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Wes-Rand streek gesondheidsklinieke as konteks vir vroeë kommunikasie intervensie (VKI)(Afrikaans)Barkhuizen, Cordelia 20 October 2009 (has links)
AFRIKAANS : Rasionaal: Die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks is heterogeen van aard en word gekenmerk deur ʼn kontinuum van ontwikkelende tot ontwikkelde gesondheidsdienste. Daar word beraam dat 55% van kinders (0-3 jaar) in landelike Suid-Afrikaanse gebiede woon, waar armoede heers en die infrastruktuur onvoldoende is. Die ongunstige omgewings omstandighede van talle kinders woonagtig in Suid-Afrika verhoog die risiko vir gestremdhede en plaas babas en kleuters in ʼn groter gevaar vir die ontwikkeling van ʼn kommunikasieafwyking, wat die behoefte aan effektiewe Vroeë Kommunikasie Intervensie (VKI) dienslewering in dié konteks beklemtoon. Primêre Gesondheidsorgklinieke (PGS) kan beskou word as die ideale konteks binne die Suid-Afrikaanse realiteit waar VKI programme en VKI dienslewering geïmplementeer kan word. Deur VKI dienslewering binne die Primêre Gesondheidsorgklinieke te implementeer, kan samewerkende dienslewering tussen VKI en Primêre Gesondheidsorg verhoog word. Beide die Primêre Gesondheidsorgmodel en die VKI benadering stel voorkoming en die vroeë identifikasie van afwykings as sentrale doelwit voor. Die implementering van VKI in die Suid-Afrikaanse Gesondheidsorgsisteem is deur talle navorsers geïdentifiseer as die wyse waarop die dienste aan babas en kleuters wat ʼn risiko toon vir die ontwikkeling van ʼn kommunikasieafwyking bevorder kan word. Deur die implementering van VKI dienslewering op die vlak van Primêre Gesondheidsorgklinieke, kan die basiese beginsels van VKI naamlik, dienslewering wat gemeenskapsgebaseerd, familie-gesentreerd, omvattend en gekoördineerd is, geïmplementeer word. Doel: Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal in watter mate Gesondheidsorgklinieke in die Wes-Rand streek as konteks vir die toepassing van VKI kan dien. Metode: ʼn Beskrywende kwantitatiewe opname is as navorsingsontwerp vir beide fases benut. Ten einde die doel van die studie te bereik, is die navorsing in twee fases uitgevoer, omdat die navorsingsproses kronologiese verloop het en daar eerstens in fase een gefokus is op die konteks vir diensverskaffing, en tweedens in fase twee op die diensverskaffers. Fase een het ʼn konteks analise behels om sodoende die fisiese konteks waarbinne die sorggewers en hul kinders wat ʼn risiko vertoon vir die ontwikkeling van ʼn kommunikasieprobleem dienste ontvang, te beskryf en te evalueer deur die voltooiing van ʼn afmerklys wat vooraf deur die navorser opgestel is. Fase twee het ʼn triangulasie navorsingsmetode benut deur gebruik te maak van ʼn gestruktureerde onderhoudskedule, sowel as die voltooiing van ʼn opgestelde vraelys. Die afmerklys in fase een, die gestruktureerde onderhoudskedule, en die vraelys in fase twee het as data-insamelingstegnieke vir die navorsingsprojek gedien. Respondente en Deelnemers: Vir Fase 1 is 12 Primêre Gesondheidsorgklinieke in die drie sub-distrikte van die Wes-Rand distrik benut vir die konteksanalise. Vir Fase 2 is agt terapeute in hulle gemeenskapsdiensjaar wat werksaam is in die Wes-Rand distrik as deelnemers benut vir die bespreking van die vooraf geïdentifiseerde temas gedurende die gestruktureerde onderhoudskedule. 34 gemeenskapsverpleegkundiges van die Wes-Rand distrik is as respondente gebruik vir die voltooiing van die vraelys. Bevindinge: Die bevindinge het daarop gedui dat die Primêre Gesondheidsorgklinieke nie voldoende toegerus is vir die verskaffing van VKI dienslewering nie, ten spyte van die teenwoordigheid van risikofaktore onder die kliniekpopulasie. Verder was daar geen VKI bemarkings-, evaluasie- en intervensiemateriaal in die klinieke beskikbaar nie. Resultate het egter daarop gedui dat daar op ʼn weeklikse basis by elkeen van die Primêre Gesondheidsorgklinieke die moontlikheid bestaan van ʼn VKI span, aangesien daar ʼn spraak-taalterapeut, arbeidsterapeut, fisioterapeut, dieetkundige, maatskaplike werker, mediese dokter en verpleegkundige weekliks op dieselfde dag beskikbaar is. Die gemeenskapdiensjaarterapeute was positief ten opsigte van vroeë identifikasie en sekondêre voorkoming as sleutelkomponente van VKI. In teenstelling met die terapeute se positiwiteit t.o.v. vroeë identifikasie en voorkoming en in ooreenstemming met die bevindinge in Fase 1, was die terapeute van mening dat VKI tans nie suksesvol binne die Primêre Gesondheidsorgklinieke geïmplementeer sal kan word. Die gemeenskapsverpleegkundiges se kennis rakende VKI en aspekte wat verband hou met VKI was nie bevredigend nie. Die verpleegkundiges se houding jeens ʼn spanbenadering was positief, wat aan die spraak-taalterapeute die geleentheid bied om in samewerking met die verpleegkundiges die implementering van VKI binne hierdie konteks te motiveer en te implementeer. Gevolgtrekking: Die