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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification et modélisation lexicographique des dépendances syntaxiques régies du français: le cas des dépendances nominales

Arbour Barbaud, Évelyne 04 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’interface entre la sémantique lexicale et la syntaxe, et elle s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet de base lexicale DiCo (acronyme pour Dictionnaire de combinatoire) à l’Observatoire de Linguistique Sens-Texte [OLST] de l’Université de Montréal. Le projet découle d'une volonté d'inscrire de façon concise et complète, à même le dictionnaire, le comportement syntaxique typique à chaque unité lexicale. Dans cette optique, nous encodons la cooccurrence des lexies nominales du DiCo avec leurs actants à l'intérieur d'un tableau de régime lexical (aussi connu sous le nom de schéma valenciel, structure argumentale, cadre de sous-catégorisation, structure prédicats-arguments, etc.), en notant entre autres les dépendances syntaxiques de surface impliquées. Dans ce mémoire, nous présentons les propriétés syntaxiques d'une dépendance nominale du français, celle que nous avons nommée attributive adnominale, de façon à exposer une méthodologie d'identification et de caractérisation des dépendances syntaxiques de surface. Nous donnons également la liste des dépendances nominales régies identifiées au cours de ce travail. Par la suite, nous exposons la création d'une base de données de régimes généralisés du français nommée CARNAVAL. Finalement, nous discutons des applications possibles de notre travail, particulièrement en ce qui a trait à la création d'une typologie des régimes lexicaux du français. / This research focuses on the interface between lexical semantics and syntax, and is part of the lexical database project called DiCo (acronym for Dictionnaire de combinatoire) at the Observatoire de Linguistique Sens-Texte [OLST] at the University of Montreal. The project aims to register in a concise and complete way the typical syntactic behavior of each lexical unit directly in the dictionary. To this end, we encode the co-occurrence of the DiCo's nominal lexical units with their actants within a government pattern (also known as valency structure, subcategorization frame, predicate-argument structure, etc.), using, among other things, the surface syntactic dependencies involved. In this dissertation, we present the syntactic properties of a French nominal dependency, the one that we named attributive adnominale, so as to expose a methodology for the identification and the characterization of surface syntactic dependencies. We also give the list of valence-controlled nominal dependencies that were identified in our work. Subsequently, we describe the creation of a database of generalized French government patterns named CARNAVAL. Finally, we discuss possible applications of our work, particularly in regard to the creation of a typology of French government patterns.

A lexical semantic study of Dene Suliné, an Athabaskan language

Holden, Joshua 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse constitue une étude systématique du lexique du déné sųłiné, une langue athabaskane du nord-ouest canadien. Elle présente les définitions et les patrons de combinatoire syntaxique et lexicale de plus de 200 unités lexicales, lexèmes et phrasèmes, qui représentent une partie importante du vocabulaire déné sųłiné dans sept domaines: les émotions, le caractère humain, la description physique des entités, le mouvement des êtres vivants, la position des entités, les conditions atmospheriques et les formations topologiques, en les comparant avec le vocubulaire équivalent de l'anglais. L’approche théorique choisie est la Théorie Sens-Texte (TST), une approche formelle qui met l’accent sur la description sémantique et lexicographique empiriques. La présente recherche relève d'importantes différences entre le lexique du déné sųłiné et celui de l'anglais à tous les niveaux: dans la correspondence entre la représentation conceptuelle, considérée (quasi-)extralinguistique, et la structure sémantique; dans les patrons de lexicalisation des unités lexicales, et dans les patrons de combinatoire syntaxique et lexicale, qui montrent parfois des traits propres au déné sųłiné intéressants. / This work constitutes a systematic lexical semantic study of Dene Sųłiné, an Athabaskan language from northwestern Canada. As such, it presents the lexicographic definitions, syntactic and lexical combinatorial patterns of over 200 lexical units (lexemes and idioms) representing part of the core Dene Sųłiné vocabulary for seven semantic fields: terms to describe emotions, human character, physical description, position of an object, atmospheric conditions and topographical features. The theoretical approach used is Meaning-Text Theory (MTT), a formal linguistic approach with a strong empirical focus on semantics and lexicography. This work finds significant differences between Dene Sųłiné and English at all levels: in the relationship between of (quasi-)extralinguistic concepts and linguistic meanings, in the lexicalization or conflation patterns one finds in meanings of lexical units, and finally in the syntactic and lexical combinatorial patterns, which also show interesting language-specific tendencies.

