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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Critical Reexamination of the Morphology, Neurovasculature, and Fiber Architecture of Knee Extensor Muscles in Animal Models and Humans

Glenn, L. Lee, Samojla, Brad G. 01 January 2002 (has links)
The purposes of the present study were to resolve a number of major inconsistencies found in the literature on the structure of the quadriceps femoris muscle and to extend knowledge of its structure using descriptive, qualitative methodology. The quadriceps femoris muscle was investigated in 41 cats, and the findings were confirmed in 6 human cadavers. Two aponeuroses with major biomechanical functions (rectus-vastus and vastus aponeurosis), neither of which had been previously described in the literature, were characterized in both species. The study also resolved many major inconsistencies in the literature: The muscle sometimes described as vastus intermedius (VI) was found to be the articularis genu, the muscle sometimes described as vastus medialis (VM) was found to be the VI, the rectus femoris head was found to have an additional proximal nerve branch not previously recognized, no anomalous 5th head was ever found, and the distal VM were not found to have 2 heads (in either cats or humans). The authors’ anatomical descriptions and bimechanical models of the muscles, tendons, and neurovascular should provide a helpful foundation for future studies on the quadriceps. Two general recommendations are made: 1) that the feline model be considered a viable model to elucidate human knee pathomechanics; and 2) that regardless of the anatomical structure of interest, orthopedic nurses, orthopedic surgeons, and research investigators should routinely use the research literature for anatomical guidance instead of standard anatomical textbooks. © 2002, Sage Publications. All rights reserved.

Proteomic Analysis of the Crustacean Molting Gland (Y-organ) Over the Course of the Molt Cycle

Head, Talia B. 01 September 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Molting in crustaceans is a highly complex physiological process involving negative regulation by two paired endocrine glands, the X-organ/sinus gland complex (XO/SG) and the Y-organ (YO). The XO/SG complex is responsible for making molt-inhibiting hormone (MIH) which negatively regulates synthesis of the molting hormones, ecdysteroids, by the YO. Analysis of gene expression in the XOs and YOs has led to the development of a proposed molecular signaling pathway which regulates ecdysteroidogenesis and subsequent molting in crustaceans. In this study, changes in protein abundance in the YO were characterized over the course of a molt cycle (intermolt, early premolt, mid premolt, and late premolt) induced by multiple leg autotomy (MLA) in the blackback land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis. In all, 457 distinct protein spots were detected in the molting gland using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, of which 230 (50%) changed significantly in abundance over the course of the molt cycle (one-way permutation ANOVA, p≤0.05). Changes in protein abundance were most notable between the intermolt and the three premolt stages, indicative of a biological ‘on-off’ switch in the Y-organ. Several hemolymph species proteins, including hemocyanin, cryptocyanin, and transglutaminase, were identified which characterized physiological changes associated with molting beyond the Y-organ. An abundance of cytoskeletal proteins were identified which correspond with glandular hypertrophy and are indicative of vesicular-mediated exocytosis, possibly of ecdysteroids. Further, several proteins involved in the immune, proteostasis, and oxidative stress response are characteristic of supporting the dynamic and demanding cellular changes associated with ecdysteroidogenesis and the transition of the Y-organ from the basal to the highly active state. Many proteins involved in energetic pathways including glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, amino acid metabolism, and one-carbon metabolism changed in abundance in response to both the higher energy demands and the requirement for precursors of macromolecular synthesis of the YO over the molt cycle. Taken together, these changes in diverse physiological pathways represent the complexity involved with regulation of the Y-organ, even with just the single proposed physiological purpose of ecdysteroidogenesis.

