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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza a návrh způsobu využití brownfields - bývalého dopravního střediska v Brně / Analysis and design of use of brownfield: a former transport centre in Brno

Blažek, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis deals about actual issue of sustainable devolvement of land with connection to brownfields sites. First aim of thesis is analyse concrete brownfiled in Brno city. Second aim is economically evaluate different variant and options of using buildings. For correct design was necessary make analysis of real estate market, architecture as well as local needs Housing and commercial area, also park and parking area are included to each variant of design, according to land use plan. Risks and way of distribution (sale/rent) are included to economical evaluation. Results show most rentable variant is use building as 40 % for commercial area and 60 % for housing for each building. However, this option is unfavourable at the beginning, in the future brings most amount of gain for shareholder.

Molekulární variabilita a rozšíření druhového komplexu Frustulia rhomboides (Bacillariophyceae) / Molecular variability and distribution of the Frustulia rhomboides species complex (Bacillariophyceae)

Urbánková, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
Recent use of molecular methods to revisit taxonomically problematic diatom species revealed severe limitations of morphological species concept. Characterization of diatom species which was based solely on the morphology of their frustules often generated too broad species boundaries which inevitably lead to wrong conclusions about their ecology and distribution. Widespread opinion that many diatom species are cosmopolitan generalists resulted in a theory that dispersal of diatoms is not limited by geographical distance. However, a number of recent studies showed that dispersal of diatoms is governed by the same rules which matter for macroorganisms. Proposed master thesis addresses the topic of diversity and dispersal in diatom species complex Frustulia rhomboides sensu lato in Europe and New Zealand. Results suggest that: (1) although revealed molecular variability in this complex shows clear ecological and biogeographical signal, it is not correlated in morphology. This is another support to general need for adoption of different species concept in diatoms. (2) A considerably uneven ratio in species diversity of genus Frustulia found in ecological similar habitats in Europe and New Zealand supports the idea that diatom dispersal is limited and stressed the need for studies dealing with biogeography.

Molnet / The Cloud

Thorén, Lars January 2015 (has links)
Krematoriet När en människa kremeras bli hon ett moln. Det nya krematoriets gestaltning är inspirerat av molnets egenskaper  - translucens, lätthet, förändring och ljus. Byggnaden har en rationell plan som stödjer den naturliga arbetskedjan för begravningsentreprenörer, tekniker och expedit. Samtidigt är det en plats för anhöriga. För människor i sorg som behöver utrymme för att säga farväl. / Crematorium When a person is cremated she is transformed into a cloud. The design of the new crematorium is inspired by properties of the cloud - translucency, change and light. The building has a rational plan that supports the natural chain of work by people working there . At the same time it is a place for families, for people in mourning who need room to say goodbye.

F1 garagekoncept för 2023 : Ett examensarbete i samarbete med Red Bull Racing F1 Team

Adlerborn, Caroline January 2022 (has links)
I detta projekt har ett koncept garage för Red Bull Racing F1 Team tagits fram inför säsongen 2023. Designutmaningen i projektet var att studera nuvarande koncept och hitta lösningar för ett fortsatt flow för personal men också ett stort fokus på hur man på bästa sätt kan hitta en designlösning på hur man kan visa upp varumärket och bilarna inför 2023 och framtiden. Uppgiften togs fram av mentorn från Red Bulls sida på detta projekt, Stefan Bridges, head of creative design. Under hela samarbetet har kontakten med Red Bull vart stor och de är en stor del av utvecklingen av garaget. Projektet följde en industridesign process med tre faser, analysfas, kreativ fas och en presentationsfas.