Élaboration d’un modèle d’article de dictionnaire de collocations du lexique scientifique transdisciplinaire pour l’aide à la rédaction de textes scientifiques

Pouliot, Karine 05 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche constitue une première étape dans l’élaboration d’un dictionnaire de collocations du lexique scientifique transdisciplinaire (LST), conçu pour aider des étudiants ou des chercheurs dans la rédaction de discours scientifiques ou universitaires, quel que soit leur domaine d’études. Elle a permis de concevoir deux modèles originaux d’articles de dictionnaire donnant accès aux collocations de termes nominaux et verbaux caractéristiques du LST. Les modèles d’articles sont ensuite appliqués à la description d’un échantillon de termes nominaux : analyse, caractéristique, figure, hypothèse, rapport et résultat; et verbaux : décrire et étudier. Les articles conçus dans ce mémoire offrent un accès convivial aux collocations du LST en situation de rédaction. Ils ont l’avantage de proposer une organisation cohérente de ce lexique sur les plans syntaxique et sémantique. En outre, ils permettent de présenter les termes du LST dans des contextes variés, ce qui peut contribuer au développement de la compétence lexicale. / This research is the first step in the development of a collocations dictionary of “lexique scientifique transdisciplinaire” (LST), which is similar to the academic vocabulary, a collocations dictionary conceived to help students or researchers in scientific or academic writing, regardless of their field. In this research, we first developed two original models of dictionary articles which provide access to collocations of nouns and verbs characteristic of LST. Secondly, the models are used to describe a sample of nominal terms: analyse, caractéristique, figure, hypothèse, rapport, and résultat; and verbal terms: décrire, and étudier. The models developed in this thesis offer a convenient access to LST collocations in writing context. The advantage of these models is to propose a coherent organization of the lexicon in syntactic and semantic terms. In addition, they are made to present the LST terms in different contexts, which may contribute to the development of lexical competence.

Gramática y diccionario : las construcciones con se en las entradas verbales del diccionario de español como lengua extranjera

Renau Araque, Irene 20 November 2012 (has links)
La presente tesis doctoral aborda los usos de se, su tratamiento en los diccionarios románicos actuales y su representación en un diccionario de aprendizaje de español como lengua extranjera. Su objetivo principal es proponer un modelo de representación para verbos que muestren estos usos. Para ello, se atenderán los siguientes aspectos:  El estado de la cuestión tanto en los estudios de gramática (capítulo 2) como en los lexicográficos (capítulo 3).  La representación de los usos pronominales en los diccionarios románicos actuales, en concreto los de aprendizaje de segunda lengua (capítulo 4).  El análisis sistemático de los usos de se en el corpus, enfocado desde la perspectiva de la Theory of Norms and Exploitations y el Corpus Pattern Analysis de Hanks (2004) (capítulos 5 y 6).  La elaboración de un modelo de entrada lexicográfica verbal que contenga usos con se para un diccionario de ELE (capítulo 7). Los resultados de la tesis son principalmente la elaboración de una base de datos sobre verbos con usos pronominales (capítulo 6, SCPA) y de un prototipo de 20 entradas lexicográficas de los mismos verbos analizados con CPA (capítulo 7). / The present Ph.D. thesis studied the uses of the Spanish particle se, its treatment by current romance dictionaries and its representation in a dictionary for learners of Spanish as a foreign language. The main objective is to propose a model for the representation of the verbs that present the use of se. For this, the following aspects will be analysed:  The review of related work in grammar studies (chapter 2) as well as lexicography (chapter 3).  The representation of pronominal uses in the current romance dictionaries, particularly in those for learners of Spanish as a second language (chapter 4).  The systematic analysis of se in corpora from the perspective of Hanks’ (2004) theory of Norms and Exploitations and Corpus Patterns Analysis (chapter 5 and 6).  The elaboration of a model of a verbal lexical entry for a dictionary of Spanish as a second language containing uses of se (chapter 7). The results of the thesis are mainly the elaboration of a database on Spanish pronominal verbs (chapter 6, Spanish CPA) and of a prototype of 20 lexical entries with the same verbs analysed with CPA (chapter 7).