resultate van die navorsing hou implikasies in vir die rol van die spraak-taalterapeut ten opsigte van gemeenskapsgebaseerde intervensie, voorkoming, vroeë identifikasie, en die opleiding en bemagtiging van sorggewers en spanlede wat betref VKI binne die Suid-Afrikaanse Primêre Gesondheidsorgklinieke. Die behoefte aan verdere navorsing in die veld is deur die bevindinge van die studie beklemtoon. ENGLISH : Rationale: The South- African context is a heterogeneous context that is characterized by a continuum of developing to developed health care services. It is estimated that 55% of children (0 to 3 years) live in rural areas with insufficient infrastructure and under extreme conditions of poverty. Children living in South Africa are at greater risk for the development of a communication disorder due to the unfavourable environmental circumstances that they live in, which emphasizes the need for Early Communication Intervention (ECI) services in South Africa. Primary Health Care Clinics can be seen as the ideal context within South Africa where ECI programs and service delivery can be implemented. Both the Primary Health Care Model and the principles of ECI service delivery focuses on prevention and early identification of developmental disorders as their main goal. Many authors view the implementation of ECI in South Africa’s health system as the way in which the appropriate services can be provided to babies and infants that are at-risk for a communication disorder. Implementing ECI on the level of the Primary Healthcare will allow for the provision of services that are in accordance with the basic principles of service delivery stipulated by ASHA (1989), namely services that are community-based, family-centered, coordinated and comprehensive. Aim: The main purpose of the study was to determine the degree in which the Primary Health Care Clinics in the West-Rand district can be used for the implementation of Early Communication Intervention (ECI). Method: An exploratory, descriptive and contextual research design was implemented for both phases, which incorporated both quantitative and qualitative paradigms. This study was conducted in two phases. In Phase One a context analysis was conducted, where by a checklist was completed by the researcher, in order to describe and evaluate the context where children who are at risk for the development of a communication disorder, and their parents, may receive services. In Phase two a triangulation method was followed and the researcher made use of a structured interview to discuss the themes and a questionnaire in order to obtain information regarding the perception of the nurses and community service therapists on ECI services and the implementation of ECI services in the Primary Health Care Clinics. The checklist in phase one, the structured interview, and the questionnaire in phase two were used as data collection methods during this research project. Respondents and Participants: For the context analysis in Phase One, 12 Primary Health Care Clinics in the West-Rand district were used. Phase Two utilized 8 therapists as participants that were employed by the Wes-Rand health district to complete their community service year. 34 community nurses, employed by the West-Rand district were utilized as respondents and completed the questionnaire. Results: The findings of the study indicated that the Primary Health Care Clinics were not appropriately equipped for the implementation of ECI service delivery, despite the presence of risk-factors under babies and children visiting the clinics. There were no available ECI marketing-, assessment-, and intervention material at the clinics. It is promising to have found that there is the possibility of the implementation of an ECI team at each of the clinics, seeing that there is a speech-language therapist, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, dietician, social worker, medical doctor and nurse available on the same day on a weekly basis. The community service therapists were positive regarding early identification and the secondary prevention of communication disorders as key components of the ECI process. In contrast with their positive attitudes towards these aspects, they were of the opinion that due to proposed challenges in this context, at this stage, it will not be possible to implement the ECI process in the Primary Health Care Clinics. The community nurse’s knowledge regarding ECI and the aspects related to ECI were not appropriate. Despite this, they demonstrated a positive attitude towards the implementation of a team approach, which gives the speech-language therapist’s the opportunity to work with the nursing staff in a team approach, to implement ECI within the Primary Health Care Clinics. The participants in Phase Two were aware of the importance of ECI and the need for ECI services in this context, but they were of the opinion that the implementation of ECI in