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'Tell me what he said! We'll decide if it makes sense or not' : a case study of legal interpreting between English and Chinese in BritainSin-Man Leung, Ester January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Dokazování v civilním procesu / Evidence in civil proceedingsKlimtová, Alena January 2011 (has links)
Résumé I chose the topic of evidence in civil legal proceedings as I regard the matter not only as very interesting, but also as very significant from the viewpoint of further specialist work. The production of evidence in civil procedural law includes not only activities by the parties when exercising their subjective rights, but also activities by a court, whose task is to ensure just protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the parties. As evidence in civil legal proceedings is a markedly wide-ranging issue, in this work I have limited myself to an explanation of the basic institutions of evidence in civil legal proceedings and have paid more attention to current questions concerning selected means of evidence, the question of imposing the duty to pay an advance on the costs of evidence in the form of an expert report and the question of the production of evidence through questioning of a minor. In chapter one I attempted an analysis of the term evidence and a specification of the subject of evidence from the viewpoint of its positive and negative definition, i.e., in brief what is and what is not the subject of evidence. I also briefly mentioned the issue of community law in connection with the Czech Republic's membership of the European Union. In this chapter it was also necessary to...
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La loyauté dans le procès administratif / The loyalty in administrative legal proceedingsGras, Antonin 17 December 2018 (has links)
La loyauté procédurale n’est pas consacrée dans le droit du procès administratif. Elle fait pourtant l’objet d’un débat au sein de la doctrine publiciste. Alors que la jurisprudence judiciaire et la doctrine privatiste font de la loyauté des débats essentiellement un enjeu de moralisation du procès entre les parties, le discours de la doctrine publiciste sur la loyauté vise à révéler et justifier les garanties apportées aux parties dans le procès administratif. Une démarche inductive, consistant à systématiser le discours doctrinal, permet de formuler un concept de loyauté procédurale propre au procès administratif. Celui-ci apporte une justification à certains traits de procédure, consacrés par les textes ou la jurisprudence, qui n’ont pas de fondement exprès et dont le point commun est de reconnaître des garanties aux parties. Ce concept offre une grille d’analyse du droit du procès. La circonstance que le principe de loyauté procédurale est rejeté en droit n’exclut pas, en outre, l’intérêt d’un usage conceptuel de la loyauté. Le concept de loyauté permet d’apprécier l’opportunité de consacrer certains mécanismes contentieux et d’identifier les difficultés posées par le procès administratif selon les critères de l’intégrité, de l’accessibilité et de l’efficacité à l’égard des parties. Envisagée comme un concept d’explication, la loyauté procédurale devient un concept d’analyse de la procédure suivie devant le juge administratif et suggère certaines évolutions des règles applicables au procès administratif. / The concept of procedural loyalty is not enshrined in the legal frameworks that govern administrative legal proceedings. Nonetheless, it has been subject to significant debate throughout the administrative legal doctrine. In contrast to judicial case law and civil doctrine where the concept of loyalty of debates is essentially focused on the moralization between the parties involved, the administrative doctrine on loyalty aims to disclose and justify the guaranties and safeguards given to the parties involved. An inductive approach, consistent in systematizing the doctrinal discourse, has lead to a concept of procedural loyalty that is unique to administrative legal proceedings. It provides justification over the key features of legal proceedings, features that are enshrined in either legal texts or case law but do not have explicit legal foundations and for which the common feature is to recognize safeguards afforded to the parties involved. This concept brings about a new set of legal terminology. The fact that the principal of procedural loyalty is not explicitly covered in legal frameworks, does not mean however that the conceptual usage of loyalty should be discarded. This concept allows us to acknowledge the opportunity in devoting litigation mechanisms to administrative legal proceedings, in order to identify the difficulties brought about in respect of the integrity, accessibility and efficiency with regards to all parties involved. Initially envisaged as an explanatory concept, procedural loyalty has been transformed into a conceptual analysis of the proceedings presided over by administrative judges.