Μονόγλωσσα ελληνικά παιδαγωγικά λεξικά : ζητήματα σχεδιασμού και διδακτικής αξιοποίησης

Μάντζαρη, Ελένη 14 February 2012 (has links)
Η διατριβή επικεντρώνεται στη συζήτηση ζητημάτων σχεδιασμού και διδακτικής αξιοποίησης που αφορούν τους λεξικογραφικούς ορισμούς στα μονόγλωσσα ελληνικά παιδαγωγικά λεξικά. Κύριος σκοπός της είναι η διερεύνηση της αποτελεσματικότητας διαφορετικών λεξικογραφικών προσεγγίσεων στη διατύπωση των ορισμών από την πλευρά του χρήστη. Με βάση το θέμα της και τη μεθοδολογική της προσέγγιση εντάσσεται στο επίκαιρο και αναπτυσσόμενο πεδίο της λεξικογραφίας που αφορά τη χρήση του λεξικού. Η πρωτοτυπία της έγκειται στο ότι διερευνά ζητήματα σχετικά με τη χρήση του λεξικού από μια ηλικιακή ομάδα που ελάχιστα μέχρι σήμερα έχει αποτελέσει ομάδα-στόχο πειραματικών ερευνών στη διεθνή λεξικογραφική βιβλιογραφία, πολύ λιγότερο δε στην ελληνική γλώσσα, για την οποία οι ελάχιστες ερευνητικές μελέτες σε αυτό το πεδίο βασίζονται σε ερωτηματολόγια και όχι σε πειραματικά δεδομένα. Στο θεωρητικό σκέλος, παρουσιάζονται παραδοσιακές τεχνικές (αναλυτικοί ορισμοί, ορισμοί με συνώνυμα και μορφολογικοί ορισμοί) και σύγχρονες τεχνικές (ορισμοί με πλήρη πρόταση) που κρίθηκε ότι επηρεάζουν το περιεχόμενο και τη μορφή των ορισμών, και τελικά το βαθμό κατανόησής τους από τους τελικούς αναγνώστες. Στο εμπειρικό σκέλος, παρουσιάζεται η πειραματική έρευνα στην οποία συμμετέχουν 351 μαθητές των δύο τελευταίων τάξεων του δημοτικού. Στόχος της έρευνας είναι να αξιολογήσει την αποτελεσματικότητα παραδοσιακών και των πιο σύγχρονων προσεγγίσεων στη διατύπωση των λεξικογραφικών ορισμών, με βάση την επίδοση των μαθητών σε δύο τεστ (παραγωγή προτάσεων και κατανόηση σημασίας). Το ποσοστό των σωστών απαντήσεων για τους μαθητές που συμβουλεύτηκαν τους προτασιακούς ορισμούς ανέρχεται στο 72,4%, ενώ τα ποσοστά των σωστών απαντήσεων των μαθητών που συμβουλεύτηκαν τους παραδοσιακούς ορισμούς με δυσκολότερο και απλούστερο λεξιλόγιο ανήλθαν στο 22,9% και 26,6% αντίστοιχα. Ειδικότερα, παρατηρήθηκε ότι οι προτασιακοί ορισμοί βοήθησαν στην αποτελεσματικότερη κατανόηση της σημασίας μιας λέξης αλλά και στην ενεργοποίηση παραγωγικών μηχανισμών σύνδεσης της περιγραφόμενης σημασίας με τις πραγματολογικές καταστάσεις στις οποίες αυτή συνήθως χρησιμοποιείται. Η δήλωση των συμφραστικών επιλογών και των σημασιολογικών προτιμήσεων μιας λέξης μέσα στο κείμενο του ορισμού, σε ρέοντα φυσικό λόγο, βοηθά την ορθή χρήση και την ορθή αναγνώριση της σημασίας των λέξεων, ενώ ειδικότερα στην παραγωγή προτάσεων ενεργοποιεί συνδέσεις μεταξύ συστηματικών σημασιολογικών σχέσεων μέσω λογικών συναγωγών, που βοηθούν τους μαθητές να χρησιμοποιούν παραγωγικότερα τις λέξεις στα δικά τους κείμενα. Η δήλωση της συντακτικής συμπεριφοράς μέσα στο κείμενο του ορισμού βοηθά τους μαθητές να αναπαραγάγουν σε ικανοποιητικό βαθμό τη συντακτική δομή των λέξεων κατά τη δημιουργία δικών τους προτάσεων. Τέλος, με βάση και τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας, διατυπώνονται προτάσεις και δραστηριότητες για την εκπαίδευση των μαθητών στην αποτελεσματικότερη χρήση και αξιοποίηση των λεξικογραφικών ορισμών. / In the present thesis, we discuss issues concerning the design of Greek pedagogical dictionaries and the teaching of dictionary use. More specifically, emphasis is given on issues concerning the design of definitions in these dictionaries as well as students’s training for more effective use of dictionary definitions. We discuss traditional and contemporary defining approaches and we conduct an experimental research in order to investigate the effectiveness of these approaches, as they are represented by three Greek pedagogical dictionaries. The research aims at revealing which defining approach contributes more effectively in the comprehension and production of word’s meaning by students of senior primary school. In the Part I, we present the contemporary framework of pedagogical lexicography and we discuss the need for research on dictionary use. In order to better illustrate the contemporary scene of pedagogical