this Primary Health Care Context would not be possible due to a variety of reasons. The respondents in Phase Two demonstrated inappropriate knowledge and awareness regarding ECI, communication development, communication disorders and the role of the speech-language therapist and audiologist in the Primary Health Care Context. The majority of the respondents were positive about in-service ECI training, regardless of their limited knowledge thereof. Conclusion: The results have implications for the role of the speech-language therapist in terms of community-based intervention, prevention, early identification, parent training and informing colleagues about ECI within the South African Primary Health Care Clinics. The need for further research in this field is emphasized. Copyright / Dissertation (MComm Path)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / Unrestricted
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Egpare se belewing van hulle huweliksverhouding voor en na 'n miokardiale infarksie (Afrikaans)Goosen, Helletje 18 November 2005 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Dissertation (MA (Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Psychology / unrestricted
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The impact of mission-directed work teams on job satisfaction of employeesVermeulen, Cobie 12 July 2010 (has links)
A company’s success is predominantly measured by how well it does financially. Management and shareholders are interested in increased production and profits. In order to increase the profit margin, the issue of productivity needs to be addressed. Research had shown that there is a correlation between job satisfaction and productivity (Clark, 2003:1; Javed, Maqsood&Durrani, 2004:7; Syptak, Marsland&Ulmer, 1999:26). Sugarbird, a division of Pioneer Foods Pty (Ltd), one of South Africa’s leading food manufacturers, has embarked on integrating the Mission-Directed Work Team programme (MDWT programme) into Sugarbird’s daily operating activities. This programme focuses on the development and establishment of meaningful practices that can be implemented throughout an organization in order to provide management and employees with the skills to benchmark themselves against world-best practices. As the basis of this study the researcher had chosen applied research, with the aim to evaluate the impact of the MDWT programme on job satisfaction at Sugarbird and to answer the following research question: “Does the MDWT programme have a positive impact on job satisfaction?” The population considered in this study was the 100 ground-level workers at Sugarbird. On the day and time the questionnaire was administered, 79 employees (23 males and 55 females) were present on site and were included in the study. Before the MDWT programme was launched in April 2007, an internal climate survey was conducted which indicated that employees experienced low levels of job satisfaction and that communication, transparency, decision-making and acknowledgement were issues that needed to be addressed. For the purpose of this study a questionnaire was designed to determine whether the MDWT programme had an impact on these variables. The results of the study indicated that the MDWT programme does have a positive impact on job satisfaction and that employees have taken ownership of this initiative. Employees are in general satisfied with the communication strategies within Sugarbird and it is positive to note that the majority of employees trust their supervisors. The majority of employees stated that they are satisfied with the manner in which transparency at Sugarbird is dealt with. An overwhelming majority of employees think that the opinion of workers is important in decision-making regarding day-to-day activities. When focusing on general opinions of employees, a significant number of employees indicated that their opinions are not being heard. All employees are in agreement that Sugarbird has a formal incentive programme that recognises employees’ achievements and the majority of employees indicated that Sugarbird does indeed acknowledge positive inputs from employees. There is however a strong discrepancy between the acknowledgements of major- versus small accomplishments as employees are of the opinion that major accomplishments are more easily recognised. In conclusion, it could be stated that the MDWT programme do have an impact on the job satisfaction levels of employees at Sugarbird and that communication, transparency, decision-making and acknowledgement did improve due to the MDWT programme. AFRIKAANS : ‘n Organisasie se sukses hang hoofsaaklik daarvan af van hoe goed dit finansieël doen. Bestuur en aandeelhouers stel belang in verhoogde produksie en profit. Ten einde die winsmarge te verhoog moet produktiwiteit aangespreek word. Navorsing het bewys dat daar ‘n korrelasie tussen werkstevredenheid and produktiwiteit bestaan (Clark, 