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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


PHILIPE DA SILVA SIMOES 22 September 2022 (has links)
[pt] O Lean Six Sigma (LSS) vem impulsionando diversas organizações ao redor do mundo, aprimorando seus negócios através da melhoria de qualidade e de desempenho. Diversos estudos apontam os resultados esperados pela abordagem LSS depende do sucesso do processo de implementação. Embora existam alguns frameworks que guiem as organizações no processo de implementação, poucos estudos consideram as especificidades dos sistemas produtivos Engineer-to-Order (ETO). Esta dissertação de mestrado se propõe a preencher essa lacuna desenvolvendo um framework de implementação desenvolvido em Pesquisa-Ação. Para isso, foi utilizado um modelo de maturidade híbrido cujos principais parâmetros são os Fatores Críticos de Sucesso (FCS). O modelo e os parâmetros foram levantados e explorados na literatura por meio de Revisões de Escopo. Para refletir e avaliar o contexto ETO, esses parâmetros foram validados, estruturados e ponderados por grupos focais de especialistas, através dos métodos Item-Objective Congruence (IOC), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) e a estatística Kappa de Fleiss. Em seguida, uma Pesquisa-Ação foi realizada junto a uma empresa do setor midiático, perseguindo ciclo checkaction-plan-do (CAPDo). Como resultado, a organização direcionou seus esforços de melhoria contínua, resultando no rápido aumento do nível de maturidade. Essa pesquisa exploratória deu origem um framework apresentado como um guia de implementação LSS para organizações ETO. Algumas oportunidades de melhoria e limitações, como a subjetividade da ferramenta de avaliação e a necessidade de novas aplicações práticas, que requerem tempo, são indagadas como sugestões de melhoria para pesquisas futuras. / [en] Lean Six Sigma (LSS) has been driving many organizations around the world, enhancing their business through quality and performance improvement. Several studies point out the results expected from the LSS approach depend on successful implementations. Although there are some frameworks that guide organizations through the implementation process, few studies consider the specifics of Engineer-to-Order (ETO) production systems. This master dissertation proposes to fill this gap by developing an implementation framework developed in Action Research. For this, a hybrid maturity model was used, whose main parameters are the Critical Success Factors (CSF). The model and parameters were identified and explored in the literature through Scoping Reviews. To reflect and evaluate the ETO context, these parameters were validated, structured and weighted by focus groups with experts using Item-Objective Congruence (IOC), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods and Fleiss Kappa statistic. Next, a Research-Action was conducted within a media sector company, pursuing the check-action-plan-do (CAPDo) cycle. As a result, the organization directed its continuous improvement efforts, resulting in a rapid increase in maturity level. This exploratory research gave rise to a framework presented as an LSS implementation guide for ETO organizations. Some opportunities for improvement and limitations, such as the subjectivity of the assessment tool and the need for further practical applications, which require time, are inquired as improvement suggestions for future research.

Propuesta de un nuevo procedimiento basado en la norma ISO 9001 para la gestión conjunta de la norma ISO 31000, la filosofía Kaizen y la herramienta Lean Manufacturing en pymes industriales de la Comunidad Valenciana.

