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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Keeping the faith : an investigation into the ways that Tibetan Buddhist ethics and practice inform and direct development activity in Ladakh, North-West India

Butcher, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
The thesis examines the encounter between the normative ideology of sustainable development on the one hand, and Buddhist Ladakh’s older ceremonial landscape on the other, whereby the reproduction of material and religious life is managed with the assistance of enlightened monastic rulers, transcendental Buddhist protector deities, sacred technology, and supernatural beings inhabiting the landscape. It narrates the religious historical discourse of a decline into an “era of demerit”, evidenced through aspects of economic and technological transformation, increasing climate instability, and the threat of conflict along the disputed national borders with Pakistan and China. It examines also the participation of supernatural beings in the political landscape; as guardians of religious law, governors of weather, and landlords of the soil and water, supernatural beings can dictate the delivery of development by punishing transgressions that upset the moral order or pollute their abodes. This was profoundly experienced when Ladakh’s settlements were devastated by a cloud burst and flooding previously unwitnessed, and expressed locally as a sign of religious demerit and supernatural retribution for ritually and morally unchecked social transformation. When this occurs, ritual intervention from monastic specialists is required to restore order. The thesis is thus an account of two distinct approaches to history operating in the same social and political landscape: an objective, evidential account of history in which progress is determined by the existence of a rationally-organised modern economy and bureaucratic structures of governance; and a mythical historical narrative of progress and decline, requiring ceremonial offering and ritual intervention to maintain blessing and prevent religious decline. It examines how the two approaches to history and governance combine to produce a locally-contextualised modern identity in which the discourses and technologies of modern government are utilised to ensure that the Tibetan Buddhist teachings, and their attendant ceremonies, remain relevant in the contemporary era.

Mikroregion Ladův kraj a jeho vliv na cestovní ruch regionu / The Region of Josef Lada and its influence on tourism in its territory

Marounková, Barbora January 2009 (has links)
The thesis introduces the Region of Josef Lada (the group of municipalities) and its tourism potential in terms of natural, cultural and historical attractions and tourist infrastructure. Furthermore, the reader is acquainted with activities and projects which have already been realized by the group of municipalities with a view to promote tourism. The importance of these activities and projects for the entire region and each member municipality is evaluated on the basis of research among the mayors.

Chov ryb v horských podmínkách rybí líhně Borová Lada na Šumavě / Fish husbandry in the mountains conditions at Borová Lada fish - hatchery in Šumava

PLIČKA, Vítězslav January 2009 (has links)
Central parts of the Šumava national park has specific nature conditions which we must respect when fish farming is carry out . In 1998 fish {--} hatchery near Borová Lada was established. The fish hatchery exists more than 10 years and we still have no professional report about exploitation this object. (using assorted technologies of rearing, rearing under controlled conditions). The aim of this graduation thesis is evaluation results of trout culture and make proposition new improved technologic process in fish farming on this site. The thesis also includes experiments with initial feeding of fry of brown trout (Salmo trutta morpha fario) carryed out during the spring 2008. The main observed values were survivance, specific growth rate (SGR) and feed conversion ratio (FCR). After 17 weeks of initial feeding fry of brown trout the observed values were achieved: survival of fish 38,2 % , average length SL = 69,0 mm, average weight 4,9 g. Experiments showed that initial feeding of fry of brown trout (Salmo trutta morpha fario) with using feeding mixtures in the Borová Lada fish {--} hatchery is possible and effective.

