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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A conceptual framework for social media brand communication in non- profit organisations in South Africa: An integrated communication perspective

Swart, Christelle 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu / Propelled by increased competition with the private sector and other similar organisations, the non-profit sector increasingly faces challenges to create meaningful interactions with stakeholders which, among other benefits, allow for differentiation and the creation of favourable and lasting impressions of the corporate brand. The main research aim of this study was to propose possible elements for a conceptual framework for the integration of non-profit organisations’ social media brand communication. The point of departure was that the achievement of a favourable corporate brand in the non-profit sector could, inter alia, be realised by following an integrated communication approach when utilising social media to communicate with stakeholders. The study is different from prior studies because of its specific interdisciplinary focus on the corporate brand, social media and integrated communication (IC), and the fact that it is merged into one study. The research into the main contribution of the study was based on a thorough literature review focusing on the following objectives: to explore corporate branding and social media; and to describe elements that could constitute an integrated approach to social media brand communication. During the investigation into the topic, the social media focus of the study was framed on the basis of classical theoretical views, and the theory of and perspectives on human action, symbolic interaction and social presence. The absence of a single set of theoretical assumptions of social media necessitated an inductive reasoning process based on identified key elements of social media. Subsequent to the literature review, the empirical research gathered invaluable insights from communication professionals in South African non-profit organisations, and who are responsible for communication by means of social media. Finally, and following the measurement of the proposed elements, the objective of proposing possible elements for the integration of social media brand communication and presenting it in a conceptual framework was achieved. The conceptual framework was based on three foundational principles, namely a corporate brand focus and a philosophy of communication integration, underpinned by social media. The proposed conceptual framework should provide new insights into and contribute to the existing body of knowledge on organisational communication. / Toenemende mededinging in die privaatsektor en tussen ander soortgelyke organisasies, rig ‘n grotewordende uitdaging aan die niewinsgerigte sektor om betekenisvolle wisselwerking met belangegroepe te bewerkstellig, iets wat dit onder andere moontlik maak om te differensieer en om gunstige en blywende indrukke van die korporatiewe handelsmerk te skep. Die belangrikste navorsingsoogmerk van hierdie studie was om moontlike elemente aan die hand te doen vir ʼn konsepsuele raamwerk vir die integrasie van niewinsgerigte organisasies se kommunikasie in sosiale media. Die vertrekpunt was dat ʼn gunstige korporatiewe handelsmerk in die niewinsgerigte sektor onder andere gerealiseer kan word deur middel van ʼn geïntegreerde kommunikasiebenadering wanneer sosiale media gebruik word om met belanghebbendes te kommunikeer. Die studie verskil van vorige studies weens die spesifieke interdissiplinêre fokus op die korporatiewe handelsmerk, sosiale media en geïntegreerde kommunikasie, asook die feit dat dit in een studie geïntegreer is. Die navorsing vir hierdie studie se belangrikste bydrae was gegrond op ʼn deurtastende literatuuroorsig, toegespits daarop om die gebruik van korporatiewe handelsmerke en sosiale media te verken; en om elemente wat ʼn geïntegreerde benadering tot handelsmerkkommunikasie in sosiale media sou kon daarstel, te beskryf. Gedurende die ondersoek na die tema het die studie se sosialemediafokus gerus op klassieke teoretiese sienings en die teorie van en perspektiewe op menslike aksie, simboliese wisselwerking en sosiale teenwoordigheid. Die gebrek aan ʼn enkele stel teoretiese aannames van sosiale media het ʼn proses van induktiewe redenering, gegrond op geïdentifiseerde sleutelelemente van sosiale media, genoodsaak. Voortspruitend uit die literatuuroorsig het die empiriese navorsing uiters waardevolle insigte bekom van kommunikasiekundiges in Suid-Afrikaanse niewinsgerigte organisasies wat deur middel van sosiale media moet kommunikeer. Laastens en na afloop van die meting van die voorgestelde elemente is die oogmerk om moontlike elemente vir die integrasie van kommunikasie van ʼn handelsmerk in sosiale media en die aanbieding daarvan in ʼn konsepsuele raamwerk, bereik. Die konsepsuele raamwerk is op drie beginsels gegrond, naamlik ʼn fokus op die korporatiewe handelsmerk en ʼn filosofie van