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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Da \"Lex Julia de Collegiis\" e seus efeitos sobre a responsabilidade patrimonial das corporações romanas / Da Lex Iulia de collegiis e seus efeitos sobre a responsabilidade patrimonial das corporações romanas.

Silva, Austréia Magalhães Candido da 20 May 2016 (has links)
\"Se a mudança de seus elementos integrantes criasse coisa nova, nem mesmo os seres humanos seriam os mesmos que foram outrora, pois das partículas de que são compostos, algumas são perdidas e outras repostas em seu lugar\". Eis os dizeres do jurista Alfeno, que representam o ponto de partida para o reconhecimento da existência abstrata e independente dos entes coletivos em relação aos membros que o compõem. O presente estudo propõe-se a analisar a figura dos collegia no Direito Romano, em período anterior à sua transformação em associações de natureza coercitiva, a fim de revelar suas características e, sobretudo, sua trajetória rumo ao reconhecimento do que hodiernamente chamamos de personalidade jurídica. Para isso, em primeiro lugar, estuda-se a terminologia direcionada aos entes coletivos em geral, observando-se o maior ou menor grau de abstração apresentados pelos termos «persona», «corpus» e «universitas». Ato contínuo, são averiguadas as características gerais dos collegia, no que concerne à formação e às faculdades jurídicas que lhes são atribuídas, oferecendo-se um panorama das benesses e limitações impostas a esta categoria de ente coletivo, mais próxima ao que denominaríamos associações e sociedades, espécies de pessoas jurídicas de direito privado. Na segunda parte do trabalho, a pesquisa volta-se para o estudo do regime associativo, indispensável para a melhor compreensão da Lex Iulia de collegiis, lei de fundamental importância nesta matéria, visto que é considerada como o primeiro regulamento a conceder personalidade jurídica às associações, sendo estudada, minuciosamente, em capítulo à parte. Apresenta-se, ainda, uma visão geral do desenvolvimento da disciplina romana nos principais sistemas de direito privado contemporâneo, partindo-se do Direito Canônico, que representa o principal elo entre o Direito Romano e o direito moderno, para a análise dos ordenamentos alemão, francês, italiano e brasileiro. / \"Si le changement des éléments intégrants dune chose créeait une nouvelle chose, les êtres humains mêmes ne seraient pas ceux quils ont été autrefois, parce que des particules, dont ils sont composés, quelques-unes sont perdues et dautres sont remises à leurs places\". Voilà ce qui dit le juriste Alfenus, et qui représente le point de départ de la reconnaissance de léxistence abstraite et independente des êtres collectifs par rapport à leurs membres. Cet étude a pour but lanalyse des collegia au droit romain, dans la période antérieure à leur transformation en associations de nature forcée, afin dindividualiser leurs caractéristiques et, surtout, leur trajectoire vers la reconnaissance de ce quon appelle aujourdhui personnalité juridique. Dabord, on étudie la terminologie appliquée aux êtres collectifs en général, en remarquant le majeur ou mineur dégré dabstraction presenté par les mots «persona», «corpus» et «universitas». Après cela, on considère les caractéristiques générales des collegia, en ce qui concerne à la formation et aux facultés juridiques qui leurs sont atribuées, en offrant un apperçu des bénéfices et limitations imposés à cette catégorie dêtre collectif plus proche à ce quon appellerait, de nos jours, associations et sociétés, espèces de personnes juridiques de droit privé. Dans la deuxième partie, la recherche se tourne vers létude du régime associatif, indispensable pour la meuilleure compréhension de la lex Iulia de collegiis, loi de grande importance dans ce sujet, étant donné quelle est considerée comme le premier règlement à accorder personnalité juridique aux associations, raison pour laquelle on lexamine dans un chapitre à part. On presente aussi un panorama du développement de la discipline romaine dans le principaux systèmes de droit privé contemporain, en partant du droit canon, qui représente le principal trait dunion entre le droit romain et le droit moderne, vers léxamen des ordres juridiques allemande, française, italienne et brésilienne.

