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Die ontwikkeling en toepassing van ‘n voorlopige meetinstrument vir die bepaling van primêre sorggewers se behoeftes rakende die hantering van die persoon met ‘n traumatiese breinbesering (Afrikaans)Olivier, Melani 15 May 2007 (has links)
The primary goal of this study was to develop a preliminary tool to determine caregivers’ needs regarding the management of a person with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), during the acute rehabilitation period. The potential impact of TBI on family dynamics, interpersonal relationships and functional independence is well documented.To facilitate achievement of the main goal this study was divided into two phases. In the first phase, caregivers’ needs were determined by means of both qualitative and quantitative measurements in the form of structured and unstructured observations, the implementation of a “Needs Questionnaire”, a focus group and semi-structured interviews. The results obtained during this phase indicated that caregivers have needs for support from professionals and the community, as well as needs regarding the general management of the person with a TBI and the management of the potential communication difficulties associated with TBI. Based on these needs, a preliminary tool, namely the “Needs questionnaire for caregivers of a person with a traumatic brain injury”, was developed. During the second phase of the study, this tool was administered to caregivers of individuals with TBI before and after the presentation of a workshop to determine whether there is a change in caregivers’ needs once they have received information. A pretest-posttest, experimental design was thus implemented during the second phase of this study. Although further research is required for the qualitative and quantitative validation of this tool, the use of this tool has implications for providing a better understanding of caregivers’ needs during the acute rehabilitation period after TBI. The results of this study further emphasize that improved service delivery in the South African context is reliant on the early identification, by the professional team, of the needs that caregivers of individuals with TBI have. / Dissertation (M (Communication Pathology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / unrestricted
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An optimised QPSK-based receiver structure for possibly sparse data transmission over narrowband and wideband communication systemsSchoeman, Johan P. 24 August 2010 (has links)
In this dissertation an in-depth study was conducted into the design, implementation and evaluation of a QPSK-based receiver structure for application in a UMTS WCDMA environment. The novelty of this work lies with the specific receiver architecture aimed to optimise the BER performance when possibly sparse data streams are transmitted. This scenario is a real possibility according to Verd´u et al [1] and Hagenauer et al [2–6]. A novel receiver structure was conceptualised, developed and evaluated in both narrowband and wideband scenarios, where it was found to outperform conventional receivers when a sparse data stream is transmitted. In order to reach the main conclusions of this study, it was necessary to develop a realistic simulation platform. The developed platform is capable of simulating a communication system meeting the physical layer requirements of the UMTS WCDMA standard. The platform can also perform narrowband simulations. A flexible channel emulator was developed that may be configured to simulate AWGN channel conditions, frequency non-selective fading (either Rayleigh or Rician with a configurable LOS component and Doppler spread), or a full multipath scenario where each path has a configurable LOS component, Doppler spread, path gain and path delay. It is therefore possible to even simulate a complex, yet realistic, COST207-TU channel model. The platform is also capable of simulating MUI. Each interfering user has a unique and independent multipath fading channel, while sharing the same bandwidth. Finally, the entire platform executes all simulations in baseband for improved simulation times. The research outputs of this work are summarised below: <ul> <li>A parameter, the sparseness measure, was defined in order to quantify the level by which a data stream differs from an equiprobable data stream.</li> <li>A novel source model was proposed and developed to simulate data streams with a specified amount of sparseness.</li> <li>An introductory investigation was undertaken to determine the effect of simple FEC techniques on the sparseness of an encoded data stream.</li> <li>Novel receiver structures for both narrowband and wideband systems were proposed, developed and evaluated for systems where possibly sparse data streams may be transmitted.</li> <li>Analytic expressions were derived to take the effect of sparseness into account in communication systems, including expressions for the joint PDF of a BPSK branch, the optimal decision region of a detector in AWGN conditions as well as the BER performance of a communication system employing the proposed optimal receiver in both AWGN channel conditions as well as in flat fading channel conditions.</li> <li>Numerous BER performance curves were obtained comparing the proposed receiver structure with conventional receivers in a variety of channel conditions, including AWGN, frequency non-selective fading and a multipath COST207-TU channel environment, as well as the effect of MUI</li></ul>. AFRIKAANS : In hierdie verhandeling word ’n in-diepte studie gedoen rakende die ontwerp, implementasie en evaluasie van ’n KPSK-gebaseerde ontvanger struktuur wat in ’n UMTS WKVVT omgewing gebruik kan word. Die bydrae van hierdie werk lˆe in die spesifieke ontvanger argitektuur wat daarop mik om die BFT werksverrigting te optimeer wanneer yl data strome versend word. Hierdie is ’n realistiese moontlikheid volgens Verd´u et al [1] en Hagenauer et al [2–6]. ’n Nuwe ontvanger struktuur is gekonsepsualiseer, ontwikkel en evalueer vir beide noueband en wyeband stelsels, waar dit gevind is dat dit beter werksverrigting lewer as tradisionele ontvangers wanneer yl data strome versend word. Dit was nodig om ’n realistiese simulasie platform te ontwikkel om die belangrikste gevolgtrekkings van hierdie studie te kan maak. Die ontwikkelde platform is in staat om ’n kommunikasie stelsel te simuleer wat aan die fisiese laag vereistes van die UMTS WKVVT standaard voldoen. Die platform kan ook noueband stelsels simuleer. ’n Aanpasbare kanaal simulator is ontwikkel wat opgestel kan word om SWGR kanaal toestande, plat duining (beide Rayleigh of Ricies met ’n verstelbare siglyn komponent en Doppler verspreiding), sowel as ’n veelvuldige pad omgewing (waar elke unieke pad ’n verstelbare siglyn komponent, Doppler verspreiding, pad wins en pad vertraging het) te emuleer. Dit is selfs moontlik om ’n komplekse, maar steeds realistiese COST207-TU kanaal model te simuleer. Die platform het ook die vermo¨e om VGS te simuleer. Elke steurende gebruiker het ’n unieke en onafhanklike veelvuldige pad deinende kanaal, terwyl dieselfde bandwydte gedeel word. Laastens, alle simulasies van die platvorm word in basisband uitgevoer wat verkorte simulasie periodes verseker. Die navorsingsuitsette van hierdie werk kan as volg opgesom word: <ul> <li>’n Parameter, die ylheidsmaatstaf, is gedefin¨ýeer om dit moontlik te maak om die vlak waarmee die ylheid van ’n datastroom verskil van ’n ewekansige stroom te versyfer.</li> <li>’n Nuwe bronmodel is voorgestel en ontwikkel om datastrome met ’n spesifieke ylheid te emuleer.</li> <li>’n Inleidende ondersoek is onderneem om vas te stel wat die effek van VFK tegnieke op die ylheid van ’n enkodeerde datastroom is.</li> <li>Nuwe ontvanger strukture is voorgestel, ontwikkel en evalueer vir beide noueband en wyeband stelsels waar yl datastrome moontlik versend kan word.</li> <li>Analitiese uitdrukkings is afgelei om die effek van ylheid in ag te neem in kommunikasie stelsels. Uitdrukkings vir onder andere die gedeelte WDF van ’n BFVK tak, die optimale beslissingspunt van ’n detektor in SWGR toestande, sowel as die BFT werksverrigting van ’n kommunikasie stelsel wat van die voorgestelde optimale ontvangers gebruik maak, hetsy in SWGR of in plat duinende kanaal toestande.</li> <li>Talryke BFT werksverrigting krommes is verkry wat die voorgestelde ontvanger struktuur vergelyk met die konvensionele ontvangers in ’n verskeidenheid kanaal toestande, insluitend SWGR, plat duinende kanale en ’n veelvuldige pad COST207-TU kanaal omgewing, sowel as in die teenwoordigheid van VGS.</li></ul></p Copyright / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted
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A conceptual framework for digital political communication to promote party-political issue ownership via an urban electioneering platformDhawraj, Ronesh 07 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Afrikaans / This Grounded Theory study focused on understanding how South Africa’s two
numerically-dominant political parties, the African National Congress (ANC) and
Democratic Alliance (DA), used micro-blogging site, Twitter, as part of their
electioneering arsenal in the 2016 municipal elections to promote party-political
digital issue ownership within an urban context. Using each party’s 2016 election
manifesto and corpus of tweets, this three-phased study found that while both the
ANC and DA used Twitter as a digital political communication platform to
communicate their election campaigns, the DA notably leveraged the social
networking site for intense ‘focused’ messaging of its negative campaign against the
ANC while simultaneously promoting positive electoral messages around its own
‘core’ issues and metro mayoral candidates. ‘Battleground’ metros were identified by
the DA in Ekurhuleni, Johannesburg, Tshwane and Nelson Mandela Bay, leading to
an emphasised urban campaign here to either activate the party’s own support base
and/ or to suppress the ANC’s turnout in these highly-contested areas. Additionally, it
was found that both the ANC and DA used Twitter for explicit and implicit partypolitical
issue ownership claiming in the 2016 municipal elections. Lastly, this study
also culminated in the proposal of three but interconnected different elements of a
conceptual framework for digital political communication that political parties could
use to promote digital party-political issue ownership within a pronounced urban
electioneering setting. These elements – ‘coordinating and managing how an
election is tweeted’, 'focus' messaging the election’ and ‘audience-segmenting as a
message-tailoring strategy’ – when used in unison can help political parties
communicate better and ultimately more effectively in a highly mediatised
technological media landscape / Hierdie Gegronde Teorie Studie fokus op die verduideliking hoe Suid-Afrika se twee
numeriese dominante politieke partye, die African National Congress (ANC) en
Demokratiese Alliansie (DA), van die mikro-blog platform, Twitter, gebruik gemaak
het tydens hulle verkiessingsstrategie in die 2016 munisipale verkiessings om die
party politieke digitale kwessie rondom eienaarskap binne ‘n stedelike verband te
bevorder. Deur elke party se 2016 verkiessings manifesto en arsenaal van twiets te
gebruik, het hierdie drie-fase studie bevind dat beide die ANC en DA, Twitter gebruik
het as ‘n digitale politieke kommunikasie platform. Die DA het egter die sosiale
media netwerk kenmerkend gebruik vir ‘n intense gefokusde negatiewe veldtog teen
die ANC terwyl hulle terselfdertyd ‘n positiewe verkiessings boodskap rondom die
party se eie kernkwessies en metro burgermeesters kandidate gesentreer het.
‘Oorlogsgebied’ metros is deur die DA in Ekurhuleni, Johannesburg, Tshwane en
Nelson Mandela Bay geidentifiseer wat ‘n defnitiewe stedelike veldtog tot gevolg
gehad het om die party se eie ondersteuningsbasis te bevorder en/of die ANC se
ondersteuning in hierdie hoogs betwiste areas te onderdruk. Daar was ook bevind
dat beide die ANC en DA van Twitter gebruik gemaak het vir eksplisiete en implisiete
party politieke kwessies rondom eiernaarskap tydens die 2016 munisipale
verkiessings. Hierdie studie kan saamgevat word in drie onderskeie maar verwante
elemente om ‘n raamwerk te vorm van die digitale politieke kommunikasie wat
politieke partye kan gebruik om digitale party politieke kwessies binne ‘n stedelike
verkiessings omgewing te bevorder. Wanneer hierdie elemente – ‘koordinering en
bestuur van hoe twiets tydens ‘n verkiesing gebruik word’, ‘’die focus van die
boodksap tydens die verkiessing’ and ‘die gehoorsegmentasie can ‘n boodskap
strategie’ – in ‘n eenheid gebruik word kan dit politieke partye help om beter en meer
effektief te kommunikeer binne ‘n baie kompiterende en tegnologiese
medialandskap. / Inkcazo-bungcali yesisifundo ibigxile ekuqondeni ukuba uMzantsi Africa lo
unamaqela amakhulu amabini ezopolitiko, ukutsho, iAfrican National Congress
(ANC) kunye ne Democratic Alliance (DA), la maqela asebenzise iwebhusayithi
encinane uTwitter, njengenxalenye yezixhobo zonxibelelwano kunyulo loo masipala
ngo-2016. Bekwenza oku ngelikhuthaza amaqela ezopolitiko nebango lawo kwimiba
yezinto abathi bazithethe kwisithuba sedijithali,kumxholo wendawo zase dolophini.
Esi sifundo sisebenzisa imanifesto kunye nothotho lwe tweets zeqela ngalinye,
nesenziwe ngokwezigaba ezithathu, sifumanise ukuba nangona iANC kunye ne DA
zisebenzise uTwitter njenge qonga lonxibelelwano lwezopolitiko zedijithali
(ngokolwimi lwasemzini) ukunxibelelana namaphulo onyulo, iDA izibonakalise
amandla kwindawo yokuncokola kwiqonga uTwitter,ngokuthi imiyalezo yayo igxile
kwaye itsole. Miyalezo leyo ithe yagxila ngokungafanelekanga kumkhankaso
weANC. Ngaxeshanye, imiyalezo yayo yona iDA ibeyeyakhayo, kwaye incedisana
nephulo layo kwimiba ephambili kunye nabagqatswa bosodolophu bo masipala
abambaxa. Oomasipala abambaxa abathi babenongquzulwano bachongwe yiDA
Ekurhuleni, eRhawutini, eTshwane nase Bhayi. Lonto ibangele ukuba bagxininise
ekukhokeleni iphulo ledolophu ukuze bavuselele inkxaso ye DA apho okanye
bacinezele ukuvela kwe-ANC kwezi ndawo kuphikiswana kakhulu ngazo. Ukongeza,
kufumaniseke ukuba iANC kunye neDA zisebenzise uTwitter ngokwendlela
ecacileyo nengathanga ngqo kwimeko yobunini bemicimbi yepolitiki ukuze bafumane
ibango kunyulo loomasipala lwango 2016. Okokugqibela, esisifundo sigqibele
kwisindululo sezinto ezintathu azahlukeneyo kodwa ezidityaniswe yinkqubosikhokelo
eqingqiweyo kunxibelelwano lwezopolitiko zedijithali. Ezi zinto zizinto
ezisenakho ukusetyenziswa ngamaqela ezopolitiko ukukhuthaza ubunini bemicimbi
yezopolitiko ngaphakathi kulungiselelo lonyulo lwedolophu olubhengeziweyo. Ezi
zinto- 'ukulungelelanisa nokulawula indlela unyulo luthunyelwe ngayo kusetyeziswa
uTwitter', 'kugxilwe' kwimiyalezo yonyulo kunye nokuhlukaniswa kwabaphulaphuli
okanye ababukeli njengecebo lokulungisa umyalezo '- xa zisetyenziswa ngazwinye
zinokuwanceda amaqela ezopolitiko anxibelelane ngcono kwaye ekugqibeleni
ngokuyimpumelelo kakhulu kuxhamlo olunamandla kakhulu kubume beendaba
kumhlaba wetekhnoloji (ngokolwimi lwesiNgesi). / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)
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The characteristics of a group of young children infected with HIV/AIDS at a regional hospital in GautengHattam, Michelle 18 July 2011 (has links)