kommunikasieintegrasie, ondersteun deur sosiale media. Die voorgestelde konsepsuele raamwerk behoort nuwe insigte in en bydraes tot die bestaande kenniskorpus oor organisasiekommunikasie te bied. / Ngokugqugquzelwa ukwanda kokuncitisana kwemikhakha ezimele nezinye izinhlangano ezifanayo, umkhakha ongenzi inzuzo uyaqhubeka njalo nokubhekana nezinselelo zokwenza ukuthi ukuxhumana kahle nabanye ababambe iqhaza okuwukuthi, phakathi kokunye okungazuzwa, kuvumele ukwahlukaniswa kanye nokwakhiwa kwezimpawu zemifanekiso yenkampani ezikahle futhi eziyohlala isikhathi eside. Injongo enkulu yocwaningo lwalesi sifundo kwakuwukuhlongoza imikhakha engaseyenzeke yohlaka olungakapheleli lokuhlanganiswa kophawu lokuxhumana ezinkundleni zokuxhumana zezinhlangano ezingenzi inzuzo. Iphuzu elalisemqoka kwakuwukufeza umgomo wokuthi kwakhiwe uphawu olufanele lwenkampani emkhakheni ongayenzi inzuzo, phakathi kwezinye izinto, ufezeke ngokulandela indlela edidiyelwe yezokuxhumana uma kusetshenziswa izinkundla zokuxhumana ukuxoxisana nababambe iqhaza. Lesi sifundo sihlukile kwezinye esezike zenziwa ngaphambilini ngenxa yokuthi sigxile ngokukhethekile ekusetshenzisweni kophawu lwenkampani, izinkundla zokuxhumana kanye nezindlela zokuxhumana ezididiyelwe, i-integrated communication (i-IC), kanye nephuzu lokuthi kudidiyelwe kwaba ucwaningo olulodwa. Lolu cwaningo kulokho okusemqoka okuwumthelela walesi sifundo lwalugxile kakhulu ekubuyekezweni okujulile kwemibhalo kubhekwe kakhulu kulezi zinjongo ezilandelayo: ukuhlaziya uphawu lwenkampani nezinkundla zokuxhumana; nokuchaza amaphuzu angase akhombise indlela edidiyelwe ekuxhumaneni ngophawu lwezinkundla zokuxhumana. Ngesikhathi kuphenywa ngesihloko, ukugxila ezinkundleni zokuxhumana kulesi sifundo kwabalulwa esizindeni semibono yezinto ezingaphatheki, kanye nethiyori nemiqondo yokwenza komuntu, ukuxhumana ngezimpawu nokubakhona kwabantu basemphakathini. Ukungabibikho kweqoqo elilodwa lokucatshangelwa ngokwenzeka emiqondweni ngokwezinkundla zokuxhumana kwenza ukuthi kube nesidingo senqubo yokuqala ukucabanga ezinze emaphuzwini asemqoka ezinkundla zokuxhumana. Ukulandela ukubuyekezwa kwemibhalo, lolu cwaningo oluphethe ubufakazi obuphathekayo luqoqe ulwazi olusemqoka oluvela kosolwazi bezokuxhumana ezinhlanganweni ezingenzi nzuzo zaseNingizimu Afrika, futhi ezinomsebenzi wokuxhumana ngokusebenzisa izinkundla zokuxhumana. Ekugcineni, futhi ngokulandela izilinganiso zamaphuzu ahlongozwayo, yafezeka injongo yokuhlongoza okungase kube amaphuzu okudidiyela ukuxhumana ngokusebenzisa uphawu lwezinkundla zokuxhumana kanye nokuluveza njengohlaka lokusemqondweni. Uhlaka lokusemqondweni lwalugxile emigomeni eyisisekelo emithathu, okuwukugxila kuphawu lwenkampani nenzululwazi yokudidiyelwa kokuxhumana, nokusekelwe yizinkundla zokuxhumana. Uhlaka olusahlongozwa olungakapheleli kumele luhlinzeke ngemiqondo emisha futhi lube nomthelela esakhiweni solwazi esikhona ekuxhumaneni ngokwenhlangano. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)

Responsible use of social media by undergraduate student nurses / Ingrid van der Walt

Van der Walt, Ingrid January 2014 (has links)
The background and problem statement centre on the evolution of technology within teaching and learning, which involves undergraduate student nurses, as well as the use of social media as interactive teaching and communication tool. While examining the background to this topic, the researcher recognised a need to gain a deeper understanding of responsible social media use by undergraduate student nurses to the benefit of all the stakeholders, namely the Nursing Education Institution (NEI), applicable health care facilities, the patients and the student nurses. The study starts off with a literature review to peruse what is known about social media and information communication technology by undergraduate student nurses within a Higher Education (HE) environment. Literature shows that nurses in their work environment are not excluded from social media interaction processes. Within this context, social media offers improved contact and communication in general and in the working environment through the internet. The aim of this study is to explore and describe responsible use of social media by undergraduate student nurses. Methodology: The study followed a qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual design. All-inclusive, probable and purposive sampling (Brink, van der Walt & van Rensburg, 2006:134) was applied to select participants from a population of undergraduate student nurses (N=200, n=39). Prospective participants were informed by the researcher regarding the research by means of a Power Point slideshow and from there prospective participants had to make an informed decision to participate voluntarily in the research. Data was collected by means of an unstructured conversation between the researcher and participants via the real-time, online Chat Room of Sakai 2.9.1. Sakai 2.9.1 refers to an educational software platform which is a Java-based, service-oriented application used in an open source academic community. Sakai 2.9.1 is used within