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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Provisioner og processer : den romerske Rota og dens behandling af danske sager i middelalderen /

Ingesman, Per, January 1900 (has links)
Afhandling--Det Teologiske Fakultetsråd--Aarhus Universitet, 2003. / Résumé en anglais. Bibliogr. p. 555-592.

Kyrkliga handlingar - en isolerad företeelse : Eller en del av ett gemensamt ärende?

Molander, Raimond January 2020 (has links)
In this essay I have tried to understand the relationship between the morning service and the ecclesiastical acts (dop, konfirmation, vigsel och begravning). Two scientists, professor Ninna Edgardh and bishop emeritus Sven Thidevall, has identified a gap between the morning service and ecclesistical acts. Edgardh is saying that they are isolated from each other and Thidevall is missing a common purpose. According to above I have tried to understand what two other scientists, bishop Fredrik Modéus and bishop Martin Modéus, says about services and worship communities. Is it possible to identify the gap Edgardh is talking about and the lack of a common purpose Thidevall are discussing. Further I have taken part of reports on national and regional (stift) level, reports based on local (församling) level. The reports are based on investigations about the baptism, one of two sacraments in the Church of Sweden. The investigations are done during the very last decade before and the two first decades after the millenium shift, when the change of relation between the Church of Sweden and the State of Sweden took place. The last report Dop i förändring is published in September 2019. Is it possible to identify what drives high rates of baptism. Finally I have done my own research in an webbased survey. I have asked vicars question what they are thinking about the relation between the morning service and the ecclesiastical acts. The analysis of the results shows that there is a post-colonial attitude concerning the morning service and the ecclesiastical acts. There are attitudes like superior and subordinated worship communities, attitudes challenges The Church of Sweden as a national church, open to everyone living in Sweden regardless of nationality.

"Kristendomsfiender" : Sekularisering, antisemitism och politisk mobilisering i Göteborgs Stift 1907-1945

Freyholtz, Gunnar January 2023 (has links)
This study looks at the meeting between secularization, Christian political mobilization, and national socialism in Western Sweden during the first half of the twentieth century. The study follows the ideological developments of the Christian newspaper Göteborgs Stifts-Tidning, their organization into the political party Kyrkliga Folkpartiet and their increasing ties to both the Swedish and German national socialism parties and ideologies during the 1930s. Using a hermeneutical method, the study examines the newspaper Göteborgs Stifts-Tidning over almost 40 years to track ideological developments and a changing world view. The results showthat Göteborg Stifts-Tidning saw itself as upholders and defenders of religion against the forces of secularization brought in by the modern political parties, particular socialism, later the jews. They viewed the conservatives and later the national socialists as possible allies against secularization.

Svenska kyrkan : vad hände under 1950-talet som förändrade kyrkan för framtiden?

Jonsson, Åsa January 2008 (has links)
<p>Jag har undersökt kyrkans situation i Sverige på 1950-talet, då en förändring skedde med kyrkan. Finns det några samstämmigheter och eventuella avvikelser mellan tillänglig statistik över utträden och viktiga händelser/skeenden under 1950-talet? Mitt syfte med arbetet är att studera Svenska kyrkans nedgång på 1950-talet genom att jämföra tillgänglig statistik med det faktiska historiska skeendet. Det började med att Ingmar Hedenius publicerade sin kritiska bok ”Tro och vetande” 1949. I den kritiserar han på kristendomen, teologer och biskopar. Några år efter boken publicerades skedde en skandal vid biskopsvalen i Strängnäs. Denna kallas även Helanderaffären, som senare har visats vara ett av de största rättsfallen i Sverige. Dessa två faktorer hade en negativ inverkan för kyrkan. På 1950-talets mitt instiftas religionsfrihetslagen och kyrkan och kristendomens ”monopol” försvinner. I statistiken märks en skillnad i antal utträden mellan åren 1953-1955. Vid mitten av 1950-talet känner kyrkan att de måste replikera på kritiken. De vill bland annat ge Hedenius och andra kristendomskritiker svar på tal, och startar en rad motåtgärder. Några stiftelser byggs upp, och kyrkan börjar vinna tillbaka folks förtroende. Utträdena minskar något. Då kommer nästa skandal mot kyrkan. Frågan om kvinnliga präster hade varit en fråga i några årtionden, men nu blossade den upp ordentligt. Två läger bildades, de om var för och de som var mot. Denna debatt visade sig bli en av de största kriser för kyrkan och utträden ökar igen.</p>

Svenska kyrkan : vad hände under 1950-talet som förändrade kyrkan för framtiden?