Palacios Guillem, María 23 December 2021 (has links)
[ES] Debido a la globalización y al mercado competitivo actual, a la gran variedad de productos y servicios, a los clientes cada vez más exigentes y que demandan productos de alta calidad al mejor precio y a que la tecnología está continuamente mejorando; la mayoría de las pymes industriales decidieron implementar en sus instalaciones normas y sistemas de gestión con la intención de perfeccionar sus procesos y mejorar su nivel de competitividad y así asegurar su permanencia en su sector del mercado. Esto llevó a que una gran cantidad de empresas implementaran sistemas de gestión en sus instalaciones. Lo que a su vez provocó la necesidad y urgencia de crear nuevos sistemas de gestión relacionados con diferentes aspectos que pudieran afectar al desempeño organizacional y, por tanto, a la competitividad de la empresa. Todo esto se traduce en una gran cantidad de empresas que poseen en sus instalaciones varios sistemas de gestión independientes, con los que gestionar aspectos tan diversos como la calidad, el medio ambiente o la salud y la seguridad de sus trabajadores. Sin embargo, existe la posibilidad de administrar varios sistemas de gestión como si fueran uno solo, mediante los sistemas integrados de gestión. Con estos, las empresas pueden ayudarse de las sinergias que presentan en común para obtener una gestión más eficiente y sencilla que si se administraran por separado cada sistema de gestión. No obstante, al llevar a cabo una revisión literaria completa, se apreció que ningún sistema integrado de gestión está relacionado conjuntamente con los aspectos de calidad, mejora continua, riesgos y que ayude a eliminar aquellas actividades que no aportan valor añadido a la empresa. Es por este motivo por lo que el principal objetivo de la presente Tesis Doctoral es crear una metodología que integre las normas ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 31000:2009, Kaizen y Lean Manufacturing. Con esta metodología se intenta ofrecer ayuda a las empresas para mejorar la calidad de sus productos, afrontar los riesgos que pueden encontrarse diariamente y, al mismo tiempo, mejorar continuamente y prescindir de aquellas herramientas y actividades que no generan valor para la empresa. Para poder desarrollar dicha metodología de integración, una vez terminada la revisión literaria, se realizó un análisis empírico univariante y bivariante en el que se empleó una muestra de treinta pymes de la Comunidad Valenciana y una muestra de nueve empresas españolas ubicadas en la República Checa con dos o más sistemas de gestión implementados. De este estudio se concluye que la mayoría de las pymes examinadas han integrado sus sistemas de gestión examinando los elementos comunes de los sistemas de gestión que querían integrar y mediante su propio mapa de procesos. Esta integración tardó entre uno y dos años y en el que afrontaron barreras como "Falta de recursos humanos", "Falta de colaboración entre los departamentos" y "Empleados poco motivados". Gracias al sistema integrado de gestión, las empresas consiguieron mejorar su imagen externa, perfeccionar la calidad de sus productos y aumentar su ventaja competitiva en el mercado y su eficiencia organizacional. También se observó que la totalidad de las pymes valencianas de la muestra, antes de empezar con el proceso de integración y en un plan de integración, determinaron "los Objetivos de calidad y la planificación para lograrlos", la "Gestión de la Infraestructura" y el "Control de las no-conformidades". Mientras que las pymes españolas ubicadas en la República Checa crearon un plan de integración en el que determinaron el "Control de las no conformidades", la "Información documentada (documentación, registro)", los "Roles, responsabilidades, autoridades" de cada trabajador, la "Revisión del sistema" y las "Acciones preventivas y correctivas". / [CAT] A causa de la globalització i al mercat competitiu actual, a la gran varietat de productes i serveis, als clients cada vegada més exigents i que demanen productes d'alta qualitat al millor preu i a que la tecnologia està contínuament millorant; la majoria de les pimes industrials van decidir implementar en les seves instal·lacions normes i sistemes de gestió amb la intenció de perfeccionar els seus processos i millorar el seu nivell de competitivitat, per així assegurar la seva permanència en el seu sector del mercat. Això va fer que una gran quantitat d'empreses implementaren sistemes de gestió en les seves instal·lacions. El que al seu torn va provocar la necessitat i urgència de crear nous sistemes de gestió relacionats amb diferents aspectes que poguessen afectar a l'acompliment organitzacional i, per tant, a la competitivitat de l'empresa. Tot això es tradueix en una gran quantitat d'empreses que posseeixen diversos sistemes de gestió independents, amb els quals gestionar aspectes tan diversos com la qualitat, el medi ambient o la salut i la seguretat dels seus treballadors. No obstant això, hi ha la possibilitat d'administrar diversos sistemes de gestió com si foren un, mitjançant els sistemes integrats de gestió. Amb aquests, les empreses poden ajudar-se de les sinergies que presenten en comú per obtenir una gestió més eficient i senzilla que si s'administraren per separat cada sistema de gestió. No obstant això, en dur a terme una revisió literària completa, es va apreciar que cap sistema integrat de gestió està relacionat conjuntament amb els aspectes de qualitat, millora contínua, riscos i que ajude a eliminar aquelles activitats que no aporten valor afegit a l'empresa. És per aquest motiu pel que el principal objectiu de la present Tesi Doctoral és crear una metodologia que integre les normes ISO 9001: 2015 i ISO 31000: 2009, la filosofia Kaizen i l'eina Lean