lexicography, we present the component parts of dictionaries, as well as the structure of the lexicographic entry in the monolingual pedagogical dictionaries, and we summarise how computer has influenced the form and the content of the contemporary dictionary. In the Part II, we summarise the different views in the relevant bibliography regarding the term “definition”, and we also present traditional and contemporary defining techniques that seem to influence the content and the form of definitions, and accordingly their accessibility by the dictionary users. In the framework of traditional techniques, we examine the conventional dictionary definition, which, as regards its content, focuses in the description of the essential characteristics of the word meaning and, as regards its form is characterised by elliptical phrases, the use of synonyms and derivatives, certain formulaic defining components, and normally difficult vocabulary. As an alternative to the traditional defining approach, we examine the example of full-sentence definitions, which instead of elliptical phrases they make use of the full sentence scheme, in order to explain not only the meaning of words but also the most typical instances of the words’s use. In the Part III, we make a review of the methodological considerations on the research of dictionary use, illustrating thus the general framework according to which our own research is viewed. Next, we discuss issues concerning teaching of the so-called reference skills of the dictionary users, aiming at a most effective use of the dictionary in general and in a more effective grasp and exploitation of the dictionary definitions in particular. The Part IV presents the experimental research with 351 Greek native speakers, students of senior primary school. The aim of the research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the traditional and the more contemporary defining approaches that was analysed in the theoretical part of the study, measuring students’s performance in two tasks. The subjects that took part in the experiment were accidentally separated in three different teams; the first team consulted traditional definitions without vocabulary restrictions, the second team consulted traditional definitions with easier vocabulary, and the third team consulted full-sentence definitions. In the first task, students were asked to produce their own sentences, after they have read the relevant definitions for six (6) words, and in the latter task they were asked to identify the right meaning of nine (9) words in multiple choice exercises. At the end of this part we summarise the conclusions of the experiment. In both production and identification tasks, the full-sentence definitions yielded 72,4% correct answers, while the traditional definitions with difficult and less difficult vocabulary yielded 22,9% and 26,6% respectively. More specifically, it was observed that the full-sentence definitions, focusing on the description of prototypical characteristics, were proved more effective in helping students understand word meaning and also more effective in activating productive mechanisms towards linking of the described meaning to its typical instances of use. Inclusion of semantic preferences and syntactic structure of a word in its definition helped students to use the described word more effectively in their own sentences. Moreover, the definition’s simple vocabulary and simple structure made meaning of a word more accessible. Finally, the use of a full-sentence instead of an elliptical phrase directs the attention of students to the whole phrasing of the definition, thus helping them avoid basing interpretation of the word’s meaning in one word or one phrase of the definition, a behaviour that was proved to be triggered by the traditional definitions. In the Part V, taking in account the experiment’s results, we present classroom activities for training students towards more effective consulting and use of dictionary definitions.