Konstruktion av automatiserad riktare för pallkragar

Flyg, Mattias January 2021 (has links)
The project purpose and goal where to deliver a design dossier for a new automated alignment fixture for pallet collars. The fixture was designed to be directly applied to Goodtech Solutions AB robotic cell Collarizer. The concept development for the project is only a small part of bigger plans to have Collarizer handle the pallet collars directly from the delivery-state. The requests and the requirement of the project is only a few from the final product.The project was accomplished with specific gateway-requirements that the metallic hinges should be able to be aligned both inwards and outwards while the pallet collar is in its folded state. The fixture should be able to align the metallic hinges that is deformed to a max of 30 degrees. The concept was designed with simplicity and to be applicated in the current design of the Collarizer.The final concept resembles a table where the pallet collar is positioned on its side with the metallic hinges pointing to a specific side. The pallet collar is positioned correctly with help of offsets and cylinders. Single acting pneumatic cylinders is positioned perpendicular over the metallic hinges putting an acting force on the mounting points to reassure that the metallic hinges are not deformed incorrectly. Double acting cylinders with a through piston rod is positioned under the metallic hinges to apply the alignment force. The through piston rod is used to maintain the same pressure and drag force. A special component is attached to the cylinders that with help of its design allows the metallic hinges to be aligned correctly. The design also reassures the hinges is bent +3 mm outwards to take the retraction of the hinges into account.Almost all the components in the concept can be ordered directly from a supplier. It is only the attachments to the cylinders that needs further development to be manufactured. The design of the concept allows a lot of adjustments and adaption too the future. The concept can take future requirements into account without changing the main principle.

Framtagning av väska till elektrisk sparkcykel

Hall Lindqvist, Elida January 2018 (has links)
Det här arbetet är att samarbete med IKEA och dess syfte är att ta fram en lösning på hur en elektrisk sparkcykel ska förvaras och förflyttas då den inte används. Målet är att ta fram en prototyp samt ett produktionsunderlag för en enkel modell av förvaringslösningen samt ta fram ett förslag på en vidareutveckling av förvaringslösningen som erbjuder ytterligare funktioner. Dessutom ska en 3D-modell av sparken tas fram. Framtagningen av den enklare väskan genomförs med hjälp av Ulrichs och Eppingers produktutvecklingsprocess med inriktning på konceptutvecklingsfasen. Skisser för olika koncept tas fram och därefter genomförs ett konceptval med hjälp av konceptpoängsättning. När konceptvalet är gjort tas en prototyp av väskan fram och när prototypen är tillfredsställande genomförs ett materialval varpå ett produktionsunderlag sammanställs.De koncept som genereras för väska 2 är vidareutvecklingar av den enklare väskan. Koncepten presenteras även här i form av skisser varpå konceptens för och nackdelar vägs mot varandra vilket leder till det slutliga konceptvalet. Materialvalet för tyget till väskan genomförs på samma sätt som för den enklare väskan och materialvalet för den hårda delen genomförs med hjälp av CES EduPack. För att en FEM-simulering ska kunna genomföras tas en CAD-modell av den hårda delen fram. Resultatet av simuleringen används sedan för att dimensionera tjockleken på den hårda delen.Vid sidan om arbetet med väskorna tas 3D-modellen av sparken fram. Detta då IKEA inte sedan tidigare har ett 3D-underlag för sparken. 3D-modelleringen görs i CAD-programmet SolidWorks.Arbetet resulterar i en enkel väska i polypropylen med tillhörande produktionsunderlag och en mer avancerad väska med integrerad förvaring. Materialvalet för tyget till den mer avancerade väskan blir vaxad canvas och materialvalet för den hårda delen blir polystyren med 30 % glasfiber. Väskorna presenteras tillsammans med en renderad bild på CAD-modellen av sparken i resultatdelen. / This project is a collaboration with IKEA and the purpose to develop a solution for storage and transportation of an electrical scooter when not in use. The aim is to develop a prototype of a simple bag that solves this problem and then develop this prototype further into a more advances bag that offers additional features. In addition to this a 3D model of the scooter will be made. The development of the simple bag is made with the help of the product development process of Ulrich and Eppinger with focus on the concept development. Sketches of the different concepts are made and then the best concept is chosen with concept scoring. When the best concept I chosen a prototype of the bag is made. When the prototype is satisfying a choice of material for the bag is made. Finally a pattern of the bag is compiled.The concepts that are generated for the more advanced bag are elaborations of the simple bag. The concepts are again presented as sketches whereupon the pros and cons of the concepts are weight against each other which leads to a favorite concept being chosen. The choice of material for the fabric of the bag is made in the same way as the choice of material for the simple bag. The choice of material for the bottom of the bag is made with the program CES EduPack. To enable a FEM simulation a 3D model of the bottom part of the bag is made. The result of the simulation is then used to dimension the thickness of the bottom part. Alongside the development of the bags a 3D model of the scooter is made. This is done because IKEA does not have a 3D model of the scooter. All 3D modulation is done with the program SolidWorks. The project result in a prototype and pattern of a bag made from polypropylene and a concept for the more advanced bag that offers integrated storage. The choice of material for the fabric of the more advanced bag is waxed canvas and the choice of material for the bottom part of the bag is polystyrene with 30% glass fibers. The bags and the 3D model of the scooter are presented in the result part of this paper.

