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O talian entre o italiano-padrão e o português brasileiro : manutenção e substituição linguística no Alto Uruguai gaúchoPertile, Marley Terezinha January 2009 (has links)
Questa Tese la se fundamenta ntel àmbito dele risserche a rispeto del "bilinguismo e lìngue in contato" riferente al tema "manutenssion e sustituission del Talian ntea region de Alto Uruguai Gaucho". Versa sora el stùdio de caràter etnogeossossialinguìstico, macroanalìtico abrangendo diferenti posti de na àrea geogràfica significativa de due variante: el portoghese e i diversi dialeti resultanti dal so mescolamento con la lìngua italiana. Come ogetivi genèrichi la tese la ogetiva: a) Stabilir le cause pi relevante e la proporcionalità del so contributo ntel fomento e scambiamento dea lìngua orignària fora dal paese dea lìngua materna e che, ntel novo ambiente, la compartisse segnai de língua minoritària, sia par el pròpio contato dele diferense variante dea lìngua intrà de si stesso, sia par el vero contato con la lìngua magioritària del novo paese. b) Dar el so contributo par na revision del conceto sostitutivo e mortal linguìstico come um fato che sucede, sincrònica e diacronicamene sora el fenòmeno dea esistensa e permanensa dele lìngue, sicome sora el fonsionamento e la ligassion ntrà i sitema linguìstichi doperadi par i bilìngüe. c) Come resultante del studio prevede svèrdere le posssibilità de impianto de na política linguìstica par sodisfar le necessità dea region. El scopo el questiona polìtiche de fomento linguìstico indiressade a le minorie parlante e nó solamente par la manutenssion o pèrdita. El stùdio el camina in diression a la metodologia dialetològica pluridimensional e relassional che la combina la dialetologia del posto a la sossiolinguìstica par meso dea qual se constata in che punto e in che dimension el fenòmeno in question el se sucede, focalisando le sue interrelassion ntel so spassio. Próprio anca ntei stùdi geolinguìstichi poco se gà verificà sora i temi de questa natura. In questo senso, el presente stùdio se difere de altri aspeti sora language shift in general monopontual sentralisada nte na comunità bilìngue, quando se compara contesti diferenti e fatori condissionanti deversi nte na scala de punti, seanca che de nùmero un a quatro. La racolta de informassion in queste località se distende a la etapa de risserca dei aspeti istòrichi, statìstichi e demogràfichi e le interviste semidiretive con simultanietà de informanti. Scominsiando con la anàlise qualitativa dele interviste semidiressionade e dea quantificassion dei apuntamenti dele amostre statìstiche se riva a la identificassion dei fatori de manutenssion e pèrdita dea lìngua de imigrassion. Ga sucedesto na pérdita significativa del talian che la se vincula a fatori come la polìtica de represssion del Stato; a la funsion dea scola come instituission pùblica vinculadora de un insegno monolinguisante e monovarietàbile, fato solamente par meso dea utilisassion del portoghese; anca a la repulsa o mancansa del suporto institussional e al grado de urbanisassion insiemà a la mancansa de consientisassion linguìstica a rispeto del benefìssio del bilingüismo e del doparamento, manutenssion e svolgimento dea lìngua orignària. De altra sorte, vedemo chei fatori che mantien el talian i deventa unidi, con la maniere pi forte a la transmission intergenerassional e a la consentrassion demográfica del grupo de parlanti (omogeneità ètnica). Anca, convien distacar le atitùdine positive dei parlanti, in relación a la lìngua de origine e a la condission de isolamento dele comunità. / Esta Tese se desenvolve no âmbito de pesquisas sobre "bilinguismo e línguas em contato", referente ao tema "manutenção e substituição do talian na região do Alto Uruguai Gaúcho". Constitui-se em um estudo de caráter etnogeossociolinguístico, macroanalítico, envolvendo diferentes pontos de uma área geográfica significativa de confluência de duas variáveis - o português e as diferentes variedades dialetais provenientes da língua italiana. Como objetivos gerais, pretende: a) determinar os fatores mais relevantes e a proporção em que contribuíram para o fomento ou a substituição da língua originária de fora do país e que, no novo meio, compartilha traços de língua minoritária, seja pelo próprio contato das diferentes variantes da língua italiana entre si, seja pelo contato com a língua majoritária do novo país; b) contribuir para uma revisão do conceito de substituição e morte linguística como algo que se dá sincrônica e diacronicamente, na forma de um processo natural e irreversível, ampliando o conhecimento sobre o fenômeno da existência e permanência das línguas, bem como sobre o funcionamento e o entrelaçamento de sistemas linguísticos empregados por bilíngues; c) aportar, pelo resultado do estudo, possibilidades de implantação e implementação de uma política linguística voltada às necessidades da região. O enfoque volta-se para políticas de fomento linguístico dirigidas às minorias e não mais somente para a manutenção ou perda. O estudo segue a linha da metodologia dialetológica