this context as a Course Management System and Virtual Learning Environment. The following questions were asked: “Tell me how you use your social media (e.g. Facebook™, Twitter™, WAYN™, LinkedIn™, WhatsApp™, etc.)”; “How do you access and on which device do you use social media?”, “What is your view of responsible social media use as a student nurse?” Although it was an all-inclusive sample and all members of the population were invited to participate, the sample size was established once the research reached data saturation (Brink et al., 2006:135). Thirty-nine participants (n=39) participated and the analysed results were first confirmed in a focus group. Six (6) main themes where identified, namely: social media as a quick academic reference; the social communication uses of social media; social curiosity; multiple social media registrations, but limited social media use; student nurses’ need for guidelines regarding responsible social media use and a need to share photographs on social media. The final conclusion was that student nurses entered the nursing profession with established social media skill. Yet, student nurses need guidance to divert social media use from a social perspective to social media use within a professional capacity. Recommendations for enhanced responsible social media use by student nurses where formulated. (Word count: 489) / MCur, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Responsible use of social media by undergraduate student nurses / Ingrid van der Walt

Van der Walt, Ingrid January 2014 (has links)
The background and problem statement centre on the evolution of technology within teaching and learning, which involves undergraduate student nurses, as well as the use of social media as interactive teaching and communication tool. While examining the background to this topic, the researcher recognised a need to gain a deeper understanding of responsible social media use by undergraduate student nurses to the benefit of all the stakeholders, namely the Nursing Education Institution (NEI), applicable health care facilities, the patients and the student nurses. The study starts off with a literature review to peruse what is known about social media and information communication technology by undergraduate student nurses within a Higher Education (HE) environment. Literature shows that nurses in their work environment are not excluded from social media interaction processes. Within this context, social media offers improved contact and communication in general and in the working environment through the internet. The aim of this study is to explore and describe responsible use of social media by undergraduate student nurses. Methodology: The study followed a qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual design. All-inclusive, probable and purposive sampling (Brink, van der Walt & van Rensburg, 2006:134) was applied to select participants from a population of undergraduate student nurses (N=200, n=39). Prospective participants were informed by the researcher regarding the research by means of a Power Point slideshow and from there prospective participants had to make an informed decision to participate voluntarily in the research. Data was collected by means of an unstructured conversation between the researcher and participants via the real-time, online Chat Room of Sakai 2.9.1. Sakai 2.9.1 refers to an educational software platform which is a Java-based, service-oriented application used in an open source academic community. Sakai 2.9.1 is used within this context as a Course Management System and Virtual Learning Environment. The following questions were asked: “Tell me how you use your social media (e.g. Facebook™, Twitter™, WAYN™, LinkedIn™, WhatsApp™, etc.)”; “How do you access and on which device do you use social media?”, “What is your view of responsible social media use as a student nurse?” Although it was an all-inclusive sample and all members of the population were invited to participate, the sample size was established once the research reached data saturation (Brink et al., 2006:135). Thirty-nine participants (n=39) participated and the analysed results were first confirmed in a focus group. Six (6) main themes where identified, namely: social media as a quick academic reference; the social communication uses of social media; social curiosity; multiple social media registrations, but limited social media use; student nurses’ need for guidelines regarding responsible social media use and a need to share photographs on social media. The final conclusion was that student nurses entered the nursing profession with established social media skill. Yet, student nurses need guidance to divert social media use from a social perspective to social media use within a professional capacity. Recommendations for enhanced responsible social media use by student nurses where formulated. (Word count: 489) / MCur, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Management guidelines for the implementation of m-learning in an open distance learning model / Johan Redelinghuys.