2003:1; Javed, Maqsood&Durrani, 2004:7; Syptak, Marsland&Ulmer, 1999:26). Sugarbird, ‘n divisie van Pioneer Foods Pty (Ltd) wat een van Suid Afrika se grootste voedselvervaardigers is, het ‘n Missie-Gefokusde Werkspan program [Mission-Directed Work Team programme (MDWT programme)] geimplementeer wat geïntegreer word in Sugarbird se daaglikse bedryfsaktiwiteite. Hierdie program fokus op die ontwikkeling en vestiging van betekenisvolle praktyke wat geïmplementeer kan word regdeur die organisasie ten einde bestuur en werknemers toe te rus met vaardighede waarmee hul hulself kan meet teenoor wêreld-beste praktyke. As basis vir hierdie studie het die navorser besluit op toegepaste navorsing, met die doelwit om die impak van die MDWT program op werkstevredenheid by Sugarbird te evalueer asook om die volgende navorsingsvraag te beantwoord: “Het die MDWT program ‘n positiewe impak op werkstevredenheid?” Hierdie studie se bestudeerde populasie was die 100 grondvlakwerkers by Sugarbird. Tydens die voltooiing van die vraelys, was daar 79 werknemers (23 manlik en 55 vroulik) teenwoordig wat almal by die studie ingesluit is. Alvorens die bekendstelling en implementering van die MDWT program in April 2007 is ‘n interne klimaatstudie gedoen wat aangedui het dat werknemers lae vlakke van werkstevredenheid openbaar het. Kommunikasie, deursigtigheid, besluitneming asook erkenning is aangedui as kwessies wat aangespreek moet word. Vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie is ‘n vraelys ontwikkel om te bepaal of die MDWT-program ‘n impak op hierdie veranderlikes gehad het. Die resultate van die studie dui aan dat die MDWTvii program wel ‘n positiewe impak op werkstevredenheid gehad het en dat werknemers eienaarskap van hierdie inisiatief geneem het. Oor die algemeen is werknemers tevrede met die kommunikasiestrategieë binne Sugarbird en is dit positief om te meld dat die meerderheid van werknemers hul toesighouers vertrou. Die meerderheid van werknemers het aangedui dat hulle tevrede is met die wyse waarop deursigtigheid by Sugarbird hanteer word en is van mening dat die opinie van werknemers belangrik geag word tydens dag-tot-dag besluite. ‘n Beduidende hoeveelheid werknemers het egter aangedui dat hulle algemene opinies nie gehoor word nie. Al die werknemers stem saam dat Sugarbird oor ‘n formele erkenningsprogram beskik wat erkenning gee aan werknemers se prestasies. Die meerderheid van werknemers het verder aangedui dat Sugarbird positiewe insette van werknemers erken. Daar is egter ‘n diskrepansie tussen die erkenning van groot- teenoor klein prestasies en die werknemers is van opinie dat groot prestasies meer geredelik erken word. Samevattend kan aangevoer word dat die MDWT-program ‘n positiewe impak op werkstevredenheid van werknemers by Sugarbird gehad het en dat kommunikasie, deursigtigheid, besluitneming en erkenning wel verbeter het as gevolg van die MDWT-program. Copyright / Dissertation (MSocSci)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted
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Die invloed van skofwerk op ouer-kindverhoudingeLötter, Martinus Johannes 30 November 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / 'n Ondersoek is onderneem om vas te stel watter invloed skofwerk op ouerkindverhoudinge
'n Literatuurstudie is uitgevoer om die invloed van skofwerk op mense en
gesinsfunksies te bepaal. Vraelyste ten opsigte van die ouer-kindverhouding en
gesinskommunikasie is geïdentifiseer en aangepas.
Uit die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek is geen beduidende verskil gevind in die
globale verhouding tussen ouers en kinders by gesinne waar ouers skofte werk en
gesinne waar ouers nie skofte werk nie. 'n Beduidende verski1 in die kenverhouding
tussen ouers en kinders bet voorgekom. Daar is bevind dat ouer adolessente 'n
swakker gesags- en vertrouensverhouding met bulle ouers het as jonger adolessente in
gesinne waar die ouers skofte werk.
Opvoedkundige implikasies van die bevindinge is bespreek. Riglyne vir die
verbetering van die ken-, vertrouens- en gesagsverhouding tussen ouers en kinders is
aan ouers en onderwysers gestel. Laastens is voorstelle vir verdere navorsing
An investigation was wtdertaken to detennine the intluence of shift work on parent~
child relationships.
A literature study was done to detennine the influence of shift work on people and
family functions. Questionnaires dealing with the parent-child relationship and
family communication were identified and adapted.
According to the results of the empirical investigation no significant differences were
found in general parent-child relationships between families where parents work shifts
and families where parents do not work shifts. A significant difference was found in
the relationship of knowing between shift working parents and childnm. lt was foWld
that older adolescents have a weaker relationship of authority and trust in families
where parents work shifts.