Manufacturing. Amb aquesta metodologia es pretén ajudar a les empreses a millorar la qualitat dels seus productes, afrontar els riscos que poden trobar-se diàriament i, a la vegada, millorar contínuament i prescindir d'aquelles eines i activitats que no generen valor per a l'empresa. Per poder desenvolupar aquesta metodologia d'integració, una vegada acabada la revisió literària, s'ha realitzat una anàlisi empírica univariant i bivariant en la que s'utilitza una mostra de trenta pimes de la Comunitat Valenciana i una mostra de nou pimes espanyoles situades a la República Txeca amb dos o més sistemes de gestió implementats. D'aquests anàlisis es conclou que la majoria de les pimes estudiades han integrat els seus sistemes de gestió analitzant els elements comuns dels sistemes de gestió que volien integrar i mitjançant el seu propi mapa de processos. Aquest procés d'integració va durar entre un i dos anys i en el que van afrontar barreres com "Falta de recursos humans", "Falta de col·laboració entre els departaments" i "Empleats poc motivats". Però gràcies al sistema integrat de gestió, les empreses van aconseguir millorar la seua imatge externa, perfeccionar la qualitat dels seus productes i augmentar el seu avantatge competitiu en el mercat i la seua eficiència organitzacional. També s'ha observat que, abans de començar amb el procés d'integració i en un pla d'integració, la majoria de les pimes valencianes de la mostra van determinar "els objectius de qualitat i la planificació per a aconseguir-los", la "Gestió de la Infraestructura" i el "Control de les no-conformitats". Mentre que les pimes espanyoles situades a la República Txeca van crear un pla d'integració en el que van determinar el "Control de les no conformitats", la "Informació documentada (documentació, registre)", els "Rols, responsabilitats, autoritats" de cada treballador, la "Revisió del sistema" i les "Accions preventives i correctives". / [EN] Due to globalisation and the current competitive market, the wide variety of products and services, customers are increasingly demanding and ask for high-quality products at the best price and technology is continuously improving; most industrial SMEs decided to implement management standards and systems in their facilities to improve processes and their level of competitiveness, to ensure their permanence in their market sector. This led many companies to implement management systems in their facilities. Which in turn, caused the need and urgency to create new management systems related to different aspects that could affect organisational performance and, therefore, the company competitiveness. All this means that many companies have several independent management systems to manage aspects as diverse as quality, the environment, or the health and safety of its workers. However, there is a possibility of running several management systems as if they were only one, through integrated management systems. With them, companies can benefit from the common synergies presented by the systems to obtain more efficient and simple management than if they ran each management system separately. Nevertheless, after conducting a complete literary review, it was found that no integrated management system is related to aspects of quality, continuous improvement, risks and, simultaneously, helps eliminate those activities that do not add value to the company. This reason motivates that the principal purpose of this essay is to design a method that integrates the ISO 9001:2015 standard, the Lean Manufacturing tool, the Kaizen philosophy of continuous improvement, and the ISO 31000:2009 standard. This methodology can help companies to improve the quality of their products and face the risks that can be found daily and, at the same time, continuously improve and disregard those tools and activities that do not generate value for the company. To develop the integration methodology after the literary review is conducted did a univariate and bivariate empirical analysis was done using a sample of thirty SMEs from the Valencian Community and a sample of nine Spanish companies located in the Czech Republic, in all cases implementing two or more management systems. The conclusion from this study is that most of the SMEs in the sample have integrated their management systems analysing the common elements of the management systems that they wanted to integrate and through their own process map. This process of integration lasted between one and two years and in which they encountered barriers such as "Lack of human resources", "Lack of collaboration between the departments" and "Employees with little motivation". Thanks to the integrated management system, the companies managed to improve their external image, the quality of their products and increase their competitive advantage in the market, and their organizational efficiency. It was also observed that, before starting the process of integration and in an integration plan, most of the Valencian SMEs from the sample determined "the objectives of quality and the planning to achieve them", "Infrastructure Management" and "Control of non-conformities". While the Spanish SMEs located in the Czech Republic created an integration plan in which they determined the "Control of non-conformities", the "Documented information (documentation, registration)", the "Roles, responsibilities, authorities" of each worker, the "System Review" and the "Preventive and Corrective Actions". / Palacios Guillem, M. (2021). Propuesta de un nuevo procedimiento basado en la norma ISO 9001 para la gestión conjunta de la norma ISO 31000, la filosofía Kaizen y la herramienta Lean Manufacturing en pymes industriales de la Comunidad Valenciana [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/178979