The effects of HIV/AIDS and subsequent opportunistic infections and/or associated conditions on the development of infected children are substantial. Considerable delays and/or disorders in communication development have been noted in the HIV/AIDS infected child, as well as the need for Early Communication Intervention (ECI) services for this population. A dearth of locally relevant data regarding the speech, language and hearing development of HIV/AIDS infected children within the South African context currently exists. The objective of this study was to describe the characteristics of a group of HIV/AIDS infected children being managed at an outreach clinic of regional hospital in Gauteng. A cross-sectional, retrospective, non-experimental, descriptive, quantitative research design was used in this study. The main objective was achieved by analysing the clinic records of 203 children infected with HIV/AIDS between the ages of 0 – 5 years 11months through the use of a pre-designed checklist. A questionnaire completed by four medical doctors practicing at the HIV/AIDS clinic within the hospital was also used. This allowed for the perceptions and practices of the medical doctors to be described. Results revealed that the majority HIV/AIDS infected children being managed at the outreach clinic were significantly immunocompromised and diagnosed with Stage III or Stage IV HIV/AIDS infection. Furthermore, results indicated the presence of several opportunistic infections and HIV/AIDS associated conditions (such as Tuberculosis, Candidiasis and Encephalopathy). A positive finding was that 76% of the HIV/AIDS infected children (n=153) were receiving Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) at the time of data collection. The most outstanding finding was that very few of the children with HIV/AIDS being managed at the outreach clinic were recorded as having speech, language and/or hearing delays and/or disorders. Similarly, referrals to other professionals as recorded in the children’s hospital records seemed to be limited to Social Workers and Dietitians, with only one child recorded as being referred to a Speech-Language Therapist and Audiologist for further management. It was unclear whether more children were in fact referred for additional intervention by other professionals and this was simply not recorded in the children’s records, or whether these referrals were in fact not made. Results from the questionnaires completed by the medical doctors working with the pediatric HIV/AIDS population within the outreach clinic were significant. Findings indicated that the majority of the respondents believed that HIV/AIDS infected infants were more at risk for developmental and communicative delays and/or disorders than the general population, and that this population would likely benefit from Speech-Language Therapy and/or Audiology intervention services. Respondents indicated that medical doctors working with the pediatric HIV/AIDS population were often not adequately informed regarding the effects of HIV/AIDS on communication development and that they would benefit from further training in this regard. The need for further research regarding the characteristics of the pediatric HIV/AIDS population, particularly on a larger sample, was described. This would assist in the development of a guideline for ECI service delivery for children infected with HIV/AIDS. The need for further training of other professionals regarding the effects that HIV/AIDS has on the communication development of the infected child, to assist with necessary referrals and teamwork, was also highlighted. AFRIKAANS : Suid-Afrika is een van die lande ter wêreld, wat die hoogste voorkoms van Menslike Immuniteitsgebrekvirus/ Verworwe Immuniteitsgebreksindroom (MIV/VIGS), toon - met die pediatriese populasie op die voorfront van hierdie epidemie. Die effek wat MIV/VIGS en opeenvolgende opportunistiese infeksies en/of ander geassosieerde toestande op die ontwikkeling van kinders het, is verreikend. Internasionale literatuur beskryf agterstande en/of akwykings in die kommunikasie ontwikkeling van kinders wat met MIV/VIGS geinfekteer is. Die behoefte vir Vroeë Kommunikasie Intervensie (VKI) vir hierdie populasie word ook gemeld. Daar bestaan egter slegs ‘n beperkte hoeveelheid relevante, plaaslike literatuur met betrekking tot die spraak-, taal- en gehoorontwikkeling van kinders met MIV/VIGS binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Die doelwit van hierdie studie was om die kenmerke van ‘n groep kinders, wat met MIV/VIGS besmet is en by ‘n streekshospitaal in Gauteng behandel word, te beskryf. ‘n Kwantitatiewe, nie-eksperimentele, terugwerkende, dwarsdeurige, beskrywende navorsingsontwerp is gebruik. Die hoofdoelwit was bereik deur die kliniekrekords van kinders wat met MIV/VIGS besmet is, te analiseer deur van ‘n vooraf-ontwerpte merklys gebruik te maak. Data is ook ingesamel deur middel van vraelyste wat deur mediese dokters, wat by MIV/VIGS klinieke binne die hospitale werk, voltooi is. Dit het toegelaat dat die persepsies en praktyke van die mediese dokters ook beskryf kon word. Resultate het getoon dat die meerderheid kinders met MIV/VIGS, wat by klinieke behandel word, se immuunsisteme ernstig onderdruk was en dat hulle met stadium III of stadium IV van MIV/VIGS gediagnoseer was. Die resultate het verder ook die voorkoms van verskeie opportunistiese infeksies en MIV/VIGS geassosieerde toestande aangedui. ‘n Positiewe bevinding was dat 76% van die kinders (n=153), wat met MIV/VIGS geinfekteer was, tydens die proses van data-insameling reeds Hoogsaktiewe Antiretrovirale Terapie (HAART) ontvang het. Die mees uitstaande bevinding was dat slegs ‘n geringe hoeveelheid kinders met MIV/VIGS by die kliniek, as met ‘n agterstand en/of afwyking in spraak, taal en/of gehoor, aangeteken is. Beperkte verwysings na ander professionele persone is ook in die kliniekrekords opgemerk. Verwysings was beperk tot Maatskaplike Werkers en Dieëtkundiges. Daar was slegs een aantekening van ‘n kind wat vir behandeling na ‘n Spraak- en Taalterapeut en Oudioloog verwys is. Dit is egter onduidelik of daar werklik meer verwysings na ander professionele persone gemaak is, maar net nie in die kinders se kliniekrekords aangedui is nie, of dat daar werklik min verwysings na ander professionele dissiplines gemaak is. Bykomend, was die resultate van voltooide vraelyste deur mediese dokters, wat met die pediatriese MIV/VIGS populasie in die kliniek werk, insiggewend. Bevindings dui aan dat die meerderheid proefpersone, wat aan die studie deelgeneem het, van mening is dat kinders wat met MIV/VIGS besmet is wel ‘n hoër risiko toon vir ontwikkelings- en kommunikasie agterstande en/of afwykings in vergeleke met die algemene populasie. Die proefpersone is verder ook van mening dat hierdie populasie wel van spraak- en taalterapie en/of oudiologiese intervensie sal baatvind. Proefpersone het verder aangedui dat mediese dokters, wat met die pediatriese MIV/VIGS populasie werk, nie ten volle ingelig is omtrent die effek van MIV/VIGS op kommunikasie ontwikkeling en dat hulle van verdere opleiding sal baatvind. Die behoefte vir verdere navorsing in die veld van pediatriese MIV/VIGS en kommunikasie ontwikkeling, binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, word in hierdie studie beskryf. Dit sal as riglyn vir VKI dienslewering aan hierdie populasie dien. Daar is ook ‘n groot behoefte vir verdere opleiding van ander mediese professionele persone met betrekking tot pediatriese MIV/VIGS en die effek wat die op die kind se kommunikasie ontwikkeling het. / Dissertation (MCommunication Pathology)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / unrestricted
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Job insecurity: assessment, causes and consequences in a South African gold mining groupjacobs, Melissa, 1968- January 2012 (has links)
Job insecurity in the workplace has become an increasingly important trend in organisational research. The appraisal of job insecurity by individuals plays a significant part in how reactions manifest in the experiences of workplace stressors, job satisfaction, positive and negative work attributes and social support. However, there is a lack of research regarding specific workplace stressors at work leading to certain outcomes like safety behaviour, turnover intention and mental health, especially within a South African working context. Job insecurity has also been classified as a workplace stressor. The existence of other stressors tends to increase the ultimate effect of insecurity for the individual. The attempts from organisational management to manage this phenomenon are therefore crucial in decreasing the negative effects of job insecurity and increasing the productivity of the organisation. In order to measure the job insecurity levels of employees, it is important to make use of valid and reliable job insecurity measures. An absence of empirical research on validity and reliability studies in terms of job insecurity in South African is evident.