Jonsson, Åsa January 2008 (has links)
Jag har undersökt kyrkans situation i Sverige på 1950-talet, då en förändring skedde med kyrkan. Finns det några samstämmigheter och eventuella avvikelser mellan tillänglig statistik över utträden och viktiga händelser/skeenden under 1950-talet? Mitt syfte med arbetet är att studera Svenska kyrkans nedgång på 1950-talet genom att jämföra tillgänglig statistik med det faktiska historiska skeendet. Det började med att Ingmar Hedenius publicerade sin kritiska bok ”Tro och vetande” 1949. I den kritiserar han på kristendomen, teologer och biskopar. Några år efter boken publicerades skedde en skandal vid biskopsvalen i Strängnäs. Denna kallas även Helanderaffären, som senare har visats vara ett av de största rättsfallen i Sverige. Dessa två faktorer hade en negativ inverkan för kyrkan. På 1950-talets mitt instiftas religionsfrihetslagen och kyrkan och kristendomens ”monopol” försvinner. I statistiken märks en skillnad i antal utträden mellan åren 1953-1955. Vid mitten av 1950-talet känner kyrkan att de måste replikera på kritiken. De vill bland annat ge Hedenius och andra kristendomskritiker svar på tal, och startar en rad motåtgärder. Några stiftelser byggs upp, och kyrkan börjar vinna tillbaka folks förtroende. Utträdena minskar något. Då kommer nästa skandal mot kyrkan. Frågan om kvinnliga präster hade varit en fråga i några årtionden, men nu blossade den upp ordentligt. Två läger bildades, de om var för och de som var mot. Denna debatt visade sig bli en av de största kriser för kyrkan och utträden ökar igen.

Mässhaken i förändring

Sundström, Ulla January 2002 (has links)
<p>Mitt syfte är att ta reda på om mässhaken har ändrat sitt utseende på något vis. Jag har försökt följa mässhakens utveckling från den allra tidigaste kristendomen till i dag. Vilken form av förändring har skett hos mässhaken? Har reformationen påverkat mässhaken på ett eller annat sätt? Finns det någon politisk eller social påverkan som kan ses i mässhaken? Har den möjligen påverkats av modet? Varifrån kommer mässhaken och hur har den fått sin nuvarande form?</p>

Mässhaken i förändring

Sundström, Ulla January 2002 (has links)
Mitt syfte är att ta reda på om mässhaken har ändrat sitt utseende på något vis. Jag har försökt följa mässhakens utveckling från den allra tidigaste kristendomen till i dag. Vilken form av förändring har skett hos mässhaken? Har reformationen påverkat mässhaken på ett eller annat sätt? Finns det någon politisk eller social påverkan som kan ses i mässhaken? Har den möjligen påverkats av modet? Varifrån kommer mässhaken och hur har den fått sin nuvarande form?

”Tvingas gör man ju inte så ofta i Svenska kyrkan” : Organisationskultur, informationskultur och digitalt långtidsbevarande i en komplex organisation / ”You Aren’t Forced so often in the Church of Sweden” : Organization culture, information culture and digital preservation in a complex organization.