Vad är vanvård? : - En kvantitativ studie om omsorgspersonalens kunskap om och inställning till lex Sarah och vanvård

Jonsson, Mikaela, Persson, Susanna January 2012 (has links)
Media has reported frequently about elder abuse in Sweden during the year of 2011. The authors have found an interest in elder abuse due to the attention about it and the law about the duty to report elder abuse, which is called lex Sarah. The aim was to investigate, due to quantitative method with surveys, the care givers tolerance to elder abuse, attitude and knowledge about lex Sarah. The result of the thesis was analyzed based on two theories, Lipsky’s street-level bureaucracy as well as Svensson’s, Johnsson’s and Laanemets’ theory about knowledge. The result of the study was that the care givers have knowledge about lex Sarah and believe that lex Sarah helps to improve their work. The respondents’ tolerance to psychological elder abuse were high and their tolerance to physiological abuse were significantly lower. Therefore physiological elder abuse is more often to be reported than psychological elder abuse.

Lex Maria och dess betydelse för patientsäkerheten

Ekenström, Marcus, Arnesson, Matilda January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Lex Maria är ett avvikelsehanteringssystem vars mål är främjandet av patientsäkerheten. All hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal har anmälningsskyldighet enligt Lex Maria. I samband med Lex Maria-anmälan ska händelseanalys genomföras och nya åtgärder tillämpas. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att sammanställa Lex Maria-anmälningarna från fyra akutsjukhus i södra Sverige mellan åren 2009-2011 och betydelsen för patientsäkerheten. Metod: Studien har en kvantitativ metod med retrospektiv inriktning. Datamaterial kom från Socialstyrelsen registerdatabas. Med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys delades anmälningar in i kategorier. Resultat: Resultatet sammanställer anmälningarna efter typ av anmälning. Antalet anmälningar mellan 2009-2011 inom Fördröjd diagnos ökade med 175 %, Fördröjd behandling ökade med 50 %, Komplikation vid operation minskade med 56 % ochMedicintekniskt handhavandefel minskade med 25 %. Diskussion: Orsak till ökning avFördröjd diagnos och Fördröjd behandling kopplas till överbeläggningar och hur detpåverkar patienter. Minskning av Komplikation vid operation förklaras med utveckladeoperationsrutiner och kunskap. Minskning av Medicintekniskt handhavandefel kopplas tillförbättrade rutiner vid läkemedelshantering. Lex Marias betydelse för patientsäkerhetendiskuterades tillsammans med åtgärdsförslagen. Slutsats: Lex Maria-anmälningar bidrar tillarbete där målet är säkrare patientvård. För att kunna förbättra vården och minska antaletvårdskador är det viktigt att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal följer sin skyldighet och anmälerriskfyllda händelser. / Background: Lex Maria is a system that reports health care errors and increases patient safety. All health care professionals are obligated to report health care errors by Lex Maria. Reports from Lex Maria-complaints are analysed and new routines are presented to prevent further errors. Aim: The aim of this study was to compile Lex Maria-reports from four acute care hospitals in southern Sweden between the years of 2009-2011 and it’s importance for the patient safety. Method: The study was a quantitative method with a retrospective approach. Data were collected from records of the Swedish National Board of health and Welfare. Data was categorized with a qualitative content analysis. Results: The result compiles notifications by type of notification. The number of reports of Delayed diagnosis increased by 175%, Delayed treatment increased by 50%, Complication during surgery decreased by 56% and Medical Technical failure decreased by 25%. Discussion: Possible reasons for the increase in Delayed diagnosis and Delayed treatment may be linked to overcrowding and its effect on patients. Reduction of Complications during surgery can be explained by improved surgical procedures and increased treatment knowledge. Reduction of Medical Technical failure can in turn be linked to improved procedures when administrating medications. Lex Maria-reports importance for patient safety were discussed along with proposals of changes in routines. Conclusion: Lex Maria-reports contribute in process with the purpose to increase the patient safety. In order to improve care and reduce health damage, it is of importance that health care professionals follow their duty and report critical events.

