildings categorized by the types of methods found in the densification strategy. Generally, the outcome seems to follow the intentions of the strategy even though the majority are built on green structure. At the same time the strategies that seeks to compensate the loss of green structure are not fully implemented in the standardized planning process.

Idrott som integrationsmetod : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om en svensk kommuns strategiska integrationsarbete / Sports as a method for integration : A qualitative interview study about a Swedish municipality's strategic integration work

Andersson, Marika January 2021 (has links)
As a result of the significant increase of migrants coming to Sweden in 2015, the Swedish government has increased the strategies on integration within agencies and municipalities in the country. Integration through sports is one of these methods. To summarize, previous research on sports as an integration method shows that sports can be viewed as a field for meetings between differentiated ethnic groups. Integration in this matter measures by how well the migrants familiarize and adapt to Swedish society and the cultural norms and values within Sweden. The aim of this upcoming interview-study is to examine how a Swedish municipality explain their method of integration through sports, performed by non-profit sports associations. Municipality workers, viewed through previous sociological research and theories, tend to idealize the image of how they value their work. However this doesn’t necessarily add up with the actually performed work. Because non-profit associations form the integrative sports activities, one could argue that there is in fact a split opinion between what municipalities aims to do themselves, and what is achieved by external resources incorporated in the municipalities guidelines. This is therefor the subject that the upcoming study aims to examine. However, in contrast to previous research on the field, this study examines the question; how is integration through sports designed and what challenges has come with it?, rather than further investigating how well integration is achieved through sports.

Längs Riksväg 92 : Kommunala förhållningssätt och strategier utifrån en förändrad befolkning

Ohlsson, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
The Swedish municipalities are continually changing their population, both in size and composition. Regardless of the change it affects the conditions for achieving a balanced economy and the residents’ need for welfare. Today half of the municipalities are increasing versus reducing, which is a huge challenge. The purpose of the study is to describe the population development between four neighboring municipalities in Västerbotten, from the center to the periphery. Furthermore, examine how they have handled the population change and which geographical connections exist between the municipalities based on the choice of growth and adaptation strategies from Syssner (2014). The municipalities are Umeå, Vännäs, Bjurholm and Åsele.   This study is based on population statistics since 1983 and the annual presentation from 2017. The result is that all municipalities have more or less choice to use strategies linked to growth and adaptation. It’s mainly Umeå who invests in growth-generation measures and Bjurholm who invests the most in different kinds of adjustments. This geographical distribution does not correspond completely with The first law of geography by Tobler (1970). Something that might affect the distribution of strategies is the need for independence, which is higher for Åsele than Bjurholm. Which means that Åsele can’t rely on a larger city like Umeå in the same way. But something that corresponded well with Tobler (1970) was that municipalities that are geographically closer tend to relate to population change in a certain way and invest in certain types of measures compared to municipalities that are located further away. It means that Umeå and Vännäs or Bjurholm and Åsele are more equal than for example Umeå and Åsele.

Nedskalning av globala visioner till lokala klimatstrategier : En analys av Oslo kommuns klimatstrategi / Downscaling of global visions to local climate strategies : An analyze of Oslo municipality's climate strategy

Adolfsson, Anna, Johansson, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att analysera hur nedskalning av en global vision till en lokal kontext tar sig uttryck i Oslo kommuns klimatstrategi. Valet av Oslo kommuns klimatstrategi som studieobjekt baserades på Oslos samarbete med UN-Habitat samt utnämnandet av Oslo till Europas miljöhuvudstad 2019 och Norges petroleumverksamhet. Dokumentet Klimastrategi mot Oslo 2030 (2020) har analyserats utifrån begreppen Urbanitet och Hållbar övergång samt innebörden med nedskalning av klimatpolitiken och tre förmedlingsmetoder. Uppsatsen förankras i den tidigare forskningen som behandlar Köpenhamn och Stockholm. För att besvara frågeställningarna; vilka åtgärder presenteras som viktigast för att bli en nollutsläppsstad 2030? Hur beskrivs kopplingarna mellan den lokala klimatstrategin och den globala måluppfyllelsen? Vad finns det för kritiska punkter med strategins åtgärder och lösningar? används en kvalitativ analysmetod där empirin och den vetenskapliga förankringen får lika mycket utrymme. Utifrån den avslutande diskussionen framkommer det i slutsatserna att den största åtgärden i klimatstrategin är CCS-anläggningen på Klemetsrud. Även en fossilfri omställning av transportsektorn samt en minskad energianvändning är av vikt för att Oslo ska lyckas bli en nollutsläppsstad till 2030. Det belyses att den lokala utsläppsredovisningen påverkar den globala måluppfyllelsen. De kritiska punkterna i klimatstrategin som identifierats är; oklarhet gällande biobränslets framtida roll, den diffusa målformuleringen i Indirekta utsläpp samt problematiken med att ta efter åtgärder och lösningar från strategin för andra internationella städer. / The purpose of the thesis is to analyze how downscaling of a global climate vision to a local context is expressed in Oslo Muncipality’s climate strategy. The choice of Oslo municipality's climate strategy as a study object was based on Oslo's collaboration with UN-Habitat, the nomination of Oslo as Europe's environmental capital in 2019 and Norway's petroleum operations. The document Klimastrategi mot Oslo 2030 (2020) has been analyzed on the basis of the concepts of Urbanity and Sustainable Transition, as well as the meaning of downsizing climate policy and three communication methods. The thesis is anchored in the previous research that treats Copenhagen and Stockholm. To answer the questions; which measures are presented as most important to become a zero-emission city in 2030? How are the links between the local climate strategy and global goal fulfillment described? What are the critical points of the strategy's measures and solutions? a qualitative analysis method is used where the empirical data and the scientific foundation are given equal space. Based on the concluding discussion, it appears from the conclusions that the largest measure in the climate strategy is the CCS facility at Klemetsrud. A fossil-free restructuring of the transport sector and a reduction in energy use are also important for Oslo to succeed in becoming a zero-emission city by 2030. It is highlighted that local emission accounting affects global target fulfillment. The critical points in the climate strategy that have been identified are; uncertainty regarding the future role of biofuels, the diffuse goal formulation in Indirect Emissions and the problem of following measures and solutions from the strategy for other international cities.