Redelinghuys, Johan January 2012 (has links)
Various modern communication technologies are available to higher education institutions involved in distance education to explore and implement for the effective provision of distance education programmes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of m- learning as part of distance education and to develop guidelines for the management of m- learning in an open distance learning model. The aims of this study are thus to determine the role of m-learning in open distance education, identifying challenges to implement m- learning as part of an open distance learning model and finally to develop generic management guidelines to implement m-learning as part of open distance education. Quantitative research was undertaken using a survey questionnaire to acquire data for this research. The study population included students enrolled for distance education programmes at the NWU and accredited facilitators/lecturers employed by the NWU at tuition centres throughout SA facilitating distance education programmes. A total of 350 questionnaires (100 facilitators/lecturers questionnaire and 250 questionnaires for students) was sent out to all tuition centres to collect data for this research. Two different questionnaires were developed to suit the needs of each group. A total of 80.5% of completed questionnaires was returned. The literature study of this research included concept clarifications of distance education and m-learning. The need for effective management and organizational structures for the delivery of distance education programmes utilising m-learning were investigated to gain an understanding of the complexities associated with an open distance education modus. The information from the literature study and the empirical section of this research contributed to the development of generic guidelines to implement m-learning as part of an open distance education modus. In addition, aspects having an influence on the effective delivery of distance education programmes, were part of the questionnaires sent to respondents. These aspects included accessibility to resources utilising mobile devices, flexibility of programme delivery, affordability of programmes, interactivity between all role players in distance education and aspects that could influence anywhere and anytime learning. Furthermore, the different modes of delivering distance education programmes were explained. Challenges and barriers possibly having an influence in the delivery of distance education programmes through m-learning were included in the questionnaires sent out to respondents. Advantages and disadvantages as well as the needs regarding the use of cell phones in the delivery of programmes were identified in order to understand the role of m-learning and identifying relevant management guidelines for the implementation of m-learning. Evidently, a response from the questionnaires was that the quality of teaching and learning according to the perceptions of m-learning amongst both groups were of more importance to students than with facilitators/lecturers. Students expressed a need to receive more academic information on their mobile devices and the majority of students and facilitators/lecturers indicated that they prefer receiving information regarding their studies through m-learning. Accessibility, affordability, interactivity and flexibility in delivering distance education programmes were aspects of importance to both groups of respondents. Administrative and academic support and the need thereof in delivering programmes through m-learning were evident in the research. Affordability in accessing information via mobile technologies is a concern for both groups of respondents. The training of all role players regarding the skills of downloading information about teaching and learning on their cell phones is a need for both groups. Once this training need for the utilisation of m-learning is addressed, more students and facilitators/lecturers may use this user-friendly technology to communicate with one another and with institutions. M-learning could fulfil an invaluable role in the communication process of distance education and may be of great assistance to overcome needs, barriers and challenges. / Thesis (MEd (Education Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Management guidelines for the implementation of m-learning in an open distance learning model / Johan Redelinghuys.

Redelinghuys, Johan January 2012 (has links)
Various modern communication technologies are available to higher education institutions involved in distance education to explore and implement for the effective provision of distance education programmes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of m- learning as part of distance education and to develop guidelines for the management of m- learning in an open distance learning model. The aims of this study are thus to determine the role of m-learning in open distance education, identifying challenges to implement m- learning as part of an open distance learning model and finally to develop generic management guidelines to implement m-learning as part of open distance education. Quantitative research was undertaken using a survey questionnaire to acquire data for this research. The study population included students enrolled for distance education programmes at the NWU and accredited facilitators/lecturers employed by the NWU at tuition centres throughout SA facilitating distance education programmes. A total of 350 questionnaires (100 facilitators/lecturers questionnaire and 250 questionnaires for students) was sent out to all tuition centres to collect data for this research. Two different questionnaires were developed to suit the needs of each group. A total of 80.5% of completed questionnaires was returned. The literature study of this research included concept clarifications of distance education and m-learning. The need for effective management and organizational structures for the delivery of distance education programmes utilising m-learning were investigated to gain an understanding of the complexities associated with an open distance education modus. The information from the literature study and the empirical section of this research contributed to the development of generic guidelines to implement m-learning as part of an open distance education modus. In addition, aspects having an influence on the effective delivery of distance education programmes, were part of the questionnaires sent to respondents. These aspects included accessibility to resources utilising mobile devices, flexibility of programme delivery, affordability of programmes, interactivity between all role players in distance education and aspects that could influence anywhere and anytime learning. Furthermore, the different modes of delivering distance education programmes were explained. Challenges and barriers possibly having an influence in the delivery of distance education programmes through m-learning were included in the questionnaires sent out to respondents. Advantages and disadvantages as well as the needs regarding the use of cell phones in the delivery of programmes were identified in order to understand the role of m-learning and identifying relevant management guidelines for the implementation of m-learning. Evidently, a response from the questionnaires was that the quality of teaching and learning according to the perceptions of m-learning amongst both groups were of more importance to students than with facilitators/lecturers. Students expressed a need to receive more academic information on their mobile devices and the majority of students and facilitators/lecturers indicated that they prefer receiving information regarding their studies through m-learning. Accessibility, affordability, interactivity and flexibility in delivering distance education programmes were aspects of importance to both groups of respondents. Administrative and academic support and the need thereof in delivering programmes through m-learning were evident in the research. Affordability in accessing information via mobile technologies is a concern for both groups of respondents. The training of all role players regarding the skills of downloading information about teaching and learning on their cell phones is a need for both groups. Once this training need for the utilisation of m-learning is addressed, more students and facilitators/lecturers may use this user-friendly technology to communicate with one another and with institutions. M-learning could fulfil an invaluable role in the communication process of distance education and may be of great assistance to overcome needs, barriers and challenges. / Thesis (MEd (Education Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Does social support moderate between job characteristics, management communication and job satisfaction? / Raboroko N.J.