Determining supply chain practices and strategies of light vehicle manufacturers in South Africa

Ambe, Intaher Marcus 04 April 2013 (has links)
This study determined whether local manufacturers of light vehicles in South Africa employ supply chain best practices and strategies. The research design employed was a combination of exploratory and descriptive research design using qualitative and quantitative approaches based on a survey of light vehicle manufacturers in South Africa. A face-to–face, semi-structured interview questionnaire was used, based on purposive sampling. Descriptive statistics using SPSS software were used for the data analysis and interpretation. The findings of the study revealed that across the supply chain, best practices were implemented to a large extent by all manufacturers. Light vehicle manufacturers in South Africa, however face supply chain challenges, which include technological, infrastructural, cost, market/service and production/skills challenges. The most important supply chain performance indicator that contributes to optimisation of performance is quality, followed by final product delivery reliability, and then cost and supplier reliability. All the manufacturers followed a lean strategy for their inbound supply chain and some had a lean supply chain strategy for their outbound supply chain. A number of them also had an agile supply chain strategy in the outbound supply chain which suggests a leagile supply chain strategy. It was also found that in some instances there was a mismatch between strategies and practices in the area of product characteristics, manufacturing characteristics and the decision drivers of supply chain. One of the conclusions of the study was that local manufacturers of light vehicles do not always make decisions and implement practices in line with their chosen supply chain strategies. The study concluded by developing a framework for determining supply chain best practices in line with a chosen strategy that could guide supply chain managers (in locally manufactured light vehicles) in the automotive in South Africa in their decision making. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)