The main objectives of this research were: 1) to establish the psychometric properties of a measure of job insecurity in a selected gold mining company in South Africa; 2) to determine the influence of job insecurity and work stress (i.e. role conflict, clarity and overload) on worker safety performance and if coping could moderate this; 3) to investigate the theoretical and empirical relationships between job stressors (task completion ambiguity and task quality ambiguity), competency demands, employability perceptions, job satisfaction and turnover intention over time, and 4) to investigate if social support has a mediating effect between positive interpersonal attributes, negative interpersonal attributes, job insecurity and subsequent health.
To achieve the first objective, a cross-sectional design was used (N = 566), including various business units of a South African-based gold mining company. The assessment of the psychometric properties of a measure of quantitative and qualitative job insecurity for employees was determined through construct (structural) equivalence, exploratory factor analysis and multivariate analysis of variance to calculate the comparison of the factor structure for the different cultural groups. For qualitative job insecurity, the scale shows low equivalence for the African languages group. Statistically significant differences were found between the levels of job insecurity of employees in terms of gender.
The second objective, concerning the investigation into the relationship of work stress and job insecurity with unsafe behaviour at work, was achieved with across-sectional survey design (N = 771). The hypothesised model included the influence of role conflict, role ambiguity, role overload, and job insecurity on unsafe work behaviour. Coping was introduced as a moderator in this relationship. The results indicated that when employees experience work stress and job insecurity, their safety compliance is low. This relationship was also moderated by a coping strategy of Avoidance.
To achieve the third objective, a longitudinal study was conducted and data was gathered by means of an electronic survey, with 771 employees participating at Time 1, and 345 participating at Time 2. Results for predicting employees’ turnover intentions, experience of task completion and quality ambiguity, external employability and job satisfaction made a direct contribution in predicting their turnover intention. No mediating role of job satisfaction between job stressors, competency demands and employability perceptions on the one hand and turnover intentions on the other hand, were found.
Addressing the fourth objective in investigating the moderating role of social support between the relationship of experiencing positive interpersonal (communication with the manager and feedback), negative interpersonal experiences (powerlessness and interpersonal conflict), job insecurity (quantitative and qualitative) and health, was met with a longitudinal random sample of employees in different business units in one selected multi-national mining company based in South Africa (N = 771). Results for these employees indicated that all the proposed variables, except feedback from the manager, were statistically significantly related to health. No moderating effect for social support could be found over time, but it was shown that interpersonal conflict at work is a longitudinal predictor of employee health.
By way of conclusion, the implications of the research were discussed and recommendations for managers and for future research were made. / Thesis (PhD (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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Job insecurity: assessment, causes and consequences in a South African gold mining groupjacobs, Melissa, 1968- January 2012 (has links)
Job insecurity in the workplace has become an increasingly important trend in organisational research. The appraisal of job insecurity by individuals plays a significant part in how reactions manifest in the experiences of workplace stressors, job satisfaction, positive and negative work attributes and social support. However, there is a lack of research regarding specific workplace stressors at work leading to certain outcomes like safety behaviour, turnover intention and mental health, especially within a South African working context. Job insecurity has also been classified as a workplace stressor. The existence of other stressors tends to increase the ultimate effect of insecurity for the individual. The attempts from organisational management to manage this phenomenon are therefore crucial in decreasing the negative effects of job insecurity and increasing the productivity of the organisation. In order to measure the job insecurity levels of employees, it is important to make use of valid and reliable job insecurity measures. An absence of empirical research on validity and reliability studies in terms of job insecurity in South African is evident.
The main objectives of this research were: 1) to establish the psychometric properties of a measure of job insecurity in a selected gold mining company in South Africa; 2) to determine the influence of job insecurity and work stress (i.e. role conflict, clarity and overload) on worker safety performance and if coping could moderate this; 3) to investigate the theoretical and empirical relationships between job stressors (task completion ambiguity and task quality ambiguity), competency demands, employability perceptions, job satisfaction and turnover intention over time, and 4) to investigate if social support has a mediating effect between positive interpersonal attributes, negative interpersonal attributes, job insecurity and subsequent health.
To achieve the first objective, a cross-sectional design was used (N = 566), including various business units of a South African-based gold mining company. The assessment of the psychometric properties of a measure of quantitative and qualitative job insecurity for employees was determined through construct (structural) equivalence, exploratory factor analysis and multivariate analysis of variance to calculate the comparison of the factor structure for the different cultural groups. For qualitative job insecurity, the scale shows low equivalence for the African languages group. Statistically significant differences were found between the levels of job insecurity of employees in terms of gender.
The second objective, concerning the investigation into the relationship of work stress and job insecurity with unsafe behaviour at work, was achieved with across-sectional survey design (N = 771). The hypothesised model included the influence of role conflict, role ambiguity, role overload, and job insecurity on unsafe work behaviour. Coping was introduced as a moderator in this relationship. The results indicated that when employees experience work stress and job insecurity, their safety compliance is low. This relationship was also moderated by a coping strategy of Avoidance.
To achieve the third objective, a longitudinal study was conducted and data was gathered by means of an electronic survey, with 771 employees participating at Time 1, and 345 participating at Time 2. Results for predicting employees’ turnover intentions, experience of task completion and quality ambiguity, external employability and job satisfaction made a direct contribution in predicting their turnover intention. No mediating role of job satisfaction between job stressors, competency demands and employability perceptions on the one hand and turnover intentions on the other hand, were found.
Addressing the fourth objective in investigating the moderating role of social support between the relationship of experiencing positive interpersonal (communication with the manager and feedback), negative interpersonal experiences (powerlessness and interpersonal conflict), job insecurity (quantitative and qualitative) and health, was met with a longitudinal random sample of employees in different business units in one selected multi-national mining company based in South Africa (N = 771). Results for these employees indicated that all the proposed variables, except feedback from the manager, were statistically significantly related to health. No moderating effect for social support could be found over time, but it was shown that interpersonal conflict at work is a longitudinal predictor of employee health.
By way of conclusion, the implications of the research were discussed and recommendations for managers and for future research were made. / Thesis (PhD (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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Practical guidelines for participatory communication when promoting electricity customers' involvement during an electricity tariffs review processKhatala, Shao 11 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Southern Sotho and Afrikaans / The purpose of the study was to explore and describe the perceptions of electricity stakeholders (referred to for the purposes of the study as electricity customers) regarding their communication with Lesotho Electricity and Water Authority (LEWA) during electricity tariff reviews in 2016 and 2017. LEWA is the electricity regulator, while Lesotho Electricity Company (LEC) is the national power distributor in Lesotho. The electricity customers participated in the review process. The study was framed within development communication, with particular focus on its derivative, participatory communication. The principles of stakeholder theory were also considered.