The educational implications of the findings are discussed. Guidelines for a better
relationship of knowing, authority and trust between parent and child are given to
parents and teachers. Lastly, suggestions for further research are made. / Educational Studies / M. Ed.(Guidance and Couselling)
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The relationship between corporate communication efforts, client communication satisfaction and –relationship satisfaction, and client economic contribution within a financial services organisation / K. le RouxLe Roux, Karle January 2011 (has links)
After facing the economic recession, the South–African and global business sectors started
revaluating their human capital and the positions they represent within an organisation. Each
individual now had to prove that they contributed towards the organisation’s bottom line, as each
and every cent had to be counted and accounted for. Some functions within organisations could
easily prove their contribution towards the bottom line by providing production or sales outputs.
The public relations practitioners and the corporate communication efforts they offered, however,
faced a bleak future, as their contribution towards the tangible assets was very rarely recognised
(Kim, 2000:276).
The financial services sector however, in which an advisor’s contribution towards the
organisational bottom line is easily quantified, started to acknowledge the need for this sector to
improve upon its ‘softer’ intangible assets such as client communication and client relationships.
The sector believes that communication establishes relationships, and sound client relationships
is the only way to sell financial products and services, as people seldom entrust their life earnings
or financial dreams to strangers (Christiansen & DeVaney, 1998:7).
Public relations practitioners know how to use communication optimally in the quest for building
client relationships, and financial services need those skills in order to sell their products and
contribute towards the bottom line. These two functions could thus work together towards the
achievement of their goals - public relations to prove their bottom line contribution, and the
financial services sector towards improving client relationships.
These statements led to the general Research Question of this study: “What is the nature of the
relationship between (i) corporate communication efforts, (ii) client communication
satisfaction and (iii) client relationship satisfaction, and these concepts’ relationship to
(iv) client economic contribution, within a financial services organisation?”
This Research Question is answered from the systems theory as meta–theory with the support of
the strategic communication, excellence and relationship management theories, and Futurum
Financial Group (FFG) services as the financial services organisation for this study.
A qualitative and quantitative research approach was followed to establish the constructs, and the
relationships between the constructs.
The Financial Advisors and public relations practitioner in FFG have a good understanding of the
need for strategic communication efforts, and a relationship between their efforts and the client communication satisfaction and client relationship satisfaction could therefore be indicated. A
further relationship between the client communication satisfaction and client relationship
satisfaction and the client economic contribution was also established.
Recommendations to improve the situation within FFG included a better focus on database
administration, corporate communication consistency, Financial Advisor diligence, and providing
clients with more frequent updates regarding their financial situation. The greatest strengths were
client–advisor trust and corporate communication professionalism.
This study thus contributes to the argument that communication efforts add tangibly, by means of
client economic contribution, to the organisation’s bottom line, within the financial services
industry. The study furthermore provides some recommendations for the financial services
industry to improve their communication skills in order to build client relationships. / Thesis (M.A. (Communication Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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The relationship between corporate communication efforts, client communication satisfaction and –relationship satisfaction, and client economic contribution within a financial services organisation / K. le RouxLe Roux, Karle January 2011 (has links)
After facing the economic recession, the South–African and global business sectors started
revaluating their human capital and the positions they represent within an organisation. Each
individual now had to prove that they contributed towards the organisation’s bottom line, as each
and every cent had to be counted and accounted for. Some functions within organisations could
easily prove their contribution towards the bottom line by providing production or sales outputs.
The public relations practitioners and the corporate communication efforts they offered, however,
faced a bleak future, as their contribution towards the tangible assets was very rarely recognised
(Kim, 2000:276).
The financial services sector however, in which an advisor’s contribution towards the
organisational bottom line is easily quantified, started to acknowledge the need for this sector to
improve upon its ‘softer’ intangible assets such as client communication and client relationships.
The sector believes that communication establishes relationships, and sound client relationships
is the only way to sell financial products and services, as people seldom entrust their life earnings
or financial dreams to strangers (Christiansen & DeVaney, 1998:7).
Public relations practitioners know how to use communication optimally in the quest for building
client relationships, and financial services need those skills in order to sell their products and
contribute towards the bottom line. These two functions could thus work together towards the
achievement of their goals - public relations to prove their bottom line contribution, and the
financial services sector towards improving client relationships.
These statements led to the general Research Question of this study: “What is the nature of the
relationship between (i) corporate communication efforts, (ii) client communication
satisfaction and (iii) client relationship satisfaction, and these concepts’ relationship to
(iv) client economic contribution, within a financial services organisation?”