Cagatay Tasdemir (6580142) 10 June 2019 (has links)
<a>Global trends and factors, such as the increased level of globalization, climate change, resource scarcity, and awareness of social and environmental responsibilities, as well as fiercer competition and lower profit margins in all industries, force organizations to act to retain, regain, or sustain their competitive advantages for long-term survival. These trends and factors are historically known to bring about innovations that drive the evolution of industries. Sustainability is considered to be such an innovation to achieve fiscally sound, environmentally conscious, and socially progressive organizations and supply chains. Sustainable Development and Sustainability notions are among trending topics of 21st century. Elevated sustainability concerns of various stakeholders have been forcing members of all industries to evolve into their more environmentally and socially responsible versions. This study was initiated through a comprehensive literature review phase that reviewed 477 articles published in five major databases from 1990 to 2018. The purpose of this review was to assess the current state-of-the art on the subject of lean-driven sustainability. Based on descriptive and contextual analysis, synergies, divergences, and the extent of two-way permeability of lean and sustainability concepts from the perspective of intra- and inter-organizational operations were identified along with future research opportunities. Fundamental strengths and weaknesses of both concepts, existing strong synergies and untapped potential, along with their key contributors, the potential-use cases of lean tools to derive sustainable solutions are highlighted in this review. Next, based on the findings of systematic literature review, an innovative, holistic, versatile and scalable tool was developed to assess and benchmark sustainability performance of organizations and supply chains. The proposed framework was established upon trivet structure of Triple Bottom Line philosophy and fueled by Lean, Six-Sigma and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodologies for accurate and effective measurement of sustainability performance. Completeness of the framework was ensured through development of first-generation Key Performance Indicator (KPI) pool with 33 indicators, a unique work environment assessment mechanism for safety and environmental protection issues in terms of 11 risk categories and by construction of an ownership structure for ease of framework deployment. Proposed framework is expected to help with true sustainability performance improvement and benchmarking objectives at a range of business levels from facility to sectoral operations. Upon completion of the development phase, the Sustainability Benchmarking Tool (SBT) Framework was validated at the facility level within the context of value-added wood products manufacturing. Strengths and weaknesses of the system were identified within the scope of Bronze Frontier maturity level of the framework and tackled through a six-step analytical and quantitative reasoning methodology. The secondary objective of the validation phase was to document how value-added wood products industries can take advantage of natural properties of wood to become frontiers of sustainability innovation. In the end, True Sustainability performance of the target facility was improved by 2.37 base points, while economic and environmental performance was increased from being a system weakness to achieving an acceptable index score benchmark of 8.41 and system strength level of 9.31, respectively. Social sustainability score increased by 2.02 base points as a function of better gender bias ratio. The financial performance of the system improved from a 33% loss to 46.23% profit in the post-improvement state. Reductions in CO<sub>2</sub> emissions (55.16%), energy consumption (50.31%), solid waste generation (72.03%), non-value-added-time (89.30%) and cost performance (64.77%) were other significant achievements of the study. In the end, SBT Framework was successfully validated at the facility level and target facility evolved into its leaner, cleaner and more responsible version of itself. Furthermore, manufacturing industries of all sorts are key stakeholders, which rely on universities to satisfy the demand for competent workforce. Society also expects universities to educate youth and contribute to their self-development by achieving both, scientific and intellectual knowledge saturation. To expand the contribution of the study to the body of knowledge in the fields of Sustainability and Modern Management techniques, an undergraduate level course curriculum that integrates modern management techniques and sustainability concepts with wood products industry dynamics was developed. Students’ pre- and post-education awareness of, and familiarity with sustainability, potential consequences of ignored sustainability issues, modern management techniques, global trends, innovation waves, and industry evolution were compared through a seventeen-question survey. Results showed that course content was successful at increasing sustainability awareness at both overall and individual sustainability pillar levels, At the end, 100% of students were able to develop complete understanding of various modern management techniques and stated that they felt confident to apply learnt skills to real life issues within their profession upon graduation. Overall, this study empirically documented how synergies between Lean, Sustainability, Six-Sigma and Life Cycle Assessment concepts outweigh their divergences, demonstrated viability of SBT Framework and presented a proven example of modern management techniques powered transdisciplinary sustainability curriculum.</a>

Determining supply chain practices and strategies of light vehicle manufacturers in South Africa