Raboroko, Ntswaki Julia January 2011 (has links)
The South African mining industry is facing rising levels of skills shortage. According to reports, there are a number of reasons for this, one being the low number of graduates who enrol for engineering related qualifications versus the number of graduates who eventually graduate with an engineering qualification. More emphasis needs to be placed on bursaries for university candidates, as well as training in organisations, to groom graduates in this field. The main purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between job characteristics, communication with the manager, organisational commitment, social support and job satisfaction for a sample of employees in South Africa, and specifically to determine whether social support plays a moderating role in this relationship. The participants were a convenience sample of trainees in a mining training academy, in the North–West Province. Participants’ informed consent was sought by explaining what the general purpose of the study is as well as including on the cover page of the questionnaire information around details of the study. Participants had the option of either posting the questionnaires after completing it in their own time (stamped envelope was supplied) or handing the completed questionnaire into their human resource department. This method allowed everyone to complete the questionnaire in their own time. Regarding the relationship between job characteristics (i.e. job autonomy, job challenge, and communication with the manager); all were positively correlated to the outcome variable, namely job satisfaction. None of the interaction terms were significant predictors of the outcome variable (job satisfaction). A conclusion can be drawn from this that social support does not have a moderating effect on the relationship between the measured independent variables (job characteristics and manager communication) and the outcome variable (job satisfaction). However, when only social support from supervisor and colleagues and the job characteristics were considered, it was seen that job autonomy, feedback and social support from colleagues are significant predictors of job satisfaction. This finding indicates that it is not only important for trainees to experience autonomy in the execution of their tasks, but that they also need collegial support and good feedback about such performance in order to experience job satisfaction. In conclusion, recommendations for future research were made. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Does social support moderate between job characteristics, management communication and job satisfaction? / Raboroko N.J.

Raboroko, Ntswaki Julia January 2011 (has links)
The South African mining industry is facing rising levels of skills shortage. According to reports, there are a number of reasons for this, one being the low number of graduates who enrol for engineering related qualifications versus the number of graduates who eventually graduate with an engineering qualification. More emphasis needs to be placed on bursaries for university candidates, as well as training in organisations, to groom graduates in this field. The main purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between job characteristics, communication with the manager, organisational commitment, social support and job satisfaction for a sample of employees in South Africa, and specifically to determine whether social support plays a moderating role in this relationship. The participants were a convenience sample of trainees in a mining training academy, in the North–West Province. Participants’ informed consent was sought by explaining what the general purpose of the study is as well as including on the cover page of the questionnaire information around details of the study. Participants had the option of either posting the questionnaires after completing it in their own time (stamped envelope was supplied) or handing the completed questionnaire into their human resource department. This method allowed everyone to complete the questionnaire in their own time. Regarding the relationship between job characteristics (i.e. job autonomy, job challenge, and communication with the manager); all were positively correlated to the outcome variable, namely job satisfaction. None of the interaction terms were significant predictors of the outcome variable (job satisfaction). A conclusion can be drawn from this that social support does not have a moderating effect on the relationship between the measured independent variables (job characteristics and manager communication) and the outcome variable (job satisfaction). However, when only social support from supervisor and colleagues and the job characteristics were considered, it was seen that job autonomy, feedback and social support from colleagues are significant predictors of job satisfaction. This finding indicates that it is not only important for trainees to experience autonomy in the execution of their tasks, but that they also need collegial support and good feedback about such performance in order to experience job satisfaction. In conclusion, recommendations for future research were made. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Vyf dogters van Eva skilder ‘n engel : die gebruik van terapeutiese kuns in die uitlewing van spirituele identiteit by die jong volwasse vrou (Afrikaans)