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Arbeit und Magie in Brandenburg in der Frühen Neuzeit / Work and magic in Early Modern BrandenburgKamp, Silke January 2001 (has links)
Arbeit und Magie werden in der ländlichen Gesellschaft der Frühen Neuzeit neu bewertet. Während die Reformation die Arbeit aufwertet, verteufelt sie den Müßiggang. Als zentrale Lebensäußerung bei der man häufig mit dem Lebensbereich des Anderen in Berührung kommt, birgt Arbeit ein hohes Konfliktpotential in sich. Als Glaubensform basiert Magie auf kollektiven Übereinkünften und strebt einen praktikablen Umgang mit feindseligen Mächten an, so dass sie mit Formen alltäglicher Konfliktaustragung (Gegenzauber, Bezichtigung als Zauberer/Zauberin) bekämpft werden können. Auf Magie als Deutung oder Handlung haben ihre beginnende Kriminalisierung (Carolina) und das Vordringen der Schriftlichkeit nachhaltigen Einfluss. Aus diesen Veränderungen heraus empfängt das Themenpaar Arbeit und Magie seine Bedeutung, das hier in seinem Zusammenwirken erstmals untersucht wird und zwar am Beispiel der Mittelmark.
Wie die Auswertung von Gesuchen mittelmärkischer Gerichte um Rechtsbelehrung an den Schöppenstuhl in Brandenburg zum neuen Delikt der Zauberei im Zeitraum von 1551 bis 1620 beweist, handelt es sich bei der Mittelmark um ein verfolgungsarmes Territorium, das sich daher bestens für die Untersuchung des selbstverständlichen Umgangs mit Magie eignet. In 98 von 136 Prozessen sind insgesamt 107 Frauen und 9 Männer angeklagt – darunter eine „weise Frau“ und zwei Männer als volksmagische Spezialisten. Der Höhepunkt der Spruchtätigkeit liegt zwischen 1571 und 1580. In dieser Phase tauchen erstmals dämonischer Vorstellungen auf und werden weibliche Magiedelikte auch auf Männer übertragen (Schadenszauber, Teufelspakt). Der Vorwurf des Teufelspaktes ist überwiegend im Nordwesten der Mittelmark anzutreffen und wird hier auch zuerst erhoben. Dennoch kann sich der dämonische Hexenglauben als städtisches Phänomen in der ländlich geprägten Mittelmark kaum durchsetzen, denn in keinem der untersuchten Fälle taucht der Terminus „Hexe“ auf. Die Rezeption der Hexenlehre in all ihren wesentlichen Elementen (Buhlschaft, Zusammenkunft auf dem Blocksberg und die Fahrt dorthin) ist erst 1613 abgeschlossen. Damit kommt sie für die Mittelmark zu spät, um ihre zerstörerische Wirkung zu entfalten: Die Auswirkungen des Dreißigjährigen Krieges überlagern alsbald die Vorstellungen von „bösen Zauberinnen“.
Mit Hilfe der Studien von RAINER WALZ zur magischen Kommunikation und EVA LABOUVIE (Offizialisierungsstrategien) wurden drei Fälle näher untersucht, in denen die Arbeit entweder Konfliktanlass ist, mit magischen Mitteln beeinflusst wird oder es um die professionelle Ausübung von Magie im Bezug auf ländliche Arbeit geht. In Nassenheide wird 1573 dem Bauern Peter Calys das Abzaubern von Feldfrüchten unterstellt. Seine Nachbarschaft beobachtet ein ihr unbekanntes Ritual (vermutlich eine Schädlingsbekämpfung), was sie in kein geduldetes magisches Handeln einordnen kann. In Liebenwalde geht es 1614 um „fliegende Worte“, die im Streit um erschlagene Gänse ausgesprochen und später, nach einer Reihe von Unglücksfällen, vom Gescholtenen als Flüche umgedeutet werden. In Rathenow steht 1608 der Volksmagier Hermann Mencke vor Gericht. Sein Repertoire an magischen Hilfsleistungen umfasst Bann-, Heil- und Hilfszauber.