Bilpool i Kommunal Planering : Hållbarhetsstartegi för behov eller efterfrågan? / Carpool in Municipal Planning : A Sustainability Strategy for Need or Demand?

Gunnarsson, Fanny January 2024 (has links)
Bilen har en etablerad roll i vårt samhälle och är ständigt central i samhällsplaneringsdebatten. Förutom biltrafikens koppling till ökade koldioxidutsläpp har bilens utbredning skapat utmaningar för att planera yteffektivt i städerna där allt fler bostäder byggs och i samband med detta även fler parkeringar. Det är kommunen som ansvarar för att det ska finnas skäligt med parkering i samband med bostadsbyggande och de skapar parkeringsnormer/policys för att reglera detta. Över tid har många kommuner gått från att ställa krav på ett minimum av parkeringsplatser till att istället arbeta med flexibla parkeringstal, vilka tillåter byggaktören att bygga färre parkeringar än vad normen säger om andra åtgärder för mobilitet implementeras. I denna process har bilpoolen kommit att bli en växande mobilitetsåtgärd som många kommuner erbjuder byggaktörerna att arbeta med för att sänka parkeringstalet. Det har däremot visat sig vara utmanande för kommunerna att få detta att fungera över tid. Det är kommunens uppdrag att ställa krav på parkeringstal och att godkänna eventuella minskningar av dessa om byggaktören väljer att arbeta med mobilitetsåtgärder - men kommunen ansvarar inte för förvaltningen av de tjänster som utlovas som mobilitetsåtgärd vid en avtalad parkeringstalsminskning. Det finns således inga garantier för att åtgärden över tid motsvarar förväntningarna och risken finns att bilpoolen läggs ned samtidigt som ett fåtal parkeringar har byggts. Detta arbete tar avstamp i frågan om vilka hinder och utmaningar kommuner som arbetar med bilpool som mobilitetsåtgärd vid nybyggnation av bostäder står inför i samarbetet med andra aktörer. Undersökningen tar hjälp av Actor-Network Theory för att kartlägga vilka aktörer och samarbeten som är centrala och vilka typer av interaktioner som skapar störst utmaningar i arbetet. Empirin är insamlad både kvantitativt genom enkätundersökningar där kommunerna fått redogöra för sina strategier, och kvalitativt genom djupintervjuer med utvalda kommuner där de har berättat om hur de upplever arbetsprocessen i sin helhet. Många kommuner befinner sig i en utforskande fas när det gäller att implementera och fastställa strategier i arbetet med bilpool som mobilitetsåtgärd, vilket leder till en variation av tillvägagångssätt och beräkningsmetoder. Implementeringen av bilpooler stöter på flera praktiska hinder, såsom otydligheter i regelverk och bristande samarbete mellan aktörer. Men det framgår i arbetet att det främst är de strukturella utmaningarna som måste adresseras för att underlätta implementeringen av bilpooler som en del av arbetet med flexibla parkeringstal. / The car holds an established role in our society and remains central in urban planning discussions. Besides the correlation between car traffic and escalating carbon dioxide emissions, the expansion of car use has presented challenges in efficiently planning urban spaces, particularly as more residences are constructed, resulting in an increase in parking facilities. It falls upon municipalities to ensure adequate parking provisions in conjunction with residential development, and they establish parking norms/policies to govern this. Over time, many municipalities have shifted from imposing minimum parking requirements to instead adopting flexible parking standards, enabling developers to construct fewer parking spaces than the norm dictates if alternative mobility measures are implemented. In this process, carpooling has emerged as a growing mobility solution that many municipalities offer developers as a means to reduce parking requirements. However, sustaining this approach over time poses a challenge. It is the municipality's responsibility to stipulate parking requirements and sanction any reductions if developers opt to integrate mobility measures. However, the municipality is not accountable for administering the services promised as mobility measures in a negotiated parking reduction. Consequently, there are no guarantees that the measure will meet expectations over time, and there exists a risk of discontinuing the carpool while only a few parking spaces have been developed. This study is rooted in the inquiry into the obstacles and challenges municipalities encounter when incorporating carpooling as a mobility measure in new housing construction in collaboration with other stakeholders. Employing Actor-Network Theory, the study maps out central actors and collaborations, as well as the types of interactions posing the greatest challenges in this endeavor. Empirical data is collected both quantitatively through surveys, wherein municipalities outline their strategies, and qualitatively through in-depth interviews with select municipalities, elucidating their experiences throughout the process. Many municipalities are in an exploratory phase concerning the implementation and establishment of strategies in integrating carpooling as a mobility measure, resulting in a divergence of approaches and calculation methods. The implementation of carpooling encounters several practical barriers, such as regulatory ambiguities and a lack of collaboration among stakeholders. However, it is apparent from the study that primarily addressing structural challenges is necessary to facilitate the integration of carpooling as part of the framework for flexible parking standards.

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