Havsbruket / Havsbruket

Nylander, Mats January 2021 (has links)
För att klara klimatförändringarna måste våra kunskaper om havet förbättras, både hur det påverkas men även hur vi kan bruka havet på ett mer hållbart sätt. Havsbruket är ett gestaltningsförslag till en offentlig byggnad på ön Oaxen som kombinerar ett klassiskt ”folkets hus” med ett forsknings- och utbildningscentrum för havsodling samt en plats för kommunikation till och från ön sjövägen. Syftet med Havsbruket är att utforska möjligheterna för en byggnad att ge en plats en starkare relation till havet samt att skapa en samlingspunkt för besökare men även för de boende på ön och för boende på omkringliggande öar.Byggnaden tar genom sin laduform fasta på platsens karaktär samtidigt som dess placering tvärs strandlinjen med två tredjedelar av byggnaden ute på vattnet med inbyggt båthus skapar en tydlig anknytning till havet. Det är byggt i trä och kan med hjälp av stora portar anpassas till rådande väderlek. / In order to cope with climate change, our knowledge of the sea must be improved, both how it is affected but also how we can use the sea in a more sustainable way. Havsbruket is a design proposal for a public building on the island of Oaxen that combines a classic “folkets hus” with a research and education center for aquaculture and a place for transportation to and from the island by sea. The purpose of Havsbruket is to explore the possibilities for a building to give a place an enhanced relationship to the sea and to create a gathering point for visitors but also for the residents on the island and for residents on surrounding islands. Through its barn shape, the building takes on the character of the site while its location across the shoreline with two thirds of the building out on the water with a built-in boathouse creates a clear connection to the sea. It is built of wood and can be adapted to the prevailing weather with the help of large gates covering the windows.

České překlady krátkých próz Gabriela Garcíi Márqueze / Czech Translations of Short Prose by Gabriel García Márquez

Čechová, Eva January 2019 (has links)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the Czech translations of four pieces of short prose by Gabriel García Márquez, an important Colombian writer, each by a different Czech translator. The initial theoretical part deals with the author's life, work and with how his works were received in the Czech territory. The second part focuses on stylistic analysis of the Spanish texts chosen for the purposes of this thesis. The results serve for a better commensurability of the methods of translation in the following chapter. That is also why special emphasis is put on those characteristics of the author's style, which repeat in more than one of the texts. The third and most important part of this thesis consists of translation analyses of the four Czech translations. The thesis will conclude with a comparison of the translation methods used in the Czech translations, focusing on their semantic accuracy, acceptability in the target language and their adequacy to the author's style as manifested in the original texts. Key words: Gabriel García Márquez, literary translation, translation analysis, Hana Posseltová, Vladimír Medek, Blanka Stárková, Lada Hazaiová

Regulatory T cells in type 1 diabetes: the role of IL-35 in counteracting the disease