Ambe, Intaher Marcus 04 April 2013 (has links)
This study determined whether local manufacturers of light vehicles in South Africa employ supply chain best practices and strategies. The research design employed was a combination of exploratory and descriptive research design using qualitative and quantitative approaches based on a survey of light vehicle manufacturers in South Africa. A face-to–face, semi-structured interview questionnaire was used, based on purposive sampling. Descriptive statistics using SPSS software were used for the data analysis and interpretation. The findings of the study revealed that across the supply chain, best practices were implemented to a large extent by all manufacturers. Light vehicle manufacturers in South Africa, however face supply chain challenges, which include technological, infrastructural, cost, market/service and production/skills challenges. The most important supply chain performance indicator that contributes to optimisation of performance is quality, followed by final product delivery reliability, and then cost and supplier reliability. All the manufacturers followed a lean strategy for their inbound supply chain and some had a lean supply chain strategy for their outbound supply chain. A number of them also had an agile supply chain strategy in the outbound supply chain which suggests a leagile supply chain strategy. It was also found that in some instances there was a mismatch between strategies and practices in the area of product characteristics, manufacturing characteristics and the decision drivers of supply chain. One of the conclusions of the study was that local manufacturers of light vehicles do not always make decisions and implement practices in line with their chosen supply chain strategies. The study concluded by developing a framework for determining supply chain best practices in line with a chosen strategy that could guide supply chain managers (in locally manufactured light vehicles) in the automotive in South Africa in their decision making. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)

Optimalizace pracoviště montáže v předvýrobě za použití principů štíhlé výroby / Rational layout of the assembly line in the pre-manufacturing stage and Lean principles

Škrdla, Michal January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the current state of assembly workplace for prefabrication in selected company. Using lean manufacturing principles it describes and subsequently eliminating all forms of waste that occur in the workplace. Part of the project is to design a new layout of the manufacturing cell, operation balancing and standardize the work of operators in the process. The project aims to achieve the planned production volumes at the same or lower operating costs.

Aplicación de Lean Manufacturing en una empresa de confección para reducir la cantidad de productos no conformes en la ciudad de Lima – Perú / Application of the Lean Manufacturing in a textile manufacturing company to reduce the quantity of non-conforming products, in the city of Lima, Peru.

Cuellar Valer, Stephanie, Góngora Vilca, Angie Lucero 25 May 2020 (has links)
Industria textil; Lean Manufacturing; producto no conforme; Value Stream Mapping; Single Minute Exchange of Die; Total Quality Management; Just in Time. / Esta investigación aborda la aplicación de la metodología Lean Manufacturing en una empresa textil de la industria peruana. El objetivo es reducir el producto no conforme en la línea de fabricación de pantalones. En primer lugar, se recopiló toda la información sobre el área de producción y la calidad de la empresa en estudio. Con el uso de herramientas de calidad se realiza el diagnóstico de la situación actual de la línea de pantalones identificando los defectos más significativos, sumando un total de 19,43% en 2018. Al consolidar los defectos, se observa que las principales causas se han homogeneizado como un proceso de costura no estandarizado, errores de control de calidad, proceso de corte no estandarizado y mala planificación de la producción. La aplicación de VSM y SMED logrará la correcta estandarización de la producción de pantalones Demin, TQM logrará el adecuado control de gestión de calidad del proceso productivo y JIT para una óptima planificación de la producción. / This research undertakes the application of the Lean Manufacturing methodology in a textile company in the Peruvian industry. The objective is to reduce the non-conforming product in the pants manufacturing line. First, all information on the production area and quality of the company under study was collected. With the use of quality tools the diagnosis of the current situation of the pants line is made identifying the most significant defects, adding a total of 19.43% in 2018. When consolidating the defects, it is observed that the main causes have been homogenized as a non-standardized sewing process, quality control errors, non-standardized cutting process and poor production planning. The application of VSM and SMED will achieve the correct standardization of Demin pants production, TQM will achieve the appropriate quality management control of the production process and JIT for optimal production planning. / Trabajo de investigación

Relación cliente-proveedor como ventaja competitiva en la industria del automóvil. Aplicación al clúster del automóvil de la Comunidad Valenciana