The study combined both quantitative and qualitative research approaches for data collection. The findings of the study were triangulated using an online self-administered questionnaire, a focus group moderator’s guide and a qualitative document analysis. The results were interpreted in line with the proposed practical guidelines. The finding of the study is that although LEWA endeavoured to collaborate with electricity customers during electricity tariff review processes, its implementation of participatory communication was inadequate. Furthermore, electricity customers have not yet fully embraced the importance of participating in electricity tariff review processes, because they perceive such endeavours not to be useful. As a result, the findings of the study encapsulate revised practical guidelines to fit an electricity review setting, which could serve as a heuristic for similar organisations as well as provide insights into the benefits of participatory communication in the various aspects of their work. / Morero wa phuputso ena e ne e le ho hlahloba le ho hlalosa maikutlo a ba nang le seabo motlakaseng (ba boletsweng e le bareki ba motlakase molemong wa phuputso) mabapi le puisano ya bona le Lekgotla la Taolo ya Motlakase le Metsi Lesotho (LEWA) nakong ya ditlhahlobo tsa ditefiso tsa motlakase ka selemo sa 2016 le 2017. LEWA ke molaodi wa motlakase, athe Khampani ya Motlakase ya Lesotho (LEC) ke yona moabi wa matla wa naha ya Lesotho. Bareki ba motlakase ba nkile karolo tshebetsong ya tlhahlobo. Phuputso e hlophisitswe kahara puisano ya ntshetsopele, e shebane haholo le puisano ya yona eo eseng ya pele, le ya bonkakarolo. Ditekanyetso tsa dikgopolo tsa ba amehang le tsona di ile tsa hlokomelwa.
Phuputso e kopantse mekgwa ya dipatlisiso ya bongata le boleng ka bobedi bakeng sa pokello ya datha. Diphumano tsa phuputso di ne di arotswe ka dikgutlo-tharo ka tshebediso ya lethathamo la dipotso le fumanehang inthaneteng, tataiso ya motho ya lekanyang wa sehlopha seo ho tsepamisitsweng maikutlo ho sona le manollo ya tokomane ya boleng. Diphetho di ile tsa hlaloswa ka tumellano le ditataiso tse sebetsang. Phumano ya phuputso ke hore leha e le hore LEWA e ne e leka ho sebedisana le bareki ba motlakase nakong ya ditshebetso tsa tlhahlobo ya ditefiso, ho kenngwa tshebetso ha yona ha dipuisano tsa bonkakarolo ho ne ho sa lekana. Ntle le moo, bareki ba motlakase ha ba so ka ba amohela bohlokwa ba ho nka karolo ditshebetsong tsa tlhahlobo ya ditefiso tsa motlakase, hobane ba bona boiteko bo jwalo bo sena thuso. Ka lebaka leo, diphumano tsa phuputso di akarelletsa ditataiso tse ntlafaditsweng tse sebetsang bakeng sa ho nepahala boemong ba tlhahlobo ya motlakase, bo ka sebetsang e le tharollo bakeng sa mekgatlo e tshwanang hammoho le ho fana ka lesedi la melemo ya puisano ya bonkakarolo dikarolong tse fapaneng tsa mosebetsi wa yona. / Die doel van hierdie studie was om die persepsies van elektrisiteitsbelanghebbers (waarna vir die doel van die studie verwys word as elektrisiteitskliënte) rakende hul kommunikasie met die Lesotho Electricity and Water Authority (LEWA) gedurende elektrisiteitstariefhersienings in 2016 en 2017, te ondersoek en te beskryf. LEWA is die elektrisiteitsreguleerder, terwyl die Lesotho Electricity Company (LEC) die nasionale kragverspreider in Lesotho is. Die elektrisiteitskliënte het aan die hersieningsproses deelgeneem. Die studie het in die konteks van ontwikkelingskommunikasie geskied, met spesifieke fokus op die afleiding, deelnemende kommunikasie. Die beginsels van belanghebberteorie is ook in ag geneem.
Die studie het kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenaderings tot data-insameling gekombineer. Die bevindings van die studie is getrianguleer met behulp van ʼn aanlyn selfgeadministreerde vraelys, ʼn fokusgroepmoderatorsgids en ʼn kwalitatiewe dokumentontleding. Die resultate is geïՙnterpreteer ooreenkomstig die voorgestelde praktiese riglyne. Die gevolgtrekking van die studie is dat hoewel LEWA probeer het om met elektrisiteitskliënte saam te werk gedurende elektrisiteitstariefhersieningsprosesse, hul implementering van deelnemende kommunikasie ontoereikend was. Verder besef elektrisiteitskliënte nog nie ten volle die belangrikheid van deelname aan elektrisiteitstariefhersieningsprosesse nie, omdat hulle sodanige pogings nie as nuttig ervaar nie. Gevolglik is die bevindings van die studie ʼn samevatting van hersiene praktiese riglyne om by ʼn elektrisiteitshersieningskonteks te pas, en dit kan dien as heuristiek vir soortgelyke organisasies en kan ook insig gee in die voordele van deelnemende kommunikasie in die verskillende aspekte van hul werk. / Communication Science / M.A. (Communication)
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Fasiliteringsvaardighede vir T2-Afrikaansonderrig / Fasiliteringsvaardighede vir Tweedetaal-AfrikaansonderrigDilrajh, Kamla Moonsamy 30 June 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / This study aims to investigate and explain how the L2 -facilitator can effectively employ
the various facilitation skills of language teaching in Afrikaans Second Language within
the Outcomes Based Education framework in the learner-centred classroom. The
facilitator is critical in providing an opportunity for multicultural learners to develop the
necessary language learning skills to enjoy Afrikaans Second Language/Additional
Language learning as an interesting learning experience within a positive learning milieu.
In the learner-centred U -classroom, learners too must accept responsibility for their own
and their peers' learning within the co-operative learning group. This study reveals how
the L2 -facilitator can develop the necessary knowledge and skills concerning groupwork,
such as the strategies enhancing L 2 -learning, effective group facilitation skills,
learner attitudes towards the facilitator, problem-solving skills, co-operative learning as a
control technique, communication, learners' behaviour and the advantages of groupwork.
Furthermore, elements of classroom negotiation and the facilitator's methods of
working in this negotiated partnership are also discussed.
Since language learning is integral to lifelong learning, multicultural learners must be
motivated to learn Afrikaans Second/ Additional language with greater enthusiasm. This
necessitates the L2 -facilitator creating an interesting, challenging and authentic language
learning environment where mutual respect and trust are emphasised. This study reveals
how the L2 -facilitator could develop his/her knowledge of task-based L2 -teaching and
use it with the effective techniques of facilitation and negotiation skills in the taskorientated
second language classroom to lead learners to effective Afrikaans L2 -learning.
The new National Language Standardisation Policy 200112002 necessitates the facilitator
of Afrikaans L 2 -teaching/learning within the Outcomes Based Education framework and
the revised Curriculum 2005 to be aufait with assessment and his/her role in assessment.
Being knowledgeable on the various criteria and strategies regarding assessment is
therefore imperative.
Finally, chapter five illustrates practically how the facilitator could plan, organise, base,
integrate and present authentic Afrikaans L 2 -lessons/work based on the theoretical
knowledge and aspects of facilitation skills, group-work, task-based learning and
assessment discussed in chapters two to four. / Daar word in die studie gepoog om te ondersoek en te verduidelik hoe die T2-fasiliteerder
die verskillende fasiliteringsvaardighede ten opsigte van T2 -Afrikaansonderrig binne die
UGO -raamwerk in die leerdergesentreerde T2-klaskamer effektief kan gebruik. Die
fasiliteerder behoort sy multikulturele leerders die geleentheid te gun om die nodige
taalleervaardighede te ontwikkel sodat hulle Afrikaans Tweedetaalleer/ Addisionele
Taalleer as 'n interessante leerervaring binne 'n positiewe leerklimaat kan geniet.