Strydom, Marina 28 April 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In die tyd waarin ons leef is daar 'n wêreldwye oplewing in spiritualiteit. Mense raak al meer bewus van die feit dat hulle ook spirituele wesens is. Desnieteenstaande vind baie mense, veral Christene, dit moeilik om hul spiritualiteit uit te leef, aangesien tradisionele geestelike dissiplines nie noodwendig hul behoefte genoegsaam aanspreek nie. In hierdie studie is daar ondersoek ingestel na die gebruik van terapeutiese kuns as geestelike dissipline in die uitlewing van spirituele identiteit by die jong volwasse vrou. Terapeutiese kuns, wat as 'n hibried van tradisionele kunsterapie beskou kan word, het anders as kunsterapie 'n estetiese eindproduk ten doel nie, maar sou ook terapeuties van waarde kon wees. Die effek van 'n estetiese eindproduk op die skepper van die werk kan nie onderskat word nie. Estetika kan 'n belangrike element wees in die ervaring van God. Die estetiese aard van terapeutiese kuns staan daarom in diens van die uitlewing van spirituele identiteit. Dit is juis hierdie blootstelling aan skoonheid en ander estetiese ervarings wat 'n persoon se emosies kan transendeer en blootstel aan die groter, aangrypende realiteit van God. Die teologiese vertrekpunt waarvan hierdie navorsing uitgaan is gegrond in postfundamentele teologie met klem op bemagtigende, profeties-bevrydende, feministies-kontekstuele praktiese teologie. Die werkswyse wat die navorsing onderlê is die narratiewe benadering wat tuiskom binne sosiaal konstruksionisme. Daar word spesifiek gefokus op kwalitatiewe, feministiese, deelnemende navorsingsmetodologie. Die navorsing handel oor die verhaal van die Vyf Dogters van Eva, ek en vier mede-navorsers, wat deur die gebruik van terapeutiese kuns gesoek het na 'n manier om kuns in te span in die uitlewing van ons spirituele identiteit. Die waarde van hierdie navorsing is veral geleë in die feit dat dit gehandel het oor die werklike lewensverhale van vyf vroue en hul belewenis van terapeutiese kuns in die uitlewing van hul spiritualiteit. Die uitkoms van die navorsing is dus allesbehalwe 'n blote hipotese. Dit is "ervaarde werklikheid", wat hopelik ook vir ander van waarde sal kan wees. Alhoewel dit in hierdie studie duidelik word dat kuns en spirituele identiteit allesbehalwe onversoenbare terme is, bestaan daar steeds die persepsie in die kerk dat daar spanning tussen die kerk en kuns bestaan. Om hierdie rede word daar aandag gegee aan die verhaal van kuns in die kerk sedert die vroegste tyd, om sodoende te probeer verstaan waar hierdie spanning vandaan kom. Daar word ook gesoek na nuwe maniere om die verhouding tussen kuns en die kerk te beskou. Die veld van kunsterapie word ondersoek en daar word ondersoek ingestel na die treffende verband tussen kunsterapie en die narratiewe benadering. Daar word ook aandag gegee aan die vrou se unieke belewenis van haar spiritualiteit en geloofsontwikkeling, asook na spirituele identiteit, om sodoende verdere Iig te werp op die potensiele verhouding tussen kuns en geloof. Die belang van die ontwikkeling van 'n unieke simboolsisteem vir elke individu bestaande uit simbool, metafoor en ritueel in die beoefening van kuns as geloofsdissipline geniet ook aandag. ENGLISH: Recently there has been a worldwide revival in spirituality. People increasingly perceive themselves as spiritual beings. Yet lots of people, especially Christians, find it difficult to realise their spirituality. Traditional spiritual disciplines do not address this need sufficiently. In this research the use of therapeutic art as spiritual discipline in the realisation of spirituality in the young adult woman has been investigated. Therapeutic art, which can be seen as a hybrid of traditional art therapy, differs from art therapy in that it aims to achieve an aesthetic end product - yet it can be experienced as therapeutic. Although therapeutic art underlines the importance of aesthetics, it does not undermine the therapeutic process. The effect of an aesthetic end product on its creator can not be under estimated. Therapeutic art enhances the realisation of spiritual identity as its aesthetic quality serves as a means of experiencing God. It is this exposure to beauty and other aesthetic experiences that transcends an individual's emotions and exposes him/her to the greater, poignant reality of God. The theological basis of the research is grounded in postfoundational theology, focusing on empowering, prophetic-liberating, feministic-contextual practical theology. The research method is rooted in the narrative approach as found in social constructionism. Specific emphasis is placed on qualitative, feministic and participatory action research methodology. The research tells the story of the Five Daughters of Eve, myself and four co¬researchers, who use therapeutic art in search of the realisation of our spiritual identity. The research is not aimed at generalising outcomes. The outcome of the research is of specific value, due the fact that the true life stories of five women and their experience of therapeutic art in the realisation of their spirituality is highlighted. The outcome of the research is not only a hypothesis - it is based on 'experienced reality' that aims to serve as a contextual framework for others in search of the realisation of their spiritual identity. Research findings clearly support the fact that art and spiritual identity are not irreconcilable ideas. The relationship between the church and art are often perceived as strenuous. As point of departure, it is attempted to create an understanding for the narrative of the church and art. A common basis of understanding is required to fully comprehend the reason for this tension. As far as the relationship between the church and art is concerned, a search is undertaken towards new ways of understanding. The art therapy field is examined and used as basis for explanation. Research focuses on the connection between art therapy and the narrative approach. The unique experience of women's spirituality and faith development, as well as spiritual identity in relation to the potential relationship between art and faith are exposed. Inquiry is conducted in the importance of a unique system of symbols, consisting of symbol, metaphor and ritual in the pursuit of art as spiritual discipline. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Die invloed van ‘n kommunikasiegerigte opleidingswerkswinkel op die interaksie tussen verpleegpersoneel en persone met Alzheimer-Siekte (AS) in ‘n versorgingseenheid (Afrikaans)

Schoeman, Nicolene 05 June 2007 (has links)