pluridimensional e relacional, que combina a dialetologia areal com a sociolinguística, através da qual se verifica em que pontos e em que dimensões e parâmetros o fenômeno em questão está ocorrendo, focalizando as suas interrelações no espaço. Mesmo nos estudos geolinguísticos, pouco se tem explorado temas dessa natureza. Neste sentido, o presente estudo distingue-se dos demais enfoques sobre language shift, geralmente monopontuais, centrados em uma comunidade bilíngue, ao comparar contextos diferentes e fatores condicionadores diversos em uma rede de pontos, mesmo que em número de apenas quatro. A coleta de dados nessas localidades incluiu as etapas de pesquisa dos aspectos históricos, estatísticos e demográficos e as entrevistas semidirigidas com simultaneidade de informantes. A partir da análise qualitativa das entrevistas semidirigidas e da quantificação dos dados das amostras estatísticas, os resultados identificaram diferentes fatores de manutenção e perda da língua de imigração. Houve perda significativa do talian que está vinculada a fatores como a política de repressão do Estado; ao papel da escola como instituição pública vinculadora de um ensino monolingualizador e monovarietal realizado somente através do uso do português; ao desprezo ou ausência de suporte institucional e ao grau de urbanização aliado à falta de uma conscientização linguística sobre os benefícios do bilinguismo e o uso e manutenção da língua de origem. Por outro lado, também se verifica que os fatores que mantêm o talian estão ligados, em maior força, à transmissão intergeracional e à concentração demográfica do grupo de fala (homogeneidade étnica). Também estão em destaque as atitudes positivas dos falantes em relação à língua de origem e o estado de isolamento das comunidades. / This Thesis is part of a group of researches on "bilingualism and languages in contact", related to the theme "maintenance and replacement of the talian in the Alto Uruguai Gaúcho region". It is a study with an ethnogeossociolinguistic, macro-analytic character, which includes different locations from a significant geographical area of the confluence of two variables - the Portuguese and the different dialects from the Italian language. Our general goals are: a) to determine the most important facts and their contribution to the promotion or replacement of the language from outside the country, which in the new environment shares traits of a minority language, either by the contact with different variants of the Italian language among themselves, or by the contact with the majority language of the new country; b) to contribute to the review of the replacement concept and linguistic death as something that occurs synchronic and diachronically as a natural and irreversible process, expanding the knowledge on the language existence and permanence phenomenon, as well as on the operation and intertwining of the linguistic systems employed by bilinguals; c) to point out, through the results of the study, possibilities of establishing and implementing a language policy geared to the needs of the region. The focus emphasizes the policies to encourage language targeted for minorities rather than for the maintenance and loss. The study follows the line of multidimensional and relational dialectology methodology, which combines the areal dialectology with the sociolinguistics, through which it can be checked in which points, dimensions and parameters the phenomenon in question is occurring, focusing on their interrelationships in space. Even in the geolinguistic studies, these themes have not been much exploited. Thus, this study differs from other approaches about language shift, which are generally monopontuals, and centered on a bilingual community, since it compares different contexts and diverse conditioning factors in a network of points, even though in the reduced number of four. The data collected in these communities included the stages of research of historical, statistical and demographic and semi-directed interviews with simultaneity of informants. From the qualitative analysis of the semi-directed interviews and the quantification of the data of statistical samples, the results showed different factors of maintenance and loss of the language of immigration. There was a significant loss of the talian that is linked to factors such as the policy of repression of the State; to the role of the school as a public institution in charge of a monolingual and monovarietal teaching achieved exclusively through the use of the Portuguese; to disregard or lack of institutional support and the degree of urbanization combined with the lack of linguistic awareness about the benefits of bilingualism, and the use and maintenance of the language of origin. On the other hand, it is also observed that the factors that maintain the talian are more strongly linked to the intergenerational transmission and demographic concentration of the speech group (ethnic homogeneity). Moreover, the positive attitudes of speakers in relation to the language of origin and the state of isolation of communities are highlighted.