Diese drei Fallstudien ergaben für das Thema Arbeit und Magie, dass Magie in der sich schwerfällig entwickelnden Landwirtschaft ein innovatives Potential zukommt. Das Experimentieren mit Magieformen bleibt jedoch Spezialisten der Volksmagie vorbehalten. Insbesondere in den Dörfern, wo die Grenzen zwischen männlicher und weiblicher Magie durchlässig sind, erweist sich die Geschlechtsspezifik der volkstümlichen Magie als Produkt der Lebens- und Arbeitsbeziehungen in der ländlichen Gesellschaft. Männer wie Frauen verfügen über die zu ihren Arbeitsbereichen passenden Hilfszauber. Dass Zauber zu Frauenarbeiten wie Milchverarbeitung und Bierbrauen überwiegen, liegt neben der Häufigkeit, mit der diese Verrichtungen anfallen, ihrer Anfälligkeit für Fehler und ihrer Bedeutung für die Ernährung daran, dass sie sich im Verborgenen abspielen und daher verdächtig sind. Außerdem handelt es sich um mühselige und monotone Tätigkeiten, die daher der Motivation durch Magie bedürfen. Die Schlichtheit der weiblichen Magie korrespondiert mit der geringeren Spezialisierung weiblicher Arbeit in der Landwirtschaft, die sich in der Verwendung einfacher Werkzeuge bekundet. Wörter können wegen der spezifischen Organisation der Hirnareale zur Sprachverarbeitung in einer auf Mündlichkeit beruhenden Kultur heilen oder eine lebensbedrohliche Waffe sein. Indem Magie das Profane dramatisiert, kommt ihr die Funktion einer Erinnerungskunst zu, die später durch die Schrift ausgefüllt wird. Die Schrift macht Magie als Mnemotechnik überflüssig und immunisiert gegen die Macht des Wortes. Damit reift auch die Skepsis an der Wirksamkeit von Magie. Schließlich werden Schadenszaubervorwürfe nur noch als Injurienklagen verhandelt. Sie bestimmen die Prozesse um Zauberei nach dem Großen Krieg. / Work and magic have been redefined by the rural society of the early modern period. The reformation revalorized labor and condemned idleness. As basic means of existence, which was highly interwoven with the living spheres of other people, labor contained a high potential of conflict. Magic was a set of beliefs based on collective agreements and aspired to deal with evil powers by fighting them with every day strategies of solving conflicts like counter spells or accusations of sorcery. As an interpretation or action, magic was greatly influenced by its definition as an act of crime and an increase in literacy. These changes inspired the subject of this paper, which will analyze for the first time the interplay of work and magic in the electorate of Brandenburg, more precisely the Mittelmark.
The examination of legal proceedings between 1551 an 1620 proves that the Mittelmark has been less infected by witch craze, which makes it an appropriate area to investigate the everyday use of magic. In 98 of 136 proceedings 107 women and 9 men have been accused of sorcery, among them one midwife and two specialists of popular magic. The climax of the proceedings happened in the 1570s. Now, demonic imaginations occurred and former female acts of magic were attributed to men as well. The assumption of a pact between witches and devil was typical for the northwestern part of the Mittelmark and has also been brought up as a charge there for the first time. Witch craze, however, was a phenomenon of the cities and hardly infiltrated the rural Mittelmark. In none of the investigated proceedings the word “witch” has been used. The reception of witchcraft in all its details like the pact with the devil or the gathering and the flight to the Witches’ Sabbath was only completed in 1613, too late to develop its destructiveness: The effects of the Thirty Years’ War overshadowed the conceptions of evil witches.
By using the studies of Rainer Walz and Eva Labouvie, I closely examined three legal proceedings, in which the cause of conflict was either work, influences of magic on work, or in which someone worked as a popular sorcerer within rural work life. In 1573, the peasant Peter Calys, living in Nassenheide, has been accused to spirit away the crops. His neighborhood observed an unknown ritual which did not appear to be any form of harmless magic. 1614 “flying words” have been spoken in Liebenwalde during a quarrel about slain geese and were reinterpreted later as curses. In Rathenow the popular sorcerer Hermann Mencke had to defend himself in a trial in 1608. His magic enabled him to banish, to cure diseases, or to repair misfortune. As one healing attempt failed, his whole practice was viewed in a different light by his clients.
The investigation of these three cases showed that magic possessed an innovative potential in the otherwise only slowly developing agriculture. But only specialists of popular magic were allowed to experiment with magic. The gender specificity of magic proved rather to be a result of relations and working conditions in rural society than of abstract ideas. Both men and women were well grounded in suitable spells for their working sphere. The greater quantity of spells belonging to typical female tasks like dairy or brewery work can be explained not only by importance and frequency of such duties in peasant housekeeping. These error-prone procedures could also fail easily and were additionally executed in the seclusion of a chamber and therefore suspicious. Above all, the tasks were monotonous and exhausting and therefore needed a magical motivation. The more artless female magic, relying mostly on power of words, corresponded with the less specialized female labor in agriculture. Due to the different organization of the cerebral areas for speech processing in an oral society, words could be lethal or healing. By dramatizing the profane, magic fulfilled functions of a mnemotechnique which were substituted later by writing. Writing protected against the power of words and accelerated skepticism of magic. In the end, accusations of sorcery were taken as defamations, which dominated legal proceedings after the Thirty Years’ War.