Professional and personal caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) receive little or no training with regards to the nature, course and accompanying communication challenges of this illness (Haak, 2003). The main aim of the research study was to investigate the interaction between nursing home staff and persons with AD with in a nursing home context, before and after attending a communication-orientated educational workshop for the nursing home staff. Research was carried out by using multiple single case studies. A pre-experimental design was used as the research method. The four participants’ communication skills (verbal, nonverbal and paralinguistic) were evaluated by using the Pragmatic Protocol (Prutting and Kirchner, 1987). Their listening skills were observed and scored according to the Checklist of listening behaviours (Hartley, 1995). A questionnaire was designed to measure the participants’ knowledge and perceptions of different AD aspects. Various shortcomings were identified in the interaction process which highlights the importance of training staff to become competent in using communication strategies that facilitate more successful interaction with persons with AD. The communication-orientated educational workshop (event of the study) was designed according to the data that was collected and based on the person-centred approach of Kitwood (1997). The participants’ communication and listening skills, knowledge and perceptions were evaluated again in the posttest (after the workshop) to determine whether or not there had been a change in these areas. A general view of all the participants’ results showed that there was a significant change in their communication and listening skills. The interaction process was more appropriate during the posttest in comparison to the results that were obtained in the pretest. The participants’ interaction were based more on the principles of the person-centred approach to dementia care than the pretest. There had been a noticeable increase after the workshop in the participants’ knowledge and change to a more positive perception towards persons with AD and the illness. The conclusion has been reached that attendance and participation in a communication-orientated educational workshop leads to more positive interaction with persons with AD. This study has motivated the need for dementia care that is based on the principles of the person-centred approach. It is suggested that an increase in the person-centred approach leads to improvement in quality of life of persons with AD as well as the decrease of the effect of institutionalization in a nursing home setting. Suggestions for future research include that attention should be given to educational programmes with regards to communication strategies for persons with AD. It has furthermore been suggested to approach managers of nursing homes regarding future inservice training of their nursing home staff. / Dissertation (M(Communication Pathology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / unrestricted

Die rol van die liturgie in die fasilitering van 'n ontmoeting tussen God en "soekers" (Afrikaans)

Malherbe, Pieter Abraham 15 October 2010 (has links)
Hoofstuk een handel oor die worsteling van die NG Kerk om 'n dalende tendens in erediensbywoning die hoof te bied en die beste benadering te vind ten opsigte van vernuwing in die erediens, sodat ook mense wat nie deel van die kerk is nie, belang sal stel om eredienste by te woon. Die erediens is 'n byeenkoms waar mense op uitnodiging van God bymekaar kom, maar hoe moet sodanige byeenkomste ingerig word sodat mense dit werklik as 'n ontmoeting met God sal ervaar? Hoe belangrik is dit om 'n liturgiese orde in sodanige byeenkomste te volg en watter rol speel die reformatoriese liturgie om 'n ontmoeting tussen God en mens te fasiliteer? Wat moet in die proses van liturgiese vernuwing behou of laat vaar word? In hoofstuk twee word duidelikheid verkry of die reformatoriese liturgie inderdaad interensiek kommunikatief van aard is en of die erediensganger, deur middel van die liturgie, God al luisterende in die erediens kan ervaar. Die reformatoriese liturgie word vervolgens vanuit `n hermeneuties-kommunikatiewe handelingsteoretiese perspektief bespreek ten einde sekerheid te verkry dat God ook deur middel van die reformatoriese liturgie in die erediens aan die werk is. Die basis van die praktiese teologie is `n hermeneuties-kommunikatiewe praxis (Van der Ven 1990:47). Dit beteken dat die homiletiek ook vanuit `n hermeneutieskommunikatiewe perspektief verstaan kan word (Vos 1996:11-12). Hermeneutiek is die refleksie op die proses van die koms van God in sy Woord na die mens in sy situasie, waarin drie momente onderskei kan word: die verstaan (begrip), die verstaanbaar maak (verklaar) en die tot verstaan kom (toe-eien). Die hermeneutiese komponent van die praktiese teologie (Van der Ven 1990:54-55) word hier vir die homiletiek diensbaar gemaak. Hermeneutiek handel oor die verstaan van die Woord, die verstaanbaar maak daarvan binne die eie kultuur en die tot verstaan kom van die mens vir wie die heil bedoel is (Vos 1996:12). Dit moet as uitgangspunt dien wanneer besin word oor die aanbieding van die evangelie aan mense van `n nie-kerklike agtergrond sodat hulle in die erediens-gebeure gelei kan word tot `n ontmoeting met God en verlossing deur Jesus Christus. In hoofstuk drie word die herkoms van die huidige reformatoriese liturgie aan die orde gestel ten einde aan te toon hoe sterk die liturgie in die vroeë kerk gefunksioneer het en hoe dit deur die eeue gegroei het tot dit wat ons huidiglik in die reformatoriese tradisie ken. Dit sluit in besinning oor die betekenis van die begrip “liturgie” en die ontwikkeling daarvan in die byeenkomste van die volk van God. Dit sluit die orde waarin die erediens verloop in, maar is baie meer as net dit. Liturgie is die diens aan God wat telkens weer vorm aanneem in `n bepaalde erediens (Barnard 1981:52; Van der Ven 1990:48; Vos 1996c:150-151). In hoofstuk vier word die gespreksmatigheid van die liturgiese gebeure, insluitend die preek, ondersoek. Die taal van die liturgie word ondersoek