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Italiano e italiani a Berlino. Varietà e generazioni a confrontoGhilardi, Marta 24 May 2018 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist die Beschreibung der Varietäten der italienischen Sprache, wie sie von in Berlin lebenden italienischen Auswanderern gesprochen werden. Die Stichprobe, die sich aus 64 Informanten zusammensetzt, wurde ausgehend von deren Bildungsgrad in zwei Gruppen aufgeteilt, die wiederum nach erster und zweiter Generation unterteilt wurden. Die insgesamt vier Gruppen bestehen aus jeweils 16 Informanten. Die Analysen erfolgten auf soziolinguistischer und sprachlicher Ebene. Für die erste Untersuchung wurde eine Studie zum Phänomen des language shift durchgeführt, bei der die Einstellungen zu den Sprachen im Repertoire der Gemeinschaft untersucht wurden. Die Analyse ergab zum einen, dass es zwei verschiedene Sprachgemeinschaften mit zwei Repertoires gibt, die sich nicht vollkommen überschneiden, und zum anderen, dass ein unterschiedlicher Grad der Integration innerhalb der deutschen Gemeinschaft festzustellen ist. Die soziolinguistischen Ergebnisse wurden durch die anschließende Analyse der sprachlichen Merkmale bestätigt, die die beiden Gruppen der ersten Generation nach dem Bildungsgrad und der unterschiedlichen Dialektverwendung unterscheiden. In der Gruppe mit niedrigem bis mittlerem Bildungsgrad zeigt sich eine Verschiebung von der varietà popolare hin zur Umgangssprache, während in der Gruppe mit mittlerem bis hohem Bildungsgrad eine Verschiebung vom neo-standard hin zur Umgangssprache erkennbar ist. Interessant ist jedoch die Analyse der jeweiligen Gruppen der zweiten Generation, aus der – unabhängig von der Herkunft der Eltern – viele gemeinsame Merkmale ersichtlich werden. Dies lässt sich tendenziell durch den längeren Kontakt mit der deutschen Gesellschaft erklären, der zu einem Rückgang des Italienischgebrauchs führt. / The present dissertation investigates the varieties of spoken Italian used by members of the Italian community in Berlin from a sociolinguistic perspective. The aim is to determine whether there are different Italian linguistic communities in Berlin and how they differentiate from one another. The sample consists of 64 participants, 32 from the first generation and 32 from the second, further divided according to their educational degree. The study takes into account the relationship between linguistic codes and domains of language use, whilst exploring the language shift phenomenon. The qualitative analysis of the data reveals that two linguistic communities with two specific repertoires have gradually taken shape. This is confirmed by the linguistic analysis of the Italian varieties spoken by the participants. The educational degree and the different use of the heritage Italo-Romance dialect of the informants emerged as sociolinguistic variable. The variety of the first generation with low educational degree and extensive use of the dialect shares linguistic features both of the “italiano popolare“ (i.e. the variety of Italian spoken by those individuals who learned as their native language an Italo-Romance dialect) and of the colloquial variety of Italian. On the contrary, the variety of the first generation with a high educational degree and a restricted use of the dialect shares linguistic traits both of the neo-standard and of the colloquial variety. Findings of the second generation groups indicate that the parent's background seems to have a marginal effect on the linguistic variety. This could be due to the second generation participants being exposed to the German society for a longer period of time, causing a decline in their competency of the Italian language.