Singh, Kailash January 2017 (has links)
Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is etiologically considered as an autoimmune disease, where insulin-producing β-cells are damaged by autoimmune attacks. Regulatory T (Treg) cells are immune homeostasis cells. In the present thesis I aimed to investigate the role of Treg cells and other immune cells in the early development of T1D. In order to do that, we first determined which immune cells that are altered at an early stage of the T1D development. We found that dendritic cells and plasmacytoid dendritic cells induce the initial immune response. Next, we investigated the role of Treg cells in multiple low dose streptozotocin (MLDSTZ) induced T1D and in NOD mice. We found that the numbers of Treg cells were increased in both MLDSTZ and NOD mice when the MLDSTZ mice were hyperglycemic. However, the increased Treg cells showed a decreased production of anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10, IL-35 and TGF-β) and an increased expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IFN-γ and IL-17a). These results revealed that Treg cells switch their phenotype under T1D conditions. IL-35 administration effectively prevented the development of, and reversed established MLDSTZ induced T1D. Treg cells from IL-35 treated mice showed an increased expression of the Eos transcription factor, accompanied by an increased expression of IL-35 and a decreased expression of IFN-γ and IL-17a. These data indicate that IL-35 administration counteracted the early development of T1D by maintaining the phenotype of the Treg cells. Furthermore, IL-35 administration reversed established T1D in the NOD mouse model by maintaining the phenotype of Treg cells, seemingly by inducing the expression of Eos. Moreover, the circulating level of IL-35 was significantly lowered in both new onset and long-standing T1D patients compared to healthy controls. In addition, patients with T1D with remaining C-peptide had significantly higher levels of IL-35 than patients lacking C-peptide, suggesting that IL-35 might prevent the loss of β-cell mass. In line with this hypothesis, we found that LADA patients had a higher proportion of IL-35+ tolerogenic antigen presenting cells than T1D patients. Subsequently, we determined the proportions of IL-35+ Treg cells and IL-17a+ Treg cells in T1D patients with diabetic nephropathy (DN), which were age, sex and BMI matched with healthy controls and T1D patients. The proportion of IL-35+ Treg cells was decreased in DN and T1D patients, but IL-17a+ Treg cells were more abundant than in healthy controls. Furthermore, we found that the number of Foxp3+ Treg cells was increased in the kidneys of MLDSTZ mice. However, infiltration of mononuclear cells was seen in kidneys of these mice. In addition, kidney tissues of IL-35 treated MLDSTZ mice did not show any mononuclear cell infiltration. These results demonstrate that IL-35 may be used to prevent mononuclear cell infiltration in kidney diseases. Our findings indicate that the numbers of Foxp3+ Treg cells are increased in T1D, but that these Treg cells fail to counteract the ongoing immune assault in islets and kidneys of hyperglycemic mice. This could be explained by a phenotypic shift of the Treg cells under hyperglycemic conditions. IL-35 administration reversed established T1D in two different animal models of T1D and prevented mononuclear cell infiltration in the kidneys by maintaining the phenotype of Treg cells.

From Lada to Folly : Revealing the Origin of Kiruna

Halvorsen, August Junge January 2020 (has links)
"From Lada to Folly" investigates the relationship between an agricultural artefact of Northern Sweden, ladan, and the move of the city of Kiruna. A lada is a structure to store hay which dates back to medieval times as a part of månghussystemet, a Swedish building tradition where each house on a farm had one function. Ladan was analysed on different scales through mapping, photography and model making with the aim of understanding its relation to the landscape. The scale, placement and orientation were the most significant. Subsequently, this information was translated via diagrams to form the basis of a proposal in Kiruna. Four core values are the foundation of Kiruna: timber, water, iron and people. Timber, because the first buildings were built out of wood and because coal from the forest was used to fuel the engines of the mine. Water, as a mode of transportation and a source of energy. Iron, the oar is the main reason why Kiruna exists. People, in the same way natural resources have been extracted out of Kiruna, people have been sent to the city to facilitate this process. Through four corresponding landscapes in the new city centre, the core values forming the origin of Kiruna is revealed. A folly, an unprogrammed structure erected to enhance a landscape and derived from the lada, is placed on each site functioning as a shelter and contextualising the intervention to the region of Northern Sweden. As architecture most often are physical obstacles built to orchestrate our lives, not allowing but limiting our behaviour, this proposal seeks to create free spaces in the city where not the architect but the people themselves can dictate what will happen. Who is the architect to decide whether someone should eat, make love or die in their structure?