op die basis van 'n keuse vir die dialogiese kommunikasieteorie. Dit is juis omdat die verskillende liturgiese elemente kommunikatief in die erediens funksioneer, dat elkeen belangrik is, met groot omsigtigheid aangewend moet word en nie sonder goeie rede weggelaat kan word gedurende 'n erediens nie. In hoofstuk vyf word gefokus op wat met die term “soeker sensitiewe eredienste” bedoel word. Hoe het die begrip deur die geskiedenis ontwikkel en hoe word dit in verskillende denominasies verstaan? Die Willow Creek Gemeente in Chicago, VSA, onder leiding van pastoor Bill Hybels, staan algemeen bekend as die baanbreker op die gebied van ‘seekerservices’ (Long 2001:7). In die konteks van die NG Kerk in Suid-Afrika is dit nodig om hiervan kennis te neem, aangesien die bevindings in Kerkspieël 2005 daarop wys dat erediensbywoning in die NG Kerk steeds aan die afneem is en daar toenemend afgewyk word van die tradisionele liturgiese inkleding van die liturgie. Sal `n soortgelyke benadering as dié van Willow Creek, in Suid-Afrika en spesifiek in die NG Kerk suksesvol wees om mense wat nie meer belangstel in lidmaatskap van `n kerk of die bywoning van eredienste nie, weer terug te bring? Bevat die “tradisionele gereformeerde liturgie” inherente eienskappe wat `n ontmoeting tussen God en mens in die erediens waarborg? In hoofstuk ses word aangetoon wat die belang van `n Bybels-gefundeerde liturgie in die fasilitering van `n ontmoeting tussen God en die soeker in die erediens is. `n Voorbeeld van so `n liturgie en preek word voorsien en terreine vir verdere navorsing op die gebied word vermeld. ENGLISH : Chapter one describes the struggle of the Dutch Reformed Church to curb a decline in church attendance and to find the best approach towards shaping the worship service in order to attract churchmembers as well as the “unchurched.” In the worship service people come together because God has invited them, but how should such a meeting be structured so that people would experience it as a meeting with God? How important is a liturgical order in such meetings and what is the role of reformed liturgy in order to facilitate a meeting between God and man in the worship service? What should be kept and what should be discarded in the process of liturgical reformation? Chapter two seeks to clarify whether reformed liturgy is in fact essentialy communicative and if those attending a worship service can experience God in the liturgy by listening to all that is happening during the service. The reformed liturgy is thus researched from a hermeneuticalcommunicative acting theory perspective in order to determine whether God is indeed at work through reformed liturgy during worship. The basis of practical theology is a hermeneuticalcommunicative praxis (Van der Ven 1990:47). This means that homiletics can be understood from a hermeneutic-communicative perspective (Vos 1996:11-12). Hermeneutics is a reflection on the process of the coming of God in Scripture to man in his situation, in which three processes can be determined: understanding it (comprehension), to make it understandable (explaining) and to come to the conclusion (make it your own). The hermeneutical component of practical theology (Van der Ven 1990:54-55) is applied to homiletics. Hermenetics is all about understanding Scripture, to make it understandable within the own culture and the process of understanding of the person for whom the grace is intended (Vos 1996:12). That must be the starting point when the Gospel is presented to unchurched people so that they can be brought into a relationship with God and salvation through Jesus Christ in a worship service. In chapter three the origin of the current reformed liturgy is presented in order to show how strongly the liturgy functioned in the early church and how it developed to become what we recognise today in the reformed tradition. This includes reflection on the meaning of the term “liturgy” and its development in the congregation of Gods people. It includes the order of liturgical actions in the service, but it is more than just that. Liturgy is the service unto God which takes on a new form in a specific worship service (Barnard 1981:52; Van der Ven 1990:48; Vos 1996c:150-151). In chapter four the aspect of conversational identity of the liturgical actions, including the sermon, is researched. The language of liturgy is researched on the basis of a choice for the dialogical communicative theory. It is indeed because of the communicative identity of the liturgical elements that each and every one of them is important, should be applied with great circumspection and should not be left out during the worship service without good reason. In chapter five it is determined what is meant by the term “seeker services”. How did the term developed through the ages and how is it understood in different denominations? Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago, USA, under the leadership of Pastor Bill Hybels, is viewed as the pioneer on the aspect of “seeker services” (Long 2001:7). In the context of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa, it is vital to take note of the “seeker services”, as it has become apparant that the number of people attending church is declining and that congregations are more and more deviating from the traditional reformed liturgy. Will the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa benefit by following Willow Creeks’s approach to bring back people that have lost interest in membership of a church as well as attending worship services? Does reformed liturgy contain interinsic caracteristics that guarantees a devine meeting between God and those who attend worship services? In chapter six the significance of a Scripture-based liturgy in facilitating an experience of a devine meeting between God and “seekers” is determined. An example of such a liturgy is provided and subjects for further research are suggested. / Dissertation (MA(Theol))--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

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