This Research Question is answered from the systems theory as meta–theory with the support of
the strategic communication, excellence and relationship management theories, and Futurum
Financial Group (FFG) services as the financial services organisation for this study.
A qualitative and quantitative research approach was followed to establish the constructs, and the
relationships between the constructs.
The Financial Advisors and public relations practitioner in FFG have a good understanding of the
need for strategic communication efforts, and a relationship between their efforts and the client communication satisfaction and client relationship satisfaction could therefore be indicated. A
further relationship between the client communication satisfaction and client relationship
satisfaction and the client economic contribution was also established.
Recommendations to improve the situation within FFG included a better focus on database
administration, corporate communication consistency, Financial Advisor diligence, and providing
clients with more frequent updates regarding their financial situation. The greatest strengths were
client–advisor trust and corporate communication professionalism.
This study thus contributes to the argument that communication efforts add tangibly, by means of
client economic contribution, to the organisation’s bottom line, within the financial services
industry. The study furthermore provides some recommendations for the financial services
industry to improve their communication skills in order to build client relationships. / Thesis (M.A. (Communication Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Invloed van skofwerk op ouer-kindverhoudingeLotter, Martinus Johannes 30 November 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / 'n Ondersoek is onderneem om vas te stel watter invloed skofwerk op ouerkindverhoudinge
'n Literatuurstudie is uitgevoer om die invloed van skofwerk op mense en
gesinsfunksies te bepaal. Vraelyste ten opsigte van die ouer-kindverhouding en
gesinskommunikasie is geïdentifiseer en aangepas.
Uit die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek is geen beduidende verskil gevind in die
globale verhouding tussen ouers en kinders by gesinne waar ouers skofte werk en
gesinne waar ouers nie skofte werk nie. 'n Beduidende verski1 in die kenverhouding
tussen ouers en kinders bet voorgekom. Daar is bevind dat ouer adolessente 'n
swakker gesags- en vertrouensverhouding met bulle ouers het as jonger adolessente in
gesinne waar die ouers skofte werk.
Opvoedkundige implikasies van die bevindinge is bespreek. Riglyne vir die
verbetering van die ken-, vertrouens- en gesagsverhouding tussen ouers en kinders is
aan ouers en onderwysers gestel. Laastens is voorstelle vir verdere navorsing
An investigation was wtdertaken to detennine the intluence of shift work on parent~
child relationships.
A literature study was done to detennine the influence of shift work on people and
family functions. Questionnaires dealing with the parent-child relationship and
family communication were identified and adapted.
According to the results of the empirical investigation no significant differences were
found in general parent-child relationships between families where parents work shifts
and families where parents do not work shifts. A significant difference was found in
the relationship of knowing between shift working parents and childnm. lt was foWld
that older adolescents have a weaker relationship of authority and trust in families
where parents work shifts.
The educational implications of the findings are discussed. Guidelines for a better
relationship of knowing, authority and trust between parent and child are given to
parents and teachers. Lastly, suggestions for further research are made. / Educational Studies / M. Ed.(Guidance and Couselling)
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The development of a neonatal communication intervention toolStrasheim, Esedra 06 August 2010 (has links)
Comprehensive management in the neonatal nursery involves medical treatment of the infant, as well as developmental care and the provision of guidance, counselling and information to the family who are part of the decision-making process regarding the infant’s care. Neonatal communication intervention is of utmost importance in a country such as South Africa, which has an increased prevalence of infants at risk for disabilities and where the majority of these infants live in poverty. Speech-language therapists fulfil an important role in the neonatal nursery and are an integral part of the team involved with the high risk neonatal population. Local literature showed a dearth of information on the current service delivery and roles of speech-language therapists and audiologists in neonatal nurseries in the South African context. From an asset-based perspective it appears that the South African population receiving services in neonatal nurseries have unique characteristics. This provides speech-language therapists with ample opportunity to intervene, providing that intervention is well-timed in the neonatal nursery context. The country-wide initiative to implement the evidence-based technique of kangaroo mother care indicates that speech-language therapists should recognise its importance and develop communication based materials and tools to complement this successful neonatal intervention. The aim of the research was to establish whether speech-language therapists have needs for assessment and intervention tools/materials in this context. The study furthermore aimed to compile a locally relevant neonatal communication intervention instrument/tool for