EVO grundskola : Modern skola med klassiska och männskliga kvaliter

Landström, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
"Hur du ser tillbaka på din skola, är också hur du ser på dig själv" Skolor behöver vara många saker, lärande, lekfulla, ordingsamma och mycket mer. Detta projekt är en undersökning i att försöka få in så många kvaliter i en byggnad som det går och få polariteter att dansa med varandra. Detta är en djupdykning i hur platser kan forma barn till att posetivt växa och hur de associerar och använder en plats rent konkret och metafysiskt. Uppgiften var att vi skulle rita en modern grundskola på en svår tomt i henriksdal i stockholm. Vi fick ett komplett program, F-6 med två klasser i varje årskurs. Skolan jag ritat har fått med alla rummen som behöves, i den rumsrelation som eftertraktas av SISAB. Varje rum har den area som specificerades i programmet. Detta är en skola som fungerar och mer. Skolan är en ladustruktur som förljer en enkel sektion som gör skolan blir pragmatisk och flexiblel. Betong element håller ihop byggnaden och kopplar den till platsen symbolisk och estetiskt. EVO är ett koncept för en modern skola som kopplar ihop tradition vilket har rättfärdigats av psykologiska undersökningar. Detta har skapat en miljö och struktur som är optimal för att tillfredställa de behoven som barn, lärare och samhället har på utbildning. / "The way you look back att your school, is also how you view yourself" Schools need to be many things, learning, playful, orderly and much more. This project is an investigation into trying to bring in as many qualitys in a building as possible to get opposites to dance with each other. This is a deep dive in how places can shape children into something posetiv, how they caj associate and use a place concretely and metaphysically. The task was to draw a modern elementary school on a difficult site in henriksdal in stockholm. We received a complete program, (kindergarden to year 6) with two classes in each year. The school I have drawn has provided with all the rooms  that is need needed, in the space relation sought by SISAB. Each room has the area specified in the program. This is a school that works and more. The school is a barn structure that follows a simple section that makes the school pragmatic and flexible. Concrete elements cluster the building and connect it to the site symbolically and aesthetically. EVO is a concept for a modern school that links to tradition, which has been justified by psychological investigations. This has created an environment and structure that is optimal to satisfy the needs of children, teachers and society in education.

Farstanäs Kunskapsgård / Farstanäs, A place for knowledge

Hedström, Natalia January 2021 (has links)
Projektet är baserat i dem Södra delarna av Södertälje Kommuns landsbygd. Projektet är utvecklat från ett grupparbete som ligger till grunden för all analys. Farstanäs är en plats med fler hundra års historia och här har jag skapat en Folkhögskola tillsammans med ett Holkets Hus. Platsen tillhör en gammal mjölkgård, som består av fem lador och ett torg i mitten av dessa. På torget har jag gjort ett tillägg av ett stort växthus och i en av ladorna bedriver folkhögskolan sin verksamhet. / A project based in the rural parts of Södertälje municipality.  Further developed from a group project. Farstanäs is a place dating back a few houndred years, and here I have designed a school along with a Folkets Hus focused on cultivation. The project consists of the barns from an old milk farm and the square between these barns now consisting of a big greenhouse, together creating a Folkhögskola and a Folkets Hus.

Diabetes Mellitus at the Time for Diagnosis : Studies on Prognostic Factors

Martinell, Mats January 2017 (has links)
The aim for this thesis was to identify prognostic factors for chronic diabetes complications that exist at the time of diabetes diagnosis. Low level of education (<12 years) and low income (<60% of median) was found to increase the risk to have high (>70 mmol/mol) HbA1c at the time of diagnosis with 34 % and 35 %, respectively. Prevalence of diabetic retinopathy (DR) was 12% in a cohort of patients newly diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetic macular edema was present in 11% of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and 13% of those with Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA). Low beta cell function and low level of education increased the risk for DR with 110% and 43%, respectively. For every unit of increase in body mass index, the risk for DR was reduced by 3%. The cellular immunology of LADA patients was a mixture of that observed in both type 1 (T1D) and T2D patients. Compared to patients with T1D, LADA patients had more B-regulatory lymphocytes and antigen presenting cells capable of producing interleukine-35. This indicates a higher anti-inflammatory capacity in LADA patients compared to type T1D patients. By imputing age, body mass index, HbA1c at diagnosis, beta cell function and insulin resistance in a cluster analysis, five distinct diabetes clusters were identified. The four clusters representing T2D patients differed in incidence of DR, nephropathy and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This was replicated with similar results in three geographically separate populations. By studying socioeconomic background and factors present at the time of diagnosis we can better predict prognosis for chronic diabetes complications. These findings may facilitate better-targeted diabetes screening programs and more individually tailored treatment regimes.

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