Utformning av servicestation : Servicestation för en drönares skördeverktyg

Claesson, Joel, Skarin, William January 2023 (has links)
Today's thinning operations in forestry are managed by using large thinning machines that have a negative impact on the environment due to their reliance on non-renewable energy source and the creation of strip roads. To address this problem, the company utilizes drones equipped with a harvesting tool for thinning operations and today there are no field service stations for inspecting and maintaining a harvesting tool. The purpose of this thesis is to design a service station for the harvesting tool while also formulating a set of requirements. To accomplish this goal, a data collection process was undertaken with interviews and workshops to gain valuable insights into the requirements and functions. The next step involved concept generation and evaluating all concepts using workshops and Pugh's concept selection matrix. The outcome of this work is a concept for a service station that can fit inside a container, featuring an equipped work area and a docking station for the harvesting tool. In its final iteration, the service station enables damaged harvesting tool to be docked, inspected, and maintained. The final version does not support the docking of a damaged tool with the intent to immediately retrieve another fully functional one. Therefore, there is opportunity to explore further concepts that align with the company’s long-term goals.

Městský polyfunkční dům na ulici Křížová, Brno / Multipurpose Town House on Křížová Street, Brno

Poruba, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Design Theory 1st WHAT IS THE TOWN HOUSE By Town House (the only no MD) is undoubtedly the "parterre". The parterre is meant the space where the public associates with a freelancer (the owner of the house rules), which produces original products and original services. The advantage of this arrangement is just the comfort of home owners who meet only a few steps and is in its own business. Up to then follow the floors for residential owners and floor suitable for extended family living or for rent. The building can be rented for parts. The bottom line is that at least one of the apartments will be permanently residing owner. This is achieved by real form MD. The possibility of phased construction, in principle, helps to achieve optimal distribution of project funding (see figure below), ie. There is no need to invest at a time. It is important to fill the empty land in the streets of the city the right partner, with a gradual hill floor living, creating and MD. Just like in nature and in grow houses in the same way. Live to see if any of them, it is easy to replace by a new town house in a relatively short period of time. 2nd TRANSPORT VISION January 2 The need for transport for the urban man City man living in MD would be able to travel virtually anywhere on foot. Common goals, which during the day or week Stakes should be available nearby. She would arise from the need to own a personal vehicle for city driving. So the MD automatically receives the imaginary top of the pyramid forms of housing. Living it has many advantages. I would venture to say that owning a house might be the goal of each of us. As the owner of MD do not happen to work, ie. carry him away from home. All comfort is located in the vicinity. This form of housing support retail development and maintenance of interpersonal relationships. It is a healthy way of life. Basically I'm trying to point out the long years of proven experience. February 2 Future Transport When thinking about the future of transportation, I think of flying caps, with automatic navigation. Today we may seem too fantasy, but it can be assumed that this direction for the future traffic will develop. Such a concept of urban transport is therefore clear that it will be necessary to invest large sums in building road corridors and the streets will again become a pleasant place for people to meet. Just imagine the morning when you come to lift the roof of the MD and sit at sunrise in your hovercraft ... amazing! If you stay in the country, even today there are solutions that will relieve traffic in the city. Good public transport will solve many. Congestion nodes not in the inner cities, what to do. MHD What should be: efficient, clean, for an annual pass with the support price At least busy line should be abolished and congested lines strengthened, leading to migration of people into urban centers. It is a challenge for city planners. A sufficient number of seats in vehicles is a necessary condition for successful public transport. Cars with low starting edge and in good technical condition are showcase quality public transport. Bicycle hire Following the example of many EU countries, we should consider for transportation by bicycle wheels. Bike rentals should be the norm. RENTAL MOTOR UNIVERSAL MINI carts Likewise, the creation of citywide rental carts with electric motor at low speed 25 km / h would be very beneficial.