In die leerdergesentreerde T2 -klaskamer moet die leerders ook die verantwoordelikheid
vir bulle eie leer, en vir die leer van ander leerders binne kooperatiewe leergroepe kan
aanvaar. Die wyse waarop die fasiliteerder van T2-leer die nodige kennis en vaardighede
ten opsigte van groepwerk kan ontwikkel, word deur die studie aan die lig gebring. Die
verskillende strategiee wat die aanleer van die tweedetaal binne groepwerk bevorder,
effektiewe groepsfasiliteringsvaardighede, leerders se gesindhede teenoor die
fasiliteerder, die probleemoplossingsvaardighede, kooperatiewe leer as beheertegniek,
kommunikasie, leerdergedragswyses en die voordele van groepwerk kom aan bod.
Elemente van klaskameronderhandeling en die fasiliteerder se werkswyse in die
onderhandelingsvennootskap word ook bespreek.
Aangesien taalleer 'n integrale faset van lewenslange leer vorm, moet multikulturele
leerders gemotiveer word om Afrikaans Tweedetaal/ Addisionele Taal op 'n meer
entoesiastiese wyse te kan leer. Die T2 -fasiliteerder moet 'n interessante, uitdagende,
outentieke taalleeromgewing skep waarin wedersydse respek en vertroue beklemtoon
word. Die studie toon die wyse aan waarop die T2 -fasiliteerder sylhaar kennis in verband
met taakgerigte T2 -onderrig kan ontwikkel en dit met die effektiewe fasiliteringstegnieke
en onderhandelingsvaardighede in die taakgeorienteerde T2-klaskamer kan kombineer en
gebruik om leerders tot effektiewe T2 -Afrikaansleer/ Addisionele Taalleer te kan lei.
Die nuwe Nasionale Taalstandaardiseringsbeleid 2001/2002 vereis dat die fasiliteerder
van T2-Afrikaansonderrig/-leer binne die UGO -raamwerk en die hersiene Kurrikulum
2005 deeglike kennis moet dra van assessering en sylhaar rol in assessering. Deeglike
kennis ten opsigte van die verskillende assesseringskriteria en assesseringstegnieke is dus
Daar word in hoofstuk vyf aangetoon op watter wyse die fasiliteerder outentieke
praktiese T2-Afrikaanslesse/-werk, kan beplan, organiseer en dit op die teoretiese kennis
en aspekte ten opsigte van fasiliteringsvaardighede, groepwerk, taakgerigte leer en
assessering wat in hoofstukke twee tot vier bespreek word, kan toepas en geintegreerd
kan aanbied. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D.Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)
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Fasiliteringsvaardighede vir T2-Afrikaansonderrig / Fasiliteringsvaardighede vir Tweedetaal-AfrikaansonderrigDilrajh, Kamla Moonsamy 30 June 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / This study aims to investigate and explain how the L2 -facilitator can effectively employ
the various facilitation skills of language teaching in Afrikaans Second Language within
the Outcomes Based Education framework in the learner-centred classroom. The
facilitator is critical in providing an opportunity for multicultural learners to develop the
necessary language learning skills to enjoy Afrikaans Second Language/Additional
Language learning as an interesting learning experience within a positive learning milieu.
In the learner-centred U -classroom, learners too must accept responsibility for their own
and their peers' learning within the co-operative learning group. This study reveals how
the L2 -facilitator can develop the necessary knowledge and skills concerning groupwork,
such as the strategies enhancing L 2 -learning, effective group facilitation skills,
learner attitudes towards the facilitator, problem-solving skills, co-operative learning as a
control technique, communication, learners' behaviour and the advantages of groupwork.
Furthermore, elements of classroom negotiation and the facilitator's methods of
working in this negotiated partnership are also discussed.
Since language learning is integral to lifelong learning, multicultural learners must be
motivated to learn Afrikaans Second/ Additional language with greater enthusiasm. This
necessitates the L2 -facilitator creating an interesting, challenging and authentic language
learning environment where mutual respect and trust are emphasised. This study reveals
how the L2 -facilitator could develop his/her knowledge of task-based L2 -teaching and
use it with the effective techniques of facilitation and negotiation skills in the taskorientated
second language classroom to lead learners to effective Afrikaans L2 -learning.
The new National Language Standardisation Policy 200112002 necessitates the facilitator
of Afrikaans L 2 -teaching/learning within the Outcomes Based Education framework and
the revised Curriculum 2005 to be aufait with assessment and his/her role in assessment.
Being knowledgeable on the various criteria and strategies regarding assessment is
therefore imperative.
Finally, chapter five illustrates practically how the facilitator could plan, organise, base,
integrate and present authentic Afrikaans L 2 -lessons/work based on the theoretical
knowledge and aspects of facilitation skills, group-work, task-based learning and
assessment discussed in chapters two to four. / Daar word in die studie gepoog om te ondersoek en te verduidelik hoe die T2-fasiliteerder
die verskillende fasiliteringsvaardighede ten opsigte van T2 -Afrikaansonderrig binne die
UGO -raamwerk in die leerdergesentreerde T2-klaskamer effektief kan gebruik. Die
fasiliteerder behoort sy multikulturele leerders die geleentheid te gun om die nodige
taalleervaardighede te ontwikkel sodat hulle Afrikaans Tweedetaalleer/ Addisionele
Taalleer as 'n interessante leerervaring binne 'n positiewe leerklimaat kan geniet.
In die leerdergesentreerde T2 -klaskamer moet die leerders ook die verantwoordelikheid
vir bulle eie leer, en vir die leer van ander leerders binne kooperatiewe leergroepe kan
aanvaar. Die wyse waarop die fasiliteerder van T2-leer die nodige kennis en vaardighede
ten opsigte van groepwerk kan ontwikkel, word deur die studie aan die lig gebring. Die
verskillende strategiee wat die aanleer van die tweedetaal binne groepwerk bevorder,
effektiewe groepsfasiliteringsvaardighede, leerders se gesindhede teenoor die
fasiliteerder, die probleemoplossingsvaardighede, kooperatiewe leer as beheertegniek,
kommunikasie, leerdergedragswyses en die voordele van groepwerk kom aan bod.
Elemente van klaskameronderhandeling en die fasiliteerder se werkswyse in die
onderhandelingsvennootskap word ook bespreek.
Aangesien taalleer 'n integrale faset van lewenslange leer vorm, moet multikulturele
leerders gemotiveer word om Afrikaans Tweedetaal/ Addisionele Taal op 'n meer
entoesiastiese wyse te kan leer. Die T2 -fasiliteerder moet 'n interessante, uitdagende,
outentieke taalleeromgewing skep waarin wedersydse respek en vertroue beklemtoon
word. Die studie toon die wyse aan waarop die T2 -fasiliteerder sylhaar kennis in verband
met taakgerigte T2 -onderrig kan ontwikkel en dit met die effektiewe fasiliteringstegnieke
en onderhandelingsvaardighede in die taakgeorienteerde T2-klaskamer kan kombineer en
gebruik om leerders tot effektiewe T2 -Afrikaansleer/ Addisionele Taalleer te kan lei.