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Language Policy and Language Planning in Kazakhstan: About the Proposed Shift from the Cyrillic Alphabet to the Latin AlphabetDotton, Zura, Dotton, Zura January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation is an analysis of the history, current state, and possible future directions of the development of language policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Although language planning in the republics of the former Soviet Union has been a major subject of debate on government nation building agendas over the last two decades, the situation and implementation of language policies significantly differ in Kazakhstan due to the conditions of multilingualism and diglossia, in addition to other geographic and historical factors that resulted in the extended penetration of the Russian language during the Soviet era (Isayev, 1977:20). In the first chapter of the study, I trace the history of language legislation and political practices throughout the period of Russian-Kazakh diglossia (Fishman, 1967), a language situation in which the use of two unrelated languages (Kazakh and Russian) performed as high and low varieties at different levels prestige, and provide an analysis of important aspects of implementing legislative decisions and practices aimed at the development and promotion of the Kazakh language. The second and third chapters of this study are devoted to legislative documents and practices aimed at the modernization of Kazakh, especially with regards to the proposed switch from a Cyrillic to a Latin orthography, and amendments to the trinity of the Kazakh, Russian and English language status policies. This study of "language modernization" (switching from Cyrillic to Latin) is an attempt to define linguistic, literary, and social conditions and challenges, especially in the remote areas. The analysis of the modernization is based on the results of an extensive review of 1) official documents related to language policies; 2) on-line/magazine/newspaper and scholarly articles on Kazakh history, culture, language, education, and politics; 3) interviews with the officials of the educational departments, schools and language specialists.
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Normalisation d'une langue régionale dans la sphère économique : de l'utopie à la réalité : le cas de la langue bretonne / normalisation of a minority language in economy : from utopia to reality : about the cas of Breton language / Normalizadur ur yezh rannvroel er bed an armerzh : eus an utopiezh d’ar gwirvoud : e-keñver ar brezhonegPichon, Denis 15 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche entend considérer la revitalisation linguistique dans la sphère économique comme un projet. Cela implique de déterminer un point de départ et ce qui y a conduit. C’est l’objet de la première partie du travail, qui retrace l’évolution de la langue au fil des siècles, ce qui est l’échelle de temps la plus adaptée pour comprendre l’évolution des langues. Viennent ensuite les conditions d’environnement, trois aspects sont abordés : les outils de la langue, la quantité et le niveau des locuteurs dans une situation d’offre et de demande d’emplois. Enfin, le dernier outil concerne la méthodologie et le suivi d’une revitalisation linguistique. La seconde partie éclaire la situation des tensions internes à la sphère économique, entre les vitesses d’évolution des activités humaines et numériques. La suite est consacrée à la valorisation des initiatives de revitalisations linguistiques contemporaines dans le monde des entreprises. Les deux aspects principaux concernent les possibilités d’utilisation de la langue minoritaire et la gestion des facteurs humains liés à une telle démarche. Enfin, la troisième partie concerne une expérimentation de revitalisation linguistique dans l’entreprisede l’auteur, ce qui lui a permis de confronter utopie et réalité d'une telle initiative. / This research work considers reverse language shift in economy as a project. This involve defining a starting point and understanding how this situation came up. It is the aim of the first part which shows the evolution of breton language on several centuries, the appropriate scale to