Parâmetros lexicográficos para dicionários pedagógicos bilíngues direcionados a estudantes brasileiros de língua espanhola: um olhar sobre as habilidades escritas / Lexicographic parameters for bilingual pedagogical dictionaries aimed Brazilian students of Spanish: a look at written skills / Parámetros lexicográficos para diccionários pedagógicos bilingües dirigidos a estudiantes brasileños de lengua española: una mirada sobre las destrezas escritas

Vargas, Mariana Daré [UNESP] 25 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Daré Vargas (marianadarevargas@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-06-24T22:30:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE_completo.pdf: 2707038 bytes, checksum: 391ba83d7228f9f332062b7149905774 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Priscila Carreira B Vicentini null (priscila@fclar.unesp.br) on 2018-06-26T11:54:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 vargas_md_dr_arafcl.pdf: 2614330 bytes, checksum: 69e2c1201f66c30a160500bf0fef836d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-26T11:54:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 vargas_md_dr_arafcl.pdf: 2614330 bytes, checksum: 69e2c1201f66c30a160500bf0fef836d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-25 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Estudos vêm sendo realizados no âmbito da Lexicografia Pedagógica para compreender o papel do dicionário pedagógico no ensino-aprendizagem de línguas e o comportamento de seu público-alvo, os estudantes, o que serviu de base para a realização do presente trabalho, cujo objetivo inédito em contexto brasileiro é apresentar parâmetros lexicográficos para a elaboração de dicionários pedagógicos bilíngues no par de línguas português-espanhol/espanhol-português que satisfaçam as necessidades linguístico-comunicativas dos alunos brasileiros do Ensino Médio, especialmente, quando realizam tarefas de compreensão e produção textuais escritas. O aporte teórico compõe-se das teorias da Lexicografia (DUBOIS; DUBOIS, 1970; WERNER, 1982; HARTMANN, 2001; AZORÍN FERNÁNDEZ, 2003; HAENSCH; OMEÑACA, 2004; BÉJOINT, 2004; KRIEGER, 2006; DURÃO, 2010), Lexicografia Pedagógica (RUNDELL, 1998; HARTMANN, 2001; MOLINA GARCÍA, 2006; KRIEGER, 2006, 2011; DURAN; XATARA, 2007; HERNÁNDEZ, 2008; WELKER, 2008, 2011) e Teoria Funcional da Lexicografia (BERGENHOLTZ; TARP, 2003; FUERTES OLIVERA; TARP, 2008). Ressalta-se a necessidade da presença do dicionário pedagógico bilíngue na tipologia do dicionário pedagógico. Revisam-se pesquisas nacionais e internacionais sobre o papel dos dicionários pedagógicos nas tarefas de produção e compreensão escritas em língua estrangeiras. Realiza-se uma pesquisa metalexicográfica empírica, cujos participantes são alunos brasileiros de língua espanhola do Ensino Médio, nos âmbitos público e privado. Por meio de análise quanti-qualitativa dos dados coletados, ressaltam-se os benefícios do uso do dicionário nas aulas de língua espanhola como apoio às tarefas de habilidades escritas, enfatiza-se a necessidade de se levar a cabo um projeto eficaz de formação lexicográfica nas aulas de Espanhol como Língua Estrangeira (E/LE) e apresentam-se parâmetros lexicográficos voltados a dicionários pedagógicos bilíngues de E/LE, de modo a potencializar o valor didático dessas obras e suprir as carências na competência linguística dos consulentes. / Studies in Pedagogical Lexicography have been developed in order to understand the role the pedagogical dictionary plays in language teaching-learning process and it`s public behaviour, the students. These researches have influenced this PhD thesis, which main goal is to present lexicographic parameters for bilingual pedagogical