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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Economic Analysis of Law on current Adultery : the Legislative Protection Model of Family Right in the Constitution

Li, I-Chun 15 June 2011 (has links)
The existence or abolishment of adultery has been a dispute in academic circles for a long time. Though, it is permissible under the Constitution, according to the Constitutional Interpretation 554. However, many domestic law scholars and feminists argue that adultery should allow to be decriminalized from the perspectives of proportional principle, balance of criminal law¡¦s interest and comparative legal institution. This dissertation analyses the crime of adultery in current days via a newly emerging research approach, namely legal economics. To begin with, I clarify and confirm the legal interests in which marriage and family institutions are involved, that is to say the right of family, whom the crime of adultery in criminal law protects. Taking them as a analysis benchmark, and apply them to be the criterion on the assessment of crime of adultery thereafter. Then, use the concepts of demand, cost and benefit as tools, analyze the feasors and victim of adultery comparatively on the basis of the practice of current prosecution and judgement. The analysis shows that the norms of current crime of adultery couldn¡¦t objectively prevent it from happening. Moreover, it is a burden for the victim wife to start a lawsuit. The advantages obtained from criminal lawsuit could simply be retrieved from claim right in civil code. Besides, lawsuit started by victim wife always lead to family disharmony which at the same time contradicts the benefit of family right entitled by the crime itself. It infers that the crime of adultery should be discriminalized. During the research process, I also analyze the philosophical essence and theory of legal economics, which affirm the legitimate application of economics on law research. Will it lack protection on marriage and family institution after crime of adultery being discriminalized? The article considers this in a view of basic rights protection in the Constitution. How could we fullfil the protection through the law of a lower-level after the crime of adultery being recognized as the protection of family right, which at the same time the basic right the Constitution protects? After summarizing perspectives of theory and practice could be divided to the one that involves the conclusion of marriage, the termination of freedom and monogamy as a narrow interpretation of family right, and nurturing teenagers and protecting family members as broad interpretation on the other. Thus, the way of legalization should be different due to the distinction of broad and narrow family right. As to the narrow family right, it should focus on protection of the right of freedom. In addition, according to the rigidity of criminal law, especially being reviewed by proportional principle, there should be no need to limit the execution of freedom right, when it involves adultery, a stronger behavior in ethical level. Therefore, the existence of crime of adultery is unnecessary. There is a necessity that the Constitution Interpretation 554 needs to be reviewed. However, as far as the broad interpretation of family right is concerned, the criminal law couldn¡¦t force people to accomplish certain do¡¦s and don¡¦ts if it makes great damages to human dignity or jeopardizes the continuity of personality and family.

Skadebegränsningsprincipen : – den skadelidandes skyldighet att begränsa sin skada / The principle of avoidable loss : – the plaintiff’s duty to minimize damage

Maslyannikov, Lev January 2017 (has links)
Den skadeståndsrättsliga principen om den skadelidandes skyldighet att begränsa sin skada ärväl känd och vedertagen i svensk rätt. Principen åberopas ofta som invändning iskadeståndstvister av alla slag, och har därmed stor praktisk betydelse. Principens köprättsligaoch försäkringsrättsliga motsvarigheter är generöst behandlade i doktrinen. På denskadeståndsrättsliga sidan förhåller det sig annorlunda – det här är första gången som ämnetblir tillägnat ett eget arbete i Sverige. Det finns många rättsfall där skadebegränsningsskyldigheten aktualiseras, men på grund avdomskälens utformning är rättsfallens värde som vägledning begränsat. Jag anser emellertid attuppmärksamheten inte bör överfokuseras på dessa. Intar man ett framåtblickande perspektiv,finns det gott om material och idéer att hämta från den övriga civilrätten, från rättsekonominoch – inte minst – från utlandet. Arbetets strukturella och metodologiska ramverk är utformatså, att största möjliga nytta kan dras av främmande källor utan att en djupgående (och oftastointressant) komparativ utredning av dessa källor behöver göras. Det huvudsakliga syftet med undersökningen var att definiera skadebegränsningsprincipensansvarsgräns. Med hänsyn till framställningen omfattning, hade det inte varit möjligt att göragrundliga utredningar av enskilda delproblem. Istället är arbetet fokuserat på att utrönaallmängiltiga riktlinjer, tankemönster och ledtrådar, dels för skadebegränsningsbedömningen isig, och dels för den tänkbara rättsutvecklingen. Ett flertal sådana riktlinjer har kunnatdefinieras, något utspridda över principens tillämpningsområde, och ibland även i sammanhangdär det inte är uppenbart att det är skadebegränsningshänsyn som styr. Samtidigt har åtskilligasystemiska problem uppdagats såväl i principens tillämpning som i den underliggandenormbildningen. Jag har ödmjukt lagt fram några lösningsförslag, med ändamålet att främja enmer rättssäker tillämpning av principen, dels på grundval av gällande rätt, och dels på grundvalav den tänkbara rättsutvecklingen på området. / The doctrine of avoidable loss is a generally recognized principle in Swedish law. The doctrine is often invoked in damage claim disputes of all kinds, and is therefore important in practice. There is plenty of legal literature where the doctrine is treated in the context of sales law and insurance law. On the tort law side, however, there is nothing – this is the first dedicated work on the subject in Sweden. There are many tort cases where the question of avoidable loss is actualized, but due to the way the courts articulate the grounds for their rulings, the cases provide little guidance for the future, and therefore have little value as precedent. This is not necessarily an obstacle to the study. On the contrary, when looking outwards, I have found a wealth of ideas and study material in other areas of civil law, in law and economics, and in foreign law. The structural and methodological framework of the thesis was designed to allow for extraction of material from foreign sources without needing to conduct a thorough (and often uninteresting) comparative study. The main purpose of the investigation was to define the boundaries of the claimant’s liability as imposed by the doctrine. Considering the limited scope of the thesis, it would not have been possible to deconstruct the subject into details and conduct thorough investigations of those. Instead, the work was focused on determining general guidelines, thought patterns and clues; both de lege lata and de lege ferenda. Multiple such guidelines could be defined in various contexts where the doctrine is applied, but also, interestingly, in certain contexts where it is not obvious that considerations of avoidable loss are decisive. Multiple systemic issues have also been found, both in the application of the doctrine and in the underlying norms. I have humbly put forward several suggestions on how these issues could be alleviated to promote legal certainty in the doctrine’s application, both today and in the future.

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