Collado Fuentes, Antonio 29 April 2022 (has links)
[ES] A lo largo de más de un siglo de historia de la industria del automóvil, los cambios tecnológicos y la externalización de algunos procesos productivos, han precisado que los proveedores de los grandes constructores desarrollaran nuevas y mayores capacidades. Con ello también se han establecido unas relaciones colaborativas más activas entre los diferentes agentes que forman parte de la industria del automóvil. Recientemente se anunciaba una revolución en la movilidad, la cual generaría cambios disruptivos en la industria del automóvil. Cambios que vendrían provocados por las nuevas normativas de emisiones contaminantes, la necesidad de hacer unas ciudades más habitables y sostenibles, así como la conectividad, los vehículos de conducción autónoma y la movilidad compartida (Neckermann, 2015). Los nuevos requisitos y necesidades suponen un entorno de grandes incertidumbres. Esta situación está provocando el debate en la industria del automóvil la cual ha de hacer frente a importantes retos tecnológicos, manteniendo su competitividad, a la vez que debe continuar satisfaciendo a sus clientes. Una de las claves para mantener el éxito y la competitividad de las empresas que conforman la industria del automóvil pasa por su capacidad en adaptar sus cadenas de valor a dichos cambios. Esto significa establecer cadenas de valor responsivas capaces de afrontar los cambios y oscilaciones a las demandas de los mercados. Ante ese panorama, cabe preguntarse si la industria del automóvil, ubicada en España, está preparada para afrontar las necesidades actuales y futuras de un mercado cada vez más cambiante. En caso contrario, conviene conocer qué acciones deberían emprender para mantener el atractivo que ha llevado a los grandes constructores, y también a importantes proveedores de primer nivel, a continuar realizando inversiones como las que se han llevado a cabo en las últimas décadas. Con este fin, en este trabajo de investigación se ha estudiado la situación de los constructores de automóviles y el modo en que éstos establecen sus relaciones con los proveedores que conforman la industria auxiliar. A lo largo de esta tesis se han ido identificando aquellos factores que influyen en dichas relaciones. Los cuales abarcan desde la comunicación interempresarial y la confianza mutua, hasta las actividades para la introducción de la industria 4.0, o el desarrollo y adquisición de nuevas capacidades y competencias. Se ha tenido en cuenta también la influencia de esas relaciones en la mejora de las cadenas de valor responsivas. Asimismo, se ha realizado una revisión de las Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras - en adelante AEIs -, o clústers del automóvil organizados en España y la labor que estos ejercen en el fortalecimiento de las relaciones cliente-proveedor. La contribución más relevante del presente trabajo es la aportación a la industria del automóvil establecida en España del estado del arte del modo en que se desarrollan las relaciones entre la industria auxiliar y sus clientes, es decir, con los OEMs o los proveedores de nivel superior. Asimismo, se incluye el papel que desempeñan los clústers del automóvil o AEIs en esas relaciones. Mediante el estudio cualitativo y cuantitativo realizado de las empresas proveedoras, así como de los clústers existentes en España, se ha identificado la existencia de cadenas de valor responsivas que contribuyen a la competitividad de la industria automotriz. Al mismo tiempo se ha establecido la fortaleza y debilidad de los diferentes clústers y el rol desempeñado. Finalmente, esta tesis sugiere la continuación de este trabajo de investigación ampliándolo a los OEMs para identificar el rol de liderazgo que desempeñan en la gobernanza de los clústers y la dependencia de las estrategias establecidas por sus sedes centrales. / [CA] Al llarg de més d'un segle d'història de la indústria de l'automòbil, els canvis tecnològics i l'externalització d'alguns processos productius han precisat que els proveïdors dels grans constructors desenvoluparen noves i majors capacitats. Amb això també s'han establit unes relacions col·laboratives més actives entre els diferents agents que formen part de la indústria de l'automòbil. Recientment s'anunciava una revolució en la mobilitat, la qual generaria canvis disruptius en la indústria de l'automòbil. Canvis que vindrien provocats per les noves normatives d'emissions contaminants, la necessitat de fer unes ciutats més habitables i sostenibles, així com la connectivitat, els vehicles de conducció autònoma i la mobilitat compartida (Neckermann, 2015). Els nous requisits i necessitats suposen un entorn de grans incerteses. Aquesta situació està provocant el debat en la indústria de l'automòbil, la qual ha de fer front a importants reptes tecnològics, mantenint la seua competitivitat, alhora que ha de continuar satisfent als seus clients. Una de les claus per a mantindre l'èxit i la competitivitat de les empreses que conformen la indústria de l'automòbil passa per la seua capacitat a adaptar les seues cadenes de valor a aquests canvis. Això significa establir cadenes de valor responsives capaços d'afrontar els canvis i oscil·lacions a les demandes dels mercats. Davant aqueix nou panorama, cal preguntar-se si la indústria de l'automòbil, situada a Espanya, està preparada per a afrontar les necessitats actuals i futures d'un mercat cada vegada més canviant. En cas contrari, convé conéixer quines accions haurien d'emprendre per a mantindre l'atractiu que ha portat als grans constructors, i també a importants proveïdors de primer nivell, a continuar realitzant inversions com les que s'han dut a terme en els últims anys. A aquest efecte, en aquest treball de recerca hem estudiat la situació dels constructors i com aquests estableixen les seues relacions amb els proveïdors que conformen la indústria auxiliar. Al llarg d'aquesta tesi s'han anat identificant aquells factors que influeixen en aquestes relacions. Els quals abasten des de la comunicació interempresarial i la confiança mútua, fins a les activitats per a la introducció de la indústria 4.0, o el desenvolupament i adquisició de noves capacitats i competències. Així com la influència d'aqueixes relacions en la millora de les cadenes de valor responsives. També s'ha realitzat una revisió de les Agrupacions Empresarials Innovadores - d'ara en avant AEIs -, o clústers de l'automòbil organitzats a Espanya i la labor que aquests exerceixen en l'enfortiment de les relacions client-proveïdor. La principal contribució d'aquest estudi és l'aportació a la indústria de l'automòbil establida a Espanya de l'estat de l'art en les relacions que manté la indústria auxiliar amb els seus clients, es dir OEMs i Tiers de nivel superior, així com el paper que exerceixen en aquestes relacions els clústers de l'automòbil o AEIs. Mitjançant l'estudi qualitatiu i quantitatiu realitzat de les empreses proveïdores, així com dels clústers existents a Espanya, s'ha identificat l'existència de cadenes de valor responsives que contribueixen a la competitivitat de la indústria automotriu. Al mateix temps s'ha establit la fortalesa i feblesa dels diferents clústers i el rol que exerceixen. Finalment, aquesta tesi suggereix la continuació d'aquest treball de recerca ampliant-lo als OEMs per a identificar el rol de lideratge eixercit en la governança dels clústers i la dependència de les estratègies establides per les seues seus centrals. / [EN] Throughout more than a century of history of the automobile industry, the technological changes and the outsourcing of some production processes, have required that the suppliers of the most important automobile manufacturers develop new and greater capacities. Within this new environment, more active collaborative relationships have also been established between the different agents that are part of the automotive industry. Recently, it was announced a revolution in mobility, which would generate disruptive changes in the automotive industry. Changes that would be caused by the new regulations on polluting emissions, the need to make cities more liveable and sustainable, as well as the connectivity, the autonomous driving vehicles and the shared mobility (Neckermann, 2015). The new requirements and needs represent an environment of great uncertainties. This situation is causing the debate in the automotive industry, which must face important technological challenges, while maintaining its competitiveness, and continuing to satisfy its customers. One of the keys to maintain the success and competitiveness of the companies that make up the automotive industry is their ability to adapt their value chains to these changes. This means establishing responsive value chains capable of dealing with changes and oscillations to the demands of the markets. In front of this new panorama, it is worth wondering if the automobile industry, located in Spain, is prepared to face the current and future needs of an increasingly changing market. If not, it is important to know what actions they should take to maintain the attractiveness that has led important car manufacturers, as well as major first level suppliers, to continue making investments such as those that have been carried out in recent past years. For this purpose, in this research work it has been studied the situation of the automobile manufacturers and how they establish their relationships with the suppliers that make up the supply industry. Throughout this thesis, those factors that influence these relationships have been identified, from inter-company communication and mutual trust, to the introduction of industry 4.0 activities, or the development and acquisition of new skills and competencies. Identified as well, are the influence of these relationships in the improvement of responsive value chains. A review has also been carried out of the Innovative Business Groups - hereinafter AEIs -, or those automobile clusters organized in Spain and the task they carry out in strengthening customer-supplier relationships. The contribution of this study is the report to the automotive industry established in Spain of the state of the art in the relationships that the auxiliary industry maintains with its customers, i.e.: OEMs and Tiers 1, as well as the role that automotive clústers or AEIs play in these relationships. Through the qualitative and quantitative study carried out of the supplier companies, as well as of the existing clusters in Spain, the existence of responsive value chains that contribute to the competitiveness of the automotive industry has been identified. At the same time, the strength and weakness of the different clusters and the role played have been established. Finally, this thesis suggests the continuation of this research work, extending it to OEMs to identify their leadership role in the governance of the clusters, and the dependence on the strategies established by their headquarters. / Collado Fuentes, A. (2022). Relación cliente-proveedor como ventaja competitiva en la industria del automóvil. Aplicación al clúster del automóvil de la Comunidad Valenciana [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182418