Die nuwe Nasionale Taalstandaardiseringsbeleid 2001/2002 vereis dat die fasiliteerder
van T2-Afrikaansonderrig/-leer binne die UGO -raamwerk en die hersiene Kurrikulum
2005 deeglike kennis moet dra van assessering en sylhaar rol in assessering. Deeglike
kennis ten opsigte van die verskillende assesseringskriteria en assesseringstegnieke is dus
Daar word in hoofstuk vyf aangetoon op watter wyse die fasiliteerder outentieke
praktiese T2-Afrikaanslesse/-werk, kan beplan, organiseer en dit op die teoretiese kennis
en aspekte ten opsigte van fasiliteringsvaardighede, groepwerk, taakgerigte leer en
assessering wat in hoofstukke twee tot vier bespreek word, kan toepas en geintegreerd
kan aanbied. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D.Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)
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A theoretical framework for constructive interpersonal leadership relations in knowledge-based organisationsLouw, M. (Marianne) 10 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Venda / In this qualitative study, the research objective was to present a theoretical framework for the phenomenon of interpersonal leadership relations (denoting both the dyadic relationship between two leader/followers and the leadership communication taking place in the dyad) in knowledge-based organisational contexts.
It is posited that the interpersonal leader-follower dyad (LFD) may be viewed from a systems theory perspective as a system consisting of two system parts (individuals). These individuals are labelled ‘leader/followers’ to emphasise their mutual interdependence, and to indicate that these roles may be interchangeable, based on the knowledge needs in a particular situation (in line with the tenets of shared leadership). The dyadic system is influenced by its environment, the organisational context. However, the primary focus of this study is on interpersonal leadership communication as symbolic interaction between the leader/followers in the LFD. These three systemic levels are represented as major themes in the model resulting from this study: Theme 1 – an organisational environment that supports constructive interpersonal leadership relations (ILR); Theme 2 – symbolic interaction in the LFD; and Theme 3 – personal attributes that enhance ILR.
The data were collected from two convenience samples. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants in Sample 1, while questionnaires were used to collect data from Sample 2. In both cases, thematic analysis was used to analyse and interpret the data.
The major contribution of the study is the resulting theoretical framework of ILR, which comprises a theoretically based definition of ILR; a generic model of ILR; and current guidelines for fostering constructive ILR in knowledge-based contexts, with reference to the three systemic levels.
The following definition was phrased based on the study: Constructive interpersonal leadership relations (ILR) in a knowledge-based organisational context is a dyadic process of symbolic communication between two expert leader/followers who mutually influence each other and share meaning to strengthen their relationship and to collaboratively transfer and apply knowledge to achieve organisational goals.
In terms of the environment, it was found that organisational leaders should actively model and promote the following: a collaborative leadership concept, workplace spirituality, cultural inclusivity, and adaptation to advancing communication technologies.
Regarding symbolic interaction in the LFD, the following communication practices were found to be central to constructive ILR: active listening, supporting followers as unique individuals, respectful communication, considering followers’ input, facilitating constructive redefinition of the other leader/follower’s self, role-taking (taking the perspective of the other leader/follower’s role), awareness of attribution, conflict management through non-threatening, respectful and preferably face-to-face discussion, facilitating a sense of meaning or purpose at work for the other leader/follower, and fostering constructive relationship properties such as trust. It was found that ILR may produce system outputs into the organisation that contribute to the organisational culture and climate, job performance, employee morale and engagement, and staff retention.
Personal attributes were organised into personal values and competencies that support ILR. The most important personal values were identified as honesty, love or supportiveness, respect, relationships or engagement, trust, and professional excellence. Essential competencies were identified as listening skills, emotional communication competencies (particularly self-awareness, self-reflection and attending to others’ emotions), engagement skills, conflict management skills, and multicultural competency (including generational skills). / In hierdie kwalitatiewe studie word ’n teoretiese raamwerk voorgelê vir die verskynsel ‘interpersoonlike leierskapsverhoudings‘ (verwysende na beide die diadiese verhouding tussen twee leier/volgelinge en die leierskapskommunikasie wat in die diade plaasvind) in kennisgebaseerde organisatoriese kontekste.
Die uitgangspunt is dat die interpersoonlike leier-volgeling-diade (LVD) vanuit ‘n sisteemteoretiese perspektief beskou kan word as ‘n sisteem wat uit twee sisteemdele (individue) bestaan. Hierdie individue word ‘leier/volgelinge‘ genoem om hulle wedersydse interafhanklikheid te beklemtoon; en om aan te toon dat hierdie rolle uitruilbaar mag wees, afhangende van die kennisbehoeftes in ’n gegewe situasie (met verwysing na die teorie van gedeelde leierskap). As ’n sisteem word die LVD ook deur die omringende omgewing of organisatoriese konteks beïnvloed. Die primêre fokus van hierdie studie is egter op interpersoonlike leierskapskommunikasie as simboliese interaksie tussen die leier/volgelinge in die LVD. Hierdie drie sistemiese vlakke word in hierdie studie deur die hooftemas in die studie verteenwoordig en ook as sulks in die voortvloeiende model uitgebeeld: Tema 1 – ’n organisatoriese omgewing wat konstruktiewe interpersoonlike leierskapsverhoudings (ILV) ondersteun; Tema 2 – simboliese interaksie in die LVD; en Tema 3 – persoonlike eienskappe wat ILV bevorder.
Die teoretiese raamwerk van ILV bestaan uit die volgende: ’n teoreties gefundeerde definisie van ILV; ’n generiese model van ILV; en ’n raamwerk van huidige riglyne vir die kweek van konstruktiewe ILV in kennisgebaseerde kontekste, met verwysing na die drie sistemiese vlakke van omgewing, diade en individuele leier/volgelinge.
Die volgende definisie is op grond van die navorsingsresultate geformuleer: Konstruktiewe interpersoonlike leierskapsverhoudings (ILV) in ’n kennisgebaseerde organisatoriese konteks is ’n diadiese proses van simboliese kommunikasie tussen twee kundige leier/volgelinge wat mekaar wedersyds beïnvloed en betekenis deel om hulle verhouding te versterk en kennis samewerkend oor te dra en aan te wend om organisatoriese doelwitte te bereik.
In terme van die organisatoriese omgewing is bevind dat organisatoriese leiers, veral senior leiers, die volgende aktief moet modelleer en bevorder in die organisasie: ’n samewerkende leierskapskonsep, spiritualiteit in die werkplek, kulturele insluiting, en aanpassing by vooruitgang in kommunikasietegnologie.
Met verwysing na simboliese interaksie in die LVD is die volgende praktyke bevind as sentraal tot konstruktiewe ILV: aktiewe luistergedrag, die ondersteuning van volgelinge as unieke individue, respekvolle kommunikasie, die inagneming van volgelinge se insette, die fasilitering van die konstruktiewe herdefiniëring van die ander leier/volgeling se self, rol-inneming (die inneem van die rolperspektief van die ander leier/volgeling), bewustheid van attribusie, die bestuur van konflik deur nie-bedreigende, respekvolle en – waar moontlik – aangesig-tot-aangesig bespreking, die fasilitering van ’n sin van doel of betekenis by die werk vir die ander leier/volgeling, en die kweek van konstruktiewe verhoudingseienskappe (vertroue, uitruilbare leier/volgeling-rolle en wedersydse invloed is geïdentifiseer as belangrik). Dit is ook bevind dat ILV sisteemuitsette in die organisasie mag genereer wat bydra tot die organisatoriese kultuur en klimaat, werkprestasie, werknemers se moreel en betrokkenheid, en personeelbehoud.