dictionaries Portuguese-Spanish/Spanish-Portuguese to satisfy language needs of Brazillian High School students, when they do comprehension and written activities. The theoretical contribution is made up of the theories of Lexicography (DUBOIS; DUBOIS, 1970; WERNER, 1982; HARTMANN, 2001; AZORÍN FERNÁNDEZ, 2003; HAENSCH; OMEÑACA, 2004; BÉJOINT, 2004; KRIEGER, 2006; DURÃO, 2010), Pedagogical Lexicography (RUNDELL, 1998; HARTMANN, 2001; MOLINA GARCÍA, 2006; KRIEGER, 2006, 2011; DURAN; XATARA, 2007; HERNÁNDEZ, 2008; WELKER, 2008, 2011) and Function Theory (BERGENHOLTZ; TARP, 2003; FUERTES OLIVERA; TARP, 2008). It is necessary to emphasize the presence of the bilingual pedagogical dictionary in the pedagogical dictionary typology. National and international researches on the role of pedagogical dictionaries in comprehension and written activities are reviewed. It has been carried out an empirical metalexicography research whose participants are Brazillian High School students of Spanish, from public and private schools. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis, the benefits of using the dictionary in Spanish language classes as support for the activities of written skills are emphasized, emphasizing the need to carry out an effective lexicographic training project in Spanish as a Foreign Language classes and present lexicographic parameters for Spanish as a Foreign Language bilingual pedagogical dictionaries, in order to enhance their didactic value and to satisfy students`s language needs and improve their linguistic competence. / Estudios han sido realizados en el ámbito de la Lexicografía Didáctica para compreender la función del diccionario pedagógico en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas y el comportamiento de su público, los estudiantes. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo inédito en contexto brasileño presentar parámetros lexicográficos para la elaboración de diccionarios pedagógicos bilingües portugués-español/español-portugués que contemplen las necesidades lingüístico-comunicativas de los alumnos brasileños de la Enseñanza Secundaria, sobre todo cuando realizan actividades de comprensión y producción textuales escritas. La fundamentación teórica está apoyada en los estudios de Lexicografía (DUBOIS; DUBOIS, 1970; WERNER, 1982; HARTMANN, 2001; AZORÍN FERNÁNDEZ, 2003; HAENSCH; OMEÑACA, 2004; BÉJOINT, 2004; KRIEGER, 2006; DURÃO, 2010), Lexicografia Pedagógica (RUNDELL, 1998; HARTMANN, 2001; MOLINA GARCÍA, 2006; KRIEGER, 2006, 2011; DURAN; XATARA, 2007; HERNÁNDEZ, 2008; WELKER, 2008, 2011) y Teoría Funcional de la Lexicografía (BERGENHOLTZ; TARP, 2003; FUERTES OLIVERA; TARP, 2008). Se resalta la necesidad de la presencia del diccionario pedagógico bilingüe en la tipología del diccionario pedagógico. Se revisan investigaciones nacionales e internacionales sobre el papel de los diccionarios pedagógicos en las tareas de producción y comprensión escritas en lenguas extranjeras. Se realiza una investigación metalexicográfica empírica, cuyos participantes son alumnos brasileños de lengua española de la Enseñanza Secundaria, de la escuela pública y privada. A través del análisis cuanti-cualitativo de los datos recolecctados, se resaltan los beneficios del uso del diccionario en las clases de lengua española como soporte a las tareas de destrezas escritas, se pone énfasis en la necesidad de llevar a cabo un proyecto eficaz de formación lexicográfica en las clases de Español como Lengua Extranjera (E/LE) y se presentan parámetros lexicográficos para diccionarios pedagógicos bilingües de E/LE, a fin de potenciar el valor didáctico de esas obras y suplir las carencias en la competencia lingüística de los estudiantes. / 2013/26960-0