Die Begrenzung der Anwendung des Deliktsstatus durch die lex fori : eine rechtsvergleichende Studie /

Hsieh, Chih-Peng. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Trier, 2002.

L'interaction entre la lex sportiva nationale et la lex sportiva "internationale" : reflexion à partir du cas du Cameroun / Interaction between national Lex Sportiva and international Lex Sportiva : taughts from the case of Cameroon

Bekombo jabea, Claude 15 April 2016 (has links)
A côté des ordres juridiques sécrétés au niveau étatique et interétatique, existent ceux issus des champs corporatistes de toutes natures (c’est l’internormativité liée au pluralisme juridique). Le problème est souvent de savoir comment coexistent des systèmes juridiques juxtaposés sans aucune base hiérarchique entre eux ? La lex sportiva internationale étant à notre avis un ensemble de normes corporatives d’origine coutumière, est issue de ce que nous avons appelé l’institution sportive (à l’image d’une maison) international, et forme, nous l’avons démontré, un ordre juridique unique et autonome au niveau matériel et formel, contrairement à la majorité de la doctrine qui l’envisage de manière disparate. Cet ordre juridique sportif unique de l’institution sportive est mis en œuvre et coexistent, non seulement, avec d’autres ordres juridiques juxtaposés dans le champ international, mais aussi avec le droit national lié au sport sécrété par les Etats que nous avons appelé la lex sportiva nationale. Nous avons alors essayé d’étudier le cadre théorique et la spécificité de l’interaction avec la lex sportiva nationale, en prenant le Cameroun comme exemple. Cela a permis de voir qu’au Cameroun la lex sportiva internationale fait l’objet de résistances nationales (par les acteurs nationaux, dont l’Etat, financier exclusif du sport), parce que sa téléologie est mal comprise par les acteurs sociaux et qu’émerge un véritable « service public normatif » du sport (au Cameroun en particulier depuis 1960, de manière non exhaustive, 105 normes sportives adoptées avec 9 lois, 52 décrets, 31 arrêtés, 11décisions, 1 circulaires et 1 instruction Ministérielle) avec comme force centripète « l’exécutif normatif du sport » (65 sur 105 c’est-à-dire 65% depuis 1960 au Cameroun), avec des règles légifèrent sur le domaine de la lex sportiva internationale. / Beside the State legal system, there are autonomous social legal systems (sign of legal pluralism and internormativity). The quest of that legal pluralism system analysis is to find the way forward to solve the intercourse between the two systems existing without hierarchy rules to render their relationships. We have identified international lex sportiva as a unique law order from what we have called the “sport institution”(showing as a house) which is cooperating with other law system in the international legal field. We have focused our study on the interaction between international and national lex sportiva, to see how those legal relationships are implemented. In so doing, we choose Cameroon as our example. The study therefore revealed that the application of international lex sportiva is subject to national resistances because in Africa its aim is misunderstood by the national actors (State authorities, judges, sports actors). Moreover, there is a “sport rule public service” which sometime interfere in the domain of the international sports laws(lex sportiva) in Africa rendered by the State (in Cameroon for example since 1960, 105 sports rules were taken by the State, 9 laws, 52 decrees, 31 arêtes, 11 decisions, 1 circular letter, 1 ministerial instruction), with the President of the Republic as major “legislator” (65 of the above mentioned 105 sports rules taken in Cameroon, that’s a percentage of 65%).