The Role of the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus in Developmental Dyslexia: Evidence From Multi-Modal Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Müller-Axt, Christa 24 October 2023 (has links)
The ability to read proficiently is key to social participation and an important premise for individual well-being and vocational success. Individuals with developmental dyslexia, a highly prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder affecting hundreds of millions of children and adults worldwide, face severe and persistent difficulties in attaining adequate reading levels. Despite years of extensive research efforts to elucidate the neurobiological origin of this disorder, its exact etiology remains unclear to date. In this context, most neuroimaging research on dyslexia in humans has focused on the cerebral cortex and has identified alterations in a distributed left-lateralized cortical language network. However, pioneering post-mortem human studies and animal models suggest that dyslexia might also be associated with alterations in subcortical sensory thalami and early sensory pathways. The largely cortico-centric view of dyslexia is due in part to considerable technical challenges in assessing the human sensory thalami non-invasively using conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). As a result, the role that sensory thalami may play in dyslexia has been largely unaddressed. In this dissertation, I leveraged recent advances in high-field MRI to investigate the role of the human lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the visual thalamus in adults with dyslexia in-vivo. In three multi-modal high-field MRI studies, I show that (i) dyslexia is associated with structural alterations in the direct V1-bypassing white matter pathway connecting the LGN with cortical motion-sensitive area V5/MT in the left hemisphere; (ii) the connectivity strength of which predicts a core symptom of the disorder, i.e., rapid naming ability. I further demonstrate that (iii) the two major functional subdivisions of the LGN can be distinguished non-invasively based on differences in tissue microstructure; and that (iv) adults with dyslexia show functional response alterations specifically in the magnocellular subdivision of the LGN. I also demonstrate that this subdivision deficit (v) is more pronounced in male than female dyslexics; and (vi) predicts rapid naming ability in male dyslexics only. The results of this doctoral thesis are the first to confirm previous post-mortem evidence of LGN alterations in dyslexia in-vivo and point to their relevance to key symptoms of the disorder. In synergy, our research findings offer new perspectives on explanatory models of dyslexia and bear potential implications also for prospective treatment strategies.:Contribution Statement i Acknowledgments iii Abstract v Table of Contents vii 1 General Introduction 1 1.1 Developmental Dyslexia 1 1.1.1 Diagnostic Criteria 1 1.1.2 Prevalence and Etiology 2 1.1.3 Cognitive and Behavioral Symptoms 3 1.1.4 Explanatory Models in Cognitive Neuroscience 4 1.2 Lateral Geniculate Nucleus 7 1.2.1 Anatomy and Function 7 1.2.2 Technical Challenges in Conventional MRI 8 1.2.3 High-Field MRI 9 1.3 Research Aim and Chapter Outline 10 2 Altered Structural Connectivity of the Left Visual Thalamus in Developmental Dyslexia 13 2.1 Summary 14 2.2 Results and Discussion 15 2.3 Conclusions 22 2.4 Materials and Methods 23 2.4.1 Subject Details 23 2.4.2 High-Resolution MRI Acquisition and Preprocessing 23 2.4.3 Lateral Geniculate Nucleus Definition 24 2.4.4 Cortical Region of Interest Definition 26 2.4.5 Probabilistic Tractography 27 2.4.6 Quantification and Statistical Analysis 29 2.5 Supplementary Information 30 3 Mapping the Human Lateral Geniculate Nucleus and its Cytoarchitectonic Subdivisions Using Quantitative MRI 33 3.1 Abstract 34 3.2 Introduction 35 3.3 Materials and Methods 37 3.3.1 In-Vivo MRI 37 3.3.2 Post-Mortem MRI and Histology 41 3.4 Results 44 3.4.1 Lateral Geniculate Nucleus Subdivisions in In-Vivo MRI 44 3.4.2 Lateral Geniculate Nucleus Subdivisions in Post-Mortem MRI 46 3.5 Discussion 50 3.6 Supplementary Information 54 3.6.1 In-Vivo MRI 54 3.6.2 Post-Mortem MRI and Histology 58 3.6.3 Data and Code Availability 60 4 Dysfunction of the Visual Sensory Thalamus in Developmental Dyslexia 61 4.1 Abstract 62 4.2 Introduction 63 4.3 Materials and Methods 66 4.3.1 Subject Details 66 4.3.2 High-Resolution MRI Experiments 66 4.3.3 High-Resolution MRI Acquisition and Preprocessing 67 4.3.4 Lateral Geniculate Nucleus Definition 68 4.3.5 Quantification and Statistical Analysis 69 4.4 Results 70 4.5 Discussion 75 4.6 Supplementary Information 77 4.6.1 Supporting Methods 77 4.6.2 Supporting Results 81 4.6.3 Data and Code Availability 82 5 General Conclusion 83 5.1 Summary of Research Findings 83 5.2 Implications for Dyslexia Models 84 5.2.1 Phonological Deficit Hypothesis 84 5.2.2 Magnocellular Theory 84 5.2.3 Model According to Ramus 85 5.2.4 Need for Revised Model 86 5.3 Implications for Remediation 87 5.4 Research Prospects 88 5.5 Brief Concluding Remarks 90 6 Bibliography 91 7 List of Tables 113 8 List of Figures 115 9 Selbstständigkeitserklärung 117

Road networks, timber harvest, and the spread of Phytophthora root rot infestations of Port-Orford-­cedar in southwest Oregon