Design av förpackning för färdiga frys- och kylrätter : Ett produktutvecklingsarbete om förpackningsdesign till färdigmat / Research and design of a packaging for ready frozen- and refrigerated dishes : A product development project about packaging design for readymeals

Almqvist, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver ett projektarbete som genomförts som ett examensarbete inom utbildningen Högskoleingenjörsprogrammet i innovationsteknik och design på Karlstads Universitet. Arbetet har utförts under vårterminen 2022 och innefattar 22,5 högskolepoäng. Examinator för arbetet är Leo De Vin och handledare är Mikael Åsberg.  Projektet har utförts tillsammans med Rottneros, som producerar fibertråg till färdiga frys- och kylrätter. Uppdraget innebär en undersökning av slutkundens krav och önskemål. Med hänsyn till resultatet från undersökningen samt Rottneros möjligheter och begränsningar ska en design på ett fibertråg tas fram.  Huvuddelarna i projektarbetet var planering, förstudie, kravspecifikation, koncept och detaljutveckling. Förstudien var en central del av arbetet och innefattade metoderna enkät, intervju, litteratursökning samt experiment. Detta avsnitt av arbetet gav insikter om marknaden, vilka togs med till följande steg i projektet och användes genomgående. Funktionsanalysen och kriteriematrisen var två metoder med stor betydelse för projektet. Funktionsanalysen sammanställde alla kundönskemål medan kriteriematrisen listade alla krav kopplade till livscykelfaser och begränsningar från Rottneros.  Då det framkom stora skillnader mellan önskemålen från kund och möjligheterna samt begränsningarna från Rottneros blev slutresultatet två olika koncept. Koncept 1 är inte möjlig att sätta i produktion i nuläget, men täcker alla önskemål från kund. Koncept 2 är möjlig att i dagsläget producera, men täcker inte alla kundönskemål. Till sist skapades prototyper av båda koncepten för att ge en känsla av framför allt form och storlek på produkterna. / This report describes a project conducted as a bachelor thesis for the program innovation- and design engineering at Karlstads University. This thesis was carried out during the spring of 2022 and includes 22,5 credits. Examiner of the course is Leo De Vin and supervisor Mikael Åsberg.  The project has been carried out together with the company Rottneros, which produces trays of fiber for readymeals. The assignment involves a broad research of the customers requirements. Also a design for a tray should be developed, with regards to the result of the research, together with Rottneros wishes and limitations.  The main parts of the project involve planning, research, requirement specification, concept and detailed development. The research was a central part of the assignment and the methods used were survey, interview, literature and experiment. This section of the task gave knowledge about the market, which were used in the following parts of the project. Function analysis and matrix of criterias were two methods with great importance for the project. The function analysis compiled the customer requirements and the matrix of criterias listed all the requirements connected to the life cycle phases and the limitations of the company.  There were big differences between the requirements from the customer and the opportunities as well as the limitations from Rottneros. Because of this the end result was two different concepts. Concept 1 covers all the requirements from the customer but is not currently possible to produce. Concept 2 is possible to produce today, but does not cover all the customers requirements. At the end of the project prototypes of the two concepts were made to give a sense of shape and size of the trays.