understand language evolutions. Then comes the environment conditions, three aspects are studied : language tools, numbering and level qualifications of the speakers in front of current supply and demand situation. Then, the last tool considered is the methodology and the follow-up of minority language revitalisation. The second part is dedicated to tensions generated in economy between the evolution speed of human activities versus numeric ones. Then comes valorisation of contemporary initiatives regarding language revival in companies. Two main aspects are considered : the possibilities offered by minority languages and managing human aspects linked to such initiatives. Last, the third section is dedicated to an experimental minority language revitalisation performed in the company of the author of this work, which allowed him to put face to face utopia and reality of such an initiative. / Al labour imbourc’h-mañ a ginnig sellout ouzh advuhezekaat ar yezhoù minorel er bed an armerzh evel ur raktres. Ar pezh a dalv spisaat al lec’h loc’hañ, ha penaos emeur degouezhet eno. Pal al loden gentañ an hini eo, hag a ziskouez emdroadur ar yezh a-hed ar c’hantvedoù, skeul amzer dereat evit meizañ emdroadurioù ar yezhoù. Dont a ra war-lerc’h aozioù an endro ha tri anezho zo bet studiet : ostilhoù ar yezh, kementañ hag adrummañ ar vrezhonegerien e-keñver kinnig ha goulenn al labour, hag a-benn ar fin, metodologiezhoù evit lakaat e pleustr ha heuliañ advuhezekaat ur yezh. An eil lodenn a ziskouez tennderioù diabarzh war dachenn an armerzh etre tizh emdroadur faktorioù denel ha niverel. D’an talvoudegezh an intrudu a-vremañ er bed an embregerezhioù, eo gouestlet ar peurrest eus al lodenn. Daou dra a zo bet studiet pizh : peseurt implij eus ar yezh vinorel ha penaos merañ faktorioù denel liammet gant an difrae. Evit echuiñ, an trede lodenn a zo gouestlet d’ul labour pleustrek advuhezekaat ar brezhoneg en embregerezh oberour al labour-mañ, ar pezh en deus roet dezhañ da lakaat tal-ouzh-tal utopiezh ha gwirvoud an difrae.
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¿Chi Somos, che Hablamos?: Desplazamiento Lingüístico, Mantenimiento del Lenguaje y la Experiencia Lingüística de las Personas de Ascendencia Italiana en ArgentinaFrost, Kelsey J 01 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the products and impact of the language contact situation produced in Argentina between Italian immigrants and the local Argentine population from the late 1800s to the present day. This thesis is composed of two main parts: historical research and first-hand research, including a comparison between the linguistic situations in Argentina and Uruguay. Despite the high percentage of people of Italian descent in Argentina, we find a case of language shift and loss. Though in the past Italian immigrants were subject to discrimination, now Italian culture is a sense of pride. Nonetheless, the Italian language is only one marker of culture, and one that is lost in the home environment after a few generations. There have been, and still are, some Argentine efforts toward language maintenance, which could perhaps be improved after a thorough comparative study of Uruguay's Italian education model.
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Since Joseph Smith's Time: Lexical Semantic Shifts in the Book of MormonBangerter, Renee 01 August 1998 (has links) (PDF)
In the years since Joseph Smith completed the translation of the Book of Mormon, the English language has changed; some common phraseologies and word meanings are dissimilar to today's. Often, in reading the Book of Mormon, we impose our current definitions onto terms that in 1830 had a different meaning. Our interpretation of these words, as well as the passages in which they are found, is skewed by our modern definitions. These words, when they occur in the Book of Mormon, demonstrate dialectal and obsolete senses. In the case of some words, the dialectal or obsolete sense is so far removed in meaning from the prevailing modern sense that Book of Mormon readers may be unsure how to interpret the meaning.In this study I investigate words in the Book of Mormon text that have taken on different meanings, thus leading to potential misreadings within some passages of the text.