Hydronymie povodí horního toku Lužnice / Hydronymical Map of the Luznice River Basin

HAVRDA, Michal January 2018 (has links)
The main goal of our thesis is a lexicographic processing of names of watercourses in the Upper Lužnice (Ober Lainsitz) river basin. Due to its location on the borders of Czech and German speaking territories and gaps in Czech methodological approaches our thesis is based on sophisticated theories of German hydronomastics that reflect common etymological roots of European water names as well as of the Slovak ones that strive for modern international processing of hydronyms complying with uniformed, obligatory methodology of the lexicographic project Hydronymia Europaea. Water names that were excerpted mainly from archival and contemporary maps have undertaken semantic classification invented by V. Šmilauer and M. Frydrich regardless of the source language. Along with the verification of suitability of the foreign methodology adopted for Czech hydronyms the thesis makes partial advice on its innovation that could help make the using of the lexicon more user friendly.

Uma proposta de dicionário de regência verbal português-espanhol para aprendizes brasileiros de espanhol

Noimann, Aline January 2015 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta as bases para a elaboração de um protótipo de dicionário de regência verbal para alunos brasileiros estudantes de Espanhol como Língua Estrangeira e se insere na área de Estudos da Linguagem, mais especificamente na linha de pesquisa Lexicografia, Terminologia e Tradução: relações textuais. O objetivo geral desta tese é o de estabelecer os princípios e o protótipo para a elaboração de um dicionário de regência verbal Português-Espanhol para alunos brasileiros estudantes de Espanhol como Língua Estrangeira (E/LE). Os públicos previstos para o dicionário são principalmente estudantes universitários de espanhol dos níveis básico e intermediário, níveis nos quais identificamos maiores dificuldades em relação à regência verbal, e pretende auxiliá-los na produção oral e escrita. Os objetivos específicos da tese são (i) identificar as dificuldades que estudantes brasileiros de Espanhol têm em relação à regência verbal e (ii) analisar obras lexicográficas em Língua Espanhola e Portuguesa para identificar a forma como tratam as questões relativas à regência verbal. Como fundamentação teórica, seguimos principalmente os pressupostos da Lexicografia Pedagógica. Partimos de pesquisas anteriores sobre as dificuldades relativas ao uso das preposições em Espanhol por aprendizes brasileiros e coletamos dados com acadêmicos de uma universidade federal brasileira. Com base nessas informações e no referencial teórico adotado, expomos os parâmetros que orientam a elaboração do dicionário, especificando seu usuário, sua função, os critérios para a seleção da macroestrutura e a proposta de sua microestrutura. Para ilustrar a proposta, são apresentados 34 verbetes, com os seguintes verbos: acompanhar, aconselhar, amar, apoiar-se, bater, chegar, começar, comprar, concordar, continuar, convidar, costumar, demorar, esconder, esperar, estar, fazer, ficar, gostar, intervir, ir, limpar, necessitar, parecer, querer, reclamar, sair, ser, telefonar, ter, viajar, vir, viver e voltar. Com os resultados apresentados, pretende-se não apenas preencher uma lacuna na lexicografia bilíngue relativa ao par de línguas Português-Espanhol, mas também refletir sobre a importância de obras lexicográficas específicas para dar conta das necessidades dos estudantes brasileiros de Espanhol. / This thesis presents the bases for the elaboration of a prototype verbal regency dictionary to Brazilian students of Spanish as a foreign language. This research is inserted in the area of language studies, more specifically in lexicography, terminology and translation: textual relations. The general purpose of this thesis is to establish the principles and prototype to the elaboration of a verbal regency dictionary of Portuguese-Spanish to Brazilian students of Spanish as a foreign language (S/FL). The target public to this dictionary is mainly university students of Spanish from basic and intermediate levels. The same ones in which we identify more difficulties in relation to verbal regency.The intention is to help them in oral and written activities. Yet the specific objectives of this thesis are to identify the difficulties that Brazilian students of Spanish have in relation to verbal regency and also to analize lexicographic works in Spanish and Portuguese in order to identify how these students treat the questions related to verbal regency. As theory, we draw on Pedagogic Lexicography. We start from previous research about difficulties related to the use of prepositions in Spanish for Brazilian learners, and we collected datas with university students of a federal Brazilian university. Taking into account these information and the theory, we report the parameters that guide the elaboration of the dictionary, by especifying its users, its function, the criteria for the selection of a macrostructure and the proposal of its microstructure. To illustrate this proposal thirty-four entries are presented, with the following verbs: to follow, to advise, to love, to rely on, to beat, to arrive, to start, to buy, to agree, to continue, to invite, to accustom, to delay, to hide, to wait, to be, to do, to stay, to like, to interfere, to go, to clean, to need, to seem, to want, to complain, to leave, to be, to phone, to have, to travel, to come, to live and to return. With the results presented, we intend not only to fill in a gap in bilingual lexicography related to the pair of Portuguese – Spanish languages, but also to reflect about the importance of specific lexicographic works to account for the needs of Brazilian students of Spanish. / Esta tesis presenta los fundamentos para la elaboración de un prototipo de diccionario de régimen verbal para alumnos brasileros estudiantes de Español como Lengua Extranjera y se inserta en el área de Estudos da Linguagem, más especificamente en la línea de investigación Lexicografia, Terminologia e Tradução: relações textuais. El objetivo general de esta tesis es el de establecer los principios y el prototipo para la elaboración de un diccionario de régimen verbal portugués-español para alumnos brasileros estudiantes de Español como Lengua Extranjera (E/LE). Los públicos previstos para el diccionario son principalmente estudiantes universitarios de español de los niveles básico e intermediario, niveles en los que identificamos mayores dificultades en relación con el régimen verbal, y busca ayudarlos en la producción oral y escrita. A su vez, los objetivos específicos de la tesis son los de identificar las dificultades que los estudiantes brasileros de español tienen en relación con el régimen verbal y analizar obras lexicográficas en Lengua Española y Portuguesa para identificar la forma como tratan el tema del régimen verbal. Como marco teórico, seguimos sobre todo los supuestos de la Lexicografía Pedagógica. Partimos de investigaciones anteriores sobre las dificultades relativas al uso de las preposiciones en español por parte de los aprendices brasileros y recolectamos datos con alumnos universitarios de una universidad federal brasilera. Sobre la base de dichas informaciones y teniendo en cuenta el marco teórico adoptado, exponemos los parámetros que orientan la elaboración del diccionario, especificando su usuario, su función, los criterios para la selección de la macroestructura y la propuesta de su microestructura. Para ilustrar la propuesta, presentamos 34 artículos, con los siguientes verbos: acompañar, aconsejar, amar, apoyarse, golpear, llegar, empezar, comprar, acceder, continuar, invitar, soler, tardar, esconderse, esperar, estar, hacer, quedar, gustar, intervenir, ir, limpiar, necesitar, parecer, querer, reclamar, salir, ser, llamar, tener, viajar, venir, vivir y volver. Con los resultados presentados, se busca no solo rellenar una laguna en la lexicografía bilingüe relativa a las lenguas portuguesa y española, sino también reflexionar sobre la importancia de las obras lexicográficas específicas para dar cuenta de las necesidades de los estudiantes brasileros de español.