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Mokestinių ginčų teisenos reglamentavimo probleminiai aspektai / The problematical aspects of regulations of taxing disputes’ legal proceedingsRaškauskas, Julius 16 December 2006 (has links)
Magistriniame darbe yra nagrinėjamas mokestinių ginčų teisenos reglamentavimas Lietuvoje, bei užsienio valstybėse. Siekiama nustatyti ar mokestinių ginčų teisenos reglamentavimas Lietuvoje sudaro sąlygas pažeisti mokesčių mokėtojo pagrindines teises, kurias jis turi mokesčių administravime. Pateikiami pasiūlymai reglamentavimo trūkumams taisyti.
Lietuvos mokesčių administravimo sistema nuolat patiria naujus, tikrovės keliamus iššūkius. Svarbiausias iš jų yra mokestinių pajamų didinimas skatinant savanorišką mokesčių mokėjimą. Tai galima pasiekti tik tuomet, kai mokesčių mokėtojas pasitiki valstybe. Todėl svarbu užtikrinti tinkamą mokesčių mokėtojo teisių apsaugą. Mokestinių ginčų teisena yra vienas iš teisinių mechanizmų, skirtų realizuoti mokesčių mokėtojo teisę į gynybą. Magistriniame darbe buvo iškelta hipotezė – mokestinių ginčų teisenos reglamentavimas sudaro sąlygas pažeisti mokesčių mokėtojo teises. Magistrinį darbą sudaro įvadas, keturi skyriai, išvados ir pasiūlymai. Pirmame skyriuje nagrinėjamos pagrindinės sąvokos. Antras skyrius skirtas mokestinių teisės aktų analizei, siekiant nustatyti pagrindines mokesčių mokėtojo teises mokesčių administravime. Trečiame skyriuje yra atliekama lyginamoji Lietuvos ir pasirinktų užsienio valstybių pagrindinių mokesčių mokėtojo teisių reglamentavimo analizė. Ketvirtame skyriuje nagrinėjamas mokestinių ginčų teisenos reglamentavimas. Iškelta hipotezė pasitvirtino dalinai. Buvo nustatyta, kad mokestinių ginčų teiseną... [to full text] / There is analysis of regulations of taxing disputes’ legal proceedings in Lithuania and in foreign countries performed in this master’s study. The goal of the study is to find out if regulations of taxing disputes’ legal proceedings in Lithuania allow breach of the taxpayer’s rights, which are given him in administration of taxes. The suggestions how to improve the legal system are given as the conclusion of analysis. The Lithuanian administrative system of taxes has to improve constantly to be modern enough to satisfy the needs of changing reality. One of the most important challenges it faces is the motivation of taxpayers to pay taxes honestly. Only by achieving this destination it can ensure steady grow of taxing incomes of the national budget. That’s why the safeguard of the taxpayer’s rights’ is so important. Citizens are cooperative with the state when they trust it. There are couples of legal mechanisms which allow taxpayer to defend his rights. Taxing disputes’ legal proceedings is one of them.