Clark, William C. 01 September 2011 (has links)
Phytophthora lateralis is the causal agent of cedar root rot, a fatal forest pathogen whose principal host is Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Port-Orford-cedar), a predominantly riparian-restricted endemic tree species of ecological, economical, and cultural importance to coastal Oregon and California. Local scale distribution of P. lateralis is thought to be associated with timber harvest and road-building disturbances. However, knowledge of the landscape-scale factors that contribute to successful invasions of P. lateralis is also important for effective land management of Port-Orford-cedar. P. lateralis is able to infest in wet conditions via stream networks (zoospore) and dry conditions via road networks (resting spore). This study tested the hypothesis that vehicles spread P. lateralis by relating its distribution to traffic intensive, anthropogenic disturbances (i.e. a road network, timber harvest) over a 31-yr period in a 3,910-km² portion of the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest in the Siskiyou Mountains of Oregon. Indices of road disturbance (presence/absence, configuration, length, density, road-stream network connectivity) and timber harvest (presence/absence, area, density, frequency) were related to locations of infested cedar populations from a USFS survey dataset using a geographic information system (GIS). About 40% of 934 7th-field catchments were infested with the pathogen. Total road length of the study site was 5,070 km; maximum road density was 8.2 km/km2 and averaged 1.6 km/km² in roaded catchments (n = 766). Timber activities extracted 17,370 ha (2,338 cutting units) of forest across 509 catchments; 345 catchments were cut ≥ twice. Maximum harvest density was 0.92 km²/km² ([mean] = 0.04). Both road networks and timber harvest patchworks were significantly related to cedar root rot heterogeneity. Chi-squared contingency tables showed that infestation rates were 2.2 times higher in catchments with roads compared to roadless catchments and 1.4 times higher in catchments with road-stream intersections compared to those that were unconnected. Infestation was twice as likely in catchments with both harvest and road presence than road presence alone. Single-variable logistic regression showed that a one percent increase in harvest density increased infestation odds 25% and a one-unit (km/km²) increase in road density increased infestation odds 80%. Road and stream network configuration was also important to pathogen distribution: 1) uninfested catchments are most likely to be spatially removed from infested, roaded catchments, 2) only 11% of 287 roaded catchments downstream of infested, roaded catchments were uninfested, and 3) only 12% of 319 catchments downstream of infested catchments were uninfested. Road networks and timber harvest patchworks appear to reduce landscape heterogeneity by providing up-catchment and down-catchment access to host populations by linking pathogenic materials to the stream network. Timber harvest data suggest that while infestation risk to Port-Orford-cedar populations remains high, management policies may have curbed infestation risk in timber-harvested catchments; if this is a result of specific P. lateralis mitigation policies adopted in the late 1980's or broader, region-wide conservation policies (i.e. the Northwest Forest Plan) is yet unclear. / Graduation date: 2012

Longitudinal adaptation of vastus lateralis muscle in response to eccentric exercise / effects of magnitude, velocity and range of the applied eccentric stimulus

Sharifnezhad, Ali 03 March 2014 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Studie wurde daher den Einfluss exzentrischen Trainings, mit unterschiedlicher Reizmagnitude, Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit und Muskellänge bei Reizapplikation, auf die Adaptation des M. vastus lateralis (VL) untersucht. Die 31 Studienteilnehmer wurden randomisiert in zwei Trainings- und eine Kontrollgruppe aufgeteilt. Die Trainingsgruppen führten 30 Trainingseinheiten mit exzentrischem Training der Knieextensoren an einem Isokineten durch. Gruppe 1 (n=10) trainierte ein Bein mit 65% der maximalen willkürlichen isometrischen Kontraktion (MVC) und das andere Bein mit 100% MVC, bei einer Winkelgeschwindigkeit von 90°/s und einem Kniewinkel von 25°-100°. Gruppe 2 (n=10) trainierte beide Beine mit 100% MVC, ein Bein aber mit einer Winkelgeschwindigkeit von 90°/s in einem Kniewinkel von 25°-65° und das andere Bein mit 240°/s und 25°-100°. In der Pre- und Postmessung wurde die VL Muskelfaserlänge mittels Ultraschall bestimmt und die Moment-Winkel- und Leistungs-Winkelgeschwindigkeitsrelation mit einem Dynamometer erfasst. Die Ergebnisse zeigen nur für Bein mit 240°/s eine signifikante (p / The present study investigated the effects of magnitude, velocity and muscle length at which the eccentric stimulus is applied on the longitudinal adaptation of the vastus lateralis muscle (VL). The 31 participants were randomly assigned into two experimental groups to perform 30 sessions of eccentric training for the knee extensors (3 times/week) and one control group. The first experimental group (n=10) exercised one leg at 65% of maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVC) and the second leg at 100% MVC at 90°/s from 25° to 100° knee angle on an isokinetic device (Biodex 3). The second experimental group (n=10) exercised one leg at 100% MVC at 90°/s from 25° to 65° knee angle and the other leg at 100% MVC at an angular velocity of 240°/s from 25° to 100° knee angle. In pre and post measurements the fascicle length of the VL was examined by ultrasonography and the moment-angle and power-angular velocity relationship of the knee extensors with a dynamometer. The results showed an increase (p