Česká lexikografie 15.století / Czech Lexicography of the 15th Century

Voleková, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Mgr. Kateřina Voleková Česká lexikografie 15. století Czech Lexicography of the 15th Century Abstract The thesis deals with Czech medieval lexicography. Based on research into rich manuscript material totalling over 350 items, it describes the development of Czech lexicography from Czech glosses in foreign-language texts and first Latin-Czech glossaries to the flourishing Czech lexicography of the 15th century covering both Latin-Czech, Czech-Latin and multilingual lexicographical works and also infrequently attested Czech monolingual dictionaries. The high number of lexicographical works is divided according to formal and content criteria. With respect to form and macrostructure we discern Czech glosses in Latin and Latin-German glossaries, a bilingual glossaries with Czech as one of the languages, alphabetaries and nomenclators and glossaries lacking an ordering criterion. With respect to the content we distinguish large dictionaries covering as many lexical items as possible on one hand and short glossaries covering only a narrowly delimited part of vocabulary on the other hand. The lexicographical works are supplied with a short description which is in case of short and yet unedited works complemented by an edition using transcription. The thesis also contains description of selected phenomena of...

Častice v slovenčine a v češtine. Systémová a korpusovolingvistická analýza / Particles in Slovak and Czech. System and Corpus Analysis

Šimková, Mária January 2015 (has links)
The youngest word class type used to arouse great interest and discussions when entering the grammar; in some countries (e. g. in Germany) particles have been an object of systematic research. However, many other languages still lack a complex description of particles as a class on its own - they represent an appropriate material also for comparative researches. Differences in functioning and theoretical treatment of particles have been present in typologically different languages but they can emerge also in related languages, even in the case of Slovak and Czech. Lexicographical and grammar descriptions of these languages provide only small sets of particles (in Slovak roughly amounting to 400, in Czech exceeding 200) and are usually divided by authors into small groups and further on into even smaller subgroups. Due to specific features as well as to paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations with other language or speech phenomena even one particle or a couple of them or a narrowly defined group of particles can become an object of individual scientific and research projects. Step by step, our thesis presents the development of attitudes towards particles as an independent word class in general and in Russian linguistics in particular, grammar descriptions of particles in Slovak, Czech and other...

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