Persoonlike eienskappe is verdeel in waardes en vaardighede wat ILV ondersteun. Die belangrikste waardes is geïdentifiseer as eerlikheid, liefde, respek, verhoudings, vertroue, en professionele uitnemendheid. Die volgende vaardighede is geïdentifiseer as noodsaaklik: luistervaardighede, emosionele kommunikasievaardighede (met spesifieke verwysing na selfbewussyn, selfrefleksie en aandag aan ander se emosies), betrekkingsvaardighede, konflikbestuursvaardighede, en multi-kulturele vaardighede (wat generasievaardighede insluit).
Die date is ingesamel uit twee gerieflikheidsteekproewe. Indiepte-, semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gevoer met Steekproef 1 (kundiges op gebiede verwant aan ILV in kennisgebaseerde kontekste), terwyl vraelyste gebruik is om data te verkry by Steekproef 2 (leier/volgelinge in kennisgebaseerde kontekste). Tematiese ontleding is in beide gevalle gebruik om die data te ontleed en te interpreteer. / Kha iyi ngudo ya u tandula ‘qualitative’, ndivho ya ṱhoḓisio yo vha u ṋetshedza mutheo wa thiyori kha sia ḽa vhushaka ha vhurangaphanḓa vhukati ha vhathu (zwine zwa amba vhushaka ha tshumisano vhukati ha vharangaphanḓa/vhatevheli vhavhili na vhudavhidzani kha vhurangaphanḓa vhune ha khou bvelela nga kha tshumisano yeneyo) kha nyimele ya tshiimiswa yo ḓitikaho nga nḓivho.
Zwo sumbedziswa uri tshumisano ya murangaphanḓa-mutevheli vhukati ha vhathu (leader-follower dyad (LFD)) i nga lavheleswa u bva kha sia ḽa sisiṱeme ya thyori sa sisiṱeme ine ya vha na zwipiḓa zwivhili (vhathu). Vhathu avha vha vhidzwa ‘vharangaphanḓa/vhatevheli’ hu u itela u khwaṱhisedza u ḓitika havho nga muṅwe, na u sumbedza uri mishumo iyi i nga imelelana, zwo ḓitika nga ṱhoḓea dza nyimele yeneyo. (zwi tshi tevhedza vhatevheli vha vhurangaphanḓa uvho). Sisiṱeme ya tshumisano i ṱuṱuwedzwa nga nyimele yayo, nyimele ya tshiimiswa. Fhedziha zwa ndeme kha ngudo iyi ndi nga vhudavhidzani ha vhurangaphanḓa vhukati ha vhathu sa tshiga tsha tshumisano vhukati ha vharangaphanḓa/vhatevheli kha LFD. Maga aya mararu a sisisṱeme a imelelwa nga ṱhoho khulwane kha nḓila yo livhisaho kha ngudo iyi: Ṱhoho 1 – mupo/nyimele ya tshiimiswa i ṱuṱuwedzaho vhushaka ha vhurangaphanḓa vhu vhuedzaho vhukati ha vhathu (interpersonal leadership relations (ILR)); Ṱhoho 2 – Tshiga tsha tshumisano kha LFD; na Ṱhoho 3 – Vhuvha ha muthu vhune ha konisa ILR.
Data yo kuvhanganywa u bva kha sambula dzine dza vha dza tsinisa. Mbudziso dzo ṱanḓavhuwaho, dzi sa langiho kufhindulele kha vhavhudziswa dzo itwa hu na vhadzheneli kha Sambula ya u thoma (1), ngeno khwesheya dzo shumiswa u kuvhanganya data kha Sambula 2. Kha nyimele dzoṱhe ho shumiswa ṱhaṱhuvho i re na vhushaka na ṱhoho u itela u ṱhaṱhuvha na u ṱalutshedza data.
Zwine ngudo iyi ya vhuedza khazwo ndi mvelelo ya mutheo wa thyori wa ILR, ine ya vha na ṱhalutshedzo yo ḓitikaho nga thyori ya ILR, nḓila ya u angaredza ya ILR; na tsumbanḓila dza zwino u itela mbuelo ya ILR kha nyimele yo ḓitikaho nga nḓivho, zwo lavhelesa kha maga a sisiṱeme.
Ṱhalutshedzo i tevhelaho yo vhekanywa zwi ḓitika nga ngudo: Vhushaka ha vhurangaphanḓa Vhuvhedzaho vhukati ha vhathu (ILR) kha nyimele ya tshiimiswa yo ḓitikaho nga nḓivho ndi maitele a tshumisano ya tshiga tsha vhudavhidzani vhukati ha vharangaphanḓa/vhatevheli vha re na nḓivho vhane vha ṱuṱuwedzana na u kovhekana zwine zwa amba u itela u khwaṱhisa vhushaka havho khathihi na u fhirisa na u shumisa nḓivho u itela u zwikelela zwipikwa zwa tshiimiswa.
Zwi tshi ya nga nyimele, zwo wanala uri vharangaphanḓa vha tshiimiswa vha tea u vhumba na u ṱuṱuwedza zwi tevhelaho: muhumbulo wa tshumisano kha vhurangaphanḓa, zwa tshimuya mushumoni, u katela zwa mvelele, na u ṱanganedza u shumiswa ha thekhinoḽodzhi ya vhudavhidzani.
Maelana na tshumisano nga tshiga kha LFD, maitele a vhudavhidzani a tevhelaho a wanala a one a ndeme kha ILR ire na mbuelo: u thetshelesa nga vhuronwane, u tikedza vhatevheli hu na kupfesesele kwa uri vhathu vho fhambana, vhudavhidzani ha ṱhonifho, u dzhiela nṱha mihumbulo ya vhatevheli, u ṱuṱuwedza u ṱhalutshedza nga nḓila yo fhambanaho i vhuedzaho ya vhaṅwe vharangaphanḓa/vhatevheli vha shumaho u ya nga vhone vhaṋe, u dzhia dzhenelela (u vhona nga nḓila ine vhaṅwe vharangaphanḓa/vhatevheli vha vona ngayo), u tangnedza nḓivho, ndaulo ya phambano nga kha nyambedzano i sa shushedziho, ya ṱhonifho, nga maanḓa nga nyambedzano vhathu vho livhana zwifhaṱuwo, u ṱuṱuwedza nḓivho ya ṱhalutshedzo kana ndivho ya mushumo kha vhaṅwe vharangaphanḓa/vhatevheli, u ṱuṱuwedza zwithu zwi fhaṱaho vhushaka vhu vhuedzaho u fana na u fulufhedzana. Zwo tumbulwa uri ILR i bveledza sisiṱeme ya mvelelo u vha tshiimiswa tshine tsha dzhenelela kha mvelele na vhuḓipfi, kushumele kwa mushumo, u ṱuṱuwedzea na u dzhenelela ha vhashumi, nauri vhashumi vha sa ṱuwe.
U ṱanganedzea ha muthu zwo vheekanywa zwi tshi ya nga mikhwa ya muthu ene muṋe na vhukoni zwine zwa tikedza ILR. Mikhwa ya muthu ya ndemesa yo topolwa sa u fulufhedzea, lufuno, ṱhonifho kana u dzhenelela, fulufhelo, na vhukoni kha zwa phurofeshinaḽa. Vhukoni ha ndeme ho sumbedzwa sa vhukoni ha u thetshelesa, vhukoni ha vhudavhidzani ha muhumbulo (nga maanḓa u ḓiḓivha, u ḓilingulula/sedzulusa na u dzhiela nzhele vhuḓipfi ha vhaṅwe vhathu), vhukoni ha u dzhenelela, vhukoni ha ndaulo ya phambano, na vhukoni ha u dzhenelela kha mvelele nnzhi (zwi tshi katela vhukoni ha zwa murafho). / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)
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