Ecological correlates of bird damage in a Canterbury vineyard

Watkins, Nigel G. January 1999 (has links)
Birds are a major pest in vineyards both in New Zealand and overseas. There is a need for new behavioural research on birds' foraging habits and feeding preferences in vineyards, as much of the literature to date is anecdotal. Research on cues to birds' feeding will provide a basis on which new deterrent and control strategies can be devised. Spatial-and temporal bird damage in a small vineyard block was mapped to find if damage was correlated with grape maturity and environmental factors. Vineyard and field observations of bird behaviour using video technology combined with preference experiments aimed to establish the relative roles of grape sugar concentration and colour in avian selection. Proximity of vineyards to bird roosts affects damage levels, regardless of differing maturity between locations. The rate of damage tends to increase exponentially once grape maturity has passed a threshold of 13 °Brix. Bunches positioned closest to the ground receive more damage if blackbirds or song thrushes are the predominant pests. Both sugar concentration and grape colour were found to affect birds' feeding preference, but the importance of the two factors varied between years. Black and green grape varieties were differentially preferred by blackbirds (Turdus merula) and song thrushes (Turdus philomelos) while silvereyes (Zosterops lateralis) appeared to have no strong colour preference. It was apparent that there were other, not assessed, grape factors that also affect selection. In small unprotected vineyards that are adjacent to bird roosts the entire grape crop can be taken by bird pests. Besides removing the roosts, which can be beneficial shelterbelts in regions exposed to high winds, growers currently may have no alternative other than to use exclusion netting to keep crops intact. The differential preferences between bird species for variety characteristics suggest that any new deterrents and other strategies to deflect birds from grape crops may need to be species-specific.

Effect of long-term ultra-endurance training on telomere length and telomere regulatory protein expressions in vastus lateralis of healthy humans.

Östlund-Lagerström, Lina January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Alternativní možnosti získání autologních cévních náhrad v kardiovaskulární chirurgii / Alternative autologous vascular grafts in cardiovascular surgery

Loskot, Petr January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: Cardiovascular surgery is a relatively young but progressively evolving field in medicine. More specifically, in the past decades, cardiac surgery achieved significant advances in understanding the causes, progression and treatments of ischemic heart disease (IHD). The IHD is the most common coronary disease, and it ranks first in morbidity and mortality in the developed world. It justifies the need for significant fundamental research as well as its study in clinical practice. It now includes specialized cardiovascular centres with the complex specialized treatments. A group of interventional cardiologists capable of performing routine examinations of the coronary veins using selective angiography has been established. They can eventually also perform percutaneous coronary interventions with direct stent implants. Thus the advances have been made in comprehensive indication of the patients towards their optimal treatments under the regime of a cardio-team. Such team comprises of a cardio-surgeon, interventional cardiologist, echocardiography specialist and the attending physician who is usually the cardiologist. The IHD treatments involve preventive cardiology with the regime measures and checks, pharmacotherapy, interventional cardiology and cardiac surgery to spa treatment and...

The Effect of Carbon and Plastic Ankle-Foot Orthoses (AFOS) on Knee Muscle Activity During Varied Walking Conditions

Behbehani, Reem 10 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Alternativní možnosti získání autologních cévních náhrad v kardiovaskulární chirurgii / Alternative autologous vascular grafts in cardiovascular surgery

Loskot, Petr January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: Cardiovascular surgery is a relatively young but progressively evolving field in medicine. More specifically, in the past decades, cardiac surgery achieved significant advances in understanding the causes, progression and treatments of ischemic heart disease (IHD). The IHD is the most common coronary disease, and it ranks first in morbidity and mortality in the developed world. It justifies the need for significant fundamental research as well as its study in clinical practice. It now includes specialized cardiovascular centres with the complex specialized treatments. A group of interventional cardiologists capable of performing routine examinations of the coronary veins using selective angiography has been established. They can eventually also perform percutaneous coronary interventions with direct stent implants. Thus the advances have been made in comprehensive indication of the patients towards their optimal treatments under the regime of a cardio-team. Such team comprises of a cardio-surgeon, interventional cardiologist, echocardiography specialist and the attending physician who is usually the cardiologist. The IHD treatments involve preventive cardiology with the regime measures and checks, pharmacotherapy, interventional cardiology and cardiac surgery to spa treatment and...

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