use by speech-language therapists in the neonatal nurseries of public hospitals in South Africa in order to propose a solution to address the shortage of tools in the public health context. The study entailed descriptive, exploratory research. During Phase 1, a survey was received back from 39 speech-language therapists and two audiologists in six provinces. The data revealed that participants performed different roles in neonatal nurseries, which were determined by the environment, tools, materials and instrumentation available to them. Many participants were inexperienced, but were resourceful in their attempts to develop and adapt tools/materials. Participants expressed a need for culturally appropriate and user-friendly instruments for parent guidance and staff/team training on the topic of developmental care. During Phase 2 a tool for parent guidance titled “Neonatal communication intervention programme for parents” was compiled for use by speech-language therapists and justified by participants’ roles and needs as well as current early communication intervention (ECI) literature. The programme was piloted by three participants. Certain suggestions for enhancements of the programme were made such as providing a glossary of terms, adapting the programme’s language and terminology, and providing more illustrations. The programme complied with the guiding principles for best practice in ECI (ASHA, 2008) and can therefore contribute to neonatal care of high risk infants in South Africa. Speech-language therapists and audiologists must contribute to neonatal care of high risk infants to facilitate optimal health and development and to support their families. AFRIKAANS : Omvattende intervensie in die neonatale sorgeenheid behels mediese behandeling van die neonaat, sowel as ontwikkelingstoepaslike sorg en die verskaffing van leiding, berading en inligting aan die gesin wat deel is van die besluitnemingsproses rakende die baba se sorg. Neonatale kommunikasie intervensie is van uiterste belang in Suid-Afrika aangesien daar ‘n hoër prevalensie van babas is wat ‘n risiko het vir ontwikkelingsafwykings en aangesien die meerderheid van hierdie babas in armoede leef. Spraak-taalterapeute vervul ‘n belangrike rol in die neonatale sorgeenheid en is ‘n integrale deel van die span wat betrokke is by die hoërisiko neonatale populasie. Plaaslike literatuur dui op ‘n tekort aan inligting rakende die huidige dienslewering van die spraak-taalterapeut en oudioloog in neonatale sorgeenhede in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Vanuit ‘n bate-benadering kom dit voor of die Suid-Afrikaanse populasie wat dienste in neonatale sorgeenhede ontvang, unieke eienskappe het. Dit bied genoegsame geleenthede aan spraak-taalterapeute om intervensie te verskaf, solank die behandeling betyds in die neonatale sorgeenheid konteks aanvang neem. Daar is ‘n landswye inisiatief om die bewysgerigte tegniek van kangeroe moedersorg toe te pas. Spraak-taalterapeute moet dus die belang daarvan herken en kommunikasie gebasseerde terapiemateriaal ontwikkel om hierdie suksesvolle neonatale intervensie te komplementeer. Die navorsing se doel was om vas te stel hoe wyd spraak-taalterapeute en oudioloe ‘n behoefte aan evaluasie en intervensie instrumente en –materiaal in hierdie konteks het. Die navorsing het verder ten doel gestel om ‘n relevante terapie instrument saam te stel vir spraak-taalterapeute in die neonatale sorgeenhede as ‘n moontlike oplossing vir die tekort aan relevante terapiemateriaal in die plaaslike publieke gesondheidsorgkonteks. Die studie het beskrywende, eksplorerende navorsing behels. Gedurende Fase 1 is ‘n vraelys terug ontvang van 39 spraak-taalterapeute en twee oudioloë in ses provinsies. Die data het aangedui dat deelnemers verskillende rolle in hierdie konteks vervul, wat beïnvloed was deur die omgewing, die instrumentasie en materiaal wat tot hulle beskikking was. Die meerderheid van die deelnemers was onervare, maar was vindingryk in hulle pogings om terapiemateriaal aan te pas en te ontwikkel. Deelnemers het ‘n behoefte vir kultureel toepaslike- en gebruikersvriendelike instrumente en materiaal uitgedruk met die oog op ouerleiding en personeel/span opleiding oor die onderwerp van ontwikkelingstoepaslike sorg. Gedurende Fase 2 is ‘n terapie instrument naamlik “Neonatale kommunikasie intervensie program vir ouers” saamgestel vir die gebruik in die neonatale sorgeenhede deur spraak-taalterapeute. Die samestelling van hierdie program is verantwoord deur die deelnemers se rolbeskrywing en behoeftebepaling van Fase 1, sowel as deur huidige vroeë kommunikasie intervensie (VKI) literatuur. Die program is deur drie deelnemers in ‘n loodsstudie geëvalueer. Voorstelle vir die verbetering van die program is verskaf, naamlik die byvoeging van ‘n terminologielys, aanpassing van die program se taalgebruik en terminologie en verskaffing van meer illustrasies. Die program het ooreengestem met die beginsels vir beste praktyk in VKI (ASHA, 2008) en kan daarom tot neonatale sorg van hoërisikobabas in Suid-Afrika bydra. Spraak-taalterapeute en oudioloë moet bydra tot neonatale sorg van hoërisiko neonate om sodoende optimale gesondheidsorg en ontwikkeling te fasiliteer en gesinne te ondersteun. Copyright / Dissertation (MCommunication Pathology)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / unrestricted
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An analysis of the relationship between communication skills, communication apprehension and academic achievement of secondary phase learners / Zelda Michel MentoorMentoor, Zelda Michel January 2015 (has links)