Avaliação do potencial de aplicação dos preceitos da logística reversa de resíduos sólidos ao setor da construção civil em Curitiba, Paraná / Evaluation of the potential application of the precepts of solid waste reverse logistics to the civil construction sector in Curitiba, Paraná

Schamne, Annelise Nairne 13 December 2016 (has links)
Apesar da significativa representatividade do setor da construção civil na economia, o gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos gerados pelo setor ainda é um desafio na maioria dos municípios brasileiros. Os resíduos da construção civil (RCC) são gerados nas atividades relacionadas à construção, comércio e indústria de materiais da construção civil. Estes resíduos quando não recebem tratamento e destinação adequados além de causarem impactos ambientais, afetam direta ou indiretamente a saúde, segurança e o bem estar da população, interferindo nas atividades sociais e econômicas e na qualidade dos recursos ambientais. Neste contexto, a logística reversa é vista como alternativa para gestão adequada dos resíduos, quando bem planejada e executada. A logística reversa está prevista na Lei no 12.305/2010, que trata sobre a Política Nacional dos Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS). No entanto, a implantação da logística reversa ainda é um desafio para alguns setores devido às dificuldades inerentes a este sistema e a falta de informações quanto à operacionalização e regulamentação. Tendo em vista esta dificuldade, este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o potencial de aplicação dos preceitos da logística reversa ao setor da construção civil na cidade de Curitiba e propor um modelo conceitual, destacando as responsabilidades dos principais participantes da cadeia produtiva da construção civil. Na primeira etapa da pesquisa, profissionais da construção civil foram selecionados para responder, com auxílio da técnica Delphi, um questionário, elaborado com base na revisão da literatura, a fim de selecionar critérios relevantes para compor o sistema de logística reversa no setor da construção civil. Na primeira rodada Delphi os profissionais opinaram sobre a relevância dos critérios escolhidos para compor o sistema de logística reversa e na segunda rodada foi realizada a análise multicritério com auxílio do Processo de Análise Hierárquica (AHP) a fim de ponderar e hierarquizar os critérios selecionados. Os resultados foram analisados na ferramenta BPMS AHP Excel e exportados por meio de gráficos. Nesta etapa da pesquisa foi demonstrado que a aplicação do questionário Delphi em conjunto com o AHP auxilia a tomada de decisão dos agentes da cadeia produtiva da construção civil. Os resultados apontam a importância da relação colaborativa entre clientes e fornecedores na devolução materiais e as possíveis barreiras que podem dificultar a operacionalização do sistema de logística reversa no setor da construção civil como a falta de apoio do governo, conscientização da população e baixo incentivo para reutilização de RCC. Na etapa da idealização e elaboração do modelo conceitual, com o auxílio da ferramenta Free Mind, foi possível destacar o potencial de aplicação dos preceitos da logística reversa entre os principais agentes da cadeia produtiva da construção civil em Curitiba. O modelo proposto auxilia na compreensão do fluxo de materiais no sistema de logística reversa e as responsabilidades de cada prestador de serviço, na execução das atividades relacionadas à construção civil, incluindo o gerenciamento dos RCC, além do cumprimento da PNRS e minimização dos impactos ambientais. / Despite the significant representativeness of the construction sector in the economy, the management of solid waste generated by the sector is still a challenge in most Brazilian municipalities. Construction and Demoliton Waste (CDW) is generated in activities related to the construction, trade and construction materials industry. The CDW when not properly treated and destined besides causing environmental impacts can affect directly or indirectly the health, safety and welfare of the population, interfering in social and economic activities and the quality of environmental resources. In this context, reverse logistics is seen as one of the alternatives for proper waste management, when well planned and executed. Reverse logistics is provided for in Law 12.305/2010, which deals with the National Policy on Solid Waste (NPSW). However, the implementation of reverse logistics is still a challenge for some sectors due to the difficulties inherent in this system and the lack of information regarding operationalization and regulation. In view of this difficulty, this paper aims to evaluate the potential of applying the reverse logistics precepts to the civil construction sector in the city of Curitiba and to propose a conceptual model, highlighting the responsibilities of the main participants in the civil construction production chain. In the first stage of the research, professionals of construction industry were selected to answer, with the help of the Delphi technique, a questionnaire elaborated based on the literature review, in order to select relevant criteria to compose a reverse logistics system to the civil construction sector. In the first round of Delphi, the participants decided on the relevance of the criteria chosen to compose the reverse logistics system and in the second round a multicriteria analysis was carried out with the aid of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in order to weight and hierarchize the criteria selected. The results were analyzed in the BPMS AHP Excel tool and exported through graphs. In this stage of the research it was demonstrated that the application of Delphi questionnaire in conjunction with the AHP helps the decision making of the agents of the civil construction productive chain. The results point out the importance of the collaborative relationship between customers and suppliers in the return of materials and possible barriers that may hinder the operation of the reverse logistics system in the construction sector, such as a lack of government support, population awareness and a low incentive to CDW reuse. In the stage of idealization and elaboration of the conceptual model, with Free Mind tool, it was possible to highlight the potential of applying the reverse logistics precepts among the main agents of the civil construction production chain in Curitiba. The proposed model assists in understanding the flow of materials in the reverse logistics system and the responsibilities of each service provider in the execution of activities related to civil construction, including the management of CDW, besides compliance with NPSW and minimization of environmental impacts.

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