Jurisdiction & admissibility in international investment arbitration

Ghaffari, Peyman January 2012 (has links)
For an investment treaty tribunal to proceed to adjudge the merits of claims arising out of an investment, it must have jurisdiction over the parties and the claims, and the claims submitted to the tribunal must be admissible. Inconsistent interpretations of substantive and procedural principles of international investment law that govern the existence and exercise of the arbitral tribunal’s supremacy to adjudge an investment dispute have caused incoherence in investment treaty arbitration. The thesis is an in-depth study of article 25 of the 1965 Washington Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), which articulates the Material, Personal and Consensual requirements for establishing the existence of the adjudicative power (Jurisdiction) for dispute resolution and to exercise that adjudicative power (Admissibility) under the aegis of ICSID. The main findings of the research are as follows: 1) ICSID’s double-filtering nature, which has been largely overlooked in ICSID jurisprudence, is fundamental to correct decision-making by arbitral tribunals when deciding on admissibility and jurisdiction issues. 2) ‘Fraudulent intent’ criterion, which borrows its rationale from the concurrent themes in international law jurisprudence, is instrumental to test compliance as required in the upper jurisdictional threshold. 3) ‘Bona fide investor’ test used to measure compliance with the objective requirements of article 25 of the ICSID runs counter to the object and purpose of the Convention. 4) ‘Dynamic’ test, rather than plain ‘objective’ test, would be the adequate pattern to ensure compliance with article 25 of the ICSID Convention for the contemplated investment due to evolving meaning of such generic term. 5) ‘Lex Juridictio’ or set of rules, principals and mechanisms governing jurisdictional and admissibility issues is required as foundation for legal unification and harmonization.

Lex artis-právní výklad pojmu (komparativní analýza) / Lex Artis-Legal Interpretation of the Issue (Comparative Analysis)

Mikulová, Magdalena January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis goes into a problem of the legal interpretation of the term lex artis, which some authors describe as well-known term of unknown content. Generally, this term relates to the activities of doctors and other health care professionals within taking care of patients, and usually we can meet with the ablative lege artis, which is used to denote a professionally correct action. This term is in common usage also in the reference books and case law where the breach of the duty to act lege artis is considered to be a precondition for liability of physician or health care provider for injury to the patient. Certain difficulty of using the term lex artis lies in the fact that the legislation in force does not mention not even define this term and its meaning must therefore be inferred from legislation by interpretation. For the legal definition of lex artis is from 1st April 2012 considered the provision of s. 4 (5) of Act No. 372/2011 Sb., about Health Services and Terms (the Health Services Act), as amended, which defines appropriate professional standard of providing health services and which is from the early beginning criticized by the part of professionals for its alleged conflict with patients' rights guaranteed by the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. The aim of this...

Les conflits de normes en droit international public

Tranchez, Elodie 01 February 2013 (has links)
L’ère est au débat sur l’expansion désordonnée et la fragmentation du droit international. Après avoir mis tant d’années à résoudre la question ontologique du droit international (existe-t-il ou n’existe-t-il pas ?), l’angoisse de l’internationaliste se poursuit sous de nouveaux auspices : survivra-t-il ou ne survivra-t-il pas à son expansion le parcellisant ? Longtemps délaissée, la question des conflits de normes occupe désormais une place de choix dans ces questionnements. Les conflits de normes, traditionnellement définis comme situation dans laquelle une ou plusieurs normes imposent des obligations qu’il est impossible de satisfaire simultanément, posent un certain nombre de défis au droit international contemporain : bien évidemment quant à leur méthodes de résolution mais également quant à la perception que l’on se fait du droit international dans son ensemble. La question des conflits de normes et celle de l’organisation du droit international (ou surtout la perception que l’on retient) sont consubstantielles. Le problème des conflits de normes n’est ni abordé ou résolu en droit international de la même manière selon que l’on envisage le droit international comme un ordre juridique dont la qualité principale est l’unité (ce qui renvoie à un système clos, rejetant les éléments extérieurs et la pluralité) ou que l’on envisage le droit international comme un système juridique dont la qualité principale est la cohérence et l’organisation (acceptant ainsi la diversité en son sein, notamment l’existence de sous-systèmes). / After years of discussion on the existence of international law, International law scholars are currently focalizing on a new subject: the disordered expansion and the fragmentation of international law. Indeed, conflicts of norms appear to be a new source of anxiety raising a new question: will international law survive? The question focuses on situations where two or more international norms impose international obligations that cannot be simultaneously complied with, which is without doubt a real challenge for modern international law. Trying to resolve that issue requires having a look on the conflict of norms resolution methods, but not only. A more theorical interrogation, that is how international law is thought as a whole, is raised by these situations. Our research shows in that aspect that very different solutions to the issue are conceivable, depending on the conception of international law as a traditional united hierarchized legal system or as a complex and pluralistic “ensemble”.