Lontos, Staffi January 2019 (has links)
This thesis investigates the organization culture and information culture in the archives of the Lutheran Church of Sweden. The church is the largest Christian denomination in Sweden. Since the year 2000 it is no longer a state church, though some legal, economic and even mental bonds to the state still exist. The main focus of the thesis is to investigate the influence of cultural aspects on a recent project concerning a general system for information management and digital archiving. A subsequent question is how these cultural aspects may affect the church’s future role as a cultural heritage actor. The thesis, as a framework, uses two models: one for organization culture (Granberg) and one for information culture (Choo). It combines them to a single model and connects them with Kirk’s studies on information use. Four semi-structured interviews, with archivists on national level and in two dioceses, were conducted and transcribed. In addition, related documents were studied. A qualitative analysis was carried out on the data. One conclusion made is that the general culture on national level and in the dioceses can be described as a relationship-based and professional culture. Another conclusion is that parallel cultures do exist within the church, especially in the dioceses. These parallel cultures affect the information use and information behaviour. The diminishing role of the church in the future may be the force which merges these parallel cultures into one. There are also major differences on what to count as the cultural heritage of the church. The author argues that the church should act more decisively to define its heritage and to claim its future role in the field of cultural heritage. This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival Science.

Att vårda kyrkliga textilier – räcker församlingarnas textila kompetens för att vårda ett unikt kulturarv?

Bergman, Niki January 2024 (has links)
The care of church textiles in Sweden has been regulated by church order for almost 500 years and later by Swedish law. There is a common perception of their value as carriers of culture and history. This paper aims to study the textile competence of the people responsible for inventories and textiles in the parishes, what they see as the biggest challenges in caring for the textiles, and how the employees value these textiles as objects of cultural heritage. A questionnaire sent to the people responsible for inventories in four different dioceses shows that many of the people responsible for the textile objects have little or no specific textile competence. Few of the people caring for the textile objects today have practical textile education, while junior employees have to rely on lectures organized by the church or the local museum. These courses have been organized infrequently and there is a pressing need to raise the textile competence of new employees. Many parishes have old textiles such as chasubles and antependiums from the 18th century and even older ones that are used rarely, some once a year at most. Most of these textile objects can be considered museum objects, that the churches merely keep in store. The framework and recommendations issued by the authorities the Swedish National Heritage Board (Riksantikvarieämbetet) and the county administration (länsstyrelserna) lack practical advice and the surveillance on how these recommendations are followed in the parishes is practically non-existent. The care for these old, fragile objects is challenging as many churches are kept cold due to rising energy prices. The parishes answering the questionnaire are, however, reluctant to leave the textile objects for storage at a local museum, as there is a sense of them belonging to the church. By current Swedish law, the textile objects are also supposed to stay in the church where they historically belong. In a near future, the challenge of cost, space and knowledge will create a pressure to find other solutions for the care of the cultural heritage of the Swedish church textiles.

Andliga arkiv? : En undersökning av arkiv knutna till trossamfund i Sverige / Spiritual Archives? : A Study of Archives Linked to Religious Communities in Sweden

Cederberg Lindholm, Jan Teodor January 2018 (has links)
The archives of religious communities is a sparingly treated subject and christian community archives constitute the majority of the archives studied. The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the relevance of James M. O'Toole's four characteristics of religious archives put forward in his article What’s different about religious archives? Another implicit purpose is to expand the knowledge of religious community archives and include archives from other world religions. The thesis's theoretical starting-point is O'Toole's characteristics which are also used as a basis for the questions that the thesis set out to answer. The main question is to what extent O'Toole's characteristics are relevant for studying archives linked to modern religious communities operating in Sweden. The method used is interviews. A total of seven people were interviewed who had knowledge of seven religious community archives. The archives were linked to the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden, the Catholic Bishopric, the Jewish Community in Stockholm, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Triratna Buddhist Community and the Baptist Union of Sweden. With the exception of interviews, the source material consisted of literature (books and articles), web pages, archive registers and email correspondence. The result is that O'Toole's characteristics are not particularly relevant for studying archives linked to modern religious communities operating in Sweden. Religion does not seem so important for religious archives as O'Toole claims. On a scale of 0–5, the relevance of O'Toole's characteristics is 1–2. For this reason, the characteristics need to be modified. There are good opportunities for future researchers to develop the subject and supplement this study. This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival Science.

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