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De “Turcos” a “Mascates” : O questionamento da identidade sírio e libanesa em Piracicaba (1889 – 1930)Choairy, Chafic Carvalho 05 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Bruna Rodrigues (bruna92rodrigues@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-10-03T13:15:57Z
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Previous issue date: 2013-03-05 / Não recebi financiamento / This study aims to analyze the Syrian and Lebanese immigration to the city of Piracicaba during the period from 1889 to 1935. According to academic studies of the subject, such migration differed from mainstream ethnic came to Brazil mainly because immigration of Arabs was not subsidized by the state and they had a distinctly urban and commercial insertion. The city of Piracicaba has features that differentiate it within the context of overall economic cities in the
state of São Paulo, which had already owned a large sugar development in communion with coffee production, which allowed a great economic development for the city. Thus, the work will explore the process of identity
construction Syrian-Lebanese in Piracicaba, demonstrating the stereotypes created and uses the term Turkish. We will also analyze the causes that led the Lebanese and Syrians to opt for Piracicaba, besides trying to reconstruct the
daily lives of these immigrants in the municipality in question. The work focuses analysis of issues elucidated from the study of lawsuits involving Syrians and Lebanese, the journal of the municipality and authors of the period who wrote
about Arab immigrants. Given these circumstances, the article discusses the
discursive mechanisms of identity construction and present trajectories of Syrian and Lebanese immigrants that contrast with the hegemonic discourse of the colony and reverberated by many authors and popular culture / O presente trabalho busca analisar a imigração síria e libanesa para o município de Piracicaba durante o período de 1889 a 1935. De acordo com os estudos acadêmicos do tema, tal fluxo migratório se diferenciou das principais
correntes étnicas que vieram para o Brasil, principalmente porque a imigração dos árabes não foi subsidiada pelo Estado e eles tiveram uma inserção marcadamente urbana e comercial. A cidade de Piracicaba possui
características que a diferenciam dentro do contexto econômico geral dos municípios do Estado de São Paulo, já que teve um amplo desenvolvimento açucareiro em comunhão com a produção cafeeira, o que possibilitou um
grande desenvolvimento econômico para a cidade. Assim, o trabalho explorará
o processo de construção da identidade sírio-libanesa em Piracicaba, demonstrando os estereótipos criados e os usos do termo turco. Analisaremos também as causas que levaram os libaneses e os sírios a optarem por Piracicaba, além de tentar reconstruir o cotidiano desses imigrantes no município em questão. O trabalho centra a análise das questões elucidadas a
partir do estudo de processos judiciais envolvendo sírios e libaneses, de periódico do município e de autores do período que escreveram sobre os imigrantes árabes. Diante dessas circunstancias, o trabalho pretende
demonstrar os mecanismos discursivos de construção das identidades e apresentar trajetórias de imigrantes sírios e libaneses que contrastem com o discurso hegemônico da colônia e reverberado por muitos autores e pela
cultura popular.
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A assessoria de anÃlise e cÃlculos judiciais e os fatores determinantes da economia no pagamento de precatÃrios do Estado do Cearà / The advice of legal analysis and calculations and the determinants of savings in the payment of writ of the State of CearÃMaria Gorete de oliveira Catunda Pinho 28 February 2011 (has links)
nÃo hà / Este trabalho aborda questÃes referentes à eficiÃncia do Estado do Cearà relativas ao pagamento de precatÃrio. Destaca a criaÃÃo da Assessoria e AnÃlise de CÃlculos Judiciais-AACJ e sua contribuiÃÃo à economia do Estado do Cearà no que se refere
ao pagamento de demandas judiciais em face à Fazenda PÃblica. Apresenta os argumentos que ensejaram a criaÃÃo do grupo de trabalho, que posteriormente evoluiu para a referida Assessoria focando no objetivo principal: subsidiar a defesa dos Procuradores do Estado, no que concerne à elaboraÃÃo de CÃlculos para dirimir dÃvidas acerca dos valores devidos, tratando das demandas mais recorrentes quais sejam: Planos EconÃmicos, Piso Salarial, Paridade Salarial, RevisÃo de PensÃo,
DesapropriaÃÃo, IndenizaÃÃo, RepetiÃÃo de IndÃbito, que inclui Extraclasse, Adicional de Imposto de Renda e CobranÃa indevida de PrevidÃncia. Este trabalho tem por objetivo demonstrar a importÃncia do trabalho da AACJ para a economia no pagamento de precatÃrios, sua contribuiÃÃo na reduÃÃo de valores cobrados nos diferentes processos, identificando e quantificando estas diferenÃas favorÃveis alcanÃadas pela Assessoria de CÃlculos, propiciando ao Estado transformar despesas de pagamentos de precatÃrios em investimento. Tendo, tambÃm, por objetivo divulgar o trabalho executado, atravÃs dos resultados alcanÃados, contribuindo como elemento eficaz, assegurando uma defesa justa e trazendo resultados favorÃveis ao Estado do Cearà quando sucumbente nas aÃÃes judiciais. Analisa as decisÃes favorÃveis no perÃodo de 2007 â 2010. Considera um espaÃo amostral de 20% (vinte