Konceptutveckling av ett utegym för trädgårdsmiljö: Ett produktutvecklingsarbete för ökad träningsmöjlighet i trädgården / Concept development of a outdoor gym for garden environment: A product development work for increased training in the garden

Skytte, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver ett produktutvecklingsarbete för högskoleingenjörsexamen inominnovationsteknik och design. Projektet utfördes av studenten Linnea Skytte under våren 2022 vid Karlstads universitet och omfattar 22,5 hp. Projektet genomfördes på uppdrag av företaget Invencon. Målet var att utveckla ett fungerande koncept på ett utegym som förenar träning med trädgård samtutveckla delkoncept för ihopsättning och fundament. Projektets syfte var att ta fram koncept anpassat för trädgårdsmiljö utifrån användares önskemål och behov. Denna produkt skulle bidra till att användare kan träna hemma i sin egen trädgård och inte behöver transportera sig till träningen. I sin tur skulle detta kunna ha en positiv påverkan på klimatetgenom minskade utsläpp från bilresor fram och tillbaka till träning. I längden skulle det även bli mer ekonomiskt för användaren då hen kan undvika exempelvis kostnader för bensin och månadsavgift på gym. Tack vare att produkten går att bygga ut och bygga på går den att anpassa utifrån behov, ekonomi och önskemål. Under projektets olika faser har olika beprövade metoder använts. Upplägget för projektet har följt produktutvecklingsprocessen och de faser som ingått har varit: projektplanering, förstudie, kravspecifikation, konceptgenerering, konceptval, konstruktion och sammanställning av projekt. Resultatet av projektet blev ett konceptförslag på ett utegym gjort i trä och med en utformning likt enpergola. I startpaketet ingår en armgång, en sned armgång och en ribbstol, men möjlighet finns att köpa till delar samt bygga på gymmet. Gymmet är anpassat för användare i olika längder genomfotstöd som gör det lättare att nå upp till respektive armgång. För att underlätta montering av dessabalkar är fundamenten anpassade så att det är möjligt att justera dem i höjd- och sidled. Vid ihopsättning av gymmet används färg för att delge vart de olika delarna ska fästas. Gymmet kan användas av personer som väger upp till 110 kg. / This report describes a product development project for a Bachelor of Science in innovation technology and design. The project was performed by the student Linnea Skytte during the spring of 2022 and comprises 22,5 hp. The project was conducted on behalf of the company Invencon with the goal to develop a working concept on an outdoor gym that unites training with garden and also develop subconcepts for assembly and foundation. The project's purpose was to develop concepts adapted to the garden environment based on users' wishes and needs. With this product users can exercise at home in their own garden and do not need to transport themselves to the practice. This could have a positive effect on the environment through reduced emissions from car travel to and back from practice. In the long run it would also be more economical for the user since he or she can avoid for example fuel costs and the monthly charge for the gym. Since the product can be built out and get add-ons it can be adjusted based on needs, economy and wishes. During the project's different phases various proven methods have been used. The arrangement for the project has followed the product development process and the phases that were used are: projectplanning, prestudy, requirements specification, concept generation, concept selection, construction and compiling of project. The result of the project is a concept of an outdoor gym made in wood and with the shape similar to a pergola. In the starting package is a monkey bar climbing, a skew monkey bar climbing and a wall bar included, but it is also possible to buy parts and add-ons for the gym. At the bottom of the vertical beams that hold up the construction there are footrests to make it easier for the user to reach both ofthe monkey bar climbings. To ease the assembly of these beams the foundations are adapted so that it is possible to adjust them in height and in sideways. At the assembly of the gym, colors are used tocommunicate where the different parts are to be attached. The gym can be used by people that weighup to 110 kg.

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