This study indicates that communication skills and communication apprehension of English First
Additional Language (EFAL) learners are important aspects in teaching and learning, as well as for
academic performance. A learner‘s major hurdle to overcome in communication in a second
language classroom is a fear of failure. Communication skills and communication apprehension are
challenges teachers have to face in language classrooms. Communication barriers that may lead to
fear, distress and poor performance should be identified at an early stage. Therefore, it is critical for
teachers to know about the communication process, communication skills, and communication
apprehension to design positive solutions and teaching strategies to assist learners to overcome fear
of communication, especially in the area of second and additional languages. A sample of 779 male
and female learners in the secondary phase in Kannaland District, Western Cape participated in the
study. For this non-experimental quantitative study, data were gathered using two questionnaires,
Communication Skills Scale, and the Personal Report Communication Apprehension questionnaire.
To explore the relationship between communication skills, communication apprehension and
academic achievement, the first and second term EFAL marks of grades 7-9 learners were used. The
data were presented as descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlations and
comparisons. Results distinguished no differences between males, females, or grades. Findings
were discussed with regard to communication skills and the academic achievement, as well as
communication apprehension and academic achievement of the learners. Results indicate that there
is no significant relationship between communication skills and academic achievement.
Nevertheless, distinct relationships between communication skills and communication apprehension
(group work, meetings and public speaking) were established and discussed. Communication
apprehension (group work, conversations and in the classroom) and academic achievement
presented clear relationships that were reported in detail. The factors identified may have a negative
impact on learners‘ academic achievement in EFAL. Insight generated by the research in Kannaland
District, Western Cape will help to develop an understanding of the situations that affect the degree of
communication apprehension of secondary phase EFAL learners. It will allow for a better
understanding of the influence of communication skills and could assist teachers to understand EFAL
learners‘ fear, distress or ability to communicate. / MEd (Curriculum Development), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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An analysis of the relationship between communication skills, communication apprehension and academic achievement of secondary phase learners / Zelda Michel MentoorMentoor, Zelda Michel January 2015 (has links)
This study indicates that communication skills and communication apprehension of English First
Additional Language (EFAL) learners are important aspects in teaching and learning, as well as for
academic performance. A learner‘s major hurdle to overcome in communication in a second
language classroom is a fear of failure. Communication skills and communication apprehension are
challenges teachers have to face in language classrooms. Communication barriers that may lead to
fear, distress and poor performance should be identified at an early stage. Therefore, it is critical for
teachers to know about the communication process, communication skills, and communication
apprehension to design positive solutions and teaching strategies to assist learners to overcome fear
of communication, especially in the area of second and additional languages. A sample of 779 male
and female learners in the secondary phase in Kannaland District, Western Cape participated in the
study. For this non-experimental quantitative study, data were gathered using two questionnaires,
Communication Skills Scale, and the Personal Report Communication Apprehension questionnaire.
To explore the relationship between communication skills, communication apprehension and
academic achievement, the first and second term EFAL marks of grades 7-9 learners were used. The
data were presented as descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlations and
comparisons. Results distinguished no differences between males, females, or grades. Findings
were discussed with regard to communication skills and the academic achievement, as well as
communication apprehension and academic achievement of the learners. Results indicate that there
is no significant relationship between communication skills and academic achievement.
Nevertheless, distinct relationships between communication skills and communication apprehension
(group work, meetings and public speaking) were established and discussed. Communication
apprehension (group work, conversations and in the classroom) and academic achievement
presented clear relationships that were reported in detail. The factors identified may have a negative
impact on learners‘ academic achievement in EFAL. Insight generated by the research in Kannaland
District, Western Cape will help to develop an understanding of the situations that affect the degree of
communication apprehension of secondary phase EFAL learners. It will allow for a better
understanding of the influence of communication skills and could assist teachers to understand EFAL
learners‘ fear, distress or ability to communicate. / MEd (Curriculum Development), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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