por cento) destes processos. A partir daÃ, utiliza mÃtodos estatÃsticos para consolidaÃÃo dos resultados e modelo economÃtrico para explicar e identificar a contribuiÃÃo dos fatores envolvidos na economia dos precatÃrios no Estado do CearÃ. / This work discusses issues related to the efficiency of the state of CearÃ, for the payment of precatory. Emphasizes the creation of the Advisory Judicial Calculations and Analysis-aacj and its contribution to the economy of Cearà State in relation to pay in lawsuits against the Exchequer. Presents the arguments that have caused the creation of the working group which later evolved into such Consulting focusing on the main goal: to subsidize the defense of the State Attorney, concerning the preparation of calculations to dispel doubts about the amounts due, dealing with
demands more applicants which are: Economic Plans, Floor Wage, Salary Parity, Review Board, Expropriation, Compensation, Misuse of Repetition, which includes
extracurricular, Additional Income and unwarranted collection of Social Security. This paper aims to demonstrate the important work of saving aacj for judicially, its contribution in reducing the amounts charged in different processes, identifying and
quantifying these favorable differences achieved by the Office of calculations, allowing the state to turn expenses payments writ on investment. Having also aimed at publicizing the work done through the results achieved, contributing as an effective, ensuring a proper defense and bringing positive results to the State of Cearà sucumbente when the lawsuits. It analyzes the favorable decisions in the period 2007 to 2010. Considers a sample space of 20% (twenty percent) of these processes. From there, it uses statistical methods to consolidate the results and
econometric model to explain and identify the contribution of the factors involved in the economy writ of the state of Ceara.
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Arkeologi, urfolk och rätten : En studie av relationen mellan arkeologi, arkeologer, urfolk och rättsprocesser i Sverige och KanadaCastilla, Lisa January 2021 (has links)
Archaeological evidence has become an important part of the argument for the Indigenous peoples of several countries in legal proceedings concerning their rights. This thesis aims to explore how archaeologists and archaeological research are affected by acting as expert witnesses or being used as evidence in these proceedings. Another aim is to explore the differences and similarities between Sweden and Canada in these matters. The main material consists of interviews with seven archaeologists, four Swedish and three Canadian, whose research in various ways have been involved in legal proceedings concerning the rights of Indigenous peoples: The Sámi in Sweden and the Indigenous peoples of Canada. The analysis of the interviews is based on seven themes: awareness, impact, responsibility, experience, objectivity, archaeology and law and consequences. The result shows several things. It shows that the issue of archaeology in legal proceedings is a sensitive matter, and that the archaeologists have somewhat ambivalent feelings about it. It also shows that the involvement of archaeologists and archaeological evidence in these legal proceedings raises discussions about ethics, objectivity, and reputation. One conclusion to be drawn is that there is need for more open discussion and education on the subject.
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O princípio da congruência no processo individual do trabalho / The principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor processLourenção, Manuela da Palma Coelho Germano 18 April 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo o estudo da aplicação do princípio da congruência no Processo Individual do Trabalho. Tal princípio caracteriza-se pelo caráter restritivo da atuação judicial, vinculando a prolação de sentença aos limites da lide. A problemática centra-se no entendimento do conceito de lide, ora entendido simplesmente como pedido, ora como a matéria fática e jurídica levada aos autos, permitindo-se ao magistrado conhecer de pedidos não formulados expressamente, desde que os fatos a eles pertinentes tenham sido discutidos nos autos. A partir da Teoria Instrumentalista do Processo, que admite este modo de resolução de conflitos como um meio para a efetividade do Direito Material, buscou-se identificar a possibilidade de flexibilização do princípio da congruência no Processo Individual do Trabalho, tendo em vista que o estudo deste princípio revelou que a doutrina e a jurisprudência civil e trabalhista já permitem sua relativização ou mitigação em determinados casos, em especial quando se trata da aplicação de norma de ordem pública, uma das características do Direito Material do Trabalho. Ademais, considerando as questões linguísticas implicadas na formulação da pretensão da parte e da sentença, foi feita pesquisa jurisprudencial no sítio eletrônico do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, de modo a identificar as relações hermenêuticas estabelecidas entre o pedido e a decisão final neste tribunal. Para tanto, foram selecionadas 149 decisões em que se discute a existência ou não de julgamento além dos limites da lide, destacando-se os casos em que o tribunal considerou desnecessária a formulação de pedido expresso para a concessão