Vyvlastnění majetku šlechtických rodů po druhé světové válce, případ Lex Schwarzenberg / The expropriation of aristocratic families property after the Second World War, the case Lex Schwarzenberg

Blažková, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
1 Abstract in english: The aim of this thesis is the particular legal act n. 143/1947 Sb., on the transfer of the assets of the Hluboka's branch of Schwarzenbergs to Czech country, also known as "Lex Schwarzenberg". The purpose of this work is to describe this unusual case (in Czech law an extraordinary case), especially from the point of view of the context of its creation. For this reason, the thesis deals with the political background in the time of adoption of this legal regulation and then wiith the predominant basis of legal theory. An important part of the thesis is also the analysis of the act itself. The basis for writing the presented work was mainly archival materials from the second half of the 1940s, for example from the Archives of the Office of the President of the Republic or from the private Schwarzenberg Archives in Murau. Some of the presented archive materials have been published in the past, others not. Another important source is specialized historical-legal and theoretical-legal literature. The thesis also try to describe what led to the adoption of this legislation, and try to theoretically enlighten the meaning of the issue of such a special expropriation law for our legal system. The work is divided into a general and special part. In general part, the work focuses on defining the...

Lex Veneris – kontrollapparat eller medicin? : En uppsats om statens ojämlika ingripanden i medborgarnas privatliv. / Lex Veneris - control apparatus or medicine? : An essay about the governments unequal interference in the citizens privatelife.

Starfelt, Mårten January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka individer, i Karlstad, det var som blev föremål för de långtgående, kontrollerande och registrerande åtgärderna § 8 i Lex Veneris utgjorde. Uppsatsen kommer att ta spjärn mot Michel Foucaults bio-politiska teori vilken finns närmare beskriven i avsnittet om min teoretiska utgångspunkt och även mot tidigare forskning rörande veneriska sjukdomar och Lex Veneris . Uppsatsens frågeställningar lyder: Hur ser könsfördelningen ut bland de som är föremål för § 8 enligt Lex Veneris? Vilka är det som har blivit föremål för § 8 enligt Lex Veneris sett utifrån socialgruppstillhörighet? Utifrån ett källmaterial bestående av venera erkännande där bland annat namn, yrke och sjukdom finns upptaget har jag, kvantitativt sammanställt faktorerna kön och yrke för att utifrån detta kunna dra kvali- tativa slutsatser. Bilden som framträder är att sjukdomsincidensen för kvinnor på det stora hela ökar under den undersök- ta perioden medan sjukdomsincidensen för män visar en nedåtgående trend. För mer utförliga resone- mang kring sannolika bakgrundsfaktorer till denna utvecklingen hänvisar jag dig till att läsa min uppsats. I mitt arbete med att utreda vem och/eller vilka som kom att bli föremål för lex veneris har jag använt mig av de rapporterade individernas yrkestillhörighet för att göra en socialgruppsindelning i enlighet med SCB:s indelning i socialgrupperna I till och med III. Resultaten av denna undersökningen ger vid hand att det nästan uteslutande är individer ur socialgrupp III som är föremål för registrering samt be- handling av veneriska sjukdomar. Detta trots att veneriska sjukdomar i sig sannolikt inte tog hänsyn till socialgruppstillhörighet.

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