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Language maintenace in the Malozi community of CapriviSitwala, Josephine Ntelamo 02 1900 (has links)
Silozi is one of the local languages of Namibia with over 200 thousand mother-tongue speakers. The aim of this study is to examine the language situation in the Malozi Community of Caprivi and to identify the factors influencing the maintenance of Silozi in Namibia. The following factors were identified as relevant to the maintenance of Silozi: education, media, religion, contact situations, cultural activities and language loyalty. Despite the strong influence of English in education and increased use of English bythe younger generation, the findings indicate that Silozi is likely to survive for several generations into the future. The study reveals that a high percentage of both young and old use more Silozi in the domain of home, neighbourhood and church than English. It is evident that Silozi will continue to be used as a functional language in Caprivi for many years to come. / Linguistics / (M.A. (Sociolinguistics))
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Jazykový posun u minoritních jazyků v Peru: případ komunity Bora-Huitoto / Language shift in the minority languages in Peru: case of community Bora-HuitotoSatrapová, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the current situation of minority languages in Peru, focusing on language shift as a sociolinguistic phenomenon, which is seen as a transition from the use of one language to another language. The first part conceives the topic from a broader perspective and points out certain weaknesses in the subject. Some Peruvian minority languages, ie the native languages of the Amazon region, have not been adequately documented, individual languages have not been given sufficient attention by linguists, and therefore we encounter inconsistent terminology, classifications and varying estimates of the number of the languages. Many of the languages are in danger of extinction because they are replaced in everyday use by Spanish. The thesis analyzes the individual extralinguistic and other factors that have contributed to accelerating the language shift, and on the basis of empiric data obtained during field research in 2013, describes the progress of the shift in selected communities in the languages Bora and Huitoto murui. The third part introduces the sociolinguistic profile of the settlements Pucaurquillo and Ancon Colonia, which were the center of the research. The main part of the thesis analyzes the topic "behaviour towards language", focused on the intergenerational transmission of...
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Korjŏmal - dialekt korejské menšiny v Kazachstánu / Koryŏmal - Dialect of the Korean Minority in KazakhstanStöckelová, Linda January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to present the language situation of the Korean minority in Kazakhstan. Korean dialect used by local Koreans is called Koryǒmal and after 150 years of separate life of this minority became very different from the standard Korean. The thesis describes the circumstances of its creation, the main differences from today's standard Seoul Korean, the current situation and the frequency of the use on the territory of Kazakhstan. It concluded with an assesment of the future prospects of Koryǒmal and possible means of its preservation for forthcoming generations of Koryǒsaram. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Svea folk i Babels land : Svensk identitet i Kanada under 1900-talets första hälft / Svea People in the Land of Babel : Swedish Identity in Canada during the First Half of the 20th CenturyRönnqvist, Carina January 2004 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis is to shed light upon the construction of identity within the Swedish- Canadian immigrant group during the first half of the 20th century. The most important sources of ethnic and nationalistic influences this study scrutinizes are the homeland Sweden, Swedish-America, Scandinavian-Canada and the Canadian host society. It also examines the interaction with other social identities, such as gender and religion. Theoretically, this dissertation takes its point of departure in Fredrik Barth’s assumptions on cultural boundaries and ethnic grouping, which emphasizes the meeting and confrontation with other groups as a trigger in the development of a new ethnic identity. The study is carried out on three partly interacting levels: the individual, the organizational and the official/ rhetorical level.</p><p>On the individual level, the first generation Swedes in Canada was probably as Swedish as they could be concerning identity, culture and social networks. But as it turned out, the shattered Swedish immigration, the vast and often hardly passable Canadian landscape, together with indirect help from the Canadian government, would prevent an extensive establishment of ethnic organizations. The surplus of single Swedish-Canadian men also affected the transference of Swedishness negatively in the change of generations.</p><p>The intense dialogue with Swedish America, mostly conducted through the Augustana Synod and the Vasa Order, contributed to a new sense of Swedishness. Both these Swedish- American organizations had “Diaspora ambitions” and they relatively soon established a certain cooperation with the pan-Swedish movement in Sweden. Women played an important social, economical as well practical role in both secular and religious organizational life. Many Swedish-Canadians congregations and organizations would have had no future, if not for the women’s commitment.</p><p>Swedish rhetoric on the official level was carried out by men, to men, in a male language and imaginary. In this context the term Swede thus became synonymous with Swedish man. Both outspoken desires from the Swedish homeland and its actual internal development were considered and reformulated in Swedish-Canadian rhetoric. When the nationalistic discourse changed in Sweden, the Swedish-Canadian rhetoric changed in the same direction. Swedes in Canada also responded to ethnic competition, especially from Norwegians, by trying to define how the two related groups differed. Of certain importance was the signals given from the host society. With a general suspicion of foreign elements together with a demand for assimilation, the Canadian government seems to have hastened the integration process of Swedish-Canadians.</p>
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