de direito trabalhista / The purpose of this dissertation is to study the use of the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process. This principle is defined by the restrictive aspect of the acts of the judge, binding the sentence to the matters under dispute. The core discussion lies on the identification of such matters, which can be seen as simply the pleadings expressed by the parties or as all the matters in connection with the facts merely mentioned by them. The latter position would allow the judicial authority to pronounce a sentence addressing additional matters that were not expressly pleaded by the parties. Based on the idea that the due process of law is an instrument to achieve effectiveness of legal commands, on the already accepted exception of this principle when it comes to public order rules, and also on the assumption that labor law is of public order, this dissertation analyzed the possibility of disregarding the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process in order to enhance the legal award. In addition to the theoretical analysis, a wide research on the website of the superior labor court (Tribunal Superior do Trabalho) was carried out in order to verify the hermeneutical relations between the pleadings and the dispositions of the judicial decision. Bearing such an objective in mind, 149 decisions on the alleged violation of the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita were selected and analyzed, focusing on those awards in which the court considered irrelevant the existence of an express pleading in order to grant or deny a specific labor right.
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Réflexions sur les statuts de victime en droit international pénal / Victim’s status in international criminal lawDezallai, Amanda 16 November 2011 (has links)
À ce moment charnière où les T.P.I. accomplissent leurs Stratégies d’achèvement et où la C.P.I. va rendre son premier jugement, il est essentiel de faire un point sur le droit international pénal et particulièrement sur les statuts de victime selon ce droit. En effet, ceux-ci symbolisent les tenants et aboutissants de l’ensemble du droit international pénal. Tantôt oubliée, tantôt sacralisée, la victime ne laisse pas indifférent, et encore moins lorsqu’elle a subi un crime international. Sa reconnaissance a d’ailleurs bouleversé l’économie générale du droit international pénal qui lui accorde une place de plus en plus grande. Une étude approfondie des droits des différentes juridictions permet de constater qu’il n’y a pas un mais plusieurs statuts de victime. La pluralité de ces statuts réside dans l’existence de plusieurs qualités juridiques de victime et de plusieurs régimes juridiques applicables à celle-ci. L’analyse des différents facteurs de cette pluralité donne lieu de voir qu’elle est une force et non une faiblesse du droit international pénal. Elle est la voie médiane entre le rejet de la considération des victimes comme une masse informe et leur impossible prise en compte individuelle. Mais, comme pour le statut du particulier en droit international public général, l’équilibre est parfois difficile à trouver et les statuts sont perfectibles. C’est pourquoi, des propositions d’enrichissements des statuts de victime sont faites et, pour chacune d’entre elles, il est observé si elle est réalisable et souhaitable. Un système de justice pénale internationale serait en construction. La victime pourrait finir par trouver une place en son sein qui satisferait l’ensemble des protagonistes de la répression des crimes internationaux, y compris et surtout, les États. / While the ICT carry out their Completion Strategies, the ICC will soon pronounce its first decision. At this point, itis important to assess international criminal law and especially victim’s status according to this law. Actually, theysymbolise the ins and outs of international criminal law. Once forgotten, once sacralised, the victim never leavesus indifferent, above all a victim of international crimes. His or her recognition has deeply altered internationalcriminal law, which now gives him or her an increasing place. Studying the laws of the international criminal courtsshows that there is not one status but several status of victim. This plurality comes from the fact that there areseveral legal characterisations of victim and several legal conditions. The analysis of the different factors leadingto this multiplicity of legal status enables us to envision this legal diversity as a power of international criminal law,rather than one of its weaknesses. It is the middle way between considering victims as a shapeless, undefinedand undifferentiated crowd and considering each victim individually. But, as with the status of private persons ininternational public law, reaching and keeping a well-balanced status is difficult ; and these are perfectible andcan be improved. This is the reason why some suggestions for the enrichment of the different status are madeand, for each of them, there is a thorough questioning and analysis of whether it is feasible and desirable. As aninternational criminal justice system is under construction, the victim could find a place in it which would satisfy allthe protagonists of the